Best Python code snippet using playwright-python
...33 gravityFactor: 0,34 };3536 return function(oldPos, newPos, gravityFactor, ellipsoid, triangleIterator, stopOnFirstHit, horizontalOnly) {37 p.ellipsoidSpace.copy(ellipsoid);38 p.worldPosition.copy(oldPos);39 p.worldVelocity.subVectors(newPos, oldPos);4041 p.foundCollision = false;42 p.nearestDistance = 0;43 p.collisionRecursionDepth = 0;44 p.stopOnFirstHit = stopOnFirstHit;45 p.gravityFactor = gravityFactor;4647 var result = this.collisionSlide(p, triangleIterator);48 newPos.copy(result.pos);4950 return result;51 }52 }(),5354 collisionSlide: function(p, triangleIterator) {55 p.lspVelocity.copy(p.worldVelocity).divide(p.ellipsoidSpace);56 p.lspPosition.copy(p.worldPosition).divide(p.ellipsoidSpace);57 var oldY = p.lspPosition.y;5859 p.collisionRecursionDepth = 0;60 var finalPosition = this.collideWithWorld(p, triangleIterator);61 var climbing = (oldY < finalPosition.y);6263 if (p.gravityFactor !== 0 && !climbing && !p.horizontalOnly) {64 p.lspVelocity.copy(this.gravity);65 p.lspVelocity.y *= p.gravityFactor;66 p.lspVelocity.divide(p.ellipsoidSpace);67 p.lspPosition.copy(finalPosition);68 p.collisionRecursionDepth = 0;69 finalPosition = this.collideWithWorld(p, triangleIterator);70 }7172 finalPosition.multiply(p.ellipsoidSpace);7374 if (p.horizontalOnly) {75 finalPosition.y = p.originalHeight;76 }7778 var result = { 79 pos: finalPosition,80 climbing: climbing,81 foundCollision: p.foundCollision,82 gridObject: p.gridObject,83 normal: p.normal,84 };8586 return result;87 },8889 collideWithWorld: function() {90 var normal = new THREE.Vector3();91 var aux = new THREE.Vector3();92 var result = new THREE.Vector3();93 var destinationPoint = new THREE.Vector3();94 var newPosition = new THREE.Vector3();95 var slidePlaneOrigin = new THREE.Vector3();96 var slidePlaneNormal = new THREE.Vector3();97 var newDestinationPoint = new THREE.Vector3();98 var newVelocityVector = new THREE.Vector3();99 var v0 = new THREE.Vector3();100 var v1 = new THREE.Vector3();101 var v2 = new THREE.Vector3();102103 return function(p, triangleIterator) {104 var that = this;105106 var unitScale = this.unitsPerMeter / 100;107 var veryCloseDistance = 0.005 * unitScale;108109 if (p.collisionRecursionDepth > 5) {110 return p.lspPosition;111 }112113 p.lspNormalizedVelocity.copy(p.lspVelocity).normalize();114115 p.foundCollision = false;116 p.nearestDistance = 0;117118 triangleIterator(function(gridObject, t0, t1, t2, triangleOffset) {119 GAME.grid.totalSphereTriangleChecks++;120 121 v0.copy(t0).divide(p.ellipsoidSpace);122 v1.copy(t1).divide(p.ellipsoidSpace);123 v2.copy(t2).divide(p.ellipsoidSpace);124125 aux.subVectors(v2, v0);126 normal.copy(v1).sub(v0).cross(aux).normalize();127128 that.sphereCollidingWithTriangle(gridObject, p, v0, v1, v2, normal);129 });130131 if (!p.foundCollision) {132 result.copy(p.lspPosition).add(p.lspVelocity);133 return result;134 }135136 destinationPoint.copy(p.lspPosition).add(p.lspVelocity);137 newPosition.copy(p.lspPosition);138139 if (p.nearestDistance >= veryCloseDistance) {140 aux.copy(p.lspVelocity).normalize();141 aux.multiplyScalar(p.nearestDistance - veryCloseDistance);142 newPosition.copy(p.lspPosition).add(aux);143144 aux.normalize().multiplyScalar(veryCloseDistance);145 p.intersectionPoint.sub(aux);146 }147148 if (!p.stopOnFirstHit) {149 slidePlaneOrigin.copy(p.intersectionPoint);150 slidePlaneNormal.copy(newPosition).sub(p.intersectionPoint).normalize();151152 var x = slidePlaneOrigin.x;153 var y = slidePlaneOrigin.y;154 var z = slidePlaneOrigin.z;155156 var A = slidePlaneNormal.x;157 var B = slidePlaneNormal.y;158 var C = slidePlaneNormal.z;159 var D = -((A * x) + (B * y) + (C * z));160161 var planeConstant = D;162163 var signedDistFromDestPointToSlidingPlane = + planeConstant;164165 aux.copy(slidePlaneNormal).multiplyScalar(signedDistFromDestPointToSlidingPlane);166 newDestinationPoint.copy(destinationPoint).sub(aux);167 newVelocityVector.copy(newDestinationPoint).sub(p.intersectionPoint);168169 if (newVelocityVector.length() < veryCloseDistance) {170 return newPosition;171 }172173 p.collisionRecursionDepth++;174 p.lspPosition.copy(newPosition);175 p.lspVelocity.copy(newVelocityVector);176177 return this.collideWithWorld(p, triangleIterator);178 } else {179 p.lspPosition.copy(newPosition);180 return p.lspPosition;181 }182 }183 }(),184185 sphereCollidingWithTriangle: function() {186 var velocity = new THREE.Vector3();187 var position = new THREE.Vector3();188 var aux = new THREE.Vector3();189 var planeIntersectionPoint = new THREE.Vector3();190 var collisionPoint = new THREE.Vector3();191 var edge = new THREE.Vector3();192 var spherePositionToVertex = new THREE.Vector3();193194 return function(gridObject, p, v0, v1, v2, normal) {195 var facing =; 196 if (facing <= 0) {197 velocity.copy(p.lspVelocity);198 position.copy(p.lspPosition);199200 var t0, t1;201 var sphereInPlane = false;202203 var A = normal.x;204 var B = normal.y;205 var C = normal.z;206 var D = -((A * v0.x) + (B * v0.y) + (C * v0.z));207208 var planeConstant = D;209210 var signedDistFromPositionToTriPlane = + planeConstant;211 var planeNormalDotVelocity =;212213 if (planeNormalDotVelocity === 0) {214 if (Math.abs(signedDistFromPositionToTriPlane) >= 1) {215 return false;216 } else {217 sphereInPlane = true;218 }219 } else {220 t0 = (1 - signedDistFromPositionToTriPlane) / planeNormalDotVelocity;221 t1 = (-1 - signedDistFromPositionToTriPlane) / planeNormalDotVelocity;222223 if (t0 > t1) {224 var temp = t0;225 t0 = t1;226 t1 = temp;227 }228229 if (t0 > 1 || t1 < 0) {230 return false;231 }232233 if (t0 < 0) {234 t0 = 0;235 }236 if (t1 > 1) {237 t1 = 1;238 }239 }240241 var collidingWithTri = false;242 var t = 1;243244 if (!sphereInPlane) {245 aux.copy(velocity).multiplyScalar(t0);246 planeIntersectionPoint.copy(position).add(aux).sub(normal);247248 if (this.checkPointInTriangle(planeIntersectionPoint, v0, v1, v2)) {249 collidingWithTri = true;250 t = t0;251 collisionPoint.copy(planeIntersectionPoint);252 }253 }254255 if (!collidingWithTri) {256 var a, b, c;257 var velocityLengthSquared = velocity.lengthSq();258 a = velocityLengthSquared;259 var result = {};260261 aux.copy(position).sub(v0);262 b = 2 *;263 aux.copy(v0).sub(position);264 c = aux.length();265 c = c * c - 1;266 if (this.getLowestRoot(a, b, c, t, result)) {267 t = result.root;268 collidingWithTri = true;269 collisionPoint.copy(v0);270 }271272 aux.copy(position).sub(v1);273 b = 2 *;274 aux.copy(v1).sub(position);275 c = aux.length();276 c = c * c - 1;277 if (this.getLowestRoot(a, b, c, t, result)) {278 t = result.root;279 collidingWithTri = true;280 collisionPoint.copy(v1);281 }282283 aux.copy(position).sub(v2);284 b = 2 *;285 aux.copy(v2).sub(position);286 c = aux.length();287 c = c * c - 1;288 if (this.getLowestRoot(a, b, c, t, result)) {289 t = result.root;290 collidingWithTri = true;291 collisionPoint.copy(v2);292 }293294 edge.copy(v1).sub(v0);295 spherePositionToVertex.copy(v0).sub(position);296 var edgeLengthSquared = edge.lengthSq();297 var edgeDotVelocity =;298 var edgeDotSpherePositionToVertex =;299 var spherePositionToVertexLengthSquared = spherePositionToVertex.lengthSq();300301 a = edgeLengthSquared * -velocityLengthSquared + (edgeDotVelocity * edgeDotVelocity);302 b = edgeLengthSquared * 2 * - 2 * edgeDotVelocity * edgeDotSpherePositionToVertex;303 c = edgeLengthSquared * (1 - spherePositionToVertexLengthSquared) + 304 (edgeDotSpherePositionToVertex * edgeDotSpherePositionToVertex);305306 if (this.getLowestRoot(a, b, c, t, result)) {307 var f = (edgeDotVelocity * result.root - edgeDotSpherePositionToVertex) / edgeLengthSquared;308 if (f >= 0 && f <= 1) {309 t = result.root;310 collidingWithTri = true;311 edge.multiplyScalar(f);312 collisionPoint.copy(v0).add(edge);313 }314 }315316 edge.copy(v2).sub(v1);317 spherePositionToVertex.copy(v1).sub(position);318 edgeLengthSquared = edge.lengthSq();319 edgeDotVelocity =;320 edgeDotSpherePositionToVertex =;321 spherePositionToVertexLengthSquared = spherePositionToVertex.lengthSq();322323 a = edgeLengthSquared * -velocityLengthSquared + (edgeDotVelocity * edgeDotVelocity);324 b = edgeLengthSquared * 2 * - 2 * edgeDotVelocity * edgeDotSpherePositionToVertex;325 c = edgeLengthSquared * (1 - spherePositionToVertexLengthSquared) + 326 (edgeDotSpherePositionToVertex * edgeDotSpherePositionToVertex);327328 if (this.getLowestRoot(a, b, c, t, result)) {329 var f = (edgeDotVelocity * result.root - edgeDotSpherePositionToVertex) / edgeLengthSquared;330 if (f >= 0 && f <= 1) {331 t = result.root;332 collidingWithTri = true;333 edge.multiplyScalar(f);334 collisionPoint.copy(v1).add(edge);335 }336 }337338 edge.copy(v0).sub(v2);339 spherePositionToVertex.copy(v2).sub(position);340 edgeLengthSquared = edge.lengthSq();341 edgeDotVelocity =;342 edgeDotSpherePositionToVertex =;343 spherePositionToVertexLengthSquared = spherePositionToVertex.lengthSq();344345 a = edgeLengthSquared * -velocityLengthSquared + (edgeDotVelocity * edgeDotVelocity);346 b = edgeLengthSquared * 2 * - 2 * edgeDotVelocity * edgeDotSpherePositionToVertex;347 c = edgeLengthSquared * (1 - spherePositionToVertexLengthSquared) + 348 (edgeDotSpherePositionToVertex * edgeDotSpherePositionToVertex);349350 if (this.getLowestRoot(a, b, c, t, result)) {351 var f = (edgeDotVelocity * result.root - edgeDotSpherePositionToVertex) / edgeLengthSquared;352 if (f >= 0 && f <= 1) {353 t = result.root;354 collidingWithTri = true;355 edge.multiplyScalar(f);356 collisionPoint.copy(v2).add(edge);357 }358 }359 }360361 if (collidingWithTri) {362 var distToCollision = t * velocity.length();363 if (!p.foundCollision || distToCollision < p.nearestDistance) {364 p.nearestDistance = distToCollision;365 p.intersectionPoint.copy(collisionPoint);366 p.foundCollision = true;367 p.normal.copy(normal);368 p.gridObject = gridObject;369370 return true;371 }372 }373 }374375 return false;376 }377 }(),378379 checkPointInTriangle: function() {380 var cp1 = new THREE.Vector3();381 var cp2 = new THREE.Vector3();382 var aux = new THREE.Vector3();383 var aux2 = new THREE.Vector3();384385 return function(point, v1, v2, v3) {386 aux.copy(v3).sub(v2);387 aux2.copy(point).sub(v2);388 cp1.crossVectors(aux, aux2);389390 aux.copy(v3).sub(v2);391 aux2.copy(v1).sub(v2);392 cp2.crossVectors(aux, aux2);393394 if ( >= 0) {395 aux.copy(v3).sub(v1);396 aux2.copy(point).sub(v1);397 cp1.crossVectors(aux, aux2);398399 aux.copy(v3).sub(v1);400 aux2.copy(v2).sub(v1);401 cp2.crossVectors(aux, aux2);402403 if ( >= 0) {404 aux.copy(v2).sub(v1);405 aux2.copy(point).sub(v1);406 cp1.crossVectors(aux, aux2);407408 aux.copy(v2).sub(v1);409 aux2.copy(v3).sub(v1);410 cp2.crossVectors(aux, aux2);411412 if ( >= 0) {413 return true;414 }415 }416 }417 }418 }(),419420 getLowestRoot: function(a, b, c, maxR, result) {421 var determinant = b * b - 4 * a * c;422 if (determinant < 0) {423 return false;
