How to use rewrite method in pytest-benchmark

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...36 assert erf(x).as_leading_term(x) == 2*x/​sqrt(pi)37 assert erf(x*y).as_leading_term(y) == 2*x*y/​sqrt(pi)38 assert (erf(x*y)/​erf(y)).as_leading_term(y) == x39 assert erf(1/​x).as_leading_term(x) == erf(1/​x)40 assert erf(z).rewrite('uppergamma') == sqrt(z**2)*(1 - erfc(sqrt(z**2)))/​z41 assert erf(z).rewrite('erfc') == S.One - erfc(z)42 assert erf(z).rewrite('erfi') == -I*erfi(I*z)43 assert erf(z).rewrite('fresnels') == (1 + I)*(fresnelc(z*(1 - I)/​sqrt(pi)) -44 I*fresnels(z*(1 - I)/​sqrt(pi)))45 assert erf(z).rewrite('fresnelc') == (1 + I)*(fresnelc(z*(1 - I)/​sqrt(pi)) -46 I*fresnels(z*(1 - I)/​sqrt(pi)))47 assert erf(z).rewrite('hyper') == 2*z*hyper([S.Half], [3*S.Half], -z**2)/​sqrt(pi)48 assert erf(z).rewrite('meijerg') == z*meijerg([S.Half], [], [0], [Rational(-1, 2)], z**2)/​sqrt(pi)49 assert erf(z).rewrite('expint') == sqrt(z**2)/​z - z*expint(S.Half, z**2)/​sqrt(S.Pi)50 assert limit(exp(x)*exp(x**2)*(erf(x + 1/​exp(x)) - erf(x)), x, oo) == \51 2/​sqrt(pi)52 assert limit((1 - erf(z))*exp(z**2)*z, z, oo) == 1/​sqrt(pi)53 assert limit((1 - erf(x))*exp(x**2)*sqrt(pi)*x, x, oo) == 154 assert limit(((1 - erf(x))*exp(x**2)*sqrt(pi)*x - 1)*2*x**2, x, oo) == -155 assert limit(erf(x)/​x, x, 0) == 2/​sqrt(pi)56 assert limit(x**(-4) - sqrt(pi)*erf(x**2) /​ (2*x**6), x, 0) == S(1)/​357 assert erf(x).as_real_imag() == \58 (erf(re(x) - I*im(x))/​2 + erf(re(x) + I*im(x))/​2,59 -I*(-erf(re(x) - I*im(x)) + erf(re(x) + I*im(x)))/​2)60 assert erf(x).as_real_imag(deep=False) == \61 (erf(re(x) - I*im(x))/​2 + erf(re(x) + I*im(x))/​2,62 -I*(-erf(re(x) - I*im(x)) + erf(re(x) + I*im(x)))/​2)63 assert erf(w).as_real_imag() == (erf(w), 0)64 assert erf(w).as_real_imag(deep=False) == (erf(w), 0)65 # issue 1357566 assert erf(I).as_real_imag() == (0, -I*erf(I))67 raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: erf(x).fdiff(2))68 assert erf(x).inverse() == erfinv69def test_erf_series():70 assert erf(x).series(x, 0, 7) == 2*x/​sqrt(pi) - \71 2*x**3/​3/​sqrt(pi) + x**5/​5/​sqrt(pi) + O(x**7)72def test_erf_evalf():73 assert abs( erf(Float(2.0)) - 0.995322265 ) < 1E-8 # XXX74def test__erfs():75 assert _erfs(z).diff(z) == -2/​sqrt(S.Pi) + 2*z*_erfs(z)76 assert _erfs(1/​z).series(z) == \77 z/​sqrt(pi) - z**3/​(2*sqrt(pi)) + 3*z**5/​(4*sqrt(pi)) + O(z**6)78 assert expand(erf(z).rewrite('tractable').diff(z).rewrite('intractable')) \79 == erf(z).diff(z)80 assert _erfs(z).rewrite("intractable") == (-erf(z) + 1)*exp(z**2)81 raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: _erfs(z).fdiff(2))82def test_erfc():83 assert erfc(nan) is nan84 assert erfc(oo) == 085 assert erfc(-oo) == 286 assert erfc(0) == 187 assert erfc(I*oo) == -oo*I88 assert erfc(-I*oo) == oo*I89 assert erfc(-x) == S(2) - erfc(x)90 assert erfc(erfcinv(x)) == x91 assert erfc(I).is_real is False92 assert erfc(0).is_real is True93 assert erfc(erfinv(x)) == 1 - x94 assert conjugate(erfc(z)) == erfc(conjugate(z))95 assert erfc(x).as_leading_term(x) is S.One96 assert erfc(1/​x).as_leading_term(x) == erfc(1/​x)97 assert erfc(z).rewrite('erf') == 1 - erf(z)98 assert erfc(z).rewrite('erfi') == 1 + I*erfi(I*z)99 assert erfc(z).rewrite('fresnels') == 1 - (1 + I)*(fresnelc(z*(1 - I)/​sqrt(pi)) -100 I*fresnels(z*(1 - I)/​sqrt(pi)))101 assert erfc(z).rewrite('fresnelc') == 1 - (1 + I)*(fresnelc(z*(1 - I)/​sqrt(pi)) -102 I*fresnels(z*(1 - I)/​sqrt(pi)))103 assert erfc(z).rewrite('hyper') == 1 - 2*z*hyper([S.Half], [3*S.Half], -z**2)/​sqrt(pi)104 assert erfc(z).rewrite('meijerg') == 1 - z*meijerg([S.Half], [], [0], [Rational(-1, 2)], z**2)/​sqrt(pi)105 assert erfc(z).rewrite('uppergamma') == 1 - sqrt(z**2)*(1 - erfc(sqrt(z**2)))/​z106 assert erfc(z).rewrite('expint') == S.One - sqrt(z**2)/​z + z*expint(S.Half, z**2)/​sqrt(S.Pi)107 assert erfc(z).rewrite('tractable') == _erfs(z)*exp(-z**2)108 assert expand_func(erf(x) + erfc(x)) is S.One109 assert erfc(x).as_real_imag() == \110 (erfc(re(x) - I*im(x))/​2 + erfc(re(x) + I*im(x))/​2,111 -I*(-erfc(re(x) - I*im(x)) + erfc(re(x) + I*im(x)))/​2)112 assert erfc(x).as_real_imag(deep=False) == \113 (erfc(re(x) - I*im(x))/​2 + erfc(re(x) + I*im(x))/​2,114 -I*(-erfc(re(x) - I*im(x)) + erfc(re(x) + I*im(x)))/​2)115 assert erfc(w).as_real_imag() == (erfc(w), 0)116 assert erfc(w).as_real_imag(deep=False) == (erfc(w), 0)117 raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: erfc(x).fdiff(2))118 assert erfc(x).inverse() == erfcinv119def test_erfc_series():120 assert erfc(x).series(x, 0, 7) == 1 - 2*x/​sqrt(pi) + \121 2*x**3/​3/​sqrt(pi) - x**5/​5/​sqrt(pi) + O(x**7)122def test_erfc_evalf():123 assert abs( erfc(Float(2.0)) - 0.00467773 ) < 1E-8 # XXX124def test_erfi():125 assert erfi(nan) is nan126 assert erfi(oo) is S.Infinity127 assert erfi(-oo) is S.NegativeInfinity128 assert erfi(0) is S.Zero129 assert erfi(I*oo) == I130 assert erfi(-I*oo) == -I131 assert erfi(-x) == -erfi(x)132 assert erfi(I*erfinv(x)) == I*x133 assert erfi(I*erfcinv(x)) == I*(1 - x)134 assert erfi(I*erf2inv(0, x)) == I*x135 assert erfi(I*erf2inv(0, x, evaluate=False)) == I*x # To cover code in erfi136 assert erfi(I).is_real is False137 assert erfi(0).is_real is True138 assert conjugate(erfi(z)) == erfi(conjugate(z))139 assert erfi(z).rewrite('erf') == -I*erf(I*z)140 assert erfi(z).rewrite('erfc') == I*erfc(I*z) - I141 assert erfi(z).rewrite('fresnels') == (1 - I)*(fresnelc(z*(1 + I)/​sqrt(pi)) -142 I*fresnels(z*(1 + I)/​sqrt(pi)))143 assert erfi(z).rewrite('fresnelc') == (1 - I)*(fresnelc(z*(1 + I)/​sqrt(pi)) -144 I*fresnels(z*(1 + I)/​sqrt(pi)))145 assert erfi(z).rewrite('hyper') == 2*z*hyper([S.Half], [3*S.Half], z**2)/​sqrt(pi)146 assert erfi(z).rewrite('meijerg') == z*meijerg([S.Half], [], [0], [Rational(-1, 2)], -z**2)/​sqrt(pi)147 assert erfi(z).rewrite('uppergamma') == (sqrt(-z**2)/​z*(uppergamma(S.Half,148 -z**2)/​sqrt(S.Pi) - S.One))149 assert erfi(z).rewrite('expint') == sqrt(-z**2)/​z - z*expint(S.Half, -z**2)/​sqrt(S.Pi)150 assert erfi(z).rewrite('tractable') == -I*(-_erfs(I*z)*exp(z**2) + 1)151 assert expand_func(erfi(I*z)) == I*erf(z)152 assert erfi(x).as_real_imag() == \153 (erfi(re(x) - I*im(x))/​2 + erfi(re(x) + I*im(x))/​2,154 -I*(-erfi(re(x) - I*im(x)) + erfi(re(x) + I*im(x)))/​2)155 assert erfi(x).as_real_imag(deep=False) == \156 (erfi(re(x) - I*im(x))/​2 + erfi(re(x) + I*im(x))/​2,157 -I*(-erfi(re(x) - I*im(x)) + erfi(re(x) + I*im(x)))/​2)158 assert erfi(w).as_real_imag() == (erfi(w), 0)159 assert erfi(w).as_real_imag(deep=False) == (erfi(w), 0)160 raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: erfi(x).fdiff(2))161def test_erfi_series():162 assert erfi(x).series(x, 0, 7) == 2*x/​sqrt(pi) + \163 2*x**3/​3/​sqrt(pi) + x**5/​5/​sqrt(pi) + O(x**7)164def test_erfi_evalf():165 assert abs( erfi(Float(2.0)) - 18.5648024145756 ) < 1E-13 # XXX166def test_erf2():167 assert erf2(0, 0) is S.Zero168 assert erf2(x, x) is S.Zero169 assert erf2(nan, 0) is nan170 assert erf2(-oo, y) == erf(y) + 1171 assert erf2( oo, y) == erf(y) - 1172 assert erf2( x, oo) == 1 - erf(x)173 assert erf2( x,-oo) == -1 - erf(x)174 assert erf2(x, erf2inv(x, y)) == y175 assert erf2(-x, -y) == -erf2(x,y)176 assert erf2(-x, y) == erf(y) + erf(x)177 assert erf2( x, -y) == -erf(y) - erf(x)178 assert erf2(x, y).rewrite('fresnels') == erf(y).rewrite(fresnels)-erf(x).rewrite(fresnels)179 assert erf2(x, y).rewrite('fresnelc') == erf(y).rewrite(fresnelc)-erf(x).rewrite(fresnelc)180 assert erf2(x, y).rewrite('hyper') == erf(y).rewrite(hyper)-erf(x).rewrite(hyper)181 assert erf2(x, y).rewrite('meijerg') == erf(y).rewrite(meijerg)-erf(x).rewrite(meijerg)182 assert erf2(x, y).rewrite('uppergamma') == erf(y).rewrite(uppergamma) - erf(x).rewrite(uppergamma)183 assert erf2(x, y).rewrite('expint') == erf(y).rewrite(expint)-erf(x).rewrite(expint)184 assert erf2(I, 0).is_real is False185 assert erf2(0, 0).is_real is True186 assert expand_func(erf(x) + erf2(x, y)) == erf(y)187 assert conjugate(erf2(x, y)) == erf2(conjugate(x), conjugate(y))188 assert erf2(x, y).rewrite('erf') == erf(y) - erf(x)189 assert erf2(x, y).rewrite('erfc') == erfc(x) - erfc(y)190 assert erf2(x, y).rewrite('erfi') == I*(erfi(I*x) - erfi(I*y))191 assert erf2(x, y).diff(x) == erf2(x, y).fdiff(1)192 assert erf2(x, y).diff(y) == erf2(x, y).fdiff(2)193 assert erf2(x, y).diff(x) == -2*exp(-x**2)/​sqrt(pi)194 assert erf2(x, y).diff(y) == 2*exp(-y**2)/​sqrt(pi)195 raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: erf2(x, y).fdiff(3))196 assert erf2(x, y).is_extended_real is None197 xr, yr = symbols('xr yr', extended_real=True)198 assert erf2(xr, yr).is_extended_real is True199def test_erfinv():200 assert erfinv(0) == 0201 assert erfinv(1) is S.Infinity202 assert erfinv(nan) is S.NaN203 assert erfinv(-1) is S.NegativeInfinity204 assert erfinv(erf(w)) == w205 assert erfinv(erf(-w)) == -w206 assert erfinv(x).diff() == sqrt(pi)*exp(erfinv(x)**2)/​2207 raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: erfinv(x).fdiff(2))208 