How to use _fulfill method in Playwright Python

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...69 ''' Filter a model in a batch model list. '''70 if not isinstance(m, ndb.Model):71 return False72 return True73 def _fulfill(self, key):74 ''' Fulfill a model, given a key, either from local cache or the datastore. '''75 key = self._filter_key(key)76 if key in self.seen:77 cached_model = {78 models.ContentNamespace: self.namespaces,79 models.ContentArea: self.areas,80 models.ContentSnippet: self.snippets,81 models.ContentSummary: self.summaries82 }.get(key.kind()).get(key)83 # perhaps it's already here?84 if cached_model is not None:85 # yay86 return cached_model87 # perhaps we're still waiting?88 elif key in futures:89 # block :(90 return self.futures.get(key).get_result()91 else:92 # wtf why was it seen then93 return key.get()94 else:95 # just get it96 return key.get()97 @tasklet98 def _batch_fulfill(self, batch, query=None, **kwargs):99 ''' Synchronously retrieve a batch of keys. '''100 # if it's a future, we're probably coming from a now-finished query101 if isinstance(batch, ndb.Future):102 batch = batch.get_result()103 # if it's not a list make it a list (obvs cuz this is _batch_ fulfill)104 if not isinstance(batch, list):105 batch = [batch]106 # filter out so we only get keys107 keys = map(self._filter_key, batch)108 # check for the hashed keygroup109 keygroup_s = tuple([s for s in keys])110 heuristic = self.heuristics.get(keygroup_s)111 if heuristic is not None:112 return [m for b, m in self.keygroups.get(heuristic)]113 return ndb.get_multi(keys, **kwargs)114 @tasklet115 def _batch_fulfill_async(self, batch, query=None, resultset_callback=None, item_callback=None, **kwargs):116 ''' Asynchronously retrieve a batch of keys. '''117 # if it's a future, we're probably coming from a now-finished query118 if isinstance(batch, ndb.Future):119 batch = batch.get_result()120 # if it's not a list make it a list (obvs cuz this is _batch_ fulfill async)121 if not isinstance(batch, list):122 batch = [batch]123 # build fetch!124 keys = map(self._filter_key, batch)125 # check for the hashed keygroup126 keygroup_s = tuple([s for s in keys])127 heuristic = self.heuristics.get(keygroup_s)128 if heuristic is not None:129 if resultset_callback:130 resultset_callback([m for b, m in self.keygroups.get(heuristic)], query=query)131 elif item_callback:132 map(lambda x: item_callback(x, query=query), [m for b, m in self.keygroups.get(heuristic)])133 else:134 # build operations135 op = ndb.get_multi_async(batch, **kwargs)136 # if we want results in batch137 if resultset_callback and not item_callback:138 # build a dependent multifuture that waits on all to finish139 multifuture = ndb.MultiFuture()140 # add each operation as a dependent141 for f in op:142 multifuture.add_dependent(f)143 # close dependents144 multifuture.complete()145 # add callback to catch results in batch146 if query:147 multifuture.add_callback(resultset_callback, multifuture, query=query)148 else:149 multifuture.add_callback(resultset_callback, multifuture)150 # if we want results one by one151 elif item_callback and not resultset_callback:152 # add the item callback to each future153 for f in op:154 f.add_callback(item_callback, f, query=query)155 # parallel yield!156 yield tuple(op)157 @tasklet158 def _run_query(self, query, count=False, **kwargs):159 ''' Synchronously run a query. '''160 # if we should count first, count161 if not isinstance(count, int) and count == True:162 count = query.count()163 # pull via count or via kwargs164 if isinstance(count, int):165 return query.fetch(count, **kwargs)166 return query.fetch(**kwargs)167 @tasklet168 def _run_query_async(self, query, count=False, future=None, resultset_callback=None, item_callback=None, eventual_callback=None, **kwargs):169 ''' Asynchronously run a query. '''170 # if we just counted171 if future:172 # we have a limit173 count = future.get_result()174 # there are no results175 if count == 0:176 yield resultset_callback([], query=query)177 # if we should count first, kick off a count and call self with the result178 if not isinstance(count, int) and count is True:179 future = query.count_async(**kwargs)180 future.add_callback(self._run_query_async, query, False, future, resultset_callback, item_callback, **kwargs)181 yield future182 else:183 # if we want to go over things in batch184 if resultset_callback and not item_callback:185 if isinstance(count, int):186 future = query.fetch_async(count, **kwargs)187 else:188 future = query.fetch_async(**kwargs)189 if eventual_callback:190 future.add_callback(resultset_callback, future, query=query, resultset_callback=eventual_callback)191 else:192 future.add_callback(resultset_callback, future, query=query)193 # if we want to go over things one at a time194 elif item_callback and not resultset_callback:195 