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...17 """18 return datetime.strftime(, '-%Y%m%d-%H%M')19class Terraform:20 @staticmethod21 def set_provider(region):22 """23 :param region: str24 """25 return 'aws.' + region26 @staticmethod27 def set_id(resource, name):28 """29 :param resource: str30 :param name: str31 """32 return '${' + resource + '.' + name + '.id}'33 @classmethod34 def aws_instance(35 cls,36 name=None,37 region=None,38 ami=None,39 instance_type='m3.medium',40 subnet_id=None,41 key_name=None, # the keypair name42 tags=None,43 vpc_security_group_ids=None,44 associate_public_ip_address=None,45 source_dest_check=None):46 """47 :param name: str48 :param region: str49 :param ami: str50 :param instance_type: str51 :param subnet_id: str52 :param key_name: str53 :param tags: dict54 :param vpc_security_group_ids: list55 :param associate_public_ip_address: bool56 :param source_dest_check: bool57 :return: Terraform58 """59 tags.update({'Name': name}) if tags else tags60 resource = 'aws_instance'61 id = Terraform.set_id(resource, name)62 provider = Terraform.set_provider(region)63 return cls(id, name, provider, resource, remove_none({64 name: dict(provider=provider, ami=ami, subnet_id=subnet_id,65 key_name=key_name, instance_type=instance_type,66 vpc_security_group_ids=vpc_security_group_ids, tags=tags,67 associate_public_ip_address=associate_public_ip_address,68 source_dest_check=source_dest_check)}))69 @classmethod70 def aws_ami_from_instance(71 cls,72 name,73 region,74 source_instance_id,75 tags=None):76 """77 :param name: str78 :param region: str79 :param source_instance_id: str80 :param tags: dict81 :return: Terraform82 """83 name += time_now()84 tags.update({'Name': name}) if tags else None85 resource = 'aws_ami_from_instance'86 id = Terraform.set_id(resource, name)87 provider = Terraform.set_provider(region)88 return cls(id, name, provider, resource, remove_none({89 name: dict(provider=provider, name=name,90 source_instance_id=source_instance_id, tags=tags)}))91 @classmethod92 def aws_elb(93 cls,94 name,95 region,96 listeners,97 subnets,98 health_check=None,99 internal=None,100 security_groups=None,101 instances=None):102 """103 :param name: str104 :param region: str105 :param listeners: list106 :param subnets: list107 :param health_check: dict108 :param internal: bool109 :param security_groups: list110 :param instances: list111 :return: Terraform112 """113 resource = 'aws_elb'114 id = Terraform.set_id(resource, name)115 provider = Terraform.set_provider(region)116 return cls(id, name, provider, resource, remove_none({117 name: dict(provider=provider, name=name, listener=listeners,118 subnets=subnets, health_check=health_check,119 internal=internal, security_groups=security_groups,120 instances=instances)}))121 @classmethod122 def aws_elasticache_cluster(123 cls,124 name,125 region,126 node_type,127 num_cache_nodes,128 parameter_group_name,129 port,130 engine,131 subnet_group_name=None,132 security_group_ids=None):133 """134 :param name: str135 :param region: str136 :param node_type: str137 :param num_cache_nodes: str138 :param parameter_group_name: str139 :param port: int140 :param engine: str141 :param subnet_group_name: str142 :param security_group_ids: list143 :return: Terraform144 """145 resource = 'aws_elasticache_cluster'146 id = Terraform.set_id(resource, name)147 provider = Terraform.set_provider(region)148 return cls(id, name, provider, resource, remove_none({149 name: dict(provider=provider, cluster_id=name, node_type=node_type,150 num_cache_nodes=num_cache_nodes,151 parameter_group_name=parameter_group_name, port=port,152 subnet_group_name=subnet_group_name,153 security_group_ids=security_group_ids, engine=engine)}))154 @classmethod155 def aws_rds(156 cls,157 name,158 region,159 instance_class,160 snapshot_id,161 allocated_storage=None,162 engine=None,163 engine_version=None,164 db_subnet_group_name=None,165 vpc_security_group_ids=None,166 parameter_group_name=None,167 