How to use is_editable method in Playwright Python

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False,666 "is_system": True,667 "is_editable": True,668 "is_required": False,669 "is_deletable": False,670 "is_visible": False,671 "params": {}672 },673 "438401": {674 "id": 438401,675 "name": "External ID",676 "field_type": 1,677 "sort": 15,678 "code": "EXTERNAL_ID",679 "is_multiple": False,680 "is_system": True,681 "is_editable": True,682 "is_required": False,683 "is_deletable": False,684 "is_visible": False,685 "params": {}686 }687 }688 }689}690def get_field_id(cat_name, code):691 """692 Получение id поля по его коду или названию693 :param cat_name: именование типа объекта (contacts, leads, companies, etc)694 :param code: код или наименование поля695 :return: id поля696 """697 for cat, fields in AMOCRM_FIELDS.items():698 if cat == cat_name:699 if cat != 'catalogs':700 if isinstance(fields, dict):701 for item_id, item in fields.items():702 if code in (item['name'], item['code']):703 return item_id704 else:705 for _, cat_items in fields.items():706 for item_id, item in cat_items.items():707 if code in (item['name'], item['code']):708 return item_id...

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1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-2"""ConfigSetting model."""3import datetime as dt4from chaos_genius.databases.base_model import Column, PkModel, db5class ConfigSetting(PkModel):6 """A ConfigSetting."""7 __tablename__ = "config_setting"8 name = Column(db.String(80), nullable=False)9 config_setting = Column(db.JSON)10 active = Column(db.Boolean(), default=True)11 created_at = Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False, default=dt.datetime.utcnow)12 def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):13 """Create instance."""14 super().__init__(name=name, **kwargs)15 def __repr__(self):16 """Represent instance as a unique string."""17 return f"<ConfigSetting({})>"18 @property19 def safe_dict(self):20 return {21 "id":,22 "name":,23 "config_setting": self.config_setting,24 "active":,25 "created_at": self.created_at,26 }27 @property28 def as_dict(self):29 return {30 "id":,31 "name":,32 "config_setting": self.config_setting,33 "active":,34 "created_at": self.created_at,35 }36 @classmethod37 def meta_info(cls):38 # TODO: Make this consistent with other models39 return {40 "slack": {41 "webhook_url": {42 "is_editable": True,43 "is_sensitive": True,44 },45 "channel_name": {46 "is_editable": True,47 "is_sensitive": False,48 }49 },50 "email": {51 "server": {52 "is_editable": True,53 "is_sensitive": False,54 },55 "port": {56 "is_editable": True,57 "is_sensitive": False,58 },59 "username": {60 "is_editable": True,61 "is_sensitive": True,62 },63 "password": {64 "is_editable": True,65 "is_sensitive": True,66 },67 "sender_email": {68 "is_editable": True,69 "is_sensitive": False,70 }71 },72 "organisation_settings": {73 "account": {74 "email": {75 "is_editable": True,76 "is_sensitive": False77 }78 },79 "metrics": {80 "anonymize_usage_data_collection": {81 "is_editable": True,82 "is_sensitive": False83 },84 "news_and_feature_updates": {85 "is_editable": True,86 "is_sensitive": False87 }88 }89 },90 "alert_digest_settings": {91 "active": {92 "is_editable": True,93 "is_sensitive": False94 },95 "daily_digest": {96 "is_editable": True,97 "is_sensitive": False98 },99 "weekly_digest": {100 "is_editable": True,101 "is_sensitive": False102 },103 "scheduled_time": {104 "is_editable": True,105 "is_sensitive": False106 }107 }108 }109 @classmethod110 def get_meta_info(cls, config_name):111 print(cls, config_name)112 if config_name and cls.meta_info().get(config_name):113 return cls.meta_info().get(config_name)114 else:...

