Best Python code snippet using pandera_python
...68# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------69def withRoadXing(base, label):70 "To find road crossings with a selected category."71 wbt.work_dir = scratch_repo72 wbt.not_equal_to(input1 = base, input2 = 0, output = '_01.tif')73 wbt.maximum_filter(i = '_01.tif', output = '_02.tif', filterx=5, filtery=5)74 wbt.equal_to(input1 = starter, input2 = 99, output = '_03.tif')75 wbt.multiply(input1 = '_03.tif', input2 = '_02.tif', output='_04.tif')76 wbt.Or(input1 ='_04.tif', input2='_01.tif', output='_05.tif')77 wbt.clump(i = '_05.tif', output = data_repo+label+'_withRoadXing.tif', diag=True, zero_back=True)78 return;79# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------80# CLASSIFY TOPOLOGY FUNCTION81# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------82def classTopology(figure, ground, label):83 "To create topology classes for figure and ground object layers with 0 as background."84 wbt.work_dir = scratch_repo85 # Convert figure background 0 into noData.86 wbt.set_nodata_value(i = figure, output = 'a.tif', back_value = 0)87 # Grow ground edge by one pixel.88 wbt.maximum_filter(i = ground, output = 'b.tif', filterx=3, filtery=3)89 # Test for overlap.90 wbt.zonal_statistics(i = 'b.tif', features = 'a.tif', output = 'c.tif', stat = "max", out_table = None)91 # Test for inequality92 wbt.not_equal_to(input1 = 'c.tif', input2 = 'b.tif', output = 'd.tif')93 # ISLAND TEST94 # if max is 0 then island.95 wbt.zonal_statistics(i = 'd.tif', features = 'a.tif', output = 'e.tif', stat = "max", out_table = None)96 wbt.equal_to(input1 = 'e.tif', input2 = 0, output = '_islands.tif')97 # Erase equal overlap98 wbt.multiply(input1 = 'd.tif', input2 = 'b.tif', output = 'e.tif')99 # Test for overlap again.100 wbt.zonal_statistics(i = 'e.tif', features = 'a.tif', output = 'f.tif', stat = "max", out_table = None)101 # TOMBOLO TEST102 # If greater than 0, then figure connects at least two ground patches.103 wbt.greater_than(input1 = 'f.tif', input2 = 0, output = '_tombolos.tif', incl_equals=False)104 # Assemble figure objects that have been classed thus far.105 wbt.Or(input1 = '_islands.tif', input2 = '_tombolos.tif', output='g.tif')106 wbt.equal_to(input1 = 'g.tif', input2 = 0, output = 'h.tif')107 # Convert ground into a binary.108 wbt.not_equal_to(input1 = ground, input2 = 0, output = 'aa.tif')109 # Convert figure into binary110 wbt.not_equal_to(input1 = figure, input2 = 0, output = 'bb.tif')111 # Union figure and ground binaries.112 wbt.Or(input1 = 'aa.tif', input2 = 'bb.tif', output='cc.tif')113 # Invert union114 wbt.equal_to(input1 = 'cc.tif', input2 = 0, output = 'dd.tif')115 # Grow ground edge by one pixel.116 wbt.maximum_filter(i = 'dd.tif', output = 'ee.tif', filterx=3, filtery=3)117 # TEST HOLES VERSUS SPITS118 wbt.zonal_statistics(i = 'ee.tif', features = 'a.tif', output = 'gg.tif', stat = "max", out_table = None)119 # If test = 0, then hole, else spit.120 wbt.equal_to(input1 = 'gg.tif', input2 = 0, output = 'hh.tif')121 wbt.not_equal_to(input1 = 'gg.tif', input2 = 0, output = 'ii.tif')122 # Remove previously classed patches from outputs123 wbt.multiply(input1 = 'hh.tif', input2 = 'h.tif', output = '_holes.tif')124 wbt.multiply(input1 = 'ii.tif', input2 = 'h.tif', output = '_spits.tif')125 # compile topology class layer where islands = 1, spits = 2, holes = 3 and tombolos = 4126 address = label+"_topology.tif"127 wbt.raster_calculator(output = address, statement="('_islands.tif') + ('_spits.tif' * 2) + ('_holes.tif' * 3) + ('_tombolos.tif' * 4)")128 wbt.convert_nodata_to_zero(i = label+"_topology.tif", output = data_repo+label+'_topology.tif')129 return;130# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------131# FOREST HABITAT BLOCK FUNCTION132# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------133# Make forest habitat blocks by