How to use stateenabled method in pyatom

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1import random2import re3from typing import Tuple, Callable4import pygame5import pypeg26from pygame.surface import Surface7from pypeg2 import contiguous, attr, parse, word, maybe_some8from import FontManager9from import Frame10from import Textures11from engine.timer import Timer12from engine.tween.easing import Easing13from engine.tween.tween import Tween14from engine.tween.tweensubject import TweenSubject15class Text(pypeg2.List):16 pass17class BoldText(pypeg2.List):18 grammar = "<b>", attr("text", Text), "</​b>"19class UnderlineText(pypeg2.List):20 grammar = "<u>", attr("text", Text), "</​u>"21class ShakingText(pypeg2.List):22 grammar = "<shaking>", attr("text", Text), "</​shaking>"23class StrikeText(pypeg2.List):24 grammar = "<strike>", attr("text", Text), "</​strike>"25class ItalicText(pypeg2.List):26 grammar = "<i>", attr("text", Text), "</​i>"27class WavingText(pypeg2.List):28 grammar = "<waving>", attr("text", Text), "</​waving>"29class SmallText(pypeg2.List):30 grammar = "<small>", attr("text", Text), "</​small>"31class BigText(pypeg2.List):32 grammar = "<big>", attr("text", Text), "</​big>"33class SlowText(pypeg2.List):34 grammar = "<slow>", attr("text", Text), "</​slow>"35class FastText(pypeg2.List):36 grammar = "<fast>", attr("text", Text), "</​fast>"37class ColoredText(pypeg2.List):38 grammar = "<color ", pypeg2.Symbol, ">", attr("text", Text), "</​color>"39# Ugh not this again40Text.grammar = attr("text", contiguous(maybe_some([SlowText, FastText, SmallText, BigText, ColoredText, WavingText, StrikeText, ShakingText, ItalicText, BoldText, UnderlineText,41 re.compile(r"[^<>]")])))42class CharacterChunk:43 def __init__(self):44 self.char = ""45 self.surface = None46 self.state = {}47 self.yOffset = 0 # used to compensate the big and small text size48 self.animationXOffset = TweenSubject(0) # used to animate letters49 self.animationYOffset = TweenSubject(0)50class DialogRenderer:51 # TODO Add choices here52 # TODO In order : more rich text rendering53 # TODO Add sound54 STATE_PARSING = 055 STATE_BUILDING = 156 STATE_READY = 257 LINE_HEIGHT = 4058 DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR = (0, 0, 0, 0)59 FONT = "Dialog"60 Y_OFFSET = -461 CARET_TIMER_DURATION = 10062 SHAKING_TIMER_DURATION = 2063 WAVING_TIMER_DURATION = 60064 LETTER_DURATION = 20 # TODO Make this a user choice65 WAVING_X_AMPLITUDE = 366 WAVING_Y_AMPLITUDE = 867 WAVING_OFFSET = 15 # ms offset between each letter68 def __init__(self, window : Surface, frame : Frame, text : str, endCallback : Callable):69 self.__boundaries = frame.rect70 self.__text = text71 self.__endCb = endCallback72 self.__window = window73 self.__caretTexture = Textures.getTexture("gui.caret")74 self.__caretStep = 0 # the current step in the caret texture75 self.__caretTimer = Timer("caret", DialogRenderer.CARET_TIMER_DURATION, self.caretTimerCb)76 self.__shakingTimer = Timer("shaking", DialogRenderer.SHAKING_TIMER_DURATION, self.shakingTimerCb)77 self.__regularFont = FontManager.getFont(DialogRenderer.FONT + "Regular")78 self.__smallFont = FontManager.getFont(DialogRenderer.FONT + "Small")79 self.__bigFont = FontManager.getFont(DialogRenderer.FONT + "Big")80 self.__font = self.__regularFont81 self.__linesMax = int((self.__boundaries[3] - Frame.PADDING * 2) /​ (self.__font.size("H")[1]))82 self.__frame = frame83 self.__parserState = DialogRenderer.STATE_PARSING84 self.__states = {}85 self.__lines = [[]]86 self.__linesCharactersIndex = [0]87 self.__currentPageOffset = 088 self.__currentlyDrawingLine = 089 self.