How to use _time method in pytest-benchmark

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1import time as _time2from datetime import *3import tijd4from errors import *5import sys6t = time as _time8def time_zone():9 LOCAL_TIMEZONE = timez_zone = str(LOCAL_TIMEZONE)11 return timez_zone12def time_and_date_now(waarde):13 now = 15 if waarde.upper() == 'TONEN_TIJD':16 print("de tijd en datum nu is :", end=' ')17 print(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), end=' en de tijd in sec sinds 1970 is: ')18 print(_time.time())19 RETURN = str(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) + ' tijd sinds 1970: ' + str(_time.time())20 return RETURN21 elif waarde.upper() == 'TONEN_NU':22 print("de tijd en datum nu is :", end=' ')23 print(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))24 return now.strftime("%Y-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S")25 elif waarde.upper() == 'RETURN_TIJD':26 RETURN = str(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) + ' tijd sinds 1970: ' + str(_time.time())27 return RETURN28 29 elif waarde.upper() == 'RETURN_NU':30 return [int(now.strftime("%Y")), int(now.strftime("%m")), int(now.strftime("%d")), int(now.strftime("%H")), int(now.strftime("%M")), int(now.strftime("%S"))]31 else:32 print('ongeldig commando')33def month(ma ,taal):34 now = nummer = now.strftime('%m')36 nummer = int(nummer)37 nummer = nummer - 1 #omdat python begint bij lijsten het tellen vanaf 0 inplaats van 1 en het is dan niet 1 tm 12 maar 0 tm 1138 RETURN = True39 if ma.lower() == 'nu': man = True40 else: man = False41 if taal.upper() == 'NL_AF': # NL_AF is een afkorting van NEDERLANDSE_AFKORTINGEN42 maanden = ['jan', 'feb', 'ma', 'ap', 'mei', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'okt', 'nov', 'dec']43 elif taal.upper() == 'NL':44 maanden = ['januari', 'februarie', 'maaart', 'april', 'mei', 'juni', 'juli', 'augustus', 'september', 'oktober', 'november', 'december']45 elif taal.upper() == 'FR':46 maanden = ['Janvier', 'Février', 'Mars', 'Avril', 'mai', 'Juin', 'Juillet', 'Août', 'Septembre', 'Octobre', 'Décembre']47 elif taal.upper() == 'FR_AF': #FR_AF is een afkorting van FRANSE_AFKORTINGEN48 maanden = ['Janvier', 'Fév', 'Mar', 'Avr', 'mai', 'Juin', 'Juil', 'Août', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Déc']49 elif taal.upper() == 'ENG':50 maanden = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']51 elif taal.upper() == 'ENG_AF':52 maanden = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']53 else:54 RETURN = False55 raise AttributeError('Wrong argument given')56 if RETURN == True:57 if man == True:58 return maanden[nummer]59 else:60 return maanden61 62def day_today():63 print('counting from 1970')64 tijd = _time.time()65 tijd = tijd /​ 6066 tijd = tijd /​ 6067 tijd = tijd /​ 2468 tijd = int(tijd)69 70 return tijd71def day_today_year():72 73 tijd = _time.time()74 tijd = tijd /​ 6075 tijd = tijd /​ 6076 tijd = tijd /​ 2477 tijd = int(tijd)78 times = int(tijd /​ 365)79 min_ = times * 36580 schrik = int(times /​ 4)81 schrik = schrik - 1# omdat het jaar 2000 geen schrikkel jaar was82 tijd = tijd - (min_ + schrik)83 return tijd84def day(taal):85 taal = taal.lower()86 if taal == 'eng':87 wochentag = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",88 "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]89 elif taal == 'nl':90 wochentag = ["maandag", "dinsdag", "woensdag",91 "donderdag", "vrijdag", "zaterdag", "zondag"]92 93 elif taal == 'fr':94 wochentag = ["lundi", "mardi", "mercredi",95 "jeudi", "vendredi", "samedi", "dimanche"]96 elif taal == 'de':97 wochentag = ["Montag", "Dienstag", "Mittwoch",98 "Donnerstag", "Freitag", "Samstag", "Sonntag"]99 else:100 wochentag = ["error", "error", "error",101 "error", "error", "error", "error"]102 103 return wochentag[t.weekday()]104def days(taal):105 taal = taal.lower()106 if taal == 'eng':107 