Best Python code snippet using playwright-python
1'''2Created on Aug 26 20173@author: Greg Salomons4GUI interface for DirScan.5Classes6 DirGui:7 Primary GUI window8 sub class of TKinter.Frame9'''10import tkinter.filedialog as tkf11import tkinter as tk12from tkinter import messagebox13from pathlib import Path14from functools import partial15from structure_set_parameters import ParametersBase16from structure_set_parameters import DirScanParameters17from file_type_definitions import FileTypeError18from file_type_definitions import FileTypes19#from dir_scan_parser import parse_dir_scan20#from dir_scan import scan_and_parse21# pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors22class GuiBase(object):23 '''Base class for Gui frames containing defaults and parameters.24 '''25 def __init__(self, scan_param=None):26 '''Principle Scan parameters27 '''28 if not scan_param:29 scan_param = DirScanParameters()30 = scan_param31class GuiFrameBase(tk.Frame, GuiBase):32 '''Base class for Gui frames containing defaults and parameters.33 '''34 def __init__(self, scan_param=None, owner_frame=tk.Tk(), **kwargs):35 '''initialize the TK frame and link it with the frame it is36 embedded in.37 '''38 self.update_master_frame(self, owner_frame)39 tk.Frame.__init__(owner_frame, **kwargs)40 DirGuiBase.__init__(scan_param)41 def update_master_frame(self, master_frame):42 ''' Update the calling TK frame.43 '''44 if issubclass(master_frame, tk.Tk):45 self.master_frame = master_frame46 else:47 raise TypeError('master_frame must be a TK widget or frame.\n\t'48 'Got type %'%type(master_frame))49 def action_message(self, message_type=None, **kwargs):50 '''Generic message box51 message_type can be one of:52 'showinfo' (default)53 'showwarning'54 'showerror'55 'askretrycancel'56 Parameter options are:57 title='This is a message box',58 message='This is the message',59 detail='Some more details',60 '''61 if not message_type:62 return messagebox.showinfo(parent=self, **kwargs)63 elif 'askretrycancel' in message_type:64 return messagebox.askretrycancel(parent=self, **kwargs)65 elif 'showerror' in message_type:66 return messagebox.showerror(parent=self, **kwargs)67 elif 'showwarning' in message_type:68 return messagebox.showwarning(parent=self, **kwargs)69 elif 'showinfo' in message_type:70 return messagebox.showinfo(parent=self, **kwargs)71 else:72 raise ValueError('message_type must be one of:\t\nshowinfo\t'73 '(default)\n\t'74 'showwarning\n\t'75 'showerror\n\t'76 'askretrycancel')77 def build(self, build_instructions):78 '''Configure the GUI frame and add sub-frames.79 This method may be overwritten for sub-classes.80 Parameter:81 build_instructions: Type list of length 3 tuples.82 Each tuple contains:83 (sub-GUI object, 'pack'|'grid', pack or grid keyword dict)84 '''85 for (subgui, method, kwargs) in build_instructions:86 if not kwargs:87 kwargs = {'fill': tk.X, 'padx': 10, 'pady': 5, 'side': tk.LEFT}88 subgui.pack(**kwargs)89 grid(column=1, row=1,pady=0, padx=0, sticky=tk.E)90class SelectFileParameters(ParametersBase):91 '''Contains all parameters required for selecting a file or directory.92 Class Attributes:93 action_types:94 Type: list of strings95 A list of valid action types96 Default = ['save', 'dir' 'open']97 action_types_str:98 Type: string99 A string defining all valid action types.100 Built from action_types101 Default = ['save', 'dir' 'open']102 valid_file_types103 Type: list of strings104 A list of valid file types105 Default = list of keys from FileTypes.file_types106 valid_types_str107 Type: string108 A string defining all valid file types.109 Built from valid_file_types110 Instance Attributes:111 heading112 Type: str113 The window title for the selection dialog.114 Default = ''115 file_types116 Type: str117 A string describing a directory or type of file to select.118 must reference an item in the FileTypes class119 Default = 'All Files'120 type_select121 Type: FileTypes122 Defined based on file_types value123 Default = None124 action125 Type: str126 A string indicating if the file is to be opened for reading or127 writing.128 One of 'save' or 'open'.129 Default = 'save'130 starting_path131 Type: Path132 The initial path, possibly including a default file name, for the133 file selection.134 Default = base_path135 initial_file_string136 Type: str137 The initial file name for the file selection.138 Default = None139 extension140 Type: str141 The initial extension for the file selection.142 Default = None143 The boolean option attribute:144 exist145 Indicates whether the selected file or directory must already146 exist.147 Default = False148 overwrite149 Indicates whether to silently overwrite existing files or send a150 warning message.151 Default = False152 Methods153 __init__154 Set attributes155 Verify that attributes are reasonable156 The following methods are used to check and update parameters157 update_update_heading(heading)158 update_file_types(file_types)159 update_action(action)160 update_starting_path(starting_path)161 update_initial_file_string(initial_file_string)162 update_extension(extension)163 The following methods set boolean options to True or False164 set_exist(exist)165 set_overwrite(overwrite)166 '''167 # Initialize class level parameters168 action_types = ['save', 'dir' 'open']169 action_types_str = '["' + '",\n\t"'.join(ft for ft in action_types) + '"]'170 valid_file_types = list(ft for ft in FileTypes.file_types)171 valid_file_types_str = '["' +\172 '",\n\t"'.join(ft for ft in valid_file_types) +\173 '"]'174 #The following method initializes parameters175 def __init__(self, base_path=None, **kwargs):176 '''177 Initialize all parameters, using default values if a value is178 not supplied179 '''180 # Initialize all parameters using default values181 super().__init__(base_path, **kwargs)182 self.heading = ''183 self.file_types = 'All Files'184 self.type_select = None185 self.action = 'save'186 self.starting_path = self.base_path187 self.initial_file_string = None188 self.extension = None189 # Initialize boolean option attributes, using default values190 exist = False191 overwrite = False192 # Set all passed parameter values193 self.update_parameters(base_path, **kwargs)194 #The following methods are used to check and update parameters195 def update_heading(self, heading):196 ''' Update the window title.197 '''198 try:199 self.heading = str(heading)200 except TypeError as err:201 raise err('heading must be a string.