Best Python code snippet using localstack_python
1import pandas as pd2from pymongo import MongoClient3from backend.DB import eu, db4import backend.precomputing as precomputing5#from DB import eu, db6#import precomputing7########################################################################################################################8countries = ['NO', 'HR', 'HU', 'CH', 'CZ', 'RO', 'LV', 'GR', 'UK', 'SI', 'LT',9 'ES', 'FR', 'IE', 'SE', 'NL', 'PT', 'PL', 'DK', 'MK', 'DE', 'IT',10 'BG', 'CY', 'AT', 'LU', 'BE', 'FI', 'EE', 'SK', 'MT', 'LI', 'IS']11def year_country_filter(bot_year, top_year, country_list):12 filter_ = {13 '$match': {14 '$and': [{"_id.year": {'$gte': bot_year}}, {"_id.year": {'$lte': top_year}}],15 "": { '$in': country_list }16 }17 }18 return filter_19# the function below filters the procurement database20# by year (YEAR) and issuer countries (ISO_COUNTRY_CODE), matching the appropriate CPV_DIVISION.21def year_country_cpv_filter(bot_year, top_year, country_list,cpv=None):22 if cpv == None:23 filter_ = {24 '$match': {25 '$and': [{"YEAR": {'$gte': bot_year}}, {"YEAR": {'$lte': top_year}}],26 "ISO_COUNTRY_CODE": {'$in': country_list}}}27 else:28 filter_ = {29 '$match': {30 '$and': [{"YEAR": {'$gte': bot_year}}, {"YEAR": {'$lte': top_year}}],31 "ISO_COUNTRY_CODE": { '$in': country_list},32 "CPV_DIVISION":{'$eq':cpv}33 }34 }35 return filter_36# Apply the pipeline to retrieve 'cpv_division_description' from CPV collection,37# Save this value as a python dict 'description_dict' to be used later.38description_list = list(db.cpv.aggregate(precomputing.pipeline_cpv_div_desc))39description_dict = {}40for i in description_list:41 description_dict[i['_id']['cpv_division']] = i['_id']['cpv_division_description']42##################################################################################43#Queries for looking up the cpv description44lookup_cpv={"$lookup":{45 "from": "cpv_grouped",46 "localField": "_id",47 "foreignField": "_id.cpv_division",48 "as": "cpv_lookup"49 }}50unwind_cpv={"$unwind":"$cpv_lookup"}51###################################################################################52def ex0_cpv_example(bot_year=2008, top_year=2020):53 """54 Returns all contracts in given year 'YEAR' range and cap to 100000000 the 'VALUE_EURO'55 Expected Output (list of documents):56 [{'result': count_value(int)}]57 """58 def year_filter(bot_year, top_year):59 filter_ = {60 '$match': {61 '$and': [{'YEAR': {'$gte': bot_year}}, {'YEAR': {'$lte': top_year}}],62 'VALUE_EURO': {'$lt': 100000000}63 }}64 return filter_65 count = {66 '$count': 'result'67 }68 pipeline = [year_filter(bot_year, top_year), count]69 list_documents = list(eu.aggregate(pipeline))70 return list_documents71def ex1_cpv_box(bot_year=2008, top_year=2020, country_list=countries):72 """73 Returns five metrics, described below74 Result filterable by floor year, roof year and country_list75 Expected Output:76 (avg_cpv_euro_avg, avg_cpv_count, avg_cpv_offer_avg, avg_cpv_euro_avg_y_eu, avg_cpv_euro_avg_n_eu)77 Where:78 avg_cpv_euro_avg = average value of each CPV's division contracts average 'VALUE_EURO', (int)79 avg_cpv_count = average value of each CPV's division contract count, (int)80 avg_cpv_offer_avg = average value of each CPV's division contracts average NUMBER_OFFERS', (int)81 avg_cpv_euro_avg_y_eu = average value of each CPV's division contracts average VALUE_EURO' with 'B_EU_FUNDS', (int)82 avg_cpv_euro_avg_n_eu = average value of each CPV's division contracts average 'VALUE_EURO' with out 