Best Python code snippet using pytractor_python
1# coding=UTF-82import urllib23import requests4from pyquery import PyQuery as pq5from connectsql import *6def main():7 kplant_crawler()8def kplant_crawler():9 res = requests.get("æ ¡åæ¤ç©é¦é .htm")10 res.encoding = 'utf-8'11 page = pq(res.text)12 # page.encoding = 'unicode'13 page_content = page('font').text()14 page_source = page_content.split(' ')15 # page_source_url = []16 page_removedata = [u"è³½ä¼¯ç ´å¸", u"éµè§", u"è¦å¤·è¥", u"éæ§", u"é樺", u"å±±è¶è±", u"æ¨æ¨¹", u"éµä»è", u"ç½è±æ·±å±±éç¡ä¸¹", u"檳æ¦", u"å±±è§éº»", u"ç·¬æ¢è±", u"éé´è±", u"風é´è±", u"å±±ææ·", u"å¥ç°æ",17 u"é¦ç梨", u"ç®æ ¹è¯", u"é迦", u"æ´å¤", u"æ²¹å å©", u"æ²¹æ", u"ç´«è", u"ç´«èè", u"è©æ樹", u"å¹è", u"çè¼",18 u"åè¼è±", u"çä¾è", u"é¾è·è", u"é¾ç¼", u"ç¨è¡è", u"çæºå", u"åªæè¯", u"濱åºè", u"檵æ¨", u"ç¹è",19 u"å°¼æ³ç¾ç±ç°«", u"æµ·ç´
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1from django.test import TestCase2from django.test import Client3from selenium import webdriver4from webdriver_manager.firefox import GeckoDriverManager5from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys6from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options7# Create your tests here.8class GraficosTestCase(TestCase):9 10 def setUp(self):11 options = Options()12 options.headless = True13 self.driver = webdriver.Firefox(options=options, executable_path=GeckoDriverManager().install())14 def tearDown(self):15 self.driver.close()16 17 def test_pagina_chapadao(self):18 self.driver.get('')19 titulo = "Observatório UFJ Covid-19 - Gráficos (Caçu)"20 assert titulo in self.driver.title21 assert "Todas as categorias" in self.driver.page_source22 assert "Monitorados" in self.driver.page_source23 assert "Rede Social Oficial da Prefeitura de Caçu" in self.driver.page_source24 25 def test_pagina_chapadao(self):26 self.driver.get('')27 titulo = "Observatório UFJ Covid-19 - Gráficos (Chapadão do Céu)"28 assert titulo in self.driver.title29 assert "Todas as categorias" in self.driver.page_source30 assert "Monitorados" in self.driver.page_source31 assert "Secretaria de Saúde de Chapadão do Céu" in self.driver.page_source32 33 def test_titulo_jatai(self):34 self.driver.get('')35 titulo = "Observatório UFJ Covid-19 - Gráficos (JataÃ)"36 assert titulo in self.driver.title37 assert "Todas as categorias" in self.driver.page_source38 assert "Monitorados" in self.driver.page_source39 assert "Secretaria de Saúde de JataÃ" in self.driver.page_source40 41 def test_titulo_mineiros(self):42 self.driver.get('')43 titulo = "Observatório UFJ Covid-19 - Gráficos (Mineiros)"44 assert titulo in self.driver.title45 assert "Todas as categorias" in self.driver.page_source46 assert "Monitorados" in self.driver.page_source47 assert "Secretaria de Saúde de Mineiros" in self.driver.page_source48 def test_titulo_montividiu(self):49 self.driver.get('')50 titulo = "Observatório UFJ Covid-19 - Gráficos (Montividiu)"51 assert titulo in self.driver.title52 assert "Todas as categorias" in self.driver.page_source53 assert "Monitorados" in self.driver.page_source54 assert "Rede Social Oficial da Prefeitura de Montividiu" in self.driver.page_source55 def test_titulo_rioverde(self): 56 self.driver.get('')57 titulo = "Observatório UFJ Covid-19 - Gráficos (Rio Verde)"58 assert titulo in self.driver.title59 assert "Todas as categorias" in self.driver.page_source60 assert "Monitorados" in self.driver.page_source61 assert "Secretaria de Saúde de Rio Verde" in self.driver.page_source62 def test_titulo_santahelena(self): 63 self.driver.get('')64 titulo = "Observatório UFJ Covid-19 - Gráficos (Santa Helena)"65 assert titulo in self.driver.title66 assert "Todas as categorias" in self.driver.page_source67 assert "Monitorados" in self.driver.page_source68 assert "Secretaria de Saúde de Santa Helena" in self.driver.page_source69 """ def test_titulo_comparacao(self): 70 self.driver.get('')71 titulo = "Observatório UFJ Covid-19 - Comparação entre as cidades"72 assert titulo in self.driver.title """73 def test_titulo_comoSaoCriados(self): 74 self.driver.get('')75 titulo = "Observatório UFJ Covid-19 - Como são criados?"...
1from django.test import TestCase2from django.test import Client3from selenium import webdriver4from webdriver_manager.firefox import GeckoDriverManager5from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys6from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options7# Create your tests here.8class EquipeTestCase(TestCase):9 10 def setUp(self):11 options = Options()12 options.headless = True13 self.driver = webdriver.Firefox(options=options, executable_path=GeckoDriverManager().install())14 def tearDown(self):15 self.driver.close()16 def test_equipe(self):17 self.driver.get('')18 assert "CrÃscilla Rezende" in self.driver.page_source19 assert "Diego Costa" in self.driver.page_source20 assert "Douglas Cedrim" in self.driver.page_source21 assert "Dyeimys Correa" in self.driver.page_source22 assert "Edlaine Vilela" in self.driver.page_source23 assert "Esdras L. Bispo Jr." in self.driver.page_source24 assert "Felipe Nedopetalski" in self.driver.page_source25 assert "Franciny Medeiros" in self.driver.page_source26 assert "Gabriel Santos" in self.driver.page_source27 assert "Joslaine Jeske" in self.driver.page_source28 assert "Luiz Pascoal" in self.driver.page_source29 assert "Manuel Ferreira" in self.driver.page_source30 assert "Marcelo Freitas" in self.driver.page_source31 assert "Marcos Alves" in self.driver.page_source32 assert "Márcio Lopes" in self.driver.page_source33 assert "Paulo Freitas" in self.driver.page_source34 assert "Zaqueu Souza" in self.driver.page_source35 assert "#TodosContraoCorona" in self.driver.page_source36 assert "Covid Goiás" in self.driver.page_source...
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