\n\t'202 'Got type %'%type(heading))203 # If directory_path is a string treat it as a partial and204 # combine it with the base path, then check that the directory exits.205 if self.do_dir_scan:206 scan_path = self.valid_dir(self.insert_base_path(directory_path))207 self.directory_to_scan = scan_path208 def update_file_types(self, file_types):209 ''' Update the allowable file types to select from.210 '''211 if 'dir' in file_types:212 self.file_types = 'dir'213 self.type_select = None214 elif isinstance(file_types,str):215 if file_types in self.valid_file_types:216 self.file_types = [file_types]217 self.type_select = FileTypes(self.file_types)218 else:219 raise TypeError('file_types must be a string or '220 'a list of strings with the following '221 'values:\n\t' + self.valid_file_types_str)222 else:223 try:224 self.filetypes = list(file_types)225 except TypeError as err:226 raise err('file_types must be a string or a list of strings.'227 '\n\tGot type %'%type(file_types))228 else:229 self.type_select = FileTypes(self.file_types)230 def update_action(self, action):231 ''' Update the type of file selection.232 '''233 if action in self.action_types:234 self.action = str(action)235 else:236 raise TypeError('action must be one of: \n\t' +237 self.action_types_str)238 def update_starting_path(self, starting_path):239 ''' Update the starting file selection path.240 '''241 file_path = self.insert_base_path(starting_path)242 if file_path.is_file():243 self.starting_path = file_path.parent244 if not self.initial_file_string:245 self.initial_file_string = file_path.name246 self.extension = file_path.suffix247 elif self.valid_dir(file_path):248 self.starting_path = file_path249 else:250 raise TypeError('starting_path must type Path or type str.\n\t'251 'Got type %'%type(starting_path))252 def update_initial_file_string(self, initial_file_string):253 ''' Update the default file name.254 '''255 try:256 self.initial_file_string = str(initial_file_string)257 except TypeError as err:258 raise err('initial_file_string must be a string.\n\t'259 'Got type %'%type(initial_file_string))260 # If directory_path is a string treat it as a partial and261 # combine it with the base path, then check that the directory exits.262 if self.do_dir_scan:263 scan_path = self.valid_dir(self.insert_base_path(directory_path))264 self.directory_to_scan = scan_path265 # If directory_path is a string treat it as a partial and266 # combine it with the base path, then check that the directory exits.267 if self.do_dir_scan:268 scan_path = self.valid_dir(self.insert_base_path(directory_path))269 self.directory_to_scan = scan_path270 def update_extension(self, extension):271 ''' Update the default extension.272 '''273 try:274 self.extension = str(extension)275 except TypeError as err:276 raise err('extension must be a string.\n\t'277 'Got type %'%type(extension))278 # The following methods set boolean options to True or False279 def set_exist(self, exist: bool):280 '''Indicate whether a directory or file should already exist.281 Parameter282 exist: Type bool283 True: Raise error if file does not exist.284 False: Do not check if the file exists.285 Raises286 TypeError287 '''288 try:289 self.exist = bool(exist)290 except TypeError as err:291 raise err('exist must be True or False')292 def set_overwrite(self, overwrite: bool):293 '''Indicate whether a file should be silently overwritten if it294 already exists.295 Parameter296 overwrite: Type bool297 True: Do not check if the file exists.298 False: Raise warning if the file exists.299 Raises300 TypeError301 '''302 try:303 self.overwrite = bool(overwrite)304 except TypeError as err:305 raise err('overwrite must be True or False')306##307class DirGuiElementFrame(DirGuiBase):308 '''DirGui Base class for selecting or changing a specific309 DirScanParameters element.310 '''311 # TK variable types to link with parameter values312 var_type_dict = {313 'string': tk.StringVar,314 'int': tk.IntVar315 }316 def __init__(self, parameter_name='base_path', var_type='string',317 scan_param=DirScanParameters(), **kwargs):318 '''Build a frame and link the access variable to a specific parameter.319 '''320 super().__init__(**kwargs)321 var_select = self.var_type_dict[var_type]322 self.select_var = var_select()323 self.parameter = parameter_name324 def set(self, select_value: str):325 '''Set the path_string frame variable.326 '''327 self.select_var.set(select_value)328 def get(self):329 '''Get the path_string frame variable.330 '''331 return self.select_var.get()332 def initialize(self):333 '''Initialize the Gui variable from the initial DirScanParameters values.334 '''335 value = self.set(value)337 def update(self):338 '''Update the DirScanParameters data element from the Gui variable.339 '''340 param = {self.parameter: self.get()}341 def build(self, **kwargs):343 '''Configure the GUI frame and add sub-frames.344 This method is to be overwritten for each sub-class.345 '''346 self.initialize()347 super().build(self, **kwargs)348class DirGuiLabelFrame(DirGuiBase, tk.LabelFrame):349 '''DirGui Base class for grouping one or more DirGuiElementFrames350 together within a labeled frame.351 '''352 def __init__(self, form_title=None, **kwargs):353 '''Build the frame and define the access variable354 '''355 super().