Best Python code snippet using playwright-python
...10# some useful instruction patterns11Not = ['ldc.i4.0', 'ceq']12DoNothing = [PushAllArgs]13Ignore = []14def _not(op):15 return [PushAllArgs, op]+Not16def _abs(type_):17 return [PushAllArgs, 'call %s class [mscorlib]System.Math::Abs(%s)' % (type_, type_), StoreResult]18def _check_ovf(op):19 mapping = [('[mscorlib]System.OverflowException', 'exceptions.OverflowError')]20 return [MapException(op, mapping)]21def _check_zer(op):22 mapping = [('[mscorlib]System.DivideByZeroException', 'exceptions.ZeroDivisionError')]23 return [MapException(op, mapping)]24# __________ object oriented & misc operations __________25misc_ops = {26 'new': [New],27 'runtimenew': [RuntimeNew],28 'oosetfield': [SetField],29 'oogetfield': [GetField],30 'oosend': [CallMethod],31 'ooupcast': DoNothing,32 'oodowncast': [DownCast],33 'clibox': [Box],34 'cliunbox': [Unbox],35 'cli_newarray': [NewArray],36 'cli_getelem': [GetArrayElem],37 'cli_setelem': [SetArrayElem],38 'cli_typeof': [TypeOf],39 'cli_arraylength': 'ldlen',40 'cli_eventhandler': [EventHandler],41 'cli_getstaticfield': [GetStaticField],42 'cli_setstaticfield': [SetStaticField],43 'cli_fieldinfo_for_const': [FieldInfoForConst],44 'oois': 'ceq',45 'oononnull': [PushAllArgs, 'ldnull', 'ceq']+Not,46 'classof': [PushAllArgs, 'callvirt instance class [mscorlib]System.Type object::GetType()'],47 'instanceof': [CastTo, 'ldnull', 'cgt.un'],48 'subclassof': [PushAllArgs, 'call bool [pypylib]pypy.runtime.Utils::SubclassOf(class [mscorlib]System.Type, class[mscorlib]System.Type)'],49 'ooidentityhash': [PushAllArgs, 'callvirt instance int32 object::GetHashCode()'],50 'oohash': [PushAllArgs, 'callvirt instance int32 object::GetHashCode()'], 51 'oostring': [OOString],52 'oounicode': [OOUnicode],53 'ooparse_int': [PushAllArgs, 'call int32 [pypylib]pypy.runtime.Utils::OOParseInt(string, int32)'],54 'ooparse_float': [PushAllArgs, 'call float64 [pypylib]pypy.runtime.Utils::OOParseFloat(string)'],55 'oonewcustomdict': [NewCustomDict],56 'oonewarray': [OONewArray, StoreResult],57 58 'hint': [PushArg(0), StoreResult],59 'direct_call': [Call],60 'indirect_call': [IndirectCall],61 'cast_ptr_to_weakadr': [PushAllArgs, 'newobj instance void class %s::.ctor(object)' % WEAKREF],62 'gc__collect': 'call void class [mscorlib]System.GC::Collect()',63 'gc_set_max_heap_size': Ignore,64 'resume_point': Ignore,65 'debug_assert': Ignore,66 'keepalive': Ignore,67 'is_early_constant': [PushPrimitive(ootype.Bool, False)],68 }69# __________ numeric operations __________70unary_ops = {71 'same_as': DoNothing,72 73 'bool_not': [PushAllArgs]+Not,74 'int_is_true': [PushAllArgs, 'ldc.i4.0', 'cgt.un'],75 'int_neg': 'neg',76 'int_neg_ovf': _check_ovf(['ldc.i4.0', PushAllArgs, 'sub.ovf', StoreResult]),77 'int_abs': _abs('int32'),78 'int_abs_ovf': _check_ovf(_abs('int32')),79 'int_invert': 'not',80 