1define([2 "../_base/array", "../_base/declare", "../_base/lang", "../_base/window",3 "../dom-class", "../Evented", "../has", "../keys", "../on", "../topic", "../touch",4 "./common", "./autoscroll", "./Avatar"5], function(array, declare, lang, win, domClass, Evented, has, keys, on, topic, touch,6 dnd, autoscroll, Avatar){7// module:8// dojo/dnd/Manager9var Manager = declare("dojo.dnd.Manager", [Evented], {10 // summary:11 // the manager of DnD operations (usually a singleton)12 constructor: function(){13 this.avatar = null;14 this.source = null;15 this.nodes = [];16 this.copy = true;17 = null;18 this.canDropFlag = false;19 = [];20 },21 // avatar's offset from the mouse22 OFFSET_X: has("touch") ? 0 : 16,23 OFFSET_Y: has("touch") ? -64 : 16,24 // methods25 overSource: function(source){26 // summary:27 // called when a source detected a mouse-over condition28 // source: Object29 // the reporter30 if(this.avatar){31 = (source && source.targetState != "Disabled") ? source : null;32 this.canDropFlag = Boolean(;33 this.avatar.update();34 }35 topic.publish("/dnd/source/over", source);36 },37 outSource: function(source){38 // summary:39 // called when a source detected a mouse-out condition40 // source: Object41 // the reporter42 if(this.avatar){43 if( == source){44 = null;45 this.canDropFlag = false;46 this.avatar.update();47 topic.publish("/dnd/source/over", null);48 }49 }else{50 topic.publish("/dnd/source/over", null);51 }52 },53 startDrag: function(source, nodes, copy){54 // summary:55 // called to initiate the DnD operation56 // source: Object57 // the source which provides items58 // nodes: Array59 // the list of transferred items60 // copy: Boolean61 // copy items, if true, move items otherwise62 // Tell autoscroll that a drag is starting63 autoscroll.autoScrollStart(win.doc);64 this.source = source;65 this.nodes = nodes;66 this.copy = Boolean(copy); // normalizing to true boolean67 this.avatar = this.makeAvatar();68 win.body().appendChild(this.avatar.node);69 topic.publish("/dnd/start", source, nodes, this.copy);70 function stopEvent(e){71 e.preventDefault();72 e.stopPropagation();73 }74 = [75 on(win.doc, touch.move, lang.hitch(this, "onMouseMove")),76 on(win.doc, touch.release, lang.hitch(this, "onMouseUp")),77 on(win.doc, "keydown", lang.hitch(this, "onKeyDown")),78 on(win.doc, "keyup", lang.hitch(this, "onKeyUp")),79 // cancel text selection and text dragging80 on(win.doc, "dragstart", stopEvent),81 on(win.body(), "selectstart", stopEvent)82 ];83 var c = "dojoDnd" + (copy ? "Copy" : "Move");84 domClass.add(win.body(), c);85 },86 canDrop: function(flag){87 // summary:88 // called to notify if the current target can accept items89 var canDropFlag = Boolean( && flag);90 if(this.canDropFlag != canDropFlag){91 this.canDropFlag = canDropFlag;92 this.avatar.update();93 }94 },95 stopDrag: function(){96 // summary:97 // stop the DnD in progress98 domClass.remove(win.body(), ["dojoDndCopy", "dojoDndMove"]);99 array.forEach(, function(handle){ handle.remove(); });100 = [];101 this.avatar.destroy();102 this.avatar = null;103 this.source = = null;104 this.nodes = [];105 },106 makeAvatar: function(){107 // summary:108 // makes the avatar; it is separate to be overwritten dynamically, if needed109 return new Avatar(this);110 },111 updateAvatar: function(){112 // summary:113 // updates the avatar; it is separate to be overwritten dynamically, if needed114 this.avatar.update();115 },116 // mouse event processors117 onMouseMove: function(e){118 // summary:119 // event processor for onmousemove120 // e: Event121 // mouse event122 var a = this.avatar;123 if(a){124 autoscroll.autoScrollNodes(e);125 //autoscroll.autoScroll(e);126 var s =;127 s.left = (e.pageX + this.OFFSET_X) + "px";128 = (e.pageY + this.OFFSET_Y) + "px";129 var copy = Boolean(this.source.copyState(dnd.getCopyKeyState(e)));130 if(this.copy != copy){131 this._setCopyStatus(copy);132 }133 }134 if(has("touch")){135 // Prevent page from scrolling so that user can drag instead.136 e.preventDefault();137 }138 },139 onMouseUp: function(e){140 // summary:141 // event processor for onmouseup142 // e: Event143 // mouse event144 if(this.avatar){145 if( && this.canDropFlag){146 var copy = Boolean(this.source.copyState(dnd.getCopyKeyState(e)));147 topic.publish("/dnd/drop/before", this.source, this.nodes, copy,, e);148 topic.publish("/dnd/drop", this.source, this.nodes, copy,, e);149 }else{150 topic.publish("/dnd/cancel");151 }152 this.stopDrag();153 }154 },155 // keyboard event processors156 onKeyDown: function(e){157 // summary:158 // event processor for onkeydown:159 // watching for CTRL for copy/move status, watching for ESCAPE to cancel the drag160 // e: Event161 // keyboard event162 if(this.avatar){163 switch(e.keyCode){164 case keys.CTRL:165 var copy = Boolean(this.source.copyState(true));166 if(this.copy != copy){167 this._setCopyStatus(copy);168 }169 break;170 case keys.ESCAPE:171 topic.publish("/dnd/cancel");172 this.stopDrag();173 break;174 }175 }176 },177 onKeyUp: function(e){178 // summary:179 // event processor for onkeyup, watching for CTRL for copy/move status180 // e: Event181 // keyboard event182 if(this.avatar && e.keyCode == keys.CTRL){183 var copy = Boolean(this.source.copyState(false));184 if(this.copy != copy){185 this._setCopyStatus(copy);186 }187 }188 },189 // utilities190 _setCopyStatus: function(copy){191 // summary:192 // changes the copy status193 // copy: Boolean194 // the copy status195 this.copy = copy;196 this.source._markDndStatus(this.copy);197 this.updateAvatar();198 domClass.replace(win.body(),199 "dojoDnd" + (this.copy ? "Copy" : "Move"),200 "dojoDnd" + (this.copy ? "Move" : "Copy"));201 }202});203// dnd._manager:204// The manager singleton variable. Can be overwritten if needed.205dnd._manager = null;206Manager.manager = dnd.manager = function(){207 // summary:208 // Returns the current DnD manager. Creates one if it is not created yet.209 if(!dnd._manager){210 dnd._manager = new Manager();211 }212 return dnd._manager; // Object213};214// TODO: for 2.0, store _manager and manager in Manager only. Don't access dnd or dojo.dnd.215return Manager;...
1// Localization support2const messages = {3 'en': {4 'copy': 'Copy',5 'copy_to_clipboard': 'Copy to clipboard',6 'copy_success': 'Copied!',7 'copy_failure': 'Failed to copy',8 },9 'es' : {10 'copy': 'Copiar',11 'copy_to_clipboard': 'Copiar al portapapeles',12 'copy_success': '¡Copiado!',13 'copy_failure': 'Error al copiar',14 },15 'de' : {16 'copy': 'Kopieren',17 'copy_to_clipboard': 'In die Zwischenablage kopieren',18 'copy_success': 'Kopiert!',19 'copy_failure': 'Fehler beim Kopieren',20 }21}22let locale = 'en'23if( document.documentElement.lang !