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1DEFAULT_CONFIG_DICT = {2 'username': {3 "key": "username",4 "name": "username",5 "placeholder": "username",6 "type": 5,7 "username_type": "username",8 "min_length": 4,9 "max_length": 32,10 "is_optional": False,11 "is_editable": False,12 "is_default": True,13 },14 'code': {15 "key": "code",16 "name": "user_id",17 "placeholder": "user_id",18 "type": 5,19 "max_length": 20,20 "is_optional": True,21 "is_editable": False,22 },23 'email': {24 "key": "email",25 "name": "email",26 "placeholder": "email",27 "type": 5,28 "max_length": 100,29 "is_optional": True,30 "is_editable": False,31 },32 'password': {33 "key": "password",34 "name": "password",35 "placeholder": "password",36 "type": 5,37 "min_length": 4,38 "max_length": 32,39 "is_optional": False,40 "is_editable": False,41 "is_default": True,42 },43 'title': {44 "key": "title",45 "name": "title_name",46 "placeholder": "title_name",47 "type": 8,48 "is_optional": True,49 "is_editable": False,50 },51 'first_name': {52 "key": "first_name",53 "name": "first_name",54 "placeholder": "first_name",55 "type": 5,56 "max_length": 100,57 "is_optional": True,58 "is_editable": False,59 },60 'middle_name': {61 "key": "middle_name",62 "name": "middle_name",63 "placeholder": "middle_name",64 "type": 5,65 "max_length": 100,66 "is_optional": True,67 "is_editable": False,68 },69 'last_name': {70 "key": "last_name",71 "name": "last_name",72 "placeholder": "last_name",73 "type": 5,74 "max_length": 100,75 "is_optional": True,76 "is_editable": False,77 },78 'id_card': {79 "key": "id_card",80 "name": "id_card",81 "placeholder": "id_card",82 "type": 5,83 "max_length": 13,84 "is_optional": True,85 "is_editable": False,86 },87 'code2': {88 "key": "code2",89 "name": "licence_id",90 "placeholder": "licence_id",91 "type": 5,92 "max_length": 20,93 "is_optional": True,94 "is_editable": False,95 },96 'gender': {97 "key": "gender",98 "name": "gender",99 "placeholder": "gender",100 "type": 2,101 "is_optional": True,102 "is_editable": False,103 },104 'date_birth': {105 "key": "date_birth",106 "name": "date_of_birth",107 "placeholder": "date_of_birth",108 "type": 10,109 "is_optional": True,110 "is_editable": False,111 },112 'address': {113 "key": "address",114 "name": "address",115 "placeholder": "address",116 "type": 5,117 "max_length": 2000,118 "is_optional": True,119 "is_editable": False,120 },121 'phone': {122 "key": "phone",123 "name": "phone",124 "placeholder": "phone",125 "type": 5,126 "is_optional": True,127 "is_editable": False,128 },129 'company': {130 "key": "company",131 "name": "company_name",132 "placeholder": "company_name",133 "type": 5,134 "max_length": 200,135 "is_optional": True,136 "is_editable": False,137 },138 'count_experience': {139 "key": "count_experience",140 "name": "year_of_experience",141 "placeholder": "year_of_experience",142 "type": 13,143 "is_optional": True,144 "is_editable": False,145 },...

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Source: Github


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1#2# Copyright 2021. Clumio, Inc.3#4from typing import Any, Dict, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Type, TypeVar5T = TypeVar('T', bound='VMwareDsGroupingCriteria')6class VMwareDsGroupingCriteria:7 """Implementation of the 'VMwareDsGroupingCriteria' model.8 The entity type used to group organizational units for VMware resources.9 Attributes:10 is_editable:11 Determines whether or not this data group is editable. If false, then an12 organizational unit uses this data group.13 To edit this data group, all organizational units using it must be deleted.14 type:15 The entity type used to group organizational units for VMware resources.16 +--------------------------------+---------------------------------+17 | vmware_vcenter | VMware vCenter. |18 +================================+=================================+19 | vmware_vm_folder | VMware VM folder. |20 +--------------------------------+---------------------------------+21 | vmware_datacenter_folder | VMware datacenter folder. |22 +--------------------------------+---------------------------------+23 | vmware_compute_resource_folder | VMware compute resource folder. |24 +--------------------------------+---------------------------------+25 | vmware_datacenter | VMware datacenter. |26 +--------------------------------+---------------------------------+27 | vmware_compute_resource | VMware compute resource. |28 +--------------------------------+---------------------------------+29 | vmware_vm | VMware VM. |30 +--------------------------------+---------------------------------+31 | vmware_tag | VMware tag. |32 +--------------------------------+---------------------------------+33 """34 # Create a mapping from Model property names to API property names35 _names = {'is_editable': 'is_editable', 'type': 'type'}36 def __init__(self, is_editable: bool = None, type: str = None) -> None:37 """Constructor for the VMwareDsGroupingCriteria class."""38 # Initialize members of the class39 self.is_editable: bool = is_editable40 self.type: str = type41 @classmethod42 def from_dictionary(cls: Type, dictionary: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Optional[T]:43 """Creates an instance of this model from a dictionary44 Args:45 dictionary: A dictionary representation of the object as obtained46 from the deserialization of the server's response. The keys47 MUST match property names in the API description.48 Returns:49 object: An instance of this structure class.50 """51 if not dictionary:52 return None53 # Extract variables from the dictionary54 is_editable = dictionary.get('is_editable')55 type = dictionary.get('type')56 # Return an object of this model...