combining reforested with recovering-reforested holes.134def makeForestHabitatBlocks(blocks, topology, label):135 "To make habitat blocks by filling holes."136 wbt.work_dir = scratch_repo137 # Select holes from topology.138 wbt.equal_to(input1 = topology, input2 = 3, output = '_01.tif')139 # Union holes with ground.140 wbt.Or(input1 = blocks, input2 = '_01.tif', output = '_02.tif')141 # Identify objects.142 wbt.clump(i = '_02.tif', output = data_repo+label+'_blocks.tif', diag=True, zero_back=True)143 return;144# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------145# FIELD HABITAT BLOCK FUNCTION146# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------147def makeFieldHabitatBlocks(ground, topology1, topology2, label):148 "To make field habitat blocks with recovering-clearing holes and recovering-forest islands."149 wbt.work_dir = scratch_repo150 # Select recovering holes in clearing ground from topology1.151 wbt.equal_to(input1 = topology1, input2 = 3, output = '_01.tif')152 # Select recovering islands in forest ground from topology2.153 wbt.equal_to(input1 = topology2, input2 = 1, output = '_02.tif')154 # Union holes and islands .155 wbt.Or(input1 = '_01.tif', input2 = '_02.tif', output = '_03.tif')156 # Make binary from field ground157 wbt.not_equal_to(input1 = ground, input2 = 0, output = '_04.tif')158 # Union topology features with ground binary.159 wbt.Or(input1 = '_03.tif', input2 = '_04.tif', output = '_05.tif')160 # Identify objects.161 wbt.clump(i = '_05.tif', output = data_repo+label+'_blocks.tif', diag=True, zero_back=True)162 return;163# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------164# MAKE RIVER CORRIDORS AND SMALL STREAMS BINARY165# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------166def makeRiverCorridorsAndSmallStreamsBinary():167 wbt.work_dir = scratch_repo168 wbt.vector_polygons_to_raster(i=rc, output='_01.tif', field="OBJECTID", nodata=False, cell_size=None, base=starter)169 wbt.vector_lines_to_raster(i=rc_ss, output='_02.tif', field="OBJECTID", nodata=False, cell_size=None, base=starter)170 wbt.buffer_raster(i='_02.tif', output='_03.tif', size=15, gridcells=False)171 wbt.Or(input1='_01.tif', input2='_03.tif', output=data_repo+'_riverCorridors_with_smallStreamBuffers.tif')172 return;173# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------174# BLOCKS WITH RIVER CORRIDORS175# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------176def withRiverCorridors(base, label):177 wbt.work_dir = scratch_repo178 wbt.vector_polygons_to_raster(i=rc, output=data_repo+'_riverCorridors.tif', field="OBJECTID", nodata=False, cell_size=None, base=starter)179 wbt.not_equal_to(input1 = base, input2 = 0, output = '_01.tif')180 wbt.Or(input1=data_repo+'_riverCorridors.tif', input2='_01.tif', output='_02.tif')181 wbt.clump(i = '_02.tif', output = data_repo+label+'_with_river_corridors.tif', diag=True, zero_back=True)182 return;183# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------184# BLOCKS WITH RIVER CORRIDORS AND SMALL STREAMS185# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------186def withRiverCorridorsAndSmallStreams(base, label):187 wbt.work_dir = scratch_repo188 wbt.vector_polygons_to_raster(i=rc, output='_01.tif', field="OBJECTID", nodata=False, cell_size=None, base=starter)189 wbt.vector_lines_to_raster(i=rc_ss, output='_02.tif', field="OBJECTID", nodata=False, cell_size=None, base=starter)190 wbt.buffer_raster(i='_02.tif', output='_03.tif', size=15, gridcells=False)191 wbt.Or(input1='_01.tif', input2='_03.tif', output=data_repo+'_riverCorridors.tif')192 wbt.not_equal_to(input1 = base, input2 = 0, output = '_04.tif')193 wbt.Or(input1=data_repo+'_riverCorridors.tif', input2='_04.tif', output='_05.tif')194 wbt.clump(i = '_05.tif', output = data_repo+label+'_with_river_corridors_and_small_streams.tif', diag=True, zero_back=True)195 