Best Python code snippet using locust
1#! /usr/bin/env python32import argparse3import json4import math5import multiprocessing6import neat7import os8import random9import re10import subprocess11import time12import shutil13from itertools import count14from tqdm import tqdm15from utils import print_header_contr_evo16from goal_reaching.controller import Controller17from goal_reaching.robot_gr import RobotGR18from goal_reaching.statistics_reporter import StatisticsReporterGR19from goal_reaching.utils_gr import open_history_file, restore_history_file, open_evo_file, restore_evo_file, \20 restore_best_controller, log_gen_info, update_history21'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''22 Global variables needed to interact with the NEAT library23'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''24# Checkpoint directory25checkpoint_dir = None26# Controllers directory27controllers_dir = None28# Results directory29results_dir = None30# History file31history_file = None32# Controllers evolution file33contr_evo_file = None34# Robot configuration35robot_config = None36# Neat population37p = None38# Neat seed39seed = None40# Checkpointer instance41checkpointer = None42# Checkpoint usage43checkpoint_used = None44# Stats reporter instance45stats_reporter = None46# Simulations number control variables47num_sims = None48max_num_sims = None49sim_end = None50# Multiprocessing pool51pool = None52# Progress bar53pbar = None54# Start time55start_time = None56'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''57'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''58# Evaluates the controllers provided59def eval_controllers(genomes, config):60 global num_sims, sim_end61 if num_sims < max_num_sims:62 # extract indices of controllers to evaluate and populate pool input63 controllers_indices = []64 pool_input = []65 for i in range(0, len(genomes)):66 if genomes[i][1].fitness is None:67 controller = Controller(genomes[i][0], seed, genomes[i][1], config)68 controller_path = if controller_path is not None:70 controllers_indices.append(i)71 pool_input.append([72 controller_path,73 random.randint(0, 1000000)74 ])75 else:76 genomes[i][1].fitness = 0.077 # evaluate controllers78 fitnesses =, pool_input)79 num_evals = len(fitnesses)80 for i in range(0, num_evals):81 genomes[controllers_indices[i]][1].fitness = fitnesses[i]82 pbar.update(min(num_evals, max_num_sims - num_sims))83 num_sims += num_evals84 # update history85 update_history(history_file, p, genomes, controllers_indices)86 # log generation info87 log_gen_info(contr_evo_file, num_sims, genomes, num_sims != num_evals)88 else:89 if not sim_end:90 end_simulation(p.best_genome)91 p.remove_reporter(checkpointer)92 p.remove_reporter(stats_reporter)93 sim_end = True94 for c_id, genome in genomes:95 if is None:96 = 0.097# returns the fitness of the controller provided98def eval_controller(inputs):99 controller_path = inputs[0]100 sim_seeds_seed = inputs[1]101 robot_sim = RobotGR(robot_config['direction_path'],102 robot_config['rotation_angle_path']103 if 'rotation_angle_path' in robot_config else None,104 robot_config['simulation_path'], robot_config['tracker_path'],105 robot_config['sim_time'], robot_config.get('noise_type', 1),106 robot_config.get('noise_level', 0.035), robot_config['target_dist_bearing'],107 robot_config['robot']['id'], robot_config['robot']['num_faces'],108 robot_config['robot']['num_modules'], robot_config['robot']['robot_tests'],109 sim_seeds_seed, robot_config['robot']['modules_conf'])110 fitness = robot_sim.simulate(controller_path)111 return fitness112# performs the closing operations113def end_simulation(best_genome):114 pbar.close()115 # save checkpoint of last generation (if it has not been done yet)116 if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, 'contr_cp_' + str(seed) + '_' + str(p.generation - 1))):117 checkpointer.save_checkpoint(p.config, p.population, p.species, p.generation - 1)118 # save checkpoint of last generation stats (if it has not been done yet)119 if not os.path.exists(120 os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, 'contr_stats_cp_' + str(seed) + '_' + str(p.generation - 1))):121 stats_reporter.save_checkpoint(p.generation - 1, stats_reporter.most_fit_genomes,122 stats_reporter.generation_statistics)123 