__alive = True90 self.__shakingChunks = []91 self.__wavingChunksTweens = []92 # Rich text parser variables93 self.__lastWhitespacePosOnTheLine = 094 self.__currentPosOnTheLine = 095 self.__xOffset = 096 def buildLines(self, tree):97 for text in tree.text:98 textType = type(text)99 if textType == str:100 if text == " ":101 self.__lastWhitespacePosOnTheLine = self.__currentPosOnTheLine102 self.setFontProperties(self.__states)103 chunk = CharacterChunk()104 chunk.char = text105 chunk.surface = self.__font.render(text, True, DialogRenderer.DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR) # TODO Right color106 chunk.state = {**self.__states}107 if self.stateEnabled(chunk.state, "Small"):108 chunk.yOffset = 10109 elif self.stateEnabled(chunk.state, "Big"):110 chunk.yOffset = -5111 if text == "\n":112 self.__lines.append([])113 self.__linesCharactersIndex.append(0)114 elif text == "\t":115 for x in range(0, (self.__linesMax - len(self.__lines) % self.__linesMax) + 1):116 self.__lines.append([])117 self.__linesCharactersIndex.append(0)118 elif self.__xOffset + chunk.surface.get_width() >= self.__boundaries[2] - Frame.PADDING * 2:119 # Rewind until the previous whitespace to put the previous120 # word on the newly created line121 newLine = self.__lines[-1][self.__lastWhitespacePosOnTheLine+1:self.__currentPosOnTheLine+1]122 self.__lines[-1] = self.__lines[-1][:self.__lastWhitespacePosOnTheLine+1]123 # Ignore empty new lines (overflowing whitespace)124 if len(newLine) > 0:125 # If the first char of the line is a whitespace126 # remove its chunk127 firstChar = newLine[0].char128 if firstChar == " ":129 newLine = newLine[1:]130 # Append new line and reset131 self.__xOffset = sum(x.surface.get_width() for x in newLine)132 self.__lines.append(newLine)133 self.__linesCharactersIndex.append(0)134 self.__currentPosOnTheLine = len(newLine)135 if text != "\n" and text != "\t":136 self.__lines[-1].append(chunk)137 self.__xOffset += chunk.surface.get_width()138 if self.stateEnabled(chunk.state, "Shaking"):139 self.__shakingChunks.append(chunk)140 elif self.stateEnabled(chunk.state, "Waving"):141 chunk.animationXOffset.value = -DialogRenderer.WAVING_X_AMPLITUDE142 chunk.animationYOffset.value = -DialogRenderer.WAVING_Y_AMPLITUDE143 xtween = Tween(None, chunk.animationXOffset, DialogRenderer.WAVING_X_AMPLITUDE,144 DialogRenderer.WAVING_TIMER_DURATION, Easing.easingInOutSine, None)145 xtween.runningSince = xtween.duration /​ 2 # fast forward half the time to offset X and Y animations146 ytween = Tween(None, chunk.animationYOffset, DialogRenderer.WAVING_Y_AMPLITUDE,147 DialogRenderer.WAVING_TIMER_DURATION, Easing.easingInOutSine, None)148 xtween.runningSince += DialogRenderer.WAVING_OFFSET * self.__currentPosOnTheLine149 ytween.runningSince += DialogRenderer.WAVING_OFFSET * self.__currentPosOnTheLine150 self.__wavingChunksTweens.append(xtween)151 self.__wavingChunksTweens.append(ytween)152 self.__currentPosOnTheLine += 1153 else:154 typeStr = textType.__name__[:-4]155 self.__states[typeStr] = True156 self.buildLines(text.text)157 self.__states[typeStr] = False158 def shakingTimerCb(self, tag):159 for chunk in self.__shakingChunks:160 chunk.animationXOffset.value = random.randint(-1, 1)161 chunk.animationYOffset.value = random.randint(-1, 1)162 self.__shakingTimer.restart()163 def setFontProperties(self, state):164 if self.stateEnabled(state, "Big"):165 self.__font = self.__bigFont166 elif self.stateEnabled(state, "Small"):167 self.__font = self.__smallFont168 else:169 self.__font = self.__regularFont170 self.__font.set_italic(self.stateEnabled(state, "Italic"))171 self.