assert erfinv(z).rewrite('erfcinv') == erfcinv(1-z)209 assert erfinv(z).inverse() == erf210def test_erfinv_evalf():211 assert abs( erfinv(Float(0.2)) - 0.179143454621292 ) < 1E-13212def test_erfcinv():213 assert erfcinv(1) == 0214 assert erfcinv(0) is S.Infinity215 assert erfcinv(nan) is S.NaN216 assert erfcinv(x).diff() == -sqrt(pi)*exp(erfcinv(x)**2)/​2217 raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: erfcinv(x).fdiff(2))218 assert erfcinv(z).rewrite('erfinv') == erfinv(1-z)219 assert erfcinv(z).inverse() == erfc220def test_erf2inv():221 assert erf2inv(0, 0) is S.Zero222 assert erf2inv(0, 1) is S.Infinity223 assert erf2inv(1, 0) is S.One224 assert erf2inv(0, y) == erfinv(y)225 assert erf2inv(oo, y) == erfcinv(-y)226 assert erf2inv(x, 0) == x227 assert erf2inv(x, oo) == erfinv(x)228 assert erf2inv(nan, 0) is nan229 assert erf2inv(0, nan) is nan230 assert erf2inv(x, y).diff(x) == exp(-x**2 + erf2inv(x, y)**2)231 assert erf2inv(x, y).diff(y) == sqrt(pi)*exp(erf2inv(x, y)**2)/​2232 raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: erf2inv(x, y).fdiff(3))233# NOTE we multiply by exp_polar(I*pi) and need this to be on the principal234# branch, hence take x in the lower half plane (d=0).235def mytn(expr1, expr2, expr3, x, d=0):236 from sympy.testing.randtest import verify_numerically, random_complex_number237 subs = {}238 for a in expr1.free_symbols:239 if a != x:240 subs[a] = random_complex_number()241 return expr2 == expr3 and verify_numerically(expr1.subs(subs),242 expr2.subs(subs), x, d=d)243def mytd(expr1, expr2, x):244 from sympy.testing.randtest import test_derivative_numerically, \245 random_complex_number246 subs = {}247 for a in expr1.free_symbols:248 if a != x:249 subs[a] = random_complex_number()250 return expr1.diff(x) == expr2 and test_derivative_numerically(expr1.subs(subs), x)251def tn_branch(func, s=None):252 from sympy import I, pi, exp_polar253 from random import uniform254 def fn(x):255 if s is None:256 return func(x)257 return func(s, x)258 c = uniform(1, 5)259 expr = fn(c*exp_polar(I*pi)) - fn(c*exp_polar(-I*pi))260 eps = 1e-15261 expr2 = fn(-c + eps*I) - fn(-c - eps*I)262 return abs(expr.n() - expr2.n()).n() < 1e-10263def test_ei():264 assert Ei(0) is S.NegativeInfinity265 assert Ei(oo) is S.Infinity266 assert Ei(-oo) is S.Zero267 assert tn_branch(Ei)268 assert mytd(Ei(x), exp(x)/​x, x)269 assert mytn(Ei(x), Ei(x).rewrite(uppergamma),270 -uppergamma(0, x*polar_lift(-1)) - I*pi, x)271 assert mytn(Ei(x), Ei(x).rewrite(expint),272 -expint(1, x*polar_lift(-1)) - I*pi, x)273 assert Ei(x).rewrite(expint).rewrite(Ei) == Ei(x)274 assert Ei(x*exp_polar(2*I*pi)) == Ei(x) + 2*I*pi275 assert Ei(x*exp_polar(-2*I*pi)) == Ei(x) - 2*I*pi276 assert mytn(Ei(x), Ei(x).rewrite(Shi), Chi(x) + Shi(x), x)277 assert mytn(Ei(x*polar_lift(I)), Ei(x*polar_lift(I)).rewrite(Si),278 Ci(x) + I*Si(x) + I*pi/​2, x)279 assert Ei(log(x)).rewrite(li) == li(x)280 assert Ei(2*log(x)).rewrite(li) == li(x**2)281 assert gruntz(Ei(x+exp(-x))*exp(-x)*x, x, oo) == 1282 assert Ei(x).series(x) == EulerGamma + log(x) + x + x**2/​4 + \283 x**3/​18 + x**4/​96 + x**5/​600 + O(x**6)284 assert Ei(x).series(x, 1, 3) == Ei(1) + E*(x - 1) + O((x - 1)**3, (x, 1))285 assert str(Ei(cos(2)).evalf(n=10)) == '-0.6760647401'286 raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: Ei(x).fdiff(2))287def test_expint():288 assert mytn(expint(x, y), expint(x, y).rewrite(uppergamma),289 y**(x - 1)*uppergamma(1 - x, y), x)290 assert mytd(291 expint(x, y), -y**(x - 1)*meijerg([], [1, 1], [0, 0, 1 - x], [], y), x)292 assert mytd(expint(x, y), -expint(x - 1, y), y)293 assert mytn(expint(1, x), expint(1, x).rewrite(Ei),294 -Ei(x*polar_lift(-1)) + I*pi, x)295 assert expint(-4, x) == exp(-x)/​x + 4*exp(-x)/​x**2 + 12*exp(-x)/​x**3 \296 + 24*exp(-x)/​x**4 + 24*exp(-x)/​x**5297 assert expint(Rational(-3, 2), x) == \298 exp(-x)/​x + 3*exp(-x)/​(2*x**2) + 3*sqrt(pi)*erfc(sqrt(x))/​(4*x**S('5/​2'))299 assert tn_branch(expint, 1)300 assert tn_branch(expint, 2)301 assert tn_branch(expint, 3)302 assert tn_branch(expint, 1.7)303 assert tn_branch(expint, pi)304 assert expint(y, x*exp_polar(2*I*pi)) == \305 x**(y - 1)*(exp(2*I*pi*y) - 1)*gamma(-y + 1) + expint(y, x)306 assert expint(y, x*exp_polar(-2*I*pi)) == \307 x**(y - 1)*(exp(-2*I*pi*y) - 1)*gamma(-y + 1) + expint(y, x)308 assert expint(2, x*exp_polar(2*I*pi)) == 2*I*pi*x + expint(2, x)309 assert expint(2, x*exp_polar(-2*I*pi)) == -2*I*pi*x + expint(2, x)310 assert expint(1, x).rewrite(Ei).rewrite(expint) == expint(1, x)311 assert expint(x, y).rewrite(Ei) == expint(x, y)312 assert expint(x, y).rewrite(Ci) == expint(x, y)313 assert mytn(E1(x), E1(x).rewrite(Shi), Shi(x) - Chi(x), x)314 assert mytn(E1(polar_lift(I)*x), E1(polar_lift(I)*x).rewrite(Si),315 -Ci(x) + I*Si(x) - I*pi/​2, x)316 assert mytn(expint(2, x), expint(2, x).rewrite(Ei).rewrite(expint),317 -x*E1(x) + exp(-x), x)318 assert mytn(expint(3, x), expint(3, x).rewrite(Ei).rewrite(expint),319 x**2*E1(x)/​2 + (1 - x)*exp(-x)/​2, x)320 assert expint(Rational(3, 2), z).nseries(z) == \321 2 + 2*z - z**2/​3 + z**3/​15 - z**4/​84 + z**5/​540 - \322 2*sqrt(pi)*sqrt(z) + O(z**6)323 assert E1(z).series(z) == -EulerGamma - log(z) + z - \324 z**2/​4 + z**3/​18 - z**4/​96 + z**5/​600 + O(z**6)325 assert expint(4, z).series(z) == Rational(1, 3) - z/​2 + z**2/​2 + \326 z**3*(log(z)/​6 - Rational(11, 36) + EulerGamma/​6 - I*pi/​6) - z**4/​24 + \327 z**5/​240 + O(z**6)328 assert expint(z, y).series(z, 0, 2) == exp(-y)/​y - z*meijerg(((), (1, 1)),329 ((0, 0, 1), ()), y)/​y + O(z**2)330 raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: expint(x, y).fdiff(3))331 neg = Symbol('neg', negative=True)332 assert Ei(neg).rewrite(Si) == Shi(neg) + Chi(neg) - I*pi333def test__eis():334 assert _eis(z).diff(z) == -_eis(z) + 1/​z335 assert _eis(1/​z).series(z) == \336 z + z**2 + 2*z**3 + 6*z**4 + 24*z**5 + O(z**6)337 assert Ei(z).rewrite('tractable') == exp(z)*_eis(z)338 assert li(z).rewrite('tractable') == z*_eis(log(z))339 assert _eis(z).rewrite('intractable') == exp(-z)*Ei(z)340 assert expand(li(z).rewrite('tractable').diff(z).rewrite('intractable')) \341 == li(z).diff(z)342 assert expand(Ei(z).rewrite('tractable').diff(z).rewrite('intractable')) \343 == Ei(z).diff(z)344 assert _eis(z).series(z, n=3) == EulerGamma + log(z) + z*(-log(z) - \345 EulerGamma + 1) + z**2*(log(z)/​2 - Rational(3, 4) + EulerGamma/​2) + O(z**3*log(z))346 raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: _eis(z).fdiff(2))347def tn_arg(func):348 def test(arg, e1, e2):349 from random import uniform350 v = uniform(1, 5)351 v1 = func(arg*x).subs(x, v).n()352 v2 = func(e1*v + e2*1e-15).n()353 return abs(v1 - v2).n() < 1e-10354 return test(exp_polar(I*pi/​2), I, 1) and \355 test(exp_polar(-I*pi/​2), -I, 1) and \356 test(exp_polar(I*pi), -1, I) and \357 test(exp_polar(-I*pi), -1, -I)358def test_li():359 z = Symbol("z")360 zr = Symbol("z", real=True)361 zp = Symbol("z", positive=True)362 zn = Symbol("z", negative=True)363 assert li(0) == 0364 assert li(1) is -oo365 assert li(oo) is oo366 assert isinstance(li(z), li)367 assert unchanged(li, -zp)368 assert unchanged(li, zn)369 assert diff(li(z), z) == 1/​log(z)370 assert conjugate(li(z)) == li(conjugate(z))371 assert conjugate(li(-zr)) == li(-zr)372 assert unchanged(conjugate, li(-zp))373 assert unchanged(conjugate, li(zn))374 assert li(z).rewrite(Li) == Li(z) + li(2)375 assert li(z).rewrite(Ei) == Ei(log(z))376 assert li(z).rewrite(uppergamma) == (-log(1/​log(z))/​2 - log(-log(z)) +377 log(log(z))/​2 - expint(1, -log(z)))378 assert li(z).rewrite(Si) == (-log(I*log(z)) - log(1/​log(z))/​2 +379 log(log(z))/​2 + Ci(I*log(z)) + Shi(log(z)))380 assert li(z).rewrite(Ci) == (-log(I*log(z)) - log(1/​log(z))/​2 +381 log(log(z))/​2 + Ci(I*log(z)) + Shi(log(z)))382 assert li(z).rewrite(Shi) == (-log(1/​log(z))/​2 + log(log(z))/​2 +383 Chi(log(z)) - Shi(log(z)))384 assert li(z).rewrite(Chi) == (-log(1/​log(z))/​2 + log(log(z))/​2 +385 Chi(log(z)) - Shi(log(z)))386 assert li(z).rewrite(hyper) ==(log(z)*hyper((1, 1), (2, 2), log(z)) -387 log(1/​log(z))/​2 + log(log(z))/​2 + EulerGamma)388 assert li(z).rewrite(meijerg) == (-log(1/​log(z))/​2 - log(-log(z)) + log(log(z))/​2 -389 meijerg(((), (1,)), ((0, 0), ()), -log(z)))390 assert gruntz(1/​li(z), z, oo) == 0391 raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: li(z).fdiff(2))392def test_Li():393 assert Li(2) == 0394 assert Li(oo) is oo395 assert isinstance(Li(z), Li)396 assert diff(Li(z), z) == 1/​log(z)397 assert gruntz(1/​Li(z), z, oo) == 0398 assert Li(z).rewrite(li) == li(z) - li(2)399 raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: Li(z).fdiff(2))400def test_si():401 assert Si(I*x) == I*Shi(x)402 assert Shi(I*x) == I*Si(x)403 assert Si(-I*x) == -I*Shi(x)404 assert Shi(-I*x) == -I*Si(x)405 assert Si(-x) == -Si(x)406 assert Shi(-x) == -Shi(x)407 assert Si(exp_polar(2*pi*I)*x) == Si(x)408 assert Si(exp_polar(-2*pi*I)*x) == Si(x)409 assert Shi(exp_polar(2*pi*I)*x) == Shi(x)410 assert