How to use required_name method in localstack

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1import math2import heapq3example_input = """10 ORE => 10 A41 ORE => 1 B57 A, 1 B => 1 C67 A, 1 C => 1 D77 A, 1 D => 1 E87 A, 1 E => 1 FUEL"""9example_2 = """9 ORE => 2 A108 ORE => 3 B117 ORE => 5 C123 A, 4 B => 1 AB135 B, 7 C => 1 BC144 C, 1 A => 1 CA152 AB, 3 BC, 4 CA => 1 FUEL"""16answer_3 = 1331217example_3 = """157 ORE => 5 NZVS18165 ORE => 6 DCFZ1944 XJWVT, 5 KHKGT, 1 QDVJ, 29 NZVS, 9 GPVTF, 48 HKGWZ => 1 FUEL2012 HKGWZ, 1 GPVTF, 8 PSHF => 9 QDVJ21179 ORE => 7 PSHF22177 ORE => 5 HKGWZ237 DCFZ, 7 PSHF => 2 XJWVT24165 ORE => 2 GPVTF253 DCFZ, 7 NZVS, 5 HKGWZ, 10 PSHF => 8 KHKGT"""26example_4 = """2 VPVL, 7 FWMGM, 2 CXFTF, 11 MNCFX => 1 STKFG2717 NVRVD, 3 JNWZP => 8 VPVL2853 STKFG, 6 MNCFX, 46 VJHF, 81 HVMC, 68 CXFTF, 25 GNMV => 1 FUEL2922 VJHF, 37 MNCFX => 5 FWMGM30139 ORE => 4 NVRVD31144 ORE => 7 JNWZP325 MNCFX, 7 RFSQX, 2 FWMGM, 2 VPVL, 19 CXFTF => 3 HVMC335 VJHF, 7 MNCFX, 9 VPVL, 37 CXFTF => 6 GNMV34145 ORE => 6 MNCFX351 NVRVD => 8 CXFTF361 VJHF, 6 MNCFX => 4 RFSQX37176 ORE => 6 VJHF"""38answer_4 = 18069739answer_5 = 221073640example_5 = """171 ORE => 8 CNZTR417 ZLQW, 3 BMBT, 9 XCVML, 26 XMNCP, 1 WPTQ, 2 MZWV, 1 RJRHP => 4 PLWSL42114 ORE => 4 BHXH4314 VRPVC => 6 BMBT446 BHXH, 18 KTJDG, 12 WPTQ, 7 PLWSL, 31 FHTLT, 37 ZDVW => 1 FUEL456 WPTQ, 2 BMBT, 8 ZLQW, 18 KTJDG, 1 XMNCP, 6 MZWV, 1 RJRHP => 6 FHTLT4615 XDBXC, 2 LTCX, 1 VRPVC => 6 ZLQW4713 WPTQ, 10 LTCX, 3 RJRHP, 14 XMNCP, 2 MZWV, 1 ZLQW => 1 ZDVW485 BMBT => 4 WPTQ49189 ORE => 9 KTJDG501 MZWV, 17 XDBXC, 3 XCVML => 2 XMNCP5112 VRPVC, 27 CNZTR => 2 XDBXC5215 KTJDG, 12 BHXH => 5 XCVML533 BHXH, 2 VRPVC => 7 MZWV54121 ORE => 7 VRPVC557 XCVML => 6 RJRHP565 BHXH, 4 VRPVC => 5 LTCX"""57# 64238153290 too high58# 1850 is too low59# 466901 too low60# 475603 wrong61# 46953662real = """1 RNQHX, 1 LFKRJ, 1 JNGM => 8 DSRGV632 HCQGN, 1 XLNC, 4 WRPWG => 7 ZGVZL64172 ORE => 5 WRPWG657 MXMQ, 1 SLTF => 3 JTBLB661 DSRGV => 4 SLZF672 HDVD, 32 LFKRJ => 4 FCZQD689 LNRS, 18 WKMWF => 8 RNQRM6912 MWSGQ => 9 DCKC706 SLTF, 5 XLNC => 1 KFBX714 QNRZ, 1 QHLF, 15 FWSK => 9 SFJC729 KFBX, 15 RPKGX, 2 QNRZ => 6 LFKRJ738 SFJC, 6 ZQGL, 4 PFCGF => 3 THPCT742 RNQHX, 4 PFCGF, 1 ZQGL => 6 LNRS75195 ORE => 4 PTHDF763 FJKSL => 7 FWSK7712 KBJW, 9 MWSGQ => 9 WKMWF783 XLNC => 5 RPKGX79188 ORE => 7 FJKSL806 ZNPNM, 3 KHXPM, 3 TJXB => 2 HSDS811 DGKW, 17 XLNC => 1 PFCGF822 VRPJZ, 3 DSRGV => 5 MWSGQ8312 BJBQP, 5 XLNC => 4 HCQGN841 GFCGF => 3 HDVD8518 TJXB, 2 THPCT, 1 WPGQN => 4 KHXPM861 ZGVZL => 1 JNGM873 ZGVZL => 8 KBJW8812 GFCGF => 8 BJBQP897 MXMQ, 18 WRPWG => 9 XLNC9013 ZGVZL, 1 QNRZ => 6 RNQHX915 HRBG, 16 QNRZ => 9 WPGQN925 SFJC, 1 PFCGF, 1 KHXPM => 5 FXDMQ931 KBJW, 5 BNFV, 16 XLNC, 1 JNGM, 1 PFCGF, 1 ZNPNM, 4 FXDMQ => 5 VBWCM945 ZGVZL, 5 LFKRJ => 9 QHLF9514 JTBLB => 5 VRPJZ964 FWSK => 9 RXHC972 HRBG, 3 FCZQD => 8 DRLBG989 KLXC, 23 VBWCM, 44 VPTBL, 5 JRKB, 41 PFCGF, 4 WBCRL, 20 QNRZ, 28 SLZF => 1 FUEL991 DRLBG => 5 VPTBL10013 LNRS => 7 ZNPNM1013 WPGQN => 9 TJXB1025 GFCGF, 3 HCQGN => 5 ZQGL1031 KHXPM, 4 LMCSR, 1 QHLF, 4 WKMWF, 1 DGKW, 3 KBRM, 2 RNQRM => 4 KLXC104171 ORE => 8 ZJGSJ1053 ZJGSJ => 3 MXMQ106124 ORE => 5 SLTF10722 KHXPM, 10 FXDMQ => 6 KBRM1082 FCZQD => 8 LMCSR1097 DCKC, 8 HSDS, 7 PFCGF, 16 ZNPNM, 3 RNQRM, 3 WKMWF, 2 WBCRL, 14 RXHC => 7 JRKB1107 DCKC, 2 MWSGQ => 3 BNFV1112 ZQGL => 9 DGKW11222 WRPWG => 6 HRBG11322 KBJW, 1 KFBX, 1 THPCT => 6 WBCRL1144 WRPWG, 1 RXHC, 21 FWSK => 8 QNRZ1151 PTHDF => 8 GFCGF"""116def parse_input(input_map: str):117 mapping = {}118 for line in input_map.splitlines():119 inputs, output = line.split("=>")120 input_chems = []121 for x in inputs.split(","):122 input_chems.append(parse_chemical(x))123 output_chem = parse_chemical(output)124 mapping[output_chem] = input_chems125 return mapping126def get_required_ore(mapping):127 # contains list of reactions128 output_requirements = {}129 # contains the amount generated130 output_amounts = {}131 for amount, name in mapping.keys():132 output_amounts[name] = amount133 output_requirements[name] = mapping[(amount, name)]134 # the total amount that is required, no surplus135 required = {"FUEL": 1,}136 # the total amount that has already been created137 created = {}138 # the total surplus amount139 surplus = {}140 # priority = depth141 ingredient_set = set()142 ingredient_set.add("FUEL")143 ingredient_queue = [(1, "FUEL")]144 while len(ingredient_queue) > 0:145 print("\n------------------------------------------------------------------------")146 print(f"queue: {ingredient_queue}")147 depth, ingredient = heapq.heappop(ingredient_queue)148 print(f"ingredient {ingredient} depth: {depth}")149 if ingredient == "ORE":150 print(f"REQUIRED ORE: {required['ORE']}")151 continue152 # return required["ORE"]153 already_created = 0 if ingredient not in created else created[ingredient]154 total_required_amount = required[ingredient]155 current_surplus = 0 if ingredient not in surplus else surplus[ingredient]156 # how much created for each item157 each_created_amount = output_amounts[ingredient]158 if already_created >= total_required_amount:159 # already enough, don't need to dip into the cache160 print("---- ALREADY ENOUGH, NO CACHE NEEDED")161 elif total_required_amount <= (already_created + current_surplus):162 # if there's already enough within the surplus163 # no new ones need to be made164 surplus[ingredient] = (already_created + current_surplus) - total_required_amount165 assert surplus[ingredient] >= 0166 print("---- WITHIN SURPLUS")167 print(f"{ingredient} surplus {current_surplus} + {already_created} > {total_required_amount} new surplus {surplus[ingredient]}")168 else:169 required_amount = total_required_amount - (already_created + current_surplus)170 amount_to_create = math.ceil(required_amount /​ each_created_amount)171 created_amount = amount_to_create * each_created_amount172 print(f"ingredient {ingredient}")173 print(f"surplus {current_surplus} already {already_created} total required {total_required_amount}")174 print(f"required {total_required_amount} - {already_created} - {current_surplus} = {required_amount} ")175 new_surplus = (already_created + created_amount + current_surplus) - total_required_amount176 print(f"already created {already_created + created_amount + current_surplus} - required {total_required_amount} = surplus {new_surplus}")177 print(f"{ingredient} total = {already_created} + {created_amount} + {current_surplus} = {already_created + created_amount + current_surplus}")178 created[ingredient] = already_created + created_amount + current_surplus - new_surplus179 surplus[ingredient] = new_surplus180 assert created[ingredient] >= 0181 assert surplus[ingredient] >= 0182 assert created[ingredient] >= required[ingredient]183 print(f"created {created_amount} {ingredient} with a surplus of {new_surplus}")184 # get the required ingredients for this185 for required_amount, required_name in output_requirements[ingredient]:186 print(required)187 if required_name in required:188 print(f"required for {required_name} is now {required[required_name]} + {required_amount} * {amount_to_create}")189 required[required_name] += amount_to_create * required_amount190 else:191 print(f"required for {required_name} is now {required_amount} * {amount_to_create}")192 required[required_name] = amount_to_create * required_amount193 if required_name in ingredient_set:194 # avoid duplicate195 for i, x in enumerate(ingredient_queue):196 if x[1] == required_name:197 del ingredient_queue[i]198 heapq.heappush(ingredient_queue, (depth + 1, required_name))199 else:200 ingredient_set.add(required_name)201 heapq.heappush(ingredient_queue, (depth + 1, required_name))202 return required["ORE"]203def get_part2(mapping, expected_min = 0):204 print("part2")205 for fuel in range(expected_min, 99999999999999999999, 1):206 result = get_required_ore_part2(mapping, fuel)207 print(f"{fuel} using {result} ore")208 if result is None or result > 1000000000000:209 # 12063757192210 # 1000000000000211 print(f"too much or none {fuel - 1}")212 return fuel - 1213def get_required_ore_part2(mapping, fuel):214 # contains list of reactions215 output_requirements = {}216 # contains the amount generated217 output_amounts = {}218 for amount, name in mapping.keys():219 output_amounts[name] = amount220 output_requirements[name] = mapping[(amount, name)]221 # the total amount that is required, no surplus222 required = {"FUEL": fuel,}223 # the total amount that has already been created224 created = {}225 # the total surplus amount226 surplus = {}227 # priority = depth228 ingredient_set = set()229 ingredient_set.add("FUEL")230 ingredient_queue = [(1, "FUEL")]231 while len(ingredient_queue) > 0:232 # print("\n------------------------------------------------------------------------")233 # print(f"queue: {ingredient_queue}")234 depth, ingredient = heapq.heappop(ingredient_queue)235 # print(f"ingredient {ingredient} depth: {depth}")236 if ingredient == "ORE":237 # print(f"REQUIRED ORE: {required['ORE']}")238 continue239 # return required["ORE"]240 already_created = 0 if ingredient not in created else created[ingredient]241 total_required_amount = required[ingredient]242 current_surplus = 0 if ingredient not in surplus else surplus[ingredient]243 # how much created for each item244 each_created_amount = output_amounts[ingredient]245 if already_created >= total_required_amount:246 # already enough, don't need to dip into the cache247 # print("---- ALREADY ENOUGH, NO CACHE NEEDED")248 pass249 elif total_required_amount <= (already_created + current_surplus):250 # if there's already enough within the surplus251 # no new ones need to be made252 surplus[ingredient] = (already_created + current_surplus) - total_required_amount253 assert surplus[ingredient] >= 0254 # print("---- WITHIN SURPLUS")255 # print(f"{ingredient} surplus {current_surplus} + {already_created} > {total_required_amount} new surplus {surplus[ingredient]}")256 else:257 required_amount = total_required_amount - (already_created + current_surplus)258 amount_to_create = math.ceil(required_amount /​ each_created_amount)259 created_amount = amount_to_create * each_created_amount260 # print(f"ingredient {ingredient}")261 # print(f"surplus {current_surplus} already {already_created} total required {total_required_amount}")262 # print(f"required {total_required_amount} - {already_created} - {current_surplus} = {required_amount} ")263 new_surplus = (already_created + created_amount + current_surplus) - total_required_amount264 # print(f"already created {already_created + created_amount + current_surplus} - required {total_required_amount} = surplus {new_surplus}")265 # print(f"{ingredient} total = {already_created} + {created_amount} + {current_surplus} = {already_created + created_amount + current_surplus}")266 created[ingredient] = already_created + created_amount + current_surplus - new_surplus267 surplus[ingredient] = new_surplus268 assert created[ingredient] >= 0269 assert surplus[ingredient] >= 0270 assert created[ingredient] >= required[ingredient]271 # print(f"created {created_amount} {ingredient} with a surplus of {new_surplus}")272 # get the required ingredients for this273 for required_amount, required_name in output_requirements[ingredient]:274 # print(required)275 if required_name in required:276 # print(f"required for {required_name} is now {required[required_name]} + {required_amount} * {amount_to_create}")277 required[required_name] += amount_to_create * required_amount278 else:279 # print(f"required for {required_name} is now {required_amount} * {amount_to_create}")280 required[required_name] = amount_to_create * required_amount281 if required_name in ingredient_set:282 # avoid duplicate283 for i, x in enumerate(ingredient_queue):284 if x[1] == required_name:285 del ingredient_queue[i]286 heapq.heappush(ingredient_queue, (depth + 1, required_name))287 else:288 ingredient_set.add(required_name)289 heapq.heappush(ingredient_queue, (depth + 1, required_name))290 # return required["ORE"]291 if "ORE" in required:292 return required["ORE"]293 return None294def calc_required(mapping):295 required = {"FUEL": 1,}296 surplus = {}297 # active_set = set()298 active_set = []299 active_set.append("FUEL")300 # key_name = "FUEL"301 while len(active_set) > 0:302 print(required)303 # key_name = list(active_set)[0]304 key_name = active_set.pop()305 # get the key for the key name306 # key = list(filter(lambda x: x[1] == key_name, list(mapping.keys())))307 key = [x for x in mapping.keys() if x[1] == key_name]308 print(active_set)309 print(key_name)310 print(key)311 key = key[0]312 existing_surplus = 0 if key_name not in surplus else surplus[key_name]313 required_amount = required[key_name] - existing_surplus314 produced = key[0]315 multiplier = math.ceil(required_amount /​ produced)316 created_surplus = multiplier * (required_amount % produced)317 surplus[key_name] = created_surplus318 print(f"{key_name} produces {produced} requires {required_amount} surplus {created_surplus} mul {multiplier}")319 # remove this key from the dict320 # del active_set[key_name]321 if key_name in active_set:322 active_set.remove(key_name)323 inputs = mapping[key]324 for input_amount, input_name in inputs:325 if input_name in required:326 current = required[input_name]327 print(f"current {input_name} already has {current}, adding {input_amount * multiplier}")328 required[input_name] = input_amount * multiplier329 else:330 required[input_name] = input_amount * multiplier331 if input_name != "ORE":332 # active_set.add(input_name)333 if input_name in active_set:334 print(f"{input_name} in {active_set}")335 active_set.remove(input_name)336 active_set.append(input_name)337 338 # ensure that the required doesn't only contain ORE339 # if "ORE" in required:340 # print(f"ore {ore} + {required['ORE']}")341 # ore += required["ORE"]342 # del required["ORE"]343 return required["ORE"]344def parse_chemical(input_chem: str):345 chem = input_chem.strip().split(" ")346 return int(chem[0]), chem[1]347if __name__ == "__main__":348 print(example_input)349 mapping = parse_input(example_input)350 print(mapping)351 result = get_required_ore(mapping)352 print(result)353 assert result == 31354 mapping = parse_input(example_2)355 assert get_required_ore(mapping) == 165356 mapping = parse_input(example_3)357 assert get_required_ore(mapping) == answer_3358 assert get_part2(mapping, 82892700) == 82892753359 mapping = parse_input(example_4)360 assert get_required_ore(mapping) == answer_4361 assert get_part2(mapping, 5586000) == 5586022362 mapping = parse_input(example_5)363 assert get_required_ore(mapping) == answer_5364 assert get_part2(mapping, 460600) == 460664365 mapping = parse_input(real)366 result = get_required_ore(mapping)367 print(f"real result: {result}")368 assert result == 469536369 # part 2370 result = get_part2(mapping, 3299999)371 # 3343477...

