How to use ls_tree method in Nose

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1'''2Created on Jun 23, 20103@author: alexander4'''5from enthought.traits.api import \6 HasTraits, Directory, List, Int, Float, Any, Enum, \7 on_trait_change, File, Constant, Instance, Trait, \8 Array, Str, Property, cached_property, WeakRef, \9 Dict, Button, Color, Bool10from enthought.util.home_directory import \11 get_home_directory12from enthought.traits.ui.api import \13 View, Item, DirectoryEditor, TabularEditor, HSplit, Tabbed, VGroup, \14 TableEditor, Group, ListEditor, VSplit, HSplit, VGroup, HGroup, Spring, \15 Include16from enthought.mayavi import \17 mlab18from enthought.traits.ui.table_column import \19 ObjectColumn20from import \21 OKButton, CancelButton22from enthought.traits.ui.tabular_adapter \23 import TabularAdapter24from numpy import array, loadtxt, arange, sqrt, zeros, arctan, sin, cos, ones_like, \25 vstack, savetxt, hstack, argsort, fromstring, zeros_like, \26 copy, c_, newaxis, argmax, where, argsort, sqrt, frompyfunc27from math import pi28from string import split29import os30from import read_array31from lc_manager import \32 LC, LCManager33DIRLIST = ['x', 'y']34SRLIST = ['M', 'N']35class LSArrayAdapter ( TabularAdapter ):36 columns = Property37 def _get_columns( self ):38# print 'GETTING COLUMNS', self.object.columns, self.object, self.object.__class__39 columns = self.object.columns40 return [ ( name, idx ) for idx, name in enumerate( columns ) ]41 font = 'Courier 10'42 alignment = 'right'43 format = '%5.2f'#'%g'44 even_bg_color = Color( 0xE0E0FF )45 width = Float( 80 )46 #@todo: format columns using 'column_id'47# adapter_column_map = Property(depends_on = 'adapters,columns')48class LS( HasTraits ):49 '''Limit state class50 '''51 # backward link to the info shell to access the52 # input data when calculating 53 # the limit-state-specific values54 #55 info_shell = WeakRef56 # parameters of the limit state57 #58 dir = Enum( DIRLIST )59 stress_res = Enum( SRLIST )60 #-------------------------------61 # ls columns62 #-------------------------------63 # defined in the subclasses64 #65 ls_columns = List66 show_ls_columns = Bool( True )67 #-------------------------------68 # sr columns69 #-------------------------------70 # stress resultant columns - for ULS this is defined in the subclasses71 #72 sr_columns = List( ['m', 'n'] )73 show_sr_columns = Bool( True )74 # stress resultant columns - generated from the parameter combination75 # dir and stress_res - one of 'Mx', 'Ny', 'Mx', 'Ny'76 #77 m_varname = Property( Str )78 def _get_m_varname( self ):79 # e.g. mx_N 80 appendix = self.dir + '_' + self.stress_res81 return 'm' + appendix82 n_varname = Property( Str )83 def _get_n_varname( self ):84 # e.g. nx_N 85 appendix = self.dir + '_' + self.stress_res86 return 'n' + appendix87 n = Property( Float )88 def _get_n( self ):89 return getattr( self.info_shell, self.n_varname )90 m = Property( Float )91 def _get_m( self ):92 return getattr( self.info_shell, self.m_varname )93 #-------------------------------94 # geo columns form info shell95 #-------------------------------96 geo_columns = List( [ 'elem_no', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'D_elem' ] )97 show_geo_columns = Bool( True )98 elem_no = Property( Float )99 def _get_elem_no( self ):100 return self.info_shell.elem_no101 X = Property( Float )102 def _get_X( self ):103 return self.info_shell.X104 Y = Property( Float )105 def _get_Y( self ):106 return self.info_shell.Y107 Z = Property( Float )108 def _get_Z( self ):109 return self.info_shell.Z110 D_elem = Property( Float )111 def _get_D_elem( self ):112 return self.info_shell.D_elem113 #-------------------------------114 # state columns form info shell115 #-------------------------------116 state_columns = List( ['mx', 'my', 'mxy', 'nx', 'ny', 'nxy', 'combi_key' ] )117 show_state_columns = Bool( True )118 mx = Property( Float )119 def _get_mx( self ):120 return self.info_shell.mx121 my = Property( Float )122 def _get_my( self ):123 return self.info_shell.my124 mxy = Property( Float )125 def _get_mxy( self ):126 return self.info_shell.mxy127 nx = Property( Float )128 def _get_nx( self ):129 return self.info_shell.nx130 ny = Property( Float )131 def _get_ny( self ):132 return self.info_shell.ny133 nxy = Property( Float )134 def _get_nxy( self ):135 return self.info_shell.nxy136 combi_key = Property( Float )137 def _get_combi_key( self ):138 return self.info_shell.combi_key139 #-------------------------------140 # ls table141 #-------------------------------142 # all columns associated with the limit state including the corresponding143 # stress resultants144 #145 columns = Property( List, depends_on = 'show_geo_columns, show_state_columns,\146 show_sr_columns, show_ls_columns' )147 @cached_property148 def _get_columns( self ):149 columns = []150 if self.show_geo_columns:151 columns += self.geo_columns152 if self.show_state_columns:153 columns += self.state_columns154 if self.show_sr_columns:155 columns += self.sr_columns156 if self.show_ls_columns:157 columns += self.ls_columns158 return columns159 # select column used for sorting the data in selected sorting order 160 #161 sort_column = Enum( values = 'columns' )162 def _sort_column_default( self ):163 return self.columns[-1]164 sort_order = Enum( 'descending', 'ascending', 'unsorted' )165 # get the maximum value of the chosen column166 #167 max_in_column = Enum( values = 'columns' )168 def _max_in_column_default( self ):169 return self.columns[-1]170 max_value = Property( depends_on = 'max_in_column' )171 def _get_max_value( self ):172 col = getattr( self, self.max_in_column )[:, 0]173 return max( col )174 # stack columns together for table used by TabularEditor175 #176 ls_table = Property( Array, depends_on = 'sort_column, sort_order, show_geo_columns, \177 show_state_columns, show_sr_columns, show_ls_columns' )178 @cached_property179 def _get_ls_table( self ):180 arr_list = [ getattr( self, col ) for col in self.columns ]181 # get the array currently selected by the sort_column enumeration182 #183 sort_arr = getattr( self, self.sort_column )[:, 0]184 sort_idx = argsort( sort_arr )185 ls_table = hstack( arr_list )186 if self.sort_order == 'descending':187 return ls_table[ sort_idx[::-1] ]188 if self.sort_order == 'ascending':189 return ls_table[ sort_idx ]190 if self.sort_order == 'unsorted':191 return ls_table192 #---------------------------------193 # plot outputs in mlab-window 194 #---------------------------------195 plot_column = Enum( values = 'columns' )196 plot = Button197 def _plot_fired( self ):198 X = self.info_shell.X[:, 0]199 Y = self.info_shell.Y[:, 0]200 Z = self.info_shell.Z[:, 0]201 plot_col = getattr( self, self.plot_column )[:, 0]202 mlab.points3d( X, Y, Z, plot_col )203 #-------------------------------205 # ls group206 #-------------------------------207 # @todo: the dynamic selection of the columns to be displayed 208 # does not work in connection with the LSArrayAdapter 209 ls_group = VGroup( 210 HGroup( Item( 'max_in_column' ),211 Item( 'max_value', style = 'readonly', format_str = '%6.2f' ),212 Item( 'max_value_all', style = 'readonly', format_str = '%6.2f' ),213 Item( 'max_case', style = 'readonly', label = 'found in case: ' ),214 ),215 HGroup( Item( 'sort_column' ),216 Item( 'sort_order' ),217 Item( 'show_geo_columns', label = 'show geo' ),218 Item( 'show_state_columns', label = 'show state' ),219 Item( 'show_sr_columns', label = 'show sr' ),220 Item( 'plot_column' ),221 Item( 'plot' ),222 ),223 )224class SLS( LS ):225 '''Serviceability limit state226 '''227 # ------------------------------------------------------------228 # SLS: material parameters (Inputs)229 # ------------------------------------------------------------230 # tensile strength [MPa]231 f_ctk = Float( 1.6, input = True )232 # flexural tensile strength [MPa]233 f_m = Float( 10.5, input = True )234 # ------------------------------------------------------------235 # SLS - derived params:236 # ------------------------------------------------------------237 # area238 #239 A = Property( Float, depends_on = 'info_shell.data_file_thickness' )240 def _get_A( self ):241 return self.info_shell.D_elem * 1.242 # moment of inertia243 #244 W = Property( Float, depends_on = 'info_shell.data_file_thickness' )245 def _get_W( self ):246 return 1. * self.info_shell.D_elem ** 2 /​ 6.247 # ------------------------------------------------------------248 # SLS: outputs249 # ------------------------------------------------------------250 ls_columns = List( ['sig_n', 'sig_m', 'eta_n', 'eta_m', 'eta_tot', ] )251 ls_values = Property( depends_on = '+input' )252 @cached_property253 def _get_ls_values( self ):254 '''get the outputs for SLS255 '''256 n = self.n257 m = self.m258 A = self.A259 W = self.W260 f_ctk = self.f_ctk261 f_m = self.f_m262 sig_n = n /​ A /​ 1000.263 sig_m = abs( m /​ W ) /​ 1000.264 eta_n = sig_n /​ f_ctk265 eta_m = sig_m /​ f_m266 eta_tot = eta_n + eta_m267 return { 'sig_n':sig_n, 'sig_m':sig_m,268 'eta_n':eta_n, 'eta_m':eta_m,269 'eta_tot':eta_tot }270 sig_n = Property271 def _get_sig_n( self ):272 return self.ls_values['sig_n']273 sig_m = Property274 def _get_sig_m( self ):275 return self.ls_values['sig_m']276 eta_n = Property277 def _get_eta_n( self ):278 return self.ls_values['eta_n']279 eta_m = Property280 def _get_eta_m( self ):281 return self.ls_values['eta_m']282 eta_tot = Property283 def _get_eta_tot( self ):284 return self.ls_values['eta_tot']285 #-------------------------------------------------------286 # get the maximum value and the corresponding case of 287 # the selected variable 'max_in_column' in all SLS sheets288 #-------------------------------------------------------289 max_value_all = Property( depends_on = 'max_in_column' )290 def _get_max_value_all( self ):291 return self.max_value_and_case['max_value']292 max_case = Property( depends_on = 'max_in_column' )293 def _get_max_case( self ):294 return self.max_value_and_case['max_case']295 max_value_and_case = Property( Dict, depends_on = 'max_in_column' )296 @cached_property297 def _get_max_value_and_case( self ):298 dir_list = DIRLIST299 sr_list = SRLIST300 ls_tree = self.info_shell.ls_tree301 max_value = 0.302 for dir in dir_list:303 for sr in sr_list:304 self.info_shell.ls_tree['SLS'][ sr ][ dir ].max_in_column = self.max_in_column305 max_value_ls = ls_tree['SLS'][ sr ][ dir ].max_value306 if max_value <= max_value_ls:307 max_value = max_value_ls308 max_case = 'S-' + sr + dir309 return { 'max_value':max_value,310 'max_case':max_case }311 #-------------------------------312 # ls view313 #-------------------------------314 # @todo: the dynamic selection of the columns to be displayed 315 # does not work in connection with the LSArrayAdapter 316 traits_view = View( VGroup( 317 HGroup( Item( name = 'f_ctk', label = 'Tensile strength concrete [MPa]: f_ctk ' ),318 Item( name = 'f_m', label = 'Flexural tensile trength concrete [MPa]: f_m ' )319 ),320 VGroup( 321 Include( 'ls_group' ),322 # @todo: currently LSArrayAdapter must be called both 323 # in SLS and ULS separately to configure columns 324 # arrangement individually325 #326 Item( 'ls_table', show_label = False,327 editor = TabularEditor( adapter = LSArrayAdapter() ) )328 ),329 ),330 resizable = True,331 scrollable = True,332 height = 1000,333 width = 1100334 )335class ULS( LS ):336 '''Ultimate limit state337 '''338 #--------------------------------------------------------339 # ULS: material parameters (Inputs)340 #--------------------------------------------------------341 # gamma-factor 342 gamma = Float( 1.5, input = True )343 # long term reduction factor344 beta = Float( 0.7, input = True )345 # INDEX l: longitudinal direction of the textile (MAG-02-02-06a)346 # characteristic tensile strength of the tensile specimen [N/​mm2]347 f_tk_l = Float( 537, input = True )348 # design value of the tensile strength of the tensile specimen [N/​mm2]349 # containing a gamma-factor of 1.5 and d long term reduction factor of 0.7350 # f_td_l = 251351 f_td_l = Property( Float, depends_on = '+input' )352 def _get_f_td_l( self ):353 return self.beta * self.f_tk_l /​ self.gamma354 # cross sectional area of the reinforcement [mm2/​m]355 a_t_l = Float( 71.65, input = True )356 # INDEX q: orthogonal direction of the textile (MAG-02-02-06a)357 # characteristic tensile strength of the tensile specimen [N/​mm2]358 f_tk_q = Float( 511, input = True )359 # design value of the tensile strength of the tensile specimen [kN/​m]360 # f_td_q = 238361 f_td_q = Property( Float, depends_on = '+input' )362 def _get_f_td_q( self ):363 return self.beta * self.f_tk_q /​ self.gamma364 # cross sectional area of the reinforcement [mm2/​m]365 a_t_q = Float( 53.31, input = True )366 # tensile strength of the textile reinforcement [kN/​m]367 F_Rtex_l = Property( Float, depends_on = '+input' )368 def _get_F_Rtex_l( self ):369 return self.a_t_l * self.f_td_l /​ 1000.370 # tensile strength of the textile reinforcement [kN/​m]371 F_Rtex_q = Property( Float )372 def _get_F_Rtex_q( self, depends_on = '+input' ):373 return self.a_t_q * self.f_td_q /​ 1000.374 # ------------------------------------------------------------375 # ULS - derived params:376 # ------------------------------------------------------------377 # Parameters for the cracked state (GdT):378 # assumptions!379 # (resultierende statische Nutzhoehe) 380 #381 d = Property( Float, depends_on = 'info_shell.data_file_thickness' )382 def _get_d( self ):383 return 0.75 * self.info_shell.D_elem384 # (Abstand Schwereachse zur resultierende Bewehrungslage) 385 # chose the same amount of reinforcement at the top as at the bottom 386 # i.e. zs = zs1 = zs2387 #388 zs = Property( Float, depends_on = 'info_shell.data_file_thickness' )389 def _get_zs( self ):390 return self.d - self.info_shell.D_elem /​ 2.391 # (Innerer Hebelarm) 392 #393 z = Property( Float )394 def _get_z( self ):395 return 0.9 * self.d396 # ------------------------------------------------------------397 # ULS: outputs398 # ------------------------------------------------------------399 ls_columns = List( [ 'e', 'm_Eds', 'f_t', 'beta_l', 'beta_q', 'f_Rtex', 'n_tex' ] )400# sr_columns = [ 'm', 'n', 'alpha' ]401 sr_columns = [ 'm', 'n', 'alpha', 'd', 'zs', 'z' ]402 alpha_varname = Property()403 def _get_alpha_varname( self ):404 return 'alpha_' + self.stress_res405 alpha = Property406 def _get_alpha( self ):407 return getattr( self.info_shell, self.alpha_varname )408 ls_values = Property( depends_on = '+input' )409 @cached_property410 def _get_ls_values( self ):411 '''get the outputs for ULS412 '''413 n = self.n414 m = self.m415 alpha = self.alpha416 zs = self.zs417 z = self.z418 F_Rtex_l = self.F_Rtex_l419 F_Rtex_q = self.F_Rtex_q420 # (Exzentrizitaet)421 e = abs( m /​ n )422 e[ n == 0 ] = 1E9 # if normal force is zero set e to very large value423 # moment at the height of the resulting reinforcement layer:424 m_Eds = abs( m ) - zs * n425 # tensile force in the reinforcement for bending and compression426 f_t = m_Eds /​ z + n427 # check if the two conditions are true:428 cond1 = n > 0429 cond2 = e < zs430 bool_arr = cond1 * cond2431 # in case of pure tension in the cross section:432 f_t[ bool_arr ] = n[ bool_arr ] * ( zs[ bool_arr ] + e[ bool_arr ] ) /​ ( zs[ bool_arr ] + zs[ bool_arr ] )433 # angel of deflection of the textile reinforcement for dimensioning in x-direction434 # distinguished between longtudinal (l) and transversal (q) direction435 # ASSUMPTION: worst case angle used436 # as first step use the worst case reduction due to deflection possible (at 55 degrees)437 beta_l = 55. * pi /​ 180. * ones_like( alpha )438 beta_q = ( 90. - 55. ) * pi /​ 180. * ones_like( alpha )439 # @todo: as second step use the value for an alternating layup (i.e. deflection angle)440 # @todo: get the correct formula for the demonstrator arrangement 441 # i.e. the RFEM coordinate system orientation442# beta_l = pi/​2 - abs( alpha )443# beta_q = abs( alpha )444 # resulting strength of the bi-directional textile considering the 445 # deflection of the reinforcement in the loading direction:446 f_Rtex = F_Rtex_l * cos( beta_l ) * ( 1 - beta_l /​ ( pi /​ 2 ) ) + \447 F_Rtex_q * cos( beta_q ) * ( 1 - beta_q /​ ( pi /​ 2 ) )448 f_Rtex = 11.65 * ones_like( alpha )449 print 'NOTE: f_Rtex set to 11.65 kN/​m !'450 # necessary number of reinfocement layers451 n_tex = f_t /​ f_Rtex452 return { 'e':e, 'm_Eds':m_Eds, 'f_t':f_t,453 'beta_l':beta_l, 'beta_q':beta_q, 'f_Rtex':f_Rtex,454 'n_tex':n_tex }455 e = Property456 def _get_e( self ):457 return self.ls_values['e']458 m_Eds = Property459 def _get_m_Eds( self ):460 return self.ls_values['m_Eds']461 f_t = Property462 def _get_f_t( self ):463 return self.ls_values['f_t']464 beta_l = Property465 def _get_beta_l( self ):466 return self.ls_values['beta_l']467 beta_q = Property468 def _get_beta_q( self ):469 return self.ls_values['beta_q']470 f_Rtex = Property471 def _get_f_Rtex( self ):472 return self.ls_values['f_Rtex']473 n_tex = Property474 def _get_n_tex( self ):475 return self.ls_values['n_tex']476 #-------------------------------------------------------477 # get the maximum value and the corresponding case of 478 # the selected variable 'max_in_column' in all ULS sheets479 #-------------------------------------------------------480 