__init__(owner_frame, text=form_title, **kwargs)356 def build(self, **kwargs):357 '''Configure the GUI frame and add sub-frames.358 This method is to be overwritten for each sub-class.359 '''360 self.initialize()361 super().build(self, **kwargs)362class FileSelectGui(DirGuiElementFrame, SelectFileParameters):363 '''GUI frame for selecting a file or directory.364 sub class of TKinter.LabelFrame.365 used inside the InputPathsFrame and OutputPathsFrame.366 '''367 def select_file_dialog(self):368 '''Open a dialog to select a file or directory.369 Returns the selected file or directory370 '''371 starting_path = self.starting_path372 if self.action is 'save':373 select_method = tkf.asksaveasfilename374 else:375 select_method = tkf.askopenfilename376 if 'dir' in self.file_types:377 selected_file_string = \378 tkf.askdirectory(parent=self.master_frame,379 title=file_parameters.heading,380 mustexist=file_parameters.exist,381 initialdir=file_parameters.starting_path)382 else:383 extension = file_parameters.extension384 if not extension:385 extension = '.txt'386 selected_file_string = select_method(387 parent=file_parameters.master_frame,388 title=file_parameters.heading,389 initialdir=file_parameters.starting_path,390 initialfile=file_parameters.initial_file_string,391 defaultextension=extension,392 filetypes=file_parameters.type_select)393 # ToDo Move confirm overwrite to parameters driven method394 # confirmoverwrite=exist,395 return selected_file_string396 def build(self, select_cmd):397 file_show = tk.Entry(self, textvariable=self.select_var, width=100)398 select_file = tk.Button(self, text='Browse', command=select_cmd)399 file_show.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=10, pady=5, side=tk.LEFT)400 select_file.pack(padx=5, pady=5, side=tk.RIGHT)401 #if selected_file_string is not '':402 # try:403 # file_select = Path(selected_file_string)404 # file_parem_set(file_select)405 # except (TypeError, FileTypeError) as err:406 # #TODO add warning to status407 # print("OS error: {0}".format(err))408 # else:409 # master_frame.set(selected_file_string)410class InputSelectFrame(DirGuiSubFrame):411 '''GUI frame for selecting whether to scan a directory or parse a file.412 used inside the InputPathsFrame.413 '''414 def build(self):415 '''Build the frame to select a file or directory.416 Add the form to select a directory to scan.417 '''418 choose_dir = tk.Radiobutton(self, text="", variable=self.select_var, value=0)419 choose_file = tk.Radiobutton(self, text="",variable=self.select_var, value=1)420 choose_dir.grid(column=1, row=1,pady=0, padx=0, sticky=tk.E)421 choose_file.grid(column=1, row=2,pady=0, padx=0, sticky=tk.E)422class InputPathsFrame(DirGuiFrame):423 '''GUI frame for selecting the file or directory path to scan or parse.424 used inside the main GUI.425 '''426 def get_input_option(self,choose_widget):427 '''Set a radial button widget variable to the current input option428 from parameters as an integer.429 0 Scan a directory430 1 Parse a file.431 '''432 if choose_widget.set(0)434 else:435 choose_widget.set(1)436 def set_input_option(self, input_select):437 '''Update the parameter flag to indicate whether to scan a directory438 or parse a file.439 '''440 if input_select == 0:441 else:443 def set_choice(self, value, choose_widget, event):445 '''Update the radial button widget variable and the parameter flag to446 indicate whether to scan a directory or parse a file.447 The event parameter is from the binding and is not used.448 '''449 self.set_input_option(value)450 choose_widget.set(value)451 def build(self):452 '''Build the frame to select a file or directory.453 Add the form to select either a directory to scan or a file to parse.454 '''455 # Add the select buttons456 select_source_header = 'Select the directory to scan or file to parse.'457 choose_source = InputSelectFrame(self, select_source_header, 'int')458 choose_source.grid(column=1, row=1, rowspan=2, pady=3, padx=0,460 sticky=tk.E)461 self.get_input_option(choose_source)462 self.choose_source = choose_source463 # Add the directory selection464 select_dir_header = 'Select the directory to scan.'465 select_dir = FileSelectGui(choose_source, select_dir_header)466 if select_dir.set(str( dir_select_dialog = partial(469 select_file_dialog,470 master_frame=select_dir,471 heading=select_dir_header,472,473 filetypes='dir',474 exist=True)475 select_dir.grid(column=2, row=1, columnspan=2,477 pady=3, padx=0, sticky=tk.W)478 choose_dir = partial(self.set_choice, 0, choose_source)479 select_dir.bind('<FocusIn>', choose_dir)480 self.select_dir = select_dir481 # Add the file source selection482 select_file_header = 'Select the file to parse.'483 select_file = FileSelectGui(choose_source, select_file_header)484 if select_file.set(str( file_select_dialog = partial(487 select_file_dialog,488 master_frame=select_file,489 heading=select_file_header,490,491 filetypes='Text File',492 action='open',493 exist=True)494 select_file.grid(column=2, row=2, columnspan=2,496 pady=3, padx=0, sticky=tk.W)497 choose_file = partial(self.set_choice, 1, choose_source)498 select_file.bind('<FocusIn>', choose_file)499 self.select_file = select_file500 def update(self):501 '''Update all data values from the GUI sub-frames.502 '''503 self.set_input_option(self.choose_source.select_var.get())506class OutputFileSelectGui(DirGuiSubFrame):507 '''GUI frame for selecting the file or directory path to scan or parse.508 used inside the main GUI.509 '''510 def __init__(self, owner_frame, header=None, var_type='string'):511 '''Build the frame and define the select and file path variable.512 '''513 super().__init__(owner_frame, form_title=header)514 self.use_file = tk.IntVar()515 def set_choice(self, value, event=None):516 '''Update the check box to indicate whether use the file.517 The event parameter is from the binding and is not used.518 '''519 self.use_file.set(int(value))520 def get_choice(self, event=None):521 '''Return true or false if box selected.522 The event parameter is from the binding and is not used.523 '''524 return bool(self.use_file.get())525 def change_choice(self, event=None):526 '''Return true or false if box selected.527 The event parameter is from the binding and is not used.528 '''529 current_val = bool(self.use_file.get())530 flip = int(not(current_val))531 self.use_file.set(flip)532 def build(self, select_cmd):533 '''Build the frame to select an output file and usage Check Box.534 '''535 # Add the select button536 file_checkbox = tk.Checkbutton(self, text="", variable=self.use_file)537 file_checkbox.pack(pady=0, padx=0, side=tk.LEFT)538 # Add the directory selection539 file_show = tk.Entry(self, textvariable=self.select_var, width=100)540 select_file = tk.Button(self, text='Browse', command=select_cmd)541 file_show.