How to use test_std_deviation method in pyresttest

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1import torch2import gpytorch3import numpy as np4import matplotlib.pyplot as plt5from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec6import h5py7import os8import pdb9from MGP_subclasses import *10from data_processing import *11class Block_MGP():12 def __init__(self, kernel, learning_rate, n_training_iter, block_indices):13 self.kernel = kernel14 self.learning_rate = learning_rate15 self.n_training_iter = n_training_iter16 self.block_indices = block_indices17 self.number_of_block = len(block_indices)18 self.total_nb_tasks = len([item for sublist in self.block_indices for item in sublist])19 self.model = []20 self.likelihood = []21 self.loss_list = []22 def build_and_train_single_model(self, x_train, y_train, block_number=0, smart_end = False):23 '''24 :param x_train: array size nb_timesteps *1, represents time25 :param y_train: array size nb_timesteps * nb_tasks26 :param block_number: the number of the block, starts from 027 :return: modifies the attributes model and likelihood according to the training data28 '''29 nb_tasks = y_train.shape[-1]30 if nb_tasks == 1:31 self.likelihood.append(gpytorch.likelihoods.GaussianLikelihood())32 y_train = y_train[:,0]33 self.model.append(Single_task_GP_model(x_train, y_train, self.likelihood[block_number], self.kernel))34 if nb_tasks>1: #if no model has been ever trained, create a model35 self.likelihood.append(gpytorch.likelihoods.MultitaskGaussianLikelihood(num_tasks=nb_tasks))36 self.model.append(Multitask_GP_Model(x_train, y_train, self.likelihood[block_number], nb_tasks, self.kernel))37 self.model[block_number].train()38 self.likelihood[block_number].train()39 optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([{'params': self.model[block_number].parameters()}, ], lr=self.learning_rate)40 mll = gpytorch.mlls.ExactMarginalLogLikelihood(self.likelihood[block_number], self.model[block_number])41 loss_list_cur = []42 plot_frequency = self.n_training_iter /​/​ 1043 if smart_end:44 loss_hist = 045 for i in range(self.n_training_iter):46 optimizer.zero_grad()47 output = self.model[block_number](x_train)48 loss = -mll(output, y_train)49 if i>120 and smart_end:50 min_loss_variation = np.min(np.array(loss_list_cur[1:30])-np.array(loss_list_cur[0:29]))51 if loss - loss_hist > - min_loss_variation :52 break53 else:54 loss.backward()55 optimizer.step()56 if i % plot_frequency == 0:57 print('Iter %d/​%d - Loss: %.3f' % (i + 1, self.n_training_iter, loss.item()))58 loss_list_cur.append(loss.item())59 else:60 loss.backward()61 optimizer.step()62 if i % plot_frequency == 0:63 print('Iter %d/​%d - Loss: %.3f' % (i + 1, self.n_training_iter, loss.item()))64 loss_list_cur.append(loss.item())65 loss_hist = loss.item()66 self.loss_list.append(loss_list_cur)67 def build_and_train_block_models(self, x_train, y_train, smart_end = False):68 '''69 :param x_train: array size nb_timesteps *1, represents time70 :param y_train: array size nb_timesteps * nb_tasks71 :return: train the multiple MGP, one for each block72 '''73 for i in range(self.number_of_block):74 print('### BLOCK %d ###'%i)75 self.build_and_train_single_model(x_train, y_train[:,self.block_indices[i]], i, smart_end)76 def test_block_model(self, x_test):77 '''78 :param x_test: array size nb_timesteps_test * 1, represents time79 :return: test_mean_list : the mean of the posterior MGPs80 test_covar_matrix_list : the psoetrior covariance matrices81 test_std :the standard deviation of the MGPs82 BE CAREFUL : the outputs are list, each block has then its own mean /​coavriances arrays83 '''84 test_mean_list = []85 test_covar_matrix_list = []86 test_std = []87 for i in range(self.number_of_block):88 self.model[i].eval()89 