Best Python code snippet using molotov_python
1import serial2import time3import usb4import struct5import enum6vid_pid ="10c4:ea60"7ser = serial.Serial()8RED = '\033[91m'9BOLD = '\033[1m'10YELLOW = '\033[93m'11CYAN = '\033[96m'12GREEN = '\033[92m'13END = '\033[0m'14UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'15buffer = ""16class FRAME(enum.Enum):17 START = 218 STOP = 319 LF = 1020class ADDR(enum.Enum):21 BROADCAST = 022 MASTER = 123class CTRL(enum.Enum):24 NONE = 025 ADR = 6526 GET_STATE = 8327 GET_FRQ = 7028 GET_L = 7629 IO0 = 4830 IO1 = 4931 CALIBRATE = 6732 PING = 8033class ARG_1(enum.Enum):34 NONE = 035 REMOVE = 8236 GIVE = 7137 SET_IN_OUT = 6838 READ = 6639 SET = 7340class ARG_2(enum.Enum):41 NONE = 042class ERROR(enum.Enum):43 NONE = 044 TIMEOUT_ERROR = 145 STX_ERROR = 246 STOP_LF_ERROR = 347 LENGTH_MISMATCH_ERROR = 448def init_serial(port):49 if port != 0:50 ser.port = port51 ser.baudrate = 5760052 ser.bytesize = 853 ser.stopbits = 154 ser.parity = serial.PARITY_NONE55 ser.timeout = 256 if ser.is_open !=True:57 print("starting")59 else:60 print("UART Bridge not found")61def write_frame(adress, controll = CTRL.NONE.value, argument_1 = ARG_1.NONE.value, argument_2 = ARG_2.NONE.value, data = [0] * 8): 62 if ser.is_open:63 safetime = 1e-364 if adress < 256 and adress >= 0 and adress != None:65 adress = "0x{:02x}".format(adress)66 #print(adress)67 MSB = adress[2].encode()68 LSB = adress[3].encode() 69 else: 70 return "Wrong Adress value"71 if controll < 256 and controll > -1:72 controll = struct.pack('>B',controll)73 else:74 return "CTRL wrong size"75 if argument_1 < 256 and argument_1 > -1:76 argument_1 = struct.pack('>B',argument_1)77 else:78 return "ARG_1 wrong size"79 if argument_2 < 256 and argument_2 > -1:80 argument_2 = struct.pack('>B',argument_2)81 else:82 return "ARG_2 wrong size"83 ser.reset_input_buffer()84 ser.reset_output_buffer() 85 ser.write(struct.pack('>B', FRAME.START.value))86 time.sleep(safetime)87 ser.write(MSB)88 time.sleep(safetime)89 ser.write(LSB)90 time.sleep(safetime)91 ser.write(controll)92 time.sleep(safetime)93 ser.write(argument_1)94 time.sleep(safetime)95 ser.write(argument_2)96 time.sleep(safetime)97 98 for i in range(8):99 if data[i] is None:100 ser.write(struct.pack('>B',0))101 time.sleep(safetime)102 elif type(data[i]) is not int:103 ser.write(data[i])104 time.sleep(safetime)105 else:106 ser.write(struct.pack('>B',data[i]))107 time.sleep(safetime)108 ser.write(struct.pack('>B', FRAME.STOP.value))109 time.sleep(safetime)110 ser.write(struct.pack('>B', FRAME.LF.value))111 time.sleep(safetime)112 return "Frame sent"113 else:114 return "Port not open"115def give_all_adr(tries):116 retries = tries117 error_sent = ERROR.NONE118 error_received = ERROR.NONE119 s = ''120 i = 40121 adresses = []122 remove_all_adresses()123 if tries <= 1:124 print("tries must be greater than 0")125 return 126 while error_received != ERROR.TIMEOUT_ERROR:127 give_adr(i,ARG_1.GIVE.value)128 (s, data, error_sent, error_received) = read_frame(True)129 adresses.append(i)130 if error_received != ERROR.TIMEOUT_ERROR and error_received != ERROR.NONE:131 print(f"Unexpected Error occured during adress assignment: {}")132 print(s)133 return134 i+=1135 adresses.pop(-1)136 if adresses == []:137 return None 138 return adresses139def give_adr(adress: int, remove_give):140 if adress < 256 and adress > -1 and adress != None:141 adress = "0x{:02x}".format(adress)142 MSB = adress[2].encode()143 LSB = adress[3].encode() 144 write_frame(adress = 0, controll = CTRL.ADR.value, argument_1 = remove_give, data = [MSB, LSB, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])145 return "Frame sent"146 