if isinstance(count, int):196 future = query.map_async(item_callback, limit=count, **kwargs)197 else:198 future = query.map_async(item_callback, **kwargs)199 yield future200 @tasklet201 def _batch_store_callback(self, result, query=None):202 ''' Callback for asynchronously retrieved results. '''203 # landing from a query204 if isinstance(result, ndb.Future):205 result = result.get_result()206 # should really be a list207 if not isinstance(result, list):208 result = [result]209 _batch = []210 timestamp = int(time.time())211 for i in filter(self._filter_model, result):212 if i.key not in self.seen:213 self.seen.append(i.key)214 _batch.append((i.key, i))215 if isinstance(i, models.ContentNamespace):216 self.namespaces.get(i.key, {}).update({'model': i, 'timestamp': timestamp})217 elif isinstance(i, models.ContentArea):218 self.areas.get(i.key, {}).update({'model': i, 'timestamp': timestamp})219 elif isinstance(i, models.ContentSnippet):220 self.snippets.get(i.key, {}).update({'model': i, 'timestamp': timestamp})221 elif isinstance(i, models.ContentSummary):222 self.summaries.get(i.key, {}).update({'model': i, 'timestamp': timestamp})223 # generate the keygroup's signature and use it to look for an existing heuristics hint224 keygroup_s = tuple([b for b, i in _batch])225 keygroup_i = self.heuristics.get(keygroup_s, False)226 # trim the old one227 if keygroup_i:228 self.keygroups.remove(keygroup_i)229 # add the new keygroup and map it230 self.keygroups.append(_batch)231 self.heuristics[keygroup_s] = self.keygroups.index(_batch)232 def _build_keysonly_query(self, kind, parent=None, **kwargs):233 ''' Build a keys-only ndb.Query object with the _keys_only options object. '''234 return kind.query(ancestor=parent, default_options=_keys_only_opt.merge(ndb.QueryOptions(**kwargs)))235 def _build_projection_query(self, kind, properties, parent=None, **kwargs):236 ''' Build a projection ndb.Query object with the default _projection_opt options object. '''237 return kind.query(ancestor=parent, default_options=_projection_opt.merge(ndb.QueryOptions(projection=properties, **kwargs)))238 def _build_keygroup(self, keyname, namespace, snippet=False, summary=False):239 ''' Build a group of keys, always containing a ContentNamespace and ContentArea, optionally with a Snippet and Summary. '''240 keygroup = []241 # calculate namespace key242 namespace_key = self._build_namespace_key(namespace)243 keygroup.append(namespace)244 # calculate area key245 area_key = self._build_area_key(keyname, namespace)246 keygroup.append(area_key)247 # if a snippet key is requested248 if snippet:249 # you can pass a version into snippet manually, or True250 if isinstance(snippet, int):251 snippet_key = self._build_snippet_key(keyname, namespace, area_key, snippet)252 else:253 snippet_key = self._build_snippet_key(keyname, namespace, area_key)254 keygroup.append(snippet_key)255 # if a summary is requested256 if summary:257 # you can pass a version into summary manually, or True258 if isinstance(summary, int):259 summary_key = self._build_summary_key(keyname, namespace, snippet_key, summary)260 else:261 summary_key = self._build_summary_key(keyname, namespace, snippet_key)262 keygroup.append(snippet_key)263 return keygroup264 def _build_namespace_key(self, namespace):265 ''' Build a key for a ContentNamespace '''266 # if it's not the system namespace, it's key-worthy267 if namespace != _SYSTEM_NAMESPACE:268 if not isinstance(namespace, ndb.Key):269 try:270 namespace = ndb.Key(models.ContentNamespace, ndb.Key(urlsafe=namespace).urlsafe())271 except Exception, e:272 namespace = ndb.Key(models.ContentNamespace, hashlib.sha256(str(namespace)).hexdigest())273 else:274 namespace = ndb.Key(models.ContentNamespace, _SYSTEM_NAMESPACE)275 return namespace276 def _build_area_key(self, keyname, namespace):277 ''' Build a key for a ContentArea '''278 if not isinstance(namespace, ndb.Key):279 namespace = self._build_namespace_key(namespace)280 if (not isinstance(keyname, basestring)) or (not isinstance(namespace, ndb.Key)):281 raise ValueError("Must pass in a string keyname and ContentNamespace-compatible Key or string namespace.")282 else:283 return ndb.Key(models.ContentArea, hashlib.sha256(str(keyname)).hexdigest(), parent=namespace)284 def _build_snippet_key(self, keyname=None, namespace=None, area=None, version=1):285 ''' Build a key for a ContentSnippet '''286 if area is not None:287 return ndb.Key(models.ContentSnippet, str(version), parent=area)288 else:289 return ndb.Key(models.ContentSnippet, str(version), parent=self._build_area_key(keyname, namespace))290 def _build_summary_key(self, keyname, namespace, snippet=None, version=1):291 ''' Build a key for a ContentSummary '''292 if snippet is not None:293 return ndb.Key(models.ContentSummary, str(version), parent=snippet)294 else:295 return