max_value_all = Property( depends_on = 'max_in_column' )481 def _get_max_value_all( self ):482 return self.max_value_and_case['max_value']483 max_case = Property( depends_on = 'max_in_column' )484 def _get_max_case( self ):485 return self.max_value_and_case['max_case']486 max_value_and_case = Property( Dict, depends_on = 'max_in_column' )487 @cached_property488 def _get_max_value_and_case( self ):489 dir_list = DIRLIST490 sr_list = SRLIST491 ls_tree = self.info_shell.ls_tree492 max_value = 0.493 for dir in dir_list:494 for sr in sr_list:495 self.info_shell.ls_tree['ULS'][ sr ][ dir ].max_in_column = self.max_in_column496 max_value_ls = ls_tree['ULS'][ sr ][ dir ].max_value497 if max_value <= max_value_ls:498 max_value = max_value_ls499 max_case = 'U-' + sr + dir500 return { 'max_value':max_value,501 'max_case':max_case }502 #-------------------------------503 # ls view504 #-------------------------------505 # @todo: the dynamic selection of the columns to be displayed 506 # does not work in connection with the LSArrayAdapter 507 traits_view = View( 508 VGroup( 509 HGroup( 510 VGroup( 511 Item( name = 'gamma', label = 'security factor material [-]: gamma ' ),512 Item( name = 'beta', label = 'reduction long term durability [-]: beta ' ),513 label = 'security factors'514 ),515 VGroup( 516 Item( name = 'f_tk_l', label = 'characteristic strength textil [MPa]: f_tk_l ', format_str = "%.1f" ),517 Item( name = 'f_td_l', label = 'design strength textil [MPa]: f_td_l ', style = 'readonly', format_str = "%.1f" ),518 Item( name = 'a_t_l', label = 'cross sectional area textil [mm^2]: a_t_l ', style = 'readonly', format_str = "%.1f" ),519 Item( name = 'F_Rtex_l', label = 'Strength textil [kN/​m]: F_Rtex_l ', style = 'readonly', format_str = "%.0f" ),520 label = 'material properties (longitudinal)'521 ),522 VGroup( 523 Item( name = 'f_tk_q', label = 'characteristic strength textil [MPa]: f_tk_q ', format_str = "%.1f" ),524 Item( name = 'f_td_q', label = 'design strength textil [MPa]: f_td_q ', style = 'readonly', format_str = "%.1f" ),525 Item( name = 'a_t_q', label = 'cross sectional area textil [mm^2]: a_t_q ', style = 'readonly', format_str = "%.1f" ),526 Item( name = 'F_Rtex_q', label = 'Strength textil [kN/​m]: F_Rtex_q ', style = 'readonly', format_str = "%.0f" ),527 label = 'material Properties (transversal)'528 ),529 ),530 VGroup( 531 Include( 'ls_group' ),532 Item( 'ls_table', show_label = False,533 editor = TabularEditor( adapter = LSArrayAdapter() ) )534 ),535 ),536 resizable = True,537 scrollable = True,538 height = 1000,539 width = 1100540 )541LSLIST = [ SLS, ULS ]542class InfoShell( HasTraits ):543 '''Assessment tool544 '''545 lc_list = List( Instance( LC ), input = True )546 def _lc_list_default( self ):547 return [ LC( name = 'G', category = 'dead-load', file_name = 'input_data_stress_resultants.csv' ),548 LC( name = 'G_A', category = 'additional dead-load', file_name = 'input_data_stress_resultants.csv' ),549 LC( name = 'W (Druck)', category = 'imposed-load', file_name = 'input_data_stress_resultants.csv',550 exclusive_to = ['W (Sog)'], psi_0 = 1.0, psi_1 = 1.0, psi_2 = 1.0 ),551 LC( name = 'W (Sog)', category = 'imposed-load', file_name = 'input_data_stress_resultants.csv',552 exclusive_to = ['W (Druck)'], psi_0 = 1.0, psi_1 = 1.0, psi_2 = 1.0 ),553 LC( name = 'S', category = 'imposed-load', file_name = 'input_data_stress_resultants.csv',554 exclusive_to = [], psi_0 = 1.0, psi_1 = 1.0, psi_2 = 1.0 )555 ]556 lcm = Property( Instance( LCManager ) )#, depends_on = 'lc_list' )557 def _get_lcm( self ):558 '''loading case manager'''559 return LCManager( lc_list = self.lc_list )560 lcc_tree = Property( Array )#, depends_on = 'lc_list' )561 def _get_lcc_tree( self ):562 '''loading case combination tree, e.g. lcc_tree['ULS']'''563 return self.lcm.lcc_tree564 current_ls = Enum( 'ULS', 'SLS' )565 #------------------------------------------566 # specify default data input files:567 #------------------------------------------568 # raw input file for thicknesses (and coordinates)569 #570 data_file_thickness = Str571 def _data_file_thickness_default( self ):572 return 'input_data_thickness.csv'573 #@todo: display all file_names and names of the lc's in the view574 # raw input file for element numbers, coordinates, and stress_resultants575 #576 data_file_stress_resultants = Str577 def _data_file_stress_resultants_default( self ):578 return self.lc_list[0].file_name579 #------------------------------------------580 # read the geometry data from file 581 # (corrds and thickness):582 #------------------------------------------583 def _read_thickness_data( self, file_name ):584 '''to read the stb-thickness save the xls-worksheet 585 to a csv-file using ';' as filed delimiter and ' ' (blank)586 as text delimiter.587 '''588 print '*** read thickness data ***'589 # get the column headings defined in the second row 590 # of the csv thickness input file591 # "Nr.;X;Y;Z;[mm]"592 #593 file = open( file_name, 'r' )594 first_line = file.readline()595 second_line = file.readline()596 column_headings = second_line.split( ';' )597 # remove '\n' from last string element in list598 column_headings[-1] = column_headings[-1][:-1]599 column_headings_arr = array( column_headings )600 elem_no_idx = where( 'Nr.' == column_headings_arr )[0]601 X_idx = where( 'X' == column_headings_arr )[0]602 Y_idx = where( 'Y' == column_headings_arr )[0]603 Z_idx = where( 'Z' == column_headings_arr )[0]604 thickness_idx = where( '[mm]' == column_headings_arr )[0]605 # read the float data:606 #607 input_arr = loadtxt( file_name, delimiter = ';', skiprows = 2 )608 # element number:609 #610 elem_no = input_arr[:, elem_no_idx]611 # coordinates [m]:612 #613 X_ = input_arr[:, X_idx]614 Y_ = input_arr[:, Y_idx]615 Z_ = input_arr[:, Z_idx]616 # element thickness [mm]:617 #618 thickness = input_arr[:, thickness_idx]619 return {'X_':X_, 'Y_':Y_, 'Z_':Z_,620 'thickness':thickness }621 # coordinates and element thickness read from file:622 # 623 thickness_data_dict = Property( Dict, depends_on = 'data_file_thickness' )624 @cached_property625 def _get_thickness_data_dict( self ):626 return self._read_thickness_data( self.data_file_thickness )627 X_ = Property( Array )628 def _get_X_( self ):629 return self.thickness_data_dict['X_']630 Y_ = Property( Array )631 def _get_Y_( self ):632 return self.thickness_data_dict['Y_']633 Z_ = Property( Array )634 def _get_Z_( self ):635 return self.thickness_data_dict['Z_']636 D_elem = Property( Array )637 def _get_D_elem( self ):638 '''element thickness (units changed form [mm] to [m])'''639 return self.thickness_data_dict['thickness'] /​ 1000.640 # ------------------------------------------------------------641 # Get the state data from the LC's 'state_data_dict' 642 # ------------------------------------------------------------643 # get elem_no and coordinates are taken from the first loading-case:644 # 645 state_data_dict = Property( Dict )#, depends_on = 'lc_list, current_ls' )646 @cached_property647 def _get_state_data_dict( self ):648 return self.lc_list[0].state_data_dict649 elem_no = Property( Array )650 def _get_elem_no( self ):651 return self.state_data_dict['elem_no']652 X = Property( Array )653 def _get_X( self ):654 return self.state_data_dict['X']655 Y = Property( Array )656 def _get_Y( self ):657 return self.state_data_dict['Y']658 Z = Property( Array )659 def _get_Z( self ):660 return self.state_data_dict['Z']661 # ------------------------------------------------------------662 # the stress resultants are taken from 'lcc_tree' depending 663 # on the current limit state 'current_ls' 664 # ------------------------------------------------------------665 mx = Property( Array, depends_on = 'current_ls' )666 @cached_property667 def _get_mx( self ):668 return self.lcc_tree[ self.current_ls ]['mx']669 my = Property( Array, depends_on = 'current_ls' )670 @cached_property671 def _get_my( self ):672 return self.lcc_tree[ self.current_ls ]['my']673 mxy = Property( Array, depends_on = 'current_ls' )674 @cached_property675 def _get_mxy( self ):676 return self.lcc_tree[ self.current_ls ]['mxy']677 nx = Property( Array, depends_on = 'current_ls' )678 @cached_property679 def _get_nx( self ):680 return self.lcc_tree[ self.current_ls ]['nx']681 ny = Property( Array, depends_on = 'current_ls' )682 @cached_property683 def _get_ny( self ):684 return self.lcc_tree[ self.current_ls ]['ny']685 nxy = Property( Array, depends_on = 'current_ls' )686 @cached_property687 def _get_nxy( self ):688 return self.lcc_tree[ self.current_ls ]['nxy']689 combi_key = Property( Array, depends_on = 'current_ls' )690 @cached_property691 