How to use configure_base method in pyresttest

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1#!/​usr/​bin/​env python2## \file configure.py3# \brief An extended configuration script.4# \author T. Albring5# \version 7.0.6 "Blackbird"6#7# SU2 Project Website: https:/​/​su2code.github.io8# 9# The SU2 Project is maintained by the SU2 Foundation 10# (http:/​/​ Copyright 2012-2020, SU2 Contributors (cf. SU2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/​or15# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public16# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either17# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.18# 19# SU2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,20# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of21# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU22# Lesser General Public License for more details.23#24# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public25# License along with SU2. If not, see <http:/​/​​licenses/​>.26from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import27from optparse import OptionParser, BadOptionError28import sys,time, os, subprocess, os.path, glob, re, shutil, fileinput29from subprocess import call30# "Pass-through" option parsing -- an OptionParser that ignores31# unknown options and lets them pile up in the leftover argument32# list. Useful to pass unknown arguments to the automake configure.33class PassThroughOptionParser(OptionParser):34 def _process_long_opt(self, rargs, values):35 try:36 OptionParser._process_long_opt(self, rargs, values)37 except BadOptionError as err:38 self.largs.append(err.opt_str)39 def _process_short_opts(self, rargs, values):40 try:41 OptionParser._process_short_opts(self, rargs, values)42 except BadOptionError as err:43 self.largs.append(err.opt_str)44def main():45 # Command Line Options46 usage = './​ [options]' \47 '\nNote: Options not listed below are passed to the automake configure.' \48 '\n Compiler flags must be set with \'export CFLAGS=...\' or \'export CXXFLAGS=...\' ' \49 '\n before calling this script.'50 parser = PassThroughOptionParser(usage = usage)51 parser.add_option("--enable-direct-diff", action="store_true",52 help="Enable direct differentiation mode support", dest="directdiff", default=False)53 parser.add_option("--enable-autodiff", action="store_true",54 help="Enable Automatic Differentiation support", dest="ad_support", default=False)55 parser.add_option("--with-ad", action="store", type = "string", help="AD Tool, CODI/​ADOLC", default="CODI", dest="adtool")56 parser.add_option("--enable-mpi", action="store_true",57 help="Enable mpi support", dest="mpi_enabled", default=False)58 parser.add_option("--enable-PY_WRAPPER", action="store_true",59 help="Enable Python wrapper compilation", dest="py_wrapper_enabled", default=False)60 parser.add_option("--disable-tecio", action="store_true",61 help="Disable Tecplot binary support", dest="tecio_disabled", default=False)62 parser.add_option("--disable-normal", action="store_true",63 help="Disable normal mode support", dest="normal_mode", default=False)64 parser.add_option("-c" , "--check", action="store_true",65 help="Check the source code for potential problems", dest="check", default=False)66 parser.add_option("-r" , "--replace", action="store_true",67 help="Do a search and replace of necessary symbols. Creates back up of source files.", dest="replace", default=False)68 parser.add_option("-d" , "--delete", action="store_true",69 help="Removes the back up files.", dest="remove", default=False)70 parser.add_option("-v" , "--revert", action="store_true",71 help="Revert files to original state.", dest="revert", default=False)72 parser.add_option("-u", "--update", action="store_true",73 help="Update and recompile submodules.", dest="update", default=False)74 (options, args)=parser.parse_args()75 options.adtool = options.adtool.upper()76 if options.directdiff == False:77 adtool_dd = ""78 else:79 adtool_dd = options.adtool80 if options.ad_support == False:81 adtool_da = ""82 else:83 adtool_da = options.adtool84 conf_environ = os.environ85 made_adolc = False86 made_codi = False87 header()88 modes = {'SU2_BASE' : not options.normal_mode == True,89 'SU2_DIRECTDIFF' : adtool_dd ,90 'SU2_AD' : adtool_da }91 # Create a dictionary from the arguments92 argument_dict = dict(zip(args[::2],args[1::2]))93 # Set the default installation path (if not set with --prefix)94 argument_dict['--prefix'] = argument_dict.get('--prefix', os.getcwd().rstrip())95 if not options.check:96 if any([modes["SU2_AD"] == 'CODI', modes["SU2_DIRECTDIFF"] == 'CODI']):97 conf_environ, made_codi = init_codi(argument_dict,modes,options.mpi_enabled, options.update)98 configure(argument_dict,99 conf_environ,100 options.mpi_enabled,101 options.py_wrapper_enabled,102 options.tecio_disabled,103 modes,104 made_adolc,105 made_codi)106 if options.check:107 prepare_source(options.replace, options.remove, options.revert)108def prepare_source(replace = False, remove = False, revert = False):109 # Directories containing the source code110 print('Preparing source code ...')111 dir_list = [ "Common",112 "SU2_CFD",113 "SU2_DEF",114 "SU2_DOT",115 "SU2_GEO",116 "SU2_SOL",117 "SU2_MSH"]118 file_list = ""119 exclude_dic_lines = {}120 exclude_dic_files = {}121 exclude_file_name = 'preconf.exclude'122# # Build the dictionaries for line and file excludes that123# # are defined in the exlude file 'preconf.exclude'.124# # Syntax:125# # PathTo/​File[:Line1,Line2,...]126# if os.path.exists(exclude_file_name):127# print 'Reading \'' + exclude_file_name + '\' ...'128# with open(exclude_file_name, 'r') as exclude:129# for line in exclude:130# exclude_line = line.split(':')131# exclude_file = exclude_line[0].rstrip()132# if len(exclude_line) > 1:133# exclude_lines = exclude_line[1].split(',')134# for index,item in enumerate(exclude_lines):135# exclude_lines[index] = int(item.rstrip())136# exclude_dic_lines[exclude_line[0].rstrip()] = exclude_lines137# else:138# exclude_dic_files[exclude_line[0].rstrip()] = [-1]139# else:140# print('Exclude file \'' + exclude_file_name + '\' not found. Checking all files.')141 # Hardcoded files that will be skipped142 exclude_dic_files = { 'Common/​include/​datatype_structure.hpp' : [-1],143 'Common/​include/​datatype_structure.inl' : [-1],144 'Common/​include/​mpi_structure.hpp' : [-1],145 'Common/​include/​mpi_structure.inl' : [-1],146 'Common/​src/​datatype_structure.cpp': [-1],147 'Common/​src/​mpi_structure.cpp' : [-1] }148 str_double = 'double'149 regex_double = re.compile(r'(^|[^\w])('+str_double+')([^\w]|$)')150 replacement_double = r'\1su2double\3'151 simple_replacements = {'MPI_Reduce' : 'SU2_MPI::Reduce',152 'MPI_Allreduce' : 'SU2_MPI::Allreduce',153 'MPI_Gather' : 'SU2_MPI::Gather',154 'MPI_Allgather' : 'SU2_MPI::Allgather',155 'MPI_Isend' : 'SU2_MPI::Isend',156 'MPI_Irecv' : 'SU2_MPI::Irecv',157 'MPI_Send' : 'SU2_MPI::Send',158 'MPI_Wait' : 'SU2_MPI::Wait',159 'MPI_Waitall' : 'SU2_MPI::Waitall',160 'MPI_Waitany' : 'SU2_MPI::Waitany',161 'MPI_Bsend' : 'SU2_MPI::Bsend' ,162 'MPI_Bcast' : 'SU2_MPI::Bcast',163 'MPI_Sendrecv' : 'SU2_MPI::Sendrecv',164 'MPI_Init' : 'SU2_MPI::Init',165 'MPI_Recv' : 'SU2_MPI::Recv',166 'MPI_Comm_size' : 'SU2_MPI::Comm_size',167 'MPI_Comm_rank' : 'SU2_MPI::Comm_rank',168 'MPI_Init' : 'SU2_MPI::Init',169 'MPI_Barrier' : 'SU2_MPI::Barrier',170 'MPI_Abort' : 'SU2_MPI::Abort',171 'MPI_Request' : 'SU2_MPI::Request',172 'MPI_Get_count' : 'SU2_MPI::Get_count',173 'MPI_Finalize' : 'SU2_MPI::Finalize',174 'MPI_Buffer_detach': 'SU2_MPI::Buffer_detach',175 'MPI_Buffer_attach': 'SU2_MPI::Buffer_attach',176 'MPI_Status' : 'SU2_MPI::Status',177 'sprintf' : 'SPRINTF'}178 regex_cast_1 = re.compile(r'(^|[^\w|^\\])(int)(\s*\()')179 replacement_cast_1 = r'\1SU2_TYPE::Int\3'180 regex_cast_2 = re.compile(r'\(int\)\s*')181 logfile = open ('preconf.log','w')182 backup_ext = '.orig'183 print('Checking for problems...')184 # Test each source file for the occurrence of missing replacements185 # and print the respective lines.186 for dir in dir_list:187 file_list = glob.glob(dir+os.path.sep+'*[src,include]'+os.path.sep+'*[.cpp,.hpp,.inl]')188 for file in file_list:189 if not file in exclude_dic_files.keys():190 if all([not