wochentag = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",108 "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]109 elif taal == 'nl':110 wochentag = ["maandag", "dinsdag", "woensdag",111 "donderdag", "vrijdag", "zaterdag", "zondag"]112 113 elif taal == 'fr':114 wochentag = ["lundi", "mardi", "mercredi",115 "jeudi", "vendredi", "samedi", "dimanche"]116 elif taal == 'de':117 wochentag = ["Montag", "Dienstag", "Mittwoch",118 "Donnerstag", "Freitag", "Samstag", "Sonntag"]119 else:120 wochentag = ["error", "error", "error",121 "error", "error", "error", "error"]122 123 return wochentag124def day_to(dag):125 var = tijd.dagen_tot(dag)126 return var127def times_and_days_pam():128 from time import gmtime, strftime129 import time as _time130 tijd_gmt = _time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %I:%M:%S %p %Z", _time.gmtime())131 tijd_local = strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %I:%M:%S %p %Z\n")132 tijd_int_local = [int(strftime("%d")), int(strftime("%m")), int(strftime("%Y")), int(strftime("%H")), int(strftime("%M")), int(strftime("%S"))]133 tijd_int_gmt = [int(_time.strftime("%d", _time.gmtime())), int(_time.strftime("%m", _time.gmtime())), int(_time.strftime("%Y", _time.gmtime())), int(_time.strftime("%H", _time.gmtime())), int(_time.strftime("%M", _time.gmtime())), int(_time.strftime("%S", _time.gmtime()))]134 return [tijd_gmt, tijd_int_gmt, tijd_local, tijd_int_local]135def times_pam():136 from time import gmtime, strftime137 import time as _time138 tijd_gmt = _time.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p %Z", _time.gmtime())139 tijd_local = strftime("%I:%M:%S %p %Z")140 tijd_int_local = [int(strftime("%d")), int(strftime("%m")), int(strftime("%Y")), int(strftime("%H")), int(strftime("%M")), int(strftime("%S"))]141 tijd_int_gmt = [int(_time.strftime("%d", _time.gmtime())), int(_time.strftime("%m", _time.gmtime())), int(_time.strftime("%Y", _time.gmtime())), int(_time.strftime("%H", _time.gmtime())), int(_time.strftime("%M", _time.gmtime())), int(_time.strftime("%S", _time.gmtime()))]142 return [tijd_gmt, tijd_int_gmt, tijd_local, tijd_int_local]143def times():144 from time import gmtime, strftime145 import time as _time146 tijd_gmt = _time.strftime("%H:%M:%S(gmt)", _time.gmtime())147 tijd_local = strftime("%H:%M:%S")148 tijd_int_local = [int(strftime("%H")), int(strftime("%M")), int(strftime("%S"))]149 tijd_int_gmt = [int(_time.strftime("%H", _time.gmtime())), int(_time.strftime("%M", _time.gmtime())), int(_time.strftime("%S", _time.gmtime()))]150 return [tijd_gmt, tijd_int_gmt, tijd_local, tijd_int_local]151def times_and_days():152 from time import gmtime, strftime153 import time as _time154 tijd_gmt = _time.strftime("%d/​%m/​%Y %H:%M:%S %Z(gmt)", _time.gmtime())155 tijd_local = strftime("%d/​%m/​%Y %H:%M:%S %Z")156 tijd_int_local = [int(strftime("%d")), int(strftime("%m")), int(strftime("%Y")), int(strftime("%H")), int(strftime("%M")), int(strftime("%S"))]157 tijd_int_gmt = [int(_time.strftime("%d", _time.gmtime())), int(_time.strftime("%m", _time.gmtime())), int(_time.strftime("%Y", _time.gmtime())), int(_time.strftime("%H", _time.gmtime())), int(_time.strftime("%M", _time.gmtime())), int(_time.strftime("%S", _time.gmtime()))]158 return [tijd_gmt, tijd_int_gmt, tijd_local, tijd_int_local]159def days():160 from time import gmtime, strftime161 import time as _time162 tijd_gmt = _time.strftime("%d/​%m/​%Y")163 tijd_local = strftime("%d/​%m/​%Y")164 tijd_int_local = [int(strftime("%d")), int(strftime("%m")), int(strftime("%Y"))]165 tijd_int_gmt = [int(_time.strftime("%d", _time.gmtime())), int(_time.strftime("%m", _time.gmtime())), int(_time.strftime("%Y", _time.gmtime()))]166 return [tijd_gmt, tijd_int_gmt, tijd_local, tijd_int_local]167def days_local():168 from time import gmtime, strftime169 import time as _time170 tijd_gmt = _time.strftime("%d/​%m/​%Y")171 