How to use pytest_runtest_setup method in pytest-mozwebqa

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...118: from scipy._lib._fpumode import get_fpu_mode129: from scipy._lib._testutils import FPUModeChangeWarning1310: 1411: 1512: def pytest_runtest_setup(item):1613: mark = item.get_marker("xslow")1714: if mark is not None:1815: try:1916: v = int(os.environ.get('SCIPY_XSLOW', '0'))2017: except ValueError:2118: v = False2219: if not v:2320: pytest.skip("very slow test; set environment variable SCIPY_XSLOW=1 to run it")2421: 2522: 2623: @pytest.fixture(scope="function", autouse=True)2724: def check_fpu_mode(request):2825: '''2926: Check FPU mode was not changed during the test.3027: '''3128: old_mode = get_fpu_mode()3229: yield3330: new_mode = get_fpu_mode()3431: 3532: if old_mode != new_mode:3633: warnings.warn("FPU mode changed from {0:#x} to {1:#x} during "3734: "the test".format(old_mode, new_mode),3835: category=FPUModeChangeWarning, stacklevel=0)3936: 40"""41# Import the stypy library necessary elements42from stypy.type_inference_programs.type_inference_programs_imports import *43# Create the module type store44module_type_store = Context(None, __file__)45# ################# Begin of the type inference program ##################46stypy.reporting.localization.Localization.set_current(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 4, 0))47# 'import os' statement (line 4)48import os49import_module(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 4, 0), 'os', os, module_type_store)50stypy.reporting.localization.Localization.set_current(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 5, 0))51# 'import pytest' statement (line 5)52update_path_to_current_file_folder('C:/​Python27/​lib/​site-packages/​scipy/​')53import_1 = generate_type_inference_code_for_module(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 5, 0), 'pytest')54if (type(import_1) is not StypyTypeError):55 if (import_1 != 'pyd_module'):56 __import__(import_1)57 sys_modules_2 = sys.modules[import_1]58 import_module(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 5, 0), 'pytest', sys_modules_2.module_type_store, module_type_store)59 else:60 import pytest61 import_module(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 5, 0), 'pytest', pytest, module_type_store)62else:63 # Assigning a type to the variable 'pytest' (line 5)64 module_type_store.set_type_of(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 5, 0), 'pytest', import_1)65remove_current_file_folder_from_path('C:/​Python27/​lib/​site-packages/​scipy/​')66stypy.reporting.localization.Localization.set_current(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 6, 0))67# 'import warnings' statement (line 6)68import warnings69import_module(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 6, 0), 'warnings', warnings, module_type_store)70stypy.reporting.localization.Localization.set_current(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 8, 0))71# 'from scipy._lib._fpumode import get_fpu_mode' statement (line 8)72update_path_to_current_file_folder('C:/​Python27/​lib/​site-packages/​scipy/​')73import_3 = generate_type_inference_code_for_module(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 8, 0), 'scipy._lib._fpumode')74if (type(import_3) is not StypyTypeError):75 if (import_3 != 'pyd_module'):76 __import__(import_3)77 sys_modules_4 = sys.modules[import_3]78 import_from_module(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 8, 0), 'scipy._lib._fpumode', sys_modules_4.module_type_store, module_type_store, ['get_fpu_mode'])79 nest_module(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 8, 0), __file__, sys_modules_4, sys_modules_4.module_type_store, module_type_store)80 else:81 from scipy._lib._fpumode import get_fpu_mode82 import_from_module(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 8, 0), 'scipy._lib._fpumode', None, module_type_store, ['get_fpu_mode'], [get_fpu_mode])83else:84 # Assigning a type to the variable 'scipy._lib._fpumode' (line 8)85 module_type_store.set_type_of(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 8, 0), 'scipy._lib._fpumode', import_3)86remove_current_file_folder_from_path('C:/​Python27/​lib/​site-packages/​scipy/​')87stypy.reporting.localization.Localization.set_current(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 9, 0))88# 'from scipy._lib._testutils import FPUModeChangeWarning' statement (line 9)89update_path_to_current_file_folder('C:/​Python27/​lib/​site-packages/​scipy/​')90import_5 = generate_type_inference_code_for_module(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 9, 0), 'scipy._lib._testutils')91if (type(import_5) is not StypyTypeError):92 if (import_5 != 'pyd_module'):93 __import__(import_5)94 sys_modules_6 = sys.modules[import_5]95 import_from_module(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 