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...35 def _cb(retry_action):36 pass37 return _cb38@pytest.fixture39def connection_options(adapter, retry_callback_generator):40 return HashiVaultConnectionOptions(adapter, retry_callback_generator)41class TestHashiVaultConnectionOptions(object):42 def test_connection_options_is_option_group(self, connection_options):43 assert issubclass(type(connection_options), HashiVaultOptionGroupBase)44 # _boolean_or_cacert tests45 # this method is the intersection of the validate_certs and ca_cert parameter46 # along with the VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY environment variable (see the function defintion).47 # The result is either a boolean, or a string, to be passed to the hvac client's48 # verify parameter.49 @pytest.mark.parametrize(50 'optpatch,envpatch,expected',51 [52 ({}, {}, True),53 ({}, {'VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY': 'true'}, False),54 ({}, {'VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY': 'false'}, True),55 ({}, {'VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY': 'invalid'}, True),56 ({'validate_certs': True}, {}, True),57 ({'validate_certs': True}, {'VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY': 'false'}, True),58 ({'validate_certs': True}, {'VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY': 'true'}, True),59 ({'validate_certs': True}, {'VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY': 'invalid'}, True),60 ({'validate_certs': False}, {}, False),61 ({'validate_certs': False}, {'VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY': 'false'}, False),62 ({'validate_certs': False}, {'VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY': 'true'}, False),63 ({'validate_certs': False}, {'VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY': 'invalid'}, False),64 ({'ca_cert': '/tmp/fake'}, {}, '/tmp/fake'),65 ({'ca_cert': '/tmp/fake'}, {'VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY': 'true'}, False),66 ({'ca_cert': '/tmp/fake'}, {'VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY': 'false'}, '/tmp/fake'),67 ({'ca_cert': '/tmp/fake'}, {'VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY': 'invalid'}, '/tmp/fake'),68 ({'ca_cert': '/tmp/fake', 'validate_certs': True}, {}, '/tmp/fake'),69 ({'ca_cert': '/tmp/fake', 'validate_certs': True}, {'VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY': 'false'}, '/tmp/fake'),70 ({'ca_cert': '/tmp/fake', 'validate_certs': True}, {'VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY': 'true'}, '/tmp/fake'),71 ({'ca_cert': '/tmp/fake', 'validate_certs': True}, {'VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY': 'invalid'}, '/tmp/fake'),72 ({'ca_cert': '/tmp/fake', 'validate_certs': False}, {}, False),73 ({'ca_cert': '/tmp/fake', 'validate_certs': False}, {'VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY': 'false'}, False),74 ({'ca_cert': '/tmp/fake', 'validate_certs': False}, {'VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY': 'true'}, False),75 ({'ca_cert': '/tmp/fake', 'validate_certs': False}, {'VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY': 'invalid'}, False),76 ]77 )78 def test_boolean_or_cacert(self, connection_options, predefined_options, adapter, optpatch, envpatch, expected):79 adapter.set_options(**optpatch)80 with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, envpatch):81 connection_options._boolean_or_cacert()82 assert predefined_options['ca_cert'] == expected83 # _process_option_proxies84 # proxies can be specified as a dictionary where key is protocol/scheme85 # and value is the proxy address. A dictionary can also be supplied as a string86 # representation of a dictionary in JSON format.87 # If a string is supplied that cannot be interpreted as a JSON dictionary, then it88 # is assumed to be a proxy address, and will be used as proxy for both the89 # http and https protocols.90 @pytest.mark.parametrize(91 'optproxies,expected',92 [93 (None, None),94 ('socks://thecat', {'http': 'socks://thecat', 'https': 'socks://thecat'}),95 ('{"http": "gopher://it"}', {'http': 'gopher://it'}),96 ({'https': "smtp://"}, {'https': "smtp://"}),97 ({'protoa': 'proxya', 'protob': 'proxyb', 'protoc': 'proxyc'}, {'protoa': 'proxya', 'protob': 'proxyb', 'protoc': 'proxyc'}),98 ('{"protoa": "proxya", "protob": "proxyb", "protoc": "proxyc"}', {'protoa': 'proxya', 'protob': 'proxyb', 'protoc': 'proxyc'}),99 ('{"protoa":"proxya","protob":"proxyb","protoc":"proxyc"}', {'protoa': 'proxya', 'protob': 'proxyb', 'protoc': 'proxyc'}),100 ]101 )102 def