How to use isalive method in pyatom

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1import pygame2import time3import random4from pygame.locals import *5#Initialze pygame6pygame.init()7#Defining RGB values for colours8BLACK = (0, 0, 0)9WHITE = (255, 255, 255)10GREY = (174, 182, 191)11GREEN = (0, 255, 0)12RED = (255, 0, 0)13BLUE = (0, 0, 255)14ORANGE = (255, 130, 0)15GOLD = (230, 215, 0)16YELLOW = (255,255,0)17font_comic = pygame.font.SysFont('Comic Sans MS', 40)18font_times = pygame.font.SysFont('Times New Roman', 40)19font_points = pygame.font.SysFont('Times New Roman', 20)20screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800,650)) #Initialzing display21pygame.display.set_caption('SPACE INVADER') 22clock = pygame.time.Clock()23score=024try:25 file_highscore=open("highscore.txt",'r') #reads highscore from text file26,0)27 highest_score=int( file_highscore.close()29except:30 highest_score=031def WelcomeScreen(): #initial screen before the game begins32 global quit,game_state,invader1,invader2,invaderM,invader333 mouse_pos=pygame.mouse.get_pos()34 mouse_click=pygame.mouse.get_pressed()35 screen.fill(GREY)36 logo = pygame.image.load('space-invaders-logo_transparent.png')37 screen.blit(logo,(30,40))38 screen.blit(invader1,(150,550))39 points1 = font_points.render(':- 10 POINTS', False, BLUE)40 screen.blit(points1,(200,550))41 screen.blit(invader2,(450,550))42 points1 = font_points.render(':- 20 POINTS', False, BLUE)43 screen.blit(points1,(500,550))44 screen.blit(invader3,(150,600))45 points1 = font_points.render(':- 30 POINTS', False, BLUE)46 screen.blit(points1,(200,600))47 screen.blit(invaderM,(450,600))48 points1 = font_points.render(':- Mystery (Hit Thrice)', False, BLUE)49 screen.blit(points1,(500,600))50 if ((mouse_pos[0]-400)**2 + (mouse_pos[1]-400)**2) <=8100 :51, RED,(400,400),90)52 if mouse_click[0]:53 game_state = 154 Game()55 56 else:57, BLUE,(400,400),90)58 text_welcome = font_times.render('START', False, WHITE)59 screen.blit(text_welcome,(340,360))60 text_welcome = font_times.render('GAME', False, WHITE)61 screen.blit(text_welcome,(340,400))62def Game(): #The game has begin... initialize all classes and display63 global score,highest_score,ship,ship_x,ship_y,vel_ship,invader1a_list,invader1b_list,invader1c_list,invader2_list,invader3_list,invader_mys,obstruct1,obstruct2,obstruct3,obstruct4,invader1,invader2,invader3,invaderM,bullet,i1fire,i2fire,i3fire,i4fire,speed_invader1,speed_invader2,speed_invader3,speed_mys,bullet1,vel_bull,fire_alive64 background = pygame.image.load('background.png')65 screen.blit(background,(0,0))66 text_score = font_comic.render('SCORE:', False, GOLD)67 screen.blit(text_score,(150,25))68 text_score = font_comic.render(str(score), False, ORANGE)69 screen.blit(text_score,(270,25))70 text_score = font_comic.render('HIGH SCORE:', False, GOLD)71 screen.blit(text_score,(430,25))72 if highest_score<score:73 highest_score=score74 fo=open('highscore.txt','w')75 fo.write(str(highest_score))76 fo.close()77 text_score = font_comic.render(str(highest_score), False, ORANGE)78 screen.blit(text_score,(630,25))79 Spaceship()80 for i in range(len(invader1a_list)):81 if invader1a_list[i].isAlive:82 invader1a_list[i].Get_Invader()83 if invader1b_list[i].isAlive:84 invader1b_list[i].Get_Invader()85 if invader1c_list[i].isAlive:86 invader1c_list[i].Get_Invader()87 for i in range(len(invader2_list)):88 if invader2_list[i].isAlive: 89 invader2_list[i].Get_Invader()90 if invader3_list[i].isAlive:91 invader3_list[i].Get_Invader()92 if invader_mys.isAlive:93 invader_mys.Get_Invader()94 Move_Invader()95 for obstructs in obstruct1:96 if obstructs.isAlive:97 obstructs.Obs()98 for obstructs in obstruct2:99 if obstructs.isAlive:100 obstructs.Obs()101 for obstructs in obstruct3:102 if obstructs.isAlive:103 obstructs.Obs()104 for obstructs in