replace, revert]):191 # Check if back up file exists192 if os.path.isfile(file + backup_ext):193 os.remove(file);194 shutil.copy(file + backup_ext, file)195 else:196 print('Cannot find backup file ' + file + backup_ext)197 # Remove backup files if requested198 if all([not replace, remove]):199 if os.path.isfile(file + backup_ext):200 print('Removing' + file + backup_ext)201 os.remove(file + backup_ext)202 if all([not remove, not revert]):203 num_found = 0204 found_line = ""205 ignore_line = ""206 new_line = ""207 for line in fileinput.input(file, inplace = 1, backup = backup_ext):208 new_line = line.rstrip('\n')209 if any([re.findall(regex_double, line), find_all(line, simple_replacements), re.findall(regex_cast_1, line)]):210 if not fileinput.lineno() in exclude_dic_lines.get(file,[]):211 if replace:212 new_line = replace_all(new_line, simple_replacements)213 new_line = re.sub(regex_double, replacement_double, new_line)214 new_line = re.sub(regex_cast_1, replacement_cast_1, new_line)215 found_line = found_line + '\tLine ' + str(fileinput.lineno()) +': ' + line.rstrip() + '\n\t\t => ' + new_line.rstrip() + '\n'216 else:217 found_line = found_line + '\tLine ' + str(fileinput.lineno()) +': ' + line.rstrip() + '\n'218 num_found = num_found + 1219 else:220 ignore_line = ignore_line + 'Ignoring line ' + str(fileinput.lineno()) + ' in ' + file + ' (' + line.rstrip() + ')\n'221 print(new_line)222 if num_found > 0:223 if replace:224 print('Solved ' + str(num_found) + ' potential problem(s) in ' + file + '.')225 logfile.write('Solved ' + str(num_found) + ' potential problem(s) in ' + file + ':\n')226 else:227 print('Found ' + str(num_found) + ' potential problem(s) in ' + file + '.')228 logfile.write('Found ' + str(num_found) + ' potential problem(s) in ' + file + ':\n')229 logfile.write( found_line )230 else:231 os.remove(file + backup_ext)232 if not ignore_line == "":233 print(ignore_line.rstrip())234 else:235 print('Ignoring file ' + file)236 print('\nPlease check preconf.log to get more information about potential problems.')237def replace_all(text, dic):238 for i, j in dic.iteritems():239 text = text.replace(i, j)240 return text241def find_all(text, dic):242 for i,j in dic.iteritems():243 if not text.find(i) == -1:244 return True245 return False246def init_codi(argument_dict, modes, mpi_support = False, update = False):247 modules_failed = True248 249 # This information of the modules is used if projects was not cloned using git250 # The sha tag must be maintained manually to point to the correct commit251 sha_version_codi = 'bd4a639c2fe625a80946c8365bd2976a2868cf46'252 github_repo_codi = 'https:/​/​​scicompkl/​CoDiPack'253 sha_version_medi = '46a97e1d6e8fdd3cb42b06534cff6acad2a49693'254 github_repo_medi = 'https:/​/​​SciCompKL/​MeDiPack'255 medi_name = 'MeDiPack'256 codi_name = 'CoDiPack'257 alt_name_medi = 'externals/​medi'258 alt_name_codi = 'externals/​codi'259 # Some log and error files260 log = open( 'preconf.log', 'w' )261 err = open( 'preconf.err', 'w' )262 pkg_environ = os.environ263 codi_status = False264 ampi_status = False265 print("Checking the status of submodules")266 print('=====================================================================')267 # Remove modules if update is requested268 if update:269 if os.path.exists(alt_name_codi):270 print('Removing ' + alt_name_codi)271 shutil.rmtree(alt_name_codi)272 if os.path.exists(alt_name_medi):273 print('Removing ' + alt_name_medi)274 shutil.rmtree(alt_name_medi)275 submodule_check(codi_name, alt_name_codi, github_repo_codi, sha_version_codi, log, err, update)276 if mpi_support:277 submodule_check(medi_name, alt_name_medi, github_repo_medi, sha_version_medi, log, err, update)278 return pkg_environ, True279def submodule_check(name, alt_name, github_rep, sha_tag, log, err, update = False):280 try:281 status = submodule_status(alt_name, update)282 if status:283 print('Found correct version of ' + name + ' in ' + alt_name + '.')284 except RuntimeError:285 if all([os.path.exists(alt_name), not os.path.exists(alt_name + '/​' + sha_tag)]):286 print('Found an old or unspecified version of ' + name + ' in ' + alt_name + '.