test_process_option_proxies(self, connection_options, predefined_options, adapter, optproxies, expected):103 adapter.set_option('proxies', optproxies)104 connection_options._process_option_proxies()105 assert predefined_options['proxies'] == expected106 # _process_option_retries107 # can be specified as a positive int or a dict108 # (or any string that can be interpreted as one of those)109 @pytest.mark.parametrize('opt_retries', ['plz retry', ('1', '1'), [True], -1, 1.0])110 def test_process_option_retries_invalid(self, connection_options, predefined_options, adapter, opt_retries):111 adapter.set_option('retries', opt_retries)112 with pytest.raises((TypeError, ValueError)):113 connection_options._process_option_retries()114 @pytest.mark.parametrize('opt_retries', [None, 0, '0'])115 def test_process_option_retries_none_result(self, connection_options, predefined_options, adapter, opt_retries):116 adapter.set_option('retries', opt_retries)117 connection_options._process_option_retries()118 assert predefined_options['retries'] is None119 @pytest.mark.parametrize('opt_retries', [1, '1', 10, '30'])120 def test_process_option_retries_from_number(self, connection_options, predefined_options, adapter, opt_retries):121 expected = connection_options._RETRIES_DEFAULT_PARAMS.copy()122 expected['total'] = int(float(opt_retries))123 adapter.set_option('retries', opt_retries)124 connection_options._process_option_retries()125 assert predefined_options['retries'] == expected126 @pytest.mark.parametrize(127 'opt_retries,expected',128 [129 ({}, {}),130 ('{}', {}),131 ({'total': 5}, {'total': 5}),132 ('{"total": 9}', {'total': 9}),133 ]134 )135 def test_process_option_retries_from_dict(self, connection_options, predefined_options, adapter, opt_retries, expected):136 adapter.set_option('retries', opt_retries)137 connection_options._process_option_retries()138 assert predefined_options['retries'] == expected139 # process_connection_options140 # this is the public function of the class meant to ensure all option processing is complete141 def test_process_connection_options(self, mocker, connection_options, adapter):142 # mock the internal methods we expect to be called143 f_process_late_binding_env_vars = mocker.patch.object(connection_options, 'process_late_binding_env_vars')144 f_boolean_or_cacert = mocker.patch.object(connection_options, '_boolean_or_cacert')145 f_process_option_proxies = mocker.patch.object(connection_options, '_process_option_proxies')146 f_process_option_retries = mocker.patch.object(connection_options, '_process_option_retries')147 # mock the adapter itself, so we can spy on adapter interactions148 # since we're mocking out the methods we expect to call, we shouldn't see any149 mock_adapter = mock.create_autospec(adapter)150 connection_options._options = mock_adapter151 connection_options.process_connection_options()152 # assert the expected methods have been called once153 f_process_late_binding_env_vars.assert_called_once()154 f_boolean_or_cacert.assert_called_once()155 f_process_option_proxies.assert_called_once()156 f_process_option_retries.assert_called_once()157 # aseert that the adapter had no interactions (because we mocked out everything we knew about)158 # the intention here is to catch a situation where process_connection_options has been modified159 # to do some new behavior, without modifying this test.160 assert mock_adapter.method_calls == [], 'Unexpected adapter interaction: %r' % mock_adapter.method_calls161 # get_hvac_connection_options162 # gets the dict of params to pass to the hvac Client constructor163 # based on the connection options we have in Ansible164 @pytest.mark.parametrize('opt_ca_cert', [None, '/tmp/fake'])165 @pytest.mark.parametrize('opt_validate_certs', [None, True, False])166 @pytest.mark.parametrize('opt_namespace', [None, 'namepsace1'])167 @pytest.mark.parametrize('opt_timeout', [None, 30])168 @pytest.mark.parametrize('opt_retries', [None, 0, 2, {'total': 3}, '{"total": 3}'])169 @pytest.mark.parametrize('opt_retry_action', ['ignore', 'warn'])170 @pytest.mark.parametrize('opt_proxies', [171 None, 'socks://noshow', '{"https": "https://prox", "http": "http://other"}', {'http': 'socks://one', 'https': 'socks://two'}172 ])173 def test_get_hvac_connection_options(174 self, connection_options, predefined_options, adapter,175 opt_ca_cert, opt_validate_certs, opt_proxies, opt_namespace, opt_timeout, opt_retries, opt_retry_action,176 ):177 option_set = {178 'ca_cert': opt_ca_cert,179 'validate_certs': opt_validate_certs,180 'proxies': opt_proxies,181 'namespace': opt_namespace,182 'timeout': opt_timeout,183 'retries': opt_retries,184 