How to use page_source method in pytractor

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1# coding=UTF-82import urllib23import requests4from pyquery import PyQuery as pq5from connectsql import *6def main():7 kplant_crawler()8def kplant_crawler():9 res = requests.get("http:/​/​​校園植物首頁.htm")10 res.encoding = 'utf-8'11 page = pq(res.text)12 # page.encoding = 'unicode'13 page_content = page('font').text()14 page_source = page_content.split(' ')15 # page_source_url = []16 page_removedata = [u"賽伯破布", u"鐵莧", u"蝦夷蔥", u"銀槭", u"銀樺", u"山茶花", u"樟樹", u"鵝仔草", u"白花深山野牡丹", u"檳榔", u"山苧麻", u"緬梔花", u"金鈴花", u"風鈴花", u"山枇杷", u"奇異果",17 u"香瓜梨", u"箭根薯", u"釋迦", u"更多", u"油加利", u"油柑", u"紫莓", u"紫莉草", u"菩提樹", u"幌菊", u"烏臼",18 u"囊萼花", u"烏來草", u"龍脷葉", u"龍眼", u"獨行菜", u"益智子", u"優曇華", u"濱刺草", u"檵木", u"繁蔞",19 u"尼泊爾籟簫", u"海紅豆", u"紫梅", u"魯冰花", u"川上氏薊", u"玉蘭花", u"茭白", u"筍", u"茴香", u"茶",20 u"茶匙癀", u"茶匙癀", u"茶匙黃", u"茯苓菜", u"薯蕷", u"黃菽草", u"釘錘果", u"黃獨", u"獨黃", u"川上氏木薑子",21 u"白", u"桕", u"黃槿", u"馬拉巴栗", u"馬㼎兒", u"烏柿", u"馬纓丹", u"青椒", u"菜椒", u"青葉楠", u"非洲小百合",22 u"高山翻白草", u"圓葉尤加利", u"圓葉節節菜", u"高山酢漿草", u"圓葉鱗始蕨", u"灰木", u"台灣朴樹", u"石韋", u"南湖大山倒提壺",23 u"假馬齒莧", u"猴耳", u"楓樹", u"榆樹", u"心葉溲疏", u"交讓木", u"斗六草", u"日本山桂花", u"轎竿竹", u"轎槓竹",24 u"日本杜英", u"光葉柃木", u"光葉石楠", u"鏈莢豆", u"日本前胡", u"霧社櫻", u"基尖葉野牡丹", u"垂榕", u"麗格海棠",25 u"日本楨楠", u"密花苧麻", u"腺花毛蓼", u"月桂", u"樹", u"月桂", u"葉鄧伯花", u"寶塔龍船花", u"芙蓉", u"恆春皂莢",26 u"菜豆", u"蒂牡丹", u"木油桐", u"木春菊", u"扁核木", u"聖誕椰子", u"木麻黃", u"蘋婆", u"舞草", u"木薯", u"檬果",27 u"木虌子0", u"毛冬珊瑚", u"多花紫藤", u"蘭花參", u"琉璃草", u"香瓜", u"馬薯", u"甜椒", u"毛柱杜鵑", u"尖尾鳳", u"蘭嶼厚殼桂",28 u"刺格", u"過江龍", u"酪梨", u"柳葉水簑衣", u"草玉鈴", u"異葉紅珠", u"雷公銃", u"疏花風輪菜", u"鐵刀木", u"灰木",29 u"葶藶", u"水仙百合", u"鐵包金", u"百部", u"鐵線草", u"鐵莧", u"水柳樹", u"竹柏", u"珍珠草", u"榕樹", u"羊帶來", u"槐樹",30 u"細葉零餘子", u"滿福木", u"漢葒魚腥草", u"欒樨", u"肉穗草", u"變葉木", u"船仔草", u"血桐", u"大水莞", u"水藍鈴", u"艾草",31 u"福滿木", u"豔紅鹿子百合", u"西印度櫻桃", u"紅豆杉", u"六倍利", u"翠芸草", u"欖仁樹", u"火焰百合", u"西洋蓍草", u"西洋椴樹",32 u"紅花三葉草", u"翠雲草", u"翠藍木", u"爪哇大青", u"紅花破布木", u"臺灣天南星", u"野胡桃", u"豔紫野牡丹", u"牛白藤",33 u"牛皮菜", u"牛膝菊", u"克魯茲王蓮", u"克育草", u"豔紅合歡", u"野牡丹葉冷水麻", u"菇", u"香青", u"舖地蜈蚣", u"臺灣", u"台東火刺木", u"十子木", u"台東柿",34 u"臺灣鼠麴草", u"刺葉王蘭", u"n"]35 del page_source [0:19]36 del page_source [len(page_source)-1]37 for index in range(page_source.count(u'\r\n')):38 page_source.remove(u'\r\n')39 for index in range(page_source.count(u'')):40 page_source.remove(u'')41 for