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1# Program to convert videos into frames for dataset preparation2# This is done to manually delete unnecessary /​ mislabelled frames3import cv2, sys, os4from tqdm import tqdm5def main():6 # Take video location and frame name off commandline7 vid_location = sys.argv[1] # Folder containing videos8 # Take name of folders off cmd line 9 name_1 = sys.argv[2]10 name_2 = sys.argv[3]11 os.chdir(vid_location) # Set working dir to vid location12 required_name = "fitness_poses_images_in"13 if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), required_name)):14 # Make the dir if it does not exist15 os.mkdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), required_name))16 if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), required_name, name_1)):17 # Make the dir if it does not exist18 os.mkdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), required_name, name_1))19 if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), required_name, name_2)):20 # Make the dir if it does not exist21 os.mkdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), required_name, name_2))22 count = 023 for video in tqdm(os.listdir()):24 # Determine whether correct or incorrect label25 is_correct = True26 if video.split("_")[1].strip() == "incorrect":27 is_correct = False28 if (video.split(".")[-1]).strip() == "mp4": # only want videos29 # Read video30 videoCapture = cv2.VideoCapture(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), video))31 success, image = if is_correct:33 os.chdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), required_name, name_1))34 name = name_135 else:36 os.chdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), required_name, name_2))37 name = name_238 while success:39 cv2.imwrite("{:}_{:}.jpg".format(name, count), image) # save frame as JPEG file 40 success, image = #print('Saved a new frame: ', success)42 count += 143 os.chdir(vid_location) # Set working dir to vid location44if __name__ == '__main__':...

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1from prolog.query import QueryVar, QuerySet2from prolog.predicate import predicate3from prolog.orm.exceptions import ORMException4from prolog.orm.utils import process_var5from typing import Union6Arg = Union[str, int, list, QueryVar]7class Predicate:8 @classmethod9 def filter(cls, *args: Arg, **kwargs) -> QuerySet:10 # TODO: type checks11 query_args = []12 pre_set = dict()13 format_args = ", ".join("{}" for _ in cls.__annotations__)14 format_predicate = predicate(f"{cls.__name__.lower()}({format_args})")15 for i, required_name in enumerate(cls.__annotations__):16 query_arg = QueryVar(required_name.capitalize())17 if required_name in kwargs:18 query_arg = kwargs[required_name]19 pre_set[required_name] = query_arg20 elif len(args) > i:21 query_arg = args[i]22 pre_set[required_name] = query_arg23 query_args.append(query_arg)24 for k, v in pre_set.items():25 pre_set[k] = process_var(v)26 return QuerySet(format_predicate(*query_args), pre_set=pre_set, dataclass=cls)27 def __str__(self):28 args = ", ".join("{}" for _ in self.__annotations__)29 query_set = predicate(f"{self.__class__.__name__.lower()}({args}).")...

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