How to use child_frames method in Playwright Python

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1'''2Created on Aug 26 20173@author: Greg Salomons4GUI interface for DirScan.5Classes6 DirGui:7 Primary GUI window8 sub class of TKinter.Frame9'''10import tkinter as tk11from tkinter import messagebox12from pathlib import Path13from functools import partial14from dir_scan_parameters import ParameterError15from dir_scan_parameters import ParameterWarning16from dir_scan_parameters import DirScanParameters17class DirGuiFrameBase(tk.Frame):18 '''Base class for DirGui frames containing defaults and parameters.19 '''20 def __init__(self, scan_param=None, master_frame=None, **kwargs):21 '''initialize the TK frame and link it with the frame it is22 embedded in.23 '''24 if not scan_param:25 scan_param = DirScanParameters()26 = scan_param27 self.update_master_frame(master_frame)28 self.build_instructions = list()29 self.child_frames = list()30 super().__init__(self.master_frame, **kwargs)31 def update_master_frame(self, master_frame):32 ''' Update the calling TK frame.33 '''34 if not master_frame:35 self.master_frame = tk.Tk()36 elif hasattr(master_frame, 'tk'):37 self.master_frame = master_frame38 else:39 err_msg = 'master_frame must be a TK widget or frame.'40 '\n\t Got type {}'41 raise TypeError(err_msg.format(type(master_frame)))42 def add_build_instruction(self, subgui, build_method='pack', kwargs: dict=None):43 '''A build instruction is a length 3 tuple:44 subgui: a TK.frame or widget object,45 build_method: One of 'pack' or 'grid',46 kwargs: keyword dict with 'pack' or 'grid' parameters.47 '''48 self.child_frames.append(subgui)49 if not kwargs and 'pack' in build_method:50 kwargs = {'fill': tk.X, 'side': tk.LEFT, 'padx': 10, 'pady': 5}51 instruction = (subgui, build_method, kwargs)52 self.build_instructions.append(instruction)53 def get_data(self):54 '''Initialize all child frames.55 '''56 for child in child_frames:57 if hasattr(child, get_data):58 child.get_data()59 def refresh(self):60 '''Update all child frames.61 '''62 for child in child_frames:63 if hasattr(child, refresh):64 child.refresh()65 def action_message(self, message_type=None, **kwargs):66 '''Generic message box67 message_type can be one of:68 'showinfo' (default)69 'showwarning'70 'showerror'71 'askretrycancel'72 Parameter options are:73 title='This is a message box',74 message='This is the message',75 detail='Some more details',76 '''77 if not message_type:78 message = messagebox.showinfo(parent=self, **kwargs)79 elif 'askretrycancel' in message_type:80 message = messagebox.askretrycancel(parent=self, **kwargs)81 elif 'showerror' in message_type:82 message = messagebox.showerror(parent=self, **kwargs)83 elif 'showwarning' in message_type:84 message = messagebox.showwarning(parent=self, **kwargs)85 elif 'showinfo' in message_type:86 message = messagebox.showinfo(parent=self, **kwargs)87 else:88 raise ValueError('message_type must be one of:\t\nshowinfo\t'89 '(default)\n\t'90 'showwarning\n\t'91 'showerror\n\t'92 'askretrycancel')93 return message94 def build(self):95 '''Configure the GUI frame and add sub-frames.96 This method may be overwritten for sub-classes.97 Parameter:98 build_instructions: Type list of length 3 tuples.99 Each tuple contains:100 (sub-GUI object, 'pack'|'grid', pack or grid keyword dict)101 '''102 if self.build_instructions:103 for (subgui, method, kwargs) in self.build_instructions:104 try:105 build_method = subgui.__getattribute__(method)106 except AttributeError as err:107 raise err('{} is not a valid method of {}'.format(108 str(method),str(subgui)))109 build_method(**kwargs)110class DirGuiElementFrame(DirGuiFrameBase):111 '''DirGui Base class for selecting or changing a specific112 DirScanParameters element.113 '''114 # TK variable types to link with parameter values115 var_type_dict = {116 'string': tk.StringVar,117 'int': tk.IntVar118 }119 def __init__(self, parameter_name=None, var_type='string', **kwargs):120 '''Build a frame and link the access variable to a specific parameter.121 '''122 super().__init__(**kwargs)123 var_select = self.var_type_dict[var_type]124 self.select_var = var_select()125 self.parameter = parameter_name126 def set(self, select_value):127 '''Set the frame variable.128 '''129 self.select_var.set(select_value)130 def get(self):131 '''Get the frame variable.132 '''133 return self.select_var.get()134 def refresh(self):135 '''Initialize the Gui variable from the initial scan_param values.136 '''137 value = self.set(value)139 def get_data(self):140 '''Update the scan_param data element from the Gui variable.141 '''142 param = {self.parameter: self.get()}143 try:144**param)145 except ParameterError as err:146 self.action_message('showerror', title=type(err), message=err)147 except ParameterWarning as err:148 self.action_message('showwarning', title=type(err), message=err)149 def build(self, build_instructions=None):150 '''Configure the GUI frame and add sub-frames.151 This method may be overwritten for sub-classes.152 Parameter:153 build_instructions: Type list of length 3 tuples.154 Each tuple contains:155 (sub-GUI object, 'pack'|'grid', pack or grid keyword dict)156 '''157 self.refresh()158 super().build()159class StatusTextFrame(DirGuiElementFrame):160 '''GUI frame for indicating current status of the Actions.161 '''162 def __init__(self, **kwargs):163 kwargs.update({'parameter_name': 'status'})164 super().