else:147 return "Wrong Adress value"148def remove_all_adresses():149 write_frame(adress = ADDR.BROADCAST.value, controll = CTRL.ADR.value,argument_1 = ARG_1.REMOVE.value ,data = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])150 time.sleep(1)151def set_io(device_adr, number, out: bool, on_off: bool) -> str:152 on_off = int(on_off == True)153 if number == 0:154 if out == 1:155 return write_frame(adress = device_adr, controll = CTRL.IO0.value, argument_1 = ARG_1.SET.value, argument_2 = on_off, data = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])156 return write_frame(adress = 0, controll = CTRL.IO0.value, argument_1 = ARG_1.READ.value, argument_2 = on_off, data = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])157 158 elif number == 1:159 if out == 1:160 return write_frame(adress = device_adr, controll = CTRL.IO1.value, argument_1 = ARG_1.SET.value, argument_2 = on_off, data = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])161 return write_frame(adress = 0, controll = CTRL.IO1.value, argument_1 = ARG_1.READ.value, argument_2 = on_off, data = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])162def read_frame(loopback: bool):163 global buffer 164 s = ''165 error_sent = ERROR.NONE.value166 error_received = ERROR.NONE.value167 if loopback:168 (s, data, error_sent, error_received) = read_frame(False)169 error_sent = error_received170 s += '\t' * 6 + '|\n'171 s += '\t' * 6 + 'V\n'172 line = ser.readline()173 if loopback is False:174 buffer += str(line) + "\n"175 s += byteframe_to_string(line)[0]176 data = byteframe_to_string(line)[1]177 error_received = byteframe_to_string(line)[2]178 return s, data, error_sent, error_received179def byteframe_to_string(b = [0] * 8):180 dashes = '-' * 100 + '\n'181 lines = END + '_' * 100 + '\n'182 s = ''183 s += f'\nBytearray: {b}\n' 184 if b == b'':185 s = '\n' + lines186 s += f'Received Byte Array: {b} \t\n' + RED187 return s + f'{}\n' + lines, 0, ERROR.TIMEOUT_ERROR188 if len(b) != 16:189 s = '\n' + lines190 s += f'Received Byte Array: {b} \t\n' + RED191 return s + f'{}: {len(b)}\n' + lines, 0, ERROR.LENGTH_MISMATCH_ERROR192 if b[0] != 2:193 s = '\n' + lines194 s += f'Received Byte Array: {b} \t\n' + RED195 return s + f'{}: b[0]= {b[0]}\n' + lines, 0, ERROR.STX_ERROR196 if b[14] != 3 or b[15] != 10:197 s = '\n' + lines198 s += f'Received Byte Array: {b} \t\n' + RED199 return s + f'{}: b[14] = {b[14]}, b[15] = {b[15]}\n' + lines, 0, ERROR.STOP_LF_ERROR200 s = '\n' + dashes 201 if b != None:202 s += f'\nSTX: {b[0]} \t'203 #print(b)204 #print(b[1:3])205 #print("HMM: " + b[1:3].decode("ascii"))206 address = int(b[1:3].decode("ascii"), 16)207 try:208 s += f'Adresse: {YELLOW}{ADDR(address).name}{END} ' + END209 except:210 s += f'Adresse: {YELLOW}{address}{END} \t'211 212 s += f'CTRL: {CYAN}{CTRL(b[3]).name}{END} \t'213 try:214 s += f'ARG_1: {GREEN}{ARG_1(b[4]).name}{END} \t'215 except:216 s += f'ARG_1: {GREEN}{b[4]}{END} \t'217 try:218 s += f'ARG_2: {GREEN}{ARG_2(b[5]).name}{END} \t'219 except:220 s += f'ARG_2: {GREEN}{b[5]}{END} \t'221 s += f'STOP: {b[14]} \t'222 s += f'LF: {b[15]} \t\n'223 s1 = s2 = s3 = s4 =''224 for i in range(8):225 s1 += f'\t| {b[6 + i]}'226 s2 += f'\t| {i}'227 s3 += '\t| ' + '0x{:02x}'.format(b[6 + i])228 s4 += '\t| ' + chr(b[6 + i])229 230 s += '\nDATA: ' + UNDERLINE + '\nNr.: ' + s2 + '\t|' + END + '\nDEC: ' + s1 + '\t|\nHEX: ' + s3 +'\t|\nASCII: ' + s4 + '\t|\n'231 s += dashes + '\n'232 data = b[6:14]233 return s, data, ERROR.NONE234 235def print_frame_error(loopback: bool):236 (s, data, error_sent, error_received) = read_frame(loopback)237 if error_sent != ERROR.NONE or error_received != ERROR.NONE:238 print(s)239 ...