publicly_accessible=False,168 username=None,169 password=''):170 """171 :param name: str172 :param region: str173 :param instance_class: str174 :param snapshot_id: str175 :param allocated_storage: str176 :param engine: str177 :param engine_version: str178 :param db_subnet_group_name: str179 :param vpc_security_group_ids: list180 :param parameter_group_name: str181 :param publicly_accessible: bool182 :param username:183 :param password:184 :return: Terraform185 """186 resource = 'aws_db_instance'187 id = Terraform.set_id(resource, name)188 provider = Terraform.set_provider(region)189 return cls(id, name, provider, resource, remove_none({190 name: dict(provider=provider, identifier=name,191 snapshot_identifier=snapshot_id,192 allocated_storage=allocated_storage, engine=engine,193 engine_version=engine_version,194 instance_class=instance_class,195 db_subnet_group_name=db_subnet_group_name,196 vpc_security_group_ids=vpc_security_group_ids,197 parameter_group_name=parameter_group_name,198 publicly_accessible=publicly_accessible,199 username=username, password=password)}))200 @classmethod201 def aws_security_group(202 cls,203 name,204 region,205 name_prefix=None,206 description=None,207 ingress=None,208 egress=None,209 vpc_id=None,210 tags=None):211 """212 :param name:213 :param region:214 :param name_prefix:215 :param description:216 :param ingress:217 :param egress:218 :param vpc_id:219 :param tags:220 :return:221 """222 resource = 'aws_security_group'223 id = Terraform.set_id(resource, name)224 provider = Terraform.set_provider(region)225 return cls(id, name, provider, resource, remove_none({226 name: dict(provider=provider, name=name, name_prefix=name_prefix,227 description=description, ingress=ingress, egress=egress,228 tags=tags, vpc_id=vpc_id)}))229 # *** VPC (Networking) ***230 @classmethod231 def aws_vpc(232 cls,233 name,234 region,235 cidr_block,236 instance_tenancy=None,237 enable_dns_support=None,238 enable_dns_hostnames=None,239 enable_classiclink=None,240 tags=None):241 """242 :param name: str243 :param region: str244 :param cidr_block: str245 :param instance_tenancy: str246 :param enable_dns_support: str247 :param enable_dns_hostnames: str248 :param enable_classiclink: str249 :param tags: dict250 :return: Terraform251 """252 resource = 'aws_vpc'253 id = Terraform.set_id(resource, name)254 provider = Terraform.set_provider(region)255 return cls(id, name, provider, resource, remove_none({256 name: dict(provider=provider, cidr_block=cidr_block,257 instance_tenancy=instance_tenancy,258 enable_dns_support=enable_dns_support,259 enable_dns_hostnames=enable_dns_hostnames,260 enable_classiclink=enable_classiclink, tags=tags)}))261 @classmethod262 def aws_internet_gateway(263 cls,264 name,265 region,266 vpc_id,267 tags=None):268 """269 :param name: str270 :param region: str271 :param vpc_id: str272 :param tags: dict273 :return: Terraform274 """275 resource = 'aws_internet_gateway'276 id = Terraform.set_id(resource, name)277 provider = Terraform.set_provider(region)278 return cls(id, name, provider, resource, remove_none({279 name: dict(provider=provider, vpc_id=vpc_id, tags=tags)}))280 @classmethod281 def aws_subnet(282 cls,283 name,284 region,285 vpc_id,286 cidr_block,287 map_public_ip_on_launch=None,288 availability_zone=None,289 tags=None):290 """291 :param name: str292 :param region: str293 :param vpc_id: str294 :param cidr_block: str295 :param map_public_ip_on_launch: bool296 :param availability_zone: str297 :param tags: dict298 :return: Terraform299 """300 resource = 'aws_subnet'301 id = Terraform.set_id(resource, name)302 provider = Terraform.set_provider(region)303 return cls(id, name, provider, resource, remove_none({304 name: dict(provider=provider, vpc_id=vpc_id, cidr_block=cidr_block,305 map_public_ip_on_launch=map_public_ip_on_launch,306 availability_zone=availability_zone, tags=tags)}))307 @classmethod308 def aws_eip(309 cls,310 name,311 region,312 vpc=None,313 instance=None,314 