Best Python code snippet using pyatom_python
1# Grader Comments:2# -5 Should put the main file outside the BusinessObjects module3# -2 for getting the stock number wrong4# -2 for getting the put number wrong5# -3 for insufficient comments6'''7Bernardo Bravo-Benitez, bb26998Chendi Ni, cn23679Sept.19th, 201410'''11#import the csv module12import csv13#import SecurityObjects module14from SecurityObjects import Bond, Option, Stock15#import datetime module to compare dates16from datetime import datetime17class PortfolioConcentration(object):18 19 #open a comma delimited file and return the output20 '''21 This method loads the csv data into a dictionary which has the structure: {'Bond':[a list of 'Bond' objects ], 22 'Stock':[a list of 'Stock' objects], 'Option':[a list of 'Option' objects]} 23 '''24 def GetObjectList(self):25 try:26 positionsFile = None27 # raw string28 fileName = r".\PortfolioAppraisal2.csv"29 if not csv.Sniffer().has_header(fileName):30 raise Exception("headers expected in position file. FileName: " + fileName)31 positionsFile = open(fileName, 'rt')32 dictReader = csv.DictReader(positionsFile)33 #dictReader is list of dictionaries where the keys are the column headers and the values represent one row of values34 dictTag = {}35 #iterate over 36 for dictRow in dictReader:37 securitytype = dictRow['SecurityTypeCode']38 NewObject={'Bond':Bond(dictRow["IssuerDesc"],dictRow["SecurityCode"],dictRow["SecurityDesc"],dictRow["HoldingDirection"],dictRow["CustodianCode"],dictRow["CurrencyCode"],dictRow["Quantity"],dictRow["PriceLocal"],dictRow["PriceBook"],dictRow["UnderlierPriceBook"],dictRow["MktValLocal"],dictRow["MktValBook"],dictRow["AvgCostLocal"],dictRow["AvgCostBook"],dictRow["CostLocal"],dictRow["CostBook"],dictRow["DtdPnlTotal"],dictRow["MtdPnlTotal"],dictRow["YtdPnlTotal"],dictRow["NetExposure"],dictRow["BbergCode"],dictRow["BloombergMarketSectorCode"],dictRow["Cusip"],dictRow["Sedol"],dictRow["Isin"],dictRow["AccrualStartDate"],dictRow["FrequencyCode"],dictRow["Coupon"],dictRow["IssuedDate"],dictRow["Maturity"],dictRow["Strike"],dictRow["ContractSize"],dictRow["ExcerciseType"],dictRow["PutCall"],dictRow["Expiration"],dictRow["ExchangeCode"],dictRow["SecurityTypeCode"],dictRow["SectorDesc"],dictRow["GeographyRegionDesc"],dictRow["GicsSectorDesc"]),'Stock':Stock(dictRow["IssuerDesc"],dictRow["SecurityCode"],dictRow["SecurityDesc"],dictRow["HoldingDirection"],dictRow["CustodianCode"],dictRow["CurrencyCode"],dictRow["Quantity"],dictRow["PriceLocal"],dictRow["PriceBook"],dictRow["UnderlierPriceBook"],dictRow["MktValLocal"],dictRow["MktValBook"],dictRow["AvgCostLocal"],dictRow["AvgCostBook"],dictRow["CostLocal"],dictRow["CostBook"],dictRow["DtdPnlTotal"],dictRow["MtdPnlTotal"],dictRow["YtdPnlTotal"],dictRow["NetExposure"],dictRow["BbergCode"],dictRow["BloombergMarketSectorCode"],dictRow["Cusip"],dictRow["Sedol"],dictRow["Isin"],dictRow["AccrualStartDate"],dictRow["FrequencyCode"],dictRow["Coupon"],dictRow["IssuedDate"],dictRow["Maturity"],dictRow["Strike"],dictRow["ContractSize"],dictRow["ExcerciseType"],dictRow["PutCall"],dictRow["Expiration"],dictRow["ExchangeCode"],dictRow["SecurityTypeCode"],dictRow["SectorDesc"],dictRow["GeographyRegionDesc"],dictRow["GicsSectorDesc"]),'Option':Option(dictRow["IssuerDesc"],dictRow["SecurityCode"],dictRow["SecurityDesc"],dictRow["HoldingDirection"],dictRow["CustodianCode"],dictRow["CurrencyCode"],dictRow["Quantity"],dictRow["PriceLocal"],dictRow["PriceBook"],dictRow["UnderlierPriceBook"],dictRow["MktValLocal"],dictRow["MktValBook"],dictRow["