tijd_local = strftime("%d/​%m/​%Y")172 tijd_int_local = [int(strftime("%d")), int(strftime("%m")), int(strftime("%Y"))]173 tijd_int_gmt = [int(_time.strftime("%d", _time.gmtime())), int(_time.strftime("%m", _time.gmtime())), int(_time.strftime("%Y", _time.gmtime()))]174 return [tijd_local, tijd_int_local]175def times_local():176 from time import gmtime, strftime177 import time as _time178 tijd_gmt = _time.strftime("%H:%M:%S(gmt)", _time.gmtime())179 tijd_local = strftime("%H:%M:%S")180 tijd_int_local = [int(strftime("%H")), int(strftime("%M")), int(strftime("%S"))]181 tijd_int_gmt = [int(_time.strftime("%H", _time.gmtime())), int(_time.strftime("%M", _time.gmtime())), int(_time.strftime("%S", _time.gmtime()))]182 return [tijd_local, tijd_int_local]183def times_local_pam():184 ret = []185 ret.append(times_pam()[2])186 ret.append(times_pam()[3])187 return ret188def times_and_days_local():189 from time import gmtime, strftime190 import time as _time191 tijd_gmt = _time.strftime("%d/​%m/​%Y %H:%M:%S %Z(gmt)", _time.gmtime())192 tijd_local = strftime("%d/​%m/​%Y %H:%M:%S %Z")193 tijd_int_local = [int(strftime("%d")), int(strftime("%m")), int(strftime("%Y")), int(strftime("%H")), int(strftime("%M")), int(strftime("%S"))]194 tijd_int_gmt = [int(_time.strftime("%d", _time.gmtime())), int(_time.strftime("%m", _time.gmtime())), int(_time.strftime("%Y", _time.gmtime())), int(_time.strftime("%H", _time.gmtime())), int(_time.strftime("%M", _time.gmtime())), int(_time.strftime("%S", _time.gmtime()))]195 return [tijd_local, tijd_int_local]196def info():197 '''198tijd_en_datum_nu(value) = command to retutn or print199tijd_zone() = returns your time zone200times_and_days_pam(): returns the date and time of gmt and local201times_and_days() = returns date and time of gmt and local in 0 to 24 not in pm or am202times_pam() = returns the time gmt and local in pm or am203times() = returns the time gmt and local not in pm or am204days() = returns the day in gmt and in local205'''206def loop():207 pass208if __name__ == '__main__':209 try:210 print(time_zone())211 work = True212 except Exception as ex:213 print_warn(str(ex))214 work = False215 pass216 if work == True:217 print('func time_zone() state: working.\nmodule importable: True\n')218 ...

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1#!/​usr/​bin/​env python2#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-3#import requests4import time5import json6from collections import OrderedDict7import pandas as pd8import sys9import os10import argparse11import shutil12import copy13from datetime import datetime14import pcs15import re16#출력 디렉토리 이름을 output으로 변경17# Result, changed JSON 등 , output 디렉토리 하부에 저장18# write 관련 함수는 모듈을 따로 파일로 만들면 좋을것같음19ARG= 50 #argment20'''21 convert Time to Epoch22'''23def checkTimeFormat(_time):24 # YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS25 patt1=re.compile("\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{3}")26 # YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS27 patt2=re.compile("\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}")28 # YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSS29 patt3=re.compile("\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{3}")30 # YYYYmmddHHMMSS31 patt4 = re.compile("\d{14}")32 # time format 확인 후 epoch로 convert33 if patt1.match(_time):34 # print("YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS: ",_time)35 epoch=convertMilliTimeToEpoch(_time)36 elif patt2.match(_time):37 # print("YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS: ",_time)38 epoch=convertTimeToEpoch(_time)39 elif patt3.match(_time):40 # print("YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSS: ",_time)41 epoch=convertMilliTimeToEpoch_v2(_time)42 elif patt4.match(_time):43 # print("YYYYmmddHHMMSS: ",_time)44 epoch=convertTimeToEpoch_v2(_time)45 else:46 print("unusable time format!!")47 sys.exit(1)48 return epoch49# YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS -> epoch50def convertTimeToEpoch(_time):51 date_time = "%s.