index in page_removedata:42 page_source.remove(index)43 s = page_source.index(u')')44 page_source[s-1] = page_source[s-1] + page_source[s]45 del page_source[s]46 s = page_source.index(u'皮')47 page_source[s-1] = page_source[s-1] + page_source[s]48 del page_source[s]49 s = page_source.index(u'皮')50 page_source[s-1] = page_source[s-1] + page_source[s]51 del page_source[s]52 s = page_source.index(u'藤')53 page_source[s-1] = page_source[s-1] + page_source[s]54 del page_source[s]55 s = page_source.index(u'樹')56 page_source[s-1] = page_source[s-1] + page_source[s]57 del page_source[s]58 s = page_source.index(u'姑')59 page_source[s-1] = page_source[s-1] + page_source[s]60 del page_source[s]61 page_source.remove(u"山黃皮")62 s = page_source.index(u"檫樹")63 page_source[s] = u"台灣檫樹"64 s = page_source.index(u"燈籠椒")65 page_source[s] = u"風鈴辣椒"66 s = page_source.index(u"高山繡球藤")67 page_source[s] = u"高山藤繡球"68 s = page_source.index(u"心葉水薄荷")69 page_source[s] = u"伏生風輪菜"70 s = page_source.index(u"疏花苘麻")71 page_source[s] = u"淡紫紅花磨盤草"72 s = page_source.index(u"荷苞花")73 page_source[s] = u"荷包花"74 s = page_source.index(u"觀音竹(蓬萊竹)")75 page_source[s] = u"觀音竹"76 s = page_source.index(u"紅花石蒜石蒜")77 page_source[s] = u"紅花石蒜"78 s = page_source.index(u"灣二葉松")79 page_source[s-1] = page_source[s-1] + page_source[s]80 del page_source[s]81 s = page_source.index(u"咖啡")82 page_source[s] = page_source[s] + page_source[s+1]83 del page_source[s+1]84 s = page_source.index(u"紫菫")85 page_source[s] = page_source[s] + page_source[s+1]86 del page_source[s+1]87 s = page_source.index(u"芥藍")88 page_source[s] = page_source[s] + page_source[s+1]89 del page_source[s+1]90 s = page_source.index(u"臺灣")91 page_source[s] = page_source[s] + page_source[s+1]92 del page_source[s+1]93 spec_source = [u"芒果樹", u"虎葛", u"龍眼", u"雞兒腸", u"石竹(轎竿竹)", u"羅漢松", u"光蠟樹", u"密穗桔梗",94 u"麒麟花", u"彩色甘藍", u"合歡柳葉菜", u"扁蒲", u"指甲花", u"桶鉤藤", u"水柳",95 u"百眼藤", u"巒大杉", u"荷", u"福祿桐", u"紅花鼠尾草", u"王蘭"]96 spec_source_url = [u"http:/​/​​" + spec_source[0] + u"/​芒果.htm",97 u"http:/​/​​" + spec_source[1] + u"/​" + spec_source[1] + u"920529.htm",98 u"http:/​/​​" + spec_source[2] + u"0/​" + spec_source[2] + u".htm",99 u"http:/​/​​馬蘭/​" + spec_source[3] + u".htm",100 u"http:/​/​​轎竿竹/​石竹.htm",101 u"http:/​/​​" + spec_source[5] + u"/​" + spec_source[5] + u"920601.htm",102 u"http:/​/​​" + spec_source[6] + u"/​" + spec_source[6] + u"920706.htm",103 