How to use tag_image method in localstack

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1import hashlib2import json3import os4import shutil5import uuid6import zipfile7from django.conf import settings8from django.contrib import messages9from django.contrib.admin.views.decorators import staff_member_required10from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required11from django.core.paginator import Paginator, PageNotAnInteger, EmptyPage12from django.http import HttpResponse13from django.shortcuts import render, redirect14from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _15from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt16from images.forms import FormDataset, FormExperiment, TagFormset17from images.models import Dataset, Experiment, Image, IndividualTagBox, IndividualTagPoint, ImageTag, AnnotationType, \18 IndividualTag, IndividualTagCurve19from users.models import Team20from PIL import Image as PILImage21from import Iterable22@login_required23def dataset_list(request):24 datasets = Dataset.objects.all()25 return render(request, 'dataset_list.html', {'datasets': datasets})26@login_required27def experiment_list(request):28 experiments = []29 for team in Team.objects.all():30 if request.user in team.users.all():31 result = Experiment.objects.filter( if isinstance(result, Iterable):33 for exp in result:34 experiments.append(exp)35 else:36 experiments.append(result)37 return render(request, 'experiment_list.html', {'experiments': experiments})38def md5(file):39 hash_md5 = hashlib.md5()40 with open(file, "rb") as f:41 for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""):42 hash_md5.update(chunk)43 return hash_md5.hexdigest()44@staff_member_required45@login_required46def new_dataset(request):47 if request.method == 'POST':48 postForm = FormDataset(request.POST)49 if postForm.is_valid():50 path_name = settings.MEDIA_URL + postForm.cleaned_data.get('name')51 if not os.path.exists(path_name):52 os.makedirs(path_name)53 os.makedirs(path_name+"/​originals")54 # Creamos dataset solo con el nombre y la descripción55 dataset = Dataset(name=postForm.cleaned_data['name'],56 description=postForm.cleaned_data['description'])57 # para cada una de las imágenes seleccionadas realizamos lo siguiente:59 for file in request.FILES.getlist('files'):60 # Extraemos la extensión de la imagen61 file_name, original_extension =".")62 new_extension = "jpg"63 # generamos un nombre ÚNICO para la imagen y generamos su ruta dentro del proyecto64 random_name = str(uuid.uuid4())65 image_path = "{dir}/​{name}.{ext}".format(dir=path_name,66 name=random_name,67 ext=new_extension)68 #repetimos lo mismo para la imagen que irá en originals69 image_path_original = "{dir}/​{name}.{ext}".format(dir=path_name+"/​originals",70 name=file_name,71 ext=original_extension)72 # guardamos la imagen en la ruta que proporcionamos73 # comprobación de images repetidas76 # generamos el checksum de la imagen a partir de la ruta que antes generamos y comprobamos si existe en la BD.77 checksum = md5(image_path)78 # En caso negativo almacenamos una instancia de Image en la BD y guardamos la imagen en la carpeta del dataset correspondiente.79 if not Image.objects.filter(dataset=dataset, checksum=checksum):80 imagen = Image(,81 checksum=checksum,82 path=path_name,83 name_unique="{name}.{ext}".format(name=random_name,84 ext=new_extension))85 dataset.images.add(imagen)87 # en caso de que sí exista debemos borrarla de la carpeta puesto que anteriormente la guardamos para poder hacer el checksum88 else:89 os.remove(image_path)90 os.remove(image_path_original)91 messages.success(request, _('The dataset has been created successfully!'))92 return redirect('dataset_list')93 else:94 postForm = FormDataset()95 return render(request, 'create_dataset.html', {'postForm': postForm})96@login_required97def dataset(request, id):98 data = Dataset.objects.get(id=id)99 images = data.images.all()100 page = request.GET.get('page', 1)101 paginator = Paginator(images, 