def _get_combi_key( self ):692 return self.lcc_tree[ self.current_ls ]['combi_key']693 # ------------------------------------------------------------694 # check input files for consistency695 # ------------------------------------------------------------696 @on_trait_change( 'data_file_thickness, data_file_stress_resultants' )697 def _check_input_files_for_consistency( self ):698 '''Check if the coordinate order of the thickness input file is 699 identical to the order in the stress_resultant input file.700 Here the first sr-input file is taken. The internal consistency701 of all defined loading cases is checked in the LCManager.702 '''703 if not all( self.X ) == all( self.X_ ) or \704 not all( self.Y ) == all( self.Y_ ) or \705 not all( self.Z ) == all( self.Z_ ):706 raise ValueError, 'coordinates in file % s and file % s are not identical. Check input files for consistency ! ' \707 % ( self.data_file_thickness, self.data_file_stress_resultants )708 else:709 print '*** input files checked for consistency ( OK ) *** '710 return True711 # ------------------------------------------------------------712 # Index M: calculate principle moments with corresponding normal forces713 # ------------------------------------------------------------714 princ_values_M = Property( Dict, depends_on = 'data_file_stress_resultants' )715 @cached_property716 def _get_princ_values_M( self ):717 '''principle value of the moments forces:718 and principle angle of the moments forces:719 mx_M, my_M, nx_M, ny_M: transform the values in the principle direction720 '''721 # stress_resultants in global coordinates722 #723 mx = self.mx724 my = self.my725 mxy = self.mxy726 nx = self.nx727 ny = self.ny728 nxy = self.nxy729 # principal values730 #731 m1 = 0.5 * ( mx + my ) + 0.5 * sqrt( ( mx - my ) ** 2 + 4 * mxy ** 2 )732 m2 = 0.5 * ( mx + my ) - 0.5 * sqrt( ( mx - my ) ** 2 + 4 * mxy ** 2 )733 alpha_M = pi /​ 2. * ones_like( m1 )734 bool = m2 != mx735 alpha_M[ bool ] = arctan( mxy[ bool ] /​ ( m2[ bool ] - mx[ bool ] ) )736 # transform to principal directions737 #738 mx_M = 0.5 * ( my + mx ) - 0.5 * ( my - mx ) * cos( 2 * alpha_M ) - mxy * sin( 2 * alpha_M )739 my_M = 0.5 * ( my + mx ) + 0.5 * ( my - mx ) * cos( 2 * alpha_M ) + mxy * sin( 2 * alpha_M )740 nx_M = 0.5 * ( ny + nx ) - 0.5 * ( ny - nx ) * cos( 2 * alpha_M ) - nxy * sin( 2 * alpha_M )741 ny_M = 0.5 * ( ny + nx ) + 0.5 * ( ny - nx ) * cos( 2 * alpha_M ) + nxy * sin( 2 * alpha_M )742 return { 'm1':m1, 'm2':m2, 'alpha_M':alpha_M,743 'mx_M':mx_M, 'my_M':my_M,744 'nx_M':nx_M, 'ny_M':ny_M }745 m1 = Property( Float )746 def _get_m1( self ):747 return self.princ_values_M['m1']748 m2 = Property( Float )749 def _get_m2( self ):750 return self.princ_values_M['m2']751 alpha_M = Property( Float )752 def _get_alpha_M( self ):753 return self.princ_values_M['alpha_M']754 mx_M = Property( Float )755 def _get_mx_M( self ):756 return self.princ_values_M['mx_M']757 my_M = Property( Float )758 def _get_my_M( self ):759 return self.princ_values_M['my_M']760 nx_M = Property( Float )761 def _get_nx_M( self ):762 return self.princ_values_M['nx_M']763 ny_M = Property( Float )764 def _get_ny_M( self ):765 return self.princ_values_M['ny_M']766 # ------------------------------------------------------------767 # Index N: principle normal forces with corresponding moments768 # ------------------------------------------------------------769 princ_values_N = Property( Dict, depends_on = 'data_file_stress_resultants' )770 @cached_property771 def _get_princ_values_N( self ):772 '''principle value of the normal forces:773 and principle angle of the normal forces:774 mx_N, my_N, nx_N, ny_N: transform the values in the principle normal direction775 '''776 # stress_resultants in global coordinates777 #778 mx = self.mx779 my = self.my780 mxy = self.mxy781 nx = self.nx782 ny = self.ny783 nxy = self.nxy784 # principal values785 #786 n1 = 0.5 * ( nx + ny ) + 0.5 * sqrt( ( nx - ny ) ** 2 + 4 * nxy ** 2 )787 n2 = 0.5 * ( nx + ny ) - 0.5 * sqrt( ( nx - ny ) ** 2 + 4 * nxy ** 2 )788 alpha_N = pi /​ 2. * ones_like( n1 )789 bool = n2 != nx790 alpha_N[ bool ] = arctan( nxy[ bool ] /​ ( n2[ bool ] - nx[ bool ] ) )791 # transform to principal directions792 mx_N = 0.5 * ( my + mx ) - 0.5 * ( my - mx ) * cos( 2 * alpha_N ) - mxy * sin( 2 * alpha_N )793 my_N = 0.5 * ( my + mx ) + 0.5 * ( my - mx ) * cos( 2 * alpha_N ) + mxy * sin( 2 * alpha_N )794 nx_N = 0.5 * ( ny + nx ) - 0.5 * ( ny - nx ) * cos( 2 * alpha_N ) - nxy * sin( 2 * alpha_N )795 ny_N = 0.5 * ( ny + nx ) + 0.5 * ( ny - nx ) * cos( 2 * alpha_N ) + nxy * sin( 2 * alpha_N )796 return{'n1' : n1, 'n2' : n2, 'alpha_N' : alpha_N,797 'mx_N' : mx_N, 'my_N' : my_N,798 'nx_N' : nx_N, 'ny_N' : ny_N }799 n1 = Property( Float )800 def _get_n1( self ):801 return self.princ_values_N['n1']802 n2 = Property( Float )803 def _get_n2( self ):804 return self.princ_values_N['n2']805 alpha_N = Property( Float )806 def _get_alpha_N( self ):807 return self.princ_values_N['alpha_N']808 mx_N = Property( Float )809 def _get_mx_N( self ):810 return self.princ_values_N['mx_N']811 my_N = Property( Float )812 def _get_my_N( self ):813 return self.princ_values_N['my_N']814 nx_N = Property( Float )815 def _get_nx_N( self ):816 return self.princ_values_N['nx_N']817 ny_N = Property( Float )818 def _get_ny_N( self ):819 return self.princ_values_N['ny_N']820 #------------------------------------------821 # combinations of limit states, stress resultants and directions822 #------------------------------------------823 ls_tree = Dict824 def _ls_tree_default( self ):825 dir_list = DIRLIST826 sr_list = SRLIST827 ls_list = LSLIST828 ls_dict = {}829 for ls_class in ls_list:830 sr_dict = {}831 for sr in sr_list:832 dir_dict = {}833 for dir in dir_list:834 # set 'current_ls' to current 'ls_tree' ls-key835 # the change of attribute 'current_ls' triggers 836 # a 'depends_on' change and the Properties837 # of the stress resultants are refreshed 838 # 839 current_ls = ls_class.__name__840 self._reset_stress_resultants()841 print 'current_ls', current_ls842 dir_dict[ dir ] = ls_class( info_shell = self, dir = dir, sr = sr )843 sr_dict[ sr ] = dir_dict844 ls_dict[ ls_class.__name__ ] = sr_dict845 return ls_dict846# for k, v in d.iteritems():847# c[k] = v848 #------------------------------------------849 # get arrays for the TabularEditor:850 #------------------------------------------851 U_Mx = Property( Instance( ULS ) )852 def _get_U_Mx( self ):853 return self.ls_tree['ULS']['M']['x']854 U_My = Property( Instance( ULS ) )855 def _get_U_My( self ):856 return self.ls_tree['ULS']['M']['y']857 U_Nx = Property( Instance( ULS ) )858 def _get_U_Nx( self ):859 return self.ls_tree['ULS']['N']['x']860 U_Ny = Property( Instance( ULS ) )861 def _get_U_Ny( self ):862 return self.ls_tree['ULS']['N']['y']863 S_Mx = Property( Instance( SLS ) )864 def _get_S_Mx( self ):865 return self.ls_tree['SLS']['M']['x']866 S_My = Property( Instance( SLS ) )867 def _get_S_My( self ):868 return self.ls_tree['SLS']['M']['y']869 S_Nx = Property( Instance( SLS ) )870 def _get_S_Nx( self ):871 return self.ls_tree['SLS']['N']['x']872 S_Ny = Property( Instance( SLS ) )873 def _get_S_Ny( self ):874 return self.ls_tree['SLS']['N']['y']875 # ------------------------------------------------------------876 # View 877 # ------------------------------------------------------------878 traits_view = View( Item( 'data_file_stress_resultants', label = 'Evaluated input file for stress_resultants ',879 style = 'readonly', emphasized = True ),880 Item( 'data_file_thickness', label = 'Evaluated input file for thicknesses ',881 style = 'readonly', emphasized = True ),882 Item( 'S_Nx@' , label = "S-NX", show_label = False ),883# Tabbed( 884# Item( 'S_Nx@' , label = "S-NX", show_label = False ),885# Item( 'S_Ny@' , label = "S-NY", show_label = False ),886# Item( 'S_Mx@' , label = "S-MX", show_label = False ),887# Item( 'S_My@' , label = "S-MY", show_label = False ),888# Item( 'U_Nx@' , label = "U-NX", show_label = False ),889# Item( 'U_Ny@' , label = "U-NY", show_label = False ),890# Item( 'U_Mx@' , label = "U-MX", show_label = False ),891# Item( 'U_My@' , label = "U-MY", show_label = False ),892# scrollable = False,893# ),894 resizable = True,895 scrollable = True,896 height = 1000,897 width = 1100898 )899if __name__ == '__main__':900 ifs = InfoShell()901 ifs.lcc_tree['ULS']['mx']902 ifs.configure_traits()903# print ifs.columns904#905# ifs.selected_dir = 'y'906# print ifs.columns907#908# ifs.selected_sr = 'N'909# print ifs.columns910#911# ifs.selected_ls = ULS912# print ifs.columns913#914# print 'n1'915# print ifs.n1916# print ifs.my_M917#918# print 'n_table'...

