Best Python code snippet using pandera_python
...51 with self.assertWarns(RuntimeWarning):52 error = base.ErrorValue(1.0, "resolution", "FWHM", "undefined")53 with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):54 error.sigma55 def test_to_yaml(self):56 """57 Transform to yaml.58 """59 error = base.ErrorValue(1.0)60 assert error.to_yaml() == "{error_value: 1.0}\n"61 def test_no_value_to_yaml(self):62 """63 Transform to yaml with a non-optional ORSO item.64 """65 error = base.ErrorValue(None)66 assert error.to_yaml() == "{error_value: null}\n"67 def test_optionals_to_yaml(self):68 """69 Transform to yaml.70 """71 error = base.ErrorValue(1.0)72 assert error.to_yaml() == "{error_value: 1.0}\n"73 def test_user_data(self):74 error = base.ErrorValue(13.4, my_attr="hallo ORSO")75 assert error.user_data == {"my_attr": "hallo ORSO"}76class TestValue(unittest.TestCase):77 """78 Testing the Value class.79 """80 def test_single_value(self):81 """82 Creation of an object with a magnitude and unit.83 """84 value = base.Value(1.0, "m")85 assert value.magnitude == 1.086 assert value.unit == "m"87 def test_list_warning(self):88 """89 Creation of an object with a a list of values and a unit.90 """91 with self.assertWarns(RuntimeWarning):92 base.Value([1, 2, 3], "m")93 def test_bad_unit(self):94 """95 Rejection of non-ASCII units.96 """97 with self.assertRaises(ValueError):98 _ = base.Value(1.0, "Ã
")99 def test_to_yaml(self):100 """101 Transform to yaml.102 """103 value = base.Value(1.0, "m")104 assert value.to_yaml() == "{magnitude: 1.0, unit: m}\n"105 def test_no_magnitude_to_yaml(self):106 """107 Transform to yaml with a non-optional ORSO item.108 """109 value = base.Value(None)110 assert value.to_yaml() == "{magnitude: null}\n"111 def test_user_data(self):112 value = base.Value(13.4, my_attr="hallo ORSO")113 assert value.user_data == {"my_attr": "hallo ORSO"}114 def test_unit_conversion(self):115 value = base.Value(1.0, "mm")116 assert value.as_unit("m") == 1.0e-3117 value = base.Value(1.0, "1/nm^3")118 assert value.as_unit("1/angstrom^3") == 1.0e-3119 with self.assertRaises(pint.DimensionalityError):120 value = base.Value(1.0, "1/nm^3")121 value.as_unit("m")122class TestComplexValue(unittest.TestCase):123 """124 Testing the Value class.125 """126 def test_single_value(self):127 """128 Creation of an object with a magnitude and unit.129 """130 value = base.ComplexValue(1.0, 2.0, "m")131 assert value.real == 1.0132 assert value.imag == 2.0133 assert value.unit == "m"134 def test_list_warning(self):135 """136 Creation of an object with a a list of values and a unit.137 """138 with self.assertWarns(RuntimeWarning):139 base.ComplexValue([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3], "m")140 def test_bad_unit(self):141 """142 Rejection of non-ASCII units.143 """144 with self.assertRaises(ValueError):145 _ = base.ComplexValue(1.0, 2.0, "Ã
")146 def test_to_yaml(self):147 """148 Transform to yaml.149 """150 value = base.ComplexValue(1.0, 2.0, "m")151 assert value.to_yaml() == "{real: 1.0, imag: 2.0, unit: m}\n"152 def test_no_magnitude_to_yaml(self):153 """154 Transform to yaml with a non-optional ORSO item.155 """156 value = base.ComplexValue(None)157 assert value.to_yaml() == "{real: null}\n"158 def test_unit_conversion(self):159 value = base.ComplexValue(1.0, 2.0, "mm")160 assert value.as_unit("m") == 1.0e-3 + 2.0e-3j161 value = base.ComplexValue(1.0, 2.0, "1/nm^3")162 assert value.as_unit("1/angstrom^3") == 1.0e-3 + 2.0e-3j163 with self.assertRaises(pint.DimensionalityError):164 value = base.ComplexValue(1.0, 2.0, "1/nm^3")165 value.as_unit("m")166class TestValueVector(unittest.TestCase):167 """168 Testing the ValueVector class169 """170 def