self.likelihood[i].eval()90 with torch.no_grad(), gpytorch.settings.fast_pred_var():91 test_observed_pred = self.likelihood[i](self.model[i](x_test))92 test_mean= test_observed_pred.mean.detach().numpy()93 test_covar_matrix = self.model[i].return_covar_matrix(x_test).detach().numpy()94 test_mean_list.append(test_mean)95 test_covar_matrix_list.append(test_covar_matrix)96 test_lower, test_upper = test_observed_pred.confidence_region() #95% confidence interval97 test_lower, test_upper = test_lower.detach().numpy(), test_upper.detach().numpy()98 test_std.append((test_upper - test_lower) /​ 2*1.96) # 95% confidence interval to std99 return test_mean_list, test_covar_matrix_list, test_std100 def plot_model(self, x_train, y_train, x_test, train_filter):101 '''102 :param x_train: array size nb_timesteps * 1, represents time103 :param y_train: array size nb_timesteps * nb_tasks104 :param x_test: array size nb_timesteps_test * 1, represents time105 :param train_filter : indices of the selected points for the training106 :return: a plot of the losses, the covariance matrices and the regression for each block107 '''108 test_mean_list, test_covar_matrix_list, test_std_deviation = self.test_block_model(x_test)109 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18.5,9))110 gs = GridSpec(2, max(self.total_nb_tasks, 2*self.number_of_block))111 iter = 0112 for j in range(self.number_of_block):113 if len(self.block_indices[j])==1: #Single GP114 ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, iter])115 ax.plot(x_test.detach().numpy(), test_mean_list[j])116 ax.fill_between(x_test, test_mean_list[j] + test_std_deviation[j],117 test_mean_list[j] - test_std_deviation[j], alpha=0.3)118 ax.set_title('Block %d Level %d' % (j, self.block_indices[j][0]))119 ax.plot(x_train.detach().numpy(), y_train.detach().numpy()[:, self.block_indices[j]],color='tomato')120 ax.plot(x_train.detach().numpy()[train_filter],y_train.detach().numpy()[train_filter, self.block_indices[j][0]], 'k*', color='red')121 iter = iter + 1122 ax.axvline(x_train.shape[0]/​x_test.shape[0], color='green')123 else: #MGP124 for i in range(len(self.block_indices[j])):125 ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, iter])126 ax.plot(x_test.detach().numpy(), test_mean_list[j][:,i])127 ax.fill_between(x_test, test_mean_list[j][:,i] + test_std_deviation[j][:,i], test_mean_list[j][:,i] - test_std_deviation[j][:,i], alpha=0.3)128 ax.set_title('Block %d Level %d'%(j,self.block_indices[j][i]))129 ax.plot(x_train.detach().numpy(), y_train.detach().numpy()[:, self.block_indices[j][i]], color='tomato')130 ax.plot(x_train.detach().numpy()[train_filter], y_train.detach().numpy()[train_filter, self.block_indices[j][i]], 'k*', color='red')131 ax.axvline(x_train.shape[0]/​x_test.shape[0], color='green')132 iter=iter+1133 for j in range(self.number_of_block):134 nb_tasks = len(self.block_indices[j])135 if nb_tasks ==1: #single GP136 ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 2*j])137 ax1.imshow(test_covar_matrix_list[j])138 ax1.set_title('Block %d Covar Matrix' % j)139 if nb_tasks > 1 : # multi GP140 ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 2*j])141 matrix = change_representation_covariance_matrix(test_covar_matrix_list[j], nb_tasks)142 ax1.imshow(matrix)143 ax1.set_title('Block %d Covar Matrix' % j)144 ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 2*j+1])145 ax2.plot(self.loss_list[j])146 ax2.set_title('Block %d Loss' % j)147 train_Block_MGP_multiple_individuals(x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, block_indices,149 kernel, learning_rate, n_iter,150 train_sample_subset = np.array([]), main_dir='unknown_dir', exec_type='unknown_exec', train_sampling_type = 'unknown_sampling',151 activate_plot=False, smart_end = False):152 '''153 :param x_train: array size nb_timesteps_test * 1, represents time154 :param y_train: array size nb_individuals * nb_timesteps_test * number_tasks155 :param block_indices: list of lists of indices (ex: [[0,1],[2,3],[4]]156 :param x_test: array size nb_timesteps_test * 1, represents time157 :param y_test: array size nb_individuals * nb_timesteps_test * number_tasks158 :param save_h5: boolean, to save the test values in a h5 file or not159 :param activate_plot: to plot for each individual the resulted regressions, losses...160 :return: train Block MGP for multiple individuals161 :return: predicted values (of same size as y_test) at x_test162 BE CAREFUL : x_train and x_test must be the same for all the individuals...163 '''164 flat_block_indices = [item for sublist in block_indices for item in sublist]165 y_predicted = np.nan*np.ones(y_test.numpy().shape)166 a = []167 for i in range(len(block_indices)):168 a.append([])169 for j in range(len(block_indices[i])):170 a[i].append(flat_block_indices.index(block_indices[i][j]))171 block_indices = a172 if len(x_train.shape)>1:173 raise ValueError('Wrong dimensions for the input X_train, x_train should be a 1D Vector')174 if len(x_test.shape)>1:175 raise ValueError('Wrong dimensions for the input X_test, x_test should be a 1D Vector')176 if x_train.shape[0] != y_train.shape[1]:177 raise ValueError('Number of time steps is different for x_train and y_train')178 flat_indices = [item for sublist in block_indices for item in sublist]179 nb_individuals, _, nb_tasks = y_train.shape180 if max(flat_indices) > nb_tasks:181 raise ValueError('One of the block indices is higher than the number of tasks in Y_train')182 list_means = []183 list_covariance_matrix = []184 for i in range(nb_individuals):185 # Training subset?186 if len(train_sample_subset.shape)==0:187 this_train_sample_subset = np.arange(x_train.shape[0])188 elif len(train_sample_subset.shape)==1:189 this_train_sample_subset=train_sample_subset190 elif len(train_sample_subset.shape)==2:191 this_train_sample_subset=train_sample_subset[i]192 else:193 raise ValueError('Error with train_sample_subset.shape={}'.format(train_sample_subset.shape))194 # Just use subset for training195 x_train_cur = x_train[this_train_sample_subset]196 y_train_cur = y_train[i, this_train_sample_subset]197 print('########### INDIVIDUAL %d ###########'%i)198 # Define and train199 mgp = Block_MGP(kernel, learning_rate, n_iter, block_indices)200 mgp.build_and_train_block_models(x_train_cur, y_train_cur, smart_end)201 # Plot if desired202 if activate_plot:203 mgp.plot_model(x_train, y_train[i], x_test, train_filter = this_train_sample_subset)204 205 # Predict for this individual206 test_mean_list, test_covar_matrix_list, _ = mgp.test_block_model(x_test)207 list_means.append(test_mean_list)208 list_covariance_matrix.append(test_covar_matrix_list)209 # Keep predicted mean210 for k in range(len(block_indices)):211 y_predicted[i,:,block_indices[k]]=test_mean_list[k].T212 # Save dataset213 h5_dataset_path='{}/​{}/​trained_models/​MGP{}blocks_{}.h5'.format(main_dir, exec_type, len(block_indices), train_sampling_type)214 h5_dataset = h5py.File(h5_dataset_path, 'w')215 # Per block216 for i in range(len(block_indices)):217 cur_mean = np.array([list_means[j][i] for j in range(y_train.shape[0])])218 cur_covariance = np.array([list_covariance_matrix[j][i] for j in range(y_train.shape[0])])219 h5_dataset.create_dataset('mean_block_%d'%i, data=cur_mean)220 h5_dataset.create_dataset('covar_block_%d'%i, data=cur_covariance)221 # All predictions222 h5_dataset.create_dataset('y_predicted', data=y_predicted)223 h5_dataset.close()224 return h5_dataset_path, y_predicted225# Making sure the main program is not executed when the module is imported226if __name__ == '__main__':...