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...68 self._check_repo_state(repo, 'master', self.def_branches,69 tags=['upstream/​2.6'])70 def _check_component_tarballs(self, repo, files):71 for file in files:72 ok_(to_bin(file) in repo.ls_tree('HEAD'),73 "Could not find component tarball file %s in %s" % (file, repo.ls_tree('HEAD')))74 ok_(to_bin(file) in repo.ls_tree('upstream'),75 "Could not find component tarball file %s in %s" % (file, repo.ls_tree('upstream')))76 @RepoFixtures.quilt30(DEFAULT_DSC, opts=['--pristine-tar'])77 def test_update(self, repo):78 """79 Test that importing a new version works80 """81 orig = self._orig('2.8')82 ok_(import_orig(['arg0',83 '--postimport=printenv > ../​postimport.out',84 '--postunpack=printenv > ../​postunpack.out',85 '--no-interactive', '--pristine-tar', orig]) == 0)86 self._check_repo_state(repo, 'master', ['master', 'upstream', 'pristine-tar'],87 tags=['debian/​2.6-2', 'upstream/​2.6', 'upstream/​2.8'])88 ok_(os.path.exists('debian/​changelog'))89 ok_(os.path.exists('../​postimport.out'))90 self.check_hook_vars('../​postimport', [("GBP_BRANCH", "master"),91 ("GBP_TAG", "upstream/​2.8"),92 ("GBP_UPSTREAM_VERSION", "2.8"),93 ("GBP_DEBIAN_VERSION", "2.8-1")])94 @RepoFixtures.quilt30(DEFAULT_DSC, opts=['--pristine-tar'])95 def test_update_component_tarballs(self, repo):96 """97 Test importing new version with additional tarballs works98 """99 # Import 2.8100 orig = self._orig('2.8', dir='dsc-3.0-additional-tarballs')101 ok_(import_orig(['arg0', '--component=foo', '--no-interactive', '--pristine-tar', orig]) == 0)102 self._check_repo_state(repo, 'master', ['master', 'upstream', 'pristine-tar'],103 tags=['debian/​2.6-2', 'upstream/​2.6', 'upstream/​2.8'])104 self._check_component_tarballs(repo, [b'foo/​test1', b'foo/​test2'])105 ok_(os.path.exists('debian/​changelog'))106 dsc = DscFile.parse(_dsc_file(self.pkg, '2.8-1', dir='dsc-3.0-additional-tarballs'))107 # Check if we can rebuild the upstream tarball and additional tarball108 ptars = [('hello-debhelper_2.8.orig.tar.gz', 'pristine-tar', '', dsc.tgz),109 ('hello-debhelper_2.8.orig-foo.tar.gz', 'pristine-tar^', 'foo', dsc.additional_tarballs['foo'])]110 p = DebianPristineTar(repo)111 outdir = os.path.abspath('.')112 for f, w, s, o in ptars:113 eq_(repo.get_subject(w), 'pristine-tar data for %s' % f)114 old = self.hash_file(o)115 p.checkout('hello-debhelper', '2.8', 'gzip', outdir, component=s)116 out = os.path.join(outdir, f)117 new = self.hash_file(out)118 eq_(old, new, "Checksum %s of regenerated tarball %s does not match original %s" %119 (f, old, new))120 os.unlink(out)121 # Import 2.9122 orig = self._orig('2.9', dir='dsc-3.0-additional-tarballs')123 ok_(import_orig(['arg0', '--component=foo', '--no-interactive', '--pristine-tar', orig]) == 0)124 self._check_repo_state(repo, 'master', ['master', 'upstream', 'pristine-tar'],125 tags=['debian/​2.6-2', 'upstream/​2.6', 'upstream/​2.8', 'upstream/​2.9'])126 self._check_component_tarballs(repo, ['foo/​test1', 'foo/​test2', 'foo/​test3'])127 ok_(os.path.exists('debian/​changelog'))128 dsc = DscFile.parse(_dsc_file(self.pkg, '2.9-1', dir='dsc-3.0-additional-tarballs'))129 # Check if we can rebuild the upstream tarball and additional tarball130 ptars = [('hello-debhelper_2.9.orig.tar.gz', 'pristine-tar', '', dsc.tgz),131 ('hello-debhelper_2.9.orig-foo.tar.gz', 'pristine-tar^', 'foo', dsc.additional_tarballs['foo'])]132 p = DebianPristineTar(repo)133 outdir = os.path.abspath('.')134 for f, w, s, o in ptars:135 eq_(repo.get_subject(w), 'pristine-tar data for %s' % f)136 old = self.hash_file(o)137 p.checkout('hello-debhelper', '2.9', 'gzip', outdir, component=s)138 new = self.hash_file(os.path.join(outdir, f))139 eq_(old, new, "Checksum %s of regenerated tarball %s does not match original %s" %140 (f, old, new))141 def test_tag_exists(self):142 """Test that importing an already imported version fails"""143 repo = GitRepository.create(self.pkg)144 os.chdir(repo.path)145 orig = self._orig('2.6')146 # First import147 ok_(import_orig(['arg0', '--no-interactive', '--pristine-tar', orig]) == 0)148 heads = self.rem_refs(repo, self.def_branches)149 # Second import must fail150 ok_(import_orig(['arg0', '--no-interactive', '--pristine-tar', orig]) == 1)151 self._check_log(0, "gbp:error: Upstream tag 'upstream/​2.6' already exists")152 # Check that the second import didn't change any refs153 self.check_refs(repo, heads)154 @RepoFixtures.quilt30(DEFAULT_DSC, opts=['--pristine-tar'])155 def test_update_fail_create_upstream_tag(self, repo):156 """157 Test that we can rollback from a failure to create the upstream158 tag159 """160 heads = self.rem_refs(repo, self.def_branches)161 orig = self._orig('2.8')162 with patch('gbp.git.repository.GitRepository.create_tag',163 side_effect=GitRepositoryError('this is a create tag error mock')):164 ok_(import_orig(['arg0', '--no-interactive', '--pristine-tar', orig]) == 1)165 self._check_repo_state(repo, 'master', ['master', 'upstream', 'pristine-tar'],166 tags=['debian/​2.6-2', 'upstream/​2.6'])167 self.check_refs(repo, heads)168 @RepoFixtures.quilt30(DEFAULT_DSC, opts=['--pristine-tar'])169 def test_update_fail_merge(self, repo):170 """171 Test that we can rollback from a failed merge172 """173 heads = self.rem_refs(repo, self.def_branches)174 orig = self._orig('2.8')175 with patch('gbp.scripts.import_orig.debian_branch_merge',176 side_effect=GitRepositoryError('this is a fail merge error mock')):177 ok_(import_orig(['arg0', '--no-interactive', '--pristine-tar', orig]) == 1)178 self._check_repo_state(repo, 'master', ['master', 'upstream', 'pristine-tar'],179 tags=['debian/​2.6-2', 'upstream/​2.6'])180 self.check_refs(repo, heads)181 @patch('gbp.git.repository.GitRepository.create_tag',182 side_effect=raise_if_tag_match('upstream/​'))183 def test_initial_import_fail_create_upstream_tag(self, RepoMock):184 """185 Test that we can rollback from a failure to create the upstream186 tag on initial import187 """188 repo = GitRepository.create(self.pkg)189 os.chdir(repo.path)190 orig = self._orig('2.6')191 ok_(import_orig(['arg0', '--no-interactive', orig]) == 1)192 self._check_repo_state(repo, None, [], tags=[])193 def test_initial_import_fail_create_debian_branch(self):194 """195 Test that we can rollback from creating the Debian branch on196 initial import197 """198 repo = GitRepository.create(self.pkg)199 os.chdir(self.pkg)200 orig = self._orig('2.6')201 with patch('gbp.git.repository.GitRepository.create_branch',202 side_effect=GitRepositoryError('this is a create branch error mock')):203 ok_(import_orig(['arg0', '--no-interactive', '--pristine-tar', orig]) == 1)204 self._check_repo_state(repo, None, [], tags=[])205 @RepoFixtures.quilt30(DEFAULT_DSC, opts=['--pristine-tar'])206 def test_filter_with_component_tarballs(self, repo):207 """208 Test that using a filter works with component tarballs (#840602)209 """210 # copy data since we don't want the repacked tarball to end up in DEB_TEST_DATA_DIR211 os.mkdir('../​tarballs')212 for f in ['hello-debhelper_2.8.orig-foo.tar.gz', 'hello-debhelper_2.8.orig.tar.gz']:213 src = os.path.join(DEB_TEST_DATA_DIR, 'dsc-3.0-additional-tarballs', f)214 shutil.copy(src, '../​tarballs')215 ok_(import_orig(['arg0',216 '--component=foo',217 '--no-interactive',218 '--pristine-tar',219 '--filter-pristine-tar',220 '--filter=README*',221 '../​tarballs/​hello-debhelper_2.8.orig.tar.gz']) == 0)222 self._check_repo_state(repo, 'master', ['master', 'upstream', 'pristine-tar'],223 tags=['debian/​2.6-2', 