Best Python code snippet using locust
1#!/usr/bin/env python2#3## Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.4## The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.5#6##7# Title :lst_creator.py8#9# Script to create a working list file from the test overlay directory. This10# will be used by smarty to run tests.11#12################################################################################13import argparse14import datetime15import os16import re17import sys18from collections import defaultdict19################################################################################20# Argument Parser21################################################################################22DESCRIPTION = """Python script to help create/update the arm64 lstFile23 """24PARSER = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=DESCRIPTION)25PARSER.add_argument("--test", dest="testing", action="store_true", default=False)26PARSER.add_argument("-lst_file", dest="old_list_file", nargs='?', default=None)27PARSER.add_argument("-pri0_test_dir", dest="pri0_test_dir", nargs='?', default=None)28PARSER.add_argument("-pri1_test_dir", dest="pri1_test_dir", nargs='?', default=None)29PARSER.add_argument("-commit_hash", dest="commit_hash", nargs='?', default=None)30PARSER.add_argument("-failures_csv", dest="failures_csv", nargs='?', default=None)31PARSER.add_argument("--unset_new", dest="unset_new", action="store_true", default=False)32ARGS = PARSER.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])33################################################################################34# Helper Functions35################################################################################36def create_list_file(file_name, metadata):37 """ Create a lstFile given a set of metadata input38 Args:39 file_name (str): Location to write the lstFile40 metadata ({ str: { str: str } }): Dictionary mapping test name to41 : a tuple, the first tuple's value is42 : a dictionary of key/value attributes,43 : the second is test index.44 """45 current_time = current_time_str = current_time.strftime("%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S%z")47 metadata = [metadata[item] for item in metadata]48 metadata = sorted(metadata, key=lambda item: item[1])49 new_metadata = [item for item in metadata if item[1] == -1]50 old_metadata = [item for item in metadata if item[1] != -1]51 with open(file_name, "w") as file_handle:52 file_handle.write("## This list file has been produced automatically. Any changes\n")53 file_handle.write("## are subject to being overwritten when reproducing this file.\n")54 file_handle.write("## \n")55 file_handle.write("## Last Updated: %s\n" % current_time_str)56 file_handle.write("## Commit: %s\n" % ARGS.commit_hash)57 file_handle.write("## \n")58 order = ["RelativePath", "WorkingDir", "Expected", 59 "MaxAllowedDurationSeconds", "Categories", "HostStyle"]60 def write_metadata(data, count=None):61 for item in data:62 test_name = item[0]["RelativePath"]63 if item[1] != -1:64 count = item[1]65 item = item[0]66 # Get the test name.67 title = "[%s_%d]" % (test_name.split("\\")[-1], count)68 count += 169 file_handle.write("%s\n" % title)70 attribute_str = ""71 for key in order:72 attribute_str += "%s=%s\n" % (key, item[key])73 file_handle.write(attribute_str + "\n")74 write_metadata(old_metadata)75 old_number = 076 try:77 old_number = old_metadata[-1][1] + 178 except:79 # New lstFile80 pass81 write_metadata(new_metadata, old_number + 1)82def create_metadata(tests):83 """ Given a set of tests create the metadata around them84 Args:85 tests ({str : int}): List of tests for which to determine metadata86 : int represents the priority87 Returns:88 test_metadata ({ str: { str: str } }): Dictionary mapping test name to89 : a dictionary of key/value90 : attributes.91 """92 test_metadata = defaultdict(lambda: None)93 failures_csv = ARGS.failures_csv94 failure_information = defaultdict(lambda: None)95 if failures_csv is not None:96 lines = []97 assert(os.path.isfile(failures_csv))98 with open(failures_csv, "r") as file_handle:99 lines = file_handle.readlines()100 101 try:102 for line in lines:103 split = line.split(",")104 relative_path = split[0].replace("/", "\\")105 category = split[1]106 failure_information[relative_path] = category.strip()107 except:108 raise Exception("Error. CSV format expects: relativepath,category")109 for