__init__(**kwargs)165 status_box = tk.Label(self, textvariable=self.select_var)166 self.add_build_instruction(status_box)167 ActionButtonsFrame(DirGuiElementFrame):169 '''GUI frame containing a single button.170 '''171 def __init__(self, button_text='', action_method=None, **kwargs):172 kwargs.update({'parameter_name': 'action_text'})173 super().__init__(**kwargs)174 action_button = tk.Button(self, text=button_text, command=action_method)175 #action_button = tk.Button(self, textvariable=self.select_var)176 self.add_build_instruction(action_button)177 TestFrame(DirGuiFrameBase):179 '''GUI frame for indicating current status of the Actions.180 '''181 def __init__(self, frame_label='', master_frame=None, **kwargs):182 super().__init__(master_frame=master_frame, **kwargs)183 labeled_frame = tk.LabelFrame(self, text=frame_label)184 status_box = StatusTextFrame(master_frame=labeled_frame, **kwargs)185 def update_label(widget=status_box, text='changed'):186 widget.set(text)187 test_button = ActionButtonsFrame(master_frame=labeled_frame,188 button_text='try me',189 action_method=update_label)190 warning_button = ActionButtonsFrame(master_frame=labeled_frame,191 button_text='warning',192 action_method=self.show_warning)193 self.add_build_instruction(status_box)194 self.add_build_instruction(test_button)195 self.add_build_instruction(warning_button)196 self.add_build_instruction(labeled_frame)197 def show_warning(self, message_type='showwarning',199 title='test warning',200 message='test warning message'):201 self.action_message('showwarning', title=title, message=message)202class DirGui(DirGuiFrameBase):203 '''TKinter GUI class used for the DIR Scan program main GUI.204 '''205 def __init__(self, scan_param=None, **kwargs):206 '''Create the DIR Scan GUI and set the initial parameters207 '''208 super().__init__(scan_param, **kwargs)209 #status = StatusTextFrame(scan_param=scan_param, master_frame=self)210 status = TestFrame(scan_param=scan_param, master_frame=self,211 frame_label='test label')212 self.add_build_instruction(status, 'grid',213 {'column': 1, 'row': 2, 'columnspan': 3,214 'padx': 10, 'sticky': tk.W})215 self.add_build_instruction(self)216 self.window_format()217 def window_format(self):219 '''Format and label main GUI window.220 Add a window title,221 Add a window icon,222 Add a header label223 '''224 root = self._root()225 root.title("Directory Scan")226 # Add a window icon227 ico_pict = r'.\Icon test.png'228 root.iconphoto(root, tk.PhotoImage(file=ico_pict))229 #Add Top header230 header = tk.Label(self, text='Directory Scan')231 header.config(font=('system', 20, 'bold'))232 header.grid(column=1, row=1, columnspan=3)233 def activate(self):234 self.master_frame.mainloop()235def main():236 '''Test the activate_gui function call.237 '''238 def param_string(scan_param: DirScanParameters):239 '''Display the parameters in a pop-up message a test function.240 '''241 prams_to_display = [242 ('base_path = ', 'base_path'),243 ('directory to scan = ', 'directory_to_scan'),244 ('file to parse = ', 'file_to_scan'),245 ('Scan a directory = ', 'do_dir_scan'),246 ('Parse dir data = ', 'parse_dir_data'),247 ('File to save directory scan = ', 'directory_scan_output'),248 ('Save scan output = ', 'save_scan_output'),249 ('File-data output file = ', 'file_data_output'),250 ('Save file data = ', 'output_file_data'),251 ('Dir-data output file = ', 'dir_data_output'),252 ('Save dir data = ', 'output_dir_data')253 ]254 param_text = 'Scan Parameters'255 for (text_str, parameter) in prams_to_display:256 value = scan_param.__getattribute__(parameter)257 param_text += '\n' + text_str + str(value)258 return param_text259 def test_message(scan_param: DirScanParameters):260 '''Display a message box containing parameter info.261 '''262 message_text = param_string(scan_param)263 results = messagebox.showinfo(title='Parameters',264 message=message_text)265 test_scan_param = DirScanParameters(\266 base_path=Path('.'),267 file_to_scan='Test_Files.txt',268 time_type="C",269 source='Test Files',270 top_dir=Path('.'),271 file_data_output='Test_files_data.csv',272 output_dir_data=False,273 dir_data_output='Test_dir_data.csv',274 status='Test of GUI')275 action_param = dict(276 action_methods={277 'Test_Action': partial(test_message, test_scan_param),278 'Exit': tk._exit279 },280 action_sequences={281 'Test_Action': ('Test_Action',),282 'Exit': ('Exit',)283 }284 )285 #dir_gui = DirGui(scan_param=test_scan_param)286 #dir_gui.activate()287 test_message(test_scan_param)288if __name__ == '__main__':...

