How to use to_str method in localstack

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...87 if config.get('local_address', '') in [b'']:88 logging.warning('warning: local set to listen on, it\'s not safe')89 if config.get('server', '') in ['', 'localhost']:90 logging.warning('warning: server set to listen on %s:%s, are you sure?' %91 (to_str(config['server']), config['server_port']))92 if config.get('timeout', 300) < 100:93 logging.warning('warning: your timeout %d seems too short' %94 int(config.get('timeout')))95 if config.get('timeout', 300) > 600:96 logging.warning('warning: your timeout %d seems too long' %97 int(config.get('timeout')))98 if config.get('password') in [b'mypassword']:99 logging.error('DON\'T USE DEFAULT PASSWORD! Please change it in your '100 'config.json!')101 sys.exit(1)102 if config.get('user', None) is not None:103 if != 'posix':104 logging.error('user can be used only on Unix')105 sys.exit(1)106 encrypt.try_cipher(config['password'], config['method'])107def get_config(is_local):108 global verbose109 config = {}110 config_path = None111 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO,112 format='%(levelname)-s: %(message)s')113 if is_local:114 shortopts = 'hd:s:b:p:k:l:m:O:o:G:g:c:t:vq'115 longopts = ['help', 'fast-open', 'pid-file=', 'log-file=', 'user=',116 'version']117 else:118 shortopts = 'hd:s:p:k:m:O:o:G:g:c:t:vq'119 longopts = ['help', 'fast-open', 'pid-file=', 'log-file=', 'workers=',120 'forbidden-ip=', 'user=', 'manager-address=', 'version']121 try:122 optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], shortopts, longopts)123 for key, value in optlist:124 if key == '-c':125 config_path = value126 elif key in ('-h', '--help'):127 print_help(is_local)128 sys.exit(0)129 elif key == '--version':130 print_shadowsocks()131 sys.exit(0)132 else:133 continue134 if config_path is None:135 config_path = find_config()136 if config_path:137 logging.debug('loading config from %s' % config_path)138 with open(config_path, 'rb') as f:139 try:140 config = parse_json_in_str(remove_comment('utf8')))141 except ValueError as e:142 logging.error('found an error in config.json: %s', str(e))143 sys.exit(1)144 v_count = 0145 for key, value in optlist:146 if key == '-p':147 config['server_port'] = int(value)148 elif key == '-k':149 config['password'] = to_bytes(value)150 elif key == '-l':151 config['local_port'] = int(value)152 elif key == '-s':153 config['server'] = to_str(value)154 elif key == '-m':155 config['method'] = to_str(value)156 elif key == '-O':157 config['protocol'] = to_str(value)158 elif key == '-o':159 config['obfs'] = to_str(value)160 elif key == '-G':161 config['protocol_param'] = to_str(value)162 elif key == '-g':163 config['obfs_param'] = to_str(value)164 elif key == '-b':165 config['local_address'] = to_str(value)166 elif key == '-v':167 v_count += 1168 # '-vv' turns on more verbose mode169 config['verbose'] = v_count170 elif key == '-t':171 config['timeout'] = int(value)172 elif key == '--fast-open':173 config['fast_open'] = True174 elif key == '--workers':175 config['workers'] = int(value)176 elif key == '--manager-address':177 config['manager_address'] = value178 elif key == '--user':179 config['user'] = to_str(value)180 elif key == '--forbidden-ip':181 config['forbidden_ip'] = to_str(value)182 elif key == '-d':183 config['daemon'] = to_str(value)184 elif key == '--pid-file':185 config['pid-file'] = to_str(value)186 elif key == '--log-file':187 config['log-file'] = to_str(value)188 elif key == '-q':189 v_count -= 1190 config['verbose'] = v_count191 else:192 continue193 except getopt.GetoptError as e:194 print(e, file=sys.stderr)195 print_help(is_local)196 sys.exit(2)197 if not config:198 logging.error('config not specified')199 print_help(is_local)200 sys.exit(2)201 config['password'] = to_bytes(config.get('password', b''))202 