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Source: load-plugins.spec.js
1/* global describe:true, it:true */2// Test setup:3import { expect, NOOP, sinon } from '../test-setup';4// Dependencies:5import fs from 'fs';6import module from 'module';7import path from 'path';8import * as tractorLogger from 'tractor-logger';9import { TractorError } from 'tractor-error-handler';10// Under test:11import { loadPlugins } from './load-plugins';12describe('tractor-plugin-loader:', () => {13 describe('load-plugins:', () => {14 it('should do nothing if there is not any installed plugins', () => {15 let nodeModules = [];16 sinon.stub(fs, 'readdirSync').returns(nodeModules);17 sinon.stub(tractorLogger, 'info');18 let plugins = loadPlugins();19 expect(plugins.length).to.equal(0);20 fs.readdirSync.restore();21;22 });23 it('should create a plugin for each installed plugin', () => {24 let nodeModules = ['tractor-plugin-test'];25 let pluginModule = {};26 sinon.stub(fs, 'readdirSync').returns(nodeModules);27 sinon.stub(module, '_load').returns(pluginModule);28 sinon.stub(tractorLogger, 'info');29 let plugins = loadPlugins();30 expect(plugins.length).to.equal(1);31 expect(pluginModule.fullName).to.equal('tractor-plugin-test');32 expect('test');33 fs.readdirSync.restore();34 module._load.restore();35;36 });37 it('should create a plugin for an ES2015 module', () => {38 let nodeModules = ['tractor-plugin-test'];39 let pluginModule = {40 default: {}41 };42 sinon.stub(fs, 'readdirSync').returns(nodeModules);43 sinon.stub(module, '_load').returns(pluginModule);44 sinon.stub(tractorLogger, 'info');45 let plugins = loadPlugins();46 expect(plugins.length).to.equal(1);47 fs.readdirSync.restore();48 module._load.restore();49;50 });51 it('should throw if the plugin cannot be loaded', () => {52 let nodeModules = ['tractor-plugin-test'];53 sinon.stub(fs, 'readdirSync').returns(nodeModules);54 sinon.stub(module, '_load').throws(new Error());55 sinon.stub(tractorLogger, 'info');56 expect(() => {57 loadPlugins();58 }).to.throw(TractorError, `could not require 'tractor-plugin-test'`);59 fs.readdirSync.restore();60 module._load.restore();61;62 });63 it('should decorate the `description` with display values', () => {64 let nodeModules = ['tractor-plugin-test-plugin'];65 let pluginModule = {};66 sinon.stub(fs, 'readdirSync').returns(nodeModules);67 sinon.stub(module, '_load').returns(pluginModule);68 sinon.stub(tractorLogger, 'info');69 let plugins = loadPlugins();70 let [test] = plugins;71 expect('Test Plugin');72 expect(test.description.variableName).to.equal('testPlugin');73 expect(test.description.url).to.equal('test-plugin');74 fs.readdirSync.restore();75 module._load.restore();76;77 });78 it('should not overwrite an existing `description`', () => {79 let nodeModules = ['tractor-plugin-test-plugin'];80 let pluginModule = {81 description: {}82 };83 sinon.stub(fs, 'readdirSync').returns(nodeModules);84 sinon.stub(module, '_load').returns(pluginModule);85 sinon.stub(tractorLogger, 'info');86 let plugins = loadPlugins();87 let [test] = plugins;88 expect(test.description).to.equal(pluginModule.description);89 fs.readdirSync.restore();90 module._load.restore();91;92 });93 it('should decorate the `description` with the version', () => {94 let nodeModules = ['tractor-plugin-test-plugin'];95 let pluginModule = {};96 let pluginPackage = {97 version: '0.1.0'98 };99 sinon.stub(process, 'cwd').returns('');100 sinon.stub(fs, 'readdirSync').returns(nodeModules);101 sinon.stub(module, '_load')102 .withArgs('node_modules/tractor-plugin-test-plugin').returns(pluginModule)103 .withArgs('node_modules/tractor-plugin-test-plugin/package.json').returns(pluginPackage);104 sinon.stub(tractorLogger, 'info');105 let plugins = loadPlugins();106 let [test] = plugins;107 