return;196# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------197# DEFINE OPEN LOWLAND HABITAT198# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------199def openLowlands(lowlands, blocks, starter):200 # tag lowlands with forest habitat patches.201 wbt.multiply(input1 = lowlands, input2 = blocks, output = '_01.tif')202 # isolate the forest block negative space.203 wbt.equal_to(input1 = '_01.tif', input2 = 0, output = '_02.tif')204 # make inverse developed binary layer (0 if developed, 1 if not developed).205 wbt.not_equal_to(input1 = starter, input2 = 4, output = '_03.tif')206 # grow inversed developed binary layer to remove fragmenting roads.207 wbt.minimum_filter(i = '_03.tif', output = '_04.tif', filterx=5, filtery=5)208 # intersect inverse developed binary layer and forest block negative space to identify open, undeveloped space.209 wbt.And(input1='_02.tif', input2='_04.tif', output='_05.tif')210 # intersect green negative space and lowlands to identify potential connectors.211 wbt.And(input1=lowlands, input2='_05.tif', output='_06.tif')212 # Make objects213 wbt.clump(i = '_06.tif', output = data_repo+'_open_lowlands.tif', diag=False, zero_back=True)214 return;215# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------216# DEFINE HABITAT CONNECTORS217# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------218def makeHabitatConnectors(forest_blocks, field_blocks, forest_topology, lowland_topology, rivers):219 wbt.work_dir = scratch_repo220 # Criteria 1 - where recovering patches spur forest blocks --> habitat connectors221 wbt.equal_to(input1 = forest_topology, input2 = 2, output = '_01.tif')222 # Criteria 2 - where recovering patches tombolo forest blocks --> habitat connectors223 wbt.equal_to(input1 = forest_topology, input2 = 4, output = '_02.tif')224 # Criteria 3 - where open lowlands touch one or more forest block225 wbt.greater_than(input1 = lowland_topology, input2 = 2, output = '_03.tif', incl_equals=True)226 # Criteria 4: where river and small stream corridors intersect field blocks227 wbt.And(input1 = rivers, input2 = field_blocks, output = '_04.tif')228 # Union criteria229 wbt.raster_calculator(output = data_repo+'_forest_habitat_connectors.tif', statement="'_01.tif' || '_02.tif' || '_03.tif' || '_04.tif'")230 return;231# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------232# IDENTIFY FIELD BLOCKS IN SCENIC FOREGROUNDS233# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------234def identifyScenicForegrounds(blocks, scenic, label):235 wbt.work_dir = scratch_repo236 # Criteria 1 - where field blocks intersect scenic foregrounds237 # Make field blocks binary.238 wbt.not_equal_to(input1 = blocks, input2 = 0, output = '_01.tif')239 # Make scenic blocks binary for foreground visibility.240 wbt.equal_to(input1 = scenic, input2 = 2, output = '_02.tif')241 # Intersect field blocks and scenic foregrounds.242 wbt.And(input1 = '_01.tif', input2 = '_02.tif', output = data_repo+label+'_block_scenic_foregrounds.tif')243 return;244# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------245# IDENTIFY FIELD BLOCKS IN CLEARINGS246# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------247def identifyClearings(blocks, starter, label):248 wbt.work_dir = scratch_repo249 # Criteria 1 - where field blocks intersect scenic foregrounds250 # Make field blocks binary.251 wbt.not_equal_to(input1 = blocks, input2 = 0, output = '_01.tif')252 # Make clearing binary .253 wbt.equal_to(input1 = starter, input2 = 3, output = '_02.tif')254 # Intersect field blocks and clearings.255 wbt.And(input1 = '_01.tif', input2 = '_02.tif', output = data_repo+label+'_block_clearings.tif')256 return;257# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------258# CLASSIFY FIELD BLOCKS259# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------260def classifyFieldBlocks(blocks, scenic, soils, starter):261 