ndb.Key(models.ContentSummary, str(version), parent=self._build_snippet_key(keyname, namespace))296 def _find_callblocks(self, node):297 ''' Find callblocks in a node. '''298 ## @TODO: Implement AST walking.299 raise NotImplemented300 def _walk_jinja2_ast(self, ast):301 ''' Discover the power, of the haterade '''302 ## @TODO: Implement AST walking.303 raise NotImplemented304 def _pre_ast_hook(self, template_ast):305 ''' Pre-hook that is called right after the template AST is ready '''306 ## @TODO: Preload content with a pleasant walk down the AST.307 return template_ast308 def _compiled_ast_hook(self, code):309 ''' Post-hook that is called after the AST is compiled into a <code> object '''310 ## @TODO: Pick up the hints generated by pre_ast_hook.311 return code312 ## == Mid-level Methods == ##313 def _fulfill_content_area(self, keyname, namespace, caller):314 ''' Return a contentarea's content, or the caller's default, at render time. '''315 area = self._fulfill(self._build_area_key(keyname, namespace))316 if area is None:317 return caller()318 if area.local:319 return (area.html, area.text)320 else:321 snippet = self._fulfill(area.latest)322 if snippet is None:323 return caller()324 return (snippet.html, snippet.text)325 def _fulfill_content_snippet(self, keyname, namespace, caller):326 ''' Return a contentsnippet's content, or the caller's default, at render time. '''327 area = self._fulfill(self._build_area_key(keyname, namespace))328 if area is None:329 return caller()330 snippet = self._fulfill(area.latest)331 if snippet is None:332 return caller()333 return (snippet.html, snippet.text)334 def _fulfill_content_summary(self, keyname, namespace, caller):335 ''' Return a contentsummary's content, or the caller's default, at render time. '''336 area = self._fulfill(self._build_area_key(keyname, namespace))337 if area is None:338 return caller()339 snippet = self._fulfill(area.latest)340 if snippet is None:341 return caller()342 if snippet.summary is None:343 return caller()344 summary = self._fulfill(snippet.summary)345 if summary is None:346 return caller()347 return (summary.html, summary.text)348 def _load_template(self, _environment, name, direct=False):349 ''' Load a template from source/​compiled packages and preprocess. '''350 ## check the internal API bytecode cache first351 if name not in self.templates:352 # get loader + bytecacher353 loader = _environment.loader354 bytecache = _environment.bytecode_cache355 try:356 # for modules: load directly (it's way faster)357 if not loader.has_source_access:358 template = self._pre_ast_hook(loader.load(_environment, name, prepare=False))...

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...185 def is_fulfilled(application):186 """Returns True if the given application step has been fulfilled"""187 raise NotImplementedError188 @staticmethod189 def _fulfill(application, **kwargs):190 """Performs the necessary data manipulation to fulfill this step of the application"""191 raise NotImplementedError192 @staticmethod193 def _revert(application):194 """195 Performs the necessary data manipulation to ensure that this step of the application has not been fulfilled196 """197 raise NotImplementedError198 @classmethod199 def fulfill(cls, application, **kwargs):200 """201 Performs the necessary data manipulation to fulfill this step of the application, and ensures that the202 application is in the correct state afterwards203 """204 cls._fulfill(application, **kwargs)205 # NOTE: These functions perform some data manipulation on an application that aren't supported by normal206 # functionality, hence the manual setting of the state instead of using state transitions.207 application.refresh_from_db()208 state_idx = ORDERED_UNFINISHED_APP_STATES.index(cls.state)209 new_state = (210 AppStates.COMPLETE.value211 if state_idx == len(ORDERED_UNFINISHED_APP_STATES) - 1212 else ORDERED_UNFINISHED_APP_STATES[state_idx + 1]213 )214 application.state = new_state215 @classmethod217 def revert(cls, application):218 """219 Performs the necessary data manipulation to ensure that this step of the application has not been fulfilled,220 and ensures that the application is in the correct state afterwards221 """222 cls._revert(application)223 # NOTE: These functions perform some data manipulation on an application that aren't supported by normal224 # functionality, hence the manual setting of the state instead of using state transitions.225 application.refresh_from_db()226 application.state = cls.state227 AwaitingProfileStep(AppStep):229 """Provides functionality for fulfilling or reverting the 'awaiting profile' step of an application"""230 state = AppStates.AWAITING_PROFILE_COMPLETION.value231 @staticmethod232 def is_fulfilled(application):233 return is_user_info_complete(application.user)234 @staticmethod235 def _fulfill(application, **kwargs):236 