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...45"""46class IntegrationTest(unittest.TestCase):47 @classmethod48 def setUpClass(cls):49 # Note: create scheduled Lambda here - assertions will be run in test_scheduled_lambda() below..50 # create test Lambda51 cls.scheduled_lambda_name = "scheduled-%s" % short_uid()52 handler_file = new_tmp_file()53 save_file(handler_file, TEST_HANDLER)54 resp = testutil.create_lambda_function(55 handler_file=handler_file, func_name=cls.scheduled_lambda_name56 )57 func_arn = resp["CreateFunctionResponse"]["FunctionArn"]58 # create scheduled Lambda function59 rule_name = "rule-%s" % short_uid()60 events = aws_stack.create_external_boto_client("events")61 events.put_rule(Name=rule_name, ScheduleExpression="rate(1 minutes)")62 events.put_targets(63 Rule=rule_name, Targets=[{"Id": "target-%s" % short_uid(), "Arn": func_arn}]64 )65 @classmethod66 def tearDownClass(cls):67 testutil.delete_lambda_function(cls.scheduled_lambda_name)68 def test_firehose_s3(self):69 s3_resource = aws_stack.connect_to_resource("s3")70 firehose = aws_stack.create_external_boto_client("firehose")71 s3_prefix = "/testdata"72 test_data = '{"test": "firehose_data_%s"}' % short_uid()73 # create Firehose stream74 stream = firehose.create_delivery_stream(75 DeliveryStreamName=TEST_FIREHOSE_NAME,76 S3DestinationConfiguration={77 "RoleARN": aws_stack.iam_resource_arn("firehose"),78 "BucketARN": aws_stack.s3_bucket_arn(TEST_BUCKET_NAME),79 "Prefix": s3_prefix,80 },81 Tags=TEST_TAGS,82 )83 self.assertTrue(stream)84 self.assertIn(TEST_FIREHOSE_NAME, firehose.list_delivery_streams()["DeliveryStreamNames"])85 tags = firehose.list_tags_for_delivery_stream(DeliveryStreamName=TEST_FIREHOSE_NAME)86 self.assertEqual(TEST_TAGS, tags["Tags"])87 # create target S3 bucket88 s3_resource.create_bucket(Bucket=TEST_BUCKET_NAME)89 # put records90 firehose.put_record(91 DeliveryStreamName=TEST_FIREHOSE_NAME, Record={"Data": to_bytes(test_data)}92 )93 # check records in target bucket94 all_objects = testutil.list_all_s3_objects()95 testutil.assert_objects(json.loads(to_str(test_data)), all_objects)96 # check file layout in target bucket97 all_objects = testutil.map_all_s3_objects(buckets=[TEST_BUCKET_NAME])98 for key in all_objects.keys():99 self.assertRegex(key, r".*/\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2}/\d{2}/.*\-\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2}\-\d{2}.*")100 def test_firehose_extended_s3(self):101 s3_resource = aws_stack.connect_to_resource("s3")102 firehose = aws_stack.create_external_boto_client("firehose")103 s3_prefix = "/testdata2"104 test_data = '{"test": "firehose_data_%s"}' % short_uid()105 # create Firehose stream106 stream = firehose.create_delivery_stream(107 DeliveryStreamName=TEST_FIREHOSE_NAME,108 ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration={109 "RoleARN": aws_stack.iam_resource_arn("firehose"),110 "BucketARN": aws_stack.s3_bucket_arn(TEST_BUCKET_NAME),111 "Prefix": s3_prefix,112 },113 Tags=TEST_TAGS,114 )115 self.assertTrue(stream)116 self.assertIn(TEST_FIREHOSE_NAME, firehose.list_delivery_streams()["DeliveryStreamNames"])117 tags = firehose.list_tags_for_delivery_stream(DeliveryStreamName=TEST_FIREHOSE_NAME)118 self.assertEqual(TEST_TAGS, tags["Tags"])119 s3_resource.create_bucket(Bucket=TEST_BUCKET_NAME)120 # put records121 firehose.put_record(122 DeliveryStreamName=TEST_FIREHOSE_NAME, Record={"Data": to_bytes(test_data)}123 )124 # check records in target bucket125 all_objects = testutil.list_all_s3_objects()126 testutil.assert_objects(json.loads(to_str(test_data)), all_objects)127 # check file layout in target bucket128 all_objects = testutil.map_all_s3_objects(buckets=[TEST_BUCKET_NAME])129 for key in all_objects.keys():130 self.assertRegex(key, r".