obstruct4:105 if obstructs.isAlive:106 obstructs.Obs()107 Reach_bottom()108 Check_hit()109 if bullet1.isAlive:110 bullet1.bullet_y+=vel_bull111 bullet1.Get_Bullet()112 if bullet1.bullet_y<= 50:113 bullet1.isAlive=False114 firebyinvader()115 checkhit_invader()116 117def Left_press(): #increase velocity118 global vel_ship119 vel_ship=-10120 pass121def Right_press(): #increase velocity122 global vel_ship123 vel_ship=10124 pass125def Release_arrowkey(): #velocity=0126 global vel_ship127 vel_ship=0128 pass129def Game_end(): ##Increase size of font and positioning correctly left130 global quit,game_state131 mouse=pygame.mouse.get_pos()132 click=pygame.mouse.get_pressed()133 screen.fill(GOLD)134 myfont_win = pygame.font.SysFont('Comic Sans MS', 120)135 col=random.choice((1,2,3))136 if game_state==2:137 game_endtext='YOU LOST <_>..!!'138 if game_state == 3:139 game_endtext='YOU WONNN <_>..!!'140 if col==1:141 textsurface=myfont_win.render(str(game_endtext),False, BLUE)142 screen.blit(textsurface,(100,200)) 143 if col==2:144 textsurface=myfont_win.render(str(game_endtext),False, ORANGE)145 screen.blit(textsurface,(100,200))146 if col==3:147 textsurface=myfont_win.render(str(game_endtext),False, RED)148 screen.blit(textsurface,(100,200))149 if mouse[0] < 375 and mouse[0] > 200 and mouse[1] < 450 and mouse[1] > 400:150 pygame.draw.rect(screen, GREEN,(200, 400,125,50))151 if click[0]==1:152 quit=True153 else:154 pygame.draw.rect(screen,RED,(200,400,125,50)) 155 textsurface = myfont_quit.render('QUIT', False, WHITE)156 screen.blit(textsurface,(222,410)) 157 if mouse[0] < 650 and mouse[0] > 430 and mouse[1] < 450 and mouse[1] > 400:158 pygame.draw.rect(screen, GREEN,(410,400,220,50))159 if click[0]==1:160 initial()161 game_state = 1 162 Game()163 else:164 pygame.draw.rect(screen,BLUE,(410,400,220,50)) 165 textsurface = myfont_quit.render('PLAY AGAIN', False, WHITE)166 screen.blit(textsurface,(435,412))167def Fire_Spaceship(): #release a bullet from same x coordinate upwards168 global bullet1,vel_bull169 if bullet1.isAlive:170 pass171 else:172 bullet1=Bullet(bullet)173 bullet1.isAlive = True174 vel_bull=-15175 pass176def firebyinvader():177 global i1fire,i2fire,i3fire,i4fire,fire_alive,fire,fire_y,shooter,fire_x178 shot = [i1fire,i2fire,i3fire,i4fire]179 if fire_alive == False:180 fire = random.choice(shot)181 fire_alive = True182 if fire == i1fire:183 shooter = random.choice(invader1b_list)184 fire_y=shooter.invader_y185 fire_x=shooter.invader_x186 elif fire == i2fire:187 shooter = random.choice(invader3_list)188 fire_y=shooter.invader_y189 fire_x=shooter.invader_x190 elif fire == i3fire:191 shooter = random.choice(invader2_list)192 fire_y=shooter.invader_y193 fire_x=shooter.invader_x194 else:195 shooter = invader_mys196 fire_y=shooter.invader_y197 fire_x=shooter.invader_x198 screen.blit(fire,(fire_x,fire_y))199 fire_y+=7200 if fire_y > ship_y+5:201 fire_alive=False202def initial():203 global ship,ship_x,ship_y,vel_ship,invader1a_list,invader1b_list,invader1c_list,invader2_list,invader3_list,invader_mys,obstruct1,obstruct2,obstruct3,obstruct4,invader1,invader2,invader3,invaderM,bullet,i1fire,i2fire,i3fire,i4fire,speed_invader1,speed_invader2,speed_invader3,speed_mys,bullet1,score,fire_alive204 # Spaceship object and starting coordinates205 score=0206 ship = pygame.image.load('tank.png').convert_alpha()207 ship_y = screen.get_height() - 70208 ship_x = screen.get_width()/​2 - ship.get_width()/​2209 vel_ship=0210 fire_alive = False211 # Invader Class212 invader1 = pygame.image.load('i1.png').convert_alpha()213 invader2 = pygame.image.load('i3.png').convert_alpha() 214 invader3 = pygame.image.load('i2.png').convert_alpha() 215 invaderM = pygame.image.load('i4.png').convert_alpha()216 i1fire = pygame.image.load('i1fire.png')217 i2fire = pygame.image.load('i2fire.png')218 i3fire = pygame.image.load('i3fire.png')219 i4fire = pygame.image.load('i4fire.png')220 bullet = pygame.image.load('bullet.jpg')221 bullet1 = Bullet(bullet)222 bullet2 = Bullet(i1fire)223 bullet3 = Bullet(i2fire)224 bullet4 = Bullet(i3fire)225 bullet5 = Bullet(i4fire)226 speed_invader1 = 2227 speed_invader2 = -3228 speed_invader3 = 3229 speed_mys = 8230 ##Initalise invaders231 invader1a_list=[Invader1(invader1,i,300) for i in range(200,650,50)]232 invader1b_list=[Invader1(invader1,i,265) for i in range(200,650,50)]233 invader1c_list=[Invader1(invader1,i,230) for i in range(200,650,50)]234 invader2_list=[Invader2(invader2,i,185) for i in range(220,680,50)]235 invader3_list=[Invader3(invader3,i,140) for i in range(220,590,40)]236 invader_mys=Invader_Mystery(invaderM,380,100)237 obstruct1 = [Obstruct(100+i,500+j) for j in range(0,30,10) for i in range (0,50,10)]238 obstruct2 = [Obstruct(300+i,500+j) for j in range(0,30,10) for i in range (0,50,10)]239 obstruct3 = [Obstruct(500+i,500+j) for j in range(0,30,10) for i in range (0,50,10)]240 obstruct4 = [Obstruct(700+i,500+j) for j in range(0,30,10) for i in range (0,50,10)]241# Function to change positon and display Spaceship242def Spaceship():243 global vel_ship,ship,ship_y,ship_x244 ship_x+=vel_ship245 if ship_x <= 0 + 5: #stop if hits left wall246 ship_x-=vel_ship247 vel_ship=0248 if ship_x >= 800 - ship.get_width(): #stop if hits right wall249 ship_x-=vel_ship250 vel_ship=0251 screen.blit(ship,(ship_x,ship_y))252class Invader1: #score=10253 def __init__(self,invader1,invader_x,invader1_y):254 self.invader1 = invader1255 self.invader_x = invader_x256 self.invader_y = invader1_y257 self.isAlive = True258 259 def Get_Invader(self):260 screen.blit(self.invader1,(self.invader_x,self.invader_y))261 def Invader_Attack(self):262 global score263 self.isAlive = False264 score += 10 #score=10265class Invader2: #score=20266 def __init__(self,invader2,invader_x,invader2_y):267 self.invader2 = invader2268 self.invader_x = invader_x269 self.invader_y = invader2_y270 self.isAlive = True271 272 def Get_Invader(self):273 screen.blit(self.invader2,(self.invader_x,self.invader_y))274 def Invader_Attack(self):275 global score276 self.isAlive = False277 score += 20 #score=20278class Invader3: #score=30279 def __init__(self,invader3,invader_x,invader3_y):280 self.invader3 = invader3281 self.invader_x = invader_x282 self.invader_y = invader3_y283 self.isAlive = True284 285 def Get_Invader(self):286 screen.blit(self.invader3,(self.invader_x,self.invader_y))287 def Invader_Attack(self):288 global score289 self.isAlive = False290 score += 30 #score=30291class Invader_Mystery: #needs to be attacked thrice to be killed and score =100292 def __init__(self,invader_m,invader_x,invaderM_y):293 self.invaderM = invader_m294 self.invader_x = invader_x295 self.invader_y = invaderM_y296 self.isAlive = True297 self.count=0298 299 def Get_Invader(self):300 screen.blit(self.invaderM,(self.invader_x,self.invader_y))301 def Invader_Attack(self):302 global score303 self.count+=1304 if self.count==3:305 self.isAlive = False 306 score += 100307class Bullet:308 global ship_x,ship_y309 def __init__(self,bullet):310 self.bullet = bullet311 self.bullet_x = ship_x + ship.get_width()/​2 -5312 self.bullet_y = ship_y313 self.isAlive = False314 def Get_Bullet(self):315 screen.blit(self.bullet,(self.bullet_x,self.bullet_y))316# Invader Movement Function317def Move_Invader():318 global invader1a_list,invader2_list,invader1b_list,invader1c_list,invader3_list,invader_mys,speed_invader1,speed_invader2,speed_mys,speed_invader3319 320 left = 0321 right = -1322 flag_left,flag_right = 1,1323 while flag_left or flag_right: #to check the leftmost and rightmost alive row324 if invader1a_list[left].isAlive or invader1b_list[left].isAlive or invader1c_list[left].isAlive:325 flag_left=0326 