fill_out_registration_info(application.user)237 @staticmethod238 def _revert(application):239 LegalAddress.objects.filter(user=application.user).delete()240class AwaitingResumeStep(AppStep):241 """Provides functionality for fulfilling or reverting the 'awaiting resume' step of an application"""242 state = AppStates.AWAITING_RESUME.value243 @staticmethod244 def is_fulfilled(application):245 return application.resume_upload_date is not None and (246 application.resume_file is not None or application.linkedin_url is not None247 )248 @staticmethod249 def _fulfill(application, **kwargs):250 with open(251 os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, DUMMY_RESUME_FILEPATH), "rb"252 ) as resume_file:253 application.add_resume(254 resume_file=File(resume_file, name=DUMMY_RESUME_FILENAME),255 linkedin_url=DUMMY_LINKEDIN_URL,256 )257 @staticmethod259 def _revert(application):260 if application.resume_file is not None:261 application.resume_file.delete()262 application.resume_file = None263 application.linkedin_url = None264 application.resume_upload_date = None265 AwaitingSubmissionsStep(AppStep):267 """Provides functionality for fulfilling or reverting the 'awaiting submissions' step of an application"""268 state = AppStates.AWAITING_USER_SUBMISSIONS.value269 @staticmethod270 def is_fulfilled(application):271 submissions = list(application.submissions.all())272 submission_review_statuses = [273 submission.review_status for submission in submissions274 ]275 if any(276 [status == REVIEW_STATUS_REJECTED for status in submission_review_statuses]277 ):278 return True279 elif any(280 [status == REVIEW_STATUS_PENDING for status in submission_review_statuses]281 ):282 return True283 elif len(submissions) < application.bootcamp_run.application_steps.count():284 return False285 @staticmethod286 def _fulfill(application, **kwargs):287 num_to_fulfill = kwargs.get("num_submissions", None)288 run_steps = application.bootcamp_run.application_steps.order_by(289 "application_step__step_order"290 ).all()291 num_to_fulfill = num_to_fulfill or len(run_steps)292 if num_to_fulfill and num_to_fulfill > len(run_steps):293 raise ValidationError(294 "{} step(s) exist. Cannot fulfill {}.".format(295 len(run_steps), num_to_fulfill296 )297 )298 for i, run_step in enumerate(run_steps):299 if i >= num_to_fulfill:300 break301 submission_factory = SUBMISSION_FACTORIES[302 run_step.application_step.submission_type303 ]304 submission_factory(application, run_step)305 @staticmethod306 def _revert(application):307 application.submissions.all().delete()308class AwaitingReviewStep(AppStep):309 """Provides functionality for fulfilling or reverting the 'awaiting submission review' step of an application"""310 state = AppStates.AWAITING_SUBMISSION_REVIEW.value311 @staticmethod312 def is_fulfilled(application):313 submissions = list(application.submissions.all())314 submission_review_statuses = [315 submission.review_status for submission in submissions316 ]317 return len(submissions) > 0 and len(submissions) == len(318 [319 status320 for status in submission_review_statuses321 if status in SUBMISSION_REVIEW_COMPLETED_STATES322 ]323 )324 @staticmethod325 def _fulfill(application, **kwargs):326 num_to_fulfill = kwargs.get("num_reviews", None)327 submissions = list(328 application.submissions.order_by(329 "run_application_step__application_step__step_order"330 ).all()331 )332 num_to_fulfill = num_to_fulfill or len(submissions)333 if num_to_fulfill and num_to_fulfill > len(submissions):334 raise ValidationError(335 "{} submission(s) exist. Cannot fulfill {}.".format(336 len(submissions), num_to_fulfill337 )338 )339 now = now_in_utc()340 for i, submission in enumerate(submissions):341 if i >= num_to_fulfill:342 break343 submission.review_status = REVIEW_STATUS_APPROVED344 submission.review_status_date = now345 @staticmethod347 def _revert(application):348 application.submissions.update(349 review_status=REVIEW_STATUS_PENDING, review_status_date=None350 )351class AwaitingPaymentStep(AppStep):352 """Provides functionality for fulfilling or reverting the 'awaiting payment' step of an application"""353 state = AppStates.AWAITING_PAYMENT.value354 @staticmethod355 def is_fulfilled(application):356 return application.is_paid_in_full357 @staticmethod358 def _fulfill(application, **kwargs):359 run = application.bootcamp_run360 total_run_price = run.price361 order, _ = Order.objects.update_or_create(362 user=application.user,363 application=application,364 defaults=dict(status=Order.FULFILLED, total_price_paid=total_run_price),365 )366 Line.objects.update_or_create(367 order=order, bootcamp_run=run, defaults=dict(price=total_run_price)368 )369 complete_successful_order(order, send_receipt=False)370 @staticmethod371 def _revert(application):372 Order.objects.filter(application=application).delete()...