*/\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2}/\d{2}/.*\-\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2}\-\d{2}.*")131 def test_firehose_kinesis_to_s3(self):132 kinesis = aws_stack.create_external_boto_client("kinesis")133 s3_resource = aws_stack.connect_to_resource("s3")134 firehose = aws_stack.create_external_boto_client("firehose")135 aws_stack.create_kinesis_stream(TEST_STREAM_NAME, delete=True)136 s3_prefix = "/testdata"137 test_data = '{"test": "firehose_data_%s"}' % short_uid()138 # create Firehose stream139 stream = firehose.create_delivery_stream(140 DeliveryStreamType="KinesisStreamAsSource",141 KinesisStreamSourceConfiguration={142 "RoleARN": aws_stack.iam_resource_arn("firehose"),143 "KinesisStreamARN": aws_stack.kinesis_stream_arn(TEST_STREAM_NAME),144 },145 DeliveryStreamName=TEST_FIREHOSE_NAME,146 S3DestinationConfiguration={147 "RoleARN": aws_stack.iam_resource_arn("firehose"),148 "BucketARN": aws_stack.s3_bucket_arn(TEST_BUCKET_NAME),149 "Prefix": s3_prefix,150 },151 )152 self.assertTrue(stream)153 self.assertIn(TEST_FIREHOSE_NAME, firehose.list_delivery_streams()["DeliveryStreamNames"])154 # create target S3 bucket155 s3_resource.create_bucket(Bucket=TEST_BUCKET_NAME)156 # put records157 kinesis.put_record(158 Data=to_bytes(test_data), PartitionKey="testId", StreamName=TEST_STREAM_NAME159 )160 time.sleep(3)161 # check records in target bucket162 all_objects = testutil.list_all_s3_objects()163 testutil.assert_objects(json.loads(to_str(test_data)), all_objects)164 def test_lambda_streams_batch_and_transactions(self):165 ddb_lease_table_suffix = "-kclapp2"166 table_name = TEST_TABLE_NAME + "lsbat" + ddb_lease_table_suffix167 stream_name = TEST_STREAM_NAME168 lambda_ddb_name = "lambda-ddb-%s" % short_uid()169 dynamodb = aws_stack.create_external_boto_client("dynamodb", client=True)170 dynamodb_service = aws_stack.create_external_boto_client("dynamodb")171 dynamodbstreams = aws_stack.create_external_boto_client("dynamodbstreams")172"Creating test streams...")173 run_safe(174 lambda: dynamodb_service.delete_table(TableName=stream_name + ddb_lease_table_suffix),175 print_error=False,176 )177 aws_stack.create_kinesis_stream(stream_name, delete=True)178 events = []179 # subscribe to inbound Kinesis stream180 def process_records(records, shard_id):181 events.extend(records)182 # start the KCL client process in the background183 kinesis_connector.listen_to_kinesis(184 stream_name,185 listener_func=process_records,186 wait_until_started=True,187 ddb_lease_table_suffix=ddb_lease_table_suffix,188 )189"Kinesis consumer initialized.")190 # create table with stream forwarding config191 aws_stack.create_dynamodb_table(192 table_name,193 partition_key=PARTITION_KEY,194 stream_view_type="NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES",195 )196 # list DDB streams and make sure the table stream is there197 streams = dynamodbstreams.list_streams()198 ddb_event_source_arn = None199 for stream in streams["Streams"]:200 if stream["TableName"] == table_name:201 ddb_event_source_arn = stream["StreamArn"]202 self.assertTrue(ddb_event_source_arn)203 # deploy test lambda connected to DynamoDB Stream204 testutil.create_lambda_function(205 handler_file=TEST_LAMBDA_PYTHON,206 libs=TEST_LAMBDA_LIBS,207 func_name=lambda_ddb_name,208 