history_file.close()124 contr_evo_file.write(']')125 contr_evo_file.close()126 # copy best controller into best directory127 best_dir = os.path.join(results_dir, 'best')128 if best_genome is not None:129 shutil.copy2(os.path.join(controllers_dir,130 'controller_' + str(seed) + '_' + str(best_genome.key) + '.txt'), best_dir)131 # compute elapsed time132 end_time = int(time.time() - start_time)133 elap_time = '{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(end_time // 3600,134 (end_time % 3600 // 60),135 end_time % 60)136 # save elapsed time137 print('Total computation time: {}'.format(elap_time))138 if elap_time != '00:00:00':139 mode = 'a' if checkpoint_used else 'w+'140 with open(os.path.join(results_dir, 'elapsed_time_sim_{}.txt'.format(seed)), mode) as time_file:141 time_file.write(elap_time+'\n')142 pool.close()143if __name__ == '__main__':144 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Script for simulating via EA the evolution of the controller '145 'of a modular soft robot for goal reaching or squeezing task')146 parser.add_argument('robot', metavar='robot', type=str, nargs='?',147 default='./experiments_gr/robot.json', help='file name of the file' +148 ' containing the robot configuration.' +149 ' By default it looks for the ./experiments_gr/robot.json file.')150 parser.add_argument('neat_settings', metavar='neat_settings', type=str, nargs='?',151 default='./experiments_gr/neat-settings.txt',152 help='file name of the file containing the NEAT configuration' +153 ' parameters. By default it uses ./experiments_gr/neat-settings.txt file.')154 parser.add_argument('--use-checkpoint', dest='use_checkpoint', action='store_const',155 const=True, help='Select whether to run the experiment ' +156 'from previous checkpoints (if exist).')157 args = parser.parse_args()158 # load robot configuration159 with open(str(args.robot)) as robot_conf_file:160 robot_config = json.load(robot_conf_file)161 # print simulation header162 print_header_contr_evo(robot_config)163 # prepare output folders164 results_dir = robot_config['result_dir']165 best_dir = os.path.join(results_dir, 'best')166 checkpoint_dir = os.path.join(results_dir, 'checkpoints')167 controllers_dir = os.path.join(results_dir, 'controllers')168 evo_dir = os.path.join(results_dir, 'evolution_info')169 # Note: the result_dir must be a proper path where to store the files, otherwise the execution will fail170 os.makedirs(results_dir, exist_ok=True)171 os.makedirs(best_dir, exist_ok=True)172 os.makedirs(checkpoint_dir, exist_ok=True)173 os.makedirs(controllers_dir, exist_ok=True)174 os.makedirs(evo_dir, exist_ok=True)175 # save settings176 with open(os.path.join(results_dir, 'settings.json'), 'w') as conf_file:177 json.dump(robot_config, conf_file, indent=4)178 # store robot information to be used as input for simulation and visualization179 robot = RobotGR(None, None, robot_config['simulation_path'], None, robot_config['sim_time'],180 robot_config.get('noise_type', 1), robot_config.get('noise_level', 0.035),181 None, None, robot_config['robot']['num_faces'], robot_config['robot']['num_modules'],182 None, None, robot_config['robot']['modules_conf'])183 robot.write_input_sim(os.path.join(results_dir, 'robot_sim.txt'))184 robot.write_input_vis(os.path.join(results_dir, 'robot_vis.txt'))185 # neat seeds186 seeds = robot_config['seeds']187 for seed_val in seeds:188 # set init_time variable189 start_time = time.time()190 # set global seed accordingly191 seed = seed_val192 # init simulations control vars193 num_sims = 0194 max_num_sims = robot_config['max_num_sims']195 sim_end = False196 # instantiate checkpointer197 checkpoint_prefix = 'contr_cp_' + str(seed) + '_'198 checkpointer = neat.Checkpointer(generation_interval=robot_config['checkpoint_freq'],199 time_interval_seconds=86400,200 filename_prefix=os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, checkpoint_prefix))201 # instantiate NEAT stats reporter202 stats_checkpoint_prefix = 'contr_stats_cp_' + str(seed) + '_'203 stats_reporter = StatisticsReporterGR(generation_interval=robot_config['checkpoint_freq'],204 filename_prefix=os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, stats_checkpoint_prefix))205 # history filename206 history_filename = os.path.join(evo_dir, 'history_' + str(seed) + '.csv')207 # evolution info and checkpoint files208 contr_evo_filename = os.path.join(evo_dir, 'contr_evo_{}.json'.format(seed))209 controller_checkpoints = {int(f.split('_')[-1]): os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, f)210 for f in os.listdir(checkpoint_dir)211 if re.match(checkpoint_prefix + '[0-9]', f)}212 # if use_checkpoint option is True and a checkpoint file exists, load the population from it213 if args.use_checkpoint and \214 len(controller_checkpoints) != 0 and \215 os.path.exists(controller_checkpoints[max(controller_checkpoints.keys())]):216 checkpoint_used = True217 # get index of the last checkpoint218 last_checkpoint = max(controller_checkpoints.keys())219 # load population220 p = neat.Checkpointer.restore_checkpoint(os.path.join(checkpoint_dir,221 checkpoint_prefix+str(last_checkpoint)))222 p.generation += 1223 p.reproduction.genome_indexer = count(max(p.population.keys()) + 1)224 # set last gen checkpoint property225 checkpointer.last_generation_checkpoint = last_checkpoint226 # load stats checkpoint227 most_fit_genomes, generation_statistics = StatisticsReporterGR.restore_checkpoint(228 os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, stats_checkpoint_prefix + str(last_checkpoint)))229 # restore stats reporter properties230 stats_reporter.most_fit_genomes = most_fit_genomes231 stats_reporter.generation_statistics = generation_statistics232 stats_reporter.last_generation_checkpoint = last_checkpoint233 # restore history file234 history_file, num_sims = restore_history_file(history_filename, last_checkpoint)235 # restore controller evolution file236 contr_evo_file, contr_evo_obj = restore_evo_file(contr_evo_filename, last_checkpoint, num_sims)237 # restore best individual in population238 p.best_genome = restore_best_controller(contr_evo_obj, controllers_dir, seed)239 else:240 checkpoint_used = False241 # init random number generator242 random.seed(seed)243 # load NEAT configuration244 neat_config = neat.Config(neat.DefaultGenome, neat.DefaultReproduction,245 neat.DefaultSpeciesSet, neat.DefaultStagnation,246 args.neat_settings)247 # adapt NEAT configuration by replacing num_output value248 neat_config.genome_config.num_outputs = 2*robot_config['robot']['num_modules']249 neat_config.genome_config.output_keys = [i for i in range(neat_config.genome_config.num_outputs)]250 # save config file251, 'neat_settings.txt'))252 # create the population253 p = neat.Population(neat_config)254 # open history file255 history_file = open_history_file(history_filename)256 # open controllers evolution file257 contr_evo_file = open_evo_file(contr_evo_filename)258 # add checkpointer259 p.add_reporter(checkpointer)260 # add stats reporter261 p.add_reporter(stats_reporter)262 # multiprocessing pool instantiation263 pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=24)264 # create progress bar265 pbar = tqdm(total=max_num_sims, postfix={})266 pbar.update(min(num_sims, max_num_sims))267 # run NEAT for the remaining generations268 best =, math.ceil(max_num_sims / p.config.pop_size) - p.generation)269 while num_sims < max_num_sims:270 best =, 1)271 # perform closing operations272 if not sim_end:...
1import argparse2from pathlib import Path3import pprint4import random5import yaml6import uuid7import numpy as np8from mlagents_envs.environment import UnityEnvironment9from mlagents.trainers.stats import StatsReporter, TensorboardWriter10from mlagents.trainers.agent_processor import AgentSideChannel11from mlagents_envs.side_channel.stats_side_channel import (12 StatsAggregationMethod)13from mlagents_envs.side_channel.engine_configuration_channel import \14 EngineConfigurationChannel15from gym_unity.envs import UnityToGymWrapper16import torch17from stable_baselines3.common.callbacks import EvalCallback18from stable_baselines3.common.utils import configure_logger19from stable_baselines3 import PPO as PPOSB20# Added for the side channel21from mlagents_envs.side_channel.side_channel import (22 SideChannel,23 IncomingMessage24)25try:26 from mpi4py import MPI27except ImportError:28 MPI = None29class SB3StatsRecorder(SideChannel):30 """31 Side channel that receives (string, float) pairs from the environment, so32 that they can eventually be passed to a StatsReporter.33 """34 def __init__(self,35 stats_reporter: StatsReporter,36 summary_freq: int = 2000) -> None:37 # >>> uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_URL, "")38 # UUID('a1d8f7b7-cec8-50f9-b78b-d3e165a78520')39 super().