expect(test.description.version).to.equal('0.1.0');108 process.cwd.restore();109 fs.readdirSync.restore();110 module._load.restore();111;112 });113 it('should have a default `create` function that is a noop', () => {114 let nodeModules = ['tractor-plugin-test'];115 let pluginModule = {};116 sinon.stub(fs, 'readdirSync').returns(nodeModules);117 sinon.stub(module, '_load').returns(pluginModule);118 sinon.stub(tractorLogger, 'info');119 let plugins = loadPlugins();120 let [test] = plugins;121 expect(() => {122 test.create();123 }).to.not.throw();124 fs.readdirSync.restore();125 module._load.restore();126;127 });128 it('should not overwrite an existing `create` function', () => {129 let nodeModules = ['tractor-plugin-test'];130 let pluginModule = {131 create: NOOP132 };133 sinon.stub(fs, 'readdirSync').returns(nodeModules);134 sinon.stub(module, '_load').returns(pluginModule);135 sinon.stub(pluginModule, 'create');136 sinon.stub(tractorLogger, 'info');137 let plugins = loadPlugins();138 let [test] = plugins;139 test.create();140 expect(pluginModule.create).to.have.been.called();141 fs.readdirSync.restore();142 module._load.restore();143;144 });145 it('should have a default `init` function that is a noop', () => {146 let nodeModules = ['tractor-plugin-test'];147 let pluginModule = {};148 sinon.stub(fs, 'readdirSync').returns(nodeModules);149 sinon.stub(module, '_load').returns(pluginModule);150 sinon.stub(tractorLogger, 'info');151 let plugins = loadPlugins();152 let [test] = plugins;153 expect(() => {154 test.init();155 }).to.not.throw();156 fs.readdirSync.restore();157 module._load.restore();158;159 });160 it('should not overwrite an existing `init` function', () => {161 let nodeModules = ['tractor-plugin-test'];162 let pluginModule = {163 init: NOOP164 };165 sinon.stub(fs, 'readdirSync').returns(nodeModules);166 sinon.stub(module, '_load').returns(pluginModule);167 sinon.stub(pluginModule, 'init');168 sinon.stub(tractorLogger, 'info');169 let plugins = loadPlugins();170 let [test] = plugins;171 test.init();172 expect(pluginModule.init).to.have.been.called();173 fs.readdirSync.restore();174 module._load.restore();175;176 });177 it('should have a default `plugin` function that is a noop', () => {178 let nodeModules = ['tractor-plugin-test'];179 let pluginModule = {};180 sinon.stub(fs, 'readdirSync').returns(nodeModules);181 sinon.stub(module, '_load').returns(pluginModule);182 sinon.stub(tractorLogger, 'info');183 let plugins = loadPlugins();184 let [test] = plugins;185 expect(() => {186 test.plugin();187 }).to.not.throw();188 fs.readdirSync.restore();189 module._load.restore();190;191 });192 it('should not overwrite an existing `plugin` function', () => {193 let nodeModules = ['tractor-plugin-test'];194 let pluginModule = {195 plugin: NOOP196 };197 sinon.stub(fs, 'readdirSync').returns(nodeModules);198 sinon.stub(module, '_load').returns(pluginModule);199 sinon.stub(pluginModule, 'plugin');200 sinon.stub(tractorLogger, 'info');201 let plugins = loadPlugins();202 let [test] = plugins;203 test.plugin();204 expect(pluginModule.plugin).to.have.been.called();205 fs.readdirSync.restore();206 module._load.restore();207;208 });209 it('should have a default `run` function that is a noop', () => {210 let nodeModules = ['tractor-plugin-test'];211 let pluginModule = {};212 sinon.stub(fs, 'readdirSync').returns(nodeModules);213 sinon.stub(module, '_load').returns(pluginModule);214 sinon.stub(tractorLogger, 'info');215 let plugins = loadPlugins();216 let [test] = plugins;217 expect(() => {218;219 }).to.not.throw();220 fs.readdirSync.restore();221 module._load.restore();222;223 });224 it('should not overwrite an existing `run` function', () => {225 let nodeModules = ['tractor-plugin-test'];226 let pluginModule = {227 run: NOOP228 };229 sinon.stub(fs, 'readdirSync').returns(nodeModules);230 sinon.stub(module, '_load').returns(pluginModule);231 sinon.stub(pluginModule, 'run');232 sinon.stub(tractorLogger, 'info');233 let plugins = loadPlugins();234 let [test] = plugins;235;236 expect(;237 fs.readdirSync.restore();238 module._load.restore();239;240 });241 it('should have a default `serve` function that is a noop', () => {242 let nodeModules = ['tractor-plugin-test'];243 let pluginModule = {};244 sinon.stub(fs, 'readdirSync').returns(nodeModules);245 sinon.stub(module, '_load').returns(pluginModule);246 sinon.stub(tractorLogger, 'info');247 let plugins = loadPlugins();248 let [test] = plugins;249 expect(() => {250 test.serve();251 }).to.not.throw();252 fs.readdirSync.restore();253 module._load.restore();254;255 });256 it('should not overwrite an existing `serve` function', () => {257 let nodeModules = ['tractor-plugin-test'];258 let pluginModule = {259 serve: NOOP260 };261 sinon.stub(fs, 'readdirSync').returns(nodeModules);262 sinon.stub(module, '_load').returns(pluginModule);263 sinon.stub(pluginModule, 'serve');264 sinon.stub(tractorLogger, 'info');265 let plugins = loadPlugins();266 let [test] = plugins;267 test.serve();268 expect(pluginModule.serve).to.have.been.called();269 fs.readdirSync.restore();270 module._load.restore();271;272 });273 it('should have a default `upgrade` function that is a noop', () => {274 let nodeModules = ['tractor-plugin-test'];275 let pluginModule = {};276 sinon.stub(fs, 'readdirSync').returns(nodeModules);277 sinon.stub(module, '_load').returns(pluginModule);278 sinon.stub(tractorLogger, 'info');279 let plugins = loadPlugins();280 let [test] = plugins;281 expect(() => {282 test.upgrade();283 }).to.not.throw();284 fs.readdirSync.restore();285 module._load.restore();286;287 });288 it('should not overwrite an existing `upgrade` function', () => {289 let nodeModules = ['tractor-plugin-test'];290 let pluginModule = {291 upgrade: NOOP292 };293 sinon.stub(fs, 'readdirSync').returns(nodeModules);294 sinon.stub(module, '_load').returns(pluginModule);295 sinon.stub(pluginModule, 'upgrade');296 sinon.stub(tractorLogger, 'info');297 let plugins = loadPlugins();298 let [test] = plugins;299 test.upgrade();300 expect(pluginModule.upgrade).to.have.been.called();301 fs.readdirSync.restore();302 module._load.restore();303;304 });305 it('should try to load the UI bundle and set the `hasUI` flag to true if it works', () => {306 let nodeModules = ['tractor-plugin-test'];307 let pluginModule = {};308 sinon.stub(fs, 'accessSync').returns(true);309 sinon.stub(fs, 'readdirSync').returns(nodeModules);310 sinon.stub(module, '_load').returns(pluginModule);311 sinon.stub(process, 'cwd').returns('.');312 sinon.stub(tractorLogger, 'info');313 let plugins = loadPlugins();314 let [test] = plugins;315 expect(test.script).to.equal(path.join('node_modules', 'tractor-plugin-test', 'dist', 'client', 'bundle.js'));316 expect(test.description.hasUI).to.equal(true);317 fs.accessSync.restore();318 fs.readdirSync.restore();319 module._load.restore();320 process.cwd.restore();321;322 });323 it('should try to load the UI bundle and set the `hasUI` flag to false if it fails', () => {324 let nodeModules = ['tractor-plugin-test'];325 let pluginModule = {};326 sinon.stub(fs, 'accessSync').throws(new Error());327 sinon.stub(fs, 'readdirSync').returns(nodeModules);328 sinon.stub(module, '_load').returns(pluginModule);329 sinon.stub(process, 'cwd').returns('.');330 sinon.stub(tractorLogger, 'info');331 let plugins = loadPlugins();332 let [test] = plugins;333 expect(test.description.hasUI).to.equal(false);334 fs.accessSync.restore();335 fs.readdirSync.restore();336 module._load.restore();337 process.cwd.restore();338;339 });340 });...
