How to use _fast_users_on_workers_copy method in locust

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...58 self._initial_users_on_workers = {59 {user_class.__name__: 0 for user_class in self._user_classes}60 for worker_node in worker_nodes61 }62 self._users_on_workers = self._fast_users_on_workers_copy(self._initial_users_on_workers)63 self._current_user_count = sum(map(sum, map(dict.values, self._users_on_workers.values())))64 self._dispatcher_generator = None65 self._user_generator = self._user_gen()66 self._worker_node_generator = itertools.cycle(self._worker_nodes)67 # To keep track of how long it takes for each dispatch iteration to compute68 self._dispatch_iteration_durations = []69 self._active_users = []70 # TODO: Test that attribute is set when dispatching and unset when done dispatching71 self._dispatch_in_progress = False72 self._rebalance = False73 @property74 def dispatch_in_progress(self):75 return self._dispatch_in_progress76 @property77 def dispatch_iteration_durations(self) -> List[float]:78 return self._dispatch_iteration_durations79 def __next__(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]:80 users_on_workers = next(self._dispatcher_generator)81 # TODO: Is this necessary to copy the users_on_workers if we know82 # it won't be mutated by external code?83 return self._fast_users_on_workers_copy(users_on_workers)84 def _dispatcher(self) -> Generator[Dict[str, Dict[str, int]], None, None]:85 self._dispatch_in_progress = True86 if self._rebalance:87 self._rebalance = False88 yield self._users_on_workers89 if self._current_user_count == self._target_user_count:90 return91 if self._current_user_count == self._target_user_count:92 yield self._initial_users_on_workers93 self._dispatch_in_progress = False94 return95 while self._current_user_count < self._target_user_count:96 with self._wait_between_dispatch_iteration_context():97 yield self._add_users_on_workers()98 if self._rebalance:99 self._rebalance = False100 yield self._users_on_workers101 while self._current_user_count > self._target_user_count:102 with self._wait_between_dispatch_iteration_context():103 yield self._remove_users_from_workers()104 if self._rebalance:105 self._rebalance = False106 yield self._users_on_workers107 self._dispatch_in_progress = False108 def new_dispatch(self, target_user_count: int, spawn_rate: float) -> None:109 """110 Initialize a new dispatch cycle.111 :param target_user_count: The desired user count at the end of the dispatch cycle112 :param spawn_rate: The spawn rate113 """114 self._target_user_count = target_user_count115 self._spawn_rate = spawn_rate116 self._user_count_per_dispatch_iteration = max(1, math.floor(self._spawn_rate))117 self._wait_between_dispatch = self._user_count_per_dispatch_iteration /​ self._spawn_rate118 self._initial_users_on_workers = self._users_on_workers119 self._users_on_workers = self._fast_users_on_workers_copy(self._initial_users_on_workers)120 self._current_user_count = sum(map(sum, map(dict.values, self._users_on_workers.values())))121 self._dispatcher_generator = self._dispatcher()122 self._dispatch_iteration_durations.clear()123 def add_worker(self, worker_node: "WorkerNode") -> None:124 """125 This method is to be called when a new worker connects to the master. When126 a new worker is added, the users dispatcher will flag that a rebalance is required127 and ensure that the next dispatch iteration will be made to redistribute the users128 on the new pool of workers.129 :param worker_node: The worker node to add.130 """131 self._worker_nodes.append(worker_node)132 self._worker_nodes = sorted(self._worker_nodes, key=lambda w: self._prepare_rebalance()134 def remove_worker(self, worker_node: "WorkerNode") -> None:135 """136 This method is similar to the above `add_worker`. When a worker disconnects137 (because of e.g. network failure, worker failure, etc.), this method will ensure that the next138 dispatch iteration redistributes the users on the remaining workers.139 :param worker_node: The worker node to remove.140 """141 self._worker_nodes = [w for w in self._worker_nodes if !=]142 if len(self._worker_nodes) == 0:143 # TODO: Test this144 return145 self._prepare_rebalance()146 def _prepare_rebalance(self) -> None:147 """148 When a rebalance is required because of added and/​or removed workers, we compute the desired state as if149 we started from 0 user. So, if we were currently running 500 users, then the `_distribute_users` will150 perform a fake ramp-up without any waiting and return the final distribution.151 """152 users_on_workers, user_gen, worker_gen, active_users = self._distribute_users(self._current_user_count)153 self._users_on_workers = users_on_workers154 self._active_users = active_users155 # It's important to reset the generators by using the ones from `_distribute_users`156 # so that the next iterations are smooth and continuous.157 self._user_generator = user_gen158 self._worker_node_generator = worker_gen159 self._rebalance = True160 @contextlib.contextmanager161 def _wait_between_dispatch_iteration_context(self) -> None:162 t0_rel = time.perf_counter()163 # We don't use `try: ... finally: ...