== undefined24 && messages[document.documentElement.lang] !== undefined ) {25 locale = document.documentElement.lang26}27/**28 * Set up copy/paste for code blocks29 */30const runWhenDOMLoaded = cb => {31 if (document.readyState != 'loading') {32 cb()33 } else if (document.addEventListener) {34 document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', cb)35 } else {36 document.attachEvent('onreadystatechange', function() {37 if (document.readyState == 'complete') cb()38 })39 }40}41const codeCellId = index => `codecell${index}`42// Clears selected text since ClipboardJS will select the text when copying43const clearSelection = () => {44 if (window.getSelection) {45 window.getSelection().removeAllRanges()46 } else if (document.selection) {47 document.selection.empty()48 }49}50// Changes tooltip text for two seconds, then changes it back51const temporarilyChangeTooltip = (el, newText) => {52 const oldText = el.getAttribute('data-tooltip')53 el.setAttribute('data-tooltip', newText)54 setTimeout(() => el.setAttribute('data-tooltip', oldText), 2000)55}56const addCopyButtonToCodeCells = () => {57 // If ClipboardJS hasn't loaded, wait a bit and try again. This58 // happens because we load ClipboardJS asynchronously.59 if (window.ClipboardJS === undefined) {60 setTimeout(addCopyButtonToCodeCells, 250)61 return62 }63 // Add copybuttons to all of our code cells64 const codeCells = document.querySelectorAll('div.highlight pre')65 codeCells.forEach((codeCell, index) => {66 const id = codeCellId(index)67 codeCell.setAttribute('id', id)68 const pre_bg = getComputedStyle(codeCell).backgroundColor;69 const clipboardButton = id =>70 `<a class="copybtn o-tooltip--left" style="background-color: ${pre_bg}" data-tooltip="${messages[locale]['copy']}" data-clipboard-target="#${id}">71 <img src="${DOCUMENTATION_OPTIONS.URL_ROOT}_static/copy-button.svg" alt="${messages[locale]['copy_to_clipboard']}">72 </a>`73 codeCell.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', clipboardButton(id))74 })75function escapeRegExp(string) {76 return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'); // $& means the whole matched string77}78// Callback when a copy button is clicked. Will be passed the node that was clicked79// should then grab the text and replace pieces of text that shouldn't be used in output80function formatCopyText(textContent, copybuttonPromptText, isRegexp = false, onlyCopyPromptLines = true, removePrompts = true) {81 var regexp;82 var match;83 // create regexp to capture prompt and remaining line84 if (isRegexp) {85 regexp = new RegExp('^(' + copybuttonPromptText + ')(.*)')86 } else {87 regexp = new RegExp('^(' + escapeRegExp(copybuttonPromptText) + ')(.*)')88 }89 const outputLines = [];90 var promptFound = false;91 for (const line of textContent.split('\n')) {92 match = line.match(regexp)93 if (match) {94 promptFound = true95 if (removePrompts) {96 outputLines.push(match[2])97 } else {98 outputLines.push(line)99 }100 } else {101 if (!onlyCopyPromptLines) {102 outputLines.push(line)103 }104 }105 }106 // If no lines with the prompt were found then just use original lines107 if (promptFound) {108 textContent = outputLines.join('\n');109 }110 // Remove a trailing newline to avoid auto-running when pasting111 if (textContent.endsWith("\n")) {112 textContent = textContent.slice(0, -1)113 }114 return textContent115}116var copyTargetText = (trigger) => {117 var target = document.querySelector(trigger.attributes['data-clipboard-target'].value);118 return formatCopyText(target.innerText, '', false, true, true)119}120 // Initialize with a callback so we can modify the text before copy121 const clipboard = new ClipboardJS('.copybtn', {text: copyTargetText})122 // Update UI with error/success messages123 clipboard.on('success', event => {124 clearSelection()125 temporarilyChangeTooltip(event.trigger, messages[locale]['copy_success'])126 })127 clipboard.on('error', event => {128 temporarilyChangeTooltip(event.trigger, messages[locale]['copy_failure'])129 })130}...