u"http:/​/​​尖瓣花/​" + spec_source[7] + u".htm",104 u"http:/​/​​" + spec_source[8] + u"/​" + spec_source[8] + u"-910716.htm",105 u"http:/​/​​" + spec_source[9] + u"/​page_01.htm",106 u"http:/​/​​" + spec_source[10] + u"/​合歡山柳葉菜.htm",107 u"http:/​/​​瓠子/​" + spec_source[11] + ".htm",108 u"http:/​/​​" + spec_source[12] + u"/​" + spec_source[12] + u"920528.htm",109 u"http:/​/​​" + spec_source[13] + u"/​台灣鼠李.htm",110 u"http:/​/​​" + spec_source[14] + u"/​" + spec_source[14] + u"-910716.htm",111 u"http:/​/​​雞眼藤/​" + spec_source[15] + u".htm",112 u"http:/​/​​香杉/​" + spec_source[16] + u".htm",113 u"http:/​/​​" + spec_source[17] + u"/​" + spec_source[17] + u"920529.htm",114 u"http:/​/​​" + spec_source[18] + u"/​" + spec_source[18] + u"-910716.htm",115 u"http:/​/​​朱唇花/​" + spec_source[19] + u".htm",116 "http:/​/​​王蘭/​刺葉王蘭.htm"]117 [conn, cur] = connectdb() 118 for index in page_source:119 tempstr = ""120 if index in spec_source:121 tempstr = spec_source_url[spec_source.index(index)]122 else:123 tempstr = "http:/​/​​" + index + "/​" + index + ".htm"124 # page_source_url.append(tempstr)125 # print (tempstr)126 insertdata(conn, cur, "datasource", ["source", "url"], ["http:/​/​​", tempstr])127 # res2 = requests.get("http:/​/​​山茶花/​茶花目錄.htm")128 # res2.encoding = 'big5'129 # page2 = pq(res2.text)130 # page_content2 = []131 # for index_row in range(3,18):132 # page_content2.append(page('body > table > tr:nth-child(' + str(index_row) + ') > td:nth-child(1)').text())133 # page_content2.append(page('body > table > tr:nth-child(' + str(index_row) + ') > td:nth-child(2)').text())134 # # print page_content135 # # print page_content2136 # for index_row2 in range(3,12):137 # page_content2.append(page('body > table > tr:nth-child(' + str(index_row) + ') > td:nth-child(3)').text())138 # del page_content2[2]139 # for index in page_content2:140 # tempstr = ""141 # tempstr = "http:/​/​​山茶花/​" + index + "/​" + index + ".htm"142 # # page_source_url.append(tempstr)143 # # print (tempstr)144 # insertdata(conn, cur, "datasource", ["source", "url"], ["\'http:/​/​​\'", "\'" + tempstr + "\'"])145 # closedb(conn,cur)146# 虎葛147# 龍眼148# 雞兒腸149# 石竹(轎竿竹)150# 羅漢松151# 光蠟樹152# 密穗桔梗153# 麒麟花154# 彩色甘藍155# 合歡柳葉菜156# 扁蒲157# 指甲花158# 桶鉤藤159# 柿子160# 水柳161# 百眼藤162# 巒大杉163# 荷164# 福祿桐165# 紅花鼠尾草166#主程式從這裡開始167if __name__ == '__main__':...