test in tests:110 test_name = test111 priority = tests[test]112 working_directory = os.path.dirname(test_name).replace("/", "\\")113 # Make sure the tests use the windows \ seperator.114 relative_path = test_name.replace("/", "\\")115 max_duration = "600"116 117 if priority == 0:118 categories = "EXPECTED_PASS"119 else:120 categories = "EXPECTED_PASS;Pri%d" % priority121 122 expected = "0"123 host_style = "0"124 metadata = defaultdict(lambda: None)125 metadata["RelativePath"] = relative_path126 metadata["WorkingDir"] = working_directory127 metadata["MaxAllowedDurationSeconds"] = max_duration128 metadata["HostStyle"] = host_style129 metadata["Expected"] = expected130 metadata["Categories"] = categories131 if failure_information[relative_path] is not None:132 metadata["Categories"] = failure_information[relative_path]133 test_metadata[relative_path] = metadata134 return test_metadata135def get_all_tests(base_dir):136 """ Find all of the tests in the enlistment137 Args:138 base_dir (str): Directory to start traversing from139 Returns:140 test_list ([str]): List of the tests. Note this is defined to be every141 : cmd file under the base_dir.142 Note:143 To find the tests correctly you must build the tests correctly and 144 pass that directory. This method will NOT check to make sure that 145 this has been done correctly.146 This is a recursive method.147 """148 def get_all_tests_helper(working_dir):149 """ Helper function to recursively get all tests.150 """151 assert os.path.isdir(working_dir)152 items = os.listdir(working_dir)153 items = [os.path.join(working_dir, item) for item in items]154 dirs = [item for item in items if os.path.isdir(item)]155 tests = [item for item in items if ".cmd" in item]156 for item in dirs:157 tests += get_all_tests_helper(item)158 return tests159 # Recursively get all of the tests in the directory.160 tests = get_all_tests_helper(base_dir)161 # Find the correct base directory for the tests.162 common_prefix = os.path.commonprefix(tests)163 if common_prefix is not None:164 tests = [test.replace(common_prefix, "") for test in tests]165 return tests166def log(message):167 """ Log a debug message. This is to be used when the --test option is passed168 """169 if ARGS.testing is True:170 print message171def parse_lst_file(lst_file):172 """Parse a lstFile given.173 Args:174 lst_file(str): location of the lstFile175 Returns:176 test_metadata (defaultdict(lambda: None)): Key is test name.177 """178 assert os.path.isfile(lst_file)179 contents = None180 with open(lst_file) as file_handle:181 contents = split = re.split("\[(.*?)\]", contents)183 unique_name = None184 test_metadata = defaultdict(lambda: None)185 for item in split:186 if len(item) == 0 or item[0] == "#":187 continue188 if unique_name is None:189 unique_name = item190 else:191 index = int(unique_name.split("_")[-1])192 metadata = defaultdict(lambda: None)193 attributes = item.split("\n")194 for attribute in attributes:195 # Skip the removed new lines.196 if len(attribute) == 0:197 continue198 pair = attribute.split("=")199 key = pair[0].strip()200 value = pair[1].strip()201 metadata[key] = value202 # Relative path is unique, while the test name alone is not.203 unique_name = metadata["RelativePath"]204 test_metadata[unique_name] = (metadata, index)205 unique_name = None206 return test_metadata207################################################################################208# Main209################################################################################210def main(args):211 """ Main method212 Args:213 args ([str]): the arugments passed to the program.214 """215 # Assign all of the passed variables.216 pri0_test_dir = args.pri0_test_dir217 pri1_test_dir = args.pri1_test_dir218 old_list_file = args.old_list_file219 commit_hash = args.commit_hash220 unset_new = args.unset_new221 if commit_hash is None:222 print "Error please provide a commit hash."223 sys.exit(1)224 if pri0_test_dir is None or not os.path.isdir(pri0_test_dir):225 print "Error the Pri0 test directory passed is not a valid directory."226 sys.exit(1)227 if pri1_test_dir is None or not os.path.isdir(pri1_test_dir):228 print "Error the Pri1 test directory passed is not a valid directory."229 sys.exit(1)230 pri0_tests = get_all_tests(pri0_test_dir)231 print "Found %d tests in the pri0 test directory." % (len(pri0_tests))232 pri1_tests = get_all_tests(pri1_test_dir)233 