36) # 6x6 grid102 try:103 data_images = except PageNotAnInteger:105 data_images = except EmptyPage:107 data_images = return render(request, 'dataset.html', {'data': data, 'data_images': data_images})109@login_required110def download_dataset(request, name):111 path=settings.MEDIA_URL+name+"/​originals/​"112 response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/​zip')113 response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=' + name+".zip"114 zip = zipfile.ZipFile(response, 'w')115 for single_file in os.listdir(path):116 with open(path+single_file, 'rb') as f:117 zip.writestr(single_file, zip.close()119 return response120@staff_member_required121@login_required122def modify_dataset(request, id):123 dataset = Dataset.objects.get(id=id)124 name_old = dataset.name125 images = Dataset.objects.get(id=id).images.all()126 page = request.GET.get('page', 1)127 paginator = Paginator(images, 36) # 6x6 grid128 try:129 data_images = except PageNotAnInteger:131 data_images = except EmptyPage:133 data_images = duplicate_images = 0135 if request.method == 'POST':136 dataForm = FormDataset(request.POST, instance=dataset)137 if dataForm.is_valid():138 path_name = settings.MEDIA_URL + dataForm.cleaned_data.get('name')139 # actualizamos el dataset140 # Si el nombre fue cambiado141 if (name_old != dataForm.cleaned_data['name']):142 # actualizamos la carpeta de imágenes143 path_old = settings.MEDIA_URL + name_old144 path_new = settings.MEDIA_URL + dataForm.cleaned_data['name']145 os.rename(path_old, path_new)146 # y actualizamos la ruta de las imágenes de la BD147 Image.objects.filter(path=path_old).update(path=path_new)148 # para cada una de las imágenes seleccionadas realizamos lo siguiente:149 for file in request.FILES.getlist('files'):150 # Extraemos la extensión de la imagen151 file_name, original_extension =".")152 new_extension = "jpg"153 # generamos un nombre ÚNICO para la imagen y generamos su ruta dentro del proyecto154 random_name = str(uuid.uuid4())155 image_path = "{dir}/​{name}.{ext}".format(dir=path_name,156 name=random_name,157 ext=new_extension)158 # repetimos lo mismo para la imagen que irá en originals159 image_path_original = "{dir}/​{name}.{ext}".format(dir=path_name + "/​originals",160 name=file_name,161 ext=original_extension)162 # guardamos la imagen en la ruta que proporcionamos163 # with open(image_path, 'wb+') as image:164 # for chunk in file.chunks():165 # image.write(chunk)166 # comprobación de images repetidas169 checksum = md5(170 image_path) # generamos el checksum de la imagen a partir de la ruta que antes generamos y comprobamos si existe en la BD.171 # En caso negativo almacenamos una instancia de Image en la BD y guardamos la imagen en la carpeta del dataset correspondiente.172 if not Image.objects.filter(dataset=dataset, checksum=checksum):173 imagen = Image(,174 checksum=checksum,175 path=settings.MEDIA_URL + dataForm.cleaned_data['name'],176 name_unique="{name}.{ext}".format(name=random_name,177 ext=new_extension))178 dataset.images.add(imagen)180 # en caso de que sí exista debemos borrarla de la carpeta puesto que anteriormente la guardamos para poder hacer el checksum181 else:182 duplicate_images += 1183 os.remove(image_path)184 os.remove(image_path_original)185 if duplicate_images == 0:186 messages.success(request, _("The dataset has been modified successfully!"))187 else:188 messages.warning(request,189 _(190 "The dataset has been modified, but {} duplicated image(s) have not been uploaded").format(191 duplicate_images))192 return redirect('dataset', id=id)193 else:194 dataForm = FormDataset(instance=dataset)195 return render(request, 'modify_dataset.html', {'dataForm': dataForm, 'data_images': data_images, 'id_data': id})196@staff_member_required197@login_required198def delete_dataset(request, id):199 query = Dataset.objects.get(id=id)200 query.images.all().delete()201 query.delete()202 name = query.name203 shutil.rmtree(settings.MEDIA_URL + name)204 messages.success(request, _('Dataset