Best Python code snippet using pyscreenshot_python
1import bpy, os2from bpy.types import Panel3from .preferences import GRABDOC_PT_presets4from .generic_utils import proper_scene_setup5################################################################################################################6# UI7################################################################################################################8class PanelInfo:9 bl_category = 'GrabDoc'10 bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'11 bl_region_type = 'UI'12class GRABDOC_OT_config_maps(bpy.types.Operator):13 """Configure the UI visibility of maps (also disables them from baking when hidden)"""14 bl_idname = "grab_doc.config_maps"15 bl_label = "Configure Map Visibility"16 bl_options = {'REGISTER'}17 18 def execute(self, context):19 return {'FINISHED'}20 21 def invoke(self, context, event):22 return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self, width = 200)23 24 def draw(self, context):25 grabDoc = context.scene.grabDoc26 layout = self.layout27 layout.prop(grabDoc, 'uiVisibilityNormals', text = "Normals")28 layout.prop(grabDoc, 'uiVisibilityCurvature', text = "Curvature")29 layout.prop(grabDoc, 'uiVisibilityOcclusion', text = "Ambient Occlusion")30 layout.prop(grabDoc, 'uiVisibilityHeight', text = "Height")31 layout.prop(grabDoc, 'uiVisibilityMatID', text = "Material ID")32 layout.prop(grabDoc, 'uiVisibilityAlpha', text = "Alpha")33 layout.prop(grabDoc, 'uiVisibilityAlbedo', text = "Albedo (Blender Only)")34 layout.prop(grabDoc, 'uiVisibilityRoughness', text = "Roughness (Blender Only)")35 layout.prop(grabDoc, 'uiVisibilityMetalness', text = "Metalness (Blender Only)")36class GRABDOC_PT_grabdoc(PanelInfo, Panel):37 bl_label = 'GrabDoc Hub'38 def draw_header_preset(self, context):39 if proper_scene_setup():40 GRABDOC_PT_presets.draw_panel_header(self.layout)41 def draw(self, context):42 grabDoc = context.scene.grabDoc43 layout = self.layout44 col = layout.column(align = True)45 row = col.row(align = True)46 row.enabled = not grabDoc.modalState47 row.scale_y = 1.548 row.operator("grab_doc.setup_scene", text = "Refresh Scene" if proper_scene_setup() else "Setup Scene", icon = "TOOL_SETTINGS")49 if proper_scene_setup():50 row.scale_x = 1.151 row.operator("grab_doc.remove_setup", text = "", icon = "CANCEL")52 53 row = col.row(align = True)54 row.scale_y = .9555 row.prop(56 grabDoc,57 "collSelectable",58 text = "Select",59 icon = 'RESTRICT_SELECT_OFF' if grabDoc.collSelectable else 'RESTRICT_SELECT_ON'60 )61 row.prop(62 grabDoc,63 "collVisible",64 text = "Visible",65 icon = 'RESTRICT_VIEW_OFF' if grabDoc.collVisible else 'RESTRICT_VIEW_ON'66 )67 row.prop(68 grabDoc,69 "collRendered",70 text = "Render",71 icon = 'RESTRICT_RENDER_OFF' if grabDoc.collRendered else 'RESTRICT_RENDER_ON'72 )73 box = box.use_property_split = True75 box.use_property_decorate = False76 row = box.row()77 row.prop(grabDoc, "scalingSet", text = 'Scaling', expand = True)78 row = box.row()79 row.enabled = not grabDoc.modalState80 row.prop(grabDoc, "refSelection", text = 'Reference')81 row.operator("grab_doc.load_ref", text = "", icon = 'FILE_FOLDER')82 row = box.row()83 row.prop(grabDoc, "gridSubdivisions", text = "Grid")84 row.separator()85 row.prop(grabDoc, "useGrid", text = "")86class GRABDOC_PT_export(PanelInfo, Panel):87 bl_label = 'Export Maps'88 bl_parent_id = "GRABDOC_PT_grabdoc"89 90 @classmethod91 def poll(cls, context):92 return proper_scene_setup()93 def draw(self, context):94 grabDoc = context.scene.grabDoc95 layout = self.layout96 layout.activate_init = True97 layout.use_property_split = True98 layout.use_property_decorate = False99 user_prefs = context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences100 marmo_exe = user_prefs.marmoEXE101 col = layout.column(align=True)102 if grabDoc.bakerType == 'Blender':103 row = col.row(align=True)104 row.scale_y = 1.5105 row.operator("grab_doc.export_maps", icon = "EXPORT")106 else: # Marmoset107 row = col.row()108 if not os.path.exists(marmo_exe):109 row.alignment = 'CENTER'110 row.label(text="Give Marmoset Toolbag .exe Path", icon = 'INFO')111 row = col.row()112 row.prop(user_prefs, 'marmoEXE', text = 'Toolbag .exe')113 col.separator()114 else:115 row.prop(user_prefs, 'marmoEXE', text = "Toolbag .exe")116 row = col.row(align=True)117 row.scale_y = 1.5118 row.operator(119 "grab_doc.bake_marmoset",120 text="Bake in Marmoset" if grabDoc.marmoAutoBake else "Open in Marmoset",121 icon="EXPORT"122 ).send_type = 'open'123 row.operator("grab_doc.bake_marmoset", text = "", icon = 'FILE_REFRESH').send_type = 'refresh'124 box = row = box.row()126 row.enabled = not grabDoc.modalState127 row.prop(grabDoc, 'bakerType', text = "Baker")128 row = box.row()129 row.alert = not os.path.exists(bpy.path.abspath(grabDoc.exportPath))130 row.prop(grabDoc, 'exportPath', text = "Export Path")131 row.alert = False132 row.operator("grab_doc.open_folder", text = '', icon = "FOLDER_REDIRECT")133 box.prop(grabDoc, "exportName", text = "Name")134 row = box.row()135 row.prop(grabDoc, "exportResX", text = 'Resolution')136 row.prop(grabDoc, "exportResY", text = '')137 row.prop(grabDoc, 'lockRes', icon_only = True, icon = "LOCKED" if grabDoc.lockRes else "UNLOCKED")138 row = box.row()139 if grabDoc.bakerType == 'Blender':140 row.prop(grabDoc, "imageType")141 else:142 row.prop(grabDoc, "imageType_marmo")143 row.separator(factor = .5)144 145 row2 = row.row()146 if grabDoc.imageType == "OPEN_EXR":147 row2.prop(grabDoc, "colorDepthEXR", expand = True)148 elif grabDoc.imageType != "TARGA" or grabDoc.bakerType == 'Marmoset':149 row2.prop(grabDoc, "colorDepth", expand = True)150 else:151 row2.enabled = False152 row2.prop(grabDoc, "colorDepthTGA", expand = True)153 if grabDoc.bakerType == 'Blender':154 if grabDoc.imageType != "TARGA":155 image_settings = context.scene.render.image_settings156 row = box.row(align = True)157 if grabDoc.imageType == "PNG":158 row.prop(grabDoc, "imageCompPNG", text = "Compression")159 elif grabDoc.imageType == "OPEN_EXR":160 row.prop(image_settings, "exr_codec", text = "Codec")161 else: # TIFF162 row.prop(image_settings, "tiff_codec", text = "Codec")163 else: # Marmoset164 row = box.row(align = True)165 row.prop(grabDoc, "marmoSamples", text = "Samples", expand = True)166 box = box.use_property_split = False168 col = box.column(align = True)169 col.prop(170 grabDoc,171 "onlyRenderColl",172 text="Use Bake Group",173 icon='CHECKBOX_HLT' if grabDoc.onlyRenderColl else 'CHECKBOX_DEHLT'174 )175 col.prop(176 grabDoc,177 "exportPlane",178 text='Export Plane as FBX',179 icon='CHECKBOX_HLT' if grabDoc.exportPlane else 'CHECKBOX_DEHLT'180 )181 col.prop(182 grabDoc,183 "openFolderOnExport",184 text="Open Folder on Export",185 icon='CHECKBOX_HLT' if grabDoc.openFolderOnExport else 'CHECKBOX_DEHLT'186 )187 if grabDoc.bakerType == 'Marmoset':188 col = box.column(align = True)189 col.prop(grabDoc, 'marmoAutoBake', text='Bake on Import', icon='CHECKBOX_HLT' if grabDoc.marmoAutoBake else 'CHECKBOX_DEHLT')190 col = col.column(align = True)191 col.enabled = True if grabDoc.marmoAutoBake else False192 col.prop(193 grabDoc,194 'marmoClosePostBake',195 text='Close Toolbag after Baking',196 icon='CHECKBOX_HLT' if grabDoc.marmoClosePostBake else 'CHECKBOX_DEHLT'197 )198class GRABDOC_PT_view_edit_maps(PanelInfo, Panel):199 bl_label = 'Preview / Edit Maps'200 bl_parent_id = "GRABDOC_PT_grabdoc"201 202 @classmethod203 def poll(cls, context):204 return proper_scene_setup()205 def draw_header_preset(self, context):206 self.layout.operator("grab_doc.config_maps", emboss = False, text = "", icon = "SETTINGS")207 def draw(self, context):208 grabDoc = context.scene.grabDoc209 layout = self.layout210 col = layout.column(align = True)211 row = col.row(align = True)212 row.scale_y = 1.25213 in_trim_cam = [ for area in context.screen.areas if area.type == 'VIEW_3D'] == ['CAMERA']214 row.operator("grab_doc.view_cam", text = "Leave GrabDoc Camera" if in_trim_cam else "View GrabDoc Camera", icon = "OUTLINER_OB_CAMERA")215 col.prop(grabDoc, 'autoExitCamera', text = "Leave Cam on Preview Exit", icon='CHECKBOX_HLT' if grabDoc.autoExitCamera else 'CHECKBOX_DEHLT')216 if grabDoc.modalState:217 col.separator()218 row = col.row(align = True)219 row.scale_y = 1.5220 row.operator("grab_doc.leave_modal", icon="CANCEL")221 # Special clause for Material ID preview222 if grabDoc.modalPreviewType != 'ID':223 mat_preview_type = grabDoc.modalPreviewType.capitalize()224 else:225 mat_preview_type = "Material ID"226 row = col.row(align = True)227 row.scale_y = 1.1228 row.operator("grab_doc.export_preview", text = f"Export {mat_preview_type}", icon = "EXPORT")229 layout = if grabDoc.modalPreviewType == 'normals':231 normals_ui(layout, context)232 elif grabDoc.modalPreviewType == 'curvature':233 curvature_ui(layout, context)234 elif grabDoc.modalPreviewType == 'occlusion':235 occlusion_ui(layout, context)236 elif grabDoc.modalPreviewType == 'height':237 height_ui(layout, context)238 elif grabDoc.modalPreviewType == 'alpha':239 alpha_ui(layout, context)240 elif grabDoc.modalPreviewType == 'ID':241 id_ui(layout, context)242 elif grabDoc.modalPreviewType == 'albedo':243 albedo_ui(layout, context)244 elif grabDoc.modalPreviewType == 'roughness':245 roughness_ui(layout, context)246 elif grabDoc.modalPreviewType == 'metalness':247 metalness_ui(layout, context)248class GRABDOC_PT_normals_settings(PanelInfo, Panel):249 bl_label = ''250 bl_parent_id = "GRABDOC_PT_view_edit_maps"251 bl_options = {'HEADER_LAYOUT_EXPAND', 'DEFAULT_CLOSED'}252 @classmethod253 def poll(cls, context):254 return not context.scene.grabDoc.modalState and context.scene.grabDoc.uiVisibilityNormals255 def draw_header(self, context):256 grabDoc = context.scene.grabDoc257 row = self.layout.row(align = True)258 row.separator(factor = .5)259 row.prop(grabDoc, 'exportNormals', text = "")260 row.operator(261 "grab_doc.preview_warning" if grabDoc.firstBakePreview else "grab_doc.preview_map",262 text = "Normals Preview"263 ).preview_type = 'normals'264 265 row.operator("grab_doc.offline_render", text = "", icon = "RENDER_STILL").render_type = 'normals'266 row.separator(factor = 1.3)267 def draw(self, context):268 normals_ui(self.layout, context)269def normals_ui(layout, context):270 grabDoc = context.scene.grabDoc271 layout.use_property_split = True272 