test_single_value(self):171 """172 Creation of an object with three dimensions and unit.173 """174 value = base.ValueVector(1, 2, 3, "m")175 assert value.x == 1176 assert value.y == 2177 assert value.z == 3178 assert value.unit == "m"179 def test_list_warns(self):180 """181 Creation of an object with three dimensions of lists and unit.182 """183 with self.assertWarns(RuntimeWarning):184 base.ValueVector([1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4], "m")185 def test_bad_unit(self):186 """187 Rejection of non-ASCII unit.188 """189 with self.assertRaises(ValueError):190 _ = base.ValueVector(1, 2, 3, "Ã
")191 def test_to_yaml(self):192 """193 Transform to yaml.194 """195 value = base.ValueVector(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, "m")196 assert value.to_yaml() == "{x: 1.0, y: 2.0, z: 3.0, unit: m}\n"197 def test_two_dimensional_to_yaml(self):198 """199 Transform to yaml with only two dimensions.200 """201 value = base.ValueVector(1.0, 2.0, None, "m")202 assert value.to_yaml() == "{x: 1.0, y: 2.0, z: null, unit: m}\n"203 def test_unit_conversion(self):204 value = base.ValueVector(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, "mm")205 assert value.as_unit("m") == (1.0e-3, 2.0e-3, 3.0e-3)206 value = base.ValueVector(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, "1/nm^3")207 assert value.as_unit("1/angstrom^3") == (1.0e-3, 2.0e-3, 3.0e-3)208 with self.assertRaises(pint.DimensionalityError):209 value = base.ValueVector(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, "1/m")210 value.as_unit("m")211class TestValueRange(unittest.TestCase):212 """213 Testing the ValueRange class214 """215 def test_single_value(self):216 """217 Creation of an object with a max, min and unit.218 """219 value = base.ValueRange(1.0, 2.0, "m")220 assert value.min == 1221 assert value.max == 2222 assert value.unit == "m"223 def test_list_warns(self):224 """225 Creation of an object of a list of max and list of min and a unit.226 """227 with self.assertWarns(RuntimeWarning):228 base.ValueRange([1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4], "m")229 def test_bad_unit(self):230 """231 Rejection of non-ASCII unit.232 """233 with self.assertRaises(ValueError):234 _ = base.ValueRange(1.0, 2.0, "Ã
")235 def test_to_yaml(self):236 """237 Transform to yaml.238 """239 value = base.ValueRange(1.0, 2.0, "m")240 assert value.to_yaml() == "{min: 1.0, max: 2.0, unit: m}\n"241 def test_no_upper_to_yaml(self):242 """243 Transform to yaml with no max.244 """245 value = base.ValueRange(1.0, None)246 assert value.to_yaml() == "{min: 1.0, max: null}\n"247 def test_no_lower_to_yaml(self):248 """249 Transform to yaml with no min.250 """251 value = base.ValueRange(None, 1.0)252 assert value.to_yaml() == "{min: null, max: 1.0}\n"253 def test_unit_conversion(self):254 value = base.ValueRange(1.0, 2.0, "mm")255 assert value.as_unit("m") == (1.0e-3, 2.0e-3)256 value = base.ValueRange(1.0, 2.0, "1/nm^3")257 assert value.as_unit("1/angstrom^3") == (1.0e-3, 2.0e-3)258 with self.assertRaises(pint.DimensionalityError):259 value = base.ValueRange(1.0, 2.0, "1/m")260 value.as_unit("m")261class TestPerson(unittest.TestCase):262 """263 Testing the Person class264 """265 def test_creation(self):266 """267 Creation with no email.268 """269 value = base.Person("Joe A. User", "Ivy League University")270 assert == "Joe A. User"271 assert value.affiliation == "Ivy League University"272 def test_creation_with_contact(self):273 """274 Creation with an email.275 """276 value = base.Person("Joe A. User", "Ivy League University", "")277 assert == "Joe A. User"278 assert value.affiliation == "Ivy League University"279 assert == ""280 def