deleted successfully!'))205 return redirect('dataset_list')206@staff_member_required207@login_required208def delete_image_dataset(request, id_data, id):209 query = Image.objects.get(id=id)210 query.delete()211 path = query.path + "/​" + query.name_unique212 path_original = query.path+"/​originals/​"+query.name213 os.remove(path_original)214 os.remove(path)215 return redirect('modify_dataset', id=id_data)216@staff_member_required217@login_required218def delete_annotation_type_experiment(request, id_exp, id_annotation_type):219 AnnotationType.objects.filter(id=id_annotation_type).delete()220 IndividualTag.objects.filter(type_id=id_annotation_type).all().delete()221 return redirect('modify_experiment', id_exp)222@staff_member_required223@login_required224def new_experiment(request):225 if request.method == 'POST':226 expForm = FormExperiment(request.POST)227 formset = TagFormset(request.POST)228 if expForm.is_valid():229 experiment = Experiment(name=expForm.cleaned_data['name'],230 description=expForm.cleaned_data['description'],231 dataset=expForm.cleaned_data['dataset'],232 team=expForm.cleaned_data['team'], )233 for form in formset:235 if form.is_valid():236 annotation_type = AnnotationType(name=form.cleaned_data.get('name'),237 color=form.cleaned_data.get('color'),238 experiment=experiment,239 primitive=form.cleaned_data.get('type'))240 messages.success(request, _('Experiment created successfully!'))242 return redirect('experiment_list')243 else:244 formset = TagFormset()245 expForm = FormExperiment()246 return render(request, 'create_experiment.html', {'expForm': expForm, 'formset': formset})247@login_required248def experiment(request, id):249 exp = Experiment.objects.get(id=id)250 annotation_types = AnnotationType.objects.all().filter(experiment_id=id)251 tag_images = ImageTag.objects.all().filter(experiment_id=id)252 return render(request, 'experiment.html',253 {'exp': exp, 'annotation_types': annotation_types, 'tag_images': tag_images})254@staff_member_required255@login_required256def delete_experiment(request, id):257 query = Experiment.objects.get(id=id)258 query.delete()259 messages.success(request, _('Experiment deleted'))260 return redirect('experiment_list')261@staff_member_required262@login_required263def modify_experiment(request, id):264 experiment = Experiment.objects.get(id=id)265 annotation_types = AnnotationType.objects.all().filter(experiment_id=id)266 if request.method == 'POST':267 expForm = FormExperiment(request.POST, instance=experiment)268 formset = TagFormset(request.POST)269 if expForm.is_valid():270 for form in formset:272 if form.is_valid():273 annotation_type = AnnotationType(name=form.cleaned_data.get('name'),274 color=form.cleaned_data.get('color'),275 experiment=experiment,276 primitive=form.cleaned_data.get('type'))277 messages.success(request, _('The experiment has been modified'))279 return redirect('experiment', id=id)280 else:281 formset = TagFormset()282 expForm = FormExperiment(instance=experiment)283 return render(request, 'modify_experiment.html',284 {'expForm': expForm, 'id_exp': id, 'formset': formset, 'annotation_types': annotation_types})285@login_required286def images_experiment(request, id):287 exp = Experiment.objects.get(id=id)288 tag_images = None289 if ImageTag.objects.filter(experiment_id=id).exists():290 tag_images = ImageTag.objects.all().filter(experiment_id=id)291 return render(request, 'images_experiment.html', {'exp': exp, 'tag_images': tag_images})292@login_required293def annotate_image(request, id_exp, id_image, id_user):294 image = Image.objects.get(id=id_image)295 exp = Experiment.objects.get(id=id_exp)296 annotation_types = AnnotationType.objects.filter(experiment_id=id_exp).all()297 tag_image = None298 # solo enviamos las anotaciones hechas por el usuario299 if ImageTag.objects.filter(image_id=id_image).filter(user_id=id_user).exists():300 tag_image = ImageTag.objects.get(image_id=id_image, user_id=id_user)301 return render(request, 