Shi(exp_polar(-2*pi*I)*x) == Shi(x)411 assert Si(oo) == pi/​2412 assert Si(-oo) == -pi/​2413 assert Shi(oo) is oo414 assert Shi(-oo) is -oo415 assert mytd(Si(x), sin(x)/​x, x)416 assert mytd(Shi(x), sinh(x)/​x, x)417 assert mytn(Si(x), Si(x).rewrite(Ei),418 -I*(-Ei(x*exp_polar(-I*pi/​2))/​2419 + Ei(x*exp_polar(I*pi/​2))/​2 - I*pi) + pi/​2, x)420 assert mytn(Si(x), Si(x).rewrite(expint),421 -I*(-expint(1, x*exp_polar(-I*pi/​2))/​2 +422 expint(1, x*exp_polar(I*pi/​2))/​2) + pi/​2, x)423 assert mytn(Shi(x), Shi(x).rewrite(Ei),424 Ei(x)/​2 - Ei(x*exp_polar(I*pi))/​2 + I*pi/​2, x)425 assert mytn(Shi(x), Shi(x).rewrite(expint),426 expint(1, x)/​2 - expint(1, x*exp_polar(I*pi))/​2 - I*pi/​2, x)427 assert tn_arg(Si)428 assert tn_arg(Shi)429 assert Si(x).nseries(x, n=8) == \430 x - x**3/​18 + x**5/​600 - x**7/​35280 + O(x**9)431 assert Shi(x).nseries(x, n=8) == \432 x + x**3/​18 + x**5/​600 + x**7/​35280 + O(x**9)433 assert Si(sin(x)).nseries(x, n=5) == x - 2*x**3/​9 + 17*x**5/​450 + O(x**6)434 assert Si(x).nseries(x, 1, n=3) == \435 Si(1) + (x - 1)*sin(1) + (x - 1)**2*(-sin(1)/​2 + cos(1)/​2) + O((x - 1)**3, (x, 1))436 t = Symbol('t', Dummy=True)437 assert Si(x).rewrite(sinc) == Integral(sinc(t), (t, 0, x))438def test_ci():439 m1 = exp_polar(I*pi)440 m1_ = exp_polar(-I*pi)441 pI = exp_polar(I*pi/​2)442 mI = exp_polar(-I*pi/​2)443 assert Ci(m1*x) == Ci(x) + I*pi444 assert Ci(m1_*x) == Ci(x) - I*pi445 assert Ci(pI*x) == Chi(x) + I*pi/​2446 assert Ci(mI*x) == Chi(x) - I*pi/​2447 assert Chi(m1*x) == Chi(x) + I*pi448 assert Chi(m1_*x) == Chi(x) - I*pi449 assert Chi(pI*x) == Ci(x) + I*pi/​2450 assert Chi(mI*x) == Ci(x) - I*pi/​2451 assert Ci(exp_polar(2*I*pi)*x) == Ci(x) + 2*I*pi452 assert Chi(exp_polar(-2*I*pi)*x) == Chi(x) - 2*I*pi453 assert Chi(exp_polar(2*I*pi)*x) == Chi(x) + 2*I*pi454 assert Ci(exp_polar(-2*I*pi)*x) == Ci(x) - 2*I*pi455 assert Ci(oo) == 0456 assert Ci(-oo) == I*pi457 assert Chi(oo) is oo458 assert Chi(-oo) is oo459 assert mytd(Ci(x), cos(x)/​x, x)460 assert mytd(Chi(x), cosh(x)/​x, x)461 assert mytn(Ci(x), Ci(x).rewrite(Ei),462 Ei(x*exp_polar(-I*pi/​2))/​2 + Ei(x*exp_polar(I*pi/​2))/​2, x)463 assert mytn(Chi(x), Chi(x).rewrite(Ei),464 Ei(x)/​2 + Ei(x*exp_polar(I*pi))/​2 - I*pi/​2, x)465 assert tn_arg(Ci)466 assert tn_arg(Chi)467 from sympy import O, EulerGamma, log, limit468 assert Ci(x).nseries(x, n=4) == \469 EulerGamma + log(x) - x**2/​4 + x**4/​96 + O(x**5)470 assert Chi(x).nseries(x, n=4) == \471 EulerGamma + log(x) + x**2/​4 + x**4/​96 + O(x**5)472 assert limit(log(x) - Ci(2*x), x, 0) == -log(2) - EulerGamma473 assert Ci(x).rewrite(uppergamma) == -expint(1, x*exp_polar(-I*pi/​2))/​2 -\474 expint(1, x*exp_polar(I*pi/​2))/​2475 assert Ci(x).rewrite(expint) == -expint(1, x*exp_polar(-I*pi/​2))/​2 -\476 expint(1, x*exp_polar(I*pi/​2))/​2477 raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: Ci(x).fdiff(2))478def test_fresnel():479 assert fresnels(0) == 0480 assert fresnels(oo) == S.Half481 assert fresnels(-oo) == Rational(-1, 2)482 assert fresnels(I*oo) == -I*S.Half483 assert unchanged(fresnels, z)484 assert fresnels(-z) == -fresnels(z)485 assert fresnels(I*z) == -I*fresnels(z)486 assert fresnels(-I*z) == I*fresnels(z)487 assert conjugate(fresnels(z)) == fresnels(conjugate(z))488 assert fresnels(z).diff(z) == sin(pi*z**2/​2)489 assert fresnels(z).rewrite(erf) == (S.One + I)/​4 * (490 erf((S.One + I)/​2*sqrt(pi)*z) - I*erf((S.One - I)/​2*sqrt(pi)*z))491 assert fresnels(z).rewrite(hyper) == \492 pi*z**3/​6 * hyper([Rational(3, 4)], [Rational(3, 2), Rational(7, 4)], -pi**2*z**4/​16)493 assert fresnels(z).series(z, n=15) == \494 pi*z**3/​6 - pi**3*z**7/​336 + pi**5*z**11/​42240 + O(z**15)495 assert fresnels(w).is_extended_real is True496 assert fresnels(w).is_finite is True497 assert fresnels(z).is_extended_real is None498 assert fresnels(z).is_finite is None499 assert fresnels(z).as_real_imag() == (fresnels(re(z) - I*im(z))/​2 +500 fresnels(re(z) + I*im(z))/​2,501 -I*(-fresnels(re(z) - I*im(z)) + fresnels(re(z) + I*im(z)))/​2)502 assert fresnels(z).as_real_imag(deep=False) == (fresnels(re(z) - I*im(z))/​2 +503 fresnels(re(z) + I*im(z))/​2,504 -I*(-fresnels(re(z) - I*im(z)) + fresnels(re(z) + I*im(z)))/​2)505 assert fresnels(w).as_real_imag() == (fresnels(w), 0)506 assert fresnels(w).as_real_imag(deep=True) == (fresnels(w), 0)507 assert fresnels(2 + 3*I).as_real_imag() == (508 fresnels(2 + 3*I)/​2 + fresnels(2 - 3*I)/​2,509 -I*(fresnels(2 + 3*I) - fresnels(2 - 3*I))/​2510 )511 assert expand_func(integrate(fresnels(z), z)) == \512 z*fresnels(z) + cos(pi*z**2/​2)/​pi513 assert fresnels(z).rewrite(meijerg) == sqrt(2)*pi*z**Rational(9, 4) * \514 meijerg(((), (1,)), ((Rational(3, 4),),515 (Rational(1, 4), 0)), -pi**2*z**4/​16)/​(2*(-z)**Rational(3, 4)*(z**2)**Rational(3, 4))516 assert fresnelc(0) == 0517 assert fresnelc(oo) == S.Half518 assert fresnelc(-oo) == Rational(-1, 2)519 assert fresnelc(I*oo) == I*S.Half520 assert unchanged(fresnelc, z)521 assert fresnelc(-z) == -fresnelc(z)522 assert fresnelc(I*z) == I*fresnelc(z)523 assert fresnelc(-I*z) == -I*fresnelc(z)524 assert conjugate(fresnelc(z)) == fresnelc(conjugate(z))525 assert fresnelc(z).diff(z) == cos(pi*z**2/​2)526 assert fresnelc(z).rewrite(erf) == (S.One - I)/​4 * (527 erf((S.One + I)/​2*sqrt(pi)*z) + I*erf((S.One - I)/​2*sqrt(pi)*z))528 assert fresnelc(z).rewrite(hyper) == \529 z * hyper([Rational(1, 4)], [S.Half, Rational(5, 4)], -pi**2*z**4/​16)530 assert fresnelc(w).is_extended_real is True531 assert fresnelc(z).as_real_imag() == \532 (fresnelc(re(z) - I*im(z))/​2 + fresnelc(re(z) + I*im(z))/​2,533 -I*(-fresnelc(re(z) - I*im(z)) + fresnelc(re(z) + I*im(z)))/​2)534 assert fresnelc(z).as_real_imag(deep=False) == \535 (fresnelc(re(z) - I*im(z))/​2 + fresnelc(re(z) + I*im(z))/​2,536 -I*(-fresnelc(re(z) - I*im(z)) + fresnelc(re(z) + I*im(z)))/​2)537 assert fresnelc(2 + 3*I).as_real_imag() == (538 fresnelc(2 - 3*I)/​2 + fresnelc(2 + 3*I)/​2,539 -I*(fresnelc(2 + 3*I) - fresnelc(2 - 3*I))/​2540 )541 assert expand_func(integrate(fresnelc(z), z)) == \542 z*fresnelc(z) - sin(pi*z**2/​2)/​pi543 assert fresnelc(z).rewrite(meijerg) == sqrt(2)*pi*z**Rational(3, 4) * \544 meijerg(((), (1,)), ((Rational(1, 4),),545 (Rational(3, 4), 0)), -pi**2*z**4/​16)/​(2*(-z)**Rational(1, 4)*(z**2)**Rational(1, 4))546 from sympy.testing.randtest import verify_numerically547 verify_numerically(re(fresnels(z)), fresnels(z).as_real_imag()[0], z)548 verify_numerically(im(fresnels(z)), fresnels(z).as_real_imag()[1], z)549 verify_numerically(fresnels(z), fresnels(z).rewrite(hyper), z)550 verify_numerically(fresnels(z), fresnels(z).rewrite(meijerg), z)551 verify_numerically(re(fresnelc(z)), fresnelc(z).as_real_imag()[0], z)552 verify_numerically(im(fresnelc(z)), fresnelc(z).as_real_imag()[1], z)553 verify_numerically(fresnelc(z), fresnelc(z).rewrite(hyper), z)554 verify_numerically(fresnelc(z), fresnelc(z).rewrite(meijerg), z)555 raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: fresnels(z).fdiff(2))556 raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: fresnelc(z).fdiff(2))557 assert fresnels(x).taylor_term(-1, x) is S.Zero558 assert fresnelc(x).taylor_term(-1, x) is S.Zero559 assert fresnelc(x).taylor_term(1, x) == -pi**2*x**5/​40560@slow561def test_fresnel_series():562 assert fresnelc(z).series(z, n=15) == \563 z - pi**2*z**5/​40 + pi**4*z**9/​3456 - pi**6*z**13/​599040 + O(z**15)564 # issues 6510, 10102565 fs = (S.Half - sin(pi*z**2/​2)/​(pi**2*z**3)566 + (-1/​(pi*z) + 3/​(pi**3*z**5))*cos(pi*z**2/​2))567 fc = (S.Half - cos(pi*z**2/​2)/​(pi**2*z**3)568 + (1/​(pi*z) - 3/​(pi**3*z**5))*sin(pi*z**2/​2))...

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1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-2# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.3#4# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");5# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.6# You may obtain a copy of the License at7#8# http:/​/​​licenses/​LICENSE-2.09#10# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software11# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,12# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.13# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and14# limitations under the License.15"""Integration tests for rewrite command."""16from __future__ import absolute_import17import logging18import os19import re20from boto.storage_uri import BucketStorageUri21from gslib.cs_api_map import ApiSelector22from gslib.encryption_helper import CryptoKeyWrapperFromKey23from gslib.gcs_json_api import GcsJsonApi24from gslib.project_id import PopulateProjectId25from gslib.tests.rewrite_helper import EnsureRewriteRestartCallbackHandler26from gslib.tests.rewrite_helper import EnsureRewriteResumeCallbackHandler27from gslib.tests.rewrite_helper import HaltingRewriteCallbackHandler28from gslib.tests.rewrite_helper import RewriteHaltException29import gslib.tests.testcase as testcase30from gslib.tests.testcase.integration_testcase import SkipForS331from