network_interface=None,315 associate_with_private_ip=None):316 """317 :param name: str318 :param region: str319 :param vpc: str320 :param instance: str321 :param network_interface: str322 :param associate_with_private_ip: bool323 :return: Terraform324 """325 resource = 'aws_eip'326 id = Terraform.set_id(resource, name)327 provider = Terraform.set_provider(region)328 return cls(id, name, provider, resource, remove_none({329 name: dict(provider=provider, vpc=vpc, instance=instance,330 network_interface=network_interface,331 associate_with_private_ip=associate_with_private_ip)}))332 @classmethod333 def aws_nat_gateway(334 cls,335 name,336 region,337 allocation_id,338 subnet_id):339 """340 :param name: str341 :param region: str342 :param allocation_id: str343 :param subnet_id: str344 :return: Terraform345 """346 resource = 'aws_nat_gateway'347 id = Terraform.set_id(resource, name)348 provider = Terraform.set_provider(region)349 return cls(id, name, provider, resource, remove_none({350 name: dict(provider=provider, allocation_id=allocation_id,351 subnet_id=subnet_id)}))352 @classmethod353 def aws_route_table(354 cls,355 name,356 region,357 vpc_id,358 route=None,359 propagating_vgws=None,360 tags=None):361 """362 :param name: str363 :param region: str364 :param vpc_id: str365 :param route: dict366 :param propagating_vgws: bool367 :param tags: dict368 :return:369 """370 resource = 'aws_route_table'371 id = Terraform.set_id(resource, name)372 provider = Terraform.set_provider(region)373 return cls(id, name, provider, resource, remove_none({374 name: dict(provider=provider, vpc_id=vpc_id, route=route,375 propagating_vgws=propagating_vgws, tags=tags)}))376 @classmethod377 def aws_route(378 cls,379 name,380 region,381 route_table_id,382 destination_cidr_block,383 vpc_peering_connection_id=None,384 gateway_id=None,385 nat_gateway_id=None,386 instance_id=None,387 network_interface_id=None):388 """389 :param name: str390 :param region: str391 :param route_table_id: str392 :param destination_cidr_block: str393 :param vpc_peering_connection_id: str394 :param gateway_id: str395 :param nat_gateway_id: str396 :param instance_id: str397 :param network_interface_id: str398 :return: Terraform399 """400 resource = 'aws_route'401 id = Terraform.set_id(resource, name)402 provider = Terraform.set_provider(region)403 return cls(id, name, provider, resource, remove_none({404 name: dict(provider=provider, route_table_id=route_table_id,405 destination_cidr_block=destination_cidr_block,406 vpc_peering_connection_id=vpc_peering_connection_id,407 gateway_id=gateway_id, nat_gateway_id=nat_gateway_id,408 instance_id=instance_id,409 network_interface_id=network_interface_id)}))410 @classmethod411 def aws_route_table_association(412 cls,413 name,414 region,415 subnet_id,416 route_table_id):417 """418 :param name: str419 :param region: str420 :param subnet_id: str421 :param route_table_id: str422 :return: Terraform423 """424 resource = 'aws_route_table_association'425 id = Terraform.set_id(resource, name)426 provider = Terraform.set_provider(region)427 return cls(id, name, provider, resource, remove_none({428 name: dict(provider=provider, subnet_id=subnet_id,429 route_table_id=route_table_id)}))430 @classmethod431 def aws_main_route_table_association(432 cls,433 name,434 region,435 vpc_id,436 route_table_id):437 """438 :param name: str439 :param region: str440 :param vpc_id: str441 :param route_table_id: str442 :return: Terraform443 """444 resource = 'aws_main_route_table_association'445 id = Terraform.set_id(resource, name)446 provider = Terraform.set_provider(region)447 return cls(id, name, provider, resource, remove_none({448 name: dict(provider=provider, vpc_id=vpc_id,449 route_table_id=route_table_id)}))450 def __init__(self, id, name, provider, resource, terraform):451 """452 :param id: str453 :param name: str454 :param provider: str455 :param resource: str456 :param terraform: dict457 """458 = id459 self.terraform = terraform460 = name...