__font.set_underline(self.stateEnabled(state, "Underline"))172 self.__font.set_bold(self.stateEnabled(state, "Bold"))173 def stateEnabled(self, state, name):174 return name in state and state[name]175 def caretTimerCb(self, tag):176 self.__caretStep = (self.__caretStep + 1) % 4177 self.__caretTimer.restart()178 def update(self, dt, events):179 if not self.__alive:180 return181 self.__caretTimer.update(dt)182 self.__shakingTimer.update(dt)183 for tween in self.__wavingChunksTweens:184 tween.update(dt)185 if not tween.alive:186 tween.reverse()187 # Keys188 if self.__parserState == DialogRenderer.STATE_PARSING:189 self.__tree = parse(self.__text, Text)190 self.__parserState = DialogRenderer.STATE_BUILDING191 elif self.__parserState == DialogRenderer.STATE_BUILDING:192 self.buildLines(self.__tree)193 self.__characterTimer = Timer(None, DialogRenderer.LETTER_DURATION, self.characterTimerCb)194 self.__parserState = DialogRenderer.STATE_READY195 elif self.__parserState == DialogRenderer.STATE_READY:196 self.__characterTimer.update(dt)197 for event in events:198 if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:199 if (event.key == pygame.K_RETURN):200 if self.hasReachedEndOfPage():201 self.__currentPageOffset += self.__linesMax202 self.__currentlyDrawingLine = self.__currentPageOffset203 if self.__currentPageOffset > len(self.__lines):204 self.__alive = False205 self.__endCb(0)206 else:207 # TODO Disallow this if we're drawing slow text208 for line in range(self.__currentlyDrawingLine, self.__currentPageOffset + self.__linesMax):209 if line >= len(self.__lines):210 break211 self.__linesCharactersIndex[line] = len(self.__lines[line])212 def hasReachedEndOfPage(self):213 return (self.__currentlyDrawingLine == self.__currentPageOffset + self.__linesMax) or (not self.__characterTimer.alive)214 def characterTimerCb(self, tag):215 if self.__currentlyDrawingLine == self.__currentPageOffset + self.__linesMax:216 # Wait for user to press action to continue drawing lines217 self.__characterTimer.restart()218 return219 if self.__linesCharactersIndex[self.__currentlyDrawingLine] + 1 > len(self.__lines[self.__currentlyDrawingLine]):220 self.__currentlyDrawingLine += 1221 try:222 self.__linesCharactersIndex[self.__currentlyDrawingLine] += 1223 except IndexError:224 # Reached the end of the text225 return226 self.__characterTimer.restart()227 def draw(self):228 if not self.__alive:229 return230 # Draw frame231 self.__frame.draw()232 if self.__parserState != DialogRenderer.STATE_READY:233 return234 # Draw text235 xOffset = 0236 yOffset = 0237 lastXOffset = 0238 lastYOffset = 0239 lineIndex = self.__currentPageOffset240 for line in self.__lines[self.__currentPageOffset:self.__currentPageOffset + self.__linesMax]:241 if len(line) == 0:242 continue243 for chunk in line[:self.__linesCharactersIndex[lineIndex]]:244 cx = self.__boundaries[0] + Frame.PADDING + xOffset + chunk.animationXOffset.value245 cy = self.__boundaries[1] + Frame.PADDING + yOffset + DialogRenderer.Y_OFFSET + chunk.yOffset + chunk.animationYOffset.value246 self.__window.blit(chunk.surface, (cx, cy))247 if self.stateEnabled(chunk.state, "Strike"):248 pygame.draw.rect(self.__window, DialogRenderer.DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR, (cx - 4, cy + 2 + chunk.surface.get_height() /​ 2, chunk.surface.get_width() + 4, 2)) # TODO Put right text color here249 xOffset += chunk.surface.get_width()250 lastXOffset = xOffset if chunk.char != " " else lastXOffset251 lastYOffset = yOffset252 yOffset += DialogRenderer.LINE_HEIGHT253 xOffset = 0254 lineIndex += 1255 # Draw the caret256 if self.hasReachedEndOfPage():...

