How to use use_docker method in localstack

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1#!/​usr/​bin/​env python32# coding: utf-83import typer4import subprocess5import platform6from pathlib import Path7app = typer.Typer()8USE_DOCKER = False9DEBUG = True # print what commands get executed10def echo(11 message: str,12 fg_color: str = typer.colors.WHITE,13 bg_color: str = typer.colors.BLACK,14 bold: bool = False15 ):16 """colors:17 "bright_" + black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white18 """19 typer.echo(20 message,22 fg=fg_color,23 bg=bg_color,24 bold=bold,25 )26 )27def run_command(command, debug=False, cwd='./​backend', env=None, managepy=False, docker=False):28 if managepy:29 command = f"python {command}"30 if docker:31 cwd = '.'32 command = f"docker-compose run django {command}"33 if debug:34 echo(f">>> Running command: {command}")35 try:36, cwd=cwd, env=env)37 except FileNotFoundError:38 echo(f'The command {command} threw a FileNotFoundError', fg_color=typer.colors.RED)39def run_docker_compose_command(command, debug=False, cwd='.', env=None, docker=False):40 if not docker:41 echo(f">>> {command} requires a dockerized project")42 return43 if debug:44 echo(f">>> Running command: {command}")45 try:46, cwd=cwd, env=env)47 except FileNotFoundError:48 echo(f'The command {command} threw a FileNotFoundError', fg_color=typer.colors.RED)49def delete_folder(path: Path):50 for element in path.iterdir():51 if element.is_dir():52 delete_folder(element)53 else:54 element.unlink()55 path.rmdir()56def clean_build():57 echo(f"Unlinking build-files: build/​; dist/​ *.egg-info; __pycache__;", fg_color=typer.colors.RED)58 cwd = Path('.')59 [delete_folder(p) for p in cwd.rglob('build')]60 [delete_folder(p) for p in cwd.rglob('dist')]61 [delete_folder(p) for p in cwd.rglob('*.egg-info')]62 [delete_folder(p) for p in cwd.rglob('__pycache__')]63def clean_pyc():64 echo(f"Unlinking caches: *.pyc; *pyo; *~;", fg_color=typer.colors.RED)65 [p.unlink() for p in Path('.').rglob('*.py[co]')]66 [p.unlink() for p in Path('.').rglob('*~')]67@app.command()68def clean():69 clean_build()70 clean_pyc()71@app.command()72def manage(command: str, second: str = typer.Argument(None)):73 if second:74 echo(f'Commands with arguments are not supported via this interface yet', fg_color=typer.colors.RED)75 return76 run_command(f'{command}', debug=DEBUG, managepy=True, docker=USE_DOCKER)77@app.command()78def compose(command: str, second: str = typer.Argument(None)):79 if second:80 echo(f'Commands with arguments are not supported via this interface yet', fg_color=typer.colors.RED)81 return82 run_docker_compose_command(f'{command}', debug=DEBUG, docker=USE_DOCKER)83@app.command()84def build(nocache: bool = False):85 command = "docker-compose build"86 if nocache:87 command = f"{command} --no-cache"88 run_docker_compose_command(command, debug=DEBUG, docker=USE_DOCKER)89@app.command()90def up(orphans: bool = False):91 command = "docker-compose up"92 if orphans:93 command = f"{command} --remove-orphans"94 run_docker_compose_command(command, debug=DEBUG, docker=USE_DOCKER)95@app.command()96def down():97 command = "docker-compose down"98 run_docker_compose_command(command, debug=DEBUG, docker=USE_DOCKER)99@app.command()100def pytest(test_path: str = typer.Argument(None)):101 command = "pytest"102 if test_path is not None:103 command = f"{command} {test_path}"104 run_command(command, debug=DEBUG, docker=USE_DOCKER)105@app.command()106def test(test_path: str = typer.Argument(None)):107 pytest(test_path)108@app.command()109def black(path: str = typer.Argument(None)):110 command = "black"111 if path is not None:112 command = f"{command} {path}"113 run_command(command, debug=DEBUG, docker=USE_DOCKER)114@app.command()115def coverage():116 commands = [117 "coverage run --source='.' test",118 "coverage report"119 ]120 for command in commands:121 run_command(command, debug=DEBUG, docker=USE_DOCKER)122@app.command()123def docs(doc_path: Path = Path('./​backend/​docs')):124 [p.unlink(missing_ok=True) for p in doc_path.rglob('*.rst') if not == 'index.rst']125 run_command("sphinx-apidoc -o . .. --ext-autodoc", debug=DEBUG, cwd=doc_path)126 if not platform.system() == "Windows":127 run_command("make html", debug=DEBUG, cwd=doc_path)128 when = "now"129 else:130 echo(f"Make failed (Windows) run it manually with:\n{doc_path.resolve()}\make html", fg_color=typer.colors.RED)131 when = "then"132 file_url = f'file:/​/​{Path("docs/​_build/​html/​index.html").resolve()}'133 echo(f"Docs are {when} available at: {file_url}", fg_color=typer.colors.BLACK, bg_color=typer.colors.WHITE)134@app.command()135def poetryinstall():136 run_command(f'poetry install', debug=DEBUG, managepy=True, docker=False)137@app.command()138def rebuild(nocache: bool = False):139 poetryinstall()140 build(nocache=nocache)141 initialize()142@app.command()143def makemigrations():144 run_command('makemigrations', debug=DEBUG, managepy=True, docker=USE_DOCKER)145@app.command()146def migrate():147 run_command('migrate', debug=DEBUG, managepy=True, docker=USE_DOCKER)148@app.command()149def resetschema():150 run_command('reset_schema --noinput', debug=DEBUG, managepy=True, docker=USE_DOCKER)151@app.command()152def deletemigrations(apps_path: Path = Path('.')): # it's usally APPS_DIR 'apps/​' !153 if not apps_path.exists():154 echo(f'Directory {apps_path.resolve()} does not exist', fg_color=typer.colors.RED)155 return156 app_dirs = [157 app_dir158 for app_dir in apps_path.iterdir()159 if app_dir.is_dir() and != "__pycache__"160 ]161 for d in app_dirs:162 migrations = Path(d) /​ "migrations"163 if migrations.exists():164 for f in [m for m in migrations.iterdir() if not m.is_dir()]:165 if not '__init__' in echo(f"Deleting migration: {f.parent}/​{}", fg_color=typer.colors.RED)167 f.unlink()168@app.command()169def initialize():170 echo(f'Reset the database schema...', fg_color=typer.colors.RED)171 resetschema()172 echo(f'Deleting migrations...', fg_color=typer.colors.RED)173 deletemigrations()174 echo(f'Makemigrations...', fg_color=typer.colors.GREEN)175 makemigrations()176 echo(f'Migrate...', fg_color=typer.colors.GREEN)177 migrate()178 echo(f'Creating pytest DB...', fg_color=typer.colors.GREEN)179 run_command("pytest --quiet --create-db", debug=DEBUG, docker=USE_DOCKER)180 echo(f'Successfully initialized the project...', fg_color=typer.colors.GREEN)181@app.command()182def init():183 initialize()184@app.command()185def mm():186 makemigrations()187@app.command()188def mig():189 migrate()190if __name__ == "__main__":...