__init__(uuid.UUID("a1d8f7b7-cec8-50f9-b78b-d3e165a78520"))40 self._stats_reporter = stats_reporter41 self.summary_freq = summary_freq42 self.env_step = 043 self.train_step = 044 def on_message_received(self, msg: IncomingMessage) -> None:45 """46 Receive the message from the environment, and save it for later47 retrieval.48 :param msg:49 :return:50 """51 key = msg.read_string()52 val = msg.read_float32()53 agg_type = StatsAggregationMethod(msg.read_int32())54 if agg_type == StatsAggregationMethod.AVERAGE:55 self._stats_reporter.add_stat(key, val, agg_type)56 elif agg_type == StatsAggregationMethod.SUM:57 self._stats_reporter.add_stat(key, val, agg_type)58 elif agg_type == StatsAggregationMethod.HISTOGRAM:59 self._stats_reporter.add_stat(key, val, agg_type)60 elif agg_type == StatsAggregationMethod.MOST_RECENT:61 self._stats_reporter.set_stat(key, val)62 else:63 raise NotImplemented(64 f"Unknown StatsAggregationMethod encountered. {agg_type}")65 if "task" in key or "Task" in key: # Another hack, otherwise the mostRecent data will be lost66 self._stats_reporter.write_stats(self.train_step)67 if self.train_step % self.summary_freq == 0:68 self._stats_reporter.write_stats(self.train_step)69 if 'time_step' in key: # nice hack to sync!70 self.train_step = val71 self.env_step = self.env_step + 172def make_unity_env(unity_env_filename, task_name,73 seed, base_port, env_args, no_graphics,74 time_scale=20, summary_freq=2000, worker_id=0,75 results_dir=None):76 # Side channels77 if results_dir is not None:78 tw = TensorboardWriter(results_dir, clear_past_data=True,79 hidden_keys=["Is Training", "Step"])80 StatsReporter.add_writer(tw)81 stats_reporter = StatsReporter(task_name)82 stats_channel = SB3StatsRecorder(stats_reporter, summary_freq)83 engine_channel = EngineConfigurationChannel()84 engine_channel.set_configuration_parameters(time_scale=time_scale)85 agent_channel = AgentSideChannel() # dummy just to silent the data86 side_channels = [engine_channel, stats_channel, agent_channel]87 unity_env = UnityEnvironment(file_name=unity_env_filename,88 seed=seed,89 no_graphics=no_graphics,90 side_channels=side_channels,91 additional_args=env_args,92 base_port=base_port,93 worker_id=worker_id)94 env = UnityToGymWrapper(unity_env)95 return env96def run_sb3(args):97 # set all the seeds98 torch.manual_seed(args.seed)99 np.random.seed(args.seed)100 random.seed(args.seed)101 # Model and training102 with open(args.ml_config_path) as file:103 sb_config = yaml.load(file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)104 sb_args = sb_config[args.task_name]105 summary_freq = 2000106 time_scale = 20107 # Paths108 log_path = args.results_dir / args.run_id109 stats_path = log_path / "stats_reporter"110 gym_stats_path = log_path / "gym_training"111 # Create envs112 env_args = []113 env = make_unity_env(unity_env_filename=str(args.env),114 task_name=args.task_name + "_train",115 seed=args.seed,116 base_port=args.initial_port,117 env_args=env_args,118 no_graphics=args.no_graphics,119 time_scale=time_scale,120 summary_freq=summary_freq,121 results_dir=stats_path)122 test_env = make_unity_env(unity_env_filename=str(args.env),123 task_name=args.task_name + "_test",124 seed=args.seed,125 base_port=args.initial_port + 1,126 env_args=env_args,127 no_graphics=args.no_graphics,128 time_scale=time_scale,129 summary_freq=summary_freq)130 model = PPOSB('MlpPolicy', env, **sb_args, verbose=1,131 tensorboard_log=str(gym_stats_path))132 eval_callback = EvalCallback(test_env,133 best_model_save_path=log_path,134 log_path=gym_stats_path,135 n_eval_episodes=1,136 eval_freq=10000,137 deterministic=True, render=False)138 new_logger = configure_logger(tensorboard_log=gym_stats_path)139 model.set_logger(new_logger)140 model.learn(total_timesteps=args.n_timesteps, callback=eval_callback)141 env.close()142def main():143 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(144 description="Train agents for FAST")145 # Common arguments between mlagnets and stable baselines 3146 parser.add_argument("--env",147 type=Path,148 help="Path in which unity env is located")149 parser.add_argument("-n", "--run_id",150 