layout.use_property_decorate = False273 col = layout.column()274 col.prop(grabDoc, "engineNormals", text = "Engine")275 col = layout.column()276 col.prop(grabDoc, 'flipYNormals', text = "Flip Y (-Y)")277 if grabDoc.bakerType == 'Blender':278 col.separator(factor=.5)279 col.prop(grabDoc, 'useTextureNormals', text = "Texture Normals")280 col.separator(factor=.5)281 col.prop(grabDoc, 'reimportAsMatNormals', text = "Import as Material")282 col.separator(factor=1.5)283 col.prop(284 grabDoc,285 "samplesNormals" if grabDoc.engineNormals == 'blender_eevee' else "samplesCyclesNormals",286 text = 'Samples'287 )288 col.separator(factor=1.5)289 col.prop(grabDoc, 'suffixNormals', text = "Suffix")290class GRABDOC_PT_curvature_settings(PanelInfo, Panel):291 bl_label = ''292 bl_parent_id = "GRABDOC_PT_view_edit_maps"293 bl_options = {'HEADER_LAYOUT_EXPAND', 'DEFAULT_CLOSED'}294 @classmethod295 def poll(cls, context):296 return not context.scene.grabDoc.modalState and context.scene.grabDoc.uiVisibilityCurvature297 def draw_header(self, context):298 grabDoc = context.scene.grabDoc299 row = self.layout.row(align = True)300 row.separator(factor = .5)301 row.prop(grabDoc, 'exportCurvature', text = "")302 303 row.operator(304 "grab_doc.preview_warning" if grabDoc.firstBakePreview else "grab_doc.preview_map",305 text = "Curvature Preview"306 ).preview_type = 'curvature'307 row.operator("grab_doc.offline_render", text = "", icon = "RENDER_STILL").render_type = 'curvature'308 row.separator(factor = 1.3)309 def draw(self, context):310 curvature_ui(self.layout, context)311def curvature_ui(layout, context):312 grabDoc = context.scene.grabDoc313 layout.use_property_split = True314 layout.use_property_decorate = False315 col = layout.column()316 if grabDoc.bakerType == 'Blender':317 col.prop(grabDoc, 'ridgeCurvature', text = "Ridge")318 col.separator(factor=.5)319 col.prop(grabDoc, 'valleyCurvature', text = "Valley")320 col.separator(factor=1.5)321 col.prop(grabDoc, "samplesCurvature", text = "Samples")322 col.separator(factor=.5)323 col.prop(grabDoc, 'contrastCurvature', text = "Contrast")324 else: # Marmoset325 pass326 327 col.separator(factor=1.5)328 col.prop(grabDoc, 'suffixCurvature', text = "Suffix")329class GRABDOC_PT_occlusion_settings(PanelInfo, Panel):330 bl_label = ''331 bl_parent_id = "GRABDOC_PT_view_edit_maps"332 bl_options = {'HEADER_LAYOUT_EXPAND', 'DEFAULT_CLOSED'}333 @classmethod334 def poll(cls, context):335 return not context.scene.grabDoc.modalState and context.scene.grabDoc.uiVisibilityOcclusion336 def draw_header(self, context):337 grabDoc = context.scene.grabDoc338 row = self.layout.row(align = True)339 row.separator(factor = .5)340 row.prop(grabDoc, 'exportOcclusion', text = "")341 row.operator(342 "grab_doc.preview_warning" if grabDoc.firstBakePreview else "grab_doc.preview_map",343 text = "Occlusion Preview"344 ).preview_type = 'occlusion'345 row.operator("grab_doc.offline_render", text = "", icon = "RENDER_STILL").render_type = 'occlusion'346 row.separator(factor = 1.3)347 def draw(self, context):348 occlusion_ui(self.layout, context)349def occlusion_ui(layout, context):350 grabDoc = context.scene.grabDoc351 layout.use_property_split = True352 layout.use_property_decorate = False353 col = layout.column()354 if grabDoc.bakerType == 'Marmoset':355 col.prop(grabDoc, "marmoAORayCount", text = "Ray Count")356 else: # Blender357 col.prop(grabDoc, 'reimportAsMatOcclusion', text = "Import as Material")358 col.separator(factor=.5)359 col.prop(grabDoc, 'gammaOcclusion', text = "Intensity")360 col.separator(factor=.5)361 col.prop(grabDoc, 'distanceOcclusion', text = "Distance")362 col.separator(factor=1.5)363 col.prop(grabDoc, "samplesOcclusion", text = "Samples")364 col.separator(factor=.5)365 col.prop(grabDoc, 'contrastOcclusion', text = "Contrast")366 col.separator(factor=1.5)367 col.prop(grabDoc, 'suffixOcclusion', text = "Suffix")368class GRABDOC_PT_height_settings(PanelInfo, Panel):369 bl_label = ''370 bl_parent_id = "GRABDOC_PT_view_edit_maps"371 bl_options = {'HEADER_LAYOUT_EXPAND', 'DEFAULT_CLOSED'}372 @classmethod373 def poll(cls, context):374 return not context.scene.grabDoc.modalState and context.scene.grabDoc.uiVisibilityHeight375 def draw_header(self, context):376 grabDoc = context.scene.grabDoc377 row = self.layout.row(align = True)378 row.separator(factor = .5)379 row.prop(grabDoc, 'exportHeight', text = "")380 row.operator(381 "grab_doc.preview_warning" if grabDoc.firstBakePreview else "grab_doc.preview_map",382 text = "Height Preview"383 ).preview_type = 'height'384 row.operator("grab_doc.offline_render", text = "", icon = "RENDER_STILL").render_type = 'height'385 row.separator(factor = 1.3)386 def draw(self, context):387 height_ui(self.layout, context)388def height_ui(layout, context):389 grabDoc = context.scene.grabDoc390 layout.use_property_split = True391 layout.use_property_decorate = False392 col = layout.column()393 394 if grabDoc.bakerType == 'Blender':395 col.prop(grabDoc, 'invertMaskHeight', text = "Invert Mask")396 col.separator(factor=.5)397 row = col.row()398 row.prop(grabDoc, "rangeTypeHeight", text = 'Height Mode', expand = True)399 if grabDoc.rangeTypeHeight == 'MANUAL':400 