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StackOverFlow community discussions


Playwright error connection refused in docker

playwright-python advanced setup

How to select an input according to a parent sibling label

Error when installing Microsoft Playwright

Trouble waiting for changes to complete that are triggered by Python Playwright `select_option`

Capturing and Storing Request Data Using Playwright for Python

Can Playwright be used to launch a browser instance

Trouble in Clicking on Log in Google Button of Pop Up Menu Playwright Python

Scrapy Playwright get date by clicking button

React locator example

I solved my problem. In fact my docker container (frontend) is called "app" which is also domain name of fronend application. My application is running locally on http. Chromium and geko drivers force httpS connection for some domain names one of which is "app". So i have to change name for my docker container wich contains frontend application.


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The sky’s the limit (and even beyond that) when you want to run test automation. Technology has developed so much that you can reduce time and stay more productive than you used to 10 years ago. You needn’t put up with the limitations brought to you by Selenium if that’s your go-to automation testing tool. Instead, you can pick from various test automation frameworks and tools to write effective test cases and run them successfully.

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Playwright is a framework that I’ve always heard great things about but never had a chance to pick up until earlier this year. And since then, it’s become one of my favorite test automation frameworks to use when building a new automation project. It’s easy to set up, feature-packed, and one of the fastest, most reliable frameworks I’ve worked with.

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How To Handle Captcha In Selenium

With the rapidly evolving technology due to its ever-increasing demand in today’s world, Digital Security has become a major concern for the Software Industry. There are various ways through which Digital Security can be achieved, Captcha being one of them.Captcha is easy for humans to solve but hard for “bots” and other malicious software to figure out. However, Captcha has always been tricky for the testers to automate, as many of them don’t know how to handle captcha in Selenium or using any other test automation framework.

Playwright tutorial

LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.


  1. What is Playwright : Playwright is comparatively new but has gained good popularity. Get to know some history of the Playwright with some interesting facts connected with it.
  2. How To Install Playwright : Learn in detail about what basic configuration and dependencies are required for installing Playwright and run a test. Get a step-by-step direction for installing the Playwright automation framework.
  3. Playwright Futuristic Features: Launched in 2020, Playwright gained huge popularity quickly because of some obliging features such as Playwright Test Generator and Inspector, Playwright Reporter, Playwright auto-waiting mechanism and etc. Read up on those features to master Playwright testing.
  4. What is Component Testing: Component testing in Playwright is a unique feature that allows a tester to test a single component of a web application without integrating them with other elements. Learn how to perform Component testing on the Playwright automation framework.
  5. Inputs And Buttons In Playwright: Every website has Input boxes and buttons; learn about testing inputs and buttons with different scenarios and examples.
  6. Functions and Selectors in Playwright: Learn how to launch the Chromium browser with Playwright. Also, gain a better understanding of some important functions like “BrowserContext,” which allows you to run multiple browser sessions, and “newPage” which interacts with a page.
  7. Handling Alerts and Dropdowns in Playwright : Playwright interact with different types of alerts and pop-ups, such as simple, confirmation, and prompt, and different types of dropdowns, such as single selector and multi-selector get your hands-on with handling alerts and dropdown in Playright testing.
  8. Playwright vs Puppeteer: Get to know about the difference between two testing frameworks and how they are different than one another, which browsers they support, and what features they provide.
  9. Run Playwright Tests on LambdaTest: Playwright testing with LambdaTest leverages test performance to the utmost. You can run multiple Playwright tests in Parallel with the LammbdaTest test cloud. Get a step-by-step guide to run your Playwright test on the LambdaTest platform.
  10. Playwright Python Tutorial: Playwright automation framework support all major languages such as Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, .NET and etc. However, there are various advantages to Python end-to-end testing with Playwright because of its versatile utility. Get the hang of Playwright python testing with this chapter.
  11. Playwright End To End Testing Tutorial: Get your hands on with Playwright end-to-end testing and learn to use some exciting features such as TraceViewer, Debugging, Networking, Component testing, Visual testing, and many more.
  12. Playwright Video Tutorial: Watch the video tutorials on Playwright testing from experts and get a consecutive in-depth explanation of Playwright automation testing.

Run Playwright Python automation tests on LambdaTest cloud grid

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