'uint_is_true': [PushAllArgs, 'ldc.i4.0', 'cgt.un'],81 'uint_invert': 'not',82 'float_is_true': [PushAllArgs, 'ldc.r8 0', 'ceq']+Not,83 'float_neg': 'neg',84 'float_abs': _abs('float64'),85 'llong_is_true': [PushAllArgs, 'ldc.i8 0', 'cgt.un'],86 'llong_neg': 'neg',87 'llong_neg_ovf': _check_ovf(['ldc.i8 0', PushAllArgs, 'sub.ovf', StoreResult]),88 'llong_abs': _abs('int64'),89 'llong_abs_ovf': _check_ovf(_abs('int64')),90 'llong_invert': 'not',91 'ullong_is_true': [PushAllArgs, 'ldc.i8 0', 'cgt.un'],92 'ullong_invert': 'not',93 # when casting from bool we want that every truth value is casted94 # to 1: we can't simply DoNothing, because the CLI stack could95 # contains a truth value not equal to 1, so we should use the !=096 # trick.97 'cast_bool_to_int': [PushAllArgs, 'ldc.i4.0', 'ceq']+Not,98 'cast_bool_to_uint': [PushAllArgs, 'ldc.i4.0', 'ceq']+Not,99 'cast_bool_to_float': [PushAllArgs, 'ldc.i4.0', 'ceq']+Not+['conv.r8'],100 'cast_char_to_int': DoNothing,101 'cast_unichar_to_int': DoNothing,102 'cast_int_to_char': DoNothing,103 'cast_int_to_unichar': DoNothing,104 'cast_int_to_uint': DoNothing,105 'cast_int_to_float': 'conv.r8',106 'cast_int_to_longlong': 'conv.i8',107 'cast_uint_to_int': DoNothing,108 'cast_uint_to_float': [PushAllArgs, 'conv.u8', 'conv.r8'],109 'cast_float_to_int': 'conv.i4',110 'cast_float_to_uint': 'conv.u4',111 'cast_longlong_to_float': 'conv.r8',112 'cast_float_to_longlong': 'conv.i8',113 'cast_primitive': [PushAllArgs, CastPrimitive],114 'truncate_longlong_to_int': 'conv.i4',115 }116binary_ops = {117 'char_lt': 'clt',118 'char_le': _not('cgt'),119 'char_eq': 'ceq',120 'char_ne': _not('ceq'),121 'char_gt': 'cgt',122 'char_ge': _not('clt'),123 'unichar_eq': 'ceq',124 'unichar_ne': _not('ceq'),125 'int_add': 'add',126 'int_sub': 'sub',127 'int_mul': 'mul',128 'int_floordiv': 'div',129 'int_floordiv_zer': _check_zer('div'),130 'int_mod': 'rem',131 'int_lt': 'clt',132 'int_le': _not('cgt'),133 'int_eq': 'ceq',134 'int_ne': _not('ceq'),135 'int_gt': 'cgt',136 'int_ge': _not('clt'),137 'int_and': 'and',138 'int_or': 'or',139 'int_lshift': 'shl',140 'int_rshift': 'shr',141 'int_xor': 'xor',142 'int_add_ovf': _check_ovf('add.ovf'),143 'int_add_nonneg_ovf': _check_ovf('add.ovf'),144 'int_sub_ovf': _check_ovf('sub.ovf'),145 'int_mul_ovf': _check_ovf('mul.ovf'),146 'int_floordiv_ovf': 'div', # these can't overflow!147 'int_mod_ovf': 'rem',148 'int_lt_ovf': 'clt',149 'int_le_ovf': _not('cgt'),150 'int_eq_ovf': 'ceq',151 'int_ne_ovf': _not('ceq'),152 'int_gt_ovf': 'cgt',153 'int_ge_ovf': _not('clt'),154 'int_and_ovf': 'and',155 'int_or_ovf': 'or',156 'int_lshift_ovf': _check_ovf([PushArg(0),'conv.i8',PushArg(1), 'shl',157 'conv.ovf.i4', StoreResult]),158 'int_lshift_ovf_val': _check_ovf([PushArg(0),'conv.i8',PushArg(1), 'shl',159 'conv.ovf.i4', StoreResult]),160 'int_rshift_ovf': 'shr', # these can't overflow!161 