How to use _is_datetime_tz method in pandera

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...177# Values taken from178# https:/​/​​en/​latest/​_modules/​hypothesis/​extra/​numpy.html#from_dtype # noqa179MIN_DT_VALUE = -(2**63)180MAX_DT_VALUE = 2**63 - 1181def _is_datetime_tz(pandera_dtype: DataType) -> bool:182 native_type = getattr(pandera_dtype, "type", None)183 return isinstance(native_type, pd.DatetimeTZDtype)184def _datetime_strategy(185 dtype: Union[np.dtype, pd.DatetimeTZDtype], strategy186) -> SearchStrategy:187 if isinstance(dtype, pd.DatetimeTZDtype):188 def _to_datetime(value) -> pd.DatetimeTZDtype:189 if isinstance(value, pd.Timestamp):190 return value.tz_convert( # type: ignore[union-attr]191 return pd.Timestamp(value, unit=dtype.unit, # type: ignore[union-attr]192 return st.builds(_to_datetime, strategy)193 else:194 res = (195 st.just(dtype.str.split("[")[-1][:-1])196 if "[" in dtype.str197 else st.sampled_from(npst.TIME_RESOLUTIONS)198 )199 return st.builds(dtype.type, strategy, res)200def numpy_time_dtypes(201 dtype: Union[np.dtype, pd.DatetimeTZDtype], min_value=None, max_value=None202):203 """Create numpy strategy for datetime and timedelta data types.204 :param dtype: numpy datetime or timedelta datatype205 :param min_value: minimum value of the datatype to create206 :param max_value: maximum value of the datatype to create207 :returns: ``hypothesis`` strategy208 """209 def _to_unix(value: Any) -> int:210 if dtype.type is np.timedelta64:211 return pd.Timedelta(value).value212 return pd.Timestamp(value).value213 min_value = MIN_DT_VALUE if min_value is None else _to_unix(min_value)214 max_value = MAX_DT_VALUE if max_value is None else _to_unix(max_value)215 return _datetime_strategy(dtype, st.integers(min_value, max_value))216def numpy_complex_dtypes(217 dtype,218 min_value: complex = complex(0, 0),219 max_value: Optional[complex] = None,220 allow_infinity: bool = None,221 allow_nan: bool = None,222):223 """Create numpy strategy for complex numbers.224 :param dtype: numpy complex number datatype225 :param min_value: minimum value, must be complex number226 :param max_value: maximum value, must be complex number227 :returns: ``hypothesis`` strategy228 """229 max_real: Optional[float]230 max_imag: Optional[float]231 if max_value:232 max_real = max_value.real233 max_imag = max_value.imag234 else:235 max_real = max_imag = None236 if dtype.itemsize == 8:237 width = 32238 else:239 width = 64240 # switch min and max values for imaginary if min value > max value241 if max_imag is not None and min_value.imag > max_imag:242 min_imag = max_imag243 max_imag = min_value.imag244 else:245 min_imag = min_value.imag246 strategy = st.builds(247 complex,248 st.floats(249 min_value=min_value.real,250 max_value=max_real,251 width=width,252 allow_infinity=allow_infinity,253 allow_nan=allow_nan,254 ),255 st.floats(256 min_value=min_imag,257 max_value=max_imag,258 width=width,259 allow_infinity=allow_infinity,260 allow_nan=allow_nan,261 ),262 ).map(dtype.type)263 @st.composite264 def build_complex(draw):265 value = draw(strategy)266 hypothesis.assume(min_value <= value)267 if max_value is not None:268 hypothesis.assume(max_value >= value)269 return value270 return build_complex()271def to_numpy_dtype(pandera_dtype: DataType):272 """Convert a :class:`~pandera.dtypes.DataType` to numpy dtype compatible273 with hypothesis."""274 try:275 np_dtype = pandas_engine.Engine.numpy_dtype(pandera_dtype)276 except TypeError as err:277 if is_datetime(pandera_dtype):278 return np.dtype("datetime64[ns]")279 raise TypeError(280 f"Data generation for the '{pandera_dtype}' data type is "281 "currently unsupported."282 ) from err283 if np_dtype == np.dtype("object") or str(pandera_dtype) == "str":284 np_dtype = np.dtype(str)285 return np_dtype286def pandas_dtype_strategy(287 pandera_dtype: DataType,288 strategy: Optional[SearchStrategy] = None,289 **kwargs,290) -> SearchStrategy:291 # pylint: disable=line-too-long,no-else-raise292 """Strategy to generate data from a :class:`pandera.dtypes.DataType`.293 :param pandera_dtype: :class:`pandera.dtypes.DataType` instance.294 :param strategy: an optional hypothesis strategy. If specified, the295 pandas dtype strategy will be chained onto this strategy.296 :kwargs: key-word arguments passed into297 `hypothesis.extra.numpy.from_dtype <https:/​/​​en/​latest/​numpy.html#hypothesis.extra.numpy.from_dtype>`_ .298 For datetime, timedelta, and complex number datatypes, these arguments299 are passed into :func:`~pandera.strategies.numpy_time_dtypes` and300 :func:`~pandera.strategies.numpy_complex_dtypes`.301 :returns: ``hypothesis`` strategy302 """303 def compat_kwargs(*args):304 return {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in args}305 # hypothesis doesn't support categoricals or objects, so we'll will need to306 # build a pandera-specific solution.307 if is_category(pandera_dtype):308 raise TypeError(309 "data generation for the Category dtype is currently "310 "unsupported. Consider using a string or int dtype and "311 "Check.isin(values) to ensure a finite set of values."312 )313 np_dtype = to_numpy_dtype(pandera_dtype)314 if strategy:315 if _is_datetime_tz(pandera_dtype):316 return _datetime_strategy(pandera_dtype.type, strategy) # type: ignore317 return elif is_datetime(pandera_dtype) or is_timedelta(pandera_dtype):319 return numpy_time_dtypes(320 pandera_dtype.type if _is_datetime_tz(pandera_dtype) else np_dtype, # type: ignore321 **compat_kwargs("min_value", "max_value"),322 )323 elif is_complex(pandera_dtype):324 return numpy_complex_dtypes(325 np_dtype,326 **compat_kwargs(327 "min_value", "max_value", "allow_infinity", "allow_nan"328 ),329 )330 return npst.from_dtype(331 np_dtype,332 **{ # type: ignore333 "allow_nan": False,334 "allow_infinity": False,335 **kwargs,336 },337 )338def eq_strategy(339 pandera_dtype: Union[numpy_engine.DataType, pandas_engine.DataType],340 strategy: Optional[SearchStrategy] = None,341 *,342 value: Any,343) -> SearchStrategy:344 """Strategy to generate a single value.345 :param pandera_dtype: :class:`pandera.dtypes.DataType` instance.346 :param strategy: an optional hypothesis strategy. If specified, the347 pandas dtype strategy will be chained onto this strategy.348 :param value: value to generate.349 :returns: ``hypothesis`` strategy350 """351 # override strategy preceding this one and generate value of the same type352 # pylint: disable=unused-argument353 return pandas_dtype_strategy(pandera_dtype, st.just(value))354def ne_strategy(355 pandera_dtype: Union[numpy_engine.DataType, pandas_engine.DataType],356 strategy: Optional[SearchStrategy] = None,357 *,358 value: Any,359) -> SearchStrategy:360 """Strategy to generate anything except for a particular value.361 :param pandera_dtype: :class:`pandera.dtypes.DataType` instance.362 :param strategy: an optional hypothesis strategy. If specified, the363 pandas dtype strategy will be chained onto this strategy.364 :param value: value to avoid.365 :returns: ``hypothesis`` strategy366 """367 if strategy is None:368 strategy = pandas_dtype_strategy(pandera_dtype)369 return strategy.filter(lambda x: x != value)370def gt_strategy(371 pandera_dtype: Union[numpy_engine.DataType, pandas_engine.DataType],372 strategy: Optional[SearchStrategy] = None,373 *,374 min_value: Union[int, float],375) -> SearchStrategy:376 """Strategy to generate values greater than a minimum value.377 :param pandera_dtype: :class:`pandera.dtypes.DataType` instance.378 :param strategy: an optional hypothesis strategy. If specified, the379 pandas dtype strategy will be chained onto this strategy.380 :param min_value: generate values larger than this.381 :returns: ``hypothesis`` strategy382 """383 if strategy is None:384 strategy = pandas_dtype_strategy(385 pandera_dtype,386 min_value=min_value,387 exclude_min=True