How to use unpad method in localstack

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1#!/​usr/​bin/​env python32import os3from this import d4from cv2 import KeyPoint5from matplotlib import image6os.environ['KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK'] = 'True'7import triangulation as tri8import calibration9# Python imports10import numpy as np11import cv212import math13import message_filters14from geometry_msgs.msg import TransformStamped15import tf2_ros16import tf17# ROS imports18import rospy19import as sio20import std_msgs.msg21# Deep Learning imports22import torch23import yaml24from cv_bridge import CvBridge, CvBridgeError25from geometry_msgs.msg import Point32, Polygon26from numpy import random27from rospkg import RosPack28from sensor_msgs.msg import Image ,LaserScan29from skimage.transform import resize30from std_msgs.msg import UInt831from torch.autograd import Variable32from yolov5_pytorch_ros.msg import BoundingBox, BoundingBoxes33from math import nan34from models.experimental import attempt_load35from utils.datasets import LoadImages, LoadStreams36from utils.general import (apply_classifier, check_img_size,37 check_requirements, increment_path,38 non_max_suppression, scale_coords, set_logging,39 strip_optimizer)40from utils.plots import plot_one_box41# util + model imports42from utils.torch_utils import load_classifier, select_device, time_synchronized43package = RosPack()44package_path = package.get_path('yolov5_pytorch_ros')45topic_tf_child = "/​object"46topic_tf_perent = "/​base_link"47P = np.array([[0,0,0,0],48 [0,0,0,0],49 [0,0,0,0],50 [0,0,0,0]])51x_hat=None52prev=[0,0]53intila=054t = TransformStamped()55tf2_br = tf2_ros.TransformBroadcaster()56class Detector:57 def __init__(self):58 # Load weights parameter59 self.weights_path = rospy.get_param('~weights_path')60 rospy.loginfo("Found weights, loading %s", self.weights_path)61 # Raise error if it cannot find the model62 if not os.path.isfile(self.weights_path):63 raise IOError(('{:s} not found.').format(self.weights_path))64 # Load image parameter and confidence threshold65 self.image_topic = rospy.get_param(66 '~image_topic', '/​camera/​rgb/​image_raw')67 log_str = "Subscribing to image topic: %s" % self.image_topic68 rospy.loginfo(log_str)69 self.conf_thres = rospy.get_param('~confidence', 0.25)70 self.C=np.array([[1,0,1,0],71 [0,1,0,1],72 [0,0,0,0],73 [0,0,0,0]])74 self.B=np.array([0,0,0,0])75 dt=0.276 self.A=np.array([[1.0 ,0, dt,0],77 [0,1.0,0,dt],78 [0,0,1,0],79 [0,0,0,1]])80 self.Q=np.array([[1.0,0,0,0],81 [0,1.0,0,0],82 [0,0,0.1,0],83 [0,0,0,0.1]])84 self.R=np.array([[0.1,0,1,0],85 [0,0.1,0,1],86 [0,0,0.1,0],87 [0,0,0,0.1]])88 self.I=np.array([[1,0,0,0],89 [0,1,0,0],90 [0,0,1,0],91 [0,0,0,1]])92 # Load other parameters93 self.device_name = ''94 self.device = select_device(self.device_name)95 self.gpu_id = rospy.get_param('~gpu_id', 0)96 self.network_img_size = rospy.get_param('~img_size', 416)97 self.publish_image = rospy.get_param('~publish_image')98 self.iou_thres = 0.4599 self.augment = True100 self.classes = None101 self.agnostic_nms = False102 self.w = 0103 self.h = 0104 # Second-stage classifier105 self.classify = False106 # Initialize107 self.half = self.device.type != 'cpu' # half precision only supported on CUDA108 # Load model109 self.model = attempt_load(110 self.weights_path, map_location=self.device) # load FP32 model111 self.stride = int(self.model.stride.max()) # model stride112 self.network_img_size = check_img_size(113 self.network_img_size, s=self.stride) # check img_size114 if self.half:115 self.model.half() # to FP16116 if self.classify:117 