test_creation_with_multiline(self):281 value = base.Person("Joe A. User", "\n".join(["Ivy League University", "Great Neutron Factory"]))282 assert == "Joe A. User"283 assert value.affiliation == "\n".join(["Ivy League University", "Great Neutron Factory"])284 def test_to_yaml(self):285 """286 Transform to yaml with no email.287 """288 value = base.Person("Joe A. User", "Ivy League University")289 assert value.to_yaml() == "name: Joe A. User\naffiliation: Ivy League University\n"290 def test_no_affiliation_to_yaml(self):291 """292 Transform to yaml without affiliation.293 """294 value = base.Person("Joe A. User", None)295 assert value.to_yaml() == "name: Joe A. User\naffiliation: null\n"296 def test_no_name_to_yaml(self):297 """298 Transform to yaml without name.299 """300 value = base.Person(None, "A University")301 assert value.to_yaml() == "name: null\naffiliation: A University\n"302 def test_email_to_yaml(self):303 """304 Transform to yaml with an email.305 """306 value = base.Person("Joe A. User", "Ivy League University", "")307 assert (308 value.to_yaml() == "name: Joe A. User\naffiliation: Ivy League University" + "\ncontact:\n"309 )310class TestColumn(unittest.TestCase):311 """312 Testing the Column class313 """314 def test_creation(self):315 """316 Creation of a column.317 """318 value = base.Column("q", "1/angstrom", "qz vector")319 assert value.physical_quantity == "qz vector"320 assert == "q"321 assert value.unit == "1/angstrom"322 def test_bad_unit(self):323 """324 Rejection of non-ASCII unit.325 """326 with self.assertRaises(ValueError):327 _ = base.Column("q", "Ã
", "qz vector")328 def test_to_yaml(self):329 """330 Transformation to yaml.331 """332 value = base.Column("q", "1/angstrom", "qz vector")333 assert value.to_yaml() == "{name: q, unit: 1/angstrom, physical_quantity: qz vector}\n"334 def test_no_description_to_yaml(self):335 """336 Transformation to yaml.337 """338 value = base.Column("q", "1/angstrom")339 assert value.to_yaml() == "{name: q, unit: 1/angstrom}\n"340class TestErrorColumn(unittest.TestCase):341 """342 Testing the Column class343 """344 def test_creation(self):345 """346 Creation of a column.347 """348 value = base.ErrorColumn("q", "uncertainty", "FWHM", "triangular")349 assert value.error_of == "q"350 assert value.error_type == "uncertainty"351 assert value.distribution == "triangular"352 assert value.value_is == "FWHM"353 value = base.ErrorColumn("q", "resolution", "sigma", "gaussian")354 assert value.error_of == "q"355 assert value.error_type == "resolution"356 assert value.distribution == "gaussian"357 assert value.value_is == "sigma"358 assert == "sq"359 def test_bad_type(self):360 """361 Rejection of non-ASCII unit.362 """363 with self.assertWarns(RuntimeWarning):364 _ = base.ErrorColumn("q", "nm")365 def test_bad_distribution(self):366 """367 Rejection of non-ASCII unit.368 """369 with self.assertWarns(RuntimeWarning):370 _ = base.ErrorColumn("q", "uncertainty", "FWHM", "undefined")371 with self.assertWarns(RuntimeWarning):372 _ = base.ErrorColumn("q", "uncertainty", "HWHM", "triangular")373 with self.assertWarns(RuntimeWarning):374 _ = base.ErrorColumn("q", "uncertainty", "wrong")375 def test_to_yaml(self):376 """377 Transformation to yaml.378 """379 value = base.ErrorColumn("q", "uncertainty", "FWHM", "triangular")380 assert value.to_yaml() == "{error_of: q, error_type: uncertainty, value_is: FWHM, distribution: triangular}\n"381 def test_minimal_to_yaml(self):382 """383 Transformation to yaml.384 """385 value = base.ErrorColumn("q")386 assert value.to_yaml() == "{error_of: q}\n"387 def test_sigma_conversion(self):388 with self.subTest("gauss"):389 value = base.ErrorColumn("q", "uncertainty", "FWHM", "gaussian")...