'int_xor_ovf': 'xor',162 'int_floordiv_ovf_zer': _check_zer('div'),163 'int_mod_ovf_zer': _check_zer('rem'),164 'int_mod_zer': _check_zer('rem'),165 'uint_add': 'add',166 'uint_sub': 'sub',167 'uint_mul': 'mul',168 'uint_div': 'div.un',169 'uint_floordiv': 'div.un',170 'uint_mod': 'rem.un',171 'uint_lt': 'clt.un',172 'uint_le': _not('cgt.un'),173 'uint_eq': 'ceq',174 'uint_ne': _not('ceq'),175 'uint_gt': 'cgt.un',176 'uint_ge': _not('clt.un'),177 'uint_and': 'and',178 'uint_or': 'or',179 'uint_lshift': 'shl',180 'uint_rshift': 'shr.un',181 'uint_xor': 'xor',182 'float_add': 'add',183 'float_sub': 'sub',184 'float_mul': 'mul',185 'float_truediv': 'div', 186 'float_lt': 'clt',187 'float_le': _not('cgt'),188 'float_eq': 'ceq',189 'float_ne': _not('ceq'),190 'float_gt': 'cgt',191 'float_ge': _not('clt'),192 'llong_add': 'add',193 'llong_sub': 'sub',194 'llong_mul': 'mul',195 'llong_div': 'div',196 'llong_floordiv': 'div',197 'llong_floordiv_zer': _check_zer('div'),198 'llong_mod': 'rem',199 'llong_mod_zer': _check_zer('rem'),200 'llong_lt': 'clt',201 'llong_le': _not('cgt'),202 'llong_eq': 'ceq',203 'llong_ne': _not('ceq'),204 'llong_gt': 'cgt',205 'llong_ge': _not('clt'),206 'llong_and': 'and',207 'llong_or': 'or',208 'llong_lshift': 'shl',209 'llong_rshift': [PushAllArgs, 'conv.i4', 'shr'],210 'llong_xor': 'xor',211 'ullong_add': 'add',212 'ullong_sub': 'sub',213 'ullong_mul': 'mul',214 'ullong_div': 'div.un',215 'ullong_floordiv': 'div.un',216 'ullong_mod': 'rem.un',217 'ullong_lt': 'clt.un',218 'ullong_le': _not('cgt.un'),219 'ullong_eq': 'ceq',220 'ullong_ne': _not('ceq'),221 'ullong_gt': 'cgt.un',222 'ullong_ge': _not('clt.un'),223 'ullong_lshift': [PushAllArgs, 'conv.u4', 'shl'],224 'ullong_rshift': [PushAllArgs, 'conv.i4', 'shr'],225}226opcodes = misc_ops.copy()227opcodes.update(unary_ops)228opcodes.update(binary_ops)229for key, value in opcodes.iteritems():230 if type(value) is str:231 value = InstructionList([PushAllArgs, value, StoreResult])232 elif value is not None:233 if value is not Ignore and StoreResult not in value and not isinstance(value[0], MapException):234 value.append(StoreResult)235 value = InstructionList(value)236 opcodes[key] = value
...62 :type: int63 """64 self._field = field65 @property66 def _not(self):67 """Gets the _not of this FlowFalconFilter. # noqa: E50168 :return: The _not of this FlowFalconFilter. # noqa: E50169 :rtype: bool70 """71 return self.__not72 @_not.setter73 def _not(self, _not):74 """Sets the _not of this FlowFalconFilter.75 :param _not: The _not of this FlowFalconFilter. # noqa: E50176 :type: bool77 """78 self.__not = _not79 @property80 def operator(self):81 """Gets the operator of this FlowFalconFilter. # noqa: E50182 :return: The operator of this FlowFalconFilter. # noqa: E50183 :rtype: str84 """85 return self._operator86 @operator.setter87 def operator(self, operator):...