gslib.tests.util import GenerationFromURI as urigen32from gslib.tests.util import ObjectToURI as suri33from gslib.tests.util import SetBotoConfigForTest34from gslib.tests.util import TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY135from gslib.tests.util import TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY236from gslib.tests.util import TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY337from gslib.tests.util import TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY438from gslib.tests.util import unittest39from gslib.tracker_file import DeleteTrackerFile40from gslib.tracker_file import GetRewriteTrackerFilePath41from gslib.util import DiscardMessagesQueue42from gslib.util import ONE_MIB43@SkipForS3('gsutil doesn\'t support S3 customer-supplied encryption keys.')44class TestRewrite(testcase.GsUtilIntegrationTestCase):45 """Integration tests for rewrite command."""46 def test_rewrite_missing_flag(self):47 """Tests rewrite with no transformation flag."""48 stderr = self.RunGsUtil(49 ['rewrite', '%s:/​/​some_url' % self.default_provider],50 return_stderr=True, expected_status=1)51 self.assertIn('command requires at least one transformation flag', stderr)52 def test_rewrite_generation_url(self):53 """Tests that rewrite fails on a URL that includes a generation."""54 if self.test_api == ApiSelector.XML:55 return unittest.skip('Rewrite API is only supported in JSON.')56 object_uri = self.CreateObject(contents='bar',57 encryption_key=TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY1)58 generation = object_uri.generation59 stderr = self.RunGsUtil(60 ['rewrite', '-k', '%s#%s' % (suri(object_uri), generation)],61 return_stderr=True, expected_status=1)62 self.assertIn('"rewrite" called on URL with generation', stderr)63 def test_rewrite_missing_decryption_key(self):64 """Tests that rewrite fails when no decryption key matches."""65 if self.test_api == ApiSelector.XML:66 return unittest.skip('Rewrite API is only supported in JSON.')67 object_uri = self.CreateObject(object_name='foo', contents='bar',68 encryption_key=TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY1)69 boto_config_for_test = [70 ('GSUtil', 'encryption_key', TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY2),71 ('GSUtil', 'decryption_key1', TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY3)]72 with SetBotoConfigForTest(boto_config_for_test):73 stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['rewrite', '-k', suri(object_uri)],74 return_stderr=True, expected_status=1)75 self.assertIn('No decryption key matches object %s' %76 suri(object_uri), stderr)77 def test_rewrite_stdin_args(self):78 """Tests rewrite with arguments supplied on stdin."""79 if self.test_api == ApiSelector.XML:80 return unittest.skip('Rewrite API is only supported in JSON.')81 object_uri = self.CreateObject(contents='bar',82 encryption_key=TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY1)83 stdin_arg = suri(object_uri)84 boto_config_for_test = [85 ('GSUtil', 'encryption_key', TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY2),86 ('GSUtil', 'decryption_key1', TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY1)]87 with SetBotoConfigForTest(boto_config_for_test):88 self.RunGsUtil(['rewrite', '-k', '-I'], stdin=stdin_arg)89 self.AssertObjectUsesCSEK(stdin_arg, TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY2)90 def test_rewrite_overwrite_acl(self):91 """Tests rewrite with the -O flag."""92 if self.test_api == ApiSelector.XML:93 return unittest.skip('Rewrite API is only supported in JSON.')94 object_uri = self.CreateObject(contents='bar',95 encryption_key=TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY1)96 self.RunGsUtil(['acl', 'ch', '-u', 'AllUsers:R', suri(object_uri)])97 stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['acl', 'get', suri(object_uri)],98 return_stdout=True)99 self.assertIn('allUsers', stdout)100 boto_config_for_test = [101 ('GSUtil', 'encryption_key', TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY2),102 ('GSUtil', 'decryption_key1', TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY1)]103 with SetBotoConfigForTest(boto_config_for_test):104 self.RunGsUtil(['rewrite', '-k', '-O', suri(object_uri)])105 self.AssertObjectUsesCSEK(suri(object_uri), TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY2)106 stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['acl', 'get', suri(object_uri)],107 return_stdout=True)108 self.assertNotIn('allUsers', stdout)109 def test_rewrite_bucket_recursive(self):110 """Tests rewrite command recursively on a bucket."""111 if self.test_api == ApiSelector.XML:112 return unittest.skip('Rewrite API is only supported in JSON.')113 bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()114 self._test_rewrite_key_rotation_bucket(115 bucket_uri, ['rewrite', '-k', '-r', suri(bucket_uri)])116 def test_parallel_rewrite_bucket_flat_wildcard(self):117 """Tests parallel rewrite command with a flat wildcard on a bucket."""118 if self.test_api == ApiSelector.XML:119 return unittest.skip('Rewrite API is only supported in JSON.')120 bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()121 self._test_rewrite_key_rotation_bucket(122 bucket_uri, ['-m', 'rewrite', '-k', suri(bucket_uri, '**')])123 def _test_rewrite_key_rotation_bucket(self, bucket_uri, command_args):124 """Helper function for testing key rotation on a bucket.125 Args:126 bucket_uri: bucket StorageUri to use for the test.127 command_args: list of args to gsutil command.128 """129 object_contents = 'bar'130 object_uri1 = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri,131 object_name='foo/​foo',132 contents=object_contents,133 encryption_key=TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY1)134 object_uri2 = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri,135 object_name='foo/​bar',136 contents=object_contents,137 encryption_key=TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY2)138 object_uri3 = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri,139 object_name='foo/​baz',140 contents=object_contents,141 encryption_key=TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY3)142 object_uri4 = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri,143 object_name='foo/​qux',144 contents=object_contents)145 # Rotate all keys to TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY1.146 boto_config_for_test = [147 ('GSUtil', 'encryption_key', TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY1),148 ('GSUtil', 'decryption_key1', TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY2),149 ('GSUtil', 'decryption_key2', TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY3)]150 with SetBotoConfigForTest(boto_config_for_test):151 stderr = self.RunGsUtil(command_args, return_stderr=True)152 # Object one already has the correct key.153 self.assertIn('Skipping %s' % suri(object_uri1), stderr)154 # Other objects should be rotated.155 self.assertIn('Rotating', stderr)156 for object_uri_str in (suri(object_uri1), suri(object_uri2),157 suri(object_uri3), suri(object_uri4)):158 self.AssertObjectUsesCSEK(object_uri_str, TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY1)159 # Remove all encryption.160 boto_config_for_test2 = [161 ('GSUtil', 'decryption_key1', TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY1)]162 with SetBotoConfigForTest(boto_config_for_test2):163 stderr = self.RunGsUtil(command_args, return_stderr=True)164 self.assertIn('Decrypting', stderr)165 for object_uri_str in (suri(object_uri1), suri(object_uri2),166 suri(object_uri3), suri(object_uri4)):167 self.AssertObjectUnencrypted(object_uri_str)168 def test_rewrite_seek_ahead(self):169 if self.test_api == ApiSelector.XML:170 return unittest.skip('Rewrite API is only supported in JSON.')171 object_uri = self.CreateObject(contents='bar',172 encryption_key=TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY1)173 # Remove encryption174 boto_config_for_test = [175 ('GSUtil', 'decryption_key1', TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY1),176 ('GSUtil', 'task_estimation_threshold', '1'),177 ('GSUtil', 'task_estimation_force', 'True')]178 with SetBotoConfigForTest(boto_config_for_test):179 stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['-m', 'rewrite', '-k', suri(object_uri)],180 return_stderr=True)181 self.assertIn(182 'Estimated work for this command: objects: 1, total size: 3', stderr)183 def test_rewrite_unintentional_key_rotation_fails(self):184 if self.test_api == ApiSelector.XML:185 return unittest.skip('Rewrite API is only supported in JSON.')186 encrypted_obj_uri = self.CreateObject(contents='bar',187 encryption_key=TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY1)188 unencrypted_obj_uri = self.CreateObject(contents='bar')189 boto_config_for_test = [190 ('GSUtil', 'encryption_key', TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY2),191 ('GSUtil', 'decryption_key1', TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY1)]192 with