%s.%s %s:%s:%s" %(_time[8:10], _time[5:7], _time[:4], _time[11:13], _time[14:16], _time[17:19])52 pattern = "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S"53 epoch = int (time.mktime(time.strptime(date_time, pattern)))54 return epoch55# YYYYmmddHHMMSS -> HH:MM:SS56def convertTimeToEpoch_v2(_time):57 _time=str(_time)58 date_time = "%s.%s.%s %s:%s:%s" %(_time[6:8], _time[4:6], _time[:4], _time[8:10], _time[10:12], _time[12:])59 pattern = "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S"60 epoch = int (time.mktime(time.strptime(date_time, pattern)))61 return epoch62# YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS ->epoch63def convertMilliTimeToEpoch(_time):64 date_time = "%s.%s.%s %s:%s:%s.%s" %(_time[8:10], _time[5:7], _time[:4], _time[11:13], _time[14:16], _time[17:19],_time[20:23])65 pattern = "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S.%f"66 dt=datetime.strptime(date_time,pattern)67 _ut = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)68 delta=dt-_ut69 epoch=int(delta.total_seconds() * 1000)70 return epoch71# YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSS ->epoch72def convertMilliTimeToEpoch_v2(_time):73 date_time = "%s.%s.%s %s:%s:%s,%s" %(_time[8:10], _time[5:7], _time[:4], _time[11:13], _time[14:16], _time[17:19],_time[20:23])74 pattern = "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S,%f"75 dt=datetime.strptime(date_time,pattern)76 _ut = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)77 delta = dt - _ut78 epoch = int(delta.total_seconds() * 1000)79 return epoch80def file2df(_filename, _field, _ts, _carid):81 82 f_extension = os.path.splitext(_filename)[1]83 col=_field+[_ts,_carid]84 print85 if f_extension == '.csv' or f_extension == '.CSV':86 try:87 chunks = pd.read_csv(_filename, usecols = col ,low_memory=False, chunksize=10000, encoding='utf-8')88 except UnicodeDecodeError:89 try:90 chunks = pd.read_csv(_filename,usecols = col, low_memory=False, chunksize=10000, encoding='euc-kr')91 except UnicodeDecodeError:92 chunks = pd.read_csv(_filename, usecols = col, low_memory=False, chunksize=10000, encoding='cp949')93 94 df = pd.concat(chunks, ignore_index=True)95 96 elif f_extension == '.xlsx' or f_extension == '.XLSX':97 df = pd.read_excel(_filename, usecols = col, converters={ts:str})98 else:99 df = []100 _tmp=(", ".join(_field))101 print("\n\n****[Covert File: %s to Dataframe]****" %_filename)102 print(" File: %s\n Field name: %s\n DataFrame length: %d" %(_filename,_tmp,len(df)))103 print("************************************************************")104 return df105def pack_to_meta(field, ts, carid, metric, pn, cn, ip,port):106 ret = {}107 ret['field']=field.split('|')108 ret['timestamp']=ts109 ret['carid']=carid110 ret['metric']=metric111 ret['pn']= pn112 ret['cn']= cn113 ret['url']='http:/​/​'+ip+':'+port+str('/​api/​put')114 return ret115def recursive_search_dir(_nowDir, _filelist):116 dir_list = [] # 현재 디렉토리의 서브디렉토리가 담길 list117 f_list = os.listdir(_nowDir)118 print(" [loop] recursive searching ", _nowDir)119 for fname in f_list:120 file_extension = os.path.splitext(fname)[1]121 # print(file_extension)122 if file_extension == '.csv' or file_extension == '.CSV' : # csv123 _idx = -4124 elif file_extension == '.xlsx' or file_extension == '.XLSX' : # excel125 _idx = -5126 else: pass127 if os.path.isdir(_nowDir+'/​'+fname):128 dir_list.append(_nowDir+'/​'+fname)129 elif os.path.isfile(_nowDir+'/​'+fname):130 if fname[_idx:] == file_extension:131 _filelist.append(_nowDir+'/​'+fname)132 for toDir in dir_list:133 recursive_search_dir(toDir, _filelist)134def brush_args():135 _len = len(sys.argv)136 if _len < 9:137 print(" 추가 정보를 입력해 주세요. 