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1from django.test import TestCase2from django.test import Client3from selenium import webdriver4from webdriver_manager.firefox import GeckoDriverManager5from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys6from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options7# Create your tests here.8class GraficosTestCase(TestCase):9 10 def setUp(self):11 options = Options()12 options.headless = True13 self.driver = webdriver.Firefox(options=options, executable_path=GeckoDriverManager().install())14 def tearDown(self):15 self.driver.close()16 17 def test_pagina_chapadao(self):18 self.driver.get('http:/​/​​graficos/​chapadao')19 titulo = "Observatório UFJ Covid-19 - Gráficos (Caçu)"20 assert titulo in self.driver.title21 assert "Todas as categorias" in self.driver.page_source22 assert "Monitorados" in self.driver.page_source23 assert "Rede Social Oficial da Prefeitura de Caçu" in self.driver.page_source24 25 def test_pagina_chapadao(self):26 self.driver.get('http:/​/​​graficos/​chapadao')27 titulo = "Observatório UFJ Covid-19 - Gráficos (Chapadão do Céu)"28 assert titulo in self.driver.title29 assert "Todas as categorias" in self.driver.page_source30 assert "Monitorados" in self.driver.page_source31 assert "Secretaria de Saúde de Chapadão do Céu" in self.driver.page_source32 33 def test_titulo_jatai(self):34 self.driver.get('http:/​/​​graficos/​jatai')35 titulo = "Observatório UFJ Covid-19 - Gráficos (Jataí)"36 assert titulo in self.driver.title37 assert "Todas as categorias" in self.driver.page_source38 assert "Monitorados" in self.driver.page_source39 assert "Secretaria de Saúde de Jataí" in self.driver.page_source40 41 def test_titulo_mineiros(self):42 self.driver.get('http:/​/​​graficos/​mineiros')43 titulo = "Observatório UFJ Covid-19 - Gráficos (Mineiros)"44 assert titulo in self.driver.title45 assert "Todas as categorias" in self.driver.page_source46 assert "Monitorados" in self.driver.page_source47 assert "Secretaria de Saúde de Mineiros" in self.driver.page_source48 def test_titulo_montividiu(self):49 self.driver.get('http:/​/​​graficos/​montividiu')50 titulo = "Observatório UFJ Covid-19 - Gráficos (Montividiu)"51 assert titulo in self.driver.title52 assert "Todas as categorias" in self.driver.page_source53 assert "Monitorados" in self.driver.page_source54 assert "Rede Social Oficial da Prefeitura de Montividiu" in self.driver.page_source55 def test_titulo_rioverde(self): 56 self.driver.get('http:/​/​​graficos/​rioverde')57 titulo = "Observatório UFJ Covid-19 - Gráficos (Rio Verde)"58 assert titulo in self.driver.title59 assert "Todas as categorias" in self.driver.page_source60 assert "Monitorados" in self.driver.page_source61 assert "Secretaria de Saúde de Rio Verde" in self.driver.page_source62 def test_titulo_santahelena(self): 63 self.driver.get('http:/​/​​graficos/​santahelena')64 titulo = "Observatório UFJ Covid-19 - Gráficos (Santa Helena)"65 assert titulo in self.driver.title66 assert "Todas as categorias" in self.driver.page_source67 assert "Monitorados" in self.driver.page_source68 assert "Secretaria de Saúde de Santa Helena" in self.driver.page_source69 """ def test_titulo_comparacao(self): 70 self.driver.get('http:/​/​​comparacao')71 titulo = "Observatório UFJ Covid-19 - Comparação entre as cidades"72 assert titulo in self.driver.title """73 def test_titulo_comoSaoCriados(self): 74 self.driver.get('http:/​/​​como-sao-criados')75 titulo = "Observatório UFJ Covid-19 - Como são criados?"...

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1from django.test import TestCase2from django.test import Client3from selenium import webdriver4from webdriver_manager.firefox import GeckoDriverManager5from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys6from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options7# Create your tests here.8class EquipeTestCase(TestCase):9 10 def setUp(self):11 options = Options()12 options.headless = True13 self.driver = webdriver.Firefox(options=options, executable_path=GeckoDriverManager().install())14 def tearDown(self):15 self.driver.close()16 def test_equipe(self):17 self.driver.get('http:/​/​​equipe')18 assert "Críscilla Rezende" in self.driver.page_source19 assert "Diego Costa" in self.driver.page_source20 assert "Douglas Cedrim" in self.driver.page_source21 assert "Dyeimys Correa" in self.driver.page_source22 assert "Edlaine Vilela" in self.driver.page_source23 assert "Esdras L. Bispo Jr." in self.driver.page_source24 assert "Felipe Nedopetalski" in self.driver.page_source25 assert "Franciny Medeiros" in self.driver.page_source26 assert "Gabriel Santos" in self.driver.page_source27 assert "Joslaine Jeske" in self.driver.page_source28 assert "Luiz Pascoal" in self.driver.page_source29 assert "Manuel Ferreira" in self.driver.page_source30 assert "Marcelo Freitas" in self.driver.page_source31 assert "Marcos Alves" in self.driver.page_source32 assert "Márcio Lopes" in self.driver.page_source33 assert "Paulo Freitas" in self.driver.page_source34 assert "Zaqueu Souza" in self.driver.page_source35 assert "#TodosContraoCorona" in self.driver.page_source36 assert "Covid Goiás" in self.driver.page_source...

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