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=10, pady=5, side=tk.LEFT)542 select_file.pack(padx=5, pady=5, side=tk.RIGHT)543 choose_file = partial(self.set_choice, 1)544 file_show.bind('<FocusIn>', choose_file)545class OutputPathsFrame(DirGuiFrame):546 '''GUI frame for selecting the files to store the output from547 Scan and Parse.548 used inside the main GUI.549 '''550 def build(self):551 '''Build the frame to select a file or directory.552 Add the form to select a directory to scan.553 '''554 # TODO add check that at least one output is selected in GUI555 # Add frame to select a file to save the DIR output556 scan_output_header = 'Select the file to save the DIR scan output'557 scan_output_select = OutputFileSelectGui(self, scan_output_header)558 scan_output_select.set(str( scan_output_select.set_choice(int( scan_output_dialog = partial(561 select_file_dialog,562 master_frame=scan_output_select,563 heading=scan_output_header,564,565 filetypes='Text File',566 action='save')567 scan_output_select.grid(column=1, row=1, columnspan=4,569 pady=3, padx=10, sticky=tk.W)570 self.scan_output_file = scan_output_select571 # Add frame to select a file to save file data from the parse output572 file_data_header = 'Select the file to save the parsed file info.'573 file_data_select = OutputFileSelectGui(self, file_data_header)574 file_data_select.set(str( file_data_select.set_choice(int( file_data_dialog = partial(577 select_file_dialog,578 master_frame=file_data_select,579 heading=file_data_header,580,581 filetypes=['Comma Separated Variable File', 'Excel Files'],582 action='save',583 extension='.csv')584 file_data_select.grid(column=1, row=2, columnspan=4,586 pady=3, padx=10, sticky=tk.W)587 self.file_data_output = file_data_select588 # Add frame to select a file to save directory data from the parse output589 dir_data_header = 'Select the file to save the parsed directory info.'590 dir_data_select = OutputFileSelectGui(self, dir_data_header)591 dir_data_select.set(str( dir_data_select.set_choice(int( dir_data_dialog = partial(594 select_file_dialog,595 master_frame=dir_data_select,596 heading=dir_data_header,597,598 filetypes=['Comma Separated Variable File', 'Excel Files'],599 action='save',600 extension='.csv')601 dir_data_select.grid(column=1, row=3, columnspan=4,603 pady=3, padx=10, sticky=tk.W)604 self.dir_data_output = dir_data_select605 def update(self):606 '''Update all data values from the GUI sub-frames.607 This method is to be overwritten for each sub-class.608 '''609 ActionButtonsFrame(DirGuiFrame):616 '''Add the buttons to start or cancel the scan.617 '''618 def build(self):619 '''Configure the GUI frame and add sub-frames.620 This method is to be overwritten for each sub-class.621 '''622 #self.status = 'Making Selections'623 action_label = run = self.master.run_method625 cancel = self.master.cancel_method626 self.run_button = tk.Button(self, text=action_label, command=run)627 self.cancel_button = tk.Button(self, text='Cancel', command=cancel)628 self.run_button.grid(column=1, row=1, padx=5)629 self.cancel_button.grid(column=2, row=1, padx=5)630 def update(self):631 '''Update all data values from the GUI sub-frames.632 This method is to be overwritten for each sub-class.633 '''634 action_label = self.run_button.config(text=action_label)636class StatusTextFrame(DirGuiFrame):637 '''GUI frame for indicating current status of the Actions.638 '''639 def build(self, initial_status='Enter Selections'):640 '''Build the frame to display the status.641 '''642 self.master.status_text.set(initial_status)643 status_box = tk.Label(self, textvariable=self.master.status_text)644 status_box.pack()645class DirGui(tk.Frame):646 '''TKinter GUI class used for the DIR Scan program main GUI.647 '''648 def __init__(self, scan_param: DirScanParameters, master, run_cmd):649 '''Create the DIR Scan GUI and set the initial parameters650 '''651 super().__init__(master)652 = scan_param653 self.run_method = partial(self.update_and_run, run_cmd)654 self.cancel_method = master.destroy655 self.status_text = tk.StringVar()656 def window_format(self):657 '''Format and label main GUI window.658 Add a window title,659 Add a window icon,660 Add a header label661 '''662 root = self._root()663 root.title("Directory Scan")664 # Add a window icon665 ico_pict = r'.\Icon test.png'666 root.iconphoto(root, tk.PhotoImage(file=ico_pict))667 #Add Top header668 header = tk.Label(self, text='Directory Scan')669 header.config(font=('system', 20, 'bold'))670 header.grid(column=1, row=1, columnspan=3)671 def build(self):672 '''Configure the main GUI window and add sub-frames.673 '''674 self.window_format()675 input_select_frame = InputPathsFrame(, self)676 input_select_frame.grid(column=1, row=2, columnspan=3,678 padx=10, sticky=tk.W)679 self.input_select = input_select_frame680 output_select_frame = OutputPathsFrame(, self)681 output_select_frame.grid(column=1, row=3, columnspan=3,683 padx=10, sticky=tk.W)684 self.output_select = output_select_frame685 action_buttons_frame = ActionButtonsFrame(, self)686 action_buttons_frame.grid(column=1, row=5, columnspan=3, pady=2)688 status_message_frame = StatusTextFrame(, self)689 status_message_frame.grid(column=1, row=6, columnspan=3,691 padx=10, sticky=tk.W)692 def update(self):693 '''Update all scan and parse parameters from the GUI frames.694 '''695 self.input_select.update()696 self.output_select.update()697 def update_and_run(self, run_cmd):698 '''Set all values for the scan parameters from the GUI.699 '''700 self.update()701 # Perhaps split up scan and parse commands702 run_cmd(, self)703def activate_gui(scan_param: DirScanParameters, run_cmd):704 '''Activate the GUI and return the selected parameters.705 '''706 root = tk.Tk()707 dir_gui = DirGui(scan_param, root, run_cmd)708 dir_gui.pack()710 root.mainloop()711 return dir_gui712def main():713 '''Test the activate_gui function call.714 '''715 def param_string(scan_param: DirScanParameters):716 '''Display the parameters in a pop-up message a test function.717 '''718 param_dict = {719 'dir_command_switches': str(scan_param.dir_command_switches),720 'file_data_variables': str(scan_param.file_data_variables),721 'dir_summary_variables': str(scan_param.dir_summary_variables),722 'base_path': str(scan_param.base_path),723 