col.separator(factor=.5)401 col.prop(grabDoc, 'guideHeight', text = "0-1 Range")402 if grabDoc.bakerType == 'Blender':403 col.separator(factor=1.5)404 col.prop(grabDoc, "samplesHeight", text = "Samples")405 col.separator(factor=.5)406 col.prop(grabDoc, 'contrastHeight', text = "Contrast")407 408 col.separator(factor=1.5)409 col.prop(grabDoc, 'suffixHeight', text = "Suffix")410class GRABDOC_PT_id_settings(PanelInfo, Panel):411 bl_label = ''412 bl_parent_id = "GRABDOC_PT_view_edit_maps"413 bl_options = {'HEADER_LAYOUT_EXPAND', 'DEFAULT_CLOSED'}414 @classmethod415 def poll(cls, context):416 return not context.scene.grabDoc.modalState and context.scene.grabDoc.uiVisibilityMatID417 def draw_header(self, context):418 grabDoc = context.scene.grabDoc419 row = self.layout.row(align = True)420 row.separator(factor = .5)421 row.prop(grabDoc, 'exportMatID', text = "")422 423 row.operator(424 "grab_doc.preview_warning" if grabDoc.firstBakePreview else "grab_doc.preview_map",425 text = "Mat ID Preview"426 ).preview_type = 'ID'427 row.operator("grab_doc.offline_render", text = "", icon = "RENDER_STILL").render_type = 'ID'428 row.separator(factor = 1.3)429 def draw(self, context):430 id_ui(self.layout, context)431def id_ui(layout, context): 432 grabDoc = context.scene.grabDoc433 layout.use_property_split = True434 layout.use_property_decorate = False435 col = layout.column()436 row = col.row()437 if grabDoc.bakerType == 'Marmoset':438 row.enabled = False439 row.prop(grabDoc, "fakeMethodMatID", text = "ID Method")440 else:441 row.prop(grabDoc, "methodMatID", text = "ID Method")442 if grabDoc.methodMatID == "MATERIAL" or grabDoc.bakerType == 'Marmoset':443 col = layout.column()444 col.separator(factor=.5)445 col.scale_y = 1.1446 col.operator("grab_doc.quick_id_setup")447 row = col.row(align = True)448 row.scale_y = .9449 row.label(text = " Remove:")450 row.operator("grab_doc.quick_remove_random_mats")451 col = layout.column()452 col.separator(factor=.5)453 col.scale_y = 1.1454 col.operator("grab_doc.quick_id_selected")455 row = col.row(align = True)456 row.scale_y = .9457 row.label(text = " Remove:")458 row.operator("grab_doc.quick_remove_manual_mats")459 row.operator("grab_doc.quick_remove_selected_mats")460 if grabDoc.bakerType == 'Blender':461 col.separator(factor=1.5)462 col.prop(grabDoc, "samplesMatID", text = "Samples")463 col.separator(factor=1.5)464 col.prop(grabDoc, 'suffixID', text = "Suffix")465class GRABDOC_PT_alpha_settings(PanelInfo, Panel):466 bl_label = ''467 bl_parent_id = "GRABDOC_PT_view_edit_maps"468 bl_options = {'HEADER_LAYOUT_EXPAND', 'DEFAULT_CLOSED'}469 @classmethod470 def poll(cls, context):471 return not context.scene.grabDoc.modalState and context.scene.grabDoc.uiVisibilityAlpha472 def draw_header(self, context):473 grabDoc = context.scene.grabDoc474 row = self.layout.row(align = True)475 row.separator(factor = .5)476 row.prop(grabDoc, 'exportAlpha', text = "")477 row.operator(478 "grab_doc.preview_warning" if grabDoc.firstBakePreview else "grab_doc.preview_map",479 text = "Alpha Preview"480 ).preview_type = 'alpha'481 row.operator("grab_doc.offline_render", text = "", icon = "RENDER_STILL").render_type = 'alpha'482 row.separator(factor = 1.3)483 def draw(self, context):484 alpha_ui(self.layout, context)485def alpha_ui(layout, context):486 grabDoc = context.scene.grabDoc487 layout.use_property_split = True488 layout.use_property_decorate = False489 col = layout.column()490 491 if grabDoc.bakerType == 'Blender':492 col.prop(grabDoc, 'invertMaskAlpha', text = "Invert Mask")493 col.separator(factor=1.5)494 col.prop(grabDoc, 'samplesAlpha', text = "Samples")495 else: # Marmoset496 pass497 498 col.separator(factor=1.5)499 col.prop(grabDoc, 'suffixAlpha', text = "Suffix")500class GRABDOC_PT_albedo_settings(PanelInfo, Panel):501 bl_label = ''502 bl_parent_id = "GRABDOC_PT_view_edit_maps"503 bl_options = {'HEADER_LAYOUT_EXPAND', 'DEFAULT_CLOSED'}504 @classmethod505 def poll(cls, context):506 grabDoc = context.scene.grabDoc507 return not grabDoc.modalState and grabDoc.uiVisibilityAlbedo and grabDoc.bakerType == 'Blender'508 def draw_header(self, context):509 grabDoc = context.scene.grabDoc510 row = self.layout.row(align = True)511 row.separator(factor = .5)512 row.prop(grabDoc, 'exportAlbedo', text = "")513 row.operator(514 "grab_doc.preview_warning" if grabDoc.firstBakePreview else "grab_doc.preview_map",515 text = "Albedo Preview"516 ).preview_type = 'albedo'517 row.operator("grab_doc.offline_render", text = "", icon = "RENDER_STILL").render_type = 'albedo'518 row.separator(factor = 1.3)519 def draw(self, context):520 albedo_ui(self.layout, context)521def albedo_ui(layout, context):522 grabDoc = context.scene.grabDoc523 layout.use_property_split = True524 layout.use_property_decorate = False525 col = layout.column()526 col.prop(grabDoc, "engineAlbedo", text = "Engine")527 col.separator(factor=1.5)528 col.prop(529 grabDoc,530 "samplesAlbedo" if grabDoc.engineAlbedo == 'blender_eevee' else "samplesCyclesAlbedo",531 text = 'Samples'532 )533 col.separator(factor=1.5)534 col.prop(grabDoc, 'suffixAlbedo', text = "Suffix")535class GRABDOC_PT_roughness_settings(PanelInfo, Panel):536 