9, 0), 'scipy._lib._testutils', sys_modules_6.module_type_store, module_type_store, ['FPUModeChangeWarning'])96 nest_module(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 9, 0), __file__, sys_modules_6, sys_modules_6.module_type_store, module_type_store)97 else:98 from scipy._lib._testutils import FPUModeChangeWarning99 import_from_module(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 9, 0), 'scipy._lib._testutils', None, module_type_store, ['FPUModeChangeWarning'], [FPUModeChangeWarning])100else:101 # Assigning a type to the variable 'scipy._lib._testutils' (line 9)102 module_type_store.set_type_of(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 9, 0), 'scipy._lib._testutils', import_5)103remove_current_file_folder_from_path('C:/​Python27/​lib/​site-packages/​scipy/​')104@norecursion105def pytest_runtest_setup(localization, *varargs, **kwargs):106 global module_type_store107 # Assign values to the parameters with defaults108 defaults = []109 # Create a new context for function 'pytest_runtest_setup'110 module_type_store = module_type_store.open_function_context('pytest_runtest_setup', 12, 0, False)111 112 # Passed parameters checking function113 pytest_runtest_setup.stypy_localization = localization114 pytest_runtest_setup.stypy_type_of_self = None115 pytest_runtest_setup.stypy_type_store = module_type_store116 pytest_runtest_setup.stypy_function_name = 'pytest_runtest_setup'117 pytest_runtest_setup.stypy_param_names_list = ['item']118 pytest_runtest_setup.stypy_varargs_param_name = None119 pytest_runtest_setup.stypy_kwargs_param_name = None120 pytest_runtest_setup.stypy_call_defaults = defaults121 pytest_runtest_setup.stypy_call_varargs = varargs122 pytest_runtest_setup.stypy_call_kwargs = kwargs123 arguments = process_argument_values(localization, None, module_type_store, 'pytest_runtest_setup', ['item'], None, None, defaults, varargs, kwargs)124 if is_error_type(arguments):125 # Destroy the current context126 module_type_store = module_type_store.close_function_context()127 return arguments128 # Initialize method data129 init_call_information(module_type_store, 'pytest_runtest_setup', localization, ['item'], arguments)130 131 # Default return type storage variable (SSA)132 # Assigning a type to the variable 'stypy_return_type'133 module_type_store.set_type_of(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 0, 0), 'stypy_return_type', None)134 135 136 # ################# Begin of 'pytest_runtest_setup(...)' code ##################137 138 # Assigning a Call to a Name (line 13):139 140 # Call to get_marker(...): (line 13)141 # Processing the call arguments (line 13)142 str_9 = get_builtin_python_type_instance(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 13, 27), 'str', 'xslow')143 # Processing the call keyword arguments (line 13)144 kwargs_10 = {}145 # Getting the type of 'item' (line 13)146 item_7 = module_type_store.get_type_of(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 13, 11), 'item', False)147 # Obtaining the member 'get_marker' of a type (line 13)148 get_marker_8 = module_type_store.get_type_of_member(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 13, 11), item_7, 'get_marker')149 # Calling get_marker(args, kwargs) (line 13)150 get_marker_call_result_11 = invoke(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 13, 11), get_marker_8, *[str_9], **kwargs_10)151 152 # Assigning a type to the variable 'mark' (line 13)153 module_type_store.set_type_of(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 13, 4), 'mark', get_marker_call_result_11)154 155 # Type idiom detected: calculating its left and rigth part (line 14)156 # Getting the type of 'mark' (line 14)157 mark_12 = module_type_store.get_type_of(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 14, 4), 'mark')158 # Getting the type of 'None' (line 14)159 None_13 = module_type_store.get_type_of(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 14, 19), 'None')160 161 (may_be_14, more_types_in_union_15) = may_not_be_none(mark_12, None_13)162 if may_be_14:163 if more_types_in_union_15:164 # Runtime conditional SSA (line 14)165 module_type_store = SSAContext.create_ssa_context(module_type_store, 'idiom if')166 else:167 module_type_store = module_type_store168 169 170 # SSA begins for try-except statement (line 15)171 module_type_store = SSAContext.create_ssa_context(module_type_store, 'try-except')172 173 # Assigning a Call to a Name (line 16):174 175 # Call to int(...): (line 16)176 # Processing the call arguments (line 16)177 178 # Call to get(...): (line 16)179 # Processing the call arguments (line 16)180 str_20 = get_builtin_python_type_instance(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 16, 35), 'str', 'SCIPY_XSLOW')181 str_21 = get_builtin_python_type_instance(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 16, 50), 'str', '0')182 # Processing the call keyword arguments (line 16)183 kwargs_22 = {}184 # Getting the type of 'os' (line 16)185 os_17 = module_type_store.get_type_of(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 16, 20), 'os', False)186 # Obtaining the member 'environ' of a type (line 16)187 environ_18 = module_type_store.get_type_of_member(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 16, 20), os_17, 'environ')188 # Obtaining the member 'get' of a type (line 16)189 get_19 = module_type_store.get_type_of_member(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 16, 20), environ_18, 'get')190 # Calling get(args, kwargs) (line 16)191 get_call_result_23 = invoke(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 16, 20), get_19, *[str_20, str_21], **kwargs_22)192 193 # Processing the call keyword arguments (line 16)194 kwargs_24 = {}195 # Getting the type of 'int' (line 16)196 int_16 = module_type_store.get_type_of(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 16, 16), 'int', False)197 # Calling int(args, kwargs) (line 16)198 int_call_result_25 = invoke(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 16, 16), int_16, *[get_call_result_23], **kwargs_24)199 200 # Assigning a type to the variable 'v' (line 16)201 module_type_store.set_type_of(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 16, 12), 'v', int_call_result_25)202 # SSA branch for the except part of a try statement (line 15)203 # SSA branch for the except 'ValueError' branch of a try statement (line 15)204 module_type_store.open_ssa_branch('except')205 206 # Assigning a Name to a Name (line 18):207 # Getting the type of 'False' (line 18)208 False_26 = module_type_store.get_type_of(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 18, 16), 'False')209 # Assigning a type to the variable 'v' (line 18)210 module_type_store.set_type_of(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 18, 12), 'v', False_26)211 # SSA join for try-except statement (line 15)212 module_type_store = module_type_store.join_ssa_context()213 214 215 216 # Getting the type of 'v' (line 19)217 v_27 = module_type_store.get_type_of(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 19, 15), 'v')218 # Applying the 'not' unary operator (line 19)219 result_not__28 = python_operator(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 19, 11), 'not', v_27)220 221 # Testing the type of an if condition (line 19)222 if_condition_29 = is_suitable_condition(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 19, 8), result_not__28)223 # Assigning a type to the variable 'if_condition_29' (line 19)224 module_type_store.set_type_of(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 19, 8), 'if_condition_29', if_condition_29)225 # SSA begins for if statement (line 19)226 module_type_store = SSAContext.create_ssa_context(module_type_store, 'if')227 228 # Call to skip(...): (line 20)229 # Processing the call arguments (line 20)230 str_32 = get_builtin_python_type_instance(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 20, 24), 'str', 'very slow test; set environment variable SCIPY_XSLOW=1 to run it')231 # Processing the call keyword arguments (line 20)232 kwargs_33 = {}233 # Getting the type of 'pytest' (line 20)234 pytest_30 = module_type_store.get_type_of(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 20, 12), 'pytest', False)235 # Obtaining the member 'skip' of a type (line 20)236 skip_31 = module_type_store.get_type_of_member(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 20, 12), pytest_30, 'skip')237 # Calling skip(args, kwargs) (line 20)238 skip_call_result_34 = invoke(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 20, 12), skip_31, *[str_32], **kwargs_33)239 240 # SSA join for if statement (line 19)241 module_type_store = module_type_store.join_ssa_context()242 243 if more_types_in_union_15:244 # SSA join for if statement (line 14)245 module_type_store = module_type_store.join_ssa_context()246 247 248 # ################# End of 'pytest_runtest_setup(...)' code ##################249 # Teardown call information250 teardown_call_information(localization, arguments)251 252 # Storing the return type of function 'pytest_runtest_setup' in the type store253 # Getting the type of 'stypy_return_type' (line 12)254 stypy_return_type_35 = module_type_store.get_type_of(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 12, 0), 'stypy_return_type')255 module_type_store.store_return_type_of_current_context(stypy_return_type_35)256 257 # Destroy the current context258 module_type_store = module_type_store.close_function_context()259 260 # Return type of the function 'pytest_runtest_setup'261 return stypy_return_type_35262# Assigning a type to the variable 'pytest_runtest_setup' (line 12)...