self.modelc = load_classifier(name='resnet101', n=2) # initialize118 self.modelc.load_state_dict(torch.load(119 'weights/​', map_location=self.device)['model']).to(self.device).eval()120 # Get names and colors121 self.names = self.model.module.names if hasattr(122 self.model, 'module') else self.model.names123 self.colors = [[random.randint(0, 255)124 for _ in range(3)] for _ in self.names]125 # Run inference126 if self.device.type != 'cpu':127 self.model(torch.zeros(1, 3, self.network_img_size, self.network_img_size).to(128 self.device).type_as(next(self.model.parameters()))) # run once129 self.K=[203.42144086256206, 0.0, 206.12517266886093, 130 0.0, 203.55319738398958, 146.4392791209304, 131 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]132 t = 0133 self.camera_parameters=np.array([[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]])134 for i in range(3):135 for k in range(3):136 self.camera_parameters[i][k] = self.K[i+k]137 t+=1138 self.D=[-0.18296735250090237, 0.49168852367941696, -0.6266727991904993, 0.2636407064533411,0]139 self.camera_distortion_param = np.array([-0.426801, 0.249082, -0.002705, -0.001600, 0.000000])140 # Load CvBridge141 self.bridge = CvBridge()142 # Load publisher topic143 self.detected_objects_topic = rospy.get_param(144 '~detected_objects_topic')145 self.published_image_topic = rospy.get_param('~detections_image_topic')146 # Define subscribers147 self.image_sub = message_filters.Subscriber(148 self.image_topic, Image)149 self.image_bub2 = message_filters.Subscriber(150 "/​scan", LaserScan)151 self.image_bub = message_filters.Subscriber(152 "/​camera2/​image_raw", Image)153 ts = message_filters.ApproximateTimeSynchronizer([self.image_sub, self.image_bub2,self.image_bub], 1, 1)154 ts.registerCallback(self.image_cb)155 # Define publishers156 self.pub_ = rospy.Publisher(157 self.detected_objects_topic, BoundingBoxes, queue_size=10)158 self.pub_viz_ = rospy.Publisher(159 self.published_image_topic, Image, queue_size=10)160 rospy.loginfo("Launched node for object detection")161 # Spin162 rospy.spin()163 def lidar_cb(self,data):164 self.ranges=data165 def pubTf(self,position, orientation):166 """167 publish find object to tf2168 :param position:169 :param orientation:170 :return:171 """172 global t173 t.header.stamp = t.header.frame_id = "/​base_link"175 t.child_frame_id = "/​object"176 t.transform.translation.x = position[0]177 t.transform.translation.y = position[1]178 t.transform.translation.z = position[2]179 quaternion = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(orientation[0], orientation[1], orientation[2])180 t.transform.rotation.x = quaternion[0]181 t.transform.rotation.y = quaternion[1]182 t.transform.rotation.z = quaternion[2]183 t.transform.rotation.w = quaternion[3]184 tf2_br.sendTransform(t)185 def kalamnFilter(self, v):186 global intila187 global P188 189 190 v=np.array(v)191 if intila==0:192 x_hat = v193 prev = v[0:1]194 intila=1195 else:196 197 K = P*self.C.transpose()*(self.C*P*self.C.transpose() + self.R).inverse()198 x_hat += K * (v - self.C*x_hat)199 x_hat = self.A*x_hat200 P = self.A*P*self.A.transpose() + self.Q201 P = (self.I - K*self.C)*P202 return x_hat203 return x_hat204 def image_cb(self, data,data2,data3):205 global prev206 # Convert the image to OpenCV207 self.ranges=data2.ranges208 try:209 self.cv_img = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, "rgb8")210 except CvBridgeError as e:211 print(e)212 try:213 self.cv_img2 = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data3, "rgb8")214 except CvBridgeError as e:215 print(e)216 # Initialize detection results217 B = 