...37 name="timeout1",38 timeout_units=Timeout.UNITS_MINUTES,39 timeout_value=140 )41 def test_to_yaml(self):42 reference_dict = {43 "timeout1": {Timeout.UNITS_MINUTES: 1}44 }45 self.assertEqual(self.timeout1.to_yaml(), reference_dict)46class TestJobMetadataTest(TestCase):47 def setUp(self):48 self.metadata1 = TestJobMetadata(49 name = "metadata1",50 metadata = "key1: value1"51 )52 def test_to_yaml(self):53 reference_dict = {54 "key1": "value1"55 }56 self.assertEqual(self.metadata1.to_yaml(), reference_dict)57class TestJobContextTest(TestCase):58 def setUp(self):59 self.context1 = TestJobContext(60 name = "context1",61 context = "key1: value1"62 )63 def test_to_yaml(self):64 reference_dict = {65 "key1": "value1"66 }67 self.assertEqual(self.context1.to_yaml(), reference_dict)68class DeployPostprocessTest(TestCase):69 def setUp(self):70 self.deploy1 = DeployPostprocess(71 name = "deploy1",72 image = "image_url",73 steps = "- step1\n- step2"74 )75 def test_to_yaml(self):76 reference_dict = {77 "docker": {78 "image": "image_url",79 "steps": ["step1", "step2"]80 }81 }82 self.assertEqual(self.deploy1.to_yaml(), reference_dict)83class DeploymentTest(TestCase):84 def setUp(self):85 self.downloadImage1 = DownloadImage(86 name="downloadimage1",87 url="",88 compression="gz",89 headers="HEADER1: VALUE1"90 )91 self.downloadImage2 = DownloadImage(93 name="downloadimage2",94 url="",95 compression="gz",96 headers="HEADER1: VALUE1"97 )98 self.deployPostprocess1 = DeployPostprocess(100 name = "deploypostprocess1",101 image = "image_url",102 steps = "- step1\n- step2"103 )104 self.deployment1 = Deployment(106 deploy_to=Deployment.DEPLOY_DOWNLOADS,107 name="deploy1",108 postprocess=self.deployPostprocess1,109 action_type="deploy"110 )111 self.deployment1.images.add(self.downloadImage1)113 self.deployment1.images.add(self.downloadImage2)114 def test_to_yaml(self):115 reference_dict = {116 "deploy": {117 "to": "downloads",118 "images": {119 "downloadimage1": {120 "url": "",121 "compression": "gz",122 "headers": {123 "HEADER1": "VALUE1"124 }125 },126 "downloadimage2": {127 "url": "",128 "compression": "gz",129 "headers": {130 "HEADER1": "VALUE1"131 }132 }133 },134 "postprocess": {135 "docker": {136 "image": "image_url",137 "steps": ["step1", "step2"]138 }139 },140 }141 }142 self.assertEqual(self.deployment1.to_yaml(), reference_dict)143 #ToDo: cover more deployment options144class AutoLoginTest(TestCase):145 def setUp(self):146 self.autoLogin1 = AutoLogin(147 login_prompt="login:",148 password_prompt="Password",149 username="user",150 password="secret",151 login_commands="- sudo su\n- secret",152 name="autologin1"153 )154 def test_to_yaml(self):155 reference_dict = {156 "login_prompt": "login:",157 "username": "user",158 "password_prompt": "Password",159 "password": "secret",160 "login_commands": ["sudo su", "secret"]161 }162 self.assertEqual(self.autoLogin1.to_yaml(), reference_dict)163class BootTest(TestCase):164 def setUp(self):165 self.maxDiff = None166 self.autoLogin1 = AutoLogin(167 