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...287 '*::test_mark_setup_raises_expected_exception PASSED*',288 ],289 0,290 conftest="""291 def pytest_runtest_setup(item):292 raise ValueError('the message')293 """294 )295def test_pytest_mark_setup_raises_no_args(testdir):296 _run_tests_test(testdir, """297 import pytest298 @pytest.mark.setup_raises()299 def test_mark_setup_raises_no_args():300 pass301 """,302 [303 '*::test_mark_setup_raises_no_args PASSED*',304 ],305 0,306 conftest="""307 def pytest_runtest_setup(item):308 raise RuntimeError()309 """310 )311def test_unmarked_test_setup(testdir):312 _run_tests_test(testdir, """313 def test_unmarked_test_setup():314 pass315 """,316 [317 '*::test_unmarked_test_setup ERROR*',318 ],319 1,320 conftest="""321 def pytest_runtest_setup(item):322 raise RuntimeError()323 """324 )325def test_pytest_mark_setup_raises_no_exception(testdir):326 _run_tests_test(testdir, """327 import pytest328 class DifferentException(Exception):329 pass330 @pytest.mark.setup_raises(exception = DifferentException)331 def test_pytest_mark_setup_raises_no_exception():332 pass333 """,334 [335 '*::test_pytest_mark_setup_raises_no_exception FAILED*',336 "*Expected exception <class '*.DifferentException'>, but it did not raise",337 ],338 1339 )340def test_pytest_mark_setup_raises_unexpected_exception(testdir):341 _run_tests_test(testdir, """342 import pytest343 class SomeException(Exception):344 pass345 @pytest.mark.setup_raises(exception = SomeException)346 def test_pytest_mark_setup_raises_unexpected_exception():347 pass348 """,349 [350 '*::test_pytest_mark_setup_raises_unexpected_exception FAILED*',351 # pylint: disable=line-too-long352 "*ExpectedException: Expected exception of type <class '*SomeException'>, but got exception of type <class '*AnotherException'> with message: the message",353 ],354 1,355 conftest="""356 class AnotherException(Exception):357 pass358 def pytest_runtest_setup(item):359 raise AnotherException('the message')360 """361 )362def test_pytest_mark_setup_raises_not_an_exception(testdir):363 _run_tests_test(testdir, """364 import pytest365 class NotAnException(object):366 pass367 @pytest.mark.setup_raises(exception=NotAnException)368 def test_pytest_mark_setup_raises_not_an_exception():369 pass370 """,371 [372 '*::test_pytest_mark_setup_raises_not_an_exception FAILED*',373 # pylint: disable=line-too-long374 "PytestRaisesUsageError: @pytest.mark.setup_raises: supplied `exception=<class '*NotAnException'>` is not a subclass of `BaseException`."375 ],376 1377 )378def test_pytest_mark_setup_raises_not_an_exception_class(testdir):379 _run_tests_test(testdir, """380 import pytest381 @pytest.mark.setup_raises(exception=RuntimeError('bad'))382 def test_pytest_mark_setup_raises_not_an_exception_class():383 pass384 """,385 [386 '*::test_pytest_mark_setup_raises_not_an_exception_class FAILED*',387 # pylint: disable=line-too-long388 'PytestRaisesUsageError: @pytest.mark.setup_raises: supplied `exception` argument must be a Class, e.g., `exception=RuntimeError`.'389 ],390 1391 )392def test_pytest_mark_setup_raises_unexpected_exception_fixture(testdir):393 _run_tests_test(testdir, """394 import pytest395 class SomeException(Exception):396 pass397 class AnotherException(Exception):398 pass399 @pytest.fixture400 def raise_me():401 raise AnotherException('the message')402 @pytest.mark.setup_raises(exception = SomeException)403 def test_pytest_mark_setup_raises_unexpected_exception_fixture(raise_me):404 pass405 """,406 [407 '*::test_pytest_mark_setup_raises_unexpected_exception_fixture FAILED*',408 '*AnotherException*with message: the message',409 ],410 1411 )412def test_pytest_mark_setup_raises_expected_message(testdir):413 _run_tests_test(testdir, """414 import pytest415 @pytest.mark.setup_raises(message='the message')416 def test_pytest_mark_setup_raises_expected_message():417 pass418 """,419 [420 '*::test_pytest_mark_setup_raises_expected_message PASSED*'421 ],422 0,423 conftest="""424 def pytest_runtest_setup(item):425 raise RuntimeError('the message')426 """427 )428def test_pytest_mark_setup_raises_unexpected_message(testdir):429 _run_tests_test(testdir, """430 import pytest431 @pytest.mark.setup_raises(message='the message')432 def test_pytest_mark_setup_raises_unexpected_message():433 pass434 """,435 [436 '*::test_pytest_mark_setup_raises_unexpected_message FAILED*',437 '*"the message" not in "a different message"*'438 ],439 1,440 conftest="""441 def pytest_runtest_setup(item):442 raise RuntimeError('a different message')443 """444 )445def test_pytest_mark_setup_raises_expected_match(testdir):446 _run_tests_test(testdir, """447 import pytest448 @pytest.mark.setup_raises(match=r'.*Middle.*Road.*')449 def test_pytest_mark_setup_raises_expected_match():450 pass451 """,452 [453 '*::test_pytest_mark_setup_raises_expected_match PASSED*',454 ],455 0,456 conftest="""457 def pytest_runtest_setup(item):458 raise RuntimeError('In The Middle Of The Road')459 """460 )461def test_pytest_mark_setup_raises_expected_match_with_flags(testdir):462 _run_tests_test(testdir, """463 import pytest464 import re465 @pytest.mark.setup_raises(match=r'.*middle.*road.*', match_flags=re.IGNORECASE)466 def test_pytest_mark_setup_raises_expected_match_with_flags():467 pass468 """,469 [470 '*::test_pytest_mark_setup_raises_expected_match_with_flags PASSED*',471 ],472 0,473 conftest="""474 def pytest_runtest_setup(item):475 raise RuntimeError('In The Middle Of The Road')476 """477 )478def test_pytest_mark_setup_raises_unexpected_match(testdir):479 _run_tests_test(testdir, """480 import pytest481 @pytest.mark.setup_raises(match='^middle$')482 def test_pytest_mark_setup_raises_unexpected_match():483 pass484 """,485 [486 '*::test_pytest_mark_setup_raises_unexpected_match FAILED*',487 '*ExpectedMessage: "^middle$" does not match raised message "In The Middle Of The Road"'488 ],489 1,490 conftest="""491 def pytest_runtest_setup(item):492 raise RuntimeError('In The Middle Of The Road')493 """494 )495def test_pytest_mark_setup_raises_message_and_match_fails(testdir):496 _run_tests_test(testdir, """497 import pytest498 @pytest.mark.setup_raises(message='some message', match=r'stuff')499 def test_pytest_mark_setup_raises_message_and_match_fails():500 pass501 """,502 [503 '*::test_pytest_mark_setup_raises_message_and_match_fails FAILED*',504 'PytestRaisesUsageError: @pytest.mark.setup_raises: only `message="some message"` *OR* `match="stuff"` allowed, not both.'505 ],506 1507 )508def test_pytest_mark_setup_raises_demo(testdir):509 _run_tests_test(testdir, """510 import pytest511 @pytest.mark.custom_marker(valid=False)512 @pytest.mark.setup_raises(513 exception=ValueError, match=r'.*was False$'514 )515 def test_mark_setup_raises_demo():516 pass517 @pytest.mark.custom_marker(valid=True)518 def test_all_good():519 pass520 """,521 [522 '*::test_mark_setup_raises_demo PASSED*',523 '*::test_all_good PASSED*'524 ],525 0,526 conftest="""527 def pytest_runtest_setup(item):528 custom_marker = item.get_closest_marker('custom_marker')529 if custom_marker:530 valid = custom_marker.kwargs.get('valid', True)531 if not valid:532 raise ValueError('custom_marker.valid was False')533 """...