event_source_arn=ddb_event_source_arn,209 starting_position="TRIM_HORIZON",210 delete=True,211 )212 # submit a batch with writes213 dynamodb.batch_write_item(214 RequestItems={215 table_name: [216 {217 "PutRequest": {218 "Item": {219 PARTITION_KEY: {"S": "testId0"},220 "data": {"S": "foobar123"},221 }222 }223 },224 {225 "PutRequest": {226 "Item": {227 PARTITION_KEY: {"S": "testId1"},228 "data": {"S": "foobar123"},229 }230 }231 },232 {233 "PutRequest": {234 "Item": {235 PARTITION_KEY: {"S": "testId2"},236 "data": {"S": "foobar123"},237 }238 }239 },240 ]241 }242 )243 # submit a batch with writes and deletes244 dynamodb.batch_write_item(245 RequestItems={246 table_name: [247 {248 "PutRequest": {249 "Item": {250 PARTITION_KEY: {"S": "testId3"},251 "data": {"S": "foobar123"},252 }253 }254 },255 {256 "PutRequest": {257 "Item": {258 PARTITION_KEY: {"S": "testId4"},259 "data": {"S": "foobar123"},260 }261 }262 },263 {264 "PutRequest": {265 "Item": {266 PARTITION_KEY: {"S": "testId5"},267 "data": {"S": "foobar123"},268 }269 }270 },271 {"DeleteRequest": {"Key": {PARTITION_KEY: {"S": "testId0"}}}},272 {"DeleteRequest": {"Key": {PARTITION_KEY: {"S": "testId1"}}}},273 {"DeleteRequest": {"Key": {PARTITION_KEY: {"S": "testId2"}}}},274 ]275 }276 )277 # submit a transaction with writes and delete278 dynamodb.transact_write_items(279 TransactItems=[280 {281 "Put": {282 "TableName": table_name,283 "Item": {284 PARTITION_KEY: {"S": "testId6"},285 "data": {"S": "foobar123"},286 },287 }288 },289 {290 "Put": {291 "TableName": table_name,292 "Item": {293 PARTITION_KEY: {"S": "testId7"},294 "data": {"S": "foobar123"},295 },296 }297 },298 {299 "Put": {300 "TableName": table_name,301 "Item": {302 PARTITION_KEY: {"S": "testId8"},303 "data": {"S": "foobar123"},304 },305 }306 },307 {308 "Delete": {309 "TableName": table_name,310 "Key": {PARTITION_KEY: {"S": "testId3"}},311 }312 },313 {314 "Delete": {315 "TableName": table_name,316 "Key": {PARTITION_KEY: {"S": "testId4"}},317 }318 },319 {320 "Delete": {321 "TableName": table_name,322 "Key": {PARTITION_KEY: {"S": "testId5"}},323 }324 },325 ]326 )327 # submit a batch with a put over existing item328 dynamodb.transact_write_items(329 TransactItems=[330 {331 "Put": {332 "TableName": table_name,333 "Item": {334 PARTITION_KEY: {"S": "testId6"},335 "data": {"S": "foobar123_updated1"},336 },337 }338 },339 ]340 )341 # submit a transaction with a put over existing item342 dynamodb.transact_write_items(343 TransactItems=[344 {345 "Put": {346 "TableName": table_name,347 "Item": {348 PARTITION_KEY: {"S": "testId7"},349 "data": {"S": "foobar123_updated1"},350 },351 }352 },353 ]354 )355 # submit a transaction with updates356 dynamodb.transact_write_items(357 TransactItems=[358 {359 "Update": {360 "TableName": table_name,361 "Key": {PARTITION_KEY: {"S": "testId6"}},362 "UpdateExpression": "SET #0 = :0",363 "ExpressionAttributeNames": {"#0": "data"},364 "ExpressionAttributeValues": {":0": {"S": "foobar123_updated2"}},365 }366 },367 {368 "Update": {369 "TableName": table_name,370 "Key": {PARTITION_KEY: {"S": "testId7"}},371 "UpdateExpression": "SET #0 = :0",372 "ExpressionAttributeNames": {"#0": "data"},373 "ExpressionAttributeValues": {":0": {"S": "foobar123_updated2"}},374 }375 },376 {377 "Update": {378 "TableName": table_name,379 "Key": {PARTITION_KEY: {"S": "testId8"}},380 "UpdateExpression": "SET #0 = :0",381 "ExpressionAttributeNames": {"#0": "data"},382 "ExpressionAttributeValues": {":0": {"S": "foobar123_updated2"}},383 }384 },385 ]386 )387"Waiting some