Best Python code snippet using pyatom_python
1from lib.libs import pykodi2TVSHOW = 'tvshow'3MOVIE = 'movie'4EPISODE = 'episode'5SEASON = 'season'6MOVIESET = 'set'7MUSICVIDEO = 'musicvideo'8ARTIST = 'artist'9ALBUM = 'album'10SONG = 'song'11audiotypes = (ARTIST, ALBUM, SONG)12require_manualid = (MOVIESET, MUSICVIDEO)13PREFERRED_SOURCE_SHARED = {'0': None, '1': ''}14PREFERRED_SOURCE_MEDIA = {'tvshows': ('', (TVSHOW, SEASON, EPISODE)),15 'movies': ('', (MOVIE, MOVIESET)),16 'music': ('', audiotypes),17 'musicvideos': ('', (MUSICVIDEO,))}18addon = pykodi.get_main_addon()19def get_artinfo(mediatype, arttype):20 mediatype, arttype = hack_mediaarttype(mediatype, arttype)21 return artinfo[mediatype].get(arttype, default_artinfo)22def hack_mediaarttype(mediatype, arttype):23 # Seasons were implemented oddly and need special help24 if arttype.startswith('season.'):25 return SEASON, arttype.rsplit('.', 1)[1]26 else:27 return mediatype, arttype28default_artinfo = {'autolimit': 0, 'multiselect': False, 'download': False}29artinfo = {30 TVSHOW: {31 'poster': {32 'autolimit': 1,33 'multiselect': False,34 'limit_setting': True,35 'download': False36 },37 'keyart': {38 'autolimit': 0,39 'multiselect': False,40 'limit_setting': True,41 'download': False42 },43 'fanart': {44 'autolimit': 5,45 'multiselect': True,46 'limit_setting': True,47 'download': False48 },49 'banner': {50 'autolimit': 1,51 'multiselect': False,52 'download': False53 },54 'clearlogo': {55 'autolimit': 1,56 'multiselect': False,57 'download': False58 },59 'landscape': {60 'autolimit': 1,61 'multiselect': False,62 'download': False63 },64 'clearart': {65 'autolimit': 1,66 'multiselect': False,67 'download': False68 },69 'characterart': {70 'autolimit': 1,71 'multiselect': False,72 'limit_setting': True,73 'download': False74 }75 },76 MOVIE: {77 'poster': {78 'autolimit': 1,79 'multiselect': False,80 'limit_setting': True,81 'download': False82 },83 'keyart': {84 'autolimit': 0,85 'multiselect': False,86 'limit_setting': True,87 'download': False88 },89 'fanart': {90 'autolimit': 5,91 'multiselect': True,92 'limit_setting': True,93 'download': False94 },95 'banner': {96 'autolimit': 1,97 'multiselect': False,98 'download': False99 },100 'clearlogo': {101 'autolimit': 1,102 'multiselect': False,103 'download': False104 },105 'landscape': {106 'autolimit': 1,107 'multiselect': False,108 'download': False109 },110 'clearart': {111 'autolimit': 1,112 'multiselect': False,113 'download': False114 },115 'discart': {116 'autolimit': 1,117 'multiselect': False,118 'download': False119 },120 'characterart': {121 'autolimit': 1,122 'multiselect': False,123 'limit_setting': True,124 'download': False125 },126 'animatedposter': {127 'autolimit': 0,128 'multiselect': False,129 'download': True130 },131 'animatedkeyart': {132 'autolimit': 0,133 'multiselect': False,134 'download': True135 },136 'animatedfanart': {137 'autolimit': 0,138 'multiselect': True,139 'limit_setting': True,140 'download': True141 }142 },143 MOVIESET: {144 'poster': {145 'autolimit': 1,146 'multiselect': False,147 'limit_setting': True,148 'download': False149 },150 'keyart': {151 'autolimit': 0,152 'multiselect': False,153 'limit_setting': True,154 'download': False155 },156 'fanart': {157 'autolimit': 5,158 'multiselect': True,159 'limit_setting': True,160 'download': False161 },162 'banner': {163 'autolimit': 1,164 'multiselect': False,165 'download': False166 },167 'clearlogo': {168 'autolimit': 1,169 'multiselect': False,170 'download': False171 },172 'landscape': {173 'autolimit': 1,174 'multiselect': False,175 'download': False176 },177 'clearart': {178 'autolimit': 1,179 'multiselect': False,180 'download': False181 },182 'discart': {183 'autolimit': 1,184 'multiselect': False,185 'download': False186 }187 },188 SEASON: {189 'poster': {190 'autolimit': 1,191 'multiselect': False,192 'download': False193 },194 'fanart': {195 'autolimit': 1,196 'multiselect': False,197 'download': False198 },199 'banner': {200 'autolimit': 1,201 'multiselect': False,202 'download': False203 },204 'landscape': {205 'autolimit': 1,206 'multiselect': False,207 'download': False208 }209 },210 EPISODE: {211 'fanart': {212 'autolimit': 1,213 'multiselect': False,214 'download': False215 }216 },217 MUSICVIDEO: {218 # album219 'poster': { # poster is what Kodi scrapers set and matches other areas of the video library,220 # but it should really be 'cover'221 'autolimit': 1,222 'multiselect': False,223 'download': False224 },225 'discart': {226 'autolimit': 1,227 'multiselect': False,228 'download': False229 },230 'fanart': { # artist or maybe album231 'autolimit': 3,232 'multiselect': True,233 'limit_setting': True,234 'download': False235 },236 # artist237 'artistthumb': {238 'autolimit': 1,239 'multiselect': False,240 'download': False241 },242 'banner': {243 'autolimit': 1,244 'multiselect': False,245 'download': False246 },247 'clearlogo': {248 'autolimit': 1,249 'multiselect': False,250 'download': False251 },252 'clearart': {253 'autolimit': 1,254 'multiselect': False,255 'download': False256 },257 'landscape': {258 'autolimit': 1,259 'multiselect': False,260 'download': False261 }262 },263 ARTIST: {264 'thumb': {265 'autolimit': 1,266 'multiselect': False,267 'download': False268 },269 'fanart': {270 'autolimit': 3,271 'multiselect': True,272 'limit_setting': True,273 'download': False274 },275 'banner': {276 'autolimit': 1,277 'multiselect': False,278 'download': False279 },280 'clearlogo': {281 'autolimit': 1,282 'multiselect': False,283 'download': False284 },285 'clearart': {286 'autolimit': 1,287 'multiselect': False,288 'download': False289 },290 'landscape': {291 'autolimit': 1,292 'multiselect': False,293 'download': False294 }295 },296 ALBUM: {297 'thumb': { # I'd much prefer 'cover', but for now it's thumb just like music video 'poster'298 'autolimit': 1,299 'multiselect': False,300 'download': False301 },302 # I can imagine 'fanart' images that can be accurately attributed to an album rather than the artist,303 # perhaps made from liner notes or press images, but nothing currently available from web services304 'discart': {305 'autolimit': 1,306 'multiselect': False,307 'download': False308 },309 'back': {310 'autolimit': 1,311 'multiselect': False,312 'download': False313 },314 'spine': {315 'autolimit': 1,316 'multiselect': False,317 'download': False318 }319 },320 SONG: {321 'thumb': { # single cover322 'autolimit': 1,323 'multiselect': False,324 'download': False325 }326 }327}328central_directories = {MOVIESET: False}329togenerate = dict((mediatype, False) for mediatype in artinfo)330preferred = dict((mediatype, None) for mediatype in artinfo)331onlyfs = dict((mediatype, False) for mediatype in artinfo)332othertypes = dict((mediatype, []) for mediatype in artinfo)333download_arttypes = dict((mediatype, []) for mediatype in artinfo)334arttype_settingskeys = [m[0] + '.' + art[0] + ('_limit' if art[1].get('limit_setting') else '')335 for m in artinfo.items() for art in m[1].items()]336def disabled(mediatype):337 