1/**2 * @author Homer Glascock <>3 * @version: v1.0.04 */5 !function ($) {6 "use strict";7 var calculateObjectValue = $.fn.bootstrapTable.utils.calculateObjectValue,8 sprintf = $.fn.bootstrapTable.utils.sprintf;9 var copytext = function (text) {10 var textField = document.createElement('textarea');11 $(textField).html(text);12 document.body.appendChild(textField);13;14 try {15 document.execCommand('copy');16 }17 catch (e) {18 console.log("Oops, unable to copy");19 }20 $(textField).remove();21 };22 $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, {23 copyBtn: false,24 copyWHiddenBtn: false,25 copyDelemeter: ", "26 });27 $.fn.bootstrapTable.methods.push('copyColumnsToClipboard', 'copyColumnsToClipboardWithHidden');28 var BootstrapTable = $.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor,29 _initToolbar = BootstrapTable.prototype.initToolbar;30 BootstrapTable.prototype.initToolbar = function () {31 _initToolbar.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments));32 var that = this,33 $btnGroup = this.$toolbar.find('>.btn-group');34 if (this.options.clickToSelect || this.options.singleSelect) {35 if (this.options.copyBtn) {36 var copybtn = "<button class='btn btn-default' id='copyBtn'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-copy icon-pencil'></span></button>";37 $btnGroup.append(copybtn);38 $btnGroup.find('#copyBtn').click(function () { that.copyColumnsToClipboard(); });39 }40 if (this.options.copyWHiddenBtn) {41 var copyhiddenbtn = "<button class='btn btn-default' id='copyWHiddenBtn'><span class='badge'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-copy icon-pencil'></span></span></button>";42 $btnGroup.append(copyhiddenbtn);43 $btnGroup.find('#copyWHiddenBtn').click(function () { that.copyColumnsToClipboardWithHidden(); });44 }45 }46 };47 BootstrapTable.prototype.copyColumnsToClipboard = function () {48 var that = this,49 ret = "",50 delimet = this.options.copyDelemeter;51 $.each(that.getSelections(), function (index, row) {52 $.each(that.options.columns[0], function (indy, column) {53 if (column.field !== "state" && column.field !== "RowNumber" && column.visible) {54 if (row[column.field] !== null) {55 ret += calculateObjectValue(column, that.header.formatters[indy], [row[column.field], row, index], row[column.field]);56 }57 ret += delimet;58 }59 });60 ret += "\r\n";61 });62 copytext(ret);63 };64 BootstrapTable.prototype.copyColumnsToClipboardWithHidden = function () {65 var that = this,66 ret = "",67 delimet = this.options.copyDelemeter;68 $.each(that.getSelections(), function (index, row) {69 $.each(that.options.columns[0], function (indy, column) {70 if (column.field != "state" && column.field !== "RowNumber") {71 if (row[column.field] !== null) {72 ret += calculateObjectValue(column, that.header.formatters[indy], [row[column.field], row, index], row[column.field]);73 }74 ret += delimet;75 }76 });77 ret += "\r\n";78 });79 copytext(ret);80 };...
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