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...27 failed.28 **Parameters**29 ``item``30 The ``pytest`` test item, e.g., what is supplied to31 ``pytest_runtest_setup(item)`` or ``pytest_runtest_call(item)``.32 ``outcome``33 The ``pytest`` test outcome for the ``@pytest.hookimpl(hookwrapper=True)`` hook34 wrappers, where ``outcome = yield``.35 ``marker_name``36 The string marker name. Values are **assumed** to be ``'setup_raises'`` or37 ``'raises'`` **only**.38 - ``'setup_raises'``: call originates from ``pytest_runtest_setup`` hook wrapper.39 - ``'raises'``: call originates from ``pytest_runtest_call`` hook wrapper.40 ``ExceptionClass``41 The exception class to re-raise. Expected to be :class:`ExpectedException` or42 :class:`ExpectedMessage`, but not strictly required.43 ``failure_message``44 The string failure message to mark with or re-raise, depending on the value45 of ``marker_name``.46 ``traceback``47 The traceback information if available, ``None`` otherwise.48 """49 # pylint: disable=unused-variable50 __tracebackhide__ = True51 if marker_name == 'setup_raises':52 # In the later stage when `fail` is called, it is nice to "simulate" an53 # exception by putting the expected exception class's name as a prefix.54 failure_message = '{}: {}'.format(ExceptionClass.__name__, failure_message)55 item.add_marker(pytest.mark.setup_raises_expected_exc_or_message_not_found(failure_message))56 else: # marker_name == 'raises'57 # Avoid "while handling exception another exception occurred" scenarios.58 if issubclass(ExceptionClass, PytestRaisesUsageError):59 failure_message = '{}: {}'.format(ExceptionClass.__name__, failure_message)60, pytrace=False)61 else:62 try:63 raise ExceptionClass(failure_message)64 except(ExceptionClass):65 # 1. Try and set ``outcome.excinfo``.66 # 2. Sometimes (unknown when) ``outcome.excinfo`` will trigger an67 # AttributeError even when the test raised. So try and set the68 # undocumented ``outcome._excinfo`` attribute instead.69 # 3. If setting ``outcome._excinfo`` fails, fallback on ````.70 excinfo = sys.exc_info()71 if traceback:72 excinfo = excinfo[:2] + (traceback, )73 try:74 outcome.excinfo = excinfo75 # pylint: disable=bare-except76 except:77 try:78 # pylint: disable=protected-access79 outcome._excinfo = excinfo80 # pylint: disable=bare-except81 except: # pragma: no cover (no tests hit this, kept for safety).82, pytrace=False)83def _pytest_raises_validation(item, outcome, marker_name):84 """85 Validate that the test ``item`` and corresponding ``outcome`` raised an exception86 of the correct class, and if supplied the exception message was as expected. A87 given test that has been marked with either ``@pytest.mark.setup_raises`` or88 ``@pytest.mark.raises`` can fail in one of three ways:89 1. The test raised an exception of the correct exception class, but the exception90 message did not match what was specified using either ``message`` or ``match``91 parameters.92 2. The test raised an exception of the incorrect exception class (as specified by93 the ``exception`` argument).94 3. The test was marked with either ``@pytest.mark.setup_raises`` or95 ``@pytest.mark.raises``, but no exception was raised.96 In order to support hook wrappers for both ``pytest_runtest_setup`` and97 ``pytest_runtest_call``, a "handshake" must be performed using a "secret" marker.98 This handshake is only possible because this extension implements a hook wrapper99 for both ``pytest_runtest_setup`` and ``pytest_runtest_call``. To better explain100 the handshake, we first examine the ``pytest_runtest_call`` hook wrapper.101 ``@pytest.mark.raises(...)`` execution:102 1. The test is run (``outcome = yield``).103 2. This method is called. If any of the three cases above that indicate failure104 happen, the test is failed.105 3. The test is failed by calling :func:`_pytest_fail_by_mark_or_set_excinfo`,106 which in this case will set ``outcome.excinfo``.107 4. By setting ``outcome.excinfo``, ``pytest`` will take over at a later stage108 and report the test as failed with our message.109 ``@pytest.mark.setup_raises(...)`` execution:110 1. The test *setup* is run (``outcome = yield``).111 2. This method is called, If any of the three cases above that indicate failure112 happen, the test is *marked* for failure.113 3. The test is failed by calling :func:`_pytest_fail_by_mark_or_set_excinfo`,114 which adds a "secret" marker that includes the failure message.115 4. Officially, the entire ``pytest_runtest_setup`` phase is completed without116 any formal failure by this extension.117 5. The ``pytest_runtest_call`` is triggered by ``pytest``, and this method is118 called again.119 6. The "secret" marker is detected, and an explicit invocation of120 ```` is issued, ultimately failing the test.121 This process is unfortunately a little contrived. However, it is done this way122 because this extension needs to be able to mark tests as failed, not error. For123 reasons unknown to the author, any of the following issued during the124 ``pytest_runtest_setup`` hook wrapper will cause the test to **ERROR** rather than125 **FAIL**:126 - Setting ``outcome.excinfo``: during the setup phase this is a write protected127 attribute.128 - Issuing ````: a call to ```` during the setup129 phase will trigger a test **error** rather than a failure.130 .. note::131 The use of this handshake has an important