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...32 self.reason = None33 self._callbacks = []34 self._errbacks = []35 = name36 def _fulfill(self, value):37 """38 Fulfill the promise with a given value.39 """40 assert self._state == self.PENDING, "Promise state is not pending"41 self._state = self.FULFILLED42 self.value = value43 for callback in self._callbacks:44 try:45 callback(value)46 except Exception:47 # Ignore errors in callbacks48 self.logger.exception("Error in callback %s", callback)49 # We will never call these callbacks again, so allow50 # them to be garbage collected. This is important since51 # they probably include closures which are binding variables52 # that might otherwise be garbage collected.53 self._callbacks = []54 self._errbacks = []55 def fulfill(self, value):56 self._fulfill(value)57 return self58 def _reject(self, reason, bubbling=False):59 """60 Reject this promise for a given reason.61 """62 assert self._state == self.PENDING, "Promise state is not pending"63 if not bubbling and log_error(reason):64 exc_info = sys.exc_info()65 self.logger.debug("Promise (%s) rejected: %s",, reason,66 exc_info=exc_info[0] and exc_info or None)67 self.logger.debug(self._errbacks)68 if self.logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG):69 print_stack()70 else:71 pass72 self._state = self.REJECTED73 self.reason = reason74 for errback in self._errbacks:75 try:76 errback(reason)77 except Exception:78 self.logger.exception("Error in errback %s", errback)79 # Ignore errors in callbacks80 # We will never call these errbacks again, so allow81 # them to be garbage collected. This is important since82 # they probably include closures which are binding variables83 # that might otherwise be garbage collected.84 self._errbacks = []85 self._callbacks = []86 def reject(self, reason):87 self._reject(reason)88 return self89 def isPending(self):90 """Indicate whether the Promise is still pending."""91 return self._state == self.PENDING92 def isFulfilled(self):93 """Indicate whether the Promise has been fulfilled."""94 return self._state == self.FULFILLED95 def isRejected(self):96 """Indicate whether the Promise has been rejected."""97 return self._state == self.REJECTED98 def get(self, timeout=None):99 """Get the value of the promise, waiting if necessary."""100 self.wait(timeout)101 if self._state == self.FULFILLED:102 return self.value103 raise self.reason104 def wait(self, timeout=None):105 """106 An implementation of the wait method which doesn't involve107 polling but instead utilizes a "real" synchronization108 scheme.109 """110 import threading111 if self._state != self.PENDING:112 return113 e = threading.Event()114 self.addCallback(lambda v: e.set())115 self.addErrback(lambda r: e.set())116 e.wait(timeout)117 def addCallback(self, f):118 """119 Add a callback for when this promise is fulfilled. Note that120 if you intend to use the value of the promise somehow in121 the callback, it is more convenient to use the 'then' method.122 """123 self._callbacks.append(f)124 def addErrback(self, f):125 """126 Add a callback for when this promise is rejected. Note that127 if you intend to use the rejection reason of the promise128 somehow in the callback, it is more convenient to use129 the 'then' method.130 """131 self._errbacks.append(f)132 if sys.subversion[0] != "CPython":133 def _invoke(self, func, value):134 try:135 if value is None:136 args, _, _, _ = getargspec(func)137 arglen = len(args)138 if not arglen or (arglen == 1 and ismethod(func)):139 return func()140 return func(value)141 except Exception as e:142 if log_error(e):143 self.logger.exception("Error in handler %s", func)144 else:145 self.logger.debug("Error in handler %s: %s", func, e)146 raise147 else:148 def _invoke(self, func, value):149 try:150 if value is None:151 try:152 target = func.im_func153 except AttributeError:154 argcount = func.func_code.co_argcount155 else:156 argcount = target.func_code.co_argcount - 1157 if argcount == 0:158 return func()159 return func(value)160 except Exception as e:161 if log_error(e):162 self.logger.exception("Error in handler %s", func)163 else:164 self.logger.debug("Error in handler %s: %s", func, repr(e))165 raise166 def __enter__(self):167 return self168 def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb):169 if self.isPending():170 if exc_value is not None:171 if log_error(exc_value):172 self.logger.exception("Promise automatically rejected")173 self._reject(exc_value, bubbling=True)174 return True175 else:176 self.fulfill(None)177 def then(self, success=None, failure=None, name=None):178 """179 This method takes two optional arguments. The first argument180 is used if the "self promise" is fulfilled and the other is181 used if the "self promise" is rejected. In either case, this182 method returns another promise that effectively represents183 the result of either the first of the second argument (in the184 case that the "self promise" is fulfilled or rejected,185 respectively).186 Each argument can be either:187 * None - Meaning no action is taken188 * A function - which will be called with either the value189 of the "self promise" or the reason for rejection of190 the "self promise". The function may return:191 * A value - which will be used to fulfill the promise192 returned by this method.193 * A promise - which, when fulfilled or rejected, will194 cascade its value or reason to the promise returned195 by this method.196 * A value - which will be assigned as either the value197 or the reason for the promise returned by this method198 when the "self promise" is either fulfilled or rejected,199 respectively.200 """201 if name is None:202 try:203 name = success.__name__204 except AttributeError:205 name = str(success)206 ret = Promise(name=name)207 state = self._state208 if state == self.PENDING:209 """210 If this is still pending, then add callbacks to the211 existing promise that call either the success or212 rejected functions supplied and then fulfill the213 promise being returned by this method214 """215 def callAndFulfill(v):216 """217 A callback to be invoked if the "self promise"218 is fulfilled.219 """220 try:221 # From 3.2.1, don't call non-functions values222 if callable(success):223 newvalue = self._invoke(success, v)224 if _isPromise(newvalue):225 newvalue.then(ret._fulfill,226 ret._reject)227 else:228 ret._fulfill(newvalue)229 else:230 # From ret._fulfill(v)232 except Exception as e:233 ret._reject(e)234 def callAndReject(r):235 """236 A callback to be invoked if the "self promise"237 is rejected.238 """239 try:240 if callable(failure):241 newvalue = failure(r)242 if _isPromise(newvalue):243 newvalue.then(ret._fulfill,244 ret._reject)245 else:246 ret._fulfill(newvalue)247 else:248 # From ret._reject(r)250 except Exception as e:251 ret._reject(e)252 self._callbacks.append(callAndFulfill)253 self._errbacks.append(callAndReject)254 elif state == self.FULFILLED:255 # If this promise was already fulfilled, then256 # we need to use the first argument to this method257 # to determine the value to use in fulfilling the258 # promise that we return from this method.259 try:260 if callable(success):261 newvalue = self._invoke(success, self.value)262 if _isPromise(newvalue):263 newvalue.then(ret._fulfill,264 lambda r: ret._reject(r, bubbling=True))265 else:266 ret._fulfill(newvalue)267 else:268 # From ret._fulfill(self.value)270 except Exception as e:271 ret._reject(e)272 else:273 # If this promise was already rejected, then274 # we need to use the second argument to this method275 # to determine the value to use in fulfilling the276 # promise that we return from this method.277 try:278 if callable(failure):279 newvalue = self._invoke(failure, self.reason)280 if _isPromise(newvalue):281 newvalue.then(ret._fulfill,282 ret._reject)283 else:284 ret._fulfill(newvalue)285 else:286 # From ret._reject(self.reason, bubbling=True)288 except Exception as e:289 ret._reject(e)290 return ret291def _isPromise(obj):292 """293 A utility function to determine if the specified294 object is a promise using "duck typing".295 """296 if isinstance(obj, Promise):297 return True298 try:299 return callable(obj.fulfill) and callable(obj.reject) and\300 callable(obj.then)301 except AttributeError:302 return False303def listPromise(*args):304 """305 A special function that takes a bunch of promises306 and turns them into a promise for a vector of values.307 In other words, this turns an list of promises for values308 into a promise for a list of values.309 """310 ret = Promise()311 def handleSuccess(v, ret):312 for arg in args:313 if not arg.isFulfilled():314 return315 value = map(lambda p: p.value, args)316 ret._fulfill(value)317 for arg in args:318 arg.addCallback(lambda v: handleSuccess(v, ret))319 arg.addErrback(lambda r: ret.reject(r))320 # Check to see if all the promises are already fulfilled321 handleSuccess(None, ret)322 return ret323def dictPromise(m):324 """325 A special function that takes a dictionary of promises326 and turns them into a promise for a dictionary of values.327 In other words, this turns an dictionary of promises for values328 into a promise for a dictionary of values.329 """330 ret = Promise()...