type=Path,151 help="directory name for results to be saved")152 parser.add_argument("-p", "--initial_port",153 type=int,154 default=5005,155 help="From this number of port + # of experiments to "156 "run_mlagents should be a free port")157 parser.add_argument("--ml_config_path",158 type=Path,159 default=Path("configs/config_sb3.yaml"),160 help="Path to the ml-agents or sb3 config. "161 "Ex: 'configs/fast_ppo_config_linear_lr.yaml'")162 parser.add_argument("--fast_config_path",163 type=Path,164 default=None,165 help="Path to the FAST config located in "166 "StreamingAssets"167 "Ex: 'global_custom_config.yaml'")168 parser.add_argument("--results_dir",169 type=Path,170 help="Path in which results of training are/will be "171 "located")172 parser.add_argument("--seed",173 type=int,174 default=13,175 help="Random seed to use. If None, different seeds "176 "for each experiment will be used")177 parser.add_argument("--resume",178 action='store_true',179 help="Resume training or inference")180 parser.add_argument("--inference",181 action='store_true',182 help="Run inference")183 # Framework specific arguments184 parser.add_argument('--task_name', default='ImageCentering')185 parser.add_argument('--no_graphics', default=True, required=False,186 action='store_false', help='no graphics')187 parser.add_argument('--n_envs', default=1, type=int,188 help='number of parallel envs')189 parser.add_argument('--n_timesteps', default=30000000, type=int,190 required=False, help='total number of steps')191 args = parser.parse_args()192 if args.n_envs > 1:193 raise NotImplementedError("Parallelization is not implemented")194 print(" Experiment parameters: ")195 print("-" * 100)196 pprint.pprint(vars(args), indent=5)197 print("-" * 100)198 run_sb3(args)199if __name__ == '__main__':...
1import multiprocessing as mp2import multiprocessing.pool3import threading4from collections import defaultdict5from itertools import chain6from queue import SimpleQueue7from selectors import EVENT_READ, DefaultSelector8from statistics import mean9from time import time10from typing import Dict, NamedTuple, Optional11import torch12from prefetch_generator import BackgroundGenerator13from import ExpertBackend14from src.utils import get_logger15logger = get_logger(__name__)16class Runtime(threading.Thread):17 """18 A group of processes that processes incoming requests for multiple experts on a shared device.19 Runtime is usually created and managed by Server, humans need not apply.20 For debugging, you can start runtime manually with .start() or .run()21 >>> expert_backends = {'expert_name': ExpertBackend(**kwargs)}22 >>> runtime = Runtime(expert_backends)23 >>> runtime.start() # start runtime in background thread. To start in current thread, use >>> runtime.ready.wait() # await for runtime to load all experts on device and create request pools25 >>> future = runtime.expert_backends['expert_name'].forward_pool.submit_task(*expert_inputs)26 >>> print("Returned:", future.result())27 >>> runtime.shutdown()28 :param expert_backends: a dict [expert uid -> ExpertBackend]29 :param prefetch_batches: form up to this many batches in advance30 :param sender_threads: dispatches outputs from finished batches using this many asynchronous threads31 :param device: if specified, moves all experts and data to this device via .to(device=device).32 If you want to manually specify devices for each expert (in their forward pass), leave device=None (default)33 :param stats_report_interval: interval to collect and log statistics about runtime performance34 """35 SHUTDOWN_TRIGGER = "RUNTIME SHUTDOWN TRIGGERED"36 def __init__(37 self,38 expert_backends: Dict[str, ExpertBackend],39 prefetch_batches=64,40 sender_threads: int = 1,41 device: torch.device = None,42 stats_report_interval: Optional[int] = None,43 ):44 super().