else:327 left += 1328 if invader1a_list[right].isAlive or invader1b_list[right].isAlive or invader1c_list[right].isAlive:329 flag_right=0330 else:331 right -= 1332 if (invader1a_list[right].invader_x >= 750 or invader1a_list[left].invader_x <= 15) :333 speed_invader1 *= -1.05334 for invaders in invader1a_list:335 invaders.invader_x += speed_invader1336 invaders.invader_y += 0.13337 for invaders in invader1b_list:338 invaders.invader_x += speed_invader1339 invaders.invader_y += 0.13340 for invaders in invader1c_list:341 invaders.invader_x += speed_invader1342 invaders.invader_y += 0.13343 left = 0344 right = -1345 flag_left,flag_right = 1,1346 while flag_left or flag_right: #to check the leftmost and rightmost alive row347 if invader2_list[left].isAlive:348 flag_left=0349 else:350 left += 1351 if invader2_list[right].isAlive:352 flag_right=0353 else:354 right -= 1355 if (invader2_list[right].invader_x >= 750 or invader2_list[left].invader_x <= 15) :356 speed_invader2 *= -1.03357 for invaders in invader2_list:358 invaders.invader_x += speed_invader2359 invaders.invader_y += 0.13360 left = 0361 right = -1362 flag_left,flag_right = 1,1363 while flag_left or flag_right: #to check the leftmost and rightmost alive row364 if invader3_list[left].isAlive:365 flag_left=0366 else:367 left += 1368 if invader3_list[right].isAlive:369 flag_right=0370 else:371 right -= 1372 if (invader3_list[right].invader_x >= 750 or invader3_list[left].invader_x <= 15) :373 speed_invader3 *= -1.03374 for invaders in invader3_list:375 invaders.invader_x += speed_invader3376 invaders.invader_y += 0.13377 if (invader_mys.invader_x >= 740 or invader_mys.invader_x <=15 ):378 speed_mys *= -1.01379 invader_mys.invader_x += speed_mys380 invader_mys.invader_y += 0.1381class Obstruct:382 def __init__(self,x,y):383 self.x = x384 self.y = y385 self.isAlive = True386 def Obs(self):387 '''pygame.draw.rect(screen,GREY,(self.x,self.y,10,10))388 for i in range (0,4):389 pygame.draw.line(screen,BLACK,(self.x,self.y+2*(i+1)),(self.x+10,self.y+2*(i+1)))390 pygame.draw.line(screen,BLACK,(self.x+2*(i+1),self.y),(self.x+2*(i+1),self.y+10))'''391 obs_image=pygame.image.load('spray_10.jpg').convert_alpha()392 screen.blit(obs_image,(self.x,self.y))393 def Obs_Attack():394 self.isAlive = False395def Reach_bottom():396 global game_state397 for invader in invader1a_list:398 if invader.isAlive and (invader.invader_y>450):399 game_state=2400 return False401 for invader in invader1b_list:402 if invader.isAlive and (invader.invader_y>450):403 game_state=2404 return False405 for invader in invader1c_list:406 if invader.isAlive and (invader.invader_y>450):407 game_state=2408 return False409 for invader in invader2_list:410 if invader.isAlive and (invader.invader_y>450):411 game_state=2412 return False413 for invader in invader3_list:414 if invader.isAlive and (invader.invader_y>450):415 game_state=2416 return False417 if invader_mys.isAlive and (invader_mys.invader_y>410):418 game_state =2419def Check_hit():420 if bullet1.isAlive:421 for i in range(len(invader1a_list)):422 if invader1a_list[i].isAlive:423 if bullet1.bullet_x+3 >= invader1a_list[i].invader_x and bullet1.bullet_x+3 <= invader1a_list[i].invader_x + 28 and bullet1.bullet_y+9 >= invader1a_list[i].invader_y and bullet1.bullet_y+9 <= invader1a_list[i].invader_y + 26:424 bullet1.isAlive = False425 invader1a_list[i].Invader_Attack()426 if invader1b_list[i].isAlive:427 if bullet1.bullet_x+3 >= invader1b_list[i].invader_x and bullet1.bullet_x+3 <= invader1b_list[i].invader_x + 28 and bullet1.bullet_y+9 >= invader1b_list[i].invader_y and bullet1.bullet_y+9 <= invader1b_list[i].invader_y + 26:428 bullet1.isAlive = False429 invader1a_list[i].Invader_Attack()430 if invader1c_list[i].isAlive:431 if bullet1.bullet_x+3 >= invader1c_list[i].invader_x and bullet1.bullet_x+3 <= invader1c_list[i].invader_x + 28 and bullet1.bullet_y+9 >= invader1c_list[i].invader_y and bullet1.bullet_y+9 <= invader1c_list[i].invader_y + 26:432 bullet1.isAlive = False433 invader1a_list[i].Invader_Attack()434 for i in range(len(invader2_list)):435 if invader2_list[i].isAlive: 436 if bullet1.bullet_x+3 >= invader2_list[i].invader_x and bullet1.bullet_x+3 <= invader2_list[i].invader_x + 35 and bullet1.bullet_y+9 >= invader2_list[i].invader_y and bullet1.bullet_y+9 <= invader2_list[i].invader_y + 24:437 bullet1.isAlive = False438 invader2_list[i].Invader_Attack()439 if invader3_list[i].isAlive:440 if bullet1.bullet_x+3 >= invader3_list[i].invader_x and bullet1.bullet_x+3 <= invader3_list[i].invader_x + 28 and bullet1.bullet_y+9 >= invader3_list[i].invader_y and bullet1.bullet_y+9 <= invader3_list[i].invader_y + 26:441 bullet1.isAlive = False442 invader3_list[i].Invader_Attack()443 if invader_mys.isAlive:444 if bullet1.bullet_x+3 >= invader_mys.invader_x and bullet1.bullet_x+3 <= invader_mys.invader_x + 28 and bullet1.bullet_y+9 >= invader_mys.invader_y and bullet1.bullet_y+9 <= invader_mys.invader_y + 26:445 bullet1.isAlive = False446 invader_mys.Invader_Attack()447 for obstructs in obstruct1:448 if obstructs.isAlive:449 if bullet1.bullet_x+3 >= obstructs.x and bullet1.bullet_x+3 <= obstructs.x + 10 and bullet1.bullet_y+9 >= obstructs.y and bullet1.bullet_y+3 <= obstructs.y + 10:450 bullet1.isAlive = False451 obstructs.isAlive = False452 for obstructs in obstruct2:453 if obstructs.isAlive:454 if bullet1.bullet_x+3 >= obstructs.x and bullet1.bullet_x+3 <= obstructs.x + 10 and bullet1.bullet_y+9 >= obstructs.y and bullet1.bullet_y+3 <= obstructs.y + 10:455 bullet1.isAlive = False456 obstructs.isAlive = False457 for obstructs in obstruct3:458 if obstructs.isAlive:459 if bullet1.bullet_x+3 >= obstructs.x and bullet1.bullet_x+3 <= obstructs.x + 10 and bullet1.bullet_y+9 >= obstructs.y and bullet1.bullet_y+3 <= obstructs.y + 10:460 bullet1.isAlive = False461 obstructs.isAlive = False462 for obstructs in obstruct4:463 if obstructs.isAlive:464 if bullet1.bullet_x+3 >= obstructs.x and bullet1.bullet_x+3 <= obstructs.x + 10 and bullet1.bullet_y+9 >= obstructs.y and bullet1.bullet_y+3 <= obstructs.y + 10:465 bullet1.isAlive = False466 obstructs.isAlive = False467def checkhit_invader():468 global fire_alive,game_state469 if fire_alive==True:470 for obstructs in obstruct1:471 if obstructs.isAlive:472 if fire_x+3 >= obstructs.x and fire_x+3 <= obstructs.x + 10 and fire_y+9 >= obstructs.y and fire_y+3 <= obstructs.y + 10:473 fire_alive = False474 obstructs.isAlive = False475 for obstructs in obstruct2:476 if obstructs.isAlive:477 if fire_x+3 >= obstructs.x and fire_x+3 <= obstructs.x + 10 and fire_y+9 >= obstructs.y and fire_y+3 <= obstructs.y + 10:478 fire_alive = False479 obstructs.isAlive = False480 for obstructs in obstruct3:481 if obstructs.isAlive:482 if fire_x+3 >= obstructs.x and fire_x+3 <= obstructs.x + 10 and fire_y+9 >= obstructs.y and fire_y+3 <= obstructs.y + 10:483 fire_alive = False484 obstructs.isAlive = False485 for obstructs in obstruct4:486 if obstructs.isAlive:487 if fire_x+3 >= obstructs.x and fire_x+3 <= obstructs.x + 10 and fire_y+9 >= obstructs.y and fire_y+3 <= obstructs.y + 10:488 fire_alive = False489 obstructs.isAlive = False490 if (ship_x-5 < fire_x < ship_x + ship.get_width()-5) and (fire_y > ship_y):491 game_state=2492 Game_end()493##MAIN494initial()495WelcomeScreen() ## contains initial screen496## game state=0 means start page... =1 means game is going on... =2 means game lost... =3 means won the game497game_state=0 498quit=False499while not quit:500 if not game_state:501 WelcomeScreen()502 elif game_state==1:503 Game()504 elif game_state == 2:505 Game_end()506 elif game_state ==3:507 Game_end()508 for event in pygame.event.get(): 