login_prompt="login:",168 password_prompt="Password",169 username="user",170 password="secret",171 login_commands="- sudo su\n- secret",172 name="autologin1",173 )174 self.boot1 = Boot(175 name="boot1",176 method=Boot.METHOD_MINIMAL,177 transfer_overlay=True,178 transfer_overlay_download="cd /home ; wget",179 transfer_overlay_unpack="tar -C /home/fio -xzf",180 auto_login=self.autoLogin1,181 prompts="- \"Password:\"\n- root@imx8mmevk",182 action_type="boot"183 )184 def test_to_yaml(self):185 reference_dict = {186 "boot": {187 "prompts": ["Password:", "root@imx8mmevk"],188 "method": "minimal",189 "auto_login": {190 "login_prompt": "login:",191 "username": "user",192 "password_prompt": "Password",193 "password": "secret",194 "login_commands": ["sudo su", "secret"]195 },196 "transfer_overlay": {197 "download_command": "cd /home ; wget",198 "unpack_command": "tar -C /home/fio -xzf"199 }200 }201 }202 self.assertEqual(self.boot1.to_yaml(), reference_dict)203class TestDefinitionTests(TestCase):204 def setUp(self):205 self.testDefinition1 = TestDefinition(206 testtype=TestDefinition.TYPE_GIT,207 name="definition1",208 device_type="dev_type1",209 path="example/path",210 repository=""211 )212 def test_to_yaml(self):213 reference_dict = {214 "repository": "",215 "from": "git",216 "path": "example/path",217 "name": "definition1"218 }219 self.assertEqual(self.testDefinition1.to_yaml(), reference_dict)220 # ToDo: cover more cases: interactive, parameters221class TestActionTests(TestCase):222 def setUp(self):223 self.testDefinition1 = TestDefinition(224 testtype=TestDefinition.TYPE_GIT,225 name="definition1",226 device_type="dev_type1",227 path="example/path",228 repository="",229 )230 self.testDefinition2 = TestDefinition(232 testtype=TestDefinition.TYPE_GIT,233 name="definition2",234 device_type="dev_type1",235 path="example/path2",236 repository=""237 )238 self.timeout1 = Timeout(240 name="timeout1",241 timeout_units=Timeout.UNITS_MINUTES,242 timeout_value=1243 )244 self.testAction1 = TestAction(246 name="testaction1",247 timeout=self.timeout1,248 action_type="test"249 )250 self.testAction1.definitions.add(self.testDefinition1)252 self.testAction1.definitions.add(self.testDefinition2)253 def test_to_yaml(self):255 reference_dict = {256 "test": {257 "definitions": 258 [{"from": "git",259 "name": "definition1",260 "path": "example/path",261 "repository": ""},262 {"from": "git",263 "name": "definition2",264 "path": "example/path2",265 "repository": ""}],266 "timeout": {"minutes": 1}267 }268 }...
1from dataclasses import dataclass2from typing import List3import yaml4from mashumaro.mixins.yaml import DataClassYAMLMixin5def test_to_yaml():6 @dataclass7 class DataClass(DataClassYAMLMixin):8 x: List[int]9 dumped = yaml.dump({"x": [1, 2, 3]})10 assert DataClass([1, 2, 3]).to_yaml() == dumped11def test_from_yaml():12 @dataclass13 class DataClass(DataClassYAMLMixin):14 x: List[int]15 dumped = yaml.dump({"x": [1, 2, 3]})...
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