AvgCostLocal"],dictRow["AvgCostBook"],dictRow["CostLocal"],dictRow["CostBook"],dictRow["DtdPnlTotal"],dictRow["MtdPnlTotal"],dictRow["YtdPnlTotal"],dictRow["NetExposure"],dictRow["BbergCode"],dictRow["BloombergMarketSectorCode"],dictRow["Cusip"],dictRow["Sedol"],dictRow["Isin"],dictRow["AccrualStartDate"],dictRow["FrequencyCode"],dictRow["Coupon"],dictRow["IssuedDate"],dictRow["Maturity"],dictRow["Strike"],dictRow["ContractSize"],dictRow["ExcerciseType"],dictRow["PutCall"],dictRow["Expiration"],dictRow["ExchangeCode"],dictRow["SecurityTypeCode"],dictRow["SectorDesc"],dictRow["GeographyRegionDesc"],dictRow["GicsSectorDesc"])}[securitytype]39 #need to cast to float40 if(dictTag.has_key(securitytype)):41 dictTag[securitytype].append(NewObject)42 else:43 dictTag[securitytype] = [NewObject]44 return dictTag45 except Exception, e:46 print e47 raise e48 finally:49 #print 'Finalizer called'50 if positionsFile != None :51 positionsFile.close()52 53 def Count(self,ObjList,tag1,tag2):54 '''55 This method counts the number of distinct certain securities56 tag1: security type column header,57 tag2: security name column header58 example:59 for problem(a) one should put tag1 as 'Bond' and tag2 as 'SecurityDesc'60 '''61 try:62 keylist=[]63 for Obj in ObjList[tag1]:64 if not getattr(Obj,tag2) in keylist:65 keylist.append(getattr(Obj,tag2))66 return len(keylist)67 except Exception,e:68 print e69 70 def TagCount(self,ObjList,tag1, tag2, tagvalue):71 '''72 This method counts the number of certain securities that has certain values73 tag1: security type column header,74 tag2: the column header of the target attribute75 tagvalue: the target value of the target attribute76 example:77 for problem(b) one should put tag1 as 'Option' and tag2 as 'PutCall' and tagvalue as 'C'78 '''79 try:80 count=081 for Obj in ObjList[tag1]:82 if getattr(Obj, tag2)==tagvalue:83 count=count+184 return count85 except Exception,e: 86 print e87 def DistinctTagCount(self,ObjList,tag1, tag2, tagvalue,tag3):88 '''89 This method counts the number of certain distinct securities that has certain values(which does not count duplicated securities)90 tag1: security type column header,91 tag2: the column header of the target attribute92 tagvalue: the target value of the target attribute93 tag3: tag for distinction use94 example:95 for problem(d) one should put tag1 as 'Bond', tag2 as 'SectorDesc', tagvalue as 'Health Care' and tag3 as "SecurityDesc"96 '''97 try:98 count=099 keylist=[]100 for Obj in ObjList[tag1]:101 if getattr(Obj, tag2)==tagvalue:102 if not getattr(Obj,tag3) in keylist:103 count=count+1104 keylist.append(getattr(Obj,tag3))105 return count106 except Exception,e: 107 print e108 109 def GetMax(self,ObjList,tag1,tag2,taginfo):110 '''111 This method finds the maximum of certain attribute of certain securities112 tag1: security type column header,113 tag2: the column header of the target attribute114 taginfo: the column header of the the name of the target attribute115 example:116 for problem(c) one should put tag1 as 'Bond' and tag2 as 'Maturity' and taginfo as 'SecurityDesc'117 '''118 try:119 #to compare 2 string-type dates we imported datetime method in datetime module that converts strings into date objects so that they can be compared120 if tag2=='Maturity':121 ansdict={}122 for Obj in ObjList[tag1]:123 if getattr(Obj,tag2)=='NULL':124 continue125 if not bool(ansdict):126 ansdict[tag2]=[getattr(Obj,tag2),getattr(Obj,taginfo)]127 else:128 if datetime.strptime(getattr(Obj,tag2),"%m/%d/%Y")>datetime.strptime(ansdict[tag2][0],"%m/%d/%Y"):129 