'retry_action': opt_retry_action,185 }186 adapter.set_options(**option_set)187 connection_options.process_connection_options()188 opts = connection_options.get_hvac_connection_options()189 # these two will get swallowed up to become 'verify'190 assert 'validate_certs' not in opts191 assert 'ca_cert' not in opts192 # retry_action is used/removed in the configuration of retries (session)193 assert 'retry_action' not in opts194 # retries will become session195 assert 'retries' not in opts196 # these should always be returned197 assert 'url' in opts and opts['url'] == predefined_options['url']198 assert 'verify' in opts and opts['verify'] == predefined_options['ca_cert']199 # these are optional200 assert 'proxies' not in opts or opts['proxies'] == predefined_options['proxies']201 assert 'namespace' not in opts or opts['namespace'] == predefined_options['namespace']202 assert 'timeout' not in opts or opts['timeout'] == predefined_options['timeout']203 assert 'session' not in opts or isinstance(opts['session'], Session)204 @mock.patch('', new=False)205 def test_get_hvac_connection_options_retry_not_available(self, connection_options, adapter):206 adapter.set_option('retries', 2)207 connection_options.process_connection_options()208 with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):209 connection_options.get_hvac_connection_options()210 def test_url_is_required(self, connection_options, adapter):211 adapter.set_option('url', None)212 with pytest.raises(HashiVaultValueError, match=r'Required option url was not set'):...
1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-2#3# Copyright (C) Red Hat, Inc4#5# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may6# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain7# a copy of the License at8#9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software12# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT13# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the14# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations15# under the License.16import json17import logging18import threading19import time20import paramiko21from paramiko.client import WarningPolicy22import settings23LOG = logging.getLogger()24class GerritEventsStream(threading.Thread):25 """26 This thread class is responsible to receive the Gerrit streams27 events in the background. Every message is pushed to a message queue that28 can be read by the main thread.29 """30 def __init__(self, event_queue, connection_options):31 """32 The event queue used to push the messages.33 """34 super(GerritEventsStream, self).__init__()35 self._event_queue = event_queue36 self._connection_options = connection_options37 self._running = True38 def run(self):39 while self._running:40 LOG.debug('%s: running %s' % (self.getName(), self._running))41 client = paramiko.SSHClient()42 client.load_system_host_keys()43 client.set_missing_host_key_policy(WarningPolicy())44 try:45 client.connect(hostname=self._connection_options['hostname'],46 username=self._connection_options['username'],47 port=self._connection_options['port'],48 key_filename=self._connection_options['key_filename'], # noqa49 look_for_keys=True,50 timeout=5000)51 client.get_transport().set_keepalive(60)52 _, stdout, _ = client.exec_command('gerrit stream-events -s comment-added')53 while self._running:54 LOG.debug('%s: checking incoming data' % self.getName())55 # check if there is some data in the underlying paramiko56 # channel, this for the thread to not sleep on IO.57 if event = stdout.readline()59 json_event = json.loads(event)60 if 'project' in json_event and json_event['project'] == 'dci-rhel-agent':61 self._event_queue.put(json_event)62 if self._running:63 time.sleep(1)64 LOG.debug('%s: stop running' % self.getName())65 except Exception as e:66 LOG.exception('gerrit error: %s' % str(e))67 finally:68 client.close()69 if self._running:70 time.sleep(2)71'%s: terminated' % self.getName())72 def stop(self):73 """74 Stop the running thread.75 """76 self._running = False77def vote_on_review(review_number, patchset_version, vote, job_id):78 """79 Vote on a review given the review number, the patchet version and80 the vote status in (-1, 0, +1). This use the Verified label.81 """82 connection_options = {}83 connection_options['port'] = settings.GERRIT_PORT84 connection_options['username'] = settings.GERRIT_USERNAME85 connection_options['hostname'] = settings.GERRIT_HOSTNAME86 connection_options['key_filename'] = settings.GERRIT_SSH_KEY_FILENAME87 try:88 client = paramiko.SSHClient()89 client.load_system_host_keys()90 