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1from Cross_Validation import Cross_Validation as crv2from sklearn.utils import shuffle3import matplotlib.pyplot as plt4import numpy as np5import time6class Learning_Curve:7 """8 This class is contains utility methods to compute and plot learning curves9 """10 """ Takes the following parameters as an input:11 learner: a SKLearn Classifier (SKLearn Classifier)12 k: number of iteration of Cross-Validation (float)13 examples: the Bag of Words (sparse matrix of integers)14 labels: labels for each sample (list of integers)15 sizes: sizes to be tested (list of floats between 0 and 1)16 Returns:17 trains_sizes: the tested sizes (list of integers)18 train_scores: the scores achieved on the train set (matrix of floats between 0 and 100)19 test_scores: the scores achieved on the test set (matrix of floats between 0 and 100)20 """21 @staticmethod22 def Learning_Curve(learner, k, examples, labels, sizes, type="shuffle"):23 train_scores = []24 test_scores = []25 train_sizes = []26 examples, labels = shuffle(examples, labels, random_state=int(time.time()))27 for s in sizes:28 size = s*examples.shape[0]29 data_slice, labels_slice = shuffle(examples[:size], labels[:size], random_state=int(time.time()))30 if type == "shuffle":31 score = crv.Shuffle_Cross_Validation(learner, k, data_slice, labels_slice, 0.1)32 elif type == "k-fold":33 score = crv.K_Fold_Cross_Validation(learner, k, data_slice, labels_slice)34 train_scores.append(score[0])35 test_scores.append(score[1])36 train_sizes.append(size)37 return train_sizes, train_scores, test_scores38 """ Takes the following parameters as an input:39 trains_sizes: the tested sizes (list of integers)40 avg_train_scores: the scores achieved on the train set for each size(list of floats between 0 and 100)41 avg_test_scores: the scores achieved on the test set for each size(list of floats between 0 and 100)42 test_std_deviation: the standard deviation on the test set for each size (list of floats)43 train_std_deviation: the standard deviation on the train set for each size (list of floats)44 name: the choosen name (string)45 Returns:46 Nothing.47 Plots the learning curve with the given data48 """49 @staticmethod50 def plot_curve(train_size, avg_test_scores, avg_train_scores, test_std_deviation, train_std_deviation, name):51 print name52 for i in zip(train_size, avg_test_scores):53 print i54 for j in zip(train_size, avg_train_scores):55 print j56 plt.figure()57 plt.plot(train_size, avg_test_scores, 'o-', label=name + " Test", color='blue',)58 plt.plot(train_size, avg_train_scores, 'o-', label=name + " Train", color='green')59 plt.fill_between(train_size, [x[0]+x[1] for x in zip(avg_test_scores, test_std_deviation)],60 [x[0]-x[1] for x in zip(avg_test_scores, test_std_deviation)], color='blue', alpha=0.2)61 plt.fill_between(train_size, [x[0]+x[1] for x in zip(avg_train_scores, train_std_deviation)],62 [x[0]-x[1] for x in zip(avg_train_scores, train_std_deviation)], color='green', alpha=0.2)63 plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.02, 1., .102), loc=1, ncol=1, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0.)64 plt.axis([0, 20000, 0.25, 1.0])65 plt.xticks(range(0, 20000, 1000))66 plt.yticks(np.arange(0.30, 1.0, 0.1))67 for k in range(0, len(train_size)):68 plt.text(train_size[k], avg_test_scores[k], str(round(avg_test_scores[k], 4)))...

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