implication! Since the "secret"132 marker must be checked for first in order to fail out early, this means that133 marking a test case with **both** ``@pytest.mark.setup_raises`` and134 ``@pytest.mark.raises`` **cannot** be supported. In practice, this should not135 be done (it does not make sense, if your setup fails you cannot run the test136 reliably).137 **Parameters**138 ``item``139 The ``pytest`` test item, e.g., what is supplied to140 ``pytest_runtest_setup(item)`` or ``pytest_runtest_call(item)``.141 ``outcome``142 The ``pytest`` test outcome for the ``@pytest.hookimpl(hookwrapper=True)`` hook143 wrappers, where ``outcome = yield``.144 ``marker_name``145 The string marker name. Values are **assumed** to be ``'setup_raises'`` or146 ``'raises'`` **only**.147 - ``'setup_raises'``: call originates from ``pytest_runtest_setup`` hook wrapper.148 - ``'raises'``: call originates from ``pytest_runtest_call`` hook wrapper.149 """150 # pylint: disable=unused-variable151 __tracebackhide__ = True152 # Pytest 3.5+ has a new function for getting a maker from a node153 # In order to maintain compatability, prefer the newer function154 # (get_closest_marker) but use the old function (get_marker) if it155 # doesn't exist.156 marker_get_func = item.get_closest_marker if hasattr(item, 'get_closest_marker') else item.get_marker157 # Short-circuit: if the "secret" marker is found, then this test failed during setup158 # and it is now safe to ```` without causing an ERROR.159 secret_marker = marker_get_func('setup_raises_expected_exc_or_message_not_found')160 if secret_marker:161 # NOTE: pytrace=False because the existing call stack is unrelated to the162 # original failure processed during `pytest_runtest_setup` hook wrapper.163[0], pytrace=False)164 raises_marker = marker_get_func(marker_name)165 if raises_marker:166 exception = raises_marker.kwargs.get('exception', Exception)167 try:168 if not issubclass(exception, BaseException):169 failure_message = '@pytest.mark.{0}: supplied `exception={1}` is not a subclass of `BaseException`.'.format(170 marker_name, exception171 )172 _pytest_fail_by_mark_or_set_excinfo(173 item, outcome, marker_name, PytestRaisesUsageError, failure_message, None174 )175 return176 except TypeError:177 failure_message = '@pytest.mark.{}: supplied `exception` argument must be a Class, e.g., `exception=RuntimeError`.'.format(178 marker_name179 )180 _pytest_fail_by_mark_or_set_excinfo(181 item, outcome, marker_name, PytestRaisesUsageError, failure_message, None182 )183 return184 message = raises_marker.kwargs.get('message', None)185 match_pattern = raises_marker.kwargs.get('match', None)186 match_flags = raises_marker.kwargs.get('match_flags', 0) # 0 means no flags for `re.match`187 # Only `message` or `match` should be supplied at a time, not both.188 if message and match_pattern:189 failure_message = '@pytest.mark.{}: only `message="{}"` *OR* `match="{}"` allowed, not both.'.format(190 marker_name, message, match_pattern191 )192 _pytest_fail_by_mark_or_set_excinfo(193 item, outcome, marker_name, PytestRaisesUsageError, failure_message, None194 )195 return196 raised_exception = outcome.excinfo[1] if outcome.excinfo else None197 traceback = outcome.excinfo[2] if outcome.excinfo else None198 # This plugin needs to work around the other hooks, see:199 # https:/​/​​en/​latest/​writing_plugins.html#hookwrapper-executing-around-other-hooks200 outcome.force_result(None)201 # Case 1: test raised exception is correct class (or derived type), check202 # message if provided by user.203 if isinstance(raised_exception, exception):204 raised_message = str(raised_exception)205 failure_message = None206 if message is not None:207 if message not in raised_message:208 failure_message = '"{}" not in "{}"'.format(message, raised_message)209 elif match_pattern is not None:210 if not re.match(match_pattern, raised_message, match_flags):211 failure_message = '"{}" does not match raised message "{}"'.format(match_pattern, raised_message)212 if failure_message:213 _pytest_fail_by_mark_or_set_excinfo(214 item, outcome, marker_name, ExpectedMessage, failure_message, traceback215 )216 # Case 2: test raised exception, but it was of an unexpected type.217 elif raised_exception:218 failure_message = 'Expected exception of type {}, but got exception of type {} with message: {}'.format(219 exception, type(raised_exception), str(raised_exception)220 )221 _pytest_fail_by_mark_or_set_excinfo(222 item, outcome, marker_name, ExpectedException, failure_message, traceback223 )224 # Case 3: test did _not_ raise exception, but was expected to.225 else:226 failure_message = 'Expected exception {}, but it did not raise'.format(exception)227 _pytest_fail_by_mark_or_set_excinfo(228 item, outcome, marker_name, ExpectedException, failure_message, traceback229 )230@pytest.hookimpl(hookwrapper=True)231def pytest_runtest_setup(item):232 # pylint: disable=unused-variable233 __tracebackhide__ = True234 outcome = yield235 _pytest_raises_validation(item, outcome, 'setup_raises')236@pytest.hookimpl(hookwrapper=True)237def pytest_runtest_call(item):238 # pylint: disable=unused-variable239 __tracebackhide__ = True240 outcome = yield241 _pytest_raises_validation(item, outcome, 'raises')242# NOTE: this gets evaluated by consuming packages only.243def pytest_configure(config): # pragma: no cover244 """245 Register the markers with pytest....