client.set_missing_host_key_policy(WarningPolicy())91 client.connect(hostname=connection_options['hostname'],92 username=connection_options['username'],93 port=connection_options['port'],94 key_filename=connection_options['key_filename'],95 look_for_keys=True,96 timeout=5000)97 client.get_transport().set_keepalive(60)98 job_url = "" % job_id99 if vote == 1:100 _, _, _ = client.exec_command('gerrit review --message "dci-third-party success ! %s" --verified %s %s,%s' % (job_url, vote, review_number, patchset_version)) # noqa101 else:102 _, _, _ = client.exec_command('gerrit review --message "dci-third-party failure ! %s" --verified %s %s,%s' % (job_url, vote, review_number, patchset_version)) # noqa103 except Exception as e:104 LOG.exception('gerrit error: %s' % str(e))105 finally:106 client.close()107def comment(review_number, patchset_version, comment):108 """109 Comment a review.110 """111 connection_options = {}112 connection_options['port'] = settings.GERRIT_PORT113 connection_options['username'] = settings.GERRIT_USERNAME114 connection_options['hostname'] = settings.GERRIT_HOSTNAME115 connection_options['key_filename'] = settings.GERRIT_SSH_KEY_FILENAME116 try:117 client = paramiko.SSHClient()118 client.load_system_host_keys()119 client.set_missing_host_key_policy(WarningPolicy())120 client.connect(hostname=connection_options['hostname'],121 username=connection_options['username'],122 port=connection_options['port'],123 key_filename=connection_options['key_filename'],124 look_for_keys=True,125 timeout=5000)126 client.get_transport().set_keepalive(60)127 _, _, _ = client.exec_command('gerrit review --message "%s" %s,%s' % (comment, review_number, patchset_version)) # noqa128 except Exception as e:129 LOG.exception('gerrit error: %s' % str(e))130 finally:...
1import pprint2import MySQLdb3from django.conf import settings4from django.db import models5from utils import models as utils_models, mysql_functions6class Environment(utils_models.TimeStampedModel):7 """Environment"""8 name = models.CharField(max_length=255, default='')9 class Meta:10 db_table = 'environments'11 def __unicode__(self):12 """Returns unicode representation of the object."""13 return self.name14class Server(utils_models.TimeStampedModel):15 """Server"""16 name = models.CharField(17 max_length=255, unique=True, default='')18 hostname = models.CharField(max_length=255, default='')19 environment = models.ForeignKey(20 Environment, null=True, blank=True, default=None,21 on_delete=models.SET_NULL)22 port = models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True, default=None)23 class Meta:24 db_table = 'servers'25 def __unicode__(self):26 """Returns unicode representation of the object."""27 parts = []28 parts.append( parts.append(' [%s' % self.hostname)30 if self.port is None:31 parts.append(']')32 else:33 parts.append(':%s]' % self.port)34 if self.environment:35 parts.append(', environment=%s' % self.environment)36 return ''.join(parts)37 def schema_exists(self, schema_name, connection_options=None):38 return schema_name in self.get_schema_list(connection_options)39 def get_schema_list(self, connection_options=None):40 if connection_options is None:41 connection_options = {42 'user': settings.MYSQL_USER,43 'passwd': settings.MYSQL_PASSWORD44 }45 connection_options = connection_options.copy()46 connection_options.update({'host': self.hostname})47 if self.port:48 connection_options['port'] = self.port49 conn = MySQLdb.connect(**connection_options)50 schema_list = []51 with conn as cur:52 cur.execute('SHOW DATABASES')53 rows = cur.fetchall()54 for row in rows:55 if row[0] not in ['information_schema', 'mysql']:56 schema_list.append(row[0])57 return schema_list58 def dump_schema(self, schema_name, connection_options=None):59 if connection_options is None:60 connection_options = {61 'user': settings.MYSQL_USER,62 'passwd': settings.MYSQL_PASSWORD63 }64 connection_options = connection_options.copy()65 connection_options.update({'host': self.hostname})66 if self.port:67 connection_options['port'] = self.port68 return mysql_functions.dump_schema(schema_name, **connection_options)69class ServerData(utils_models.TimeStampedModel):70 server = models.ForeignKey(Server)71 database_schema = models.ForeignKey('schemaversions.DatabaseSchema')72 schema_exists = models.BooleanField(default=False)73 schema_version = models.ForeignKey(74 'schemaversions.SchemaVersion', null=True, blank=True, default=None,75 on_delete=models.SET_NULL)76 schema_version_diff = models.TextField(blank=True, default='')77 class Meta:78 db_table = 'server_data'...
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