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1#!/​usr/​bin/​python2from __future__ import with_statement3import sys, signal, pickle, stompy, tempfile, threading, urllib4from datetime import datetime5from PyQt4.QtCore import * #@UnusedWildImport6from PyQt4.QtGui import QImage, QPainter, QApplication7from PyQt4.QtWebKit import QWebPage8from lts.process_manager import ProcessWorker9global logger, cfg10class ScreenshotWorker(QThread):11 def __init__(self, jobdone=None):12 self.task = None13 self.last_timeouted_task = None14 self.webpage = QWebPage()15 self.mutex = QMutex()16 self.processing = QWaitCondition()17 self.timer = QTimer(self.webpage)18 self.jobdone = jobdone19 QThread.__init__(self)20 21 def postSetup(self, name):22 # Called by main after start()23 QObject.connect(self, SIGNAL("open"), 24 self.onOpen, Qt.QueuedConnection)25 QObject.connect(self.timer, SIGNAL("timeout()"),26 self.onTimer, Qt.QueuedConnection)27 self.setObjectName(name)28 def onTimer(self):29 self.mutex.lock()30 if self.task is None:31 logger.warn("%s Timeout without task info", self.objectName())32 else:33 logger.warn("%s Timeout: %s", self.objectName(), self.task['url'])34 if(self.task==self.last_timeouted_task):35 logger.error("%s Duplicated timeout", self.objectName())36 QApplication.instance().exit()37 else:38 # enable task reader39 self.last_timeouted_task = self.task40 self.webpage.triggerAction(QWebPage.Stop)41 self.mutex.unlock() 42 def onLoadFinished(self, result):43 self.mutex.lock()44 try:45 self.last_timeouted_task = None46 self.timer.stop()47 except:48 pass49 if (self.webpage.bytesReceived() == 0) or self.task is None:50 logger.error("%s Request failed", self.objectName())51 if cfg.queues.cancel:52 # failure info53 self.writeMQ(cfg.queues.cancel, self.task)54 else:55"%s Page loaded: %s", self.objectName(), self.task['url'])56#"HTML text: \n%s\n", self.webpage.mainFrame().toHtml())57 # Set the size of the (virtual) browser window58 self.webpage.setViewportSize(self.webpage.mainFrame().contentsSize())59 # Paint this frame into an image60 qs = self.webpage.viewportSize()61 logger.debug("%s View port size: %s", self.objectName(), str(qs))62 if qs.width() > cfg.shot_service.max_width:63 qs.setWidth(cfg.shot_service.max_width)64# if qs.width() < min_width:65# qs.setWidth(min_width)66 if qs.height() > cfg.shot_service.max_height:67 qs.setHeight(cfg.shot_service.max_height)68# if qs.height() < min_height:69# qs.setHeight(min_height)70 logger.debug("%s Size to save: %s", self.objectName(), str(qs))71 image = QImage(qs, QImage.Format_ARGB32)72 painter = QPainter(image)73 logger.debug("%s Rendering URL: %s",74 self.objectName(), self.task['url'])75 self.webpage.mainFrame().render(painter)76 painter.end()77"%s Saving file: %s",78 self.objectName(), self.task['filename'])79 image_save_result =['filename'])80 html_save_result = False81 if(self.task['html_filename']):82 # logger.debug("HTML: \n%s\n", self.webpage.mainFrame().toHtml())83 f = open(self.task['html_filename'],'wb')84 # f.write(fixXml(self.webpage.mainFrame().toHtml().toUtf8()))85 f.write(self.webpage.mainFrame().toHtml().toUtf8())86 f.close()87 self.task['html_title'] = self.webpage.mainFrame().title().toUtf8()88 self.task['html_url'] = self.webpage.mainFrame().url().toString().toUtf8()89 html_save_result = True90 child_frames = self.webpage.mainFrame().childFrames()91 self.task['sub_frame_count'] = len(child_frames)92 for i in range(len(child_frames)):93 f = open(self.task['html_filename']+str(i),'wb')94 # f.write(fixXml(child_frames[i].toHtml().toUtf8()))95 f.write(child_frames[i].toHtml().toUtf8())96 f.close()97 98 self.task['html_url'+str(i)] = child_frames[i].url().toString().toUtf8()99 if image_save_result or html_save_result:100 if self.jobdone:101 self.jobdone()102 103"%s File saved: %s %s",104 self.objectName(), self.task['filename'], 105 self.task['html_filename'])106 if cfg.queues.shotted:107 # success info108 self.task['shot_time']=datetime.utcnow()109 # self.task['html'] = self.webpage.mainFrame().toHtml()110 self.writeMQ(cfg.queues.shotted, self.task)111 else:112 logger.error("%s Failed to save file: %s",113 self.objectName(), self.task['filename'])114 if cfg.queues.cancel:115 # failure info116 self.writeMQ(cfg.queues.cancel, self.task)117 # enable task reader118 self.task = None119 try:120 QObject.disconnect(self.webpage, SIGNAL("loadFinished(bool)"), 121 self.onLoadFinished)122 except:123 pass124 self.processing.wakeOne()125 self.mutex.unlock()126 def writeMQ(self, queue, task):127 if not queue:128 return129 try:130 stomp = stompy.simple.Client()131 stomp.connect()132 stomp.put(pickle.dumps(task),133 destination=queue)134 # conn = stomp.Connection()135 # conn.start()136 # conn.connect()137 # conn.send(pickle.dumps(task), destination=queue)138 finally:139 try:140 stomp.disconnect()141 # conn.disconnect()142 except:143 logger.warn("%s Failed to enqueue finished task.",144 self.objectName())145 def onOpen(self, url):146 logger.debug("%s onOpen: [%s]", self.objectName(), url)147 self.webpage.mainFrame().setHtml("<html></​html>")148 if(self.task.has_key('canvas_size')):149 self.webpage.setViewportSize(QSize(self.task['canvas_size']['width'],150 self.task['canvas_size']['height']))151 else:152 self.webpage.setViewportSize(QSize(0,0))153 self.timer.start(cfg.shot_service.timeout * 1000)154 # n = 0155 # for i in range(1000000):156 # n+=i157 QObject.connect(self.webpage, SIGNAL("loadFinished(bool)"), 158 self.onLoadFinished, Qt.QueuedConnection)159 self.webpage.mainFrame().load(QUrl(unicode(urllib.unquote(url))))160 def run(self):161 while True:162 self.mutex.lock()163 # wait for task done164 while self.task != None:165 logger.debug("%s Waiting for a running task: %s",166 self.objectName(), self.task['url'])167 self.processing.wait(self.mutex)168 try:169 # persistent stomp is unsafe :(170 stomp = stompy.simple.Client()171 stomp.connect()172 stomp.subscribe(cfg.queues.processed, ack='client')173 except:174 logger.warn("%s STOMP subscribe failed.", self.objectName())175 try:176 stomp.disconnect()177 except:178 pass179 self.mutex.unlock()180 continue181 try:182 m=stomp.get()183 stomp.ack(m)184 except:185 logger.warn("%s STOMP dequeue failed.", self.objectName())186 self.mutex.unlock()187 continue188 finally:189 try:190 stomp.unsubscribe(cfg.queues.processed)191 stomp.disconnect()192 except:193 logger.warn("%s STOMP unsubscribe failed.", self.objectName())194 pass195 self.task = pickle.loads(m.body)196 self.last_timeouted_task = None197 if self.task['filename'] is None:198 if sys.hexversion >= 0x02060000:199 f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.png', delete=False)200 else:201 f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.png')202 self.task['filename'] = f.name203 f.close()204 if not self.task.has_key('html_filename') or \205 self.task['html_filename'] is None:206 if sys.hexversion >= 0x02060000:207 f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.html', delete=False)208 else:209 f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.html')210 self.task['html_filename']=f.name211 f.close()212 self.task['sub_frame_count']=0213"%s Run: %s", self.objectName(), self.task['url'])214 self.emit(SIGNAL("open"), self.task['url'])215 self.mutex.unlock()216class ShotProcessWorker(ProcessWorker):217 def __init__(self, cfg, logger, id='UNKNOWN', post_fork=None, lifetime=None):218 super(ShotProcessWorker, self).__init__(cfg, logger, id=id,219 post_fork=post_fork)220 self.lifetime = lifetime221 def run(self):222 app = QApplication([])223 signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL)224 signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, signal.SIG_DFL)225 shotter = ScreenshotWorker(jobdone=lambda: self.jobDone())226 shotter.start()227 shotter.postSetup( 229 if(self.lifetime):230 threading.Timer(self.lifetime, app.exit).start()231 232 exit(app.exec_())233 234 def clone(self):235 return self.__class__(self.cfg, self.logger,,236 post_fork=self.post_fork, lifetime=self.lifetime)...