위 usage 설명을 참고해 주십시오")138 print(" python 실행파일을 포함하여 아규먼트 갯수 9개 필요 ")139 print(" 현재 아규먼트 %s 개가 입력되었습니다." % (_len))140 print(" check ** file ")141 exit(" You need to input more arguments, please try again \n")142 _field = sys.argv[1]143 _ts = sys.argv[2]144 _carid = sys.argv[3]145 _metric = sys.argv[4]146 _pn = int(sys.argv[5])147 _cn = int(sys.argv[6])148 _ip = sys.argv[7]149 _port = sys.argv[8]150 return _field, _ts,_carid, _metric,_pn,_cn,_ip,_port151if __name__ == "__main__":152 field,ts,carid,metric,pn,cn,ip,port=brush_args()153 file_dir='../​files'154 file_list=[]155 recursive_search_dir(file_dir, file_list)156 print("\n--------------------file list--------------------")157 for f in file_list:158 _size=os.path.getsize(f)/​(1024.0*1024.0)159 print("file: %s size: %.3f (MB)" %(f,_size))160 #print(os.path.splitext(f)[1])161 print("\n--------------------------------------------------\n")162 meta = pack_to_meta(field, ts, carid, metric, pn, cn, ip, port)163 # 서브 프로세스 관리자, 생산자, 소비자 생성164 workers = pcs.Workers(pn, cn)165 works_basket_list = workers.start_work(meta)166 start_time=time.time()167 for file_name in file_list:168 # files -> df169 df= file2df(file_name, meta['field'], ts, carid)170 if len(df) == 0:171 continue172 173 elif len(df) < meta['pn']:174 for idx in range(pn):175 while (works_basket_list[idx].full()):176 time.sleep(0.5)177 if idx == 0:178 works_basket_list[idx].put(df)179 else:180 works_basket_list[idx].put('None')181 start=0182 end=start+len(df)/​/​pn183 for idx in range(pn):184 if idx == pn-1:185 end = len(df)186 while (works_basket_list[idx].full()):187 time.sleep(0.5)188 works_basket_list[idx].put(df[start:end])189 start = end190 end = start+len(df)/​/​pn191 print("\nmain : [files -> df] done")192 print("work basket의 모든 data 전송 완료")193 print("subprocess가 아직 실행 중 입니다...\n")194 lines = totallines=0196 for line in lines:197 totallines += line198 end_time = time.time()199 print("total run time : %f" %(end_time-start_time))...

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1#! /​usr/​bin/​env python2import sys3from time import time4from rpython.rlib.rbigint import rbigint5# __________ Entry point __________6def entry_point(argv):7 """8 All benchmarks are run using --opt=2 and minimark gc (default).9 10 Benchmark changes:11 2**N is a VERY heavy operation in default pypy, default to 10 million instead of 500,000 used like an hour to finish.12 13 A cutout with some benchmarks.14 Pypy default:15 mod by 2: 7.97818116 mod by 10000: 4.01612117 mod by 1024 (power of two): 3.96643918 Div huge number by 2**128: 2.90682119 rshift: 2.44458920 lshift: 2.50074621 Floordiv by 2: 4.43113422 Floordiv by 3 (not power of two): 4.40439623 2**500000: 23.20672424 (2**N)**5000000 (power of two): 13.88611825 10000 ** BIGNUM % 100 8.46437826 i = i * i: 10.12150527 n**10000 (not power of two): 16.29698928 Power of two ** power of two: 2.22412529 v = v * power of two 12.22839130 v = v * v 17.11993331 v = v + v 6.48995732 Sum: 142.68654733 34 Pypy with improvements:35 mod by 2: 0.00705936 mod by 10000: 3.20429537 mod by 1024 (power of two): 0.00940138 Div huge number by 2**128: 1.36851139 rshift: 2.34529540 lshift: 1.33976141 Floordiv by 2: 1.53202842 Floordiv by 3 (not power of two): 4.00560743 2**500000: 0.03346644 (2**N)**5000000 (power of two): 0.04709345 10000 ** BIGNUM % 100 1.20731046 i = i * i: 3.99816147 n**10000 (not power of two): 6.32325048 Power of two ** power of two: 0.01325849 v = v * power of two 3.56745950 v = v * v 6.31668351 v = v + v 2.75730852 Sum: 38.07594653 # Notice: This is slightly old!54 With SUPPORT_INT128 set to False55 mod by 2: 0.00410356 mod by 10000: 3.23743457 mod by 1024 (power of two): 0.01636358 Div huge number by 2**128: 2.83623759 rshift: 2.34386060 lshift: 1.17266561 Floordiv by 2: 1.53747462 Floordiv by 3 (not power of two): 3.79601563 2**500000: 0.32726964 (2**N)**5000000 (power of two): 0.08470965 10000 ** BIGNUM % 100 2.06321566 i = i * i: 8.10963467 n**10000 (not power of two): 