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1#!/​usr/​bin/​env python32# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-3# Copyright (C) 2020 jessedp4#5# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining6# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the7# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including8# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,9# distribute, sublicense, and/​or sell copies of the Software, and to10# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to11# the following conditions:12#13# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be14# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.15#16# THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,17# EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF18# MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND19# NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS20# BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN21# ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN22# CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE23# SOFTWARE.24"""Makes bulk adding DNS blocklists and allowlists to Pi-hole 5 a breeze"""25import os26import sys27import sqlite328from ph5lt import constants29from ph5lt import prompts30from ph5lt import allowlists31from ph5lt import blocklists32from ph5lt import utils33from ph5lt import banner34from ph5lt import stats35def main():36 """main method"""37 conn = None38 try:39 utils.clear()40 banner.display()41 use_docker = False42 docker = utils.find_docker()43 if docker[0] is True:44 utils.success(f"+ Found Running Docker config: {docker[1]}")45 use_docker = prompts.confirm("Use Docker-ized config?", "n")46 if use_docker:47 db_file = docker[1]48 if not use_docker:49 print()50 db_file = prompts.ask_db()51 # ask_db validates the db, pass this connection round for easy access & "global" mgmt52 conn = sqlite3.connect(db_file)53 cur = conn.cursor()54 default = constants.BLOCKLIST55 option = ""56 any_save = False57 while option != constants.EXIT:58 stats.stat_bar(cur)59 option = prompts.main_menu(default)60 save = False61 if option == constants.BLOCKLIST:62 save = blocklists.manage_blocklists(cur)63 if option == constants.ALLOWLIST:64 save = allowlists.manage_allowlists(cur)65 if option == constants.STATS:66 stats.header(cur)67 if save:68 any_save = True69 default = constants.EXIT70 conn.commit()71 if option == constants.ALLOWLIST:72 stats.allow_header(cur)73 if option == constants.BLOCKLIST:74 stats.block_header(cur)75 if prompts.confirm("Are you finished?"):76 break77 conn.close()78 if any_save:79 update_gravity(use_docker)80"\n\tBye!\n")81 except (KeyboardInterrupt, KeyError):82 if conn:83 conn.close()84 sys.exit(0)85def update_gravity(use_docker):86 """ various ways of updating the gravity db """87 if prompts.confirm("Update Gravity for immediate effect?"):88 print()89 if use_docker:90 os.system('docker exec pihole bash "/​usr/​local/​bin/​pihole" "-g"')91 else:92 os.system("pihole -g")93 else:94 print()95 if use_docker:96 "Update Gravity through the web interface or by running:\n\t"98 + '# docker exec pihole bash "/​usr/​local/​bin/​pihole" "-g"'99 )100 else:101 "Update Gravity through the web interface or by running:\n\t# pihole -g"103 )104if __name__ == "__main__":105 try:106 main()107 except sqlite3.OperationalError as err:108 utils.danger("\n\tDatabase error!")109 utils.danger(f"\t{err}")110 except (KeyboardInterrupt, KeyError):...

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...3 use_docker.cache_clear()4 rc = mocker.Mock()5 rc.returncode = 06 mocker.patch("", return_value=rc)7 assert use_docker()8def test_docker_absent(mocker):9 use_docker.cache_clear()10 mocker.patch("", side_effect=FileNotFoundError)...

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