bl_label = ''537 bl_parent_id = "GRABDOC_PT_view_edit_maps"538 bl_options = {'HEADER_LAYOUT_EXPAND', 'DEFAULT_CLOSED'}539 @classmethod540 def poll(cls, context):541 grabDoc = context.scene.grabDoc542 return not grabDoc.modalState and grabDoc.uiVisibilityRoughness and grabDoc.bakerType == 'Blender'543 def draw_header(self, context):544 grabDoc = context.scene.grabDoc545 row = self.layout.row(align = True)546 row.separator(factor = .5)547 row.prop(grabDoc, 'exportRoughness', text = "")548 row.operator(549 "grab_doc.preview_warning" if grabDoc.firstBakePreview else "grab_doc.preview_map",550 text = "Roughness Preview"551 ).preview_type = 'roughness'552 row.operator("grab_doc.offline_render", text = "", icon = "RENDER_STILL").render_type = 'roughness'553 row.separator(factor = 1.3)554 def draw(self, context):555 roughness_ui(self.layout, context)556def roughness_ui(layout, context):557 grabDoc = context.scene.grabDoc558 layout.use_property_split = True559 layout.use_property_decorate = False560 col = layout.column()561 col = layout.column()562 col.prop(grabDoc, "engineRoughness", text = "Engine")563 col.separator(factor=1.5)564 col.prop(565 grabDoc,566 "samplesRoughness" if grabDoc.engineRoughness == 'blender_eevee' else "samplesCyclesRoughness",567 text = 'Samples'568 )569 col.separator(factor=1.5)570 col.prop(grabDoc, 'suffixRoughness', text = "Suffix")571class GRABDOC_PT_metalness_settings(PanelInfo, Panel):572 bl_label = ''573 bl_parent_id = "GRABDOC_PT_view_edit_maps"574 bl_options = {'HEADER_LAYOUT_EXPAND', 'DEFAULT_CLOSED'}575 @classmethod576 def poll(cls, context):577 grabDoc = context.scene.grabDoc578 return not grabDoc.modalState and grabDoc.uiVisibilityMetalness and grabDoc.bakerType == 'Blender'579 def draw_header(self, context):580 grabDoc = context.scene.grabDoc581 row = self.layout.row(align = True)582 row.separator(factor = .5)583 row.prop(grabDoc, 'exportMetalness', text = "")584 row.operator(585 "grab_doc.preview_warning" if grabDoc.firstBakePreview else "grab_doc.preview_map",586 text = "Metalness Preview"587 ).preview_type = 'metalness'588 row.operator("grab_doc.offline_render", text = "", icon = "RENDER_STILL").render_type = 'metalness'589 row.separator(factor = 1.3)590 def draw(self, context):591 metalness_ui(self.layout, context)592def metalness_ui(layout, context):593 grabDoc = context.scene.grabDoc594 layout.use_property_split = True595 layout.use_property_decorate = False596 col = layout.column()597 col = layout.column()598 col.prop(grabDoc, "engineMetalness", text = "Engine")599 col.separator(factor=1.5)600 col.prop(601 grabDoc,602 "samplesMetalness" if grabDoc.engineMetalness == 'blender_eevee' else "samplesCyclesMetalness",603 text = 'Samples'604 )605 col.separator(factor=1.5)606 col.prop(grabDoc, 'suffixMetalness', text = "Suffix")607################################################################################################################608# REGISTRATION609################################################################################################################610classes = (611 GRABDOC_PT_grabdoc,612 GRABDOC_OT_config_maps,613 GRABDOC_PT_export,614 GRABDOC_PT_view_edit_maps,615 GRABDOC_PT_normals_settings,616 GRABDOC_PT_curvature_settings,617 GRABDOC_PT_occlusion_settings,618 GRABDOC_PT_height_settings,619 GRABDOC_PT_id_settings,620 GRABDOC_PT_alpha_settings,621 GRABDOC_PT_albedo_settings,622 GRABDOC_PT_roughness_settings,623 GRABDOC_PT_metalness_settings624)625def register():626 for cls in classes:627 bpy.utils.register_class(cls)628def unregister():629 for cls in classes:630 bpy.utils.unregister_class(cls)631# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####632#633# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or634# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License635# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2636# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.637#638# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,639# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of640# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the641# GNU General Public License for more details.642#643# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License644# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,645# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.646#...
1from enum import Enum2from typing import List3from typing import Dict4from typing import Union5import finnews.news_enum as enums_news6from finnews.parser import NewsParser7class CNNFinance():8 def __init__(self):9 """Initializes the `CNNFinance` client."""10 # Define the URL used to query feeds.11 self.url = '{topic}.rss'12 self.url_buzz = ''13 # Define the parser client.14 self.news_parser = NewsParser(client='cnn_finance')15 def __repr__(self) -> str:16 """Represents the string representation of the client object.17 Returns:18 ----19 (str): The string representation.20 """21 return "<CNNFinance Connected: True'>"22 def all_stories(self) -> List[Dict]:23 """Used to query topics from the All Stories RSS feed.24 Returns:25 ----26 List[Dict]: A list of news articles organzied in dictionaries.27 Usage:28 ----29 >>> from finnews.client