__init__()45 self.expert_backends = expert_backends46 self.pools = tuple(chain(*(expert.get_pools() for expert in expert_backends.values())))47 self.device, self.prefetch_batches, self.sender_threads = device, prefetch_batches, sender_threads48 self.shutdown_recv, self.shutdown_send = mp.Pipe(duplex=False)49 self.shutdown_trigger = mp.Event()50 self.ready = mp.Event() # event is set iff server is currently running and ready to accept batches51 self.stats_report_interval = stats_report_interval52 if self.stats_report_interval is not None:53 self.stats_reporter = StatsReporter(self.stats_report_interval)54 def run(self):55 for pool in self.pools:56 if not pool.is_alive():57 pool.start()58 with mp.pool.ThreadPool(self.sender_threads) as output_sender_pool:59 try:60 self.ready.set()61 if self.stats_report_interval is not None:62 self.stats_reporter.start()63"Started")64 for pool, batch_index, batch in BackgroundGenerator(65 self.iterate_minibatches_from_pools(), self.prefetch_batches66 ):67 logger.debug(f"Processing batch {batch_index} from pool {}")68 start = time()69 outputs = pool.process_func(*batch)70 batch_processing_time = time() - start71 batch_size = outputs[0].size(0)72 logger.debug(f"Pool {}: batch {batch_index} processed, size {batch_size}")73 if self.stats_report_interval is not None:74 self.stats_reporter.report_stats(, batch_size, batch_processing_time)75 output_sender_pool.apply_async(pool.send_outputs_from_runtime, args=[batch_index, outputs])76 finally:77 if not self.shutdown_trigger.is_set():78 self.shutdown()79 def shutdown(self):80 """Gracefully terminate a running runtime."""81"Shutting down")82 self.ready.clear()83 if self.stats_report_interval is not None:84 self.stats_reporter.stop.set()85 self.stats_reporter.join()86 logger.debug("Terminating pools")87 for pool in self.pools:88 if pool.is_alive():89 pool.terminate()90 pool.join()91 logger.debug("Pools terminated")92 # trigger background thread to shutdown93 self.shutdown_send.send(self.SHUTDOWN_TRIGGER)94 self.shutdown_trigger.set()95 def iterate_minibatches_from_pools(self, timeout=None):96 """97 Chooses pool according to priority, then copies exposed batch and frees the buffer98 """99 with DefaultSelector() as selector:100 for pool in self.pools:101 selector.register(pool.batch_receiver, EVENT_READ, pool)102 selector.register(self.shutdown_recv, EVENT_READ, self.SHUTDOWN_TRIGGER)103 while True:104 # wait until at least one batch_receiver becomes available105 logger.debug("Waiting for inputs from task pools")106 ready_fds = ready_objects = { for (key, events) in ready_fds}108 if self.SHUTDOWN_TRIGGER in ready_objects:109 break # someone asked us to shutdown, break from the loop110 logger.debug("Choosing the pool with highest priority")111 pool = max(ready_objects, key=lambda pool: pool.priority)112 logger.debug(f"Loading batch from {}")113 batch_index, batch_tensors = pool.load_batch_to_runtime(timeout, self.device)114 logger.debug(f"Loaded batch from {}")115 yield pool, batch_index, batch_tensors116BatchStats = NamedTuple("BatchStats", (("batch_size", int), ("processing_time", float)))117class StatsReporter(threading.Thread):118 def __init__(self, report_interval: int):119 super().__init__()120 self.report_interval = report_interval121 self.stop = threading.Event()122 self.stats_queue = SimpleQueue()123 def run(self):124 while not self.stop.wait(self.report_interval):125 pool_batch_stats = defaultdict(list)126 while not self.stats_queue.empty():127 pool_uid, batch_stats = self.stats_queue.get()128 pool_batch_stats[pool_uid].append(batch_stats)129 total_processed_batches = sum(len(pool_stats) for pool_stats in pool_batch_stats.values())130"Processed {total_processed_batches} batches in last {self.report_interval} seconds:")131 for pool_uid, pool_stats in pool_batch_stats.items():132 total_batches = len(pool_stats)133 total_examples = sum(batch_stats.batch_size for batch_stats in pool_stats)134 avg_batch_size = mean(batch_stats.batch_size for batch_stats in pool_stats)135 total_time = sum(batch_stats.processing_time for batch_stats in pool_stats)136 batches_to_time = total_batches / total_time137 batch_performance = f"{batches_to_time:.2f} " + ("batches/s" if batches_to_time > 1 else "s/batch")138 examples_to_time = total_examples / total_time139 example_performance = f"{examples_to_time:.2f} " + (140 "examples/s" if examples_to_time > 1 else "s/example"141 )142 f"{pool_uid}: "144 f"{total_batches} batches ({batch_performance}), "145 f"{total_examples} examples ({example_performance}), "146 f"avg batch size {avg_batch_size:.2f}"147 )148 def report_stats(self, pool_uid, batch_size, processing_time):149 batch_stats = BatchStats(batch_size, processing_time)...
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