SetBotoConfigForTest(boto_config_for_test):193 # Executing rewrite without the -k flag should fail if your boto file has194 # a different encryption_key than was last used to encrypt the object.195 stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['rewrite', '-s', 'dra', suri(encrypted_obj_uri)],196 return_stderr=True, expected_status=1)197 self.assertIn('EncryptionException', stderr)198 # Should also fail for a previously unencrypted object.199 stderr = self.RunGsUtil(200 ['rewrite', '-s', 'dra', suri(unencrypted_obj_uri)],201 return_stderr=True, expected_status=1)202 self.assertIn('EncryptionException', stderr)203 def test_rewrite_key_rotation_single_object(self):204 if self.test_api == ApiSelector.XML:205 return unittest.skip('Rewrite API is only supported in JSON.')206 object_uri = self.CreateObject(contents='bar',207 encryption_key=TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY1)208 # Rotate key.209 boto_config_for_test = [210 ('GSUtil', 'encryption_key', TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY2),211 ('GSUtil', 'decryption_key1', TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY1)]212 with SetBotoConfigForTest(boto_config_for_test):213 stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['rewrite', '-k', suri(object_uri)],214 return_stderr=True)215 self.assertIn('Rotating', stderr)216 self.AssertObjectUsesCSEK(suri(object_uri), TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY2)217 # Remove encryption.218 boto_config_for_test2 = [219 ('GSUtil', 'decryption_key1', TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY2)]220 with SetBotoConfigForTest(boto_config_for_test2):221 stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['rewrite', '-k', suri(object_uri)],222 return_stderr=True)223 self.assertIn('Decrypting', stderr)224 self.AssertObjectUnencrypted(suri(object_uri))225 def test_rewrite_key_rotation_bucket_subdir(self):226 if self.test_api == ApiSelector.XML:227 return unittest.skip('Rewrite API is only supported in JSON.')228 bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()229 object_contents = 'bar'230 rotate_subdir = suri(bucket_uri, 'bar')231 object_uri1 = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri,232 object_name='foo/​bar',233 contents=object_contents,234 encryption_key=TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY1)235 object_uri2 = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri,236 object_name='bar/​foo',237 contents=object_contents,238 encryption_key=TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY2)239 object_uri3 = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri,240 object_name='bar/​baz',241 contents=object_contents,242 encryption_key=TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY3)243 object_uri4 = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri,244 object_name='bar/​qux',245 contents=object_contents)246 # Rotate subdir keys to TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY3.247 boto_config_for_test = [248 ('GSUtil', 'encryption_key', TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY3),249 ('GSUtil', 'decryption_key1', TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY2),250 ('GSUtil', 'decryption_key2', TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY1)]251 self.AssertNObjectsInBucket(bucket_uri, 4)252 with SetBotoConfigForTest(boto_config_for_test):253 stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['rewrite', '-r', '-k', rotate_subdir],254 return_stderr=True)255 self.assertIn('Rotating', stderr) # Object 2.256 self.assertIn('Skipping %s' % suri(object_uri3), stderr)257 self.assertIn('Encrypting', stderr) # Object 4.258 # First subdir should be unaffected.259 self.AssertObjectUsesCSEK(suri(object_uri1), TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY1)260 for object_uri_str in (suri(object_uri2), suri(object_uri3),261 suri(object_uri4)):262 self.AssertObjectUsesCSEK(object_uri_str, TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY3)263 # Remove encryption in subdir.264 boto_config_for_test2 = [265 ('GSUtil', 'decryption_key1', TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY3)]266 with SetBotoConfigForTest(boto_config_for_test2):267 stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['rewrite', '-r', '-k', rotate_subdir],268 return_stderr=True)269 self.assertIn('Decrypting', stderr)270 # First subdir should be unaffected.271 self.AssertObjectUsesCSEK(suri(object_uri1), TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY1)272 for object_uri_str in (suri(object_uri2), suri(object_uri3),273 suri(object_uri4)):274 self.AssertObjectUnencrypted(object_uri_str)275 def test_rewrite_with_nonkey_transform_works_when_key_is_unchanged(self):276 # Tests that when a valid transformation flag aside from "-k" is supplied,277 # the "-k" flag is not supplied, and the encryption key previously used to278 # encrypt the target object matches the encryption_key in the user's boto279 # config file (via hash comparison), that the rewrite command properly280 # passes the same tuple for decryption and encryption, in addition to281 # performing the other desired transformations.282 if self.test_api == ApiSelector.XML:283 return unittest.skip('Rewrite API is only supported in JSON.')284 object_uri = self.CreateObject(contents='bar',285 encryption_key=TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY1)286 boto_config_for_test = [('GSUtil', 'encryption_key', TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY1)]287 with SetBotoConfigForTest(boto_config_for_test):288 stderr = self.RunGsUtil(289 ['rewrite', '-s', 'nearline', suri(object_uri)], return_stderr=True)290 self.assertIn('Rewriting', stderr)291 def test_rewrite_key_rotation_with_storage_class_change(self):292 if self.test_api == ApiSelector.XML:293 return unittest.skip('Rewrite API is only supported in JSON.')294 object_uri = self.CreateObject(contents='bar',295 encryption_key=TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY1)296 # Rotate key and change storage class to nearline.297 boto_config_for_test = [298 ('GSUtil', 'encryption_key', TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY2),299 ('GSUtil', 'decryption_key1', TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY1)]300 with SetBotoConfigForTest(boto_config_for_test):301 stderr = self.RunGsUtil(302 ['rewrite', '-s', 'nearline', '-k', suri(object_uri)],303 return_stderr=True)304 self.assertIn('Rotating', stderr)305 self.AssertObjectUsesCSEK(suri(object_uri), TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY2)306 stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['stat', suri(object_uri)], return_stdout=True)307 self.assertRegexpMatchesWithFlags(308 stdout, r'Storage class:\s+NEARLINE', flags=re.IGNORECASE,309 msg=('Storage class appears not to have been changed.'))310 def test_rewrite_with_only_storage_class_change(self):311 if self.test_api == ApiSelector.XML:312 return unittest.skip('Rewrite API is only supported in JSON.')313 object_uri = self.CreateObject(contents='bar')314 # Change storage class to nearline.315 stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['rewrite', '-s', 'nearline', suri(object_uri)],316 return_stderr=True)317 self.assertIn('Rewriting', stderr)318 stdout = self.RunGsUtil(['stat', suri(object_uri)], return_stdout=True)319 self.assertRegexpMatchesWithFlags(320 stdout, r'Storage class:\s+NEARLINE', flags=re.IGNORECASE,321 msg=('Storage class appears not to have been changed.'))322 def test_rewrite_to_same_storage_class_is_skipped(self):323 if self.test_api == ApiSelector.XML:324 return unittest.skip('Rewrite API is only supported in JSON.')325 object_uri = self.CreateObject(contents='bar')326 stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['rewrite', '-s', 'standard', suri(object_uri)],327 return_stderr=True)328 self.assertIn('Skipping %s' % suri(object_uri), stderr)329 def test_rewrite_with_same_key_and_storage_class_is_skipped(self):330 if self.test_api == ApiSelector.XML:331 return unittest.skip('Rewrite API is only supported in JSON.')332 object_uri = self.CreateObject(contents='foo',333 encryption_key=TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY1,334 storage_class='standard')335 boto_config_for_test = [('GSUtil', 'encryption_key', TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY1)]336 with SetBotoConfigForTest(boto_config_for_test):337 stderr = self.RunGsUtil(338 ['rewrite', '-k', '-s', 'standard', suri(object_uri)],339 return_stderr=True)340 self.assertIn('Skipping %s' % suri(object_uri), stderr)341 def test_rewrite_with_no_value_for_minus_s(self):342 if self.test_api == ApiSelector.XML:343 return unittest.skip('Rewrite API is only supported in JSON.')344 stderr = self.RunGsUtil(['rewrite', '-s', 'gs:/​/​some-random-name'],345 return_stderr=True, expected_status=1)346 self.assertIn('CommandException', stderr)347 self.assertIn('expects at least one URL', stderr)348 def test_rewrite_resume(self):349 self._test_rewrite_resume_or_restart(350 TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY1, TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY2)351 def test_rewrite_resume_restart_source_encryption_changed(self):352 self._test_rewrite_resume_or_restart(353 TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY1, TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY2,354 new_dec_key=TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY3)355 def test_rewrite_resume_restart_dest_encryption_changed(self):356 self._test_rewrite_resume_or_restart(357 TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY1, TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY2,358 new_enc_key=TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY3)359 def test_rewrite_resume_restart_both_encryption_changed(self):360 self._test_rewrite_resume_or_restart(361 TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY1, TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY2,362 new_dec_key=TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY3, new_enc_key=TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY4)363 def authorize_project_to_use_testing_kms_key(364 self, key_name=testcase.KmsTestingResources.CONSTANT_KEY_NAME):365 # Make sure our keyRing and cryptoKey exist.366 keyring_fqn = self.kms_api.CreateKeyRing(367 PopulateProjectId(None), testcase.KmsTestingResources.KEYRING_NAME,368 location=testcase.KmsTestingResources.KEYRING_LOCATION)369 key_fqn = self.kms_api.CreateCryptoKey(keyring_fqn, key_name)370 # Make sure that the service account for our default project is authorized371 # to use our test KMS key.372 self.RunGsUtil(['kms', 'authorize', '-k', key_fqn])373 return key_fqn374 def test_rewrite_to_kms_then_unencrypted(self):375 if self.test_api == ApiSelector.XML:376 return unittest.skip('Rewrite API is only supported in JSON.')377 key_fqn = self.authorize_project_to_use_testing_kms_key()378 object_uri = self.CreateObject(contents='foo')379 boto_config_for_test = [('GSUtil', 'encryption_key', key_fqn)]380 with SetBotoConfigForTest(boto_config_for_test):381 stderr = self.RunGsUtil(382 ['rewrite', '-k', suri(object_uri)], return_stderr=True)383 self.assertIn('Encrypting', stderr)384 self.AssertObjectUsesCMEK(suri(object_uri), key_fqn)385 # Rewrite back to unencrypted and make sure no KMS key was used.386 boto_config_for_test = [('GSUtil', 'encryption_key', None)]387 with SetBotoConfigForTest(boto_config_for_test):388 stderr = self.RunGsUtil(389 ['rewrite', '-k', suri(object_uri)], return_stderr=True)390 self.assertIn('Decrypting', stderr)391 self.AssertObjectUnencrypted(suri(object_uri))392 def test_rewrite_to_kms_then_csek(self):393 if self.test_api == ApiSelector.XML:394 return unittest.skip('Rewrite API is only supported in JSON.')395 key_fqn = self.authorize_project_to_use_testing_kms_key()396 object_uri = self.CreateObject(contents='foo')397 boto_config_for_test = [('GSUtil', 'encryption_key', key_fqn)]398 with SetBotoConfigForTest(boto_config_for_test):399 stderr = self.RunGsUtil(400 ['rewrite', '-k', suri(object_uri)], return_stderr=True)401 self.assertIn('Encrypting', stderr)402 self.AssertObjectUsesCMEK(suri(object_uri), key_fqn)403 # Rewrite from CMEK to CSEK encryption.404 boto_config_for_test = [('GSUtil', 'encryption_key', TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY1)]405 with SetBotoConfigForTest(boto_config_for_test):406 stderr = self.RunGsUtil(407 ['rewrite', '-k', suri(object_uri)], return_stderr=True)408 self.assertIn('Rotating', stderr)409 self.AssertObjectUsesCSEK(suri(object_uri), TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY1)410 def test_rewrite_to_csek_then_kms(self):411 if self.test_api == ApiSelector.XML:412 return unittest.skip('Rewrite API is only supported in JSON.')413 key_fqn = self.authorize_project_to_use_testing_kms_key()414 object_uri = self.CreateObject(contents='foo')415 boto_config_for_test = [('GSUtil', 'encryption_key', TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY1)]416 with SetBotoConfigForTest(boto_config_for_test):417 stderr = self.RunGsUtil(418 ['rewrite', '-k', suri(object_uri)], return_stderr=True)419 self.assertIn('Encrypting', stderr)420 self.AssertObjectUsesCSEK(suri(object_uri), TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY1)421 # Rewrite from CSEK to CMEK encryption.422 boto_config_for_test = [423 ('GSUtil', 'encryption_key', key_fqn),424 ('GSUtil', 'decryption_key1', TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY1),425 ]426 with SetBotoConfigForTest(boto_config_for_test):427 stderr = self.RunGsUtil(428 ['rewrite', '-k', suri(object_uri)], return_stderr=True)429 self.assertIn('Rotating', stderr)430 self.AssertObjectUsesCMEK(suri(object_uri), key_fqn)431 def _test_rewrite_resume_or_restart(self, initial_dec_key, initial_enc_key,432 new_dec_key=None, new_enc_key=None):433 """Tests that the rewrite command restarts if the object's key changed.434 Args:435 initial_dec_key: Initial key the object is encrypted with, used as436 decryption key in the first rewrite call.437 initial_enc_key: Initial encryption key to rewrite the object with,438 used as encryption key in the first rewrite call.439 new_dec_key: Decryption key for the second rewrite call; if specified,440 object will be overwritten with a new encryption key in between441 the first and second rewrite calls, and this key will be used for442 the second rewrite call.443 new_enc_key: Encryption key for the second rewrite call; if specified,444 this key will be used for the second rewrite call, otherwise the445 initial key will be used.446 Returns:447 None448 """449 if self.test_api == ApiSelector.XML:450 return unittest.skip('Rewrite API is only supported in JSON.')451 bucket_uri = self.CreateBucket()452 # maxBytesPerCall must be >= 1 MiB, so create an object > 2 MiB because we453 # need 2 response from the service: 1 success, 1 failure prior to454 # completion.455 object_uri = self.CreateObject(bucket_uri=bucket_uri, object_name='foo',456 contents=('12'*ONE_MIB) + 'bar',457 prefer_json_api=True,458 encryption_key=initial_dec_key)459 gsutil_api = GcsJsonApi(BucketStorageUri, logging.getLogger(),460 DiscardMessagesQueue(), self.default_provider)461 with SetBotoConfigForTest(462 [('GSUtil', 'decryption_key1', initial_dec_key)]):463 src_obj_metadata = gsutil_api.GetObjectMetadata(464 object_uri.bucket_name, object_uri.object_name,465 provider=self.default_provider, fields=['bucket', 'contentType',466 'etag', 'name'])467 dst_obj_metadata = src_obj_metadata468 tracker_file_name = GetRewriteTrackerFilePath(469 src_obj_metadata.bucket,,470 dst_obj_metadata.bucket,, self.test_api)471 decryption_tuple = CryptoKeyWrapperFromKey(initial_dec_key)472 decryption_tuple2 = CryptoKeyWrapperFromKey(new_dec_key or initial_dec_key)473 encryption_tuple = CryptoKeyWrapperFromKey(initial_enc_key)474 encryption_tuple2 = CryptoKeyWrapperFromKey(new_enc_key or initial_enc_key)475 try:476 try:477 gsutil_api.CopyObject(478 src_obj_metadata, dst_obj_metadata,479 progress_callback=HaltingRewriteCallbackHandler(ONE_MIB*2).call,480 max_bytes_per_call=ONE_MIB, decryption_tuple=decryption_tuple,481 encryption_tuple=encryption_tuple)482'Expected RewriteHaltException.')483 except RewriteHaltException:484 pass485 # Tracker file should be left over.486 self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(tracker_file_name))487 if new_dec_key:488 # Recreate the object with a different encryption key.489 self.CreateObject(490 bucket_uri=bucket_uri, object_name='foo',491 contents=('12'*ONE_MIB) + 'bar', prefer_json_api=True,492 encryption_key=new_dec_key,493 gs_idempotent_generation=urigen(object_uri))494 with SetBotoConfigForTest([495 ('GSUtil', 'decryption_key1', new_dec_key or initial_dec_key)]):496 original_md5 = gsutil_api.GetObjectMetadata(497 src_obj_metadata.bucket,,498 fields=['customerEncryption', 'md5Hash']).md5Hash499 if new_dec_key or new_enc_key:500 # Keys changed, rewrite should be restarted.501 progress_callback = EnsureRewriteRestartCallbackHandler(ONE_MIB).call502 else:503 # Keys are the same, rewrite should be resumed.504 progress_callback = EnsureRewriteResumeCallbackHandler(ONE_MIB*2).call505 # Now resume. Callback ensures the appropriate resume/​restart behavior.506 gsutil_api.CopyObject(507 src_obj_metadata, dst_obj_metadata,508 progress_callback=progress_callback, max_bytes_per_call=ONE_MIB,509 decryption_tuple=decryption_tuple2,510 encryption_tuple=encryption_tuple2)511 # Copy completed; tracker file should be deleted.512 self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(tracker_file_name))513 final_enc_key = new_enc_key or initial_enc_key514 with SetBotoConfigForTest([515 ('GSUtil', 'encryption_key', final_enc_key)]):516 self.assertEqual(517 original_md5,518 gsutil_api.GetObjectMetadata(dst_obj_metadata.bucket,519,520 fields=['customerEncryption',521 'md5Hash']).md5Hash,522 'Error: Rewritten object\'s hash doesn\'t match source object.')523 finally:524 # Clean up if something went wrong....