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1import random2import re3from typing import Tuple, Callable4import pygame5import pypeg26from pygame.surface import Surface7from pypeg2 import contiguous, attr, parse, word, maybe_some8from import FontManager9from import Frame10from import Textures11from engine.timer import Timer12from engine.tween.easing import Easing13from engine.tween.tween import Tween14from engine.tween.tweensubject import TweenSubject15class Text(pypeg2.List):16 pass17class BoldText(pypeg2.List):18 grammar = "<b>", attr("text", Text), "</​b>"19class UnderlineText(pypeg2.List):20 grammar = "<u>", attr("text", Text), "</​u>"21class ShakingText(pypeg2.List):22 grammar = "<shaking>", attr("text", Text), "</​shaking>"23class StrikeText(pypeg2.List):24 grammar = "<strike>", attr("text", Text), "</​strike>"25class ItalicText(pypeg2.List):26 grammar = "<i>", attr("text", Text), "</​i>"27class WavingText(pypeg2.List):28 grammar = "<waving>", attr("text", Text), "</​waving>"29class SmallText(pypeg2.List):30 grammar = "<small>", attr("text", Text), "</​small>"31class BigText(pypeg2.List):32 grammar = "<big>", attr("text", Text), "</​big>"33class SlowText(pypeg2.List):34 grammar = "<slow>", attr("text", Text), "</​slow>"35class FastText(pypeg2.List):36 grammar = "<fast>", attr("text", Text), "</​fast>"37class ColoredText(pypeg2.List):38 grammar = "<color ", pypeg2.Symbol, ">", attr("text", Text), "</​color>"39# Ugh not this again40Text.grammar = attr("text", contiguous(maybe_some([SlowText, FastText, SmallText, BigText, ColoredText, WavingText, StrikeText, ShakingText, ItalicText, BoldText, UnderlineText,41 re.compile(r"[^<>]")])))42class TextChunk:43 def __init__(self):44 self.text = ""45 self.surface = None46 self.state = {}47 self.yOffset = 0 # used to compensate the big and small text size48 self.animationXOffset = TweenSubject(0) # used to animate letters49 self.animationYOffset = TweenSubject(0)50class DialogRenderer:51 # TODO Add choices here52 # TODO In order : more rich text rendering, "scrolling", letter by letter rendering53 # TODO Add sound54 STATE_PARSING = 055 STATE_CHUNKING = 156 STATE_WRAPPING = 257 STATE_READY = 358 LINE_HEIGHT = 4059 DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR = (0, 0, 0, 0)60 FONT = "Dialog"61 Y_OFFSET = -462 CARET_TIMER_DURATION = 10063 SHAKING_TIMER_DURATION = 2064 WAVING_TIMER_DURATION = 60065 WAVING_X_AMPLITUDE = 366 WAVING_Y_AMPLITUDE = 867 WAVING_OFFSET = 15 # ms offset between each letter68 def __init__(self, window : Surface, frame : Frame, text : str, endCallback : Callable):69 self.__boundaries = frame.rect70 self.__text = text71 self.__endCb = endCallback72 self.__window = window73 self.__caretTexture = Textures.getTexture("gui.caret")74 self.__caretStep = 0 # the current step in the caret texture75 self.__caretTimer = Timer("caret", DialogRenderer.CARET_TIMER_DURATION, self.caretTimerCb)76 self.__shakingTimer = Timer("shaking", DialogRenderer.SHAKING_TIMER_DURATION, self.shakingTimerCb)77 self.__regularFont = FontManager.getFont(DialogRenderer.FONT + "Regular")78 self.__smallFont = FontManager.getFont(DialogRenderer.FONT + "Small")79 self.__bigFont = FontManager.getFont(DialogRenderer.FONT + "Big")80 self.__font = self.__regularFont81 self.__linesMax = int((self.__boundaries[3] - Frame.PADDING * 2) /​ (self.__font.size("H")[1]))82 self.