'directory_to_scan': str(scan_param.directory_to_scan),724 'file_to_scan': str(scan_param.file_to_scan),725 'do_dir_scan': str(scan_param.do_dir_scan),726 'parse_dir_data': str(scan_param.parse_dir_data),727 'directory_scan_output': str(scan_param.directory_scan_output),728 'save_scan_output': str(scan_param.save_scan_output),729 'file_data_output': str(scan_param.file_data_output),730 'output_file_data': str(scan_param.output_file_data),731 'dir_data_output': str(scan_param.dir_data_output),732 'output_dir_data': str(scan_param.output_dir_data),733 'file_data_sheet': str(scan_param.file_data_sheet),734 'dir_data_sheet': str(scan_param.dir_data_sheet),735 'top_dir': str(scan_param.top_dir),736 'source': str(scan_param.source),737 'time_type': str(scan_param.time_type)738 }739 param_text = 'Scan Parameters'740 param_text += '\n' + 'base_path = {base_path}'741 param_text += '\n' + 'directory to scan = {directory_to_scan}'742 param_text += '\n' + 'file to parse = {file_to_scan}'743 param_text += '\n' + 'Scan a directory = {do_dir_scan}'744 param_text += '\n' + 'Parse dir data = {parse_dir_data}'745 param_text += '\n' + 'File to save directory scan = {directory_scan_output}'746 param_text += '\n' + 'Save scan output = {save_scan_output}'747 param_text += '\n' + 'File-data output file = {file_data_output}'748 param_text += '\n' + 'Save file data = {output_file_data}'749 param_text += '\n' + 'Dir-data output file = {dir_data_output}'750 param_text += '\n' + 'Save dir data = {output_dir_data}'751 param_text = param_text.format(**param_dict)752 return param_text753 def test_message(scan_param: DirScanParameters):754 '''Display a message box containing parameter info.755 '''756 message_text = param_string(scan_param)757 results = messagebox.showinfo(title='Parameters',758 message=message_text)759 test_scan_param = DirScanParameters(\760 base_path=Path('.'),761 file_to_scan='Test_Files.txt',762 time_type="C",763 source='Test Files',764 top_dir=Path('.'),765 file_data_output='Test_files_data.csv',766 output_dir_data=False,767 dir_data_output='Test_dir_data.csv')768 #run_cmd = partial(test_message, test_scan_param)769 dir_gui = activate_gui(test_scan_param, test_message)770if __name__ == '__main__':...
...128 await utils.attach_frame(page, "frame1", server.EMPTY_PAGE)129 frame = page.frames[1]130 element_handle = await frame.evaluate_handle("document.documentElement")131 assert await element_handle.content_frame() is None132async def test_owner_frame(page, server, utils):133 await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE)134 await utils.attach_frame(page, "frame1", server.EMPTY_PAGE)135 frame = page.frames[1]136 element_handle = await frame.evaluate_handle("document.body")137 assert await element_handle.owner_frame() == frame138async def test_owner_frame_for_cross_process_iframes(page, server, utils):139 await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE)140 await utils.attach_frame(141 page, "frame1", server.CROSS_PROCESS_PREFIX + "/empty.html"142 )143 frame = page.frames[1]144 element_handle = await frame.evaluate_handle("document.body")145 assert await element_handle.owner_frame() == frame146async def test_owner_frame_for_document(page, server, utils):147 await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE)148 await utils.attach_frame(page, "frame1", server.EMPTY_PAGE)149 frame = page.frames[1]150 element_handle = await frame.evaluate_handle("document")151 assert await element_handle.owner_frame() == frame152async def test_owner_frame_for_iframe_elements(page, server, utils):153 await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE)154 await utils.attach_frame(page, "frame1", server.EMPTY_PAGE)155 frame = page.main_frame156 element_handle = await frame.evaluate_handle('document.querySelector("#frame1")')157 assert await element_handle.owner_frame() == frame158async def test_owner_frame_for_cross_frame_evaluations(page, server, utils):159 await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE)160 await utils.attach_frame(page, "frame1", server.EMPTY_PAGE)161 frame = page.main_frame162 element_handle = await frame.evaluate_handle(163 'document.querySelector("#frame1").contentWindow.document.body'164 )165 assert await element_handle.owner_frame() == frame.child_frames[0]166async def test_owner_frame_for_detached_elements(page, server):167 await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE)168 div_handle = await page.evaluate_handle(169 """() => {170 div = document.createElement('div');171 document.body.appendChild(div);172 return div;173 }"""174 )175 assert await div_handle.owner_frame() == page.main_frame176 await page.evaluate(177 """() => {178 div = document.querySelector('div')179 document.body.removeChild(div)180 }"""181 )182 assert await div_handle.owner_frame() == page.main_frame183async def test_owner_frame_for_adopted_elements(page, server):184 await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE)185 async with page.expect_popup() as popup_info:186 await page.evaluate(187 "url => window.__popup =", server.EMPTY_PAGE188 )189 popup = await popup_info.value190 div_handle = await page.evaluate_handle(191 """() => {192 div = document.createElement('div');193 document.body.appendChild(div);194 return div;195 }"""196 )197 assert await div_handle.owner_frame() == page.main_frame198 await popup.wait_for_load_state("domcontentloaded")199 await page.evaluate(200 """() => {201 div = document.querySelector('div');202 window.__popup.document.body.appendChild(div);203 }"""204 )205 assert await div_handle.owner_frame() == popup.main_frame206async def test_click(page, server):207 await page.goto(server.PREFIX + "/input/button.html")208 button = await page.query_selector("button")209 await assert await page.evaluate("result") == "Clicked"211async def test_click_with_node_removed(page, server):212 await page.goto(server.PREFIX + "/input/button.html")213 await page.evaluate('delete window["Node"]')214 button = await page.query_selector("button")215 await assert await page.evaluate("result") == "Clicked"217async def test_click_for_shadow_dom_v1(page, server):218 await page.goto(server.PREFIX + "/shadow.html")219 button_handle = await page.evaluate_handle("button")...