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...212def do_rewrite_impl(d):213 if 'rewrite_ignore' in d.attrs:214 yield '#[allow(unused)]'215 yield 'impl Rewrite for %s {' % d.name216 yield ' fn rewrite(old: &Self, new: &Self, mut rcx: RewriteCtxtRef) -> bool {'217 yield ' /​/​ Rewrite mode: ignore'218 yield ' true'219 yield ' }'220 yield '}'221 return222 yield '#[allow(unused)]'223 yield 'impl Rewrite for %s {' % d.name224 yield ' fn rewrite(old: &Self, new: &Self, mut rcx: RewriteCtxtRef) -> bool {'225 if has_field(d, 'id'):226 yield ' trace!("{:?}: rewrite: begin (%s)",;' % d.name227 for strat in get_rewrite_strategies(d):228 yield ' let mark = rcx.mark();'229 if has_field(d, 'id'):230 yield ' trace!("{:?}: rewrite: try %s",;' % strat231 yield ' let ok = strategy::%s::rewrite(old, new, rcx.borrow());' % strat232 yield ' if ok {'233 if has_field(d, 'id'):234 yield ' trace!("{:?}: rewrite: %s succeeded",;' % strat235 yield ' return true;'236 yield ' } else {'237 if has_field(d, 'id'):238 yield ' trace!("{:?}: rewrite: %s FAILED",;' % strat239 yield ' rcx.rewind(mark);'240 yield ' }'241 yield ''242 if has_field(d, 'id'):243 yield ' trace!("{:?}: rewrite: ran out of strategies!",;'244 yield ' false'245 yield ' }'246 yield '}'247@linewise248def generate_rewrite_impls(decls):249 yield '/​/​ AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED - DO NOT EDIT'250 yield '/​/​ Produced %s by' % (,)251 yield ''252 for d in decls:253 if type_needs_generated_impl(d, 'Rewrite'):254 yield do_rewrite_impl(d)255@linewise256def do_recursive_body(se, target1, target2):257 contains_expr = 'prec_contains_expr' in se.attrs258 yield 'match (%s, %s) {' % (target1, target2)259 for v, path in variants_paths(se):260 yield ' (&%s,' % struct_pattern(v, path, '1')261 yield ' &%s) => {' % struct_pattern(v, path, '2')262 for f in v.fields:263 if 'rewrite_ignore' in f.attrs:264 continue265 # Figure out what function to call to rewrite this field266 seq_rewrite_mode = f.attrs.get('seq_rewrite')267 if seq_rewrite_mode is None and 'seq_rewrite_outer_span' in f.attrs:268 seq_rewrite_mode = '' # enabled, default mode269 if seq_rewrite_mode is None:270 mk_rewrite = lambda old, new: \271 'Rewrite::rewrite({old}, {new}, rcx.borrow())'.format(272 old=old, new=new)273 else:274 outer_span_expr = f.attrs.get('seq_rewrite_outer_span')275 if outer_span_expr is not None:276 # Replace `` with `foo2`, since we want the *old*277 # outer span.278 outer_span_expr = rewrite_field_expr(outer_span_expr, '%s2')279 else:280 outer_span_expr = 'DUMMY_SP'281 mk_rewrite = lambda old, new: \282 'rewrite_seq({old}, {new}, {outer}, rcx.borrow())'.format(283 old=old, new=new, outer=outer_span_expr)284 # Generate the code for the recursive call, including expr285 # precedence bookkeeping.286 yield ' ({'287 if 'prec_first' in f.attrs:288 yield ' let old = rcx.replace_expr_prec(%s);' % \289 field_prec_expr(f, True)290 yield ' let ok = Rewrite::rewrite(&%s1[0], &%s2[0], ' \291 'rcx.borrow());' % (, yield ' rcx.replace_expr_prec(%s);' % field_prec_expr(f, False)293 rewrite_expr = mk_rewrite('&%s1[1..]' %, '&%s2[1..]' % yield ' let ok = ok && %s;' % rewrite_expr295 yield ' rcx.replace_expr_prec(old);'296 yield ' ok'297 else:298 if contains_expr:299 yield ' let old = rcx.replace_expr_prec(%s);' % \300 field_prec_expr(f, False)301 rewrite_expr = mk_rewrite('%s1' %, '%s2' % yield ' let ok = %s;' % rewrite_expr303 if contains_expr:304 yield ' rcx.replace_expr_prec(old);'305 yield ' ok'306 yield ' }) &&'307 yield ' true'308 yield ' }'309 yield ' (_, _) => false,'310 yield '}'311@linewise312def do_recursive_impl(d):313 if 'rewrite_ignore' in d.attrs:314 yield '#[allow(unused)]'315 yield 'impl Recursive for %s {' %

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1#!/​usr/​bin/​env python2# Usage: ./​ <MAJOR>.<MINOR>.<MICRO> [<RC version>]3#4# Example:5# ./​ 3.7.1 26# => Version will become 3.7.1-rc-2 (beta)7# ./​ 3.7.18# => Version will become 3.7.1 (stable)9import datetime10import re11import sys12from xml.dom import minidom13if len(sys.argv) < 2 or len(sys.argv) > 3:14 print """15[ERROR] Please specify a version.16./​ <MAJOR>.<MINOR>.<MICRO> [<RC version>]17Example:18./​ 3.7.1 219"""20 exit(1)21NEW_VERSION = sys.argv[1]22NEW_VERSION_INFO = NEW_VERSION.split('.')23if len(NEW_VERSION_INFO) != 3:24 print """25[ERROR] Version must be in the format <MAJOR>.<MINOR>.<MICRO>26Example:27./​ 3.7.328"""29 exit(1)30RC_VERSION = 031if len(sys.argv) > 2:32 RC_VERSION = int(sys.argv[2])33def Find(elem, tagname):34 for child in elem.childNodes:35 if child.nodeName == tagname:36 return child37 return None38def FindAndClone(elem, tagname):39 return Find(elem, tagname).cloneNode(True)40def ReplaceText(elem, text):41 elem.firstChild.replaceWholeText(text)42def GetFullVersion(rc_suffix = '-rc-'):43 if RC_VERSION == 0:44 return NEW_VERSION45 else:46 return '%s%s%s' % (NEW_VERSION, rc_suffix, RC_VERSION)47def RewriteXml(filename, rewriter, add_xml_prefix=True):48 document = minidom.parse(filename)49 rewriter(document)50 # document.toxml() always prepend the XML version without inserting new line.51 # We wants to preserve as much of the original formatting as possible, so we52 # will remove the default XML version and replace it with our custom one when53 # whever necessary.54 content = document.toxml().replace('<?xml version="1.0" ?>', '')55 file_handle = open(filename, 'wb')56 if add_xml_prefix:57 file_handle.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n')58 file_handle.write(content)59 file_handle.write('\n')60 file_handle.close()61def RewriteTextFile(filename, line_rewriter):62 lines = open(filename, 'r').readlines()63 updated_lines = []64 for line in lines:65 updated_lines.append(line_rewriter(line))66 if lines == updated_lines:67 print '%s was not updated. Please double check.' % filename68 f = open(filename, 'w')69 f.write(''.join(updated_lines))70 f.close()71def UpdateConfigure():72 RewriteTextFile('',73 lambda line : re.sub(74 r'^AC_INIT\(\[Protocol Buffers\],\[.*\],\[\],\[protobuf\]\)$',75 ('AC_INIT([Protocol Buffers],[%s],[],[protobuf])'76 % GetFullVersion()),77 line))78def UpdateCpp():79 cpp_version = '%s00%s00%s' % (80 NEW_VERSION_INFO[0], NEW_VERSION_INFO[1], NEW_VERSION_INFO[2])81 def RewriteCommon(line):82 line = re.sub(83 r'^#define GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_VERSION .*$',84 '#define GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_VERSION %s' % cpp_version,85 line)86 line = re.sub(87 r'^#define PROTOBUF_VERSION .*$',88 '#define PROTOBUF_VERSION %s' % cpp_version,89 line)90 if NEW_VERSION_INFO[2] == '0':91 line = re.sub(92 r'^#define PROTOBUF_MIN_HEADER_VERSION_FOR_PROTOC .*$',93 '#define PROTOBUF_MIN_HEADER_VERSION_FOR_PROTOC %s' % cpp_version,94 line)95 line = re.sub(96 r'^#define GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_MIN_PROTOC_VERSION .*$',97 '#define GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_MIN_PROTOC_VERSION %s' % cpp_version,98 line)99 line = re.sub(100 r'^static const int kMinHeaderVersionForLibrary = .*$',101 'static const int kMinHeaderVersionForLibrary = %s;' % cpp_version,102 line)103 line = re.sub(104 r'^static const int kMinHeaderVersionForProtoc = .*$',105 'static const int kMinHeaderVersionForProtoc = %s;' % cpp_version,106 line)107 return line108 def RewritePortDef(line):109 line = re.sub(110 r'^#define PROTOBUF_VERSION .