5218 f=10 219 detection_results = BoundingBoxes()220 detection_results.header = data.header221 detection_results.image_header = data.header222 223 input_img = self.preprocess(self.cv_img)224 input_img2 = self.preprocess(self.cv_img2)225 #input_img = Variable(input_img.type(torch.FloatTensor))226 #input_img2 = Variable(input_img2.type(torch.FloatTensor))227 # Get detections from network228 with torch.no_grad():229 input_img = torch.from_numpy(input_img).to(self.device,dtype=torch.half)230 input_img2 = torch.from_numpy(input_img2).to(self.device,dtype=torch.half)231 detections = self.model(input_img)[0]232 detections2 = self.model(input_img2)[0]233 detections = non_max_suppression(detections, self.conf_thres, self.iou_thres,234 classes=self.classes, agnostic=self.agnostic_nms)235 detections2 = non_max_suppression(detections2, self.conf_thres, self.iou_thres,236 classes=self.classes, agnostic=self.agnostic_nms)237 alpha = 127.22339616 238 # Parse detections239 i=0240 strq='a'241 if detections[0] is not None:242 for detection in detections[0]:243 kp=0.2244 try:245 xmin2, ymin2, xmax2, ymax2, conf2, det_class2=detections2[0][i]246 except:247 pass248 # Get xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, confidence and class249 xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, conf, det_class = detection250 251 if self.names[int(det_class)] not in ['bin_rect','bin_side','bin_cir']:252 continue253 pad_x = max(self.h - self.w, 0) * \254 (self.network_img_size/​max(self.h, self.w))255 pad_y = max(self.w - self.h, 0) * \256 (self.network_img_size/​max(self.h, self.w))257 unpad_h = self.network_img_size-pad_y258 unpad_w = self.network_img_size-pad_x259 xmin_unpad = ((xmin-pad_x/​/​2)/​unpad_w)*self.w260 xmax_unpad = ((xmax-xmin)/​unpad_w)*self.w + xmin_unpad261 ymin_unpad = ((ymin-pad_y/​/​2)/​unpad_h)*self.h262 ymax_unpad = ((ymax-ymin)/​unpad_h)*self.h + ymin_unpad263 xmin_unpad = xmin_unpad.cpu().detach().numpy()264 xmax_unpad = xmax_unpad.cpu().detach().numpy()265 ymin_unpad = ymin_unpad.cpu().detach().numpy()266 ymax_unpad = ymax_unpad.cpu().detach().numpy()267 pad_x2 = max(self.h - self.w, 0) * \268 (self.network_img_size/​max(self.h, self.w))269 pad_y2 = max(self.w - self.h, 0) * \270 (self.network_img_size/​max(self.h, self.w))271 unpad_h2 = self.network_img_size-pad_y2272 unpad_w2 = self.network_img_size-pad_x2273 try:274 xmin_unpad2 = ((xmin2-pad_x2/​/​2)/​unpad_w2)*self.w275 xmax_unpad2 = ((xmax2-xmin2)/​unpad_w2)*self.w + xmin_unpad2276 ymin_unpad2 = ((ymin2-pad_y2/​/​2)/​unpad_h2)*self.h277 ymax_unpad2 = ((ymax2-ymin2)/​unpad_h2)*self.h + ymin_unpad2278 xmin_unpad2 = xmin_unpad2.cpu().detach().numpy()279 xmax_unpad2 = xmax_unpad2.cpu().detach().numpy()280 ymin_unpad2 = ymin_unpad2.cpu().detach().numpy()281 ymax_unpad2 = ymax_unpad2.cpu().detach().numpy()282 center_point_right=((xmin_unpad2-xmax_unpad2/​/​2),(ymin_unpad2-ymax_unpad2/​/​2))283 center_point=((xmin_unpad-xmax_unpad/​/​2),(ymin_unpad-ymax_unpad/​/​2))284 frame_right, frame_left = calibration.undistortRectify(self.cv_img, self.cv_img2)285 depth2 = tri.find_depth(center_point_right, center_point, frame_right, frame_left, B, f, alpha)286 depth2=depth2/​10287 except:288 kp=0289 depth2=0290 pass291 # Populate darknet message292 detection_msg = BoundingBox()293 detection_msg.xmin = int(xmin_unpad)294 detection_msg.xmax = int(xmax_unpad)295 detection_msg.ymin = int(ymin_unpad)296 detection_msg.ymax = int(ymax_unpad)297 detection_msg.probability = float(conf)298 detection_msg.Class = self.names[int(det_class)]299 300 angle=(2.22/​408)*((xmin_unpad-xmax_unpad)/​/​2)301 