'upstream/​2.6', 'upstream/​2.8'])224 self._check_component_tarballs(repo, ['foo/​test1', 'foo/​test2'])225 ok_(b'COPYING' in repo.ls_tree('HEAD'))226 ok_(b'README' not in repo.ls_tree('HEAD'),227 "README not filtered out of %s" % repo.ls_tree('HEAD'))228 tar = '../​hello-debhelper_2.8.orig.tar.gz'229 # Check if tar got filtered properly230 ok_(os.path.exists(tar))231 t =, mode="r:gz")232 for f in ['hello-2.8/​configure']:233 i = t.getmember(f)234 eq_(type(i), tarfile.TarInfo)235 for f in ['hello-2.8/​README']:236 with assert_raises(KeyError):237 t.getmember(f)238 t.close()239 @RepoFixtures.quilt30(DEFAULT_DSC, opts=['--pristine-tar'])240 def test_filter_with_component_tarballs_and_postunpack_changes(self, repo):241 """242 Test that using a filter works with component tarballs (#840602) and243 that the postunpack hook can be used to do more sophisticated changes244 to the orig (#951534).245 """246 # copy data since we don't want the repacked tarball to end up in DEB_TEST_DATA_DIR247 os.mkdir('../​tarballs')248 for f in ['hello-debhelper_2.8.orig-foo.tar.gz', 'hello-debhelper_2.8.orig.tar.gz']:249 src = os.path.join(DEB_TEST_DATA_DIR, 'dsc-3.0-additional-tarballs', f)250 shutil.copy(src, '../​tarballs')251 ok_(import_orig(['arg0',252 '--component=foo',253 '--no-interactive',254 '--pristine-tar',255 '--filter-pristine-tar',256 '--filter=README*',257 '--postunpack=printenv > $GBP_SOURCES_DIR/​postunpack.out;' +258 'rm $GBP_SOURCES_DIR/​TODO',259 '../​tarballs/​hello-debhelper_2.8.orig.tar.gz']) == 0)260 self._check_repo_state(repo, 'master', ['master', 'upstream', 'pristine-tar'],261 tags=['debian/​2.6-2', 'upstream/​2.6', 'upstream/​2.8'])262 self._check_component_tarballs(repo, ['foo/​test1', 'foo/​test2'])263 ok_(b'COPYING' in repo.ls_tree('HEAD'))264 ok_(b'README' not in repo.ls_tree('HEAD'),265 "README not filtered out of %s" % repo.ls_tree('HEAD'))266 ok_(b'TODO' not in repo.ls_tree('HEAD'),267 "TODO not filtered out of %s" % repo.ls_tree('HEAD'))268 tar = '../​hello-debhelper_2.8.orig.tar.gz'269 # Check if tar got filtered properly270 ok_(os.path.exists(tar))271 t =, mode="r:gz")272 for f in ['hello-2.8/​configure', 'hello-2.8/​postunpack.out']:273 i = t.getmember(f)274 eq_(type(i), tarfile.TarInfo)275 for f in ['hello-2.8/​README', 'hello-2.8/​TODO']:276 with assert_raises(KeyError):277 t.getmember(f)278 t.close()279 @RepoFixtures.quilt30(DEFAULT_DSC, opts=['--pristine-tar'])280 def test_filter_with_orig_tarball(self, repo):281 """282 Test that using a filter works with an upstream tarball that has283 already the correct name (#558777)284 """285 f = 'hello-debhelper_2.8.orig.tar.gz'286 src = os.path.join(DEB_TEST_DATA_DIR, 'dsc-3.0', f)287 shutil.copy(src, '..')288 ok_(import_orig(['arg0',289 '--no-interactive',290 '--pristine-tar',291 '--filter-pristine-tar',292 '--filter=README*',293 '../​hello-debhelper_2.8.orig.tar.gz']) == 0)294 self._check_repo_state(repo, 'master', ['master', 'upstream', 'pristine-tar'],295 tags=['debian/​2.6-2', 'upstream/​2.6', 'upstream/​2.8'])296 filtered = os.path.join('..', f)297 ok_(os.path.exists(filtered))298 eq_(os.readlink(filtered).split('/​')[-1],299 'hello-debhelper_2.8.orig.gbp.tar.gz')300 # Check if tar got filtered properly301 t =, mode="r:gz")302 for f in ['hello-2.8/​configure']:303 i = t.getmember(f)304 eq_(type(i), tarfile.TarInfo)305 for f in ['hello-2.8/​README']:306 with assert_raises(KeyError):307 t.getmember(f)308 t.close()309 @RepoFixtures.quilt30(DEFAULT_DSC, opts=['--pristine-tar'])310 def test_filter_with_orig_tarball_and_postunpack_changes(self, repo):311 """312 Test that using a filter works with an upstream tarball that has313 already the correct name (#558777) and that the postunpack hook can314 be used to do more sophisticated changes to the orig (#951534).315 """316 f = 'hello-debhelper_2.8.orig.tar.gz'317 src = os.path.join(DEB_TEST_DATA_DIR, 'dsc-3.0', f)318 shutil.copy(src, '..')319 ok_(import_orig(['arg0',320 '--no-interactive',321 '--pristine-tar',322 '--filter-pristine-tar',323 '--filter=README*',324 '--postunpack=printenv > $GBP_SOURCES_DIR/​postunpack.out;' +325 'rm $GBP_SOURCES_DIR/​TODO',326 '../​hello-debhelper_2.8.orig.tar.gz']) == 0)327 self._check_repo_state(repo, 'master', ['master', 'upstream', 'pristine-tar'],328 tags=['debian/​2.6-2', 'upstream/​2.6', 'upstream/​2.8'])329 filtered = os.path.join('..', f)330 ok_(os.path.exists(filtered))331 eq_(os.readlink(filtered).split('/​')[-1],332 'hello-debhelper_2.8.orig.gbp.tar.gz')333 # Check if tar got filtered properly334 t =, mode="r:gz")335 for f in ['hello-2.8/​configure', 'hello-2.8/​postunpack.out']:336 i = t.getmember(f)337 eq_(type(i), tarfile.TarInfo)338 for f in ['hello-2.8/​README', 'hello-2.8/​TODO']:339 with assert_raises(KeyError):340 t.getmember(f)341 t.close()342 @RepoFixtures.quilt30(DEFAULT_DSC, opts=['--pristine-tar'])343 def test_postunpack_changes_with_orig_tarball(self, repo):344 """345 Test that using a postunpack script to apply changes works with an346 upstream tarball that has already the correct name (#951534).347 """348 f = 'hello-debhelper_2.8.orig.tar.gz'349 src = os.path.join(DEB_TEST_DATA_DIR, 'dsc-3.0', f)350 shutil.copy(src, '..')351 ok_(import_orig(['arg0',352 '--no-interactive',353 '--pristine-tar',354 '--filter-pristine-tar',355 '--postunpack=printenv > $GBP_SOURCES_DIR/​postunpack.out;' +356 'rm $GBP_SOURCES_DIR/​TODO; rm $GBP_SOURCES_DIR/​README',357 '../​hello-debhelper_2.8.orig.tar.gz']) == 0)358 self._check_repo_state(repo, 'master', ['master', 'upstream', 'pristine-tar'],359 tags=['debian/​2.6-2', 'upstream/​2.6', 'upstream/​2.8'])360 filtered = os.path.join('..', f)361 ok_(os.path.exists(filtered))362 eq_(os.readlink(filtered).split('/​')[-1],363 'hello-debhelper_2.8.orig.gbp.tar.gz')364 # Check if tar got filtered properly365 t =, mode="r:gz")366 for f in ['hello-2.8/​configure', 'hello-2.8/​postunpack.out']:367 i = t.getmember(f)368 eq_(type(i), tarfile.TarInfo)369 for f in ['hello-2.8/​README', 'hello-2.8/​TODO']:370 with assert_raises(KeyError):371 t.getmember(f)372 t.close()373 @RepoFixtures.quilt30(DEFAULT_DSC, opts=['--pristine-tar'])374 def test_filter_unpacked_dir(self, repo):375 """376 Test that importing and filtering unpacked upstream source works.377 """378 f = 'hello-debhelper_2.8.orig.tar.gz'379 src = os.path.join(DEB_TEST_DATA_DIR, 'dsc-3.0', f)380 # Create an unpacked tarball we can import381 UnpackTarArchive(src, '..')()382 ok_(os.path.exists('../​hello-2.8'))383 ok_(import_orig(['arg0',384 '--no-interactive',385 '--pristine-tar',386 '--filter-pristine-tar',387 '--filter=README*',388 '../​hello-2.8']) == 0)389 self._check_repo_state(repo, 'master', ['master', 'upstream', 'pristine-tar'],390 tags=['debian/​2.6-2', 'upstream/​2.6', 'upstream/​2.8'])391 filtered = os.path.join('..', f)392 ok_(os.path.exists(filtered))393 # Check if tar got filtered properly394 t =, mode="r:gz")395 for f in ['hello-2.8/​configure']:396 i = t.getmember(f)397 eq_(type(i), tarfile.TarInfo)398 for f in ['hello-2.8/​README']:399 with assert_raises(KeyError):400 t.getmember(f)401 t.close()402 @RepoFixtures.quilt30(DEFAULT_DSC, opts=['--pristine-tar'])403 def test_filter_unpacked_dir_with_postunpack_changes(self, repo):404 """405 Test that importing and filtering unpacked upstream source works and406 that the postunpack hook can be used to do more sophisticated changes407 to the orig (#951534).408 """409 f = 'hello-debhelper_2.8.orig.tar.gz'410 src = os.path.join(DEB_TEST_DATA_DIR, 'dsc-3.0', f)411 # Create an unpacked tarball we can import412 UnpackTarArchive(src, '..')