if is_float(pandera_dtype) else None,388 )389 return strategy.filter(lambda x: x > min_value)390def ge_strategy(391 pandera_dtype: Union[numpy_engine.DataType, pandas_engine.DataType],392 strategy: Optional[SearchStrategy] = None,393 *,394 min_value: Union[int, float],395) -> SearchStrategy:396 """Strategy to generate values greater than or equal to a minimum value.397 :param pandera_dtype: :class:`pandera.dtypes.DataType` instance.398 :param strategy: an optional hypothesis strategy. If specified, the399 pandas dtype strategy will be chained onto this strategy.400 :param min_value: generate values greater than or equal to this.401 :returns: ``hypothesis`` strategy402 """403 if strategy is None:404 return pandas_dtype_strategy(405 pandera_dtype,406 min_value=min_value,407 exclude_min=False if is_float(pandera_dtype) else None,408 )409 return strategy.filter(lambda x: x >= min_value)410def lt_strategy(411 pandera_dtype: Union[numpy_engine.DataType, pandas_engine.DataType],412 strategy: Optional[SearchStrategy] = None,413 *,414 max_value: Union[int, float],415) -> SearchStrategy:416 """Strategy to generate values less than a maximum value.417 :param pandera_dtype: :class:`pandera.dtypes.DataType` instance.418 :param strategy: an optional hypothesis strategy. If specified, the419 pandas dtype strategy will be chained onto this strategy.420 :param max_value: generate values less than this.421 :returns: ``hypothesis`` strategy422 """423 if strategy is None:424 strategy = pandas_dtype_strategy(425 pandera_dtype,426 max_value=max_value,427 exclude_max=True if is_float(pandera_dtype) else None,428 )429 return strategy.filter(lambda x: x < max_value)430def le_strategy(431 pandera_dtype: Union[numpy_engine.DataType, pandas_engine.DataType],432 strategy: Optional[SearchStrategy] = None,433 *,434 max_value: Union[int, float],435) -> SearchStrategy:436 """Strategy to generate values less than or equal to a maximum value.437 :param pandera_dtype: :class:`pandera.dtypes.DataType` instance.438 :param strategy: an optional hypothesis strategy. If specified, the439 pandas dtype strategy will be chained onto this strategy.440 :param max_value: generate values less than or equal to this.441 :returns: ``hypothesis`` strategy442 """443 if strategy is None:444 return pandas_dtype_strategy(445 pandera_dtype,446 max_value=max_value,447 exclude_max=False if is_float(pandera_dtype) else None,448 )449 return strategy.filter(lambda x: x <= max_value)450def in_range_strategy(451 pandera_dtype: Union[numpy_engine.DataType, pandas_engine.DataType],452 strategy: Optional[SearchStrategy] = None,453 *,454 min_value: Union[int, float],455 max_value: Union[int, float],456 include_min: bool = True,457 include_max: bool = True,458) -> SearchStrategy:459 """Strategy to generate values within a particular range.460 :param pandera_dtype: :class:`pandera.dtypes.DataType` instance.461 :param strategy: an optional hypothesis strategy. If specified, the462 pandas dtype strategy will be chained onto this strategy.463 :param min_value: generate values greater than this.464 :param max_value: generate values less than this.465 :param include_min: include min_value in generated data.466 :param include_max: include max_value in generated data.467 :returns: ``hypothesis`` strategy468 """469 if strategy is None:470 return pandas_dtype_strategy(471 pandera_dtype,472 min_value=min_value,473 max_value=max_value,474 exclude_min=not include_min,475 exclude_max=not include_max,476 )477 min_op = if include_min else operator.gt478 max_op = operator.le if include_max else operator.lt479 return strategy.filter(480 lambda x: min_op(x, min_value) and max_op(x, max_value)481 )482def isin_strategy(483 pandera_dtype: Union[numpy_engine.DataType, pandas_engine.DataType],484 strategy: Optional[SearchStrategy] = None,485 *,486 allowed_values: Sequence[Any],487) -> SearchStrategy:488 """Strategy to generate