ansdict[tag2]=[getattr(Obj,tag2),getattr(Obj,taginfo)]130 else:131 ansdict={}132 for Obj in ObjList[tag1]:133 if not bool(ansdict):134 ansdict[tag2]=[getattr(Obj,tag2),getattr(Obj,taginfo)]135 else:136 if getattr(Obj,tag2)>ansdict['tag2'][0]:137 ansdict[tag2]=[getattr(Obj,tag2),getattr(Obj,taginfo)]138 return ansdict139 except Exception,e:140 print e 141try:142 newtest=PortfolioConcentration()143 print('Problem(a):')144 print('Number of distinct bonds:'+str(newtest.Count(newtest.GetObjectList(), 'Bond','SecurityDesc')))145 print('Number of distinct stocks:'+str(newtest.Count(newtest.GetObjectList(), 'Stock','SecurityDesc')))146 print('Number of distinct options:'+str(newtest.Count(newtest.GetObjectList(), 'Option','SecurityDesc')))147 print('Problem(b):')148 print('Call Option Numbers:'+str(newtest.TagCount(newtest.GetObjectList(), 'Option','PutCall','C')))149 print('Put Option Numbers:'+str(newtest.TagCount(newtest.GetObjectList(), 'Option','PutCall','P')))150 print('Problem(c):')151 attrlist=newtest.GetMax(newtest.GetObjectList(), 'Bond', 'Maturity', 'SecurityDesc')['Maturity']152 print('Bond with the farthest maturity date and its maturity date:')153 print(attrlist[1]+', '+attrlist[0])154 print('Problem(d):')155 print('Number of securities in the portfolio belong to the Health Care sector:'+str(newtest.DistinctTagCount(newtest.GetObjectList(), 'Bond','SectorDesc','Health Care','SecurityDesc')+newtest.DistinctTagCount(newtest.GetObjectList(), 'Stock','SectorDesc','Health Care','SecurityDesc')+newtest.DistinctTagCount(newtest.GetObjectList(), 'Option','SectorDesc','Health Care','SecurityDesc'))) #print type(newtest.GetObjectList()['Bond'][0].Maturity)156 157except Exception, e:...
1try:2 import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs3 import Rhino, scriptcontext4 import System.Drawing, System.Guid5 from System.Drawing import *6 from Rhino import *7 from Rhino.DocObjects import *8 from Rhino.DocObjects.Tables import *9 from Rhino.Geometry import *10 from Rhino.Input import *11 from Rhino.Commands import *12 from Rhino.UI.Dialogs import ShowColorDialog13 from scriptcontext import doc14except:15 pass16def get_num_layer():17 count = 018 objID = []19 while 1:20 count += 121 zero_str = '000000'22 objName = 'Layer: ' + zero_str[:-len(str(count))] + str(count) + ' Wall1'23 objID.append(rs.ObjectsByName(objName))24 if objID[-1] == []:25 # rs.HideObjects(objID[:])26 return count - 127_NUM_LAYER = get_num_layer()28def FindObjectsByName(name):29 settings = Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectEnumeratorSettings()30 settings.NameFilter = name31 ids = [rhobj.Id for rhobj in scriptcontext.doc.Objects.GetObjectList(settings)]32 if not ids:33 print "No objects with the name", name34 return Rhino.Commands.Result.Failure35 else:36 print "Found", len(ids), "objects"37 return Rhino.Commands.Result.Success38def GetPointDynamicDrawFuncHide(sender, args):39 obj_all = rs.VisibleObjects()40 rs.HideObjects(obj_all)41 cursPos = rs.GetCursorPos()42 viewSize = rs.ViewSize()43 stepSize = int(viewSize[1] / _NUM_LAYER)44 obj_Layer1 = 'Layer: 000001 Wall1'45 obj_Layer2 = 'Layer: 000002 Wall1'46 settings = Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectEnumeratorSettings()47 settings.HiddenObjects = True48 settings.NameFilter = obj_Layer149 ids_L1 = [rhobj.Id for rhobj in scriptcontext.doc.Objects.GetObjectList(settings)]50 settings.NameFilter = obj_Layer251 ids_L2 = [rhobj.Id for rhobj in scriptcontext.doc.Objects.GetObjectList(settings)]52 z_L1 = rs.BoundingBox(ids_L1[0])[0][2]53 