()413 ok_(os.path.exists('../​hello-2.8'))414 ok_(import_orig(['arg0',415 '--no-interactive',416 '--pristine-tar',417 '--filter-pristine-tar',418 '--filter=README*',419 '--postunpack=printenv > $GBP_SOURCES_DIR/​postunpack.out;' +420 'rm $GBP_SOURCES_DIR/​TODO',421 '../​hello-2.8']) == 0)422 self._check_repo_state(repo, 'master', ['master', 'upstream', 'pristine-tar'],423 tags=['debian/​2.6-2', 'upstream/​2.6', 'upstream/​2.8'])424 filtered = os.path.join('..', f)425 ok_(os.path.exists(filtered))426 # Check if tar got filtered properly427 t =, mode="r:gz")428 for f in ['hello-2.8/​configure', 'hello-2.8/​postunpack.out']:429 i = t.getmember(f)430 eq_(type(i), tarfile.TarInfo)431 for f in ['hello-2.8/​README', 'hello-2.8/​TODO']:432 with assert_raises(KeyError):433 t.getmember(f)434 t.close()435 @RepoFixtures.quilt30(DEFAULT_DSC, opts=['--pristine-tar'])436 def test_import_in_submodule(self, repo):437 """438 Test that importing works if repo is a git submodule (#674015)439 """440 parent_repo = GitRepository.create('../​parent')441 parent_repo.add_submodule(repo.path)442 parent_repo.update_submodules(init=True, recursive=True)443 submodule = GitRepository(os.path.join(parent_repo.path,444 'hello-debhelper'))445 ok_(submodule.path.endswith, 'parent/​hello-debhelper')446 os.chdir(submodule.path)447 orig = self._orig('2.8')448 submodule.create_branch('upstream', 'origin/​upstream')449 ok_(import_orig(['arg0', '--no-interactive', orig]) == 0)450 def test_with_signaturefile(self):451 """452 Test that importing a new version with a signature file works453 """454 repo = ComponentTestGitRepository.create(self.pkg)455 os.chdir(self.pkg)456 orig = self._orig('2.8')457 ok_(import_orig(['arg0',458 '--postimport=printenv > ../​postimport.out',459 '--postunpack=printenv > ../​postunpack.out',460 '--no-interactive', '--pristine-tar',461 '--upstream-signatures=on', orig]) == 0)462 self._check_repo_state(repo, 'master', ['master', 'upstream', 'pristine-tar'],463 tags=['upstream/​2.8'])464 ok_(os.path.exists('../​postimport.out'))465 eq_(repo.ls_tree('pristine-tar'), {b'',466 b'',467 b'hello-debhelper_2.8.orig.tar.gz.asc'})468 self.check_hook_vars('../​postimport', [("GBP_BRANCH", "master"),469 ("GBP_TAG", "upstream/​2.8"),470 ("GBP_UPSTREAM_VERSION", "2.8"),471 ("GBP_DEBIAN_VERSION", "2.8-1")])472 def test_with_auto_signaturefile(self):473 """474 Test that importing a new version with a signature file works475 when using auto mode.476 """477 repo = ComponentTestGitRepository.create(self.pkg)478 os.chdir(self.pkg)479 orig = self._orig('2.8')480 ok_(import_orig(['arg0',481 '--postimport=printenv > ../​postimport.out',482 '--postunpack=printenv > ../​postunpack.out',483 '--no-interactive', '--pristine-tar',484 '--upstream-signatures=auto', orig]) == 0)485 self._check_repo_state(repo, 'master', ['master', 'upstream', 'pristine-tar'],486 tags=['upstream/​2.8'])487 ok_(os.path.exists('../​postimport.out'))488 eq_(repo.ls_tree('pristine-tar'), {b'',489 b'',490 b'hello-debhelper_2.8.orig.tar.gz.asc'})491 self.check_hook_vars('../​postimport', [("GBP_BRANCH", "master"),492 ("GBP_TAG", "upstream/​2.8"),493 ("GBP_UPSTREAM_VERSION", "2.8"),494 ("GBP_DEBIAN_VERSION", "2.8-1")])495 def test_postunpack_env_vars(self):496 """497 Test that the expected environment variables are set during498 postunpack hook.499 """500 ComponentTestGitRepository.create(self.pkg)501 os.chdir(self.pkg)502 orig = self._orig('2.8')...

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1import pytest2import asyncio3from mock import Mock4import qth5from qth_ls import \6 Ls, \7 path_to_subdirectories, \8 listing_has_subdir, \9 get_path_listing10def AsyncMock(*args, **kwargs):11 return Mock(*args,12 side_effect=lambda *_, **__: asyncio.sleep(0),13 **kwargs)14def test_path_to_subdirectories():15 assert list(path_to_subdirectories("")) == [""]16 assert list(path_to_subdirectories("foo")) == [""]17 assert list(path_to_subdirectories("foo/​bar")) == ["", "foo/​"]18 assert list(path_to_subdirectories("foo/​bar/​baz")) == \19 ["", "foo/​", "foo/​bar/​"]20def test_listing_has_subdir():21 assert not listing_has_subdir({}, "foo")22 assert not listing_has_subdir(23 {"foo": [{"behaviour": "PROPERTY-N:1"}]}, "foo")24 assert listing_has_subdir({"foo": [{"behaviour": "DIRECTORY"}]}, "foo")25 assert listing_has_subdir({"foo": [26 {"behaviour": "PROPERTY-1:N"},27 {"behaviour": "DIRECTORY"},28 ]}, "foo")29def test_get_path_listing():30 assert get_path_listing({}, "qux") is None31 ls_tree = {32 "": {33 "foo": [{"behaviour": "PROPERTY-N:1"},34 {"behaviour": "DIRECTORY"}],35 "baz": [{"behaviour": "PROPERTY-1:N"}],36 },37 "foo/​": {38 "bar": [{"behaviour": "EVENT-1:N"}],39 },40 "qux/​": {41 "quo": [{"behaviour": "EVENT-N:1"}],42 },43 }44 assert get_path_listing(ls_tree, "qux") is None45 assert get_path_listing(ls_tree, "baz") == [{"behaviour": "PROPERTY-1:N"}]46 assert get_path_listing(ls_tree, "foo") == [{"behaviour": "PROPERTY-N:1"},47 {"behaviour": "DIRECTORY"}]48 assert get_path_listing(ls_tree, "foo/​bar") == [{"behaviour": "EVENT-1:N"}]49 # The 'qux/​' directory is not listed in the top-level so it shouldn't be50 # returned, despite having a tree listing...51 assert get_path_listing(ls_tree, "qux/​quo") is None52@pytest.mark.asyncio53async def test_watch_and_unwatch():54 client = Mock()55 client.watch_property = AsyncMock()56 client.unwatch_property = AsyncMock()57 ls = Ls(client)58 foo_bar_cb = AsyncMock()59 await ls.watch_path("foo/​bar", foo_bar_cb)60 # Should call straight away with None61 foo_bar_cb.assert_called_once_with("foo/​bar", None)62 # Should have registered the callback and prepared a None 'last value'63 assert ls._callbacks == {"foo/​bar": [foo_bar_cb]}64 assert ls._last_path_value == {"foo/​bar": None}65 # Should have setup watches for meta/​ls/​ and meta/​ls/​foo/​66 assert client.watch_property.call_count == 267 client.watch_property.assert_any_call(68 "meta/​ls/​", ls._on_ls_tree_property_changed)69 client.watch_property.assert_any_call(70 "meta/​ls/​foo/​", ls._on_ls_tree_property_changed)71 # Watching a different property should result in a minimal set of path72 # watches being added73 foo_bar_baz_cb = AsyncMock()74 await ls.watch_path("foo/​bar/​baz", foo_bar_baz_cb)75 foo_bar_baz_cb.assert_called_once_with("foo/​bar/​baz", None)76 assert ls._callbacks == {"foo/​bar": [foo_bar_cb],77 "foo/​bar/​baz": [foo_bar_baz_cb]}78 assert ls._last_path_value == {"foo/​bar": None,79 "foo/​bar/​baz": None}80 # Should have setup only one extra watch for meta/​ls/​foo/​bar/​81 assert client.watch_property.call_count == 382 client.watch_property.assert_called_with(83 "meta/​ls/​foo/​bar/​", ls._on_ls_tree_property_changed)84 # Watching a property a second time should add a callback but trigger no85 # new tree watches.86 foo_bar_baz_cb2 = AsyncMock()87 await ls.watch_path("foo/​bar/​baz", foo_bar_baz_cb2)88 foo_bar_baz_cb.assert_called_once_with("foo/​bar/​baz", None)89 foo_bar_baz_cb2.assert_called_once_with("foo/​bar/​baz", None)90 assert ls._callbacks == {"foo/​bar": [foo_bar_cb],91 "foo/​bar/​baz": [foo_bar_baz_cb, foo_bar_baz_cb2]}92 assert ls._last_path_value == {"foo/​bar": None,93 "foo/​bar/​baz": None}94 assert client.watch_property.call_count == 395 # Unwatching a doubly-watched property should result in no tree changes96 await ls.unwatch_path("foo/​bar/​baz", foo_bar_baz_cb)97 assert foo_bar_baz_cb.call_count == 198 assert ls._callbacks == {"foo/​bar": [foo_bar_cb],99 "foo/​bar/​baz": [foo_bar_baz_cb2]}100 