...38 self.assertEqual(ldr.catalog, {})39 @patch('builtins.__import__')40 @patch('os.path.isdir')41 @patch('os.listdir')42 def test__load(self, _listdir, _isdir, _import):43 listing = [44 ['p1', Mock(__name__='p1', PROVIDES=['A', 'B'])],45 ['p2', Mock(__name__='p2', PROVIDES=['C', 'D'])],46 ['p3', Mock(__name__='p3', PROVIDES=['E', 'F'])],47 ['p4', Mock(__name__='p4', PROVIDES=['G', 'H'])],48 ['p5', AttributeError],49 ['p6', ImportError],50 ['f1', None],51 ]52 loaded = self._loaded(listing)53 def isdir(p):54 return os.path.basename(p).startswith('p')55 _listdir.return_value = [p[0] for p in listing]56 _isdir.side_effect = isdir57 _import.side_effect = [p[1] for p in listing]58 _list, catalog = Loader._load()59 self.assertEqual(_list, loaded[0])60 self.assertEqual(catalog, loaded[1])61 def _loaded(self, listing):62 _list = []63 catalog = {}64 for name, pkg in listing:65 if not name.startswith('p'):66 continue67 if not isinstance(pkg, Mock):68 continue69 _list.append(pkg)70 catalog[name] = pkg71 catalog['.'.join((PACKAGE, name))] = pkg72 for c in pkg.PROVIDES:73 catalog[c] = pkg74 return _list, catalog75 @patch('gofer.messaging.adapter.factory.Loader._load')76 def test_load(self, _load):77 _load.return_value = ([], {})78 ldr = Loader()79 _list, catalog = ldr.load()80 _load.assert_called_with()81 self.assertEqual(_list, _load.return_value[0])82 self.assertEqual(catalog, _load.return_value[1])83 self.assertEqual(ldr.list, _load.return_value[0])84 self.assertEqual(ldr.catalog, _load.return_value[1])85 @patch('gofer.messaging.adapter.factory.Loader._load')86 def test_already_loaded(self, _load):87 ldr = Loader()88 ldr.list = [1, 2]89 ldr.catalog = {'A': 1, 'B': 2}90 _list, catalog = ldr.load()...
...4class TestDecodeData(unittest.TestCase):5 """Functionally tests the logic of _parse_values6 Focuses on string values, to ignore conversion logic.7 """8 def _load(self, data, n_attribs=1):9 txt = textwrap.dedent('''10 @RELATION testing11 {attribs}12 @DATA13 {data}14 ''').format(attribs='\n'.join('@ATTRIBUTE x%d STRING' % i15 for i in range(n_attribs)),16 data=data)17 return arff.load(txt)['data']18 def assertLoadsAs(self, data, expected, n_attribs=1):19 result = self._load(data, n_attribs)20 self.assertListEqual(result, expected)21 def test_quotes(self):22 self.assertLoadsAs("""'ENACT.NOGOPMAJ,2017'""",23 [['ENACT.NOGOPMAJ,2017']])24 self.assertLoadsAs('''"ENACT.NOGOPMAJ,2017"''',25 [['ENACT.NOGOPMAJ,2017']])26 self.assertLoadsAs(''' 'A','B' , '"','C,D' ''',27 [['A', 'B', '"', 'C,D']],28 n_attribs=4)29 def test_quotes_sparse(self):30 self.assertLoadsAs("""{0 'ENACT.NOGOPMAJ,2017'}""",31 [['ENACT.NOGOPMAJ,2017']])32 self.assertLoadsAs('''{0 "ENACT.NOGOPMAJ,2017"}''',33 [['ENACT.NOGOPMAJ,2017']])...