1from array import array2import pytest3def test_should_contain(should):4 'hello world' | should.contain('world') | should.contain('hello')5 'hello world' | should.contain('w') | should.contain('o')6 [1, 2, 3] | should.contain(1) | should.contain(3)7 ('foo', 'bar', 123) | should.contain('bar') | should.contain(123)8 {'foo', 'bar', 123} | should.contain('bar') | should.contain(123)9 [{'foo': 1}] | should.contain({'foo': 1})10 array('i', [1, 2, 3]) | should.contain(1) | should.contain(2)11 {'foo': 'bar', 'fuu': 2} | should.contain('bar') | should.contain(2)12 with pytest.raises(AssertionError):13 'hello world' | should.contain('planet')14 with pytest.raises(AssertionError):15 'hello world' | should.contain('t')16 with pytest.raises(AssertionError):17 [1, 2, 3] | should.contain(4)18 with pytest.raises(AssertionError):19 ('foo', 'bar', 123) | should.contain('baz')20 with pytest.raises(AssertionError):21 {'foo', 'bar', 123} | should.contain('baz')22 with pytest.raises(AssertionError):23 [{'foo': 1}] | should.contain({'foo': 2})24 with pytest.raises(AssertionError):25 array('i', [1, 2, 3]) | should.contain(4)26 with pytest.raises(AssertionError):27 {'foo': 'bar', 'fuu': 2} | should.contain('baz')28def test_should_contain_any(should):29 'hello world' | should.contain('world', 'hello')30 'hello world' | should.contain(('world', 'hello'))31 'hello world' | should.contain(['world', 'hello'])32 'hello world' | should.contain({'world', 'hello'})33 'hello world' | should.contain('w', 'o')34 'hello world' | should.contain(('w', 'o'))35 'hello world' | should.contain(['w', 'o'])36 'hello world' | should.contain({'w', 'o'})37 [1, 2, 3] | should.contain(1, 3)38 [1, 2, 3] | should.contain((1, 3))39 [1, 2, 3] | should.contain([1, 3])40 [1, 2, 3] | should.contain({1, 3})41 ('foo', 'bar', 123) | should.contain('bar', 123)42 {'foo', 'bar', 123} | should.contain(('bar', 123))43 {'foo', 'bar', 123} | should.contain({'bar', 123})44 {'foo', 'bar', 123} | should.contain(['bar', 123])45 [{'foo': 1}, {'bar': 2}] | should.contain({'foo': 1}, {'bar': 2})46 [{'foo': 1}, {'bar': 2}] | should.contain(({'foo': 1}, {'bar': 2}))47 [{'foo': 1}, {'bar': 2}] | should.contain([{'foo': 1}, {'bar': 2}])48 array('i', [1, 2, 3]) | should.contain(1, 2)49 array('i', [1, 2, 3]) | should.contain((1, 2))50 array('i', [1, 2, 3]) | should.contain({1, 2})51 array('i', [1, 2, 3]) | should.contain([1, 2])52 {'foo': 'bar', 'fuu': 'bor'} | should.contain('bar', 'bor')53 {'foo': 'bar', 'fuu': 'bor'} | should.contain(('bar', 'bor'))54 {'foo': 'bar', 'fuu': 'bor'} | should.contain(['bar', 'bor'])55 {'foo': 'bar', 'fuu': 'bor'} | should.contain({'bar', 'bor'})56def test_should_not_contain_any(should):57 'hello planet' | should._not.contain('world', 'hello')58 'hello planet' | should._not.contain(('world', 'hello'))59 'hello planet' | should._not.contain(['world', 'hello'])60 'hello planet' | should._not.contain({'world', 'hello'})61 'hello planet' | should._not.contain('w', 'o')62 'hello planet' | should._not.contain(('w', 'o'))63 'hello planet' | should._not.contain(['w', 'o'])64 'hello planet' | should._not.contain({'w', 'o'})65 [1, 2, 3] | should._not.contain(1, 4)66 [1, 2, 3] | should._not.contain((1, 4))67 [1, 2, 3] | should._not.contain([1, 4])68 [1, 2, 