config['method'] = to_str(config.get('method', 'aes-256-cfb'))203 config['protocol'] = to_str(config.get('protocol', 'origin'))204 config['protocol_param'] = to_str(config.get('protocol_param', ''))205 config['obfs'] = to_str(config.get('obfs', 'plain'))206 config['obfs_param'] = to_str(config.get('obfs_param', ''))207 config['port_password'] = config.get('port_password', None)208 config['additional_ports'] = config.get('additional_ports', {})209 config['additional_ports_only'] = config.get('additional_ports_only', False)210 config['timeout'] = int(config.get('timeout', 300))211 config['udp_timeout'] = int(config.get('udp_timeout', 120))212 config['udp_cache'] = int(config.get('udp_cache', 64))213 config['fast_open'] = config.get('fast_open', False)214 config['workers'] = config.get('workers', 1)215 config['pid-file'] = config.get('pid-file', '/​var/​run/​')216 config['log-file'] = config.get('log-file', '/​var/​log/​shadowsocksr.log')217 config['verbose'] = config.get('verbose', False)218 config['connect_verbose_info'] = config.get('connect_verbose_info', 0)219 config['local_address'] = to_str(config.get('local_address', ''))220 config['local_port'] = config.get('local_port', 1080)221 if is_local:222 if config.get('server', None) is None:223 logging.error('server addr not specified')224 print_local_help()225 sys.exit(2)226 else:227 config['server'] = to_str(config['server'])228 else:229 config['server'] = to_str(config.get('server', ''))230 try:231 config['forbidden_ip'] = \232 IPNetwork(config.get('forbidden_ip', '​8,::1/​128'))233 except Exception as e:234 logging.error(e)235 sys.exit(2)236 try:237 config['forbidden_port'] = PortRange(config.get('forbidden_port', ''))238 except Exception as e:239 logging.error(e)240 sys.exit(2)241 try:242 config['ignore_bind'] = \243 IPNetwork(config.get('ignore_bind', '​8,::1/​128,​8,​16'))244 except Exception as e:245 logging.error(e)246 sys.exit(2)247 config['server_port'] = config.get('server_port', 8388)248 logging.getLogger('').handlers = []249 logging.addLevelName(VERBOSE_LEVEL, 'VERBOSE')250 if config['verbose'] >= 2:251 level = VERBOSE_LEVEL252 elif config['verbose'] == 1:253 level = logging.DEBUG254 elif config['verbose'] == -1:255 level = logging.WARN256 elif config['verbose'] <= -2:257 level = logging.ERROR258 else:259 level = logging.INFO260 verbose = config['verbose']261 logging.basicConfig(level=level,262 format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(filename)s:%(lineno)s %(message)s',263 datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')264 check_config(config, is_local)265 return config266def print_help(is_local):267 if is_local:268 print_local_help()269 else:270 print_server_help()271def print_local_help():272 print('''usage: sslocal [OPTION]...273A fast tunnel proxy that helps you bypass firewalls.274You can supply configurations via either config file or command line arguments.275Proxy options:276 -c CONFIG path to config file277 -s SERVER_ADDR server address278 -p SERVER_PORT server port, default: 8388279 -b LOCAL_ADDR local binding address, default: -l LOCAL_PORT local port, default: 1080281 -k PASSWORD password282 -m METHOD encryption method, default: aes-256-cfb283 -o OBFS obfsplugin, default: http_simple284 -t TIMEOUT timeout in seconds, default: 300285 --fast-open use TCP_FASTOPEN, requires Linux 3.7+286General options:287 -h, --help show this help message and exit288 -d start/​stop/​restart daemon mode289 --pid-file PID_FILE pid file for daemon mode290 --log-file LOG_FILE log file for daemon mode291 --user USER username to run as292 -v, -vv verbose mode293 -q, -qq quiet mode, only show warnings/​errors294 --version show version information295Online help: <https:/​/​​shadowsocks/​shadowsocks>296''')297def print_server_help():298 print('''usage: ssserver [OPTION]...299A fast tunnel proxy that helps you bypass firewalls.300You can supply configurations via either config file or command line arguments.301Proxy options:302 -c CONFIG path to config file303 -s SERVER_ADDR server address, default: -p SERVER_PORT server port, default: 8388305 -k PASSWORD password306 -m METHOD encryption method, default: aes-256-cfb307 -o OBFS obfsplugin, default: http_simple308 -t TIMEOUT timeout in seconds, default: 300309 --fast-open use TCP_FASTOPEN, requires Linux 3.7+310 --workers WORKERS number of workers, available on Unix/​Linux311 --forbidden-ip IPLIST comma seperated IP list forbidden to connect312 --manager-address ADDR optional server manager UDP address, see wiki313General options:314 -h, --help show this help message and exit315 -d start/​stop/​restart daemon mode316 --pid-file PID_FILE pid file for daemon mode317 --log-file LOG_FILE log file for daemon mode318 --user USER username to run as319 -v, -vv verbose mode320 -q, -qq quiet mode, only show warnings/​errors321 --version show version information322Online help: <https:/​/​​shadowsocks/​shadowsocks>323''')324def _decode_list(data):325 rv = []326 for item in data:327 if hasattr(item, 'encode'):328 item = item.encode('utf-8')329 elif isinstance(item, list):330 item = _decode_list(item)331 elif isinstance(item, dict):332 item = _decode_dict(item)333 rv.append(item)334 return rv335def _decode_dict(data):336 rv = {}337 for key, value in data.items():338 if hasattr(value, 'encode'):339 value = value.encode('utf-8')340 elif isinstance(value, list):341 value = _decode_list(value)342 elif isinstance(value, dict):343 value = _decode_dict(value)344 rv[key] = value345 return rv346class JSFormat:347 def __init__(self):348 self.state = 0349 def push(self, ch):350 ch = ord(ch)351 if self.state == 0:352 if ch == ord('"'):353 self.state = 1354 return to_str(chr(ch))355 elif ch == ord('/​'):356 self.state = 3357 else:358 return to_str(chr(ch))359 elif self.state == 1:360 if ch == ord('"'):361 self.state = 0362 return to_str(chr(ch))363 elif ch == ord('\\'):364 self.state = 2365 return to_str(chr(ch))366 elif self.state == 2:367 self.state = 1368 if ch == ord('"'):369 return to_str(chr(ch))370 return "\\" + to_str(chr(ch))371 elif self.state == 3:372 if ch == ord('/​'):373 self.state = 4374 else:375 return "/​" + to_str(chr(ch))376 elif self.state == 4:377 if ch == ord('\n'):378 self.state = 0379 return "\n"380 return ""381def remove_comment(json):382 fmt = JSFormat()383 return "".join([fmt.push(c) for c in json])384def parse_json_in_str(data):385 # parse json and convert everything from unicode to str...

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1__author__ = 'cmotevasselani'2class HighScore:3 def __init__(self, name, score, player_class, player_race, date, turns, level, dungeon_level, message):4 = name5 self.score = score6 self.player_class = player_class7 self.player_race = player_race8 = date9 self.turns = turns10 self.level = level11 self.dungeon_level = dungeon_level12 self.message = message13 def to_quick_str(self):14 to_str = ""15 to_str += "Score: " + str(self.score) + ", "16 to_str += "Name: " + str( + ", "17 to_str += "Class: " + str(self.player_class) + ", "18 to_str += "Race: " + str(self.player_race) + " "19 return to_str20 def __str__(self):21 to_str = "\n"22 to_str += "Score: " + str(self.score) + " \n\n"23 to_str += "Name: " + str( + " \n\n"24 to_str += "Class: " + str(self.player_class) + " \n\n"25 to_str += "Race: " + str(self.player_race) + " \n\n"26 to_str += "Date: " + str( + " \n\n"27 to_str += "Turns: " + str(self.turns) + " \n\n"28 to_str += "Level: " + str(self.level) + " \n\n"29 to_str += "Dungeon Level: " + str(self.dungeon_level) + " \n\n"30 to_str += "Message: " + str(self.message) + " \n\n"...

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