Best Python code snippet using molotov_python
1from typing import MappingView2from discord.ext import commands3from importlib import reload4import discord5import inspect6import helpers7import re8class Settings(commands.Cog, description=""):9 def __init__(self, bot):10 self.osts = bot11 self.cog_name = "Settings"12 = helpers.get_toml("data")13 # ==================================================14 # Unload Event15 # ==================================================16 def cog_unload(self):17 helpers.log(text="Unloaded", cog=self.cog_name)18 # ==================================================19 # Server settings20 # ==================================================21 @commands.command(aliases=["ss"], brief="Change server-specific settings!", help="""\22 __**Server Settings**__23 Change server-specific settings to whatever you like!24 __Viewing Server Settings__25 `[prefix]server_settings list`26 27 __Changing the Bot's Prefix__28 `[prefix]server_settings prefix os.`29 `[prefix]server_settings prefix !`30 __Toggling Invocation Deletion__31 `[prefix]server_settings delete_command`32 """)33 @commands.has_permissions(manage_guild=True)34 async def server_settings(self, ctx, _one="", _two=""):35 server_data = helpers.get_toml(f"servers/{}")36 if server_data.get("delete_invocation") == True:37 await helpers.try_delete(ctx)38 39 if _one not in ["prefix", "delete_command", "list"]:40 return await helpers.give_output(41 embed_title = f"the {re.sub(r'_', ' ', inspect.stack()[0][3])} command!",42 embed_content = re.sub(r"\[prefix\]", self.osts.command_prefix(self.osts, ctx.message), self.osts.get_command(inspect.stack()[0][3]).help),43 ctx = ctx44 )45 46 # ==================================================47 # If theyre listing the servers settings48 # ==================================================49 if _one == "list":50 embed = helpers.make_embed(51 title = helpers.success_title(ctx),52 content = "Here are this server's settings!",53 ctx = ctx54 )55 embed.add_field(56 name = "Prefix",57 value = server_data.get("prefix"),58 inline = True59 )60 embed.add_field(61 name = "Command Message Deletion",62 value = "Enabled" if server_data.get("delete_invocation") else "Disabled"63 )64 return await helpers.give_output(65 embed = embed,66 log_text = "Listed server settings",67 cog = self.cog_name,68 ctx = ctx69 )70 71 # ==================================================72 # If theyre changing the bots prefix73 # ==================================================74 if _one == "prefix":75 previous_prefix = server_data.get("prefix")76 if not previous_prefix:77 previous_prefix = "None"78 server_data["prefix"] = _two79 return await helpers.give_output(80 embed_title = helpers.success_title(ctx),81 embed_content = f"My prefix has been changed from \"{previous_prefix}\" to \"{_two}\"!",82 log_text = f"Changed server prefix to {_two}",83 ctx = ctx,84 cog = self.cog_name,85 data = server_data,86 data_file = f"servers/{}"87 )88 # ==================================================89 # If theyre toggling invocation deletion90 # ==================================================91 if _one == "delete_command":92 if server_data.get("delete_invocation"):93 server_data["delete_invocation"] = not server_data["delete_invocation"]94 else:95 server_data["delete_invocation"] = True96 return await helpers.give_output(97 embed_title = helpers.success_title(ctx),98 embed_content = f"Command deletion has been {'enabled' if server_data['delete_invocation'] else 'disabled'}!",99 log_text = f"Toggled invocation deletion",100 ctx = ctx,101 cog = self.cog_name,102 data = server_data,103 data_file = f"servers/{}"104 )105 # ==================================================106 # User settings107 # ==================================================108 @commands.command(aliases=["us"], brief="Change user-specific settings!", help="""\109 __**User Settings**__110 Change user-specific settings to whatever you like!111 __Viewing Your Settings__112 `[prefix]user_settings list`113 114 __Changing Your Color__115 `[prefix]user_settings color FFFF00`116 __Changing Your Prefix__117 `[prefix]user_settings prefix os.`118 `[prefix]user_settings prefix !`119 __Changing Your Success Title__120 This is the title that gets displayed when a command is a success.121 `[prefix]user_settings success Alright!`122 __Changing Your Error Title__123 This is the title that gets displayed when a command is a error.124 `[prefix]user_settings error Whoops!