1import asyncio2from typing import Tuple3import pytest4from rsocket.error_codes import ErrorCode5from rsocket.extensions.mimetypes import WellKnownMimeTypes6from rsocket.frame import SetupFrame, ResumeFrame7from rsocket.payload import Payload8from rsocket.request_handler import BaseRequestHandler9from rsocket.rsocket_client import RSocketClient10from rsocket.rsocket_server import RSocketServer11from tests.rsocket.misbehaving_rsocket import MisbehavingRSocket12@pytest.mark.allow_error_log(regex_filter='Protocol error')13async def test_setup_resume_unsupported(pipe_tcp_without_auto_connect: Tuple[RSocketServer, RSocketClient]):14 _, client = pipe_tcp_without_auto_connect15 received_error_code = None16 error_received = asyncio.Event()17 class Handler(BaseRequestHandler):18 async def on_error(self, error_code: ErrorCode, payload: Payload):19 nonlocal received_error_code20 received_error_code = error_code21 error_received.set()22 client.set_handler_using_factory(Handler)23 async with client as connected_client:24 transport = await connected_client._current_transport()25 bad_client = MisbehavingRSocket(transport)26 setup = SetupFrame()27 setup.flags_lease = False28 setup.flags_resume = True29 setup.token_length = 130 setup.resume_identification_token = b'a'31 setup.keep_alive_milliseconds = 12332 setup.max_lifetime_milliseconds = 45633 setup.data_encoding = setup.metadata_encoding = await bad_client.send_frame(setup)36 await error_received.wait()37 assert received_error_code == ErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_SETUP38@pytest.mark.allow_error_log(regex_filter='Protocol error')39async def test_resume_request_unsupported(pipe_tcp: Tuple[RSocketServer, RSocketClient]):40 server, client = pipe_tcp41 received_error_code = None42 error_received = asyncio.Event()43 class Handler(BaseRequestHandler):44 async def on_error(self, error_code: ErrorCode, payload: Payload):45 nonlocal received_error_code46 received_error_code = error_code47 error_received.set()48 client.set_handler_using_factory(Handler)49 transport = await client._current_transport()50 bad_client = MisbehavingRSocket(transport)51 resume = ResumeFrame()52 resume.token_length = 153 resume.resume_identification_token = b'a'54 resume.first_client_position = 12355 resume.last_server_position = 123456 await bad_client.send_frame(resume)57 await error_received.wait()...
1from unittest.mock import patch2import pytest3from app_server import http_functions4def test_auth_server_ping_successfully():5 with patch('requests.get') as mock:6 mock.return_value.status_code = 2007 response = http_functions.get_auth_server_request('test')8 assert response.status_code == 2009def test_auth_server_ping_error_url_empty():10 with pytest.raises(ValueError) as error_received:11 http_functions.get_auth_server_request('')12 assert str(error_received.value) == 'URL received is empty'13def test_auth_media_ping_error_url_empty():14 with pytest.raises(ValueError) as error_received:15 http_functions.get_media_server_ping('')16 assert str(error_received.value) == 'URL received is empty'17def test_post_auth_server_error_url_empty():18 with pytest.raises(ValueError) as error_received:19 http_functions.post_auth_server('', None)20 assert str(error_received.value) == 'URL received is empty'21def test_post_auth_server_error_data_empty():22 with pytest.raises(ValueError) as error_received:23 http_functions.post_auth_server('test', None)24 assert str(error_received.value) == 'User data is None'25def test_put_auth_server_error_url_empty():26 with pytest.raises(ValueError) as error_received:27 http_functions.put_auth_server('', None)...
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