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1import os2import numpy as np 3import pandas as pd 4from import loadmat5from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold, KFold, train_test_split6raw_dir= "/​run/​user/​1435515045/​gvfs/​,share=raw_data/​TPOT/​Video_Data/​normalized_raw_final/​"7zface_dir ='/​run/​user/​1435515045/​gvfs/​,share=ground_truth_data/​TPOT/​20191111_Converted_pipeline_output/​'8raw_list= np.array([name for name in os.listdir(raw_dir)])9zface_list= np.array([name for name in os.listdir(zface_dir) if name.endswith('fit.mat')])10#print (len(zface_list))11#input ('here')12def convert_bstring_to_normal(inputlist):13 outputlist=[]14 for elements in inputlist:15 if isinstance(elements,np.bytes_):16 outputlist.append(elements.decode('utf-8'))17 else:18 outputlist=inputlist19 20 return outputlist21def group_to_category(scores):22 scores=np.array(scores)23 for i in range (len(scores)):24 if scores[i] == 1:25 scores[i]=026 elif scores[i]==2:27 scores[i]=128 return np.array(scores,dtype=int)29def phq_score_to_category(scores):30 scores=np.array(scores)31 for i in range(len(scores)):32 if scores[i] >=20:33 scores[i]=434 elif scores[i] >=15:35 scores[i]=336 elif scores[i] >= 10:37 scores[i] = 238 elif scores[i] >=5:39 scores[i] = 140 else:41 scores[i] = 042 return np.array(scores,dtype=int)43def panas_convert(names,scores):44 #print (scores)45 names=np.array(names)46 blank_indices= np.where (scores==' ')47 48 names=np.delete(names,blank_indices)49 scores=np.delete(scores,blank_indices)50 assert len(names) == len(scores)51 52 scores= np.array(scores).astype('float')53 new_array= scores /​ 5054 55 return names,new_array56def does_exist(name,name_list,length_list):57 flag=058 length=059 for i in range(len(name_list)):60 elements=name_list[i]61 if name == elements:62 flag=flag+163 length=length_list[i]64 if flag:65 #print ("flag", flag, "Name", name)66 #input ('')67 68 return length69 else:70 return 071def segment_real (total_frames,eliminate_time,slide=0,window_size=0,fps=30,mode='slice'):72 ##--------Variable descriptions ####73 #total_frames : length of the video in terms of frames74 # eliminated_time : Argument passed in minutes. The time we want to exclude from beginning and end of the video. Give 0 in case you don't want to eliminate any75 # window_size: Argument passed in seconds. 76 # slide : Argument passed in seconds to calculate how many seconds to slide77 # mode : can be 'slice' or 'slide'. Use slice for getting equal interval slices. Else use slide for sliding window.78 eliminated_frames=int(eliminate_time*60*fps)79 start=eliminated_frames80 end=total_frames-eliminated_frames81 actual_frames=end-start82 83 window_length=window_size*fps84 index_list=[]85 slide_length=slide*fps86 if mode=='slice':87 factor =int (actual_frames/​window_length)88 89 for i in range (factor):90 index_list.append([start,start+window_length])91 start=start+window_length92 else:93 while start < end :94 #print (start,start+window_length)95 if start+window_length < end:96 index_list.append([start,start+window_length])97 98 start=start+slide_length99 #print (len(index_list))100 #print (end)101 102 return index_list103def read_zface(zface_filename):104 mat=loadmat(os.path.join(zface_dir,zface_filename))105 zface_data = mat['fit']106 no_frames=zface_data.shape[1]107 return no_frames108def expand_data(file_list,label_list):109 mother_name=np.empty(0)110 child_name= np.empty(0)111 start_list=np.empty(0)112 end_list=np.empty(0)113 panas_score=np.empty(0)114 family_list=[]115 for idx, family in enumerate(file_list):116 family= str(family)[2:]117 mother_video_name= family + str(2) + '_02_01' 118 child_video_name= family + str(1) + '_02_01'119 mother_exist = raw_list[raw_list==mother_video_name]120 child_exist = raw_list[raw_list==child_video_name]121 122 if len (mother_exist) and len(child_exist) :123 #print (mother_video_name,child_video_name)124 mother_zface= mother_video_name + '_fit.mat'125 child_zface= child_video_name + '_fit.mat'126 try:127 mother_frames,child_frames=read_zface(mother_zface),read_zface(child_zface)128 except:129 continue130 if mother_frames < 20000 or mother_frames > 50000 or child_frames <20000 or child_frames >50000:131 continue 132 mother_seg= np.array(segment_real(mother_frames,2.5,window_size=30))133 #child_seg = segment_real(child_frames,2.5,window_size=30)134 mother_split=np.full(len(mother_seg),mother_video_name)135 child_split=np.full(len(mother_seg), child_video_name)136 label_aug=np.full(len(mother_seg),label_list[idx])137 start,end = mother_seg[:,0] , mother_seg[:,1] 138 139 mother_name=np.hstack([mother_name,mother_split]) if mother_name.size else mother_split140 child_name=np.hstack([child_name,child_split]) if child_name.size else child_split141 start_list=np.hstack([start_list,start]) if start_list.size else start142 end_list=np.hstack([end_list,end]) if end_list.size else end143 panas_score=np.hstack([panas_score,label_aug]) if panas_score.size else label_aug144 family_list.append(family)145 #mother_list.extend() 146 assert len(mother_name) == len(child_name) == len(start_list) == len(end_list) == len(panas_score)147 148 return [mother_name,child_name,start_list,end_list,panas_score,family_list]149 150tpot_filename='../​tpot-actual.csv'151tpot_data=pd.read_csv(tpot_filename)152families= tpot_data['FamId']153parent_psi_pos= np.array(tpot_data['m_2t12pp'])154child_psi_pos= np.array(tpot_data['c_7z12pp'])155group= parent_psi_pos.copy()156#group=np.concatenate((parent_psi_pos,child_psi_pos),axis=1)157assert len(families) == len(parent_psi_pos) == len(child_psi_pos)158'''159"Creating 5 folds for families .Uncomment only when you need to create new folds"160kf=StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5, random_state=None, shuffle=False)161for idx,(train_index,test_index) in enumerate(kf.split(families,group)):162 x_train = families[train_index]163 x_test = families[test_index]164 y_train = group[train_index]165 y_test = group[test_index]166 167 x_train,x_valid,y_train,y_valid= train_test_split(x_train,y_train, test_size=0.2)168 d={}169 d['x_train'] = x_train170 d['x_test'] = x_test171 d['y_train']= y_train172 d['y_test'] = y_test173 d['x_valid']= x_valid174 d['y_valid']= y_valid175 ('./​kfold_reg/​fold_'+str(idx)+'.npy',d)176'''177fold_dir= 'kfold_reg/​'178fold_list= sorted ([name for name in os.listdir(fold_dir) if name.startswith('fold')])179name_list_filename='../​data_analysis/​ground_truth_data/​name_list.npy'180length_list_filename='../​data_analysis/​ground_truth_data/​length_list.npy'181name_list=np.load(name_list_filename,allow_pickle=True)182length_list=np.load(length_list_filename,allow_pickle=True)183assert len(name_list) == len(length_list)184for idx, folds in enumerate(fold_list):185 d=np.load(os.path.join(fold_dir,folds),allow_pickle=True).item()186 x_train,y_train = d['x_train'],d['y_train']187 x_valid,y_valid = d['x_valid'],d['y_valid']188 x_test,y_test = d['x_test'],d['y_test']189 x_train,y_train= panas_convert (x_train,y_train)190 x_valid,y_valid= panas_convert (x_valid,y_valid)191 x_test,y_test = panas_convert (x_test,y_test)192 193 train_mother_name,train_child_name,train_start_list,train_end_list,train_panas_score,train_family=expand_data(x_train,y_train)194 valid_mother_name,valid_child_name,valid_start_list,valid_end_list,valid_panas_score,valid_family=expand_data(x_valid,y_valid)195 test_mother_name,test_child_name,test_start_list,test_end_list,test_panas_score,test_family =expand_data(x_test,y_test)196 train_data={}197 train_data['mother_name']=train_mother_name198 train_data['child_name']=train_child_name199 train_data['label']=train_panas_score200 train_data['start_list']=train_start_list201 train_data['end_list']=train_end_list202 train_data['family'] = train_family203 valid_data={}204 valid_data['mother_name']=valid_mother_name205 valid_data['child_name']=valid_child_name206 valid_data['label']=valid_panas_score207 valid_data['start_list']=valid_start_list208 valid_data['end_list']=valid_end_list209 valid_data['family'] = valid_family210 test_data={}211 test_data['mother_name']=test_mother_name212 test_data['child_name']=test_child_name213 test_data['label']=test_panas_score214 test_data['start_list']=test_start_list215 test_data['end_list']=test_end_list216 test_data['family'] = test_family217 train_filename= './​kfold_reg/​train_data_' + str(idx) + '.npy'218 valid_filename= './​kfold_reg/​valid_data_' + str(idx) + '.npy'219 test_filename = './​kfold_reg/​test_data_' + str(idx) + '.npy'220,train_data)221,valid_data)222,test_data)223 print ('Done for fold %d' %(idx))...