509 if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:510 if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:511 Left_press()512 if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:513 if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:514 Right_press()515 if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:516 if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT or event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:517 Release_arrowkey()518 if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:519 if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:520 Fire_Spaceship()521 if event.type == pygame.QUIT:522 quit = True523 524 clock.tick(20) #Sets FPS of the game525 pygame.display.update()...

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...23from . import PexpectTestCase24class IsAliveTestCase(PexpectTestCase.PexpectTestCase):25 """Various tests for the running status of processes."""26 def test_expect_wait(self):27 """Ensure consistency in wait() and isalive()."""28 p = pexpect.spawn('sleep 1')29 assert p.isalive()30 assert p.wait() == 031 assert not p.isalive()32 # In previous versions of ptyprocess/​pexpect, calling wait() a second33 # time would raise an exception, but not since v4.034 assert p.wait() == 035 def test_expect_wait_after_termination(self):36 """Ensure wait on a process terminated by kill -9."""37 p = pexpect.spawn('sleep 3')38 assert p.isalive()39 p.kill(9)40 time.sleep(1)41 # when terminated, the exitstatus is None, but p.signalstatus42 # and p.terminated reflects that the kill -9 nature.43 assert p.wait() is None44 assert p.signalstatus == 945 assert p.terminated == True46 assert not p.isalive()47 def test_signal_wait(self):48 '''Test calling wait with a process terminated by a signal.'''49 if not hasattr(signal, 'SIGALRM'):50 return 'SKIP'51 p = pexpect.spawn(self.PYTHONBIN, [''])52 p.wait()53 assert p.exitstatus is None54 self.assertEqual(p.signalstatus, signal.SIGALRM)55 def test_expect_isalive_dead_after_normal_termination (self):56 p = pexpect.spawn('ls', timeout=15)57 p.expect(pexpect.EOF)58 assert not p.isalive()59 def test_expect_isalive_dead_after_SIGHUP(self):60 p = pexpect.spawn('cat', timeout=5, ignore_sighup=False)61 assert p.isalive()62 force = False63 if sys.platform.lower().startswith('sunos'):64 # On Solaris (SmartOs), and only when executed from cron(1), SIGKILL65 # is required to end the sub-process. This is done using force=True66 force = True67 assert p.terminate(force) == True68 p.expect(pexpect.EOF)69 assert not p.isalive()70 def test_expect_isalive_dead_after_SIGINT(self):71 p = pexpect.spawn('cat', timeout=5)72 assert p.isalive()73 force = False74 if sys.platform.lower().startswith('sunos'):75 # On Solaris (SmartOs), and only when executed from cron(1), SIGKILL76 # is required to end the sub-process. This is done using force=True77 force = True78 assert p.terminate(force) == True79 p.expect(pexpect.EOF)80 assert not p.isalive()81 def test_expect_isalive_dead_after_SIGKILL(self):82 p = pexpect.spawn('cat', timeout=5)83 assert p.isalive()84 p.kill(9)85 p.expect(pexpect.EOF)86 assert not p.isalive()87 def test_forced_terminate(self):88 p = pexpect.spawn(self.PYTHONBIN, [''])89 p.expect('READY')90 assert p.terminate(force=True) == True91 p.expect(pexpect.EOF)92 assert not p.isalive()93### Some platforms allow this. Some reset status after call to waitpid.94### probably not necessary, isalive() returns early when terminate is False.95 def test_expect_isalive_consistent_multiple_calls (self):96 '''This tests that multiple calls to isalive() return same value.97 '''98 p = pexpect.spawn('cat')99 assert p.isalive()100 assert p.isalive()101 p.sendeof()102 p.expect(pexpect.EOF)103 assert not p.isalive()104 assert not p.isalive()105if __name__ == '__main__':106 unittest.main()...