1import re2import json3def parse_netlog(file, match_id, user_id):4 regex = re.compile("\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d-\d\d-\d\d")5 windows = []6 incoming = [0]7 outgoing = [0]8 time = [0]9 filetext = filetext = filetext.decode('UTF-8')11 for line in filetext.splitlines():12 try:13 if regex.match(line):14 continue15 tokens = line.split(',')16 time.append(int(tokens[0]))17 incoming.append(int(tokens[2]))18 outgoing.append(int(tokens[3]))19 time_window = int(tokens[0])20 ping_window = int(tokens[8])21 jitter_window = int(tokens[16])22 try:23 loss_percentage_window = float(tokens[15]) * 10024 except ValueError:25 # fill in zero for -nan(ind) error in netlog26 loss_percentage_window = float(0)27 in_bandwidth_window = (incoming[-1] - incoming[-2]) / ((time[-1] - time[-2]))28 out_bandwidth_window = (outgoing[-1] - outgoing[-2]) / ((time[-1] - time[-2]))29 windows.append({30 'match_id': match_id,31 'user_id': user_id,32 'time': time_window,33 'ping': ping_window,34 'jitter': jitter_window,35 'in_bandwidth': in_bandwidth_window,36 'out_bandwidth': out_bandwidth_window,37 'loss': loss_percentage_window})38 except Exception as ex:39 print('2: ' + str(ex))40 return windows41def parse_match(match, user_id, username):42 teams = {43 'winner': [],44 'loser': [],45 }46 win = False47 try:48 for participant in match['participantIdentities']:49 participant_id = participant['participantId']50 participant_data = match['participants'][participant_id - 1]51 participant_to_save = {52 'name': participant['player']['summonerName'],53 'champion': participant_data['championId'],54 'profile_icon_id': participant['player']['profileIcon'],55 'id': participant['participantId'],56 'role': participant_data['timeline']['role'],57 'lane': participant_data['timeline']['lane'],58 'kills': participant_data['stats']['kills'],59 'deaths': participant_data['stats']['deaths'],60 'assists': participant_data['stats']['assists'],61 'total_dmg': participant_data['stats']['totalDamageDealt'],62 'total_damage_taken': participant_data['stats']['totalDamageDealt'],63 'gold_earned': participant_data['stats']['goldEarned'],64 }65 if participant_data['stats']['win']:66 teams['winner'].append(participant_to_save)67 else:68 teams['loser'].append(participant_to_save)69 if str(participant_to_save['name']).casefold() == str(username).casefold():70 win = participant_data['stats']['win']71 match_to_save = {72 'user_id': user_id,73 'match_id': match['gameId'],74 'queue_id': match['queueId'],75 'game_type': match['gameType'],76 'game_duration': match['gameDuration'],77 'game_start': match['gameCreation'],78 'platform_id': match['platformId'],79 'season_id': match['seasonId'],80 'map_id': match['mapId'],81 'game_mode': match['gameMode'],82 'teams': json.dumps(teams),83 'won': win84 }85 return match_to_save86 except Exception as ex:87 print('1: ' + str(ex))88 return False89def parse_event(event, pov_id, match_id, events, user_id):90 if event['type'] == 'CHAMPION_KILL':91 if (event['killerId'] == pov_id or event['victimId'] == pov_id):92 type = 'CHAMPION_KILL' if event['killerId'] == pov_id else 'CHAMPION_DEATH'93 events.append({94 "match_id": match_id,95 "user_id": user_id,96 "timestamp": event['timestamp'],97 "x": event['position']['x'],98 "y": event['position']['y'],99 "active_participant": event['killerId'],100 "passive_participant": event['victimId'],101 "assisting_participants": event['assistingParticipantIds'],102 "type": type,103 })104 elif event['type'] == 'WARD_PLACED':105 if (event['creatorId'] == pov_id):106 events.append({107 "match_id": match_id,108 "user_id": user_id,109 "timestamp": event['timestamp'],110 "x": 0,111 "y": 0,112 "active_participant": event['creatorId'],113 "passive_participant": '',114 "assisting_participants": [],115 "type": event['type'],116 })117 elif event['type'] == 'WARD_KILL':118 if event['killerId'] == pov_id:119 events.append({120 "match_id": match_id,121 "user_id": user_id,122 "timestamp": event['timestamp'],123 "x": 0,124 "y": 0,125 "active_participant": event['killerId'],126 "passive_participant": '',127 "assisting_participants": [],128 "type": event['type'],129 })130 elif event['type'] == 'BUILDING_KILL':131 if event['killerId'] == pov_id:132 events.append({133 "match_id": match_id,134 "user_id": user_id,135 "timestamp": event['timestamp'],136 "x": event['position']['x'],137 "y": event['position']['y'],138 "active_participant": event['killerId'],139 "passive_participant": event['buildingType'],140 "assisting_participants": event['assistingParticipantIds'],141 "type": event['type'],142 })143 elif event['type'] == 'ELITE_MONSTER_KILL':144 if event['killerId'] == pov_id:145 events.append({146 "match_id": match_id,147 "user_id": user_id,148 "timestamp": event['timestamp'],149 "x": event['position']['x'],150 "y": event['position']['y'],151 "active_participant": event['killerId'],152 "passive_participant": event['monsterType'],153 "assisting_participants": [],154 "type": event['type'],155 })156 elif event['type'] == 'ITEM_PURCHASED':157 if event['participantId'] == pov_id:158 events.append({159 "match_id": match_id,160 "user_id": user_id,161 "timestamp": event['timestamp'],162 "x": 0,163 "y": 0,164 "active_participant": event['participantId'],165 "passive_participant": event['itemId'],166 "assisting_participants": [],167 "type": event['type'],168 })169 elif event['type'] == 'ITEM_SOLD':170 if event['participantId'] == pov_id:171 events.append({172 "match_id": match_id,173 "user_id": user_id,174 "timestamp": event['timestamp'],175 "x": 0,176 "y": 0,177 "active_participant": event['participantId'],178 "passive_participant": event['itemId'],179 "assisting_participants": [],180 "type": event['type'],181 })182 elif event['type'] == 'ITEM_DESTROYED':183 if event['participantId'] == pov_id:184 events.append({185 "match_id": match_id,186 "user_id": user_id,187 "timestamp": event['timestamp'],188 "x": 0,189 "y": 0,190 "active_participant": event['participantId'],191 "passive_participant": event['itemId'],192 "assisting_participants": [],193 "type": event['type'],194 })195 elif event['type'] == 'ITEM_UNDO':196 if