__frame = frame83 self.__state = DialogRenderer.STATE_PARSING84 self.__states = {}85 self.__stateChanged = True86 self.__textChunks = [] # list of TextChunk instances87 self.__wrappedTextChunks = [[]]88 self.__currentLine = 089 self.__alive = True90 self.__shakingChunks = []91 self.__wavingChunksTweens = []92 def shakingTimerCb(self, tag):93 for chunk in self.__shakingChunks:94 chunk.animationXOffset.value = random.randint(-1, 1)95 chunk.animationYOffset.value = random.randint(-1, 1)96 self.__shakingTimer.restart()97 def setFontProperties(self, state):98 if self.stateEnabled(state, "Big"):99 self.__font = self.__bigFont100 elif self.stateEnabled(state, "Small"):101 self.__font = self.__smallFont102 else:103 self.__font = self.__regularFont104 self.__font.set_italic(self.stateEnabled(state, "Italic"))105 self.__font.set_underline(self.stateEnabled(state, "Underline"))106 self.__font.set_bold(self.stateEnabled(state, "Bold"))107 def createNewChunk(self, chunk, text):108 newChunk = TextChunk()109 newChunk.text = text110 newChunk.state = chunk.state111 newChunk.yOffset = chunk.yOffset112 newChunk.animationXOffset = TweenSubject(chunk.animationXOffset.value)113 newChunk.animationYOffset = TweenSubject(chunk.animationYOffset.value)114 newChunk.surface = self.__font.render(newChunk.text, True, DialogRenderer.DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR)115 return newChunk116 def createNewChunks(self, chunk, text):117 if self.stateEnabled(chunk.state, "Shaking"):118 list = []119 for letter in text:120 newChunk = self.createNewChunk(chunk, letter)121 self.__shakingChunks.append(newChunk)122 list.append(newChunk)123 return list124 elif self.stateEnabled(chunk.state, "Waving"):125 list = []126 letterIndex = 0127 for letter in text:128 newChunk = self.createNewChunk(chunk, letter)129 newChunk.animationXOffset.value = -DialogRenderer.WAVING_X_AMPLITUDE130 newChunk.animationYOffset.value = -DialogRenderer.WAVING_Y_AMPLITUDE131 xtween = Tween(None, newChunk.animationXOffset, DialogRenderer.WAVING_X_AMPLITUDE, DialogRenderer.WAVING_TIMER_DURATION, Easing.easingInOutSine, None)132 xtween.runningSince = xtween.duration/​2 # fast forward half the time to offset X and Y animations133 ytween = Tween(None, newChunk.animationYOffset, DialogRenderer.WAVING_Y_AMPLITUDE, DialogRenderer.WAVING_TIMER_DURATION, Easing.easingInOutSine, None)134 xtween.runningSince += DialogRenderer.WAVING_OFFSET * letterIndex135 ytween.runningSince += DialogRenderer.WAVING_OFFSET * letterIndex136 self.__wavingChunksTweens.append(xtween)137 self.__wavingChunksTweens.append(ytween)138 list.append(newChunk)139 letterIndex += 1140 return list141 else:142 return [self.createNewChunk(chunk, text)]143 def wordWrap(self):144 xOffset = 0145 for chunk in self.__textChunks:146 self.setFontProperties(chunk.state)147 text = ""148 words = chunk.text.split(" ")149 for word in words:150 word = word + " "151 wordLength = self.__font.size(word)[0]152 isCarriageReturn = word[0:1] == "\n"153 isPageBreak = word[0:1] == "\t"154 if (wordLength + xOffset <= self.__boundaries[2] - Frame.PADDING * 2) and not (isCarriageReturn or isPageBreak):155 text += word156 xOffset += wordLength157 else:158 if not (isCarriageReturn or isPageBreak):159 text = text[:-1]160 if text != "":161 newChunk = self.createNewChunks(chunk, text)162 self.