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1from collections import defaultdict2from datetime import datetime3from io import BytesIO4import bimpy5import crossfiledialog6from diff_match_patch import diff_match_patch7from mymcplus import ps2mc8from slimseditor.backends import AbstractBackend, PS2WrappedBinBackend9from slimseditor.hexdump import hexdump10counter = 011def get_next_count():12 global counter13 value, counter = counter, counter + 114 return value15def format_patchline(t, text):16 text = text.strip('\n').replace('\n', '\n ')17 return f"{'+' if t == 1 else '-'} {text}"18class FrameBase:19 def __init__(self):20 self._size = None21 self.opened = bimpy.Bool(True)22 self.click_states = defaultdict(bimpy.Bool)23 def render(self):24 if not self._size:25 self._size = bimpy.Vec2(400, 600)26 bimpy.set_next_window_size(self._size)27 def process_events(self):28 pass29class SaveGameFrame(FrameBase):30 def __init__(self, backend_class, *backend_args, **backend_kwargs):31 super(SaveGameFrame, self).__init__()32 self.backend_class = backend_class33 self.backend_args = backend_args34 self.backend_kwargs = backend_kwargs35 self.load_backend()36 = '{0}##{1}'.format(self.backend.get_friendly_name(), get_next_count())37 self.diff_string = ""38 def load_backend(self):39 self.backend = self.backend_class(*self.backend_args, **self.backend_kwargs) # type: AbstractBackend40 try:41 self.items = self.backend.get_items()42 except KeyboardInterrupt as e:43 raise e44 except Exception as e:45 self.items = dict()46 print(str(e))47 def render(self):48 super(SaveGameFrame, self).render()49 if bimpy.begin(, self.opened,50 flags=bimpy.WindowFlags.NoCollapse | bimpy.WindowFlags.MenuBar):51 if bimpy.begin_menu_bar():52 bimpy.menu_item('Save', 'Cmd+S', self.click_states['save'])53 bimpy.menu_item('Reload', 'Cmd+R', self.click_states['reload'])54 bimpy.menu_item('Export', 'Cmd+E', self.click_states['export'])55 bimpy.menu_item('Reload & Diff', 'Cmd+D', self.click_states['reload_and_diff'])56 bimpy.end_menu_bar()57 if self.diff_string:58 bimpy.columns(2, "hex split")59 bimpy.text('Game: ')60 bimpy.same_line()61 bimpy.text( for section_name, section_items in self.items.items():63 if bimpy.collapsing_header(section_name):64 for item in section_items:65 item.render_widget()66 if self.diff_string:67 bimpy.next_column()68 for line in self.diff_string.splitlines():69 bimpy.text(line)70 bimpy.end()71 def reload_and_diff(self):72 pre_reload_hex = hexdump(, print_ascii=False)73 self.load_backend()74 post_reload_hex = hexdump(, print_ascii=False)75 patcher = diff_match_patch()76 patcher.Diff_Timeout = 077 text1, text2, line_array = patcher.diff_linesToChars(pre_reload_hex, post_reload_hex)78 diffs = patcher.diff_main(text1, text2)79 patcher.diff_cleanupSemantic(diffs)80 patcher.diff_charsToLines(diffs, line_array)81 patch = '\n'.join(format_patchline(t, text) for t, text in diffs if t != 0)82 self.diff_string = f'{}\n{patch}\n\n{self.diff_string}'83 def process_events(self):84 if self.click_states['save'].value:85 self.backend.write_all_items(self.items)86 self.backend.write_data()87 self.click_states['save'].value = False88 if self.click_states['reload'].value:89 self.load_backend()90 self.click_states['reload'].value = False91 if self.click_states['reload_and_diff'].value:92 self.reload_and_diff()93 self.click_states['reload_and_diff'].value = False94 if self.click_states['export'].value:95 filename = crossfiledialog.save_file()96 if filename:97 with open(filename, 'wb') as f:98 f.write( self.click_states['export'].value = False100class PS2MCFrame(FrameBase):101 NAME_EXCLUSIONS = [b'.', b'..']102 def __init__(self, path):103 self._size = None104 self.opened = bimpy.Bool(True)105 self.click_states = defaultdict(bimpy.Bool)106 self.path = path107 = '{0}##{1}'.format(path, get_next_count())108 self.child_frames = []109 self.tree = dict()110 self.load_card_data()111 def load_card_data(self):112 with open(self.path, 'rb') as f:113 = BytesIO( self.card = ps2mc.ps2mc( self.tree = dict()116 root_dir = self.card.dir_open('/​')117 for entry in root_dir:118 if not ps2mc.mode_is_dir(entry[0]):119 continue120 if entry[-1] not in self.NAME_EXCLUSIONS:121 dirname = entry[-1].decode('ascii')122 subnames = []123 dir_files = self.card.dir_open(dirname)124 for file_entry in dir_files:125 if file_entry[-1] in self.NAME_EXCLUSIONS:126 continue127 decoded_name = file_entry[-1].decode('ascii')128 if decoded_name.endswith('bin'):129 subnames.append((130 decoded_name,131 'Open##{0}/​{1}'.format(dirname, decoded_name)132 ))133 self.tree[dirname] = subnames134 dir_files.close()135 root_dir.close()136 def write_card_data(self):137 self.card.flush()138 with open(self.path, 'wb') as f:139 f.write( def render(self):142 if not self._size:143 self._size = bimpy.Vec2(400, 600)144 bimpy.set_next_window_size(self._size)145 if bimpy.begin(, self.opened,146 flags=bimpy.WindowFlags.NoCollapse | bimpy.WindowFlags.MenuBar):147 if bimpy.begin_menu_bar():148 bimpy.menu_item('Reload', 'Cmd+R', self.click_states['reload'])149 bimpy.end_menu_bar()150 for folder_name, folder_files in self.tree.items():151 if bimpy.collapsing_header(folder_name):152 for item, button_name in folder_files:153 if bimpy.button(button_name):154 item_path = '{0}/​{1}'.format(folder_name, item)155 try:156 new_savegame = SaveGameFrame(157 PS2WrappedBinBackend, item_path, self)158 self.child_frames.append(new_savegame)159 except KeyboardInterrupt as e:160 raise e161 except Exception as e:162 print(e)163 bimpy.same_line()164 bimpy.text(item)165 bimpy.end()166 for child_frame in self.child_frames:167 child_frame.render()168 def process_events(self):169 if self.click_states['reload'].value:170 self.load_card_data()171 self.click_states['reload'].value = False172 for child_frame in self.child_frames:173 child_frame.process_events()174 open_frames_to_close = []175 for i, frame in enumerate(self.child_frames):176 if not frame.opened.value:177 open_frames_to_close.append(i)178 for i in sorted(open_frames_to_close, reverse=True):...