import News30 >>> # Create a new instance of the News Client.31 >>> news_client = News()32 >>> # Grab the CNN Finance News Client.33 >>> cnn_finance = news_client.cnn_finance34 >>> # Grab the All Stories Feed.35 >>> cnn_finance_all_stories = cnn_finance.all_stories()36 """37 # Grab the data.38 data = self.news_parser._make_request(39 url=self.url.format(topic='money_latest')40 )41 return data42 def top_stories(self) -> List[Dict]:43 """Used to query topics from the Top Stories RSS feed.44 Returns:45 ----46 List[Dict]: A list of news articles organzied in dictionaries.47 Usage:48 ----49 >>> from finnews.client import News50 >>> # Create a new instance of the News Client.51 >>> news_client = News()52 >>> # Grab the CNN Finance News Client.53 >>> cnn_finance = news_client.cnn_finance54 >>> # Grab the Top Stories Feed.55 >>> cnn_finance_top_stories = cnn_finance.top_stories()56 """57 # Grab the data.58 data = self.news_parser._make_request(59 url=self.url.format(topic='money_topstories')60 )61 return data62 def most_popular(self) -> List[Dict]:63 """Used to query topics from the Most Popular RSS feed.64 Returns:65 ----66 List[Dict]: A list of news articles organzied in dictionaries.67 Usage:68 ----69 >>> from finnews.client import News70 >>> # Create a new instance of the News Client.71 >>> news_client = News()72 >>> # Grab the CNN Finance News Client.73 >>> cnn_finance = news_client.cnn_finance74 >>> # Grab the Most Popular Feed.75 >>> cnn_finance_most_popular = cnn_finance.most_popular()76 """77 # Grab the data.78 data = self.news_parser._make_request(79 url=self.url.format(topic='money_mostpopular')80 )81 return data82 def companies(self) -> List[Dict]:83 """Used to query topics from the Companies RSS feed.84 Returns:85 ----86 List[Dict]: A list of news articles organzied in dictionaries.87 Usage:88 ----89 >>> from finnews.client import News90 >>> # Create a new instance of the News Client.91 >>> news_client = News()92 >>> # Grab the CNN Finance News Client.93 >>> cnn_finance = news_client.cnn_finance94 >>> # Grab the Companies Feed.95 >>> cnn_finance_companies = cnn_finance.companies()96 """97 # Grab the data.98 data = self.news_parser._make_request(99 url=self.url.format(topic='money_news_companies')100 )101 return data102 def international(self) -> List[Dict]:103 """Used to query topics from the Internationals RSS feed.104 Returns:105 ----106 List[Dict]: A list of news articles organzied in dictionaries.107 Usage:108 ----109 >>> from finnews.client import News110 >>> # Create a new instance of the News Client.111 >>> news_client = News()112 >>> # Grab the CNN Finance News Client.113 >>> cnn_finance = news_client.cnn_finance114 >>> # Grab the Internationals Feed.115 >>> cnn_finance_international = """117 # Grab the data.118 data = self.news_parser._make_request(119 url=self.url.format(topic='money_news_international')120 )121 return data122 def economy(self) -> List[Dict]:123 """Used to query topics from the Economy RSS feed.124 Returns:125 ----126 List[Dict]: A list of news articles organzied in dictionaries.127 Usage:128 ----129 >>> from finnews.client import News130 >>> # Create a new instance of the News Client.131 >>> news_client = News()132 >>> # Grab the CNN Finance News Client.133 >>> cnn_finance = news_client.cnn_finance134 >>> # Grab the Economoy Feed.135 >>> cnn_finance_economy = cnn_finance.economy()136 """137 # Grab the data.138 data = self.news_parser._make_request(139 url=self.url.format(topic='money_news_economy')140 )141 return data142 def video_news(self) -> List[Dict]:143 """Used to query topics from the Video News RSS feed.144 Returns:145 ----146 List[Dict]: A list of news articles organzied in dictionaries.147 Usage:148 ----149 >>> from finnews.client import News150 >>> # Create a new instance of the News Client.151 >>> news_client = News()152 >>> # Grab the CNN Finance News Client.153 >>> cnn_finance = news_client.cnn_finance154 >>> # Grab the Video News Feed.155 >>> cnn_finance_video_news = cnn_finance.video_news()156 """157 # Grab the data.158 data = self.news_parser._make_request(159 url=self.url.format(topic='money_video_business')160 )161 return data162 def media(self) -> List[Dict]:163 """Used to query topics from the Media RSS feed.164 Returns:165 ----166 List[Dict]: A list of news articles organzied in dictionaries.167 Usage:168 ----169 >>> from finnews.client import News170 >>> # Create a new instance of the News Client.171 >>> news_client = News()172 >>> # Grab the CNN Finance News Client.173 >>> cnn_finance = news_client.cnn_finance174 >>> # Grab the Media Feed.175 >>> cnn_finance_media = """177 # Grab the data.178 data = self.news_parser._make_request(179 url=self.url.format(topic='money_media')180 )181 return data182 def markets(self) -> List[Dict]:183 """Used to query topics from the Markets RSS feed.184 Returns:185 ----186 List[Dict]: A list of news articles organzied in dictionaries.187 Usage:188 ----189 >>> from finnews.client import News190 >>> # Create a new instance of the News Client.191 >>> news_client = News()192 >>> # Grab the CNN Finance News Client.193 >>> cnn_finance = news_client.cnn_finance194 >>> # Grab the Markets Feed.195 >>> cnn_finance_markets = """197 # Grab the data.198 data = self.news_parser._make_request(199 url=self.url.format(topic='money_markets')200 )201 return data202 def morning_buzz(self) -> List[Dict]:203 """Used to query topics from the Morning Buzz RSS feed.204 Returns:205 ----206 List[Dict]: A list of news articles organzied in dictionaries.207 Usage:208 ----209 >>> from finnews.client import News210 >>> # Create a new instance of the News Client.211 >>> news_client = News()212 >>> # Grab the CNN Finance News Client.213 >>> cnn_finance = news_client.cnn_finance214 >>> # Grab the Morning Buzz Feed.215 >>> cnn_finance_morning_buzz = cnn_finance.morning_buzz()216 """217 # Grab the data.218 data = self.news_parser._make_request(219 url=self.url_buzz220 )221 return data222 def techonology(self) -> List[Dict]:223 """Used to query topics from the Technology RSS feed.224 Returns:225 ----226 List[Dict]: A list of news articles organzied in dictionaries.227 Usage:228 ----229 >>> from finnews.client import News230 >>> # Create a new instance of the News Client.231 >>> news_client = News()232 >>> # Grab the CNN Finance News Client.233 >>> cnn_finance = news_client.cnn_finance234 >>> # Grab the Technology Feed.235 >>> cnn_finance_technology = """237 # Grab the data.238 data = self.news_parser._make_request(239 url=self.url.format(topic='money_technology')240 )241 return data242 def personal_finance(self) -> List[Dict]:243 """Used to query topics from the Personal Finance RSS feed.244 Returns:245 ----246 List[Dict]: A list of news articles organzied in dictionaries.247 Usage:248 ----249 >>> from finnews.client import News250 >>> # Create a new instance of the News Client.251 >>> news_client = News()252 >>> # Grab the CNN Finance News Client.253 >>> cnn_finance = news_client.cnn_finance254 >>> # Grab the Personal Finance Feed.255 >>> cnn_finance_personal_finance = cnn_finance.personal_finance()256 """257 # Grab the data.258 data = self.news_parser._make_request(259 url=self.url.format(topic='money_pf')260 )261 return data262 def autos(self) -> List[Dict]:263 """Used to query topics from the Autos RSS feed.264 Returns:265 ----266 List[Dict]: A list of news articles organzied in dictionaries.267 Usage:268 ----269 >>> from finnews.client import News270 >>> # Create a new instance of the News Client.271 >>> news_client = News()272 >>> # Grab the CNN Finance News Client.273 >>> cnn_finance = news_client.cnn_finance274 >>> # Grab the Autos Feed.275 >>> cnn_finance_autos = """277 # Grab the data.278 data = self.news_parser._make_request(279 url=self.url.format(topic='money_autos')280 )281 return data282 def funds(self) -> List[Dict]:283 """Used to query topics from the Funds RSS feed.284 Returns:285 ----286 List[Dict]: A list of news articles organzied in dictionaries.287 Usage:288 ----289 >>> from finnews.client import News290 >>> # Create a new instance of the News Client.291 >>> news_client = News()292 >>> # Grab the CNN Finance News Client.293 >>> cnn_finance = news_client.cnn_finance294 >>> # Grab the Funds Feed.295 >>> cnn_finance_funds = cnn_finance.funds()296 """297 # Grab the data.298 data = self.news_parser._make_request(299 url=self.url.format(topic='money_funds')300 )301 return data302 def colleges(self) -> List[Dict]:303 """Used to query topics from the College RSS feed.304 Returns:305 ----306 List[Dict]: A list of news articles organzied in dictionaries.307 Usage:308 ----309 >>> from finnews.client import News310 >>> # Create a new instance of the News Client.311 >>> news_client = News()312 >>> # Grab the CNN Finance News Client.313 >>> cnn_finance = news_client.cnn_finance314 >>> # Grab the College Feed.315 >>> cnn_finance_colleges = cnn_finance.colleges()316 """317 # Grab the data.318 data = self.news_parser._make_request(319 url=self.url.format(topic='money_pf_college')320 )321 return data322 def insurance(self) -> List[Dict]:323 """Used to query topics from the Insurance RSS feed.324 Returns:325 ----326 List[Dict]: A list of news articles organzied in dictionaries.327 Usage:328 ----329 >>> from finnews.client import News330 >>> # Create a new instance of the News Client.331 >>> news_client = News()332 >>> # Grab the CNN Finance News Client.333 >>> cnn_finance = news_client.cnn_finance334 >>> # Grab the Insurance Feed.335 >>> cnn_finance_insurance = """337 # Grab the data.338 data = self.news_parser._make_request(339 url=self.url.format(topic='money_pf_insurance')340 )341 return data342 def taxes(self) -> List[Dict]:343 """Used to query topics from the Taxes RSS feed.344 Returns:345 ----346 List[Dict]: A list of news articles organzied in dictionaries.347 Usage:348 ----349 >>> from finnews.client import News350 >>> # Create a new instance of the News Client.351 >>> news_client = News()352 >>> # Grab the CNN Finance News Client.353 >>> cnn_finance = news_client.cnn_finance354 >>> # Grab the Taxes Feed.355 >>> cnn_finance_taxes = cnn_finance.taxes()356 """357 # Grab the data.358 data = self.news_parser._make_request(359 url=self.url.format(topic='money_pf_taxes')360 )361 return data362 def retirement(self) -> List[Dict]:363 """Used to query topics from the Retirement RSS feed.364 Returns:365 ----366 List[Dict]: A list of news articles organzied in dictionaries.367 Usage:368 ----369 >>> from finnews.client import News370 >>> # Create a new instance of the News Client.371 >>> news_client = News()372 >>> # Grab the CNN Finance News Client.373 >>> cnn_finance = news_client.cnn_finance374 >>> # Grab the Retirment Feed.375 >>> cnn_finance_retirement = cnn_finance.retirement()376 """377 # Grab the data.378 data = self.news_parser._make_request(379 url=self.url.format(topic='money_retirement')380 )381 return data382 def lifestyle(self) -> List[Dict]:383 """Used to query topics from the Lifestyle RSS feed.384 Returns:385 ----386 List[Dict]: A list of news articles organzied in dictionaries.387 Usage:388 ----389 >>> from finnews.client import News390 >>> # Create a new instance of the News Client.391 >>> news_client = News()392 >>> # Grab the CNN Finance News Client.393 >>> cnn_finance = news_client.cnn_finance394 >>> # Grab the Lifestyle Feed.395 >>> cnn_finance_lifestyle = """397 # Grab the data.398 data = self.news_parser._make_request(399 url=self.url.format(topic='money_lifestyle')400 )401 return data402 def real_estate(self) -> List[Dict]:403 """Used to query topics from the Real Estate RSS feed.404 Returns:405 ----406 List[Dict]: A list of news articles organzied in dictionaries.407 Usage:408 ----409 >>> from finnews.client import News410 >>> # Create a new instance of the News Client.411 >>> news_client = News()412 >>> # Grab the CNN Finance News Client.413 >>> cnn_finance = news_client.cnn_finance414 >>> # Grab the Real Estate Feed.415 >>> cnn_finance_real_estate = cnn_finance.real_estate()416 """417 # Grab the data.418 data = self.news_parser._make_request(419 url=self.url.format(topic='money_realestate')420 )421 return data422 def luxury(self) -> List[Dict]:423 """Used to query topics from the Luxury RSS feed.424 Returns:425 ----426 List[Dict]: A list of news articles organzied in dictionaries.427 Usage:428 ----429 >>> from finnews.client import News430 >>> # Create a new instance of the News Client.431 >>> news_client = News()432 >>> # Grab the CNN Finance News Client.433 >>> cnn_finance = news_client.cnn_finance434 >>> # Grab the Luxury Feed.435 >>> cnn_finance_luxury = """437 # Grab the data.438 data = self.news_parser._make_request(439 url=self.url.format(topic='money_luxury')440 )441 return data442 def small_business(self) -> List[Dict]:443 """Used to query topics from the Small Business RSS feed.444 Returns:445 ----446 List[Dict]: A list of news articles organzied in dictionaries.447 Usage:448 ----449 >>> from finnews.client import News450 >>> # Create a new instance of the News Client.451 >>> news_client = News()452 >>> # Grab the CNN Finance News Client.453 >>> cnn_finance = news_client.cnn_finance454 >>> # Grab the Small Business Feed.455 >>> cnn_finance_small_business = cnn_finance.small_business()456 """457 # Grab the data.458 data = self.news_parser._make_request(459 url=self.url.format(topic='money_smbusiness')460 )...
...176 while self.getRx():177 continue178 pass179180 def grab(self, switch="ON"):181 if not self.lock:182 self.TX_data_py2(MOTION["GRAB"][switch])183 while self.getRx():184 continue185 pass186187 def check_GRAB(self):188 if not self.lock:189 self.TX_data_py2(MOTION["GRAB"]["DISTANCE"])190 while self.getRx():191 continue192 return self.distance193194195if __name__ == '__main__':196 temp = Motion()197 x = temp.check_GRAB()198 print("거리: ", x)199 print("거리+10: ", x + 10)200 pass201202 '''def move(self, grab=None, grab_direction=MOTION["DIR"]["LEFT_GRAB"], scope=MOTION["SCOPE"]["NORMAL"],203 direct=MOTION["DIR"]["LEFT"], repeat=1):204 if not self.lock:205 if grab is None:206 for _ in range(repeat):207 self.TX_data_py2(MOTION["MODE"]["MOVE"] + direct + scope)208 elif grab is "GRAB":209 for _ in range(repeat):210 self.TX_data_py2(MOTION["MODE"]["MOVE"] + grab_direction + scope)211 while self.getRx():212 continue213 pass214215 def turn(self, grab=None, grab_direction=MOTION["GRAB_TURN"]["LEFT"], direct=MOTION["DIR"]["LEFT"], repeat=1):216 if not self.lock:217 if grab is None:218 for _ in range(repeat):219 self.TX_data_py2(direct + MOTION["MODE"]["TURN"])220 elif grab is "GRAB":221 for _ in range(repeat):222 self.TX_data_py2(grab_direction + MOTION["MODE"]["TURN"])223 while self.getRx():224 continue225 pass226227 def grab(self):228 if not self.lock:229 self.TX_data_py2(MOTION["GRAB"])230 while self.getRx():231 continue232 pass233234 def grab_off(self):235 if not self.lock:236 self.TX_data_py2(MOTION["GRAB_OFF"])237 while self.getRx():238 continue239 pass240241 def check_GRAB(self):242 if not self.lock:243 self.TX_data_py2(MOTION["GRAB_DISTANCE"])244 while self.getRx():245 continue246 return self.distance247248249# Tx를 ë³´ë¸ í ìëµì ë°ì ë ê¹ì§ Lockì 걸기 ë°ë쪽ìì ë³´ë¸ Rxê° ì ì¤ ë ìë ìì¼ë, ì¼ì ìê°ì´ ì§ëë ëµì´ ìì¤ë©´ ì¬ìì²250251252if __name__ == '__main__':253 temp = Motion()254 temp.grab()255 x = temp.check_GRAB()256 print("distance: ", x)257 print("distance + 10:", x + 10)258 # i = 5259 # while i > 0:260 # print(i)261 # temp.walk(speed=MOTION["SPEED"]["FAST"])262 # #temp.TX_data_py2(1)263 # i -= 1
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