__wrappedTextChunks[-1].extend(newChunk)163 if not isPageBreak:164 self.__wrappedTextChunks.append([])165 else:166 for x in range(0, (self.__linesMax - len(self.__wrappedTextChunks) % self.__linesMax) + 1):167 self.__wrappedTextChunks.append([])168 if not (isCarriageReturn or isPageBreak):169 text = word170 xOffset = wordLength171 else:172 text = ""173 xOffset = 0174 text = text[:-1]175 if text != "":176 newChunk = self.createNewChunks(chunk, text)177 self.__wrappedTextChunks[-1].extend(newChunk)178 def stateEnabled(self, state, name):179 return name in state and state[name]180 def buildChunks(self, thing):181 for text in thing.text:182 textType = type(text)183 if textType == str:184 if self.__stateChanged:185 chunk = TextChunk()186 chunk.state = {**self.__states}187 if self.stateEnabled(chunk.state, "Small"):188 chunk.yOffset = 10189 elif self.stateEnabled(chunk.state, "Big"):190 chunk.yOffset = -5191 self.__textChunks.append(chunk)192 self.__stateChanged = False193 self.__textChunks[-1].text += text194 else:195 typeStr = textType.__name__[:-4]196 self.__stateChanged = True197 self.__states[typeStr] = True198 self.buildChunks(text.text)199 self.__stateChanged = True200 self.__states[typeStr] = False201 def caretTimerCb(self, tag):202 self.__caretStep = (self.__caretStep + 1) % 4203 self.__caretTimer.restart()204 def update(self, dt, events):205 if not self.__alive:206 return207 self.__caretTimer.update(dt)208 self.__shakingTimer.update(dt)209 for tween in self.__wavingChunksTweens:210 tween.update(dt)211 if not tween.alive:212 tween.reverse()213 # Keys214 if self.__state == DialogRenderer.STATE_PARSING:215 self.__tree = parse(self.__text, Text)216 self.__state = DialogRenderer.STATE_CHUNKING217 elif self.__state == DialogRenderer.STATE_CHUNKING:218 self.buildChunks(self.__tree)219 self.__state = DialogRenderer.STATE_WRAPPING220 elif self.__state == DialogRenderer.STATE_WRAPPING:221 self.wordWrap()222 self.__state = DialogRenderer.STATE_READY223 elif self.__state == DialogRenderer.STATE_READY:224 for event in events:225 if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:226 if event.key == pygame.K_RETURN:227 self.__currentLine += self.__linesMax228 if self.__currentLine > len(self.__wrappedTextChunks):229 self.__alive = False230 self.__endCb(0)231 def draw(self):232 if not self.__alive:233 return234 # Draw frame235 self.__frame.draw()236 if self.__state != DialogRenderer.STATE_READY:237 return238 # Draw text239 yOffset = 0240 xOffset = 0241 lastYOffset = 0242 lastXOffset = 0243 for line in self.__wrappedTextChunks[self.__currentLine:self.__currentLine+self.__linesMax]:244 for chunk in line:245 cx = self.__boundaries[0] + Frame.PADDING + xOffset + chunk.animationXOffset.value246 cy = self.__boundaries[1] + Frame.PADDING + yOffset + DialogRenderer.Y_OFFSET + chunk.yOffset + chunk.animationYOffset.value247 self.__window.blit(chunk.surface, (cx, cy))248 if self.stateEnabled(chunk.state, "Strike"):249 pygame.draw.rect(self.__window, DialogRenderer.DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR, (cx - 4, cy + 2 + chunk.surface.get_height()/​2, chunk.surface.get_width() + 4, 2)) # TODO Put right text color here250 xOffset += chunk.surface.get_width()251 lastYOffset = yOffset252 lastXOffset = lastXOffset if xOffset == 0 else xOffset253 yOffset += DialogRenderer.LINE_HEIGHT254 xOffset = 0255 # Draw the caret...