assert ls._last_path_value == {"foo/​bar": None,101 "foo/​bar/​baz": None}102 assert client.watch_property.call_count == 3103 assert client.unwatch_property.call_count == 0104 # Unwatching a property should unwatch only the tree parts it nolonger105 # needs106 await ls.unwatch_path("foo/​bar/​baz", foo_bar_baz_cb2)107 assert foo_bar_baz_cb2.call_count == 1108 assert ls._callbacks == {"foo/​bar": [foo_bar_cb]}109 assert ls._last_path_value == {"foo/​bar": None}110 assert client.watch_property.call_count == 3111 assert client.unwatch_property.call_count == 1112 client.unwatch_property.assert_any_call(113 "meta/​ls/​foo/​bar/​", ls._on_ls_tree_property_changed)114 # Unwatching the remaining property should take us back where we started115 await ls.unwatch_path("foo/​bar", foo_bar_cb)116 assert foo_bar_cb.call_count == 1117 assert ls._callbacks == {}118 assert ls._last_path_value == {}119 assert client.watch_property.call_count == 3120 assert client.unwatch_property.call_count == 3121 client.unwatch_property.assert_any_call(122 "meta/​ls/​", ls._on_ls_tree_property_changed)123 client.unwatch_property.assert_any_call(124 "meta/​ls/​foo/​", ls._on_ls_tree_property_changed)125@pytest.mark.asyncio126async def test_tree_changes():127 client = Mock()128 client.watch_property = AsyncMock()129 client.unwatch_property = AsyncMock()130 ls = Ls(client)131 # Test that values make it through132 foo_bar_cb = AsyncMock()133 await ls.watch_path("foo/​bar", foo_bar_cb)134 # Initially None135 foo_bar_cb.assert_called_once_with("foo/​bar", None)136 # When a listing arrives, nothing should happen if we don't have the whole137 # tree of paths138 await ls._on_ls_tree_property_changed("meta/​ls/​foo/​", {139 "bar": [{"behaviour": "EVENT-1:N"}],140 })141 assert foo_bar_cb.call_count == 1142 # When the final missing part of the tree arrives, a callback should come143 # through144 await ls._on_ls_tree_property_changed("meta/​ls/​", {145 "foo": [{"behaviour": "DIRECTORY"}],146 })147 assert foo_bar_cb.call_count == 2148 foo_bar_cb.assert_called_with("foo/​bar", [{"behaviour": "EVENT-1:N"}])149 # A second registration should immediately get the value150 foo_bar_cb2 = AsyncMock()151 await ls.watch_path("foo/​bar", foo_bar_cb2)152 foo_bar_cb2.assert_called_once_with(153 "foo/​bar", [{"behaviour": "EVENT-1:N"}])154 # A tree update which doesn't change the value should not result in a call155 await ls._on_ls_tree_property_changed("meta/​ls/​", {156 "foo": [{"behaviour": "DIRECTORY"}],157 "irrelevant": [{"behaviour": "EVENT-1:N"}],158 })159 assert foo_bar_cb.call_count == 2160 assert foo_bar_cb2.call_count == 1161 # If any part of the path is removed, should be None again162 await ls._on_ls_tree_property_changed("meta/​ls/​", {163 "irrelevant": [{"behaviour": "EVENT-1:N"}],164 })165 assert foo_bar_cb.call_count == 3166 foo_bar_cb.assert_called_with("foo/​bar", None)167 assert foo_bar_cb2.call_count == 2168 foo_bar_cb2.assert_called_with("foo/​bar", None)169 # Put it back again...170 await ls._on_ls_tree_property_changed("meta/​ls/​", {171 "foo": [{"behaviour": "DIRECTORY"}],172 })173 assert foo_bar_cb.call_count == 4174 foo_bar_cb.assert_called_with("foo/​bar", [{"behaviour": "EVENT-1:N"}])175 assert foo_bar_cb2.call_count == 3176 foo_bar_cb2.assert_called_with("foo/​bar", [{"behaviour": "EVENT-1:N"}])177 # If the listing property is deleted, everything should also disappear.178 await ls._on_ls_tree_property_changed("meta/​ls/​foo/​", qth.Empty)179 assert foo_bar_cb.call_count == 5180 foo_bar_cb.assert_called_with("foo/​bar", None)181 assert foo_bar_cb2.call_count == 4...

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...48 return tree49async def _copy_files_modifications(_cache, tree, paths_multimap):50 modifications = {}51 for source in paths_multimap:52 source_info_dict = await _cache.ls_tree(tree, source)53 if not source_info_dict:54 raise NoMatchingFilesError(55 'Path "{}" does not exist.'.format(source))56 source_info = list(source_info_dict.items())[0][1]57 for dest in paths_multimap[source]:58 # If dest is a directory, put the source inside dest instead of59 # overwriting dest entirely.60 dest_is_dir = False61 dest_info_dict = await _cache.ls_tree(tree, dest)62 if dest_info_dict:63 dest_info = list(dest_info_dict.items())[0][1]64 dest_is_dir = (dest_info.type == cache.TREE_TYPE)65 adjusted_dest = dest66 if dest_is_dir:67 adjusted_dest = str(68 PurePosixPath(dest) /​ PurePosixPath(source).name)69 modifications[adjusted_dest] = source_info70 return modifications71async def copy_files(_cache, tree, paths_multimap):72 modifications = await _copy_files_modifications(_cache, tree,73 paths_multimap)74 tree = await _cache.modify_tree(tree, modifications)75 return tree76async def move_files(_cache, tree, paths_multimap):77 # First obtain the copies from the original tree. Moves are not ordered but78 # happen all at once, so if you move a->b and b->c, the contents of c will79 # always end up being b rather than a.80 modifications = await _copy_files_modifications(_cache, tree,81 paths_multimap)82 # Now add in deletions, but be careful not to delete a file that just got83 # moved. Note that if "a" gets moved into "dir", it will end up at "dir/​a",84 # even if "dir" is deleted (because modify_tree always modifies parents85 # before decending into children, and deleting a dir is a modification of86 # that dir's parent).87 for source in paths_multimap:88 if source not in modifications:89 modifications[source] = None90 tree = await _cache.modify_tree(tree, modifications)91 return tree92async def _get_glob_entries(_cache, tree, globs_list):93 matches = {}94 for glob_str in globs_list:95 # Do an in-memory match of all the paths in the tree against the96 # glob expression. As an optimization, if the glob is something97 # like 'a/​b/​**/​foo', only list the paths under 'a/​b'.98 regex = glob.glob_to_path_regex(glob_str)99 prefix = glob.unglobbed_prefix(glob_str)100 entries = await _cache.ls_tree(tree, prefix, recursive=True)101 found = False102 for path, entry in entries.items():103 if re.match(regex, path):104 matches[path] = entry105 found = True106 if not found:107 raise NoMatchingFilesError(108 '"{}" didn\'t match any files.'.format(glob_str))109 return matches110async def pick_files(_cache, tree, globs_list):111 picks = await _get_glob_entries(_cache, tree, globs_list)112 tree = await _cache.modify_tree(None, picks)113 return tree114async def drop_files(_cache, tree, globs_list):115 drops = await _get_glob_entries(_cache, tree, globs_list)116 for path in drops:117 drops[path] = None118 tree = await _cache.modify_tree(tree, drops)119 return tree120async def make_files_executable(_cache, tree, globs_list):121 entries = await _get_glob_entries(_cache, tree, globs_list)122 exes = {}123 for path, entry in entries.items():124 # Ignore directories.125 if entry.type == cache.BLOB_TYPE:126 exes[path] = entry._replace(mode=cache.EXECUTABLE_FILE_MODE)127 tree = await _cache.modify_tree(tree, exes)128 return tree129async def get_export_tree(_cache, tree, export_path):130 entries = await _cache.ls_tree(tree, export_path)131 if not entries:132 raise NoMatchingFilesError(133 'Export path "{}" doesn\'t exist.'.format(export_path))134 entry = list(entries.values())[0]135 if entry.type != cache.TREE_TYPE:136 raise NoMatchingFilesError(137 'Export path "{}" is not a directory.'.format(export_path))138 return entry.hash139class NoMatchingFilesError(PrintableError):...

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