event['participantId'] == pov_id:197 events.append({198 "match_id": match_id,199 "user_id": user_id,200 "timestamp": event['timestamp'],201 "x": 0,202 "y": 0,203 "active_participant": event['participantId'],204 "passive_participant": '',205 "assisting_participants": [],206 "type": event['type'],207 })208 elif event['type'] == 'SKILL_LEVEL_UP':209 if event['participantId'] == pov_id:210 events.append({211 "match_id": match_id,212 "user_id": user_id,213 "timestamp": event['timestamp'],214 "x": 0,215 "y": 0,216 "active_participant": event['participantId'],217 "passive_participant": '',218 "assisting_participants": [],219 "type": event['type'],220 })221 elif event['type'] == 'ASCENDED_EVENT':222 if event['participantId'] == pov_id or event['killerId'] == pov_id:223 events.append({224 "match_id": match_id,225 "user_id": user_id,226 "timestamp": event['timestamp'],227 "x": 0,228 "y": 0,229 "active_participant": event['participantId'],230 "passive_participant": '',231 "assisting_participants": [],232 "type": event['type'],233 })234 elif event['type'] == 'CAPTURE_POINT':235 if event['participantId'] == pov_id or event['killerId'] == pov_id:236 events.append({237 "match_id": match_id,238 "user_id": user_id,239 "timestamp": event['timestamp'],240 "x": 0,241 "y": 0,242 "active_participant": event['participantId'],243 "passive_participant": '',244 "assisting_participants": [],245 "type": event['type'],246 })247 elif event['type'] == 'PORO_KING_SUMMON':248 if event['participantId'] == pov_id or event['killerId'] == pov_id:249 events.append({250 "match_id": match_id,251 "user_id": user_id,252 "timestamp": event['timestamp'],253 "x": 0,254 "y": 0,255 "active_participant": event['participantId'],256 "passive_participant": '',257 "assisting_participants": [],258 "type": event['type'],259 })260def parse_timeline(timeline, log_owner_id, match_id, user_id):261 events = []262 frames = []263 for frame in timeline['frames']:264 try:265 owner_frame = frame['participantFrames'][str(log_owner_id)]266 frames.append({267 'user_id': user_id,268 'match_id': match_id,269 'timestamp': frame['timestamp'],270 'exp': owner_frame['xp'],271 'gold': owner_frame['totalGold'],272 'creep_score': owner_frame['minionsKilled'],273 'neutral_score': owner_frame['jungleMinionsKilled'],274 'level': owner_frame['level'],275 })276 for event in frame['events']:277 parse_event(event, log_owner_id, match_id, events, user_id)278 except Exception as ex:279 print('3: ' + str(ex))280 return frames, events281# def safeAssign(current_object, keys):282# for i in range(0, len(keys)):283# if current_object is not None and hasattr(current_object, keys[i]):284# print('get attr ' + keys[i] + 'from ' + str(current_object))285# current_object = getattr(current_object, keys[i])286# print('gottem')287# else:288# print(str(current_object) + ' has no attr ' + keys[i])289# return ''...
1import copy2from import FPS3import imutils4from static_object import *5from intensity_processing import *6from pathlib import Path7import numpy as np8import os9import sys10import cv211import tensorflow as tf12from queue import Queue13from matplotlib import pyplot as plt14from object_detection.utils import label_map_util15from object_detection.utils import visualization_utils as vis_util16from app_utils import draw_boxes_and_labels17sys.path.append("..")18MODEL_NAME = '/home/pcroot/Documents/models/research/object_detection/left_luggage/final2_training'19# Path to frozen detection graph. This is the actual model that is used for the object detection.20PATH_TO_CKPT = MODEL_NAME + '/frozen_inference_graph.pb'21# List of the strings that is used to add correct label for each box.22PATH_TO_LABELS = os.path.join('/home/pcroot/Documents/models/research/object_detection/training', 'object-detection.pbtxt')23NUM_CLASSES = 224gamma = 1.725# Loading label map26label_map = label_map_util.load_labelmap(PATH_TO_LABELS)27categories = label_map_util.convert_label_map_to_categories(label_map, max_num_classes=NUM_CLASSES,28 use_display_name=True)29category_index = label_map_util.create_category_index(categories)30IMAGE_SIZE = (12, 8)31def load_image_into_numpy_array(image):32 (im_width, im_height) = image.size33 return np.array(image.getdata()).reshape(34 (im_height, im_width, 3)).astype(np.uint8)35def detect_objects(image_np, sess, detection_graph):36 # Definite input and output Tensors for detection_graph37 image_tensor = detection_graph.get_tensor_by_name('image_tensor:0')38 # Each box represents a part of the image where a particular object was detected.39 detection_boxes = detection_graph.get_tensor_by_name('detection_boxes:0')40 # Each score represent how level of confidence for each of the objects.41 # Score is shown on the result image, together with the class label.42 detection_scores = detection_graph.get_tensor_by_name('detection_scores:0')43 detection_classes = detection_graph.get_tensor_by_name('detection_classes:0')44 num_detections = detection_graph.get_tensor_by_name('num_detections:0')45 46 47 # Expand dimensions since the model expects images to have shape: [1, None, None, 3]48 image_np_expanded = np.expand_dims(image_np, axis=0)49 # Actual detection.50 (boxes, scores, classes, num) = [detection_boxes, detection_scores, detection_classes, num_detections],52 feed_dict={image_tensor: image_np_expanded})53 # Visualization of the results of a detection.54 rect_points, class_names, class_colors = draw_boxes_and_labels(55 boxes=np.squeeze(boxes),56 classes=np.squeeze(classes).astype(np.int32),57 scores=np.squeeze(scores),58 category_index=category_index,59 min_score_thresh=.560 )61 return dict(rect_points=rect_points, class_names=class_names, class_colors=class_colors)62def check_bbox_not_moved(bbox_last_frame_proposals, bbox_current_frame_proposals, old_frame, current_frame):63 bbox_to_add = []64 if len(bbox_last_frame_proposals) > 0: # not on first frame of video65 for old in bbox_last_frame_proposals:66 old_drawn = False67 for curr in bbox_current_frame_proposals:68 if rect_similarity2(old, curr):69 old_drawn = True70 break71 if not old_drawn:72 # Check if the area defined by the bounding box in the