z_L2 = rs.BoundingBox(ids_L2[0])[0][2]54 zVal = viewSize[1] - cursPos[3][1]55 z_level = int(zVal / stepSize)56 segmentList = ['Wall',57 'DenseInfill',58 'SparseInfill',59 'Brim',60 'Skirt',61 'Support']62 zero_str = '000000'63 settings = ObjectEnumeratorSettings()64 settings.HiddenObjects = True65 for segment in segmentList:66 i = 067 while 1:68 i += 169 obj_LayerZ = str('Layer: ' + zero_str[:-len(str(z_level))] + str(z_level) + ' ' + segment + str(i))70 try:71 settings.NameFilter = obj_LayerZ72 ids_LZ = [rhobj.Id for rhobj in scriptcontext.doc.Objects.GetObjectList(settings)]73 if len(ids_LZ) == 0:74 break75 # rs.SelectObject(ids_LZ)76 rs.ShowObject(ids_LZ)77 except:78 print 'not found'79 args.Display.DrawDot(args.CurrentPoint, 'Layer ' + str(z_level) + ' - Distance ' + str(z_L2 - z_L1) + ' mm')80 Rhino.Display.RhinoView.Redraw(scriptcontext.doc.Views.ActiveView)81 Rhino.RhinoApp.Wait()82def GetPointDynamicDrawFuncSelect(sender, args):83 # pt1 = Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(0,0,0)84 # pt2 = Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(10,10,0)85 # args.Display.DrawLine(pt1, args.CurrentPoint, System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2)86 # args.Display.DrawLine(pt2, args.CurrentPoint, System.Drawing.Color.Blue, 2)87 rs.UnselectAllObjects()88 cursPos = rs.GetCursorPos()89 viewSize = rs.ViewSize()90 stepSize = int(viewSize[1] / _NUM_LAYER)91 obj_Layer1 = 'Layer: 000001 Wall1'92 obj_Layer2 = 'Layer: 000002 Wall1'93 settings = Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectEnumeratorSettings()94 settings.NameFilter = obj_Layer195 ids_L1 = [rhobj.Id for rhobj in scriptcontext.doc.Objects.GetObjectList(settings)]96 settings.NameFilter = obj_Layer297 ids_L2 = [rhobj.Id for rhobj in scriptcontext.doc.Objects.GetObjectList(settings)]98 z_L1 = rs.BoundingBox(ids_L1[0])[0][2]99 z_L2 = rs.BoundingBox(ids_L2[0])[0][2]100 zVal = viewSize[1] - cursPos[3][1]101 z_level = int(zVal / stepSize)102 segmentList = ['Wall',103 'DenseInfill',104 'SparseInfill',105 'Brim',106 'Skirt',107 'Support']108 zero_str = '000000'109 settings = ObjectEnumeratorSettings()110 for segment in segmentList:111 i = 0112 while 1:113 i += 1114 obj_LayerZ = str('Layer: ' + zero_str[:-len(str(z_level))] + str(z_level) + ' ' + segment + str(i))115 try:116 settings.NameFilter = obj_LayerZ117 ids_LZ = [rhobj.Id for rhobj in scriptcontext.doc.Objects.GetObjectList(settings)]118 if len(ids_LZ) == 0:119 break120 rs.SelectObject(ids_LZ)121 except:122 print 'not found'123 args.Display.DrawDot(args.CurrentPoint, 'Layer ' + str(z_level) + ' - Distance ' + str(z_L2 - z_L1) + ' mm')124 Rhino.Display.RhinoView.Redraw(scriptcontext.doc.Views.ActiveView)125 Rhino.RhinoApp.Wait()126class testchecker():127 def __init__(self):128 pass129 def draw_line_select(self):130 # Create an instance of a GetPoint class and add a delegate for the DynamicDraw event131 gp = Rhino.Input.Custom.GetPoint()132 # gp = Rhino.Input.Custom.PickContext()133 gp.DynamicDraw += GetPointDynamicDrawFuncSelect134 gp.Get()135 obj_all = rs.HiddenObjects()136 rs.ShowObjects(obj_all)137 # print gp.Point()138 def draw_line_hide(self):139 obj_all = rs.VisibleObjects()140 rs.HideObjects(obj_all)141 # Create an instance of a GetPoint class and add a delegate for the DynamicDraw event142 gp = Rhino.Input.Custom.GetPoint()143 # gp = Rhino.Input.Custom.PickContext()144 gp.DynamicDraw += GetPointDynamicDrawFuncHide145 gp.Get()146 obj_all = rs.HiddenObjects()...
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