`125 """)126 async def user_settings(self, ctx, _one="", *, _two=""):127 server_data = helpers.get_toml(f"servers/{}")128 if server_data.get("delete_invocation") == True:129 await helpers.tryDelete(ctx)130 131 # ==================================================132 # If they didnt enter a correct category133 # Give them the help message134 # ==================================================135 if _one not in ["list", "color", "prefix", "success", "error"]:136 return await helpers.give_output(137 embed_title = f"the {re.sub(r'_', ' ', inspect.stack()[0][3])} command!",138 embed_content = re.sub(r"\[prefix\]", self.osts.command_prefix(self.osts, ctx.message), self.osts.get_command(inspect.stack()[0][3]).help),139 ctx = ctx140 )141 # ==================================================142 # Yoink user data143 # ==================================================144 user_data = helpers.get_toml(f"users/{}")145 146 # ==================================================147 # If theyre viewing their settings148 # ==================================================149 if _one == "list":150 embed = helpers.make_embed(151 title = helpers.success_title(ctx),152 content = "Here are your user settings",153 ctx = ctx154 )155 embed.add_field(156 name = "Color",157 value = user_data.get("color"),158 inline = True159 )160 embed.add_field(161 name = "Prefix",162 value = user_data.get("prefix"),163 inline = True164 )165 embed.add_field(166 name = "Success Title",167 value = user_data.get("success title"),168 inline = True169 )170 embed.add_field(171 name = "Error Title",172 value = user_data.get("error title"),173 inline = True174 )175 return await helpers.give_output(176 embed = embed,177 log_text = f"Listed their user settings",178 cog = self.cog_name,179 ctx = ctx180 )181 182 # ==================================================183 # If theyre changing the color184 # ==================================================185 if _one == "color":186 try:187 _temp = int("0x" + _two, 0)188 except:189 return await helpers.give_output(190 embed_title = helpers.error_title(ctx),191 embed_content = "That wasn't a valid color!",192 log_text = f"Tried to change their color to an invalid color",193 cog = self.cog_name,194 ctx = ctx195 )196 previous_color = None197 if user_data.get("color"):198 previous_color = user_data["color"]199 user_data["color"] = _two200 return await helpers.give_output(201 embed_title = helpers.success_title(ctx),202 embed_content = f"Your color has been changed {'to' if not previous_color else f'from {previous_color} to'} {_two}",203 log_text = f"Changed user color to {_two}",204 ctx = ctx,205 cog = self.cog_name,206 data = user_data,207 data_file = f"users/{}"208 )209 # ==================================================210 # If theyre changing their prefix211 # ==================================================212 if _one == "prefix":213 previous_prefix = None214 if user_data.get("prefix"):215 previous_prefix = user_data["prefix"]216 user_data["prefix"] = _two217 if _two == "":218 user_data["prefix"] = "os."219 return await helpers.give_output(220 embed_title = helpers.success_title(ctx),221 embed_content = f"Your prefix has been changed {'to' if not previous_prefix else f'from {previous_prefix} to'} {user_data['prefix']}",222 log_text = f"Changed user prefix to {_two}",223 ctx = ctx,224 cog = self.cog_name,225 data = user_data,226 data_file = f"users/{}"227 )228 if _one == "success":229 user_data["success title"] = _two230 if _two == "":231 user_data["success title"] = "Alright!"232 return await helpers.give_output(233 embed_title = helpers.success_title(ctx),234 embed_content = f"Your success message is now \"{_two}\"!",235 log_text = f"Changed their user success title to {_two}",236 ctx = ctx,237 cog = self.cog_name,238 data = user_data,239 data_file = f"users/{}"240 )241 if _one == "error":242 user_data["error title"] = _two243 if _two == "":244 user_data["error title"] = "Whoops!"245 return await helpers.give_output(246 embed_title = helpers.success_title(ctx),247 embed_content = f"Your error message is now \"{_two}\"!",248 log_text = f"Changed their user error title to {_two}",249 ctx = ctx,250 cog = self.cog_name,251 data = user_data,252 data_file = f"users/{}"253 )254def setup(bot):255 helpers.log(text="Loaded", cog="Settings")256 bot.add_cog(Settings(bot))...