\nUse -u to reset module.')287 sys.exit()288 if not os.path.exists(alt_name):289 print('\ngit command failed (either git is not installed or this is not a git repository).')290 print('\nUsing fall-back method to initialize submodule ' + name)291 download_module(name, alt_name, github_rep, sha_tag, log, err)292 else:293 print('Found correct version of ' + name + ' in ' + alt_name + '.')294def submodule_status(path, update):295 try:296 status = check_output('git submodule status ' + path).decode()297 except RuntimeError:298 raise RuntimeError299 status_indicator = status[0][0]300 if status_indicator == '+':301 sys.stderr.write('WARNING: the currently checked out submodule commit in ' + path + ' does not match the SHA-1 found in the index.\n')302 sys.stderr.write('Use \'git submodule update --init '+ path + '\' to reset the module if necessary.\n')303 return False304 elif any([status_indicator == '-', update]):305 print('Initialize submodule ' + path + ' using git ... ')306 subprocess.check_call('git submodule update --init ' + path, shell = True)307 return True308def download_module(name, alt_name, git_repo, commit_sha, logfile, errorfile):309 print('\nInitializing ' + name + ' \'' + commit_sha + '\'')310 print('=====================================================================')311 # Download package312 try:313 print('Downloading module from ' + git_repo)314 subprocess.check_call('wget -N ' + git_repo + '/​archive/​' + commit_sha + '.zip', stdout = logfile, stderr = errorfile, shell = True )315 except subprocess.CalledProcessError:316 print('Download of module ' + name + ' failed. See preconf.err for more information.')317 print('To download it manually, perform the following steps:')318 print('\t - Download the zip at \"' + git_repo + '/​archive/​' + commit_sha + '.zip\"')319 print('\t - Extract the archive to externals/​' + alt_name)320 print('\t - Execute command \'touch externals/​'+ alt_name + '/​' + commit_sha + '\'')321 print('\t - Run again')322 sys.exit()323 324 # Extract zip archive325 try:326 print('Extracting archive ...')327 subprocess.check_call('unzip -u ' + commit_sha + '.zip', stdout = logfile, stderr = errorfile, shell=True)328 except subprocess.CalledProcessError:329 print('Extraction of module ' + name + ' failed. See preconf.err for more information.')330 sys.exit()331 # Rename folder and create a file to identify the version332 try:333 print('Creating identifier ...')334 subprocess.check_call('mv '+ name + '-' + commit_sha + ' ' + alt_name + ' && touch ' + alt_name + '/​' + commit_sha, stdout = logfile, stderr = errorfile, shell = True)335 except subprocess.CalledProcessError:336 print('Renaming of module ' + name + ' failed. See preconf.err for more information.')337 sys.exit()338 # Remove archive339 subprocess.check_call('rm ' + commit_sha + '.zip', shell=True)340def configure(argument_dict,341 conf_environ,342 mpi_support,343 py_wrapper,344 tecio,345 modes,346 made_adolc,347 made_codi):348 # Boostrap to generate Makefile.in349 bootstrap_command = './​bootstrap'350 # Set the base command for running configure351 configure_base = '../​configure'352 # Add the arguments to the configure command353 for arg in argument_dict:354 configure_base = configure_base + " " + arg + "=" + argument_dict[arg]355 configure_mode = ''356 if mpi_support:357 configure_base = configure_base + ' --enable-mpi'358 if py_wrapper:359 configure_base = configure_base + ' --enable-PY_WRAPPER'360 if tecio:361 configure_base = configure_base + ' --disable-tecio'362 build_dirs = ''363 364 print( '\nPreparing build environment\n' \365 '=====================================================================')366 run_command(bootstrap_command, 'bootstrap.log', 'bootstrap.err', conf_environ)367 # Create the commands for the different configurations and run configure368 for key in modes:369 if modes[key]:370 print('\nRunning configure in folder ' + key + ' ', end = '')371 if modes[key] == 'CODI':372 if key == 'SU2_DIRECTDIFF':373 configure_mode = '--enable-codi-forward'374 if key == 'SU2_AD':375 configure_mode = '--enable-codi-reverse'376 