'annotate.html',302 {'exp': exp,303 'image': image,304 'annotation_types': annotation_types,305 'tag_image': tag_image})306@login_required307@csrf_exempt308def save_tags(request, id_exp, id_image):309 if request.method == 'POST':310 tag_image = None311 if 'canvas_data' in request.POST:312 data = request.POST['canvas_data']313 decoded = json.loads(data)314 image_width = decoded['backgroundImage']['width']315 # Si existe un ImageTag para esta imagen donde el usuario corresponde con el actual, es decir, si el usuario que está anotando ya realizó anotaciones previas316 if ImageTag.objects.filter(image_id=id_image).filter( # Sobreescribimos las anotaciones (las borramos todas para volver a guardarlas de nuevo)318 tag_image = ImageTag.objects.get(image_id=id_image, tag_image.individual_tags.all().delete()320 #si el usuario que está anotando es básico y sus anotaciones fueron validadas, las desvalidamos (puesto que en este caso el usuario básico está volviendo a anotar y deben volver a ser validadas)321 if not request.user.is_staff and tag_image.check_by:322 tag_image.check_by = None323 #en caso de que el usuario haya borrado todas las anotaciones, se borra el tagimage (porque actualmente no hay anotaciones sobre la imagen, da igual que anteriormente se realizaran)324 if decoded['objects'] == []:325 tag_image.delete()326 else: # de lo contrario creamos un tagImage nuevo para este usuario328 if request.user.is_staff: # si el usuario que está realizando la anotación es staff, entendemos que ya está validada329 tag_image = ImageTag(image_id=id_image,330,331 experiment_id=id_exp,332 check_by=request.user)333 else:334 tag_image = ImageTag(image_id=id_image,335,336 experiment_id=id_exp)337 for obj in decoded['objects']:339 if obj['type'] == 'circle':340 if AnnotationType.objects.all().filter(experiment_id=id_exp, name=obj['name']):341 annotation_type = AnnotationType.objects.get(name=obj["name"], experiment_id=id_exp)342 if annotation_type.primitive == 'Point': #para que almacene solo las anotaciones de tipo punto y no los puntos de los polígonos343 x_absolute = (obj['left']*image_width)/​obj['canvas_width']344 y_absolute = (obj['top'] * image_width) /​ obj['canvas_width']345 point = IndividualTagPoint(image_tag=tag_image,346 type=annotation_type,347 x=x_absolute,348 y=y_absolute)349 annotation_type.state = True351 elif obj['type'] == 'rect':353 annotation_type = AnnotationType.objects.get(name=obj["name"], experiment_id=id_exp)354 x_absolute = (obj['left'] * image_width) /​ obj['canvas_width']355 y_absolute = (obj['top'] * image_width) /​ obj['canvas_width']356 w_absolute = (obj['width'] * image_width) /​ obj['canvas_width']357 h_absolute = (obj['height'] * image_width) /​ obj['canvas_width']358 box = IndividualTagBox(image_tag=tag_image,359 type=annotation_type,360 x_top_left=x_absolute,361 y_top_left=y_absolute,362 width=w_absolute,363 height=h_absolute)364 annotation_type.state = True366 elif obj['type'] == 'polygon':368 annotation_type = AnnotationType.objects.get(name=obj["name"], experiment_id=id_exp)369 polygon = IndividualTagCurve(image_tag=tag_image,370 type=annotation_type,371 id=obj['polyId'],372 isClosed=True,373 points=[])374 for p in obj['points']: #para cada uno de los puntos del polígono375 x_absolute = (p['x'] * image_width) /​ obj['canvas_width']376 y_absolute = (p['y'] * image_width) /​ obj['canvas_width']377 point = IndividualTagPoint(image_tag=tag_image,378 type=annotation_type,379 id=p['id'],380 x=x_absolute,381 y=y_absolute)382 polygon.points.append(point)383 annotation_type.state = True385 elif obj['type'] == 'polyline':387 annotation_type = AnnotationType.objects.get(name=obj["name"], experiment_id=id_exp)388 polyline = IndividualTagCurve(image_tag=tag_image,389 type=annotation_type,390 id=obj['polyId'],391 isClosed=False,392 points=[])393 for p in obj['points']:394 x_absolute = (p['x'] * image_width) /​ obj['canvas_width']395 y_absolute = (p['y'] * image_width) /​ obj['canvas_width']396 point = IndividualTagPoint(image_tag=tag_image,397 type=annotation_type,398 id=p['id'],399 x=x_absolute,400 y=y_absolute)401 polyline.points.append(point)402 annotation_type.state = True404 return redirect('experiment_list')406@login_required407@csrf_exempt408def validate(request, id_exp, id_image, id_user):409 if request.method == 'POST':410 tag_image = ImageTag.objects.get(image_id=id_image, experiment_id=id_exp, user_id=id_user)411 tag_image.individual_tags.all().delete()412 if 'canvas_data' in request.POST:413 data = request.POST['canvas_data']414 decoded = json.loads(data)415 image_width = decoded['backgroundImage']['width']416 # si se borran todas las anotaciones tambien borramos el tagimage417 if decoded['objects'] == []:418 tag_image.delete()419 else:420 for obj in decoded['objects']:421 if obj['type'] == 'circle':422 if AnnotationType.objects.all().filter(experiment_id=id_exp, name=obj['name']):423 annotation_type = AnnotationType.objects.get(name=obj["name"], experiment_id=id_exp)424 if annotation_type.primitive == 'Point': # para que almacene solo las anotaciones de tipo punto y no los puntos de los polígonos425 x_absolute = (obj['left'] * image_width) /​ obj['canvas_width']426 y_absolute = (obj['top'] * image_width) /​ obj['canvas_width']427 point = IndividualTagPoint(image_tag=tag_image,428 type=annotation_type,429 x=x_absolute,430 y=y_absolute)431 annotation_type.state = True433 elif obj['type'] == 'rect':435 annotation_type = AnnotationType.objects.get(name=obj["name"], experiment_id=id_exp)436 x_absolute = (obj['left'] * image_width) /​ obj['canvas_width']437 y_absolute = (obj['top'] * image_width) /​ obj['canvas_width']438 w_absolute = (obj['width'] * image_width) /​ obj['canvas_width']439 h_absolute = (obj['height'] * image_width) /​ obj['canvas_width']440 box = IndividualTagBox(image_tag=tag_image,441 type=annotation_type,442 x_top_left=x_absolute,443 y_top_left=y_absolute,444 width=w_absolute,445 height=h_absolute)446 annotation_type.state = True448 elif obj['type'] == 'polygon':450 annotation_type = AnnotationType.objects.get(name=obj["name"], experiment_id=id_exp)451 polygon = IndividualTagCurve(image_tag=tag_image,452 type=annotation_type,453 id=obj['polyId'],454 isClosed=True,455 points=[])456 for p in obj['points']: # para cada uno de los puntos del polígono457 x_absolute = (p['x'] * image_width) /​ obj['canvas_width']458 y_absolute = (p['y'] * image_width) /​ obj['canvas_width']459 point = IndividualTagPoint(image_tag=tag_image,460 type=annotation_type,461 id=p['id'],462 x=x_absolute,463 y=y_absolute)464 polygon.points.append(point)465 annotation_type.state = True467 elif obj['type'] == 'polyline':469 annotation_type = AnnotationType.objects.get(name=obj["name"], experiment_id=id_exp)470 polyline = IndividualTagCurve(image_tag=tag_image,471 type=annotation_type,472 id=obj['polyId'],473 isClosed=False,474 points=[])475 for p in obj['points']:476 x_absolute = (p['x'] * image_width) /​ obj['canvas_width']477 y_absolute = (p['y'] * image_width) /​ obj['canvas_width']478 point = IndividualTagPoint(image_tag=tag_image,479 type=annotation_type,480 id=p['id'],481 x=x_absolute,482 y=y_absolute)483 polyline.points.append(point)484 annotation_type.state = True486 # ponemos en check_by al usuario staff que valida la anotación488 if request.user.is_staff:489 tag_image.check_by = request.user490 messages.success(request, 'Anotaciones validadas')492 return redirect('experiment_list')493@login_required494@csrf_exempt495def invalidate(request, id_exp, id_image, id_user):496 if request.method == 'POST':497 tag_image = ImageTag.objects.get(image_id=id_image, experiment_id=id_exp, user_id=id_user)498 if request.user.is_staff:499 tag_image.check_by = None500 elif request.user.is_superuser and tag_image.user.is_staff:502 tag_image.check_by = None503 return redirect('experiment_list')505@login_required506def download_tags(request, id_exp):507 experiment = Experiment.objects.get(id=id_exp)508 experiment_data = {509 "name":,510 "description": experiment.description,511 "creation_date":,512 "dataset":,513 "team":,514 "annotations": [], # contiene todos los TagImage del experimento515 }516 if ImageTag.objects.all().filter( tag_images = ImageTag.objects.all().filter( for tag in tag_images:519 tag_image = {520 "image":,521 "user": tag.user.username,522 "check_by": tag.check_by.username,523 "individual_annotations": [],524 }525 individual_tags = tag.individual_tags526 for it in individual_tags.all():527 if it.type.primitive == "Point":528 tag_image["individual_annotations"].append({529 "name":,530 "type": it.type.primitive,531 "color": it.type.color,532 "coordinate_x": it.individualtagpoint.x,533 "coordinate_y": it.individualtagpoint.y,534 })535 elif it.type.primitive == "Box":536 tag_image["individual_annotations"].append({537 "name":,538 "type": it.type.primitive,539 "color": it.type.color,540 "coordinate_x_top_left": it.individualtagbox.x_top_left,541 "coordinate_y_top_left": it.individualtagbox.y_top_left,542 "width": it.individualtagbox.width,543 "height": it.individualtagbox.height,544 })545 elif it.type.primitive == "Polygon":546 polygon = {547 "name":,548 "type": it.type.primitive,549 "color": it.type.color,550 "points": [],551 }552 for p in it.individualtagcurve.points:553 polygon["points"].append({554 "coordinate_x": p.x,555 "coordinate_y":p.y,556 })557 tag_image["individual_annotations"].append(polygon)558 elif it.type.primitive == "Curve":559 curve = {560 "name":,561 "type": it.type.primitive,562 "color": it.type.color,563 "points": [],564 }565 for p in it.individualtagcurve.points:566 curve["points"].append({567 "coordinate_x": p.x,568 "coordinate_y": p.y,569 })570 tag_image["individual_annotations"].append(curve)571 experiment_data["annotations"].append(tag_image)572 data = json.dumps(experiment_data)573 response = HttpResponse(data, content_type='application/​json')574 response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=' + + '.json'575 return response576@login_required577def download_tagged_images(request, id_exp):578 exp = Experiment.objects.get(id=id_exp)579 dataset = exp.dataset.name580 if ImageTag.objects.filter(experiment_id=id_exp).exists():581 tag_images = ImageTag.objects.all().filter(experiment_id=id_exp)582 names_images=[]583 for t in tag_images:584 if not in names_images:585 names_images.append( print(names_images)587 path = settings.MEDIA_URL + dataset + "/​originals/​"588 response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/​zip')589 response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=' + + ""590 zip = zipfile.ZipFile(response, 'w')591 for single_file in os.listdir(path):592 if single_file in names_images:593 with open(path + single_file, 'rb') as f:594 zip.writestr(single_file, zip.close()...

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1import mysql.connector2from mysql.connector import errorcode3SQL_SERVER = ''4SQL_DB = 'passiondb'5USERNAME = 'passionadmin'6PASSWORD = 'MonikMik17!'7list_tags = ('arbre','mangue')8recherche = "SELECT images.bloblink from images INNER JOIN ( SELECT A.id_image FROM tag_image A INNER JOIN \9 ( SELECT id FROM tags WHERE name IN"+ str(list_tags)+") AS B ON A.id_tag = GROUP BY A.id_image \10 HAVING COUNT(*) = "+ str(len(list_tags))+") AS C ON = C.id_image;"11try:12 cnxn = mysql.connector.connect(user=USERNAME, password=PASSWORD, host=SQL_SERVER, port=3306, database=SQL_DB)13 print("Connection established")14except mysql.connector.Error as err:15 if err.errno == errorcode.ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR:16 print("Something is wrong with the user name or password")17 elif err.errno == errorcode.ER_BAD_DB_ERROR:18 print("Database does not exist")19 else:20 print(err)21else:22 cursor = cnxn.cursor()23 #Création de la table Images24 # cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE images (id INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(50), bloblink VARCHAR(100) );")25 # cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE tags (id INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(50) );")26 # cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE tag_image (id_image INT NOT NULL, id_tag INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id_image, id_tag));")27 # cursor.execute("ALTER TABLE tag_image ADD CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY (id_image) REFERENCES images(id);")28 # cursor.execute("ALTER TABLE tag_image ADD CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY (id_tag) REFERENCES tags(id);")29 # cursor.execute("INSERT INTO images (name,bloblink) VALUES ('banane.jpeg','www/​tmp/​blob1');")30 # cursor.execute("INSERT INTO images (name,bloblink) VALUES ('ananas.jpeg','www/​tmp/​blob1');")31 # cursor.execute("INSERT IGNORE INTO tags (name) VALUES ('arbre');")32 # cursor.execute("INSERT INTO tag_image (id_image,id_tag) VALUES (1,5);")33 # cursor.execute("INSERT INTO tag_image (id_image,id_tag) VALUES (1,3);")34 # cursor.execute("INSERT INTO tag_image (id_image,id_tag) VALUES (3,2);")35 # cursor.execute("INSERT INTO tag_image (id_image,id_tag) VALUES (4,5);")36 # cursor.execute("INSERT INTO tag_image (id_image,id_tag) VALUES (5,4);")37 38 # print("Finished inserting row.")39 # cursor.execute("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID();")40 # rows = cursor.fetchall()41 # print(rows)42 # cursor.execute("")43 # cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM tags;")44 # cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT id_image, id_tag FROM tag_image WHERE id_tag=5")45 cursor.execute(recherche)46 rows = cursor.fetchall()47 for row in rows:48 print("Data row = (%s, %s)" %(str(row[0]), str(row[1]))) #, str(row[2])))49 # print("Finished creating table.")50 # Cleanup51 cnxn.commit()52 cursor.close()53 cnxn.close()...

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1from AugmentedReality import *2import numpy as np3import cv24import copy5# Initiating the Augmented_Reality class.6ar_class = Augmented_Reality()7# Change these for different videos and image inputs8path_to_video = 'Tag0.mp4'9path_to_image = 'Lena.png'10# Video and image read objects11video_cap = cv2.VideoCapture(path_to_video)12image_cap = cv2.imread(path_to_image)13# template corners.14points_template = np.array([[0,image_cap.shape[0]],[image_cap.shape[1],image_cap.shape[0]],[image_cap.shape[1],0],[0,0]])15while ret, image = original_image = copy.deepcopy(image)18 if not ret:19 break20 21 tag_images_list, tag_corners_list = ar_class.tag_detection(original_image)22 if len(tag_images_list) > 0:23 for tag_image in tag_images_list:24 tag_image, tag_id = ar_class.get_tag_id(tag_image)25 cv2.putText(tag_image,str(tag_id),(tag_image.shape[0]/​2 - 5,tag_image.shape[1]/​2+15), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5,(0,0,0),1,cv2.LINE_AA)26 # cv2.imshow('Tag ID',tag_image)27 if len(tag_corners_list) > 0:28 for corner in tag_corners_list:29 for i in range(0,4):30,(corner[i,0],corner[i,1]),3,(255,0,0),5)# Blue Corners31 resized_corner = cv2.resize(image,(0,0), fx=0.5, fy=0.5 )32 cv2.imshow('Corners', resized_corner)33 ### Placing template Image on the Tag34 H = ar_class.inverse_homography(corner, points_template)35 width_at_destination = np.array([min(corner[:,0]+1), max(corner[:,0]-1)]).astype(int)36 height_at_destination = np.array([min(corner[:,1]+1), max(corner[:,1]-1)]).astype(int)37 Image_with_template = ar_class.place_template_on_tag(original_image, H, image_cap, width_at_destination, height_at_destination)38 #cv2.imshow('Lena replaces Tags', Image_with_template) 39 ### Placing Cube on the Tag40 K = ar_class.calibration_matrix# Calibration Matrix41 Camera_Pose_R_T = ar_class.estimate_camera_pose(K, H)42 frame_with_cube = ar_class.put_a_cube(K, Camera_Pose_R_T, corner, points_template, original_image)43 resized_cube = cv2.resize(original_image, (0,0), fx=0.5, fy=0.5)44 cv2.imshow('Cube Placed', resized_cube)45 cv2.waitKey(1000/​30)...

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