index=int((angle+0.462)/​/​0.014032435603439808)302 depth1=self.ranges[index]303 304 if depth2<0:305 depth2=depth2*-1306 307 if depth1==nan:308 depth1=0309 fx=203.42144086256206310 fy=203.55319738398958311 rotation_rad=[0,0,0]312 cx=206.12517266886093313 cy=146.4392791209304314 kn=1-kp315 depth=kn*depth1+kp*depth2316 317 v=([depth,(depth) * (((410-(xmax_unpad-xmin_unpad/​/​2))-cx)/​fx),prev[0]-depth,prev[1]-(((410-(xmax_unpad-xmin_unpad/​/​2))-cx)/​fx)])318 prev=[depth,(depth) * (((410-(xmax_unpad-xmin_unpad/​/​2))-cx)/​fx)]319 v_out=(v)320 print("lidar:",depth1," stereo",depth2," fused:",depth,"kalman out:",v_out[1])321 t = TransformStamped()322 tf2_br = tf2_ros.TransformBroadcaster()323 t.header.stamp = t.header.frame_id = "/​base_link"325 t.child_frame_id = "/​object"+strq326 strq+='a'327 t.transform.translation.x = v_out[0]328 t.transform.translation.y = v_out[1]329 t.transform.translation.z = 0330 quaternion = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, 0)331 t.transform.rotation.x = quaternion[0]332 t.transform.rotation.y = quaternion[1]333 t.transform.rotation.z = quaternion[2]334 t.transform.rotation.w = quaternion[3]335 tf2_br.sendTransform(t)336 # Append in overall detection message337 detection_results.bounding_boxes.append(detection_msg)338 # Publish detection results339 self.pub_.publish(detection_results)340 # Visualize detection results341 if (self.publish_image):342 self.visualize_and_publish(detection_results, self.cv_img)343 return True344 def preprocess(self, img):345 # Extract image and shape346 img = np.copy(img)347 img = img.astype(float)348 height, width, channels = img.shape349 if (height != self.h) or (width != self.w):350 self.h = height351 self.w = width352 # Determine image to be used353 self.padded_image = np.zeros(354 (max(self.h, self.w), max(self.h, self.w), channels)).astype(float)355 # Add padding356 if (self.w > self.h):357 self.padded_image[(self.w-self.h)/​/​2: self.h +358 (self.w-self.h)/​/​2, :, :] = img359 else:360 self.padded_image[:, (self.h-self.w)/​/​2: self.w +361 (self.h-self.w)/​/​2, :] = img362 # Resize and normalize363 input_img = resize(self.padded_image, (self.network_img_size, self.network_img_size, 3))/​255.364 # Channels-first365 input_img = np.transpose(input_img, (2, 0, 1))366 # As pytorch tensor367 #input_img = torch.from_numpy(input_img).float()368 input_img = input_img[None]369 return input_img370 def visualize_and_publish(self, output, imgIn):371 # Copy image and visualize372 imgOut = imgIn.copy()373 font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX374 fontScale = 0.8375 thickness = 2376 for index in range(len(output.bounding_boxes)):377 label = output.bounding_boxes[index].Class378 x_p1 = output.bounding_boxes[index].xmin379 y_p1 = output.bounding_boxes[index].ymin380 x_p3 = output.bounding_boxes[index].xmax381 y_p3 = output.bounding_boxes[index].ymax382 confidence = output.bounding_boxes[index].probability383 # Set class color384 color = self.colors[self.names.index(label)]385 # Create rectangle386 cv2.rectangle(imgOut, (int(x_p1), int(y_p1)), (int(x_p3), int(387 y_p3)), (color[0], color[1], color[2]), thickness)388 text = ('{:s}: {:.3f}').format(label, confidence)389 390 cv2.putText(imgOut, text, (int(x_p1), int(y_p1+20)), font,391 fontScale, (255, 255, 255), thickness, cv2.LINE_AA)392 # Publish visualization image393 image_msg = self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(imgOut, "rgb8")394 image_msg.header.frame_id = 'camera'395 image_msg.header.stamp = self.pub_viz_.publish(image_msg)397if __name__ == '__main__':398 rospy.init_node('detector')399 # Define detector object...