1# This Python file uses the following encoding: utf-823from abc import abstractmethod45from line_segment import LineSegment2D, LineSegment3D6from points import Point3D, Point2D789class BaseTriangle:10 # Baseclass for a triangle1112 def __init__(self, one, two, three):13 for p in [one, two, three]:14 if not isinstance(p, (Point2D, Point3D)):15 raise TypeError("A triangle must be created using Point3D points")16 if len({one.dimension, two.dimension, three.dimension}) != 1:17 raise ValueError("")18 self._one = one19 self._two = two20 self._three = three2122 @property23 def vertex_1(self):24 return self._one2526 @property27 def vertex_2(self):28 return self._two2930 @property31 def vertex_3(self):32 return self._three3334 @property35 @abstractmethod36 def boundary(self):37 pass383940class Triangle2D(BaseTriangle):41 def __init__(self, one, two, three):42 for p in [one, two, three]:43 if not isinstance(p, Point2D):44 raise TypeError("A Triangle2D must be created using Point2D points")45 super().__init__(one, two, three)4647 @property48 def boundary(self):49 return [LineSegment2D(self._one, self._two), LineSegment2D(self._two, self._three),50 LineSegment2D(self._three, self._one)]515253class Triangle3D(BaseTriangle):54 def __init__(self, one, two, three):55 for p in [one, two, three]:56 if not isinstance(p, Point3D):57 raise TypeError("A Triangle3D must be created using Point3D points")58 super().__init__(one, two, three)5960 @property61 def boundary(self):62 return [LineSegment3D(self._one, self._two), LineSegment3D(self._two, self._three),63 LineSegment3D(self._three, self._one)]6465 def translate(self, vector):66 result = Triangle3D(self._one + vector, self._two + vector, self._three + vector)67 return result6869 def scale(self, scale):70 result = Triangle3D(self._one * scale, self._two * scale, self._three * scale)71 return result7273 def project(self, projection):74 return Triangle2D(projection.project(self._one), projection.project(self._two),
1import datetime2def print_result(numb1, numb2, result, op):3 print(str(numb1) + " " + op + " " + str(numb2) + " = " + str(result))4def finish_app():5 if operation[0] == "s":6 return True7 return False8def is_number1_float(_one):9 try:10 float(_one)11 except ValueError:12 return False13 return True14def is_number2_float(_two):15 try:16 float(_two)17 except ValueError:18 return False19 return True20def symb_valid(_symb):21 if _symb == "+":22 return True23 if _symb == "-":24 return True25 if _symb == "*":26 return True27 if _symb == "/":28 return True29 return False30def calculate(_one, _two, _symb):31 result = None32 if _symb == "+":33 result = _one + _two34 if _symb == "-":35 result = _one - _two36 if _symb == "*":37 result = _one * _two38 if _symb == "/":39 result = _one / _two40 return result41print("Witaj w moim kalkulatorze w jÄzyku Python!")42while True:43 print(" ")44 print("Wprowadź dziaÅanie (np. 5 + 7 lub 4 * 8, s aby zakoÅczyÄ)")45 operation = input()46 operation = operation.split()47 one = operation[0]48 if finish_app():49 print(" ")50 print("DziÄkujÄ za korzystanie z kalkulatora!")51 exit(0)52 two = operation[2]53 symb = str(operation[1])54 if not is_number1_float(one) or not is_number2_float(two):55 print("PodaÅeÅ niepoprawnÄ
liczbÄ.")56 continue57 if not symb_valid(symb):58 print("PodaÅeÅ niepoprawny symbol.")59 continue60 one = float(one)61 two = float(two)62 result = "{} {} {} = {}".format(one, symb, two, calculate(one, two, symb))63 print(result)64 log = open("logs/calculator_log.txt", "a+")65 log.write("[{}] DziaÅanie: {}\n".format(, result))...
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