` because we don't want to sleep164 # if there's an exception within the context.165 yield166 delta = time.perf_counter() - t0_rel167 self._dispatch_iteration_durations.append(delta)168 # print("Dispatch cycle took {:.3f}ms".format(delta * 1000))169 if self._current_user_count == self._target_user_count:170 # No sleep when this is the last dispatch iteration171 return172 sleep_duration = max(0.0, self._wait_between_dispatch - delta)173 gevent.sleep(sleep_duration)174 def _add_users_on_workers(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]:175 """Add users on the workers until the target number of users is reached for the current dispatch iteration176 :return: The users that we want to run on the workers177 """178 current_user_count_target = min(179 self._current_user_count + self._user_count_per_dispatch_iteration, self._target_user_count180 )181 for user in self._user_generator:182 worker_node = next(self._worker_node_generator)183 self._users_on_workers[][user] += 1184 self._current_user_count += 1185 self._active_users.append((worker_node, user))186 if self._current_user_count >= current_user_count_target:187 return self._users_on_workers188 def _remove_users_from_workers(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]:189 """Remove users from the workers until the target number of users is reached for the current dispatch iteration190 :return: The users that we want to run on the workers191 """192 current_user_count_target = max(193 self._current_user_count - self._user_count_per_dispatch_iteration, self._target_user_count194 )195 while True:196 try:197 worker_node, user = self._active_users.pop()198 except IndexError:199 return self._users_on_workers200 self._users_on_workers[][user] -= 1201 self._current_user_count -= 1202 if self._current_user_count == 0 or self._current_user_count <= current_user_count_target:203 return self._users_on_workers204 def _distribute_users(205 self, target_user_count: int206 ) -> Tuple[dict, Generator[str, None, None], typing.Iterator["WorkerNode"], List[Tuple["WorkerNode", str]]]:207 """208 This function might take some time to complete if the `target_user_count` is a big number. A big number209 is typically > 50 000. However, this function is only called if a worker is added or removed while a test210 is running. Such a situation should be quite rare.211 """212 user_gen = self._user_gen()213 worker_gen = itertools.cycle(self._worker_nodes)214 users_on_workers = {215 {user_class.__name__: 0 for user_class in self._user_classes}216 for worker_node in self._worker_nodes217 }218 active_users = []219 user_count = 0220 while user_count < target_user_count:221 user = next(user_gen)222 worker_node = next(worker_gen)223 users_on_workers[][user] += 1224 user_count += 1225 active_users.append((worker_node, user))226 return users_on_workers, user_gen, worker_gen, active_users227 def _user_gen(self) -> Generator[str, None, None]:228 """229 This method generates users according to their weights using230 a smooth weighted round-robin algorithm implemented by https:/​/​​linnik/​roundrobin.231 For example, given users A, B with weights 5 and 1 respectively, this algorithm232 will yield AAABAAAAABAA. The smooth aspect of this algorithm is what makes it possible233 to keep the distribution during ramp-up and ramp-down. If we were to use a normal234 weighted round-robin algorithm, we'd get AAAAABAAAAAB which would make the distribution235 less accurate during ramp-up/​down.236 """237 # Normalize the weights so that the smallest weight will be equal to "target_min_weight".238 # The value "2" was experimentally determined because it gave a better distribution especially239 # when dealing with weights which are close to each others, e.g. 1.5, 2, 2.4, etc.240 target_min_weight = 2241 min_weight = min(u.weight for u in self._user_classes)242 normalized_weights = [243 (user_class.__name__, round(target_min_weight * user_class.weight /​ min_weight))244 for user_class in self._user_classes245 ]246 gen = smooth(normalized_weights)247 # Instead of calling `gen()` for each user, we cycle through a generator of fixed-length248 # `generation_length_to_get_proper_distribution`. Doing so greatly improves performance because249 # we only ever need to call `gen()` a relatively small number of times. The length of this generator250 # is chosen as the sum of the normalized weights. So, for users A, B, C of weights 2, 5, 6, the length is251 # 2 + 5 + 6 = 13 which would yield the distribution `CBACBCBCBCABC` that gets repeated over and over252 # until the target user count is reached.253 generation_length_to_get_proper_distribution = sum(254 normalized_weight[1] for normalized_weight in normalized_weights255 )256 yield from itertools.cycle(gen() for _ in range(generation_length_to_get_proper_distribution))257 @staticmethod258 def _fast_users_on_workers_copy(users_on_workers: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]:259 """deepcopy is too slow, so we use this custom copy function.260 The implementation was profiled and compared to other implementations such as dict-comprehensions261 and the one below is the most efficient.262 """...

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