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...53 if isinstance(x, pytest.Item):54 try:55 # Call our setup (which may do a skip, in which56 # case we won't count it).57 pytest_runtest_setup(x)58 i += 159 except:60 continue61 State.numcollected += i62def pytest_collection_modifyitems():63 connect_to_server_for_communication_to_xml_rpc_on_xdist()64 pydev_runfiles_xml_rpc.notifyTestsCollected(State.numcollected)65 State.numcollected = 066def pytest_unconfigure(*args, **kwargs):67 _UninstallMockFileRepresentation()68 pydev_runfiles_xml_rpc.notifyTestRunFinished('Finished in: %.2f secs.' % (time.time() - State.start_time,))69def pytest_runtest_setup(item):70 filename = item.fspath.strpath71 test = item.location[2]72 State.start_test_time = time.time()73 pydev_runfiles_xml_rpc.notifyStartTest(filename, test)74def report_test(cond, filename, test, captured_output, error_contents, delta):75 '''76 @param filename: 'D:\\src\\mod1\\'77 @param test: 'TestCase.testMet1'78 @param cond: fail, error, ok79 '''80 time_str = '%.2f' % (delta,)81 pydev_runfiles_xml_rpc.notifyTest(cond, captured_output, error_contents, filename, test, time_str)82def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call):83 report_when = call.when84 report_duration = call.stop-call.start85 excinfo = call.excinfo86 if not call.excinfo:87 report_outcome = "passed"88 report_longrepr = None89 else:90 excinfo = call.excinfo91 if not isinstance(excinfo, py.code.ExceptionInfo):92 report_outcome = "failed"93 report_longrepr = excinfo94 elif excinfo.errisinstance(py.test.skip.Exception):95 report_outcome = "skipped"96 r = excinfo._getreprcrash()97 report_longrepr = None #(str(r.path), r.lineno, r.message)98 else:99 report_outcome = "failed"100 if call.when == "call":101 report_longrepr = item.repr_failure(excinfo)102 else: # exception in setup or teardown103 report_longrepr = item._repr_failure_py(excinfo, style=item.config.option.tbstyle)104 filename = item.fspath.strpath105 test = item.location[2]106 status = 'ok'107 captured_output = ''108 error_contents = ''109 if report_outcome in ('passed', 'skipped'):110 #passed or skipped: no need to report if in setup or teardown (only on the actual test if it passed).111 if report_when in ('setup', 'teardown'):112 return113 else:114 #It has only passed, skipped and failed (no error), so, let's consider error if not on call.115 if report_when == 'setup':116 if status == 'ok':117 status = 'error'118 elif report_when == 'teardown':119 if status == 'ok':120 status = 'error'121 else:122 #any error in the call (not in setup or teardown) is considered a regular failure.123 status = 'fail'124 if call.excinfo:125 rep = report_longrepr126 if hasattr(rep, 'reprcrash'):127 reprcrash = rep.reprcrash128 error_contents += str(reprcrash)129 error_contents += '\n'130 if hasattr(rep, 'reprtraceback'):131 error_contents += str(rep.reprtraceback)132 if hasattr(rep, 'sections'):133 for name, content, sep in rep.sections:134 error_contents += sep * 40135 error_contents += name136 error_contents += sep * 40137 error_contents += '\n'138 error_contents += content139 error_contents += '\n'140 if status != 'skip': #I.e.: don't event report skips...141 report_test(status, filename, test, captured_output, error_contents, report_duration)142@pytest.mark.tryfirst143def pytest_runtest_setup(item):144 '''145 Skips tests. With xdist will be on a secondary process.146 '''147 _load_filters()148 if not py_test_accept_filter:149 return #Keep on going (nothing to filter)150 f = _NormFile(str(item.parent.fspath))151 name = item.name152 if f not in py_test_accept_filter:153 pytest.skip() # Skip the file154 accept_tests = py_test_accept_filter[f]155 if item.cls is not None:156 class_name = item.cls.__name__157 else:...

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