3] | should._not.contain({1, 4})69 ('foo', 'bar', 123) | should._not.contain('baz', 123)70 {'foo', 'bar', 123} | should._not.contain(('baz', 123))71 {'foo', 'bar', 123} | should._not.contain({'baz', 123})72 {'foo', 'bar', 123} | should._not.contain(['baz', 123])73 [{'foo': 1}, {'bar': 2}] | should._not.contain({'foo': 1}, {'baz': 2})74 [{'foo': 1}, {'bar': 2}] | should._not.contain(({'foo': 1}, {'baz': 2}))75 [{'foo': 1}, {'bar': 2}] | should._not.contain([{'foo': 1}, {'baz': 2}])76 array('i', [1, 2, 3]) | should._not.contain(1, 4)77 array('i', [1, 2, 3]) | should._not.contain((1, 4))78 array('i', [1, 2, 3]) | should._not.contain({1, 4})79 array('i', [1, 2, 3]) | should._not.contain([1, 4])80 {'foo': 'bar', 'fuu': 'bor'} | should._not.contain('baz', 'bor')81 {'foo': 'bar', 'fuu': 'bor'} | should._not.contain(('baz', 'bor'))82 {'foo': 'bar', 'fuu': 'bor'} | should._not.contain(['baz', 'bor'])83 {'foo': 'bar', 'fuu': 'bor'} | should._not.contain({'baz', 'bor'})84def test_should_contain_failures(should):85 with pytest.raises(AssertionError):86 () | should.contain('bar')87 with pytest.raises(AssertionError):...
...16 Dout = [0 for i in range(len(Din))] 17 18 Dout[31] = Din[30]19 Dout[30] = Din[31]20 Dout[29] = _not(Din[29])21 Dout[28] = _xor([Din[28], Din[27]])22 Dout[27] = _and([Din[28], Din[27]])23 Dout[26] = _or([Din[26], Din[25]])24 Dout[25] = _and([Din[26], _not(Din[25])])25 Dout[24] = _or([Din[24], _not(Din[23])])26 Dout[23] = _nor([Din[24], _not(Din[23])])27 Dout[22] = _nand([Din[24], _not(Din[23])])28 Dout[21] = _nor([Din[22], Din[21], Din[20]])29 Dout[20] = _and([Din[22], _not(Din[21]), _not(Din[20])])30 Dout[19] = _nand([Din[22], Din[21], _not(Din[20])])31 Dout[18] = _or([Din[19], Din[18], _not(Din[17])])32 Dout[17] = _nand([_not(Din[19]), _not(Din[18]), _not(Din[16])])33 Dout[16] = _nor([_not(Din[19]), _not(Din[18]), _not(Din[16])])34 Dout[15] = _and([_not(Din[15]), _not(Din[14])])35 Dout[14] = _nand([(Din[15]), _not(Din[14])])36 Dout[13] = _nor([(Din[15]), _not(Din[14])])37 Dout[12] = _xor([Din[13], Din[12]])38 Dout[11] = _xnor([Din[13], Din[12]])39 Dout[10] = _switch(Din[11], Din[10], Din[9])40 Dout[9] = _switch(_not(Din[9]), Din[11], Din[10])41 Dout[8] = _nand([Din[11], _not(Din[10]), _not(Din[9])])42 Dout[7] = _xor([Din[8], Din[7], Din[6]])43 Dout[6] = _nand([Din[8], Din[7], _not(Din[6])])44 Dout[5] = Din[4]45 Dout[4] = Din[3]46 Dout[3] = Din[5]47 Dout[2] = _not(Din[0])48 Dout[1] = _not(Din[2])49 Dout[0] = _not(Din[1])50 return Dout51def convertBitArrayToInt(inbits):52 outbits_str = "0b"53 index = len(inbits) - 154 for i in range(len(inbits)):55 outbits_str += "{}".format(inbits[index])56 index -= 157 58 val = int(outbits_str, 2)59 return val60def convertBitArrayToHex(inbits):61 outbits_str = "0b"62 index = len(inbits) - 163 for i in range(len(inbits)):...
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I solved my problem. In fact my docker container (frontend) is called "app" which is also domain name of fronend application. My application is running locally on http. Chromium and geko drivers force httpS connection for some domain names one of which is "app". So i have to change name for my docker container wich contains frontend application.
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