*$',111 '#define PROTOBUF_VERSION %s' % cpp_version,112 line)113 if NEW_VERSION_INFO[2] == '0':114 line = re.sub(115 r'^#define PROTOBUF_MIN_HEADER_VERSION_FOR_PROTOC .*$',116 '#define PROTOBUF_MIN_HEADER_VERSION_FOR_PROTOC %s' % cpp_version,117 line)118 line = re.sub(119 r'^#define PROTOBUF_MIN_PROTOC_VERSION .*$',120 '#define PROTOBUF_MIN_PROTOC_VERSION %s' % cpp_version,121 line)122 line = re.sub(123 r'^#define GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_MIN_LIBRARY_VERSION .*$',124 '#define GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_MIN_LIBRARY_VERSION %s' % cpp_version,125 line)126 return line127 def RewritePbH(line):128 line = re.sub(129 r'^#if PROTOBUF_VERSION < .*$',130 '#if PROTOBUF_VERSION < %s' % cpp_version,131 line)132 line = re.sub(133 r'^#if .* < PROTOBUF_MIN_PROTOC_VERSION$',134 '#if %s < PROTOBUF_MIN_PROTOC_VERSION' % cpp_version,135 line)136 return line137 138 RewriteTextFile('src/​google/​protobuf/​stubs/​common.h', RewriteCommon)139 RewriteTextFile('src/​google/​protobuf/​', RewritePortDef)140 RewriteTextFile('src/​google/​protobuf/​any.pb.h', RewritePbH)141 RewriteTextFile('src/​google/​protobuf/​api.pb.h', RewritePbH)142 RewriteTextFile('src/​google/​protobuf/​descriptor.pb.h', RewritePbH)143 RewriteTextFile('src/​google/​protobuf/​duration.pb.h', RewritePbH)144 RewriteTextFile('src/​google/​protobuf/​empty.pb.h', RewritePbH)145 RewriteTextFile('src/​google/​protobuf/​field_mask.pb.h', RewritePbH)146 RewriteTextFile('src/​google/​protobuf/​source_context.pb.h', RewritePbH)147 RewriteTextFile('src/​google/​protobuf/​struct.pb.h', RewritePbH)148 RewriteTextFile('src/​google/​protobuf/​timestamp.pb.h', RewritePbH)149 RewriteTextFile('src/​google/​protobuf/​type.pb.h', RewritePbH)150 RewriteTextFile('src/​google/​protobuf/​wrappers.pb.h', RewritePbH)151 RewriteTextFile('src/​google/​protobuf/​compiler/​plugin.pb.h', RewritePbH)152def UpdateCsharp():153 RewriteXml('csharp/​src/​Google.Protobuf/​Google.Protobuf.csproj',154 lambda document : ReplaceText(155 Find(Find(document.documentElement, 'PropertyGroup'), 'VersionPrefix'),156 GetFullVersion(rc_suffix = '-rc')),157 add_xml_prefix=False)158 RewriteXml('csharp/​Google.Protobuf.Tools.nuspec',159 lambda document : ReplaceText(160 Find(Find(document.documentElement, 'metadata'), 'version'),161 GetFullVersion(rc_suffix = '-rc')))162def UpdateJava():163 RewriteXml('java/​pom.xml',164 lambda document : ReplaceText(165 Find(document.documentElement, 'version'), GetFullVersion()))166 RewriteXml('java/​bom/​pom.xml',167 lambda document : ReplaceText(168 Find(document.documentElement, 'version'), GetFullVersion()))169 RewriteXml('java/​core/​pom.xml',170 lambda document : ReplaceText(171 Find(Find(document.documentElement, 'parent'), 'version'),172 GetFullVersion()))173 RewriteXml('java/​lite/​pom.xml',174 lambda document : ReplaceText(175 Find(Find(document.documentElement, 'parent'), 'version'),176 GetFullVersion()))177 RewriteXml('java/​util/​pom.xml',178 lambda document : ReplaceText(179 Find(Find(document.documentElement, 'parent'), 'version'),180 GetFullVersion()))181 RewriteXml('protoc-artifacts/​pom.xml',182 lambda document : ReplaceText(183 Find(document.documentElement, 'version'), GetFullVersion()))184def UpdateJavaScript():185 RewriteTextFile('js/​package.json',186 lambda line : re.sub(187 r'^ "version": ".*",$',188 ' "version": "%s",' % GetFullVersion(rc_suffix = '-rc.'),189 line))190def UpdateMakefile():191 protobuf_version_offset = 11192 expected_major_version = '3'193 if NEW_VERSION_INFO[0] != expected_major_version:194 print """[ERROR] Major protobuf version has changed. Please to readjust the protobuf_version_offset and196expected_major_version such that the PROTOBUF_VERSION in src/​ is197always increasing.198 """199 exit(1)200 protobuf_version_info = '%s:%s:0' % (201 int(NEW_VERSION_INFO[1]) + protobuf_version_offset, NEW_VERSION_INFO[2])202 RewriteTextFile('src/​',203 lambda line : re.sub(204 r'^PROTOBUF_VERSION = .*$',205 'PROTOBUF_VERSION = %s' % protobuf_version_info,206 line))207def UpdateObjectiveC():208 RewriteTextFile('Protobuf.podspec',209 lambda line : re.sub(210 r"^ s.version = '.*'$",211 " s.version = '%s'" % GetFullVersion(rc_suffix = '-rc'),212 line))213def UpdatePhp():214 def Callback(document):215 def CreateNode(tagname, indent, children):216 elem = document.createElement(tagname)217 indent += 1218 for child in children:219 elem.appendChild(document.createTextNode('\n' + (' ' * indent)))220 elem.appendChild(child)221 indent -= 1222 elem.appendChild(document.createTextNode('\n' + (' ' * indent)))223 return elem224 root = document.documentElement225 now = ReplaceText(Find(root, 'date'), now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))227 ReplaceText(Find(root, 'time'), now.strftime('%H:%M:%S'))228 version = Find(root, 'version')229 ReplaceText(Find(version, 'release'), GetFullVersion(rc_suffix = 'RC'))230 ReplaceText(Find(version, 'api'), NEW_VERSION)231 stability = Find(root, 'stability')232 ReplaceText(Find(stability, 'release'),233 'stable' if RC_VERSION == 0 else 'beta')234 ReplaceText(Find(stability, 'api'), 'stable' if RC_VERSION == 0 else 'beta')235 changelog = Find(root, 'changelog')236 for old_version in changelog.getElementsByTagName('version'):237 if Find(old_version, 'release').firstChild.nodeValue == NEW_VERSION:238 print ('[WARNING] Version %s already exists in the change log.'239 % NEW_VERSION)240 return241 changelog.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' '))242 release = CreateNode('release', 2, [243 CreateNode('version', 3, [244 FindAndClone(version, 'release'),245 FindAndClone(version, 'api')246 ]),247 CreateNode('stability', 3, [248 FindAndClone(stability, 'release'),249 FindAndClone(stability, 'api')250 ]),251 FindAndClone(root, 'date'),252 FindAndClone(root, 'time'),253 FindAndClone(root, 'license'),254 FindAndClone(root, 'notes')255 ])256 changelog.appendChild(release)257 changelog.appendChild(document.createTextNode('\n '))258 RewriteXml('php/​ext/​google/​protobuf/​package.xml', Callback)259 RewriteTextFile('php/​ext/​google/​protobuf/​protobuf.h',260 lambda line : re.sub(261 r'PHP_PROTOBUF_VERSION ".*"$',262 'PHP_PROTOBUF_VERSION "%s"' % NEW_VERSION,263 line))264 RewriteTextFile('php/​ext/​google/​protobuf/​protobuf.h',265 lambda line : re.sub(266 r"^#define PHP_PROTOBUF_VERSION .*$",267 "#define PHP_PROTOBUF_VERSION \"%s\"" % GetFullVersion(rc_suffix = 'RC'),268 line))269 RewriteTextFile('php/​ext/​google/​protobuf/​protobuf.h',270 lambda line : re.sub(271 r"^#define PHP_PROTOBUF_VERSION .*$",272 "#define PHP_PROTOBUF_VERSION \"%s\"" % GetFullVersion(rc_suffix = 'RC'),273 line))274def UpdatePython():275 RewriteTextFile('python/​google/​protobuf/​',276 lambda line : re.sub(277 r"^__version__ = '.*'$",278 "__version__ = '%s'" % GetFullVersion(rc_suffix = 'rc'),279 line))280def UpdateRuby():281 RewriteTextFile('ruby/​google-protobuf.gemspec',282 lambda line : re.sub(283 r'^ s.version = ".*"$',284 ' s.version = "%s"' % GetFullVersion(rc_suffix = '.rc.'),285 line))286UpdateConfigure()287UpdateCsharp()288UpdateCpp()289UpdateJava()290UpdateJavaScript()291UpdateMakefile()292UpdateObjectiveC()293UpdatePhp()294UpdatePython()...

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