wbt.work_dir = scratch_repo262 # Make field blocks binary.263 wbt.not_equal_to(input1 = blocks, input2 = 0, output = '_01.tif')264 # Criteria 1 - where field blocks intersect scenic foregrounds265 # Make scenic blocks binary for foreground visibility.266 wbt.equal_to(input1 = scenic, input2 = 2, output = '_02.tif')267 # Remove noise from scenic layer.268 wbt.maximum_filter(i = '_02.tif', output = '_03.tif', filterx=3, filtery=3)269 # SCENIC FOREGROUNDS: Intersect field blocks and scenic foregrounds.270 wbt.And(input1 = '_01.tif', input2 = '_03.tif', output = '_04.tif')271 # Criteria 2 - where field blocks intersect recovering272 # Make clearing binary .273 wbt.equal_to(input1 = starter, input2 = 0, output = '_05.tif')274 # RECOVERING: Intersect field blocks and clearings.275 wbt.And(input1 = '_01.tif', input2 = '_05.tif', output = '_06.tif')276 # Criteria 3 - where field blocks intersect clearing277 # Make clearing binary .278 wbt.equal_to(input1 = starter, input2 = 3, output = '_07.tif')279 # CLEARINGS: Intersect field blocks and clearings.280 wbt.And(input1 = '_01.tif', input2 = '_07.tif', output = '_08.tif')281 # Tag composite classes: 1 FIELD, 1000 SCENIC, 10 RECOVERING, 100 CLEARING282 statement = "(('_04.tif' * 1000) + ('_06.tif' * 10) + ('_08.tif' * 100) + '_01.tif')"283 wbt.raster_calculator(output = '_09.tif', statement = statement)284 # COMPOSITE LAYER: 0 background, 1 old field, 2 working field, 3 field in scenic foreground285 reclass = "0;0;1;1;1;11;2;101;3;1001;3;1011;3;1101"286 wbt.reclass(i = '_09.tif', output = data_repo+'_field_blocks_classed.tif', reclass_vals = reclass, assign_mode=True)287 return;288# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------289# COMPOSITE LAYER290# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------291# forest = forest block, connector = habitat connector, field = classed field block, starter = landcover classes292def makeComposite(forest, connector, field, starter):293 # Make binary of FOREST BLOCKS.294 wbt.not_equal_to(input1 = forest, input2 = 0, output = '_01.tif')295 # Make binary of HABITAT CONNECTORS.296 wbt.not_equal_to(input1 = connector, input2 = 0, output = '_02.tif')297 # Union forest blocks and habitat connectors.298 wbt.Or(input1 = '_01.tif', input2 = '_02.tif', output = '_03.tif')299 # Make binary of FIELD BLOCKS.300 wbt.not_equal_to(input1 = field, input2 = 0, output = '_04.tif')301 # Erase field blocks that are not habitat connector or forest block.302 wbt.Not(input1 = '_04.tif', input2 = '_03.tif', output = '_05.tif')303 wbt.multiply(input1 = field, input2 = '_05.tif', output = '_06.tif')304 # Erase habitat connectors that are forest blocks.305 wbt.Not(input1 = '_02.tif', input2 = '_01.tif', output = '_07.tif')306 # make composite layer307 statement = "(('_01.tif' * 5) + ('_07.tif' * 4) + '_06.tif')"308 wbt.raster_calculator(output = data_repo+'_conservation_plan.tif', statement = statement)309 return;310# # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------311# # BURN ROADS AND WATER FEATURES312# # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------313#314# def burnReferenceFeatures(plan, starter)...
1"""``"""2import copy3import random4class ValidationError(Exception):5 """Raised when NumericValidator.validate fails."""6class NumericValidator(object):7 """Class to represent a set of validation conditions to be applied to8 a set of numeric parameters."""9 def __init__(self, equal_to=None, not_equal_to=None, equal_groups=None,10 not_equal_groups=None, default_min=0, default_max=1):11 """12 Initialise a NumericValidator with a set of conditions.13 Parameters14 ----------15 equal_to : dict, optional16 not_equal_to : dict, optional17 equal_groups : list of list of str, optional18 not_equal_groups : list of list of str, optional19 default_min : int or float, optional20 default_max : int or float, optional21 """22 