Source: loader.js
1(function(w) {2 var _load = {};3 _load.isMobile = /mobile/i.test(navigator.userAgent);4 _load.isIE = (/MSIE/i.test(navigator.userAgent));5 _load.isDevel = true;6 _load.t = (_load.isDevel) ? '' : 'min.';7 _load.s3 = (_load.isDevel) ? '' : '';8 /**9 * Import Javascript10 */11 _load.requireScript = function(f, c) {12 var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];13 var script = document.createElement('script');14 var cb = (c) ? c : function() {15 };16 script.src = '' + f;17 script.type = 'text/javascript';18 script.onload = cb;19 script.onreadystatechange = function() {20 if (this.readyState == 'complete') {21 cb();22 }23 }24 head.appendChild(script);25 //head.parentNode.insertBefore(script);26 }27 /**28 * Import CSS29 */30 _load.requireStyle = function(f, c) {31 var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];32 var style = document.createElement('link');33 var cb = (c) ? c : function() {34 };35 style.href = '' + f;36 style.rel = 'stylesheet';37 style.onload = cb;38 style.onreadystatechange = function() {39 if (this.readyState == 'complete') {40 cb();41 }42 }43 head.appendChild(style);44 //head.parentNode.insertBefore(style);45 }46 /**47 * Console48 */49 if ( typeof console == "undefined") {50 this.console = {51 log : function() {52 }53 };54 }55 /**56 * Simple mobile / desktop switch57 */58 if (_load.isMobile) {59 //MOBILE60 /**61 * Android issue62 * Don't use callback in css files or you you're gonna have a bad time!63 */64 _load.requireStyle(_load.s3+'/css/mobile.' + _load.t + 'css', false);65 _load.requireStyle(_load.s3+'/css/themes/my-custom-theme.min.css', false);66 _load.requireStyle('', false);67 //_load.requireStyle('',false);68 _load.requireScript('', function() {69 _load.requireScript('', function() {70 _load.requireScript(_load.s3+'/js/stitch.' + _load.t + 'js', function() {71 _load.requireScript(_load.s3+'/js/mobile.' + _load.t + 'js', false);72 });73 });74 });75 /*_load.requireScript('/js/lib/binaryajax.min.js', function() {76 _load.requireScript('/js/lib/canvasResize.min.js', function() {77 _load.requireScript('/js/lib/exif.min.js', function() {78 _load.requireScript('/js/stitch.' + _load.t + 'js', false);79 });80 });81 });*/82 _load.requireScript(_load.s3+'/js/lib/canvasResizeAll.min.js', false);83 } else {84 //DESKTOP85 _load.requireStyle('', function() {86 _load.requireStyle('', function() {87 _load.requireStyle(_load.s3+'/css/desktop.' + _load.t + 'css', false);88 });89 });90 _load.requireScript('', function() {91 _load.requireScript('', function() {92 _load.requireScript(_load.s3+'/js/lib/routie/routie.min.js', function() {93 _load.requireScript(_load.s3+'/js/stitch.' + _load.t + 'js', function() {94 _load.requireScript(_load.s3+'/js/desktop.' + _load.t + 'js', function() {95 });96 });97 });98 });99 });100 //IF MSIE than there is no need to load libs for image processing :(101 if (!(_load.isIE)) {102 /*_load.requireScript('/js/lib/binaryajax.min.js', function() {103 _load.requireScript('/js/lib/canvasResize.js', function() {104 _load.requireScript('/js/lib/exif.min.js', function() {105 });106 });107 });*/108 _load.requireScript(_load.s3+'/js/lib/canvasResizeAll.min.js', false);109 }110 }111})(window);112/**113 * GOOGLE ANALYTICS114 */115var _gaq = _gaq || [];116_gaq.push(['_setAccount', (/istitchapp/i.test(document.location)) ? 'UA-39213885-1' : 'UA-XXXXX-Y']);117_gaq.push(['_setCustomVar', 1, 'APP', (/mobile/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) ? 'Mobile' : 'Desktop', 1]);118_gaq.push(['_trackPageview']);119(function() {120 var ga = document.createElement('script');121 ga.type = 'text/javascript';122 ga.async = true;123 ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '';124 var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];125 s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);...
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