print "Found %d tests in the pri1 test directory." % (len(pri1_tests))234 print235 priority_marked_tests = defaultdict(lambda: None)236 237 for test in pri1_tests:238 priority_marked_tests[test] = 1239 for test in pri0_tests:240 priority_marked_tests[test] = 0241 old_test_metadata = None242 # If we are updating an old lstFile. Get all of the tests from that243 # lstFile and their metadata.244 if old_list_file is not None:245 old_test_metadata = parse_lst_file(old_list_file)246 print "Found %d tests in the old lstFile." % (len(old_test_metadata))247 print248 test_metadata = create_metadata(priority_marked_tests)249 # Make sure the tuples are set up correctly.250 for item in test_metadata:251 test_metadata[item] = (test_metadata[item], -1)252 if old_test_metadata is not None:253 # If the new information has been changed, we will need to update254 # the lstFile.255 new_test_count = 0256 update_count = 0257 for test_name in test_metadata:258 new_metadata = test_metadata[test_name]259 old_metadata = old_test_metadata[test_name]260 attributes = None261 if old_test_metadata[test_name] is None:262 new_test_count += 1263 new_metadata[0]["Categories"] += ";NEW"264 old_test_metadata[test_name] = (new_metadata[0], -1)265 else:266 index = old_metadata[1]267 old_metadata = old_metadata[0]268 attributes = set(old_metadata.keys() + new_metadata[0].keys())269 # Make sure we go through all attributes of both sets.270 # If an attribute exists in one set but not the other it will271 # be None. If the new metadata has a new attribute, write this272 # into the old metadata. If the old metadata has an attribute273 # that does not exist in the new set. Do not remove it.274 overwritten = False275 for attribute in attributes:276 if attribute == "MaxAllowedDurationSeconds":277 continue278 if attribute == "Categories":279 new_split = new_metadata[0]["Categories"].split(";")280 old_split = old_metadata["Categories"].split(";")281 if unset_new:282 if "NEW" in old_split:283 old_split.remove("NEW")284 # If an old test is marked as a failing test. Make285 # sure that we carry that information along.286 if "EXPECTED_PASS" in new_split and "EXPECTED_FAIL" in old_split:287 new_split.remove("EXPECTED_PASS")288 # If it used to be marked as pass but it is now failing. Make sure289 # we remove the old category.290 elif "EXPECTED_FAIL" in new_split and "EXPECTED_PASS" in old_split:291 old_split.remove("EXPECTED_PASS")292 joined_categories = set(old_split + new_split)293 if (old_split != new_split):294 overwritten = True295 ordered_categories = []296 for item in old_split:297 if item in joined_categories:298 ordered_categories.append(item)299 joined_categories.remove(item)300 ordered_categories = [item for item in ordered_categories if item != ""]301 old_metadata[attribute] = ";".join(ordered_categories)302 old_metadata[attribute] = old_metadata[attribute] + ";" + ";".join(joined_categories) if len(joined_categories) > 0 else old_metadata[attribute]303 old_test_metadata[test_name] = (old_metadata, index)304 elif new_metadata[0][attribute] != old_metadata[attribute]:305 # If the old information is not the same as the new306 # information, keep the new information. overwrite the old307 # metadata.308 if new_metadata[0][attribute] is not None:309 overwritten = True310 old_metadata[attribute] = new_metadata[0][attribute]311 old_test_metadata[test_name] = (old_metadata, index)312 if overwritten:313 update_count += 1314 tests_removed = 0315 tests_to_remove = []316 for old_test_name in old_test_metadata:317 # Remove all old unreferenced tests318 if old_test_name not in test_metadata:319 tests_to_remove.append(old_test_name)320 tests_removed += 1321 for test_name in tests_to_remove:322 old_test_metadata.pop(test_name)323 print "Added %d tests." % new_test_count324 print "Removed %d tests." % tests_removed325 print "Finished join. %d tests updated." % update_count326 test_metadata = old_test_metadata327 # Overwrite the old file if provided, else use the generic name Tests.lst328 lst_file = "Tests.lst" if old_list_file is None else old_list_file329 # Write out the new lstFile330 create_list_file(lst_file, test_metadata)331################################################################################332################################################################################333if __name__ == "__main__":...
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