11.24329268 Power of two ** power of two: 0.07255969 v = v * power of two 9.75353270 v = v * v 13.56984171 v = v + v 5.76046672 Sum: 65.92866773 """74 sumTime = 0.075 V2 = rbigint.fromint(2)76 num = rbigint.pow(rbigint.fromint(100000000), rbigint.fromint(1024))77 t = time()78 for n in xrange(600000):79 rbigint.mod(num, V2)80 81 _time = time() - t82 sumTime += _time83 print "mod by 2: ", _time84 85 by = rbigint.fromint(10000)86 t = time()87 for n in xrange(300000):88 rbigint.mod(num, by)89 90 _time = time() - t91 sumTime += _time92 print "mod by 10000: ", _time93 94 V1024 = rbigint.fromint(1024)95 t = time()96 for n in xrange(300000):97 rbigint.mod(num, V1024)98 99 _time = time() - t100 sumTime += _time101 print "mod by 1024 (power of two): ", _time102 103 t = time()104 num = rbigint.pow(rbigint.fromint(100000000), rbigint.fromint(1024))105 by = rbigint.pow(rbigint.fromint(2), rbigint.fromint(128))106 for n in xrange(80000):107 rbigint.divmod(num, by)108 109 _time = time() - t110 sumTime += _time111 print "Div huge number by 2**128:", _time112 113 t = time()114 num = rbigint.fromint(1000000000)115 for n in xrange(160000000):116 rbigint.rshift(num, 16)117 118 _time = time() - t119 sumTime += _time120 print "rshift:", _time121 122 t = time()123 num = rbigint.fromint(1000000000)124 for n in xrange(160000000):125 rbigint.lshift(num, 4)126 127 _time = time() - t128 sumTime += _time129 print "lshift:", _time130 131 t = time()132 num = rbigint.fromint(100000000)133 for n in xrange(80000000):134 rbigint.floordiv(num, V2)135 136 _time = time() - t137 sumTime += _time138 print "Floordiv by 2:", _time139 140 t = time()141 num = rbigint.fromint(100000000)142 V3 = rbigint.fromint(3)143 for n in xrange(80000000):144 rbigint.floordiv(num, V3)145 146 _time = time() - t147 sumTime += _time148 print "Floordiv by 3 (not power of two):",_time149 150 t = time()151 num = rbigint.fromint(500000)152 for n in xrange(10000):153 rbigint.pow(V2, num)154 155 _time = time() - t156 sumTime += _time157 print "2**500000:",_time158 t = time()159 num = rbigint.fromint(5000000)160 for n in xrange(31):161 rbigint.pow(rbigint.pow(V2, rbigint.fromint(n)), num)162 163 _time = time() - t164 sumTime += _time165 print "(2**N)**5000000 (power of two):",_time166 167 t = time()168 num = rbigint.pow(rbigint.fromint(10000), rbigint.fromint(2 ** 8))169 P10_4 = rbigint.fromint(10**4)170 V100 = rbigint.fromint(100)171 for n in xrange(60000):172 rbigint.pow(P10_4, num, V100)173 174 _time = time() - t175 sumTime += _time176 print "10000 ** BIGNUM % 100", _time177 178 t = time()179 i = rbigint.fromint(2**31)180 i2 = rbigint.fromint(2**31)181 for n in xrange(75000):182 i = i.mul(i2)183 _time = time() - t184 sumTime += _time185 print "i = i * i:", _time186 187 t = time()188 189 for n in xrange(10000):190 rbigint.pow(rbigint.fromint(n), P10_4)191 192 _time = time() - t193 sumTime += _time194 print "n**10000 (not power of two):",_time195 196 t = time()197 for n in xrange(100000):198 rbigint.pow(V1024, V1024)199 200 _time = time() - t201 sumTime += _time202 print "Power of two ** power of two:", _time203 204 205 t = time()206 v = rbigint.fromint(2)207 P62 = rbigint.fromint(2**62)208 for n in xrange(50000):209 v = v.mul(P62)210 211 _time = time() - t212 sumTime += _time213 print "v = v * power of two", _time214 215 t = time()216 v2 = rbigint.fromint(2**8)217 for n in xrange(28):218 v2 = v2.mul(v2)219 220 _time = time() - t221 sumTime += _time222 print "v = v * v", _time223 224 t = time()225 v3 = rbigint.fromint(2**62)226 for n in xrange(500000):227 v3 = v3.add(v3)228 229 _time = time() - t230 sumTime += _time231 print "v = v + v", _time232 233 print "Sum: ", sumTime234 235 return 0236# _____ Define and setup target ___237def target(*args):238 return entry_point, None239if __name__ == '__main__':240 res = entry_point(sys.argv)...

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