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1import sys2import pyopencl as cl3import numpy as np4class CGOL():5 kernel = r"""6 int checkField(__global signed char *cells, int x, int y, int size){7 x = (x + size) % size;8 y = (y + size) % size;9 if (cells[x*size+y] > 0) return 1;10 else return 0;11 }12 __kernel void cgol(__global signed char *cells_in, __global signed char *cells_out, int size){13 int x = get_global_id(0);14 int y = get_global_id(1);15 16 int neighbours = 0;17 int isAlive = cells_in[x*size+y];18 for (int i = -1; i<2; i++){19 for (int j = -1; j<2; j++){20 if(i!=0 || j!=0){21 neighbours += checkField(cells_in, x+i, y+j, size);22 }23 }24 }25 /​/​Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if by underpopulation.26 if(isAlive > 0 && neighbours < 2) isAlive = 0;27 /​/​Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives on to the next generation.28 else if(isAlive > 0 && neighbours < 4) isAlive = 1;29 /​/​Any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies, as if by overpopulation.30 else if(isAlive > 0 && neighbours > 3) isAlive = 0;31 /​/​Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.32 else if(isAlive == 0 && neighbours == 3)isAlive = 1;33 cells_out[x*size+y] = (signed char) isAlive;34 }35 """36 def __init__(self, size):37 self.cells = np.random.randint(low=2, size=(size,size), dtype=np.byte)38 self.size = size39 # Prep OpelCL40 self.context = cl.create_some_context()41 self.queue = cl.CommandQueue(self.context)42 self.cells_buffer = cl.Buffer(self.context, cl.mem_flags.READ_WRITE, self.cells.nbytes)43 self.cells_buffer_out = cl.Buffer(self.context, cl.mem_flags.READ_WRITE, self.cells.nbytes)44 cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, self.cells_buffer, self.cells).wait()45 self.programm = cl.Program(self.context, self.kernel)46 try:47 except Exception:49 print("Error:")50 print(self.programm.get_build_info(self.context.devices[0], cl.program_build_info.LOG))51 raise52 53 def calculate_next_generation(self):54 self.programm.cgol(55 self.queue, #queue56 (self.size,self.size), #global_size57 None, #local_size58 self.cells_buffer, # Argument 0 (cells_in)59 self.cells_buffer_out, # Argument 1 (cells_out)60 np.int32(self.size)) # Argument 2 (size)61 self.cells_buffer_out, self.cells_buffer = self.cells_buffer, self.cells_buffer_out62 def get_cells(self):63 cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, self.cells, self.cells_buffer).wait()64 return self.cells65 def print_current_generation(self):66 cells = self.get_cells()67 s = ""68 for row in cells:69 for element in row:70 s+= f"\033[91mX \033[0m" if element == 1 else "\033[92mX \033[0m"71 s+='\n'72 print(s)73 def save_current_generation(self, path):74 cells = self.get_cells()75 s=""76 for row in cells:77 for element in row:78 s+= f"X " if element == 1 else "- "79 s+='\n'80 with open(path, "w") as f:81 f.write(s)82if __name__ == '__main__':83 SIZE = int(sys.argv[1])84 GENERATIONS = int(sys.argv[2])85 print(f'Start CGOL OPENCL')86 print(f"Generations: {GENERATIONS}")87 print(f"Size: {SIZE}")88 cgol = CGOL(size=SIZE)89 for i in range(GENERATIONS):90 cgol.calculate_next_generation()...

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