old frame and in the new one is still the same73 old_section = old_frame[old[1]:old[1] + old[3], old[0]:old[0] + old[2]].flatten()74 new_section = current_frame[old[1]:old[1] + old[3], old[0]:old[0] + old[2]].flatten()75 if norm_correlate(old_section, new_section)[0] > 0.9:76 bbox_to_add.append(old)77 return bbox_to_add78if __name__ == '__main__':79 detection_graph = tf.Graph()80 with detection_graph.as_default():81 od_graph_def = tf.GraphDef()82 with tf.gfile.GFile(PATH_TO_CKPT, 'rb') as fid:83 serialized_graph = od_graph_def.ParseFromString(serialized_graph)85 tf.import_graph_def(od_graph_def, name='')86 config = tf.ConfigProto(87 device_count = {'GPU': 0}88 )89 sess = tf.Session(graph=detection_graph, config=config)90 my_file = Path("/home/pcroot/Documents/documents/videos/out1.mp4")91 if not my_file.is_file():92 print("Video does not exist")93 exit()94 95 stream = cv2.VideoCapture("/home/pcroot/Documents/documents/videos/use8.mp4")96# stream = cv2.VideoCapture(0)97 fps = FPS().start()98 first_run = True99 (ret, frame) = while not ret:101 (ret, frame) = 103 frame = imutils.resize(frame, width=450)104 adjusted = adjust_gamma(frame, gamma=gamma) # gamma correction105 frame = adjusted106 (height, width, channel) = frame.shape107 image_shape = (height, width)108 rgb = IntensityProcessing(image_shape)109 110 bbox_last_frame_proposals = []111 static_objects = []112 count=0113 n_frame=0114 while 1:115 (ret, frame) = if not ret:117 break118 else:119 frame = imutils.resize(frame, width=450)120 frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)121 frame = np.dstack([frame, frame, frame])122 123 rgb.current_frame = frame # .getNumpy()124 if first_run:125 old_rgb_frame = copy.copy(rgb.current_frame) # old frame is the new frame126 first_run = False127 128 rgb.compute_foreground_masks(rgb.current_frame) # compute foreground masks129 rgb.update_detection_aggregator() # detect if new object proposed130 131 rgb_proposal_bbox = rgb.extract_proposal_bbox() # bounding boxes of the areas proposed132 foreground_rgb_proposal = rgb.proposal_foreground # rgb proposals133 134 bbox_current_frame_proposals = rgb_proposal_bbox135 final_result_image = rgb.current_frame.copy()136 137 old_bbox_still_present = check_bbox_not_moved(bbox_last_frame_proposals, bbox_current_frame_proposals,138 old_rgb_frame, rgb.current_frame.copy())139 140 # add the old bbox still present in the current frame to the bbox detected141 bbox_last_frame_proposals = bbox_current_frame_proposals + old_bbox_still_present142 143 '''144 145 BBOX_LAST_FRAME_PROPOSALS BU FRAME DE OLAN TUM BBOX DEGERLERI LISTE OLARAK VAR.146 147 '''148 old_rgb_frame = rgb.current_frame.copy()149 150 # static object ######################151 if len(bbox_last_frame_proposals) > 0: # not on first frame of video152 for old in bbox_last_frame_proposals:153 old_drawn = False154 for curr in static_objects:155 if rect_similarity2(curr.bbox_info, old):156 old_drawn = True157 break158 if not old_drawn:159 owner_frame = rgb.current_frame.copy()160 # draw_bounding_box2(owner_frame, old)161 count+=1162 163 frame_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(dim_image(owner_frame, old), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)164# image_np = load_image_into_numpy_array(owner_frame)165 data = detect_objects(frame_rgb, sess, detection_graph)166 rec_points = data['rect_points']167 class_names = data['class_names']168 class_colors = data['class_colors']169 for point, name, color in zip(rec_points, class_names, class_colors):170 cv2.rectangle(rgb.current_frame, (int(point['xmin'] * width), int(point['ymin'] * height)),171 (int(point['xmax'] * width), int(point['ymax'] * height)), color, 3)172 cv2.rectangle(rgb.current_frame, (int(point['xmin'] * width), int(point['ymin'] * height)),173 (int(point['xmin'] * width) + len(name[0]) * 6,174 int(point['ymin'] * height) - 10), color, -1, cv2.LINE_AA)175 cv2.putText(rgb.current_frame, name[0], (int(point['xmin'] * width), int(point['ymin'] * height)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,176 0.3, (0, 0, 0), 1)177 cv2.imshow('Final Result', rgb.current_frame)178 179 180 181 static_objects.append(StaticObject(old, owner_frame, 0))182 183 count=0184 185 186 cv2.imshow('Original Frame', final_result_image)187 cv2.imshow('Background Modelling Result', foreground_rgb_proposal)188# cv2.imshow('frame', frame)189 n_frame+=1190 k = cv2.waitKey(25)191 fps.update()192 fps.stop()193 print("[INFO] elapsed time: {:.2f}".format(fps.elapsed()))194 print("[INFO] approx. FPS: {:.2f}".format(fps.fps()))195 print("[INFO] number of frame: {}".format(n_frame))196 stream.release()...
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I solved my problem. In fact my docker container (frontend) is called "app" which is also domain name of fronend application. My application is running locally on http. Chromium and geko drivers force httpS connection for some domain names one of which is "app". So i have to change name for my docker container wich contains frontend application.
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The sky’s the limit (and even beyond that) when you want to run test automation. Technology has developed so much that you can reduce time and stay more productive than you used to 10 years ago. You needn’t put up with the limitations brought to you by Selenium if that’s your go-to automation testing tool. Instead, you can pick from various test automation frameworks and tools to write effective test cases and run them successfully.
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Playwright is a framework that I’ve always heard great things about but never had a chance to pick up until earlier this year. And since then, it’s become one of my favorite test automation frameworks to use when building a new automation project. It’s easy to set up, feature-packed, and one of the fastest, most reliable frameworks I’ve worked with.
The speed at which tests are executed and the “dearth of smartness” in testing are the two major problems developers and testers encounter.
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