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...29 pro = TDOPromise(chain, 0, 1)30 left, right = pro.split(1)31 assert left == pro32 assert right is None33def test_promise_fulfill():34 pro = TDOPromise(chain, 0, 5)35 pro._fulfill(bitarray('10101'))36 assert pro() == bitarray('10101')37 pro = TDOPromise(chain, 0, 5)38 pro._fulfill(bitarray('01010'))39 assert pro() == bitarray('01010')40def test_promise_split_fulfill():41 correct = bitarray('0011011111001')42 for i in range(len(correct)):43 print("Iteration", i)44 pro = TDOPromise(chain, 0, len(correct))45 cl, cr = correct[:i], correct[i:]46 l,r = pro.split(i)47 print(pro._components)48 print(l)49 print(r)50 if l:51 print("Load L", cl)52 l._fulfill(cl)53 if r:54 print("Load R", cr)55 r._fulfill(cr)56 assert pro() == correct57 print()58def test_composite_arbitrary_double_split_left():59 correct = bitarray('0011011111001')60 print("CORRECT", correct.to01())61 for i in range(1,len(correct)-1):62 cl, cr = correct[:i], correct[i:]63 for j in range(1, len(correct)-i):64 pro = TDOPromise(chain, 0, len(correct))65 l,r = pro.split(i)66 r1, r2 = r.split(j)67 cr1, cr2 = cr[:j], cr[j:]68 print("CORRECT", cl.to01(), cr1.to01(), cr2.to01())69 print("Processing", i, j)70 l._fulfill(cl)71 r1._fulfill(cr1)72 r2._fulfill(cr2)73 assert pro() == correct74def test_promise_double_split_right_fulfill():75 correct = bitarray('0011011111001')76 print("CORRECT", correct.to01())77 for i in range(len(correct)-1, 1, -1):78 for j in range(i-1, 0, -1):79 pro = TDOPromise(chain, 0, len(correct))80 cl, cr = correct[:i], correct[i:]81 cl1, cl2 = cl[:j], cl[j:]82 l,r = pro.split(i)83 l1, l2 = l.split(j)84 l1._fulfill(cl1)85 l2._fulfill(cl2)86 r._fulfill(cr)87 assert pro() == correct88def test_promisecollection_creation():89 pro = TDOPromise(chain, 0, 8)90 promises = TDOPromiseCollection(chain)91 assert not bool(promises)92 promises.add(pro, 0)93 assert bool(promises)94def test_promisecollection_make_offset_sub():95 pro0 = TDOPromise(chain, 0, 8)96 pro1 = TDOPromise(chain, 0, 8)97 promises = TDOPromiseCollection(chain)98 promises.add(pro0, 0)99 promises.add(pro1, 8)100 offsetpromises = promises.makesubatoffset(5)101 offsetpromises._fulfill(bitarray('000001111111011001010'))102 assert pro0() == bitarray('11111110')103 assert pro1() == bitarray('11001010')104def test_promisecollection_make_offset_sub_with_ideal_tdo():105 pro0 = TDOPromise(chain, 0, 8)106 pro1 = TDOPromise(chain, 0, 8)107 promises = TDOPromiseCollection(chain)108 promises.add(pro0, 0)109 promises.add(pro1, 16, _offsetideal=8)110 offsetpromises = promises.makesubatoffset(5, _offsetideal=0)111 print(offsetpromises)112 offsetpromises._fulfill(bitarray('1111111011001010'),113 ignore_nonpromised_bits=True)114 assert pro0() == bitarray('11111110')115 assert pro1() == bitarray('11001010')116def test_promisecollection_fulfill():117 pro = TDOPromise(chain, 0, 8)118 promises = TDOPromiseCollection(chain)119 promises.add(pro, 0)120 promises._fulfill(bitarray('11001010'))121 assert pro() == bitarray('11001010')122 pro = TDOPromise(chain, 0, 10)123 promises = TDOPromiseCollection(chain)124 promises.add(pro, 2)125 promises._fulfill(bitarray('0011001010'))126 assert pro() == bitarray('11001010')127def test_promisecollection_nogaps_split_fulfill():128 correct = bitarray('1111111011001010')129 #DOES NOT AUTOSCALE TO LARGER DATA130 for i in range(len(correct)):131 print("Iteration", i)132 pro0 = TDOPromise(chain, 0, 8)133 pro1 = TDOPromise(chain, 0, 8)134 promises = TDOPromiseCollection(chain)135 promises.add(pro0, 0)136 promises.add(pro1, 8)137 cl, cr = correct[:i], correct[i:]138 l,r = promises.split(i)139 print("promises", promises._promises)140 print("L", l)141 print("R", r)142 if l:143 print("Load L", cl)144 l._fulfill(cl)145 if r:146 print("Load R", cr)147 r._fulfill(cr)148 assert pro0() == correct[:8]149 assert pro1() == correct[8:]150 print()151def test_promisecollection_gap_split_fulfill():152 indat = bitarray('111111100011001010')153 correct = bitarray('1111111011001010')154 #DOES NOT AUTOSCALE TO LARGER DATA155 for i in range(len(indat)):156 print("Iteration", i)157 pro0 = TDOPromise(chain, 0, 8)158 pro1 = TDOPromise(chain, 0, 8)159 promises = TDOPromiseCollection(chain)160 promises.add(pro0, 0)161 promises.add(pro1, 10)162 cl, cr = indat[:i], indat[i:]163 l,r = promises.split(i)164 print("promises", promises._promises)165 print("L", l)166 print("R", r)167 if l:168 print("Load L", cl)169 l._fulfill(cl)170 if