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1import pygame2def btn_pos(offs, row, col, size):3 x = 15 + col * (size[0] + 12)4 y = offs + 5 + row * (size[1] + 5)5 return (x, y)6class Text (object):7 font = None8 def __init__(self, label):9 if self.font is None:10 # can only do this once pygame.font.init() has been called11 self.__class__.font = pygame.font.SysFont('notomono', 20)12 self.color = (0, 0, 0)13 self.label = label14 def _redraw(self):15 self.text = self.font.render(self.label, True, self.color)16 def set_color(self, color):17 self.color = color18 self._redraw()19 def set_text(self, label):20 self.label = label21 self._redraw()22class Label (Text):23 def __init__(self, label, pos, size=None):24 super().__init__(label)25 self.ena = True26 self.size = size27 self.set_text(label)28 self.rect = pygame.Rect(pos, self.size)29 def _redraw(self):30 text = self.font.render(self.label, True, self.color if self.ena else (100, 100, 100))31 if self.size is None:32 self.size = text.get_size()33 self.lbl = pygame.Surface(self.size)34 self.lbl.fill((200, 200, 200))35 dx = max(0, (self.lbl.get_width() - text.get_width()) /​/​ 2)36 dy = max(0, (self.lbl.get_height() - text.get_height()) /​/​ 2)37 self.lbl.blit(text, (dx, dy))38 def draw(self, surface):39 return surface.blit(self.lbl, self.rect)40 def press(self, pos):41 return False42 def depress(self, pos):43 return False44 def track(self, pos):45 return False46 def enable(self, ena=True):47 if self.ena != ena:48 self.ena = ena49 self._redraw()50class PushButton (Text):51 StateEnabled = 052 StateArmed = 153 StateDisabled = 254 def __init__(self, label, on_click, pos, size=None):55 super().__init__(label)56 self.on_click = on_click57 self.state = self.StateEnabled58 self.size = size59 self._redraw()60 self.rect = pygame.Rect(pos, self.size)61 def _redraw(self):62 color= [(0, 0, 0), (255, 255, 255), (100, 100, 100)][self.state]63 text = self.font.render(self.label, True, color)64 if self.size is None:65 self.size = text.get_size()66 self.size = (self.size[0] + 4, self.size[1] + 4)67 size = self.size68 self.btn = pygame.Surface(size)69 self.btn.fill((200, 200, 200))70 dx = (self.btn.get_width() - text.get_width()) /​/​ 271 dy = (self.btn.get_height() - text.get_height()) /​/​ 272 if self.state != self.StateDisabled:73 ghost = self.font.render(self.label, True, (255 - color[0], 255 - color[1], 255 - color[2]))74 self.btn.blit(ghost, (dx+1, dy+1))75 self.btn.blit(text, (dx-1, dy-1))76 else:77 self.btn.blit(text, (dx, dy))78 if self.state == self.StateEnabled:79 pygame.draw.lines(self.btn, (50, 50, 50), False, [(size[0]-1, 1), (size[0]-1, size[1]-1), (1, size[1] - 1)], 3)80 pygame.draw.lines(self.btn, (255, 255, 255), False, [(size[0]-1, 1), (1, 1), (1, size[1] - 1)], 3)81 if self.state == self.StateArmed:82 pygame.draw.lines(self.btn, (50, 50, 50), False, [(size[0]-1, 1), (1, 1), (1, size[1] - 1)], 3)83 pygame.draw.lines(self.btn, (255, 255, 255), False, [(size[0]-1, 1), (size[0]-1, size[1]-1), (1, size[1] - 1)], 3)84 def draw(self, surface):85 return surface.blit(self.btn, self.rect)86 def press(self, pos):87 if self.state == self.StateEnabled and self.rect.collidepoint(pos):88 self.state = self.StateArmed89 self._redraw()90 return True91 return False92 def depress(self, pos):93 if self.state == self.StateArmed:94 self.state = self.StateEnabled95 self._redraw()96 if self.on_click and self.rect.collidepoint(pos):97 self.on_click(self)98 return True99 return False100 def track(self, pos):101 return False102 def enable(self, ena=True):103 self.state = self.StateEnabled if ena else self.StateDisabled104 self._redraw()105class Combobox (Label):106 StateDefault = 0107 StateArmed = 1108 StateArmedPost = 2109 def __init__(self, current, values, on_update, pos, size):110 self.index = values.index(current)111 self.values = values112 self.armed_state = self.StateDefault113 self.on_update = on_update114 super().