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StackOverFlow community discussions


Playwright error connection refused in docker

playwright-python advanced setup

How to select an input according to a parent sibling label

Error when installing Microsoft Playwright

Trouble waiting for changes to complete that are triggered by Python Playwright `select_option`

Capturing and Storing Request Data Using Playwright for Python

Can Playwright be used to launch a browser instance

Trouble in Clicking on Log in Google Button of Pop Up Menu Playwright Python

Scrapy Playwright get date by clicking button

React locator example

I solved my problem. In fact my docker container (frontend) is called "app" which is also domain name of fronend application. My application is running locally on http. Chromium and geko drivers force httpS connection for some domain names one of which is "app". So i have to change name for my docker container wich contains frontend application.


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Playwright tutorial

LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.


  1. What is Playwright : Playwright is comparatively new but has gained good popularity. Get to know some history of the Playwright with some interesting facts connected with it.
  2. How To Install Playwright : Learn in detail about what basic configuration and dependencies are required for installing Playwright and run a test. Get a step-by-step direction for installing the Playwright automation framework.
  3. Playwright Futuristic Features: Launched in 2020, Playwright gained huge popularity quickly because of some obliging features such as Playwright Test Generator and Inspector, Playwright Reporter, Playwright auto-waiting mechanism and etc. Read up on those features to master Playwright testing.
  4. What is Component Testing: Component testing in Playwright is a unique feature that allows a tester to test a single component of a web application without integrating them with other elements. Learn how to perform Component testing on the Playwright automation framework.
  5. Inputs And Buttons In Playwright: Every website has Input boxes and buttons; learn about testing inputs and buttons with different scenarios and examples.
  6. Functions and Selectors in Playwright: Learn how to launch the Chromium browser with Playwright. Also, gain a better understanding of some important functions like “BrowserContext,” which allows you to run multiple browser sessions, and “newPage” which interacts with a page.
  7. Handling Alerts and Dropdowns in Playwright : Playwright interact with different types of alerts and pop-ups, such as simple, confirmation, and prompt, and different types of dropdowns, such as single selector and multi-selector get your hands-on with handling alerts and dropdown in Playright testing.
  8. Playwright vs Puppeteer: Get to know about the difference between two testing frameworks and how they are different than one another, which browsers they support, and what features they provide.
  9. Run Playwright Tests on LambdaTest: Playwright testing with LambdaTest leverages test performance to the utmost. You can run multiple Playwright tests in Parallel with the LammbdaTest test cloud. Get a step-by-step guide to run your Playwright test on the LambdaTest platform.
  10. Playwright Python Tutorial: Playwright automation framework support all major languages such as Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, .NET and etc. However, there are various advantages to Python end-to-end testing with Playwright because of its versatile utility. Get the hang of Playwright python testing with this chapter.
  11. Playwright End To End Testing Tutorial: Get your hands on with Playwright end-to-end testing and learn to use some exciting features such as TraceViewer, Debugging, Networking, Component testing, Visual testing, and many more.
  12. Playwright Video Tutorial: Watch the video tutorials on Playwright testing from experts and get a consecutive in-depth explanation of Playwright automation testing.

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