values within a finite set.489 :param pandera_dtype: :class:`pandera.dtypes.DataType` instance.490 :param strategy: an optional hypothesis strategy. If specified, the491 pandas dtype strategy will be chained onto this strategy.492 :param allowed_values: set of allowable values.493 :returns: ``hypothesis`` strategy494 """495 if strategy is None:496 return pandas_dtype_strategy(497 pandera_dtype, st.sampled_from(allowed_values)498 )499 return strategy.filter(lambda x: x in allowed_values)500def notin_strategy(501 pandera_dtype: Union[numpy_engine.DataType, pandas_engine.DataType],502 strategy: Optional[SearchStrategy] = None,503 *,504 forbidden_values: Sequence[Any],505) -> SearchStrategy:506 """Strategy to generate values excluding a set of forbidden values507 :param pandera_dtype: :class:`pandera.dtypes.DataType` instance.508 :param strategy: an optional hypothesis strategy. If specified, the509 pandas dtype strategy will be chained onto this strategy.510 :param forbidden_values: set of forbidden values.511 :returns: ``hypothesis`` strategy512 """513 if strategy is None:514 strategy = pandas_dtype_strategy(pandera_dtype)515 return strategy.filter(lambda x: x not in forbidden_values)516def str_matches_strategy(517 pandera_dtype: Union[numpy_engine.DataType, pandas_engine.DataType],518 strategy: Optional[SearchStrategy] = None,519 *,520 pattern: str,521) -> SearchStrategy:522 """Strategy to generate strings that patch a regex pattern.523 :param pandera_dtype: :class:`pandera.dtypes.DataType` instance.524 :param strategy: an optional hypothesis strategy. If specified, the525 pandas dtype strategy will be chained onto this strategy.526 :param pattern: regex pattern.527 :returns: ``hypothesis`` strategy528 """529 if strategy is None:530 return st.from_regex(pattern, fullmatch=True).map(531 to_numpy_dtype(pandera_dtype).type532 )533 def matches(x):534 return re.match(pattern, x)535 return strategy.filter(matches)536def str_contains_strategy(537 pandera_dtype: Union[numpy_engine.DataType, pandas_engine.DataType],538 strategy: Optional[SearchStrategy] = None,539 *,540 pattern: str,541) -> SearchStrategy:542 """Strategy to generate strings that contain a particular pattern.543 :param pandera_dtype: :class:`pandera.dtypes.DataType` instance.544 :param strategy: an optional hypothesis strategy. If specified, the545 pandas dtype strategy will be chained onto this strategy.546 :param pattern: regex pattern.547 :returns: ``hypothesis`` strategy548 """549 if strategy is None:550 return st.from_regex(pattern, fullmatch=False).map(551 to_numpy_dtype(pandera_dtype).type552 )553 def contains(x):554 return, x)555 return strategy.filter(contains)556def str_startswith_strategy(557 pandera_dtype: Union[numpy_engine.DataType, pandas_engine.DataType],558 strategy: Optional[SearchStrategy] = None,559 *,560 string: str,561) -> SearchStrategy:562 """Strategy to generate strings that start with a specific string pattern.563 :param pandera_dtype: :class:`pandera.dtypes.DataType` instance.564 :param strategy: an optional hypothesis strategy. If specified, the565 pandas dtype strategy will be chained onto this strategy.566 :param string: string pattern.567 :returns: ``hypothesis`` strategy568 """569 if strategy is None:570 return st.from_regex(f"\\A{string}", fullmatch=False).map(571 to_numpy_dtype(pandera_dtype).type572 )573 return strategy.filter(lambda x: x.startswith(string))574def str_endswith_strategy(575 pandera_dtype: Union[numpy_engine.DataType, pandas_engine.DataType],576 strategy: Optional[SearchStrategy] = None,577 *,578 string: str,579) -> SearchStrategy:580 """Strategy to generate strings that end with a specific string pattern.581 :param pandera_dtype: :class:`pandera.dtypes.DataType` instance.582 :param strategy: an optional hypothesis strategy. If specified, the583 pandas dtype strategy will be chained onto this strategy.584 :param string: string pattern.585 :returns: ``hypothesis`` strategy586 """587 if strategy is None:588 return st.from_regex(f"{string}\\Z", fullmatch=False).map(589 to_numpy_dtype(pandera_dtype).type590 )591 return strategy.filter(lambda x: x.endswith(string))592def str_length_strategy(593 pandera_dtype: Union[numpy_engine.DataType, pandas_engine.DataType],594 strategy: Optional[SearchStrategy] = None,595 *,596 min_value: int,597 max_value: int,598) -> SearchStrategy:599 """Strategy to generate strings of a particular length600 :param pandera_dtype: :class:`pandera.dtypes.DataType` instance.601 :param strategy: an optional hypothesis strategy. If specified, the602 pandas dtype strategy will be chained onto this strategy.603 :param min_value: minimum string length.604 :param max_value: maximum string length.605 :returns: ``hypothesis`` strategy606 """607 if strategy is None:608 return st.text(min_size=min_value, max_size=max_value).map(609 to_numpy_dtype(pandera_dtype).type610 )611 return strategy.filter(lambda x: min_value <= len(x) <= max_value)612def _timestamp_to_datetime64_strategy(613 strategy: SearchStrategy,614) -> SearchStrategy:615 """Convert timestamp to numpy.datetime64616 Hypothesis only supports pure numpy dtypes but numpy.datetime64() truncates617 nanoseconds if given a pandas.Timestamp. We need to pass the unix epoch via618 the pandas.Timestamp.value attribute.619 """620 return st.builds(lambda x: np.datetime64(x.value, "ns"), strategy)621def field_element_strategy(622 pandera_dtype: Union[numpy_engine.DataType, pandas_engine.DataType],623 strategy: Optional[SearchStrategy] = None,624 *,625 checks: Optional[Sequence] = None,626) -> SearchStrategy:627 """Strategy to generate elements of a column or index.628 :param pandera_dtype: :class:`pandera.dtypes.DataType` instance.629 :param strategy: an optional hypothesis strategy. If specified, the630 pandas dtype strategy will be chained onto this strategy.631 :param checks: sequence of :class:`~pandera.checks.Check` s to constrain632 the values of the data in the column/​index.633 :returns: ``hypothesis`` strategy634 """635 if strategy:636 raise BaseStrategyOnlyError(637 "The series strategy is a base strategy. You cannot specify the "638 "strategy argument to chain it to a parent strategy."639 )640 checks = [] if checks is None else checks641 elements = None642 def undefined_check_strategy(elements, check):643 """Strategy for checks with undefined strategies."""644 warnings.warn(645 "Element-wise check doesn't have a defined strategy."646 "Falling back to filtering drawn values based on the check "647 "definition. This can considerably slow down data-generation."648 )649 return (650 pandas_dtype_strategy(pandera_dtype)651 if elements is None652 else elements653 ).filter(check._check_fn)654 for check in checks:655 if hasattr(check, "strategy"):656 elements = check.strategy(pandera_dtype, elements)657 elif check.element_wise:658 elements = undefined_check_strategy(elements, check)659 # NOTE: vectorized checks with undefined strategies should be handled660 # by the series/​dataframe strategy.661 if elements is None:662 elements = pandas_dtype_strategy(pandera_dtype)663 # Hypothesis only supports pure numpy datetime64 (i.e. timezone naive).664 # We cast to datetime64 after applying the check strategy so that checks665 # can see timezone-aware values.666 if _is_datetime_tz(pandera_dtype):667 elements = _timestamp_to_datetime64_strategy(elements)668 return elements669def series_strategy(670 pandera_dtype: Union[numpy_engine.DataType, pandas_engine.DataType],671 strategy: Optional[SearchStrategy] = None,672 *,673 checks: Optional[Sequence] = None,674 nullable: bool = False,675 unique: bool = False,676 name: Optional[str] = None,677 size: Optional[int] = None,678):679 """Strategy to generate a pandas Series.680 :param pandera_dtype: :class:`pandera.dtypes.DataType` instance....

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