__init__(f">{current}<", pos, size)115 self.armed_rect = pygame.Rect(self.rect.topleft, (self.rect.width, self.font.get_linesize() * len(values)))116 def is_armed(self):117 return self.ena and self.armed_state == self.StateArmed118 def _redraw_armed(self):119 self.sel = pygame.Surface(self.armed_rect.size)120 self.sel.fill((200, 200, 200))121 h = self.font.get_linesize()122 w = self.armed_rect.width123 for i, v in enumerate(self.values):124 rect = pygame.Rect((0, i * h), (w, h))125 if i == self.armed_index:126 self.sel.fill((100, 100, 100), rect)127 text = self.font.render(f">{v}<", True, (255, 255, 255))128 else:129 text = self.font.render(v, True, (0, 0, 0))130 dx = max(0, (w - text.get_width()) /​/​ 2)131 dy = max(0, (h - text.get_height()) /​/​ 2)132 self.sel.blit(text, (dx, dy + i * h))133 def draw(self, surface):134 if self.is_armed():135 return surface.blit(self.sel, self.armed_rect)136 surface.blit(self.lbl, self.rect)137 if self.armed_state == self.StateArmedPost:138 self.armed_state = self.StateDefault139 return self.armed_rect140 return self.rect141 def armed_cancel(self):142 if self.armed_state == self.StateArmed:143 self.armed_state = self.StateArmedPost144 self.set_text(f">{self.values[self.index]}<")145 def press(self, pos):146 if self.ena and self.armed_state == self.StateDefault and self.rect.collidepoint(pos):147 self.armed_state = self.StateArmed148 self.armed_index = self.index149 self._redraw_armed()150 return True151 return False152 def depress(self, pos):153 if self.is_armed():154 if self.armed_rect.collidepoint(pos):155 self.index = self.armed_index156 if self.on_update:157 self.on_update(self)158 self.armed_cancel()159 return True160 return False161 def track(self, pos):162 if self.is_armed():163 if self.armed_rect.collidepoint(pos):164 self.armed_index = min(len(self.values) - 1, (pos[1] - /​/​ self.font.get_linesize())165 self._redraw_armed()166 else:167 self.armed_cancel()168 return True169 return False170class Setting (object):171 def __init__(self, label, on_update, current, settings, pos, btn_offs, btn_size):172 self.btns = []173 self.btns.append(PushButton(f"{label} +", lambda b: self.setting_next(), btn_pos(btn_offs, pos[0]+0, pos[1], btn_size), btn_size))174 self.btns.append(PushButton(f"{label} -", lambda b: self.setting_prev(), btn_pos(btn_offs, pos[0]+2, pos[1], btn_size), btn_size))175 self.lbl = Label(current, btn_pos(btn_offs, pos[0]+1, pos[1], btn_size), btn_size)176 self.settings = settings177 self.index = self.settings.index(current)178 self.idx = self.index179 self.on_update = on_update180 self.update(False)181 def update(self, notify=True):182 self.btns[0].enable(self.index < (len(self.settings) - 1))183 self.btns[1].enable(self.index > 0)184 self.lbl.set_text(self.settings[self.index])185 if notify and self.on_update:186 self.on_update(self)187 def setting_next(self):188 self.index = min(self.index + 1, len(self.settings) - 1)189 self.update()190 def setting_prev(self):191 self.index = max(self.index - 1, 0)192 self.update()193 def setting_reset(self):194 self.index = self.idx195 self.update()196 def draw(self, surface):197 for btn in self.btns:198 btn.draw(surface)199 self.lbl.draw(surface)200 return self.rect()201 def press(self, pos):202 u = False203 for btn in self.btns:204 u |= return u206 def depress(self, pos):207 u = False208 for btn in self.btns:209 u |= btn.depress(pos)210 return u211 def track(self, pos):212 u = False213 for btn in self.btns:214 u |= btn.track(pos)215 return u216 def enable(self, ena=True):217 for btn in self.btns:218 btn.enable(ena)219 self.lbl.enable(ena)220 def rect(self):...

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