time before finishing test.")388 time.sleep(2)389 num_insert = 9390 num_modify = 5391 num_delete = 6392 num_events = num_insert + num_modify + num_delete393 def check_events():394 if len(events) != num_events:395 msg = "DynamoDB updates retrieved (actual/expected): %s/%s" % (396 len(events),397 num_events,398 )399 LOGGER.warning(msg)400 self.assertEqual(num_events, len(events))401 event_items = [json.loads(base64.b64decode(e["data"])) for e in events]402 # make sure the we have the right amount of expected event types403 inserts = [e for e in event_items if e.get("__action_type") == "INSERT"]404 modifies = [e for e in event_items if e.get("__action_type") == "MODIFY"]405 removes = [e for e in event_items if e.get("__action_type") == "REMOVE"]406 self.assertEqual(num_insert, len(inserts))407 self.assertEqual(num_modify, len(modifies))408 self.assertEqual(num_delete, len(removes))409 # assert that all inserts were received410 for i, event in enumerate(inserts):411 self.assertNotIn("old_image", event)412 item_id = "testId%d" % i413 matching = [i for i in inserts if i["new_image"]["id"] == item_id][0]414 self.assertEqual({"id": item_id, "data": "foobar123"}, matching["new_image"])415 # assert that all updates were received416 def assert_updates(expected_updates, modifies):417 def found(update):418 for modif in modifies:419 if modif["old_image"]["id"] == update["id"]:420 self.assertEqual(421 modif["old_image"],422 {"id": update["id"], "data": update["old"]},423 )424 self.assertEqual(425 modif["new_image"],426 {"id": update["id"], "data": update["new"]},427 )428 return True429 for update in expected_updates:430 self.assertTrue(found(update))431 updates1 = [432 {"id": "testId6", "old": "foobar123", "new": "foobar123_updated1"},433 {"id": "testId7", "old": "foobar123", "new": "foobar123_updated1"},434 ]435 updates2 = [436 {437 "id": "testId6",438 "old": "foobar123_updated1",439 "new": "foobar123_updated2",440 },441 {442 "id": "testId7",443 "old": "foobar123_updated1",444 "new": "foobar123_updated2",445 },446 {"id": "testId8", "old": "foobar123", "new": "foobar123_updated2"},447 ]448 assert_updates(updates1, modifies[:2])449 assert_updates(updates2, modifies[2:])450 # assert that all removes were received451 for i, event in enumerate(removes):452 self.assertNotIn("new_image", event)453 item_id = "testId%d" % i454 matching = [i for i in removes if i["old_image"]["id"] == item_id][0]455 self.assertEqual({"id": item_id, "data": "foobar123"}, matching["old_image"])456 # this can take a long time in CI, make sure we give it enough time/retries457 retry(check_events, retries=30, sleep=4)458 # clean up459 testutil.delete_lambda_function(lambda_ddb_name)460 def test_scheduled_lambda(self):461 def check_invocation(*args):462 log_events = get_lambda_logs(self.scheduled_lambda_name)463 self.assertGreater(len(log_events), 0)464 # wait for up to 1 min for invocations to get triggered465 retry(check_invocation, retries=14, sleep=5)466@pytest.mark.skip(reason="This test is notoriously flaky in CI environments") # FIXME467def test_sqs_batch_lambda_forward(lambda_client, sqs_client, create_lambda_function):468 lambda_name_queue_batch = "lambda_queue_batch-%s" % short_uid()469 # deploy test lambda connected to SQS queue470 sqs_queue_info = testutil.create_sqs_queue(lambda_name_queue_batch)471 queue_url = sqs_queue_info["QueueUrl"]472 resp = create_lambda_function(473 handler_file=TEST_LAMBDA_PYTHON_ECHO,474 func_name=lambda_name_queue_batch,...
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