if equal_to is not None:23 if not isinstance(equal_to, dict):24 msg = '`equal_to` must be a dict.'25 raise ValueError(msg)26 if not_equal_to is not None:27 if not isinstance(not_equal_to, dict):28 msg = '`not_equal_to` must be a dict.'29 if equal_groups is not None:30 msg = '`equal_groups` must be a list of list of str.'31 if isinstance(equal_groups, list):32 for i in equal_groups:33 if isinstance(i, list):34 for j in i:35 if not isinstance(j, str):36 raise ValueError(msg)37 else:38 raise ValueError(msg)39 else:40 raise ValueError(msg)41 if not_equal_groups is not None:42 msg = '`not_equal_groups` must be a list of list of str.'43 if isinstance(not_equal_groups, list):44 for i in not_equal_groups:45 if isinstance(i, list):46 for j in i:47 if not isinstance(j, str):48 raise ValueError(msg)49 else:50 raise ValueError(msg)51 else:52 raise ValueError(msg)53 self.equal_to = equal_to or {}54 self.not_equal_to = not_equal_to or {}55 self.equal_groups = equal_groups or [[]]56 self.not_equal_groups = not_equal_groups or [[]]57 self.default_min = default_min58 self.default_max = default_max59 self._validate_conditions()60 def _get_parameter_equal_group(self, param):61 """Get the `equal_group` in which a parameter exists, if at all."""62 for i in self.equal_groups:63 if param in i:64 return i65 def _get_parameter_not_equal_group(self, param):66 """Get the `not_equal_group` in which a parameter exists, if at all."""67 for i in self.not_equal_groups:68 if param in i:69 return i70 def _validate_conditions(self):71 """Check conditions make sense."""72 msg = ('Parameter names should not be repeated within equal_groups` '73 'elements, nor within `not_equal_groups` elements')74 for i in (self.equal_groups + self.not_equal_groups):75 if len(set(i)) != len(i):76 raise ValueError(msg)77 msg = ('The parameter "{}" appears in more than one sublist of '78 '`equal_groups`; these two sublists should be merged.')79 eq_groups_params = []80 for i in self.equal_groups:81 for j in i:82 if j in eq_groups_params:83 raise ValueError(msg.format(j))84 eq_groups_params.append(j)85 msg = ('The parameter "{}" appears in more than one sublist of '86 '`not_equal_groups`; these two sublist should be merged.')87 neq_groups_params = []88 for i in self.not_equal_groups:89 for j in i:90 if j in neq_groups_params:91 raise ValueError(msg.format(j))92 neq_groups_params.append(j)93 msg = ('The parameters "{}" are specified in both `equal_to` and '94 '`not_equal_to`. Specify the parameter in only one of these.')95 eq_to_params = self.equal_to.keys()96 neq_to_params = self.not_equal_to.keys()97 intersect = list(set(eq_to_params) & set(neq_to_params))98 if intersect:99 raise ValueError(msg.format(intersect))100 msg = ('Only one of the parameters specified within an `equal_group`'101 'element may be specified in `equal_to`.')102 for i in self.equal_groups:103 if len(list(set(i) & set(self.equal_to.keys()))) > 1:104 raise ValueError(msg)105 msg = ('Parameters specified within a `not_equal_group` element cannot'106 ' be assigned to the same value in `equal_to`.')107 for i in self.not_equal_groups:108 eq_to_vals = [self.equal_to.get(j) for j in i109 if self.equal_to.get(j) is not None]110 if len(set(eq_to_vals)) < len(eq_to_vals):111 raise ValueError(msg)112 def _set_default_value(self, all_params, params_to_set):113 """Assign a default value to a parameter.114 Parameters115 ----------116 all_params : dict117 All parameters. The the value of the parameter specified will be118 changed within this dict.119 params_to_set : list of str120 Names of the parameters to be set to the same value.121 Returns122 -------123 None124 """125 assert all([i in all_params for i in params_to_set])126 # Collect values param must not be:127 bad_vals = []128 for i in params_to_set:129 if i in self.not_equal_to:130 bad_vals.append(self.not_equal_to[i])131 ne_group = self._get_parameter_not_equal_group(i) or []132 for j in ne_group:133 if j != i:134 ne_val = all_params[j]135 if ne_val:136 bad_vals.append(ne_val)137 # Find a suitable default value:138 default_val = None139 count = 0140 while default_val is None or default_val in bad_vals:141 default_val = random.random()142 default_val *= (self.default_max - self.default_min)143 default_val += self.default_min144 count += 1145 if count > 10:146 msg = ('Failed to find suitable default value for '147 'parameter {}.')148 raise RuntimeError(msg.format(params_to_set))149 for i in params_to_set:150 all_params[i] = default_val151 def validate(self, **kwargs):152 """Validate named parameters."""153 params = kwargs.copy()154 # Firstly, validate according to rules, but ignore parameters set to155 # `None`:156 msg = 'Parameter "{}" must be equal to "{}".'157 for param_name, val in self.equal_to.items():158 if kwargs[param_name] is not None and kwargs[param_name] != val:159 raise ValidationError(msg.format(param_name, val))160 msg = 'Parameter "{}" must not be equal to "{}".'161 for param_name, val in self.not_equal_to.items():162 if kwargs[param_name] is not None and kwargs[param_name] == val:163 raise ValidationError(msg.format(param_name, val))164 msg = 'Parameters "{}" must all have the same value.'165 for i in self.equal_groups:166 first_val = None167 for j in i:168 if first_val is None and kwargs[j] is not None:169 first_val = kwargs[j]170 continue171 if kwargs[j] is not None and kwargs[j] != first_val:172 raise ValidationError(msg.format(i))173 msg = 'Parameters "{}" must all have distinct values.'174 for i in self.not_equal_groups:175 all_vals = []176 for j in i:177 if kwargs[j] is not None:178 if kwargs[j] in all_vals:179 raise ValidationError(msg.format(i))180 all_vals.append(kwargs[j])181 none_params = [k for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is None]182 # Fill in `None`s.183 # First set any `equal_to`s:184 for i in copy.copy(none_params):185 if i in self.equal_to:186 params[i] = self.equal_to[i]187 none_params.remove(i)188 # Then try using `equal_groups`:189 for eq_group in self.equal_groups:190 num_none = sum([params.get(i) is None for i in eq_group])191 if len(eq_group) > num_none > 0:192 # At least one param in the eq_group has a value, use this one.193 val = None194 for i in eq_group:195 if params[i] is not None:196 val = params[i]197 break198 for i in eq_group:199 if params[i] is None:200 params[i] = val201 none_params.remove(i)202 elif len(eq_group) == num_none:203 # None of the equal group values are set. Use a default.204 self._set_default_value(params, eq_group)205 for i in eq_group:206 none_params.remove(i)207 # Try to set remaining `None`s using defaults. Need a default value208 # that doesn't conflict with `not_equal_to`, nor with209 # `not_equal_groups`.210 if none_params:211 for i in copy.copy(none_params):212 self._set_default_value(params, [i])213 none_params.remove(i)214 return params215 def __repr__(self):216 return (217 '<{}('218 'equal_to={!r}, '219 'not_equal_to={!r}, '220 'equal_groups={!r}, '221 'not_equal_groups={!r}'222 ')>'.format(223 self.__class__.__name__,224 self.equal_to,225 self.not_equal_to,226 self.equal_groups,227 self.not_equal_groups,228 )...
1def define__nn0a1__not_equal_to():2 _nn0a1.not_equal_to = _core_functions_1.get_concept(uid='nn0a1.not_equal_to', scope=_preload.system_scope)3 """The Boolean 'not equal to' operator over N0^2."""4 _core_functions_1.facet_named_concept(c=_nn0a1.not_equal_to, base_name=_glyphs.not_equal_to)5 _core_functions_1.facet_binary_operator(6 c=_nn0a1.not_equal_to,7 domain=_nn0a1.natural_numbers_0_set_squared,8 codomain=_bl1.boolean_set,9 algorithm=_core_functions_1.not_equal_to_algorithm)10 _core_functions_1.facet_tokenized(c=_nn0a1.not_equal_to, tokens=['not_equal_to', 'neq', '<>', '!=', 'ne'])...
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