return not any(iter_every_arttype(mediatype)) and not generatethumb(mediatype) and \338 not downloadanyartwork(mediatype)339def iter_every_arttype(mediatype):340 for arttype, info in artinfo[mediatype].items():341 if not info['autolimit']:342 continue343 yield arttype344 if info['autolimit'] > 1:345 for num in range(1, info['autolimit']):346 yield arttype + str(num)347 for arttype in othertypes[mediatype]:348 yield arttype349def downloadartwork(mediatype, arttype):350 mediatype, arttype = hack_mediaarttype(mediatype, arttype)351 arttype, _ = _split_arttype(arttype)352 if arttype in download_arttypes.get(mediatype, ()):353 return True354 info = get_artinfo(mediatype, arttype)355 return info['download']356def downloadanyartwork(mediatype):357 if download_arttypes.get(mediatype):358 return True359 info = artinfo.get(mediatype)360 if not info:361 return False362 return any(x for x in info.values() if x['download'])363def _split_arttype(arttype):364 basetype = arttype.rstrip('0123456789')365 idx = 0 if basetype == arttype else int(arttype.replace(basetype, ''))366 return basetype, idx367def generatethumb(mediatype):368 return togenerate.get(mediatype, False)369def haspreferred_source(mediatype):370 return bool(preferred.get(mediatype))371def ispreferred_source(mediatype, provider):372 return provider == preferred.get(mediatype, '')373def only_filesystem(mediatype):374 return onlyfs.get(mediatype, False)375def update_settings():376 always_multiple_selection = addon.get_setting('always_multiple_selection')377 if not always_multiple_selection:378 _set_allmulti(False)379 for settingid in arttype_settingskeys:380 splitsetting = settingid.split('.')381 thistype = artinfo[splitsetting[0]][splitsetting[1].split('_')[0]]382 try:383 thistype['autolimit'], thistype['multiselect'] = _get_autolimit_from_setting(settingid)384 except ValueError:385 addon.set_setting(settingid, thistype['autolimit'])386 addon.set_setting(settingid, thistype['multiselect'])387 if always_multiple_selection:388 _set_allmulti(True)389 for mediatype in artinfo:390 olddownload = addon.get_setting(mediatype + '.downloadartwork')391 if olddownload != '':392 # DEPRECATED: 2018-05-19393 if olddownload:394 addon.set_setting(mediatype + '.download_arttypes', ', '.join(artinfo[mediatype]))395 if mediatype == TVSHOW:396 addon.set_setting('season.download_arttypes', ', '.join(artinfo['season']))397 addon.set_setting(mediatype + '.downloadartwork', '')398 othertypes[mediatype] = [t.strip() for399 t in addon.get_setting(mediatype + '.othertypes').split(',')]400 if len(othertypes[mediatype]) == 1 and not othertypes[mediatype][0]:401 othertypes[mediatype] = []402 download_arttypes[mediatype] = [t.strip() for403 t in addon.get_setting(mediatype + '.download_arttypes').split(',')]404 if len(download_arttypes[mediatype]) == 1 and not download_arttypes[mediatype][0]:405 download_arttypes[mediatype] = []406 for atype in artinfo[mediatype]:407 dl = atype in download_arttypes[mediatype]408 artinfo[mediatype][atype]['download'] = dl409 if dl:410 del download_arttypes[mediatype][download_arttypes[mediatype].index(atype)]411 for mediatype in (MOVIESET,):412 central_directories[mediatype] = addon.get_setting('centraldir.{0}_enabled'.format(mediatype))413 if central_directories[mediatype]:414 central_directories[mediatype] = addon.get_setting('centraldir.