print('using ' + modes[key])377 elif modes[key] == 'ADOLC':378 if key == 'SU2_DIRECTDIFF':379 configure_mode = '--enable-adolc-forward'380 if key == 'SU2_AD':381 configure_mode = '--enable-adolc-reverse'382 print('using ' + modes[key])383 elif modes[key] == 'COMPLEX':384 configure_mode = '--enable-complex'385 print('using ' + modes[key])386 else:387 configure_mode = ''388 print('')389 print('=====================================================================')390 log = os.getcwd().rstrip() + '/​conf_'+ key+'.log'391 err = os.getcwd().rstrip() + '/​conf_'+ key+'.err'392 if not os.path.exists(key):393 os.mkdir(key)394 os.chdir(key)395 run_command(configure_base + ' ' + configure_mode, log, err, conf_environ)396 os.chdir(os.pardir)397 build_dirs += key + ' '398 write_makefile(build_dirs)399 print('\nPre-configuration Summary:\n' \400 '=====================================================================\n'\401 '\tConfiguration sets: '+ build_dirs + '\n')402 print('\tUse "make <install>" to compile (and install) all configured binaries:\n')403 if modes['SU2_BASE']:404 print('\tSU2_CFD -> General solver for direct, cont. adjoint and linearized equations.\n' \405 '\tSU2_DOT -> Gradient Projection Code.\n' \406 '\tSU2_DEF -> Mesh Deformation Code.\n' \407 '\tSU2_MSH -> Mesh Adaption Code.\n' \408 '\tSU2_SOL -> Solution Export Code.\n' \409 '\tSU2_GEO -> Geometry Definition Code.\n')410 if modes['SU2_AD']:411 print('\tSU2_CFD_AD -> Discrete Adjoint Solver and general AD support.')412 print('\tSU2_DOT_AD -> Mesh sensitivity computation and general AD support.')413 if modes['SU2_DIRECTDIFF']:414 print('\tSU2_CFD_DIRECTDIFF -> Direct Differentation Mode.')415 print('\n')416 print('\tPlease be sure to add the $SU2_HOME and $SU2_RUN environment variables,\n' \417 '\tand update your $PATH (and $PYTHONPATH if applicable) with $SU2_RUN.\n' \418 '\n' \419 '\tBased on the input to this configuration, add these lines to your .bashrc file: \n' \420 '\n' \421 '\texport SU2_RUN="'+argument_dict['--prefix']+'/​bin"\n' \422 '\texport SU2_HOME="'+os.getcwd().rstrip()+'"\n' \423 '\texport PATH=$PATH:$SU2_RUN\n' \424 '\texport PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$SU2_RUN\n')425def run_command(command, log, err, env):426 try:427 logfile = open(log, 'w')428 errfile = open(err, 'w')429 print('Command: ' + command)430 subprocess.check_call(command, env = env, stdout = logfile, stderr = errfile, shell=True)431 print('Logfile written to ' + log)432 logfile.close()433 errfile.close()434 except subprocess.CalledProcessError:435 errfile = open(err, 'r')436 print('\nThere was an error while running command \'' + command + '\'.')437 print('=== Error Log ===')438 print( errfile.close()440 sys.exit(1)441def check_output(cmd):442 std, err = subprocess.Popen([cmd], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell = True).communicate()443 if err:444 raise RuntimeError(err)445 return std446def write_makefile(build_dirs):447 print('\nCreating Makefile ...\n')448 makefile = open('Makefile', 'w')449 makefile.writelines(['# This file is auto-generated by\n',450 'SUBDIRS = '+ build_dirs + '\n',451 'INSTALLDIRS = $(SUBDIRS:%=install-%)\n',452 'CLEANDIRS = $(SUBDIRS:%=clean-%)\n',453 '\n',454 'subdirs: $(SUBDIRS)\n',455 '\n',456 '$(SUBDIRS):\n',457 '\t$(MAKE) -C $@\n',458 '\n',459 'install: $(INSTALLDIRS)\n',460 '$(INSTALLDIRS):\n',461 '\t$(MAKE) -C $(@:install-%=%) install\n',462 '\n',463 'clean: $(CLEANDIRS)\n',464 '$(CLEANDIRS):\n',465 '\t$(MAKE) -C $(@:clean-%=%) clean\n',466 '\n',467 '.PHONY: subdirs $(SUBDIRS)\n',468 '.PHONY: subdirs $(INSTALLDIRS)\n',469 '.PHONY: subdirs $(CLEANDIRS)\n',470 '.PHONY: install\n'])471 makefile.close()472def header():473 print('-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'\474 '| ___ _ _ ___ | \n'\475 '| /​ __| | | |_ ) Release 7.0.2 \'Blackbird\' | \n'\476 '| \__ \ |_| |/​ /​ | \n'\477 '| |___/​\___/​/​___| Pre-configuration Script | \n'\478 '| | \n'\479 '------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n'\480 '| The current SU2 release has been coordinated by the | \n'\481 '| SU2 International Developers Society <> | \n'\482 '| with selected contributions from the open-source community. | \n'\483 '------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n'\484 '| The main research teams contributing to the current release are: | \n'\485 '| - Prof. Juan J. Alonso\'s group at Stanford University. | \n'\486 '| - Prof. Piero Colonna\'s group at Delft University of Technology. | \n'\487 '| - Prof. Nicolas R. Gauger\'s group at Kaiserslautern U. of Technology. | \n'\488 '| - Prof. Alberto Guardone\'s group at Polytechnic University of Milan. | \n'\489 '| - Prof. Rafael Palacios\' group at Imperial College London. | \n'\490 '| - Prof. Vincent Terrapon\'s group at the University of Liege. | \n'\491 '| - Prof. Edwin van der Weide\'s group at the University of Twente. | \n'\492 '| - Lab. of New Concepts in Aeronautics at Tech. Inst. of Aeronautics. | \n'\493 '------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n'\494 '| Copyright 2012-2020, Francisco D. Palacios, Thomas D. Economon, | \n'\495 '| Tim Albring, and the SU2 contributors. | \n'\496 '| | \n'\497 '| SU2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/​or | \n'\498 '| modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public | \n'\499 '| License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either | \n'\500 '| version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. | \n'\501 '| | \n'\502 '| SU2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | \n'\503 '| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | \n'\504 '| MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU | \n'\505 '| Lesser General Public License for more details. | \n'\506 '| | \n'\507 '| You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public | \n'\508 '| License along with SU2. If not, see <http:/​/​​licenses/​>. | \n'\509 '------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n')510# -------------------------------------------------------------------511# Run Main Program512# -------------------------------------------------------------------513# this is only accessed if running from command prompt514if __name__ == '__main__':...

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...180 self._cache.configure_core('cmake-prefix-path', self.edit_cmake_prefix_path.text())181 self._cache.configure_core('pkg-config-path', self.edit_pkg_config_path.text())182 #183 # Meson args passed for (Base options)184 self._cache.configure_base('b_colorout', self.combo_b_colorout.currentText())185 self._cache.configure_base('b_coverage', self.combo_b_coverage.currentText())186 self._cache.configure_base('b_lundef', self.combo_b_lundef.currentText())187 self._cache.configure_base('b_ndebug', self.combo_b_ndebug.currentText())188 self._cache.configure_base('b_lto', self.combo_b_lto.currentText())189 self._cache.configure_base('b_pch', self.combo_b_pch.currentText())190 self._cache.configure_base('b_pgo', self.combo_b_pgo.currentText())191 self._cache.configure_base('b_pie', self.combo_b_pie.currentText())192 self._cache.configure_base('b_sanitize', self.combo_b_sanitize.currentText())193 self._cache.configure_base('b_staticpic', self.combo_b_staticpic.currentText())194 self._cache.configure_base('b_vscrt', self.combo_b_vscrt.currentText())195 #196 # Meson args passed for (Directory options)197 self._cache.configure_path('prefix', self.edit_prexif.text())198 self._cache.configure_path('bindir', self.edit_bindir.text())199 self._cache.configure_path('datadir', self.edit_datadir.text())200 self._cache.configure_path('includedir', self.edit_includedir.text())201 self._cache.configure_path('infodir', self.edit_infodir.text())202 self._cache.configure_path('libdir', self.edit_libdir.text())203 self._cache.configure_path('libexecdir', self.edit_libexecdir.text())204 self._cache.configure_path('localedir', self.edit_localedir.text())205 self._cache.configure_path('localstatedir', self.edit_localstatedir.text())206 self._cache.configure_path('mandir', self.edit_mandir.text())207 self._cache.configure_path('sbindir', self.edit_sbindir.text())208 self._cache.configure_path('sharedstatedir', self.edit_sharedstatedir.text())...