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...40 padded = pad(b(""), 4)41 self.assertTrue(padded == uh(b("04040404")))42 padded = pad(b(""), 4, 'pkcs7')43 self.assertTrue(padded == uh(b("04040404")))44 back = unpad(padded, 4)45 self.assertTrue(back == b(""))46 def test2(self):47 padded = pad(uh(b("12345678")), 4)48 self.assertTrue(padded == uh(b("1234567804040404")))49 back = unpad(padded, 4)50 self.assertTrue(back == uh(b("12345678")))51 def test3(self):52 padded = pad(uh(b("123456")), 4)53 self.assertTrue(padded == uh(b("12345601")))54 back = unpad(padded, 4)55 self.assertTrue(back == uh(b("123456")))56 def test4(self):57 padded = pad(uh(b("1234567890")), 4)58 self.assertTrue(padded == uh(b("1234567890030303")))59 back = unpad(padded, 4)60 self.assertTrue(back == uh(b("1234567890")))61 def testn1(self):62 self.assertRaises(ValueError, pad, uh(b("12")), 4, 'pkcs8')63 def testn2(self):64 self.assertRaises(ValueError, unpad, b("\0\0\0"), 4)65 self.assertRaises(ValueError, unpad, b(""), 4)66 def testn3(self):67 self.assertRaises(ValueError, unpad, b("123456\x02"), 4)68 self.assertRaises(ValueError, unpad, b("123456\x00"), 4)69 self.assertRaises(ValueError, unpad, b("123456\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05"), 4)70class X923_Tests(unittest.TestCase):71 def test1(self):72 padded = pad(b(""), 4, 'x923')73 self.assertTrue(padded == uh(b("00000004")))74 back = unpad(padded, 4, 'x923')75 self.assertTrue(back == b(""))76 def test2(self):77 padded = pad(uh(b("12345678")), 4, 'x923')78 self.assertTrue(padded == uh(b("1234567800000004")))79 back = unpad(padded, 4, 'x923')80 self.assertTrue(back == uh(b("12345678")))81 def test3(self):82 padded = pad(uh(b("123456")), 4, 'x923')83 self.assertTrue(padded == uh(b("12345601")))84 back = unpad(padded, 4, 'x923')85 self.assertTrue(back == uh(b("123456")))86 def test4(self):87 padded = pad(uh(b("1234567890")), 4, 'x923')88 self.assertTrue(padded == uh(b("1234567890000003")))89 back = unpad(padded, 4, 'x923')90 self.assertTrue(back == uh(b("1234567890")))91 def testn1(self):92 self.assertRaises(ValueError, unpad, b("123456\x02"), 4, 'x923')93 self.assertRaises(ValueError, unpad, b("123456\x00"), 4, 'x923')94 self.assertRaises(ValueError, unpad, b("123456\x00\x00\x00\x00\x05"), 4, 'x923')95 self.assertRaises(ValueError, unpad, b(""), 4, 'x923')96class ISO7816_Tests(unittest.TestCase):97 def test1(self):98 padded = pad(b(""), 4, 'iso7816')99 self.assertTrue(padded == uh(b("80000000")))100 back = unpad(padded, 4, 'iso7816')101 self.assertTrue(back == b(""))102 def test2(self):103 padded = pad(uh(b("12345678")), 4, 'iso7816')104 self.assertTrue(padded == uh(b("1234567880000000")))105 back = unpad(padded, 4, 'iso7816')106 self.assertTrue(back == uh(b("12345678")))107 def test3(self):108 padded = pad(uh(b("123456")), 4, 'iso7816')109 self.assertTrue(padded == uh(b("12345680")))110 #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()111 back = unpad(padded, 4, 'iso7816')112 self.assertTrue(back == uh(b("123456")))113 def test4(self):114 padded = pad(uh(b("1234567890")), 4, 'iso7816')115 self.assertTrue(padded == uh(b("1234567890800000")))116 back = unpad(padded, 4, 'iso7816')117 self.assertTrue(back == uh(b("1234567890")))118 def testn1(self):119 self.assertRaises(ValueError, unpad, b("123456\x81"), 4, 'iso7816')120 self.assertRaises(ValueError, unpad, b(""), 4, 'iso7816')121def get_tests(config={}):122 tests = []123 tests += list_test_cases(PKCS7_Tests)124 tests += list_test_cases(X923_Tests)125 tests += list_test_cases(ISO7816_Tests)126 return tests127if __name__ == '__main__':128 suite = lambda: unittest.TestSuite(get_tests())...

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...31@pytest.mark.parametrize(32 ["shape", "padding"],33 [((1, 3, 221, 234), 32), ((1, 3, 256, 256), 32), ((1, 3, 512, 512), 16), ((1, 3, 512, 512), 7)],34)35def test_pad_unpad(shape, padding):36 x = torch.randn(shape)37 x_padded, pad_params = pad_image_tensor(x, pad_size=padding)38 assert x_padded.size(2) % padding == 039 assert x_padded.size(3) % padding == 040 y = unpad_image_tensor(x_padded, pad_params)41 assert (x == y).all()42@pytest.mark.parametrize(["shape", "padding"], [((1, 3, 512, 512), (7, 13))])43def test_pad_unpad_nonsymmetric(shape, padding):44 x = torch.randn(shape)45 x_padded, pad_params = pad_image_tensor(x, pad_size=padding)46 assert x_padded.size(2) % padding[0] == 047 assert x_padded.size(3) % padding[1] == 048 y = unpad_image_tensor(x_padded, pad_params)49 assert (x == y).all()

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