{0}_dir'.format(mediatype))415 for mediatype in (EPISODE, MOVIE, MUSICVIDEO):416 togenerate[mediatype] = addon.get_setting('{0}.thumb_generate'.format(mediatype))417 old_prefer_tmdb = addon.get_setting('prefer_tmdbartwork')418 if old_prefer_tmdb != '':419 # DEPRECATED: 2018-05-25420 if old_prefer_tmdb:421 addon.set_setting('preferredsource_movies', '2')422 addon.set_setting('prefer_tmdbartwork', '')423 old_only_filesystem = addon.get_setting('only_filesystem')424 if old_only_filesystem != '':425 # DEPRECATED: 2018-05-26426 if old_only_filesystem:427 for media in PREFERRED_SOURCE_MEDIA:428 addon.set_setting('onlyfilesystem_' + media, True)429 addon.set_setting('only_filesystem', '')430 for media, config in PREFERRED_SOURCE_MEDIA.items():431 result = addon.get_setting('preferredsource_' + media)432 downloadconfig = addon.get_setting('download_config_' + media)433 if downloadconfig not in ('0', '1', '2'):434 # DEPRECATED: default to '2' for now for upgraders, can go back to '0' later435 downloadconfig = '2'436 addon.set_setting('download_config_' + mediatype, downloadconfig)437 for mediatype in config[1]:438 if result in ('0', '1', '2'):439 preferred[mediatype] = PREFERRED_SOURCE_SHARED[result] if \440 result in PREFERRED_SOURCE_SHARED else PREFERRED_SOURCE_MEDIA.get(media, (None,))[0]441 else:442 preferred[mediatype] = None443 addon.set_setting('preferredsource_' + media, '0')444 onlyfs[mediatype] = addon.get_setting('onlyfs_' + media)445 if downloadconfig == '0': # None446 download_arttypes[mediatype] = []447 for atype in artinfo[mediatype].values():448 atype['download'] = False449 elif downloadconfig == '1': # all configured from web and local450 download_arttypes[mediatype] = list(othertypes[mediatype])451 for atype in artinfo[mediatype].values():452 atype['download'] = atype['autolimit'] > 0453 # Kodi doesn't cache gifs, so always download animated artwork454 for arttype, artconfig in artinfo[mediatype].items():455 if arttype.startswith('animated'):456 artconfig['download'] = True457def _get_autolimit_from_setting(settingid):458 result = addon.get_setting(settingid)459 if settingid.endswith('_limit'):460 result = int(result)461 return result, result > 1462 return (1 if result else 0), False463def _set_allmulti(always_multi):464 for typeinfo in artinfo.values():465 for arttypeinfo in typeinfo.values():466 arttypeinfo['multiselect'] = always_multi...
...22 CHOCOLATE = "CHOCOLATE"23 COOKIES = "COOKIES"24 MINT = "MINT"25options = ("male", "female")26i1 = st.multiselect("multiselect 1", options)27st.text("value 1: %s" % i1)28i2 = st.multiselect("multiselect 2", options, format_func=lambda x: x.capitalize())29st.text("value 2: %s" % i2)30i3: List[Any] = st.multiselect("multiselect 3", [])31st.text("value 3: %s" % i3)32i4 = st.multiselect("multiselect 4", ["coffee", "tea", "water"], ["tea", "water"])33st.text("value 4: %s" % i4)34i5 = st.multiselect(35 "multiselect 5",36 list(37 map(38 lambda x: f"{x} I am a ridiculously long string to have in a multiselect, so perhaps I should just not wrap and go to the next line.",39 range(5),40 )41 ),42)43st.text("value 5: %s" % i5)44i6 = st.multiselect("multiselect 6", options, disabled=True)45st.text("value 6: %s" % i6)46i7 = st.multiselect("choose colors", list(Colors), Colors.yellow)47st.text("value 7: %s" % i7)48i8 = st.multiselect("choose shakes", list(Shake), Shake.CHOCOLATE)49st.text("value 8: %s" % i8)50if st._is_running_with_streamlit:51 def on_change():52 st.session_state.multiselect_changed = True53 st.multiselect("multiselect 9", options, key="multiselect9", on_change=on_change)54 st.text("value 9: %s" % st.session_state.multiselect9)...
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