r:171 print("Load R", cr)172 r._fulfill(cr)173 assert pro0() == correct[:8]174 assert pro1() == correct[8:]175 print()176def test_promisecollection_double_split_left_fulfill():177 correct = bitarray('1111111011001010')178 print("CORRECT", correct.to01())179 for i in range(1,len(correct)-1):180 cl, cr = correct[:i], correct[i:]181 for j in range(1, len(correct)-i):182 pro0 = TDOPromise(chain, 0, 8)183 pro1 = TDOPromise(chain, 0, 8)184 promises = TDOPromiseCollection(chain)185 promises.add(pro0, 0)186 promises.add(pro1, 8)187 l,r = promises.split(i)188 r1, r2 = r.split(j)189 cr1, cr2 = cr[:j], cr[j:]190 l._fulfill(cl)191 r1._fulfill(cr1)192 r2._fulfill(cr2)193 assert pro0() == correct[:8]194 assert pro1() == correct[8:]195def test_promisecollection_double_split_right_fulfill():196 correct = bitarray('1111111011001010')197 print("CORRECT", correct.to01())198 for i in range(len(correct)-1, 1, -1):199 for j in range(i-1, 0, -1):200 pro0 = TDOPromise(chain, 0, 8)201 pro1 = TDOPromise(chain, 0, 8)202 promises = TDOPromiseCollection(chain)203 promises.add(pro0, 0)204 promises.add(pro1, 8)205 cl, cr = correct[:i], correct[i:]206 cl1, cl2 = cl[:j], cl[j:]207 l,r = promises.split(i)208 l1, l2 = l.split(j)209 l1._fulfill(cl1)210 l2._fulfill(cl2)211 r._fulfill(cr)212 assert pro0() == correct[:8]...

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Playwright tutorial

LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.


  1. What is Playwright : Playwright is comparatively new but has gained good popularity. Get to know some history of the Playwright with some interesting facts connected with it.
  2. How To Install Playwright : Learn in detail about what basic configuration and dependencies are required for installing Playwright and run a test. Get a step-by-step direction for installing the Playwright automation framework.
  3. Playwright Futuristic Features: Launched in 2020, Playwright gained huge popularity quickly because of some obliging features such as Playwright Test Generator and Inspector, Playwright Reporter, Playwright auto-waiting mechanism and etc. Read up on those features to master Playwright testing.
  4. What is Component Testing: Component testing in Playwright is a unique feature that allows a tester to test a single component of a web application without integrating them with other elements. Learn how to perform Component testing on the Playwright automation framework.
  5. Inputs And Buttons In Playwright: Every website has Input boxes and buttons; learn about testing inputs and buttons with different scenarios and examples.
  6. Functions and Selectors in Playwright: Learn how to launch the Chromium browser with Playwright. Also, gain a better understanding of some important functions like “BrowserContext,” which allows you to run multiple browser sessions, and “newPage” which interacts with a page.
  7. Handling Alerts and Dropdowns in Playwright : Playwright interact with different types of alerts and pop-ups, such as simple, confirmation, and prompt, and different types of dropdowns, such as single selector and multi-selector get your hands-on with handling alerts and dropdown in Playright testing.
  8. Playwright vs Puppeteer: Get to know about the difference between two testing frameworks and how they are different than one another, which browsers they support, and what features they provide.
  9. Run Playwright Tests on LambdaTest: Playwright testing with LambdaTest leverages test performance to the utmost. You can run multiple Playwright tests in Parallel with the LammbdaTest test cloud. Get a step-by-step guide to run your Playwright test on the LambdaTest platform.
  10. Playwright Python Tutorial: Playwright automation framework support all major languages such as Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, .NET and etc. However, there are various advantages to Python end-to-end testing with Playwright because of its versatile utility. Get the hang of Playwright python testing with this chapter.
  11. Playwright End To End Testing Tutorial: Get your hands on with Playwright end-to-end testing and learn to use some exciting features such as TraceViewer, Debugging, Networking, Component testing, Visual testing, and many more.
  12. Playwright Video Tutorial: Watch the video tutorials on Playwright testing from experts and get a consecutive in-depth explanation of Playwright automation testing.

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