FLEX: A Platform for Scalable Service Placement in Multi-Fog and Multi-Cloud Environments
Source: FLEX: A Platform for Scalable Service Placement in Multi-Fog and Multi-Cloud Environments
1#!/usr/bin/env python2# coding: utf-83#FLEX: A Platform for Scalable Service Placement in Multi-Fog and Multi-Cloud Environments4# # MCD1 Algorithm5# In[1]:6import random7import numpy as np8# # Input:9# In[19]:10number_provider=1011number_service=3012alpha=random.uniform(0,1)13service=[]14for i in range(number_service):15 service.append(i)16# # Process17# In[16]:18def select_Provider(s,number_provider):19 alpha=random.uniform(0,1)20 #P:List of Nodes21 empty_provider = {22 #id: number of provider23 'id': None, 24 #C:Cost vector for Si25 'C': None, 26 #D:delay27 'D': None,28 #F 29 'F': None,30 } 31 provider_List=[]32 for i in range(number_provider):33 provider_List.append(empty_provider.copy())34 provider_List[i]['id'] = i35 #Cij cost of provider Pj for Si36 provider_List[i]['C'] = random.randint(10, 20)37 #dij delay of provider Pj for Si38 provider_List[i]['D'] =random.randint(10, 500)39 C=[]40 for i in range(number_provider):41 C.append(provider_List[i]['C'])42 Cmax=np.max(C) 43 D=[]44 for i in range(number_provider):45 D.append(provider_List[i]['D'])46 Dmax=np.max(D) 47 for i in range(number_provider):48 provider_List[i]['id'] = i49 #Cij norm50 provider_List[i]['C'] = provider_List[i]['C']/Cmax51 #dij norm52 provider_List[i]['D'] =provider_List[i]['D']/Dmax53 #Fij54 provider_List[i]['F'] =alpha*provider_List[i]['C']+(1-alpha)*provider_List[i]['D']55 print(provider_List)56 F=[]57 for i in range(number_provider):58 F.append(provider_List[i]['F'])59 Fmin=np.min(F)60 idex=np.argmin(F)61 print("Let P%d is the provider with the value of Fmin=%f" %(idex,Fmin))62 return idex,Fmin63# In[29]:64set_provider=[]65set_Fmin=[]66for i in range(number_service):67 idex,Fmin=select_Provider(1,number_provider)68 set_provider.append(idex)69 set_Fmin.append(Fmin)70# # Output71# In[31]:72import matplotlib.pyplot as plt73plt.plot(service,set_provider,color='k', linestyle='dashed', marker='o',74 markerfacecolor='blue', markersize=12)75plt.xlabel('service')76plt.ylabel('set provider')77plt.title('MCD1 Algorithm') In[30]:80import matplotlib.pyplot as plt81plt.plot(service,set_Fmin,color='k', linestyle='dashed', marker='o',82 markerfacecolor='red', markersize=12)83plt.xlabel('service')84plt.ylabel('Fmin')85plt.title('MCD1 Algorithm')
1"""Patch library bad behavior."""2import libmorse3from kivy import utils as kivy_utils4from kivy.clock import Clock5from kivy.core import camera as core_camera, core_select_lib6from kivy.uix import camera as uix_camera7from morseus import settings8CAM = settings.CAMERA_PROVIDERS9LOG = settings.LOGGING10PLATFORM = kivy_utils.platform11def patch_camera(set_provider=CAM.EXPLICIT):12 """Choose a predefined camera provider for some platforms."""13 CoreCamera = core_camera.Camera14 set_provider = set_provider or CAM.IMPLICIT.get(PLATFORM)15 if CAM.ENABLE and set_provider:16 for provider in core_camera.providers:17 if set_provider == provider[0]:18 core_camera.providers = (provider,)19 _CoreCamera = core_select_lib("camera", core_camera.providers)20 CoreCamera = _CoreCamera or CoreCamera21 break22 class PatchedCoreCamera(CoreCamera):23 def start(self, *args, **kwargs):24 ret = super(PatchedCoreCamera, self).start(*args, **kwargs)25 attrs = map(lambda attr: getattr(self, attr, None),26 ["_update_ev", "fps"])27 if all(attrs) and self.fps > 1.0:28 self._update_ev.cancel()29 self._update_ev = Clock.schedule_interval(30 self._update, 1.0 / self.fps31 )32 return ret33 core_camera.Camera = PatchedCoreCamera34 uix_camera.CoreCamera = core_camera.Camera35def patch_libmorse(logfile=LOG.FILE.EXPLICIT):36 if logfile is None:37 logfile = LOG.FILE.IMPLICIT.get(PLATFORM)38 # Do not take into account `True` or `None`.39 if logfile is False:40 # We deliberately do not want to log into files.41 libmorse.settings.LOGFILE = None42def patch_all(camera=True, libmorse=True):43 if camera:44 patch_camera()45 if libmorse:...
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