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...19'app-dns')20 def appdns():21 """Manage Treadmill App DNS configuration.22 """23 def configure_base(name, cell, pattern, endpoints, alias, scope, id_group):24 """Create, modify or get Treadmill App DNS entry"""25 restapi = context.GLOBAL.admin_api()26 url = _REST_PATH + name27 data = {}28 if cell:29 data['cells'] = cell30 if pattern is not None:31 data['pattern'] = pattern32 if endpoints is not None:33 data['endpoints'] = endpoints34 if alias is not None:35 data['alias'] = alias36 if scope is not None:37 data['scope'] = scope38 if id_group is not None:39 data['identity-group'] = id_group40 if data:41 try:42 _LOGGER.debug('Trying to create app-dns entry %s', name)43, url, data)44 except restclient.AlreadyExistsError:45 _LOGGER.debug('Updating app-dns entry %s', name)46 restclient.put(restapi, url, data)47 _LOGGER.debug('Retrieving App DNS entry %s', name)48 app_dns_entry = restclient.get(restapi, url).json()49 cli.out(formatter(app_dns_entry))50 @appdns.command()51 @click.argument('name', nargs=1, required=True)52 @click.option('--cell', help='List of cells',53 type=cli.LIST)54 @click.option('--pattern', help='App pattern')55 @click.option('--endpoints', help='Endpoints to be included in SRV rec',56 type=cli.LIST)57 @click.option('--alias', help='App DNS alias')58 @click.option('--scope', help='DNS scope')59 @cli.handle_exceptions(restclient.CLI_REST_EXCEPTIONS)60 def configure(name, cell, pattern, endpoints, alias, scope):61 """Create, modify or get DNS SRV entry"""62 configure_base(name, cell, pattern, endpoints, alias, scope, None)63'cname')64 def cname():65 """Manage DNS CNAME configuration.66 """67 @cname.command(name='configure')68 @click.argument('name', nargs=1, required=True)69 @click.option('--cell', help='List of cells',70 type=cli.LIST)71 @click.option('--pattern', help='App pattern')72 @click.option('--alias', help='App DNS alias')73 @click.option('--scope', help='DNS scope')74 @click.option('--identity-group', 'id_group', help='Identity group to '75 'create alias(es) pointing to the instances\' hosts')76 @cli.handle_exceptions(restclient.CLI_REST_EXCEPTIONS)77 def configure_cname(name, cell, pattern, alias, scope, id_group):78 """Create, modify or get DNS CNAME configuration"""79 configure_base(name, cell, pattern, None, alias, scope, id_group)80'srv')81 def srv():82 """Manage DNS SRV configuration.83 """84 @srv.command(name='configure')85 @click.argument('name', nargs=1, required=True)86 @click.option('--cell', help='List of cells',87 type=cli.LIST)88 @click.option('--pattern', help='App pattern')89 @click.option('--endpoints', help='Endpoints to be included in SRV rec',90 type=cli.LIST)91 @click.option('--alias', help='App DNS alias')92 @click.option('--scope', help='DNS scope')93 @cli.handle_exceptions(restclient.CLI_REST_EXCEPTIONS)94 def configure_srv(name, cell, pattern, endpoints, alias, scope):95 """Create, modify or get DNS SRV entry"""96 configure_base(name, cell, pattern, endpoints, alias, scope, None)97 @appdns.command()98 @click.argument('name', nargs=1, required=True)99 @click.option('--add', help='Cells to to add.', type=cli.LIST)100 @click.option('--remove', help='Cells to to remove.', type=cli.LIST)101 @cli.handle_exceptions(restclient.CLI_REST_EXCEPTIONS)102 def cells(add, remove, name):103 """Add or remove cells from the app-dns."""104 url = _REST_PATH + name105 restapi = context.GLOBAL.admin_api()106 existing = restclient.get(restapi, url).json()107 cells = set(existing['cells'])108 if add:109 cells.update(add)110 if remove:...

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