'B_EU_FUNDS' (int)83 """84 avg_cpv_euro_avg = None85 avg_cpv_count = None86 avg_cpv_offer_avg = None87 avg_cpv_euro_avg_y_eu = None88 avg_cpv_euro_avg_n_eu = None89 #### 1.190 query0 = {"$group": {"_id": "$_id.cpv_division", "sumOfSum": {"$sum": "$sum"}, "sumOfCounts": {"$sum": "$count"}}}91 query1 = {"$project": {"_id": "$_id", "avgValueEuro": {"$divide": ["$sumOfSum", "$sumOfCounts"]}}}92 query2 = {"$group": {"_id": {}, "avgValueEuro": {"$avg": "$avgValueEuro"}}}93 pipeline_1_1 = [year_country_filter(bot_year, top_year, country_list), query0,query1,query2]94 myCursor = db.cpv_euro_avg.aggregate(pipeline_1_1)95 for document in myCursor:96 avg_cpv_euro_avg = document['avgValueEuro']97 #### 1.298 query3 = {"$group": {"_id": "$_id.cpv_division",99 "count": {"$sum": "$count"}}}100 query4 = {"$group": {"_id": {}, "avgCount": {"$avg": "$count"}}}101 pipeline_1_2 = [year_country_filter(bot_year, top_year, country_list), query3, query4]102 myCursor = db.cpv_euro_avg.aggregate(pipeline_1_2)103 for document in myCursor:104 avg_cpv_count = document['avgCount']105 #### 1.3106 query5 = {"$group": {"_id": "$_id.cpv_division",107 "count": {"$sum": "$count"}, "sumOfOffers": {"$sum": "$countOffers"}}}108 query6 = {"$project": {"_id": "$_id", "avgNoOffers": {"$divide": ["$sumOfOffers", "$count"]}}}109 query7 = {"$group": {"_id": {}, "avgNoOffers": {"$avg": "$avgNoOffers"}}}110 pipeline_1_3 = [year_country_filter(bot_year, top_year, country_list), query5, query6,query7]111 myCursor = db.cpv_euro_avg.aggregate(pipeline_1_3)112 for document in myCursor:113 avg_cpv_offer_avg = document['avgNoOffers']114 #### 1.4115 query8 = {"$group": {"_id": "$_id.cpv_division", "sumOfSum": {"$sum": "$sumValueBEuFundsYes"},116 "sumOfCounts": {"$sum": "$countBEuFundsYes"}}}117 query9 = {"$project": {"_id": "$_id", "avgValueEuro_Funds": {"$divide": ["$sumOfSum", "$sumOfCounts"]}}}118 query10 = {"$group": {"_id": {}, "avgValueEuro_Funds": {"$avg": "$avgValueEuro_Funds"}}}119 pipeline_1_4 = [year_country_filter(bot_year, top_year, country_list), query8, query9,query10]120 myCursor = db.cpv_euro_avg.aggregate(pipeline_1_4)121 for document in myCursor:122 avg_cpv_euro_avg_y_eu = document['avgValueEuro_Funds']123 #### 1.5124 query11 = {"$group": {"_id": "$_id.cpv_division", "sumOfSum": {"$sum": "$sumValueBEuFundsNo"},125 "sumOfCounts": {"$sum": "$countBEuFundsNo"}}}126 query12 = {"$project": {"_id": "$_id", "avgValueEuro_Funds": {"$divide": ["$sumOfSum", "$sumOfCounts"]}}}127 query13 = {"$group": {"_id": {}, "avgValueEuro_Funds": {"$avg": "$avgValueEuro_Funds"}}}128 pipeline_1_5 = [year_country_filter(bot_year, top_year, country_list), query11, query12,query13]129 myCursor = db.cpv_euro_avg.aggregate(pipeline_1_5)130 for document in myCursor:131 avg_cpv_euro_avg_n_eu = document['avgValueEuro_Funds']132 return avg_cpv_euro_avg, avg_cpv_count, avg_cpv_offer_avg, avg_cpv_euro_avg_y_eu, avg_cpv_euro_avg_n_eu133def ex2_cpv_treemap(bot_year=2008, top_year=2020, country_list=countries):134 """135 Returns the count of contracts for each CPV Division136 Result filterable by floor year, roof year and country_list137 Expected Output (list of documents):138 [{cpv: value_1, count: value_2}, ....]139 Where:140 value_1 = CPV Division description, (string) (located in cpv collection as 'cpv_division_description')141 value_2 = contract count of each CPV Division, (int)142 """143 query1 = {"$group": {"_id": "$_id.cpv_division",144 "count": {"$sum": "$count"}}}145 pipeline_2 = [year_country_filter(bot_year, top_year, country_list), query1, lookup_cpv, unwind_cpv]146 # cursor from the pipeline above147 # it assumes the existence of a pre-calculated collection (defined in insert_operation)148 myCursor = db.cpv_euro_avg.aggregate(pipeline_2)149 list_documents = []150 for document in myCursor:151 list_documents.append({"cpv": document['cpv_lookup']['cpv_division_description'],152 "count": document['count']})153 return list_documents154def ex3_cpv_bar_1(bot_year=2008, top_year=2020, country_list=countries):155 """156 Per CPV Division and get the average 'VALUE_EURO' return the highest 5 cpvs157 Result filterable by floor year, roof year and country_list158 Expected Output (list of 5 sorted documents):159 [{cpv: value_1, avg: value_2}, ....]160 Where:161 value_1 = CPV Division description, (string) (located in cpv collection as 'cpv_division_description')162 value_2 = average 'VALUE_EURO' of each CPV Division, (float)163 """164 query0 = {"$group": {"_id": "$_id.cpv_division", "sumOfSum": {"$sum": "$sum"}, "sumOfCounts": {"$sum": "$count"}}}165 query1 = {"$project": {"_id": "$_id", "avgValueEuro": {"$divide": ["$sumOfSum", "$sumOfCounts"]}}}166 query2 = {"$sort": {"avgValueEuro": -1}}167 query3 = {"$limit": 5}168 pipeline_3 = [year_country_filter(bot_year, top_year, country_list),query0, query1, query2, query3, lookup_cpv, unwind_cpv]169 myCursor = db.cpv_euro_avg.aggregate(pipeline_3)170 list_documents = []171 for document in myCursor:172 list_documents.append({"cpv": document['cpv_lookup']['cpv_division_description'],173 "avg": document['avgValueEuro']})174 return list_documents175def ex4_cpv_bar_2(bot_year=2008, top_year=2020, country_list=countries):176 """177 Per CPV Division and get the average 'VALUE_EURO' return the lowest 5 cpvs178 Result filterable by floor year, roof year and country_list179 Expected Output (list of 5 sorted documents):180 [{cpv: value_1, avg: value_2}, ....]181 Where:182 value_1 = CPV Division description, (string) (located in cpv collection as 'cpv_division_description')183 value_2 = average 'VALUE_EURO' of each CPV Division, (float)184 """185 query0 = {"$group": {"_id": "$_id.cpv_division", "sumOfSum": {"$sum": "$sum"}, "sumOfCounts": {"$sum": "$count"}}}186 query1 = {"$project": {"_id": "$_id", "avgValueEuro": {"$divide": ["$sumOfSum", "$sumOfCounts"]}}}187 query2 = {"$sort": {"avgValueEuro": 1}}188 query3 = {"$limit": 5}189 pipeline_4 = [year_country_filter(bot_year, top_year, country_list), query0, query1, query2, query3, lookup_cpv,190 unwind_cpv]191 myCursor = db.cpv_euro_avg.aggregate(pipeline_4)192 list_documents = []193 for document in myCursor:194 list_documents.append({"cpv": document['cpv_lookup']['cpv_division_description'],195 "avg": document['avgValueEuro']})196 return list_documents197def ex5_cpv_bar_3(bot_year=2008, top_year=2020, country_list=countries):198 """199 Per CPV Division and get the average 'VALUE_EURO' return the highest 5 cpvs for contracts which recieved european funds ('B_EU_FUNDS')200 Result filterable by floor year, roof year and country_list201 Expected Output (list of 5 sorted documents):202 [{cpv: value_1, avg: value_2}, ....]203 Where:204 value_1 = CPV Division description, (string) (located in cpv collection as 'cpv_division_description')205 value_2 = average 'VALUE_EURO' of each CPV Division, (float)206 """207 query0 = {"$group": {"_id": "$_id.cpv_division", "sumOfSum": {"$sum": "$sumValueBEuFundsYes"},208 "sumOfCounts": {"$sum": "$countBEuFundsYes"}}}209 query1 = {"$project": {"_id": "$_id", "avgValueEuro_Funds": {"$divide": ["$sumOfSum", "$sumOfCounts"]}}}210 query2 = {"$sort": {"avgValueEuro_Funds": -1}}211 query3 = {"$limit": 5}212 pipeline_5 = [year_country_filter(bot_year, top_year, country_list), query0, query1, query2, query3, lookup_cpv,213 unwind_cpv]214 myCursor = db.cpv_euro_avg.aggregate(pipeline_5)215 list_documents = []216 for document in myCursor:217 list_documents.append({"cpv": document['cpv_lookup']['cpv_division_description'],218 "avg": document['avgValueEuro_Funds']})219 return list_documents220def ex6_cpv_bar_4(bot_year=2008, top_year=2020, country_list=countries):221 """222 Per CPV Division and get the average 'VALUE_EURO' return the highest 5 cpvs for contracts which did not recieve european funds ('B_EU_FUNDS')223 Result filterable by floor year, roof year and country_list224 Expected Output (list of 5 sorted documents):225 [{cpv: value_1, avg: value_2}, ....]226 Where:227 value_1 = CPV Division description, (string) (located in cpv collection as 'cpv_division_description')228 value_2 = average 'VALUE_EURO' of each CPV Division, (float)229 """230 query0 = {"$group": {"_id": "$_id.cpv_division", "sumOfSum": {"$sum": "$sumValueBEuFundsNo"},231 "sumOfCounts": {"$sum": "$countBEuFundsNo"}}}232 query1 = {"$project": {"_id": "$_id", "avgValueEuro_Funds": {"$divide": ["$sumOfSum", "$sumOfCounts"]}}}233 query2 = {"$sort": {"avgValueEuro_Funds": -1}}234 query3 = {"$limit": 5}235 pipeline_6 = [year_country_filter(bot_year, top_year, country_list), query0, query1, query2, query3, lookup_cpv,236 unwind_cpv]237 myCursor = db.cpv_euro_avg.aggregate(pipeline_6)238 list_documents = []239 for document in myCursor:240 list_documents.append({"cpv": document['cpv_lookup']['cpv_division_description'],241 "avg": document['avgValueEuro_Funds']})242 return list_documents243def ex7_cpv_map(bot_year=2008, top_year=2020, country_list=countries):244 """245 Returns the highest CPV Division on average 'VALUE_EURO' per country 'ISO_COUNTRY_CODE'246 Result filterable by floor year, roof year and country_list247 Expected Output (list of documents):248 [{cpv: value_1, avg: value_2, country: value_3}, ....]249 Where:250 value_1 = CPV Division description, (string) (located in cpv collection as 'cpv_division_description')251 value_2 = highest CPV Division average 'VALUE_EURO' of country, (float)252 value_3 = country in ISO-A2 format (string) (located in iso_codes collection)253 """254 query0 = {"$group": {"_id": {"cpv": "$_id.cpv_division", "country": "$"}, "sumOfSum": {"$sum": "$sum"},255 "sumOfCounts": {"$sum": "$count"}}}256 query1 = {"$project": {"_id": "$_id", "avgValueEuro": {"$divide": ["$sumOfSum", "$sumOfCounts"]}}}257 query2 = {"$sort": {"": 1, "avgValueEuro": -1}}258 query3 = {"$group": {"_id": "$", "maxAvgValueEuro": {"$first": "$avgValueEuro"},259 "cpv_division": {"$first": "$_id.cpv"}}}260 lookup_cpv_7 = {"$lookup": {261 "from": "cpv_grouped",262 "localField": "cpv_division",263 "foreignField": "_id.cpv_division",264 "as": "cpv_lookup"265 }}266 lookupCountry = { "$lookup": {267 "from": "iso_codes",268 "localField": "_id",269 "foreignField": "alpha-2",270 "as": "country_iso"271 }272 }273 pipeline_7 = [year_country_filter(bot_year, top_year, country_list), query0, query1, query2, query3, lookup_cpv_7,274 unwind_cpv, lookupCountry]275 myCursor = db.cpv_euro_avg.aggregate(pipeline_7)276 list_documents = []277 for document in myCursor:278 if document['_id'] != "UK":279 list_documents.append({"cpv": document['cpv_lookup']['cpv_division_description'],280 "avg": document['maxAvgValueEuro'],281 "country": document['country_iso'][0]['name']282 })283 else:284 list_documents.append({"cpv": document['cpv_lookup']['cpv_division_description'],285 "avg": document['maxAvgValueEuro'],286 "country":document["_id"]})287 return list_documents288def ex8_cpv_hist(bot_year=2008, top_year=2020, country_list=countries, cpv='50'):289 """290 Produce an histogram where each bucket has the contract counts of a particular cpv291 in a given range of values (bucket) according to 'VALUE_EURO'292 Choose 10 buckets of any partition293 Buckets Example:294 0 to 100000295 100000 to 200000296 200000 to 300000297 300000 to 400000298 400000 to 500000299 500000 to 600000300 600000 to 700000301 700000 to 800000302 800000 to 900000303 900000 to 1000000304 So given a CPV Division code (two digit string) return a list of documents where each document as the bucket _id,305 and respective bucket count.306 Result filterable by floor year, roof year and country_list307 Expected Output (list of documents):308 [{bucket: value_1, count: value_2}, ....]309 Where:310 value_1 = lower limit of respective bucket (if bucket position 0 of example then bucket:0 )311 value_2 = contract count for thar particular bucket, (int)312 """313 query1 = {314 "$bucket": {315 "groupBy": "$VALUE_EURO", # // Field to group by316 "boundaries": [0, 1000000, 2000000, 3000000, 4000000, 5000000, 6000000, 7000000, 8000000, 9000000,317 10000000], # // Boundaries318 "default": ">10Mil", # // Bucket id for documents which do not fall into a bucket319 "output": { # // Output for each bucket320 "count": {"$sum": 1}}}}321 pipeline_8 = [year_country_cpv_filter(bot_year, top_year, country_list,cpv),query1]322 myCursor = db.cpv_bucket.aggregate(pipeline_8)323 list_documents = []324 for document in myCursor:325 list_documents.append({"bucket": document['_id'],326 "count": document['count']})327 return list_documents328def ex9_cpv_bar_diff(bot_year=2008, top_year=2020, country_list=countries):329 """330 Returns the average time and value difference for each CPV, return the highest 5 cpvs331 time difference = 'DT-DISPATCH' - 'DT-AWARD'332 value difference = 'AWARD_VALUE_EURO' - 'VALUE_EURO'333 Result filterable by floor year, roof year and country_list334 Expected Output (list of documents):335 [{cpv: value_1, time_difference: value_2, value_difference: value_3}, ....]336 Where:337 value_1 = CPV Division description, (string) (located in cpv collection as 'cpv_division_description')338 value_2 = average 'DT-DISPACH' - 'DT-AWARD', (float)339 value_3 = average 'EURO_AWARD' - 'VALUE_EURO' (float)340 """341 query1 = {"$group": {"_id": "$CPV",342 "avgValueDiff": {"$avg": "$value"}, "avgTimeDiff": {"$avg": "$time"}}}343 query2 = {"$sort": {"avgTimeDiff": -1}}344 query3 = {"$limit": 5}345 pipeline_9 = [year_country_cpv_filter(bot_year, top_year, country_list), query1, query2,query3, lookup_cpv,346 unwind_cpv]347 myCursor = db.cpv_time_diff_2.aggregate(pipeline_9)348 list_documents = []349 for document in myCursor:350 list_documents.append({"cpv": document['cpv_lookup']['cpv_division_description'],351 "time_difference": document['avgTimeDiff'],352 "value_difference":document['avgValueDiff']})353 return list_documents354def ex10_country_box(bot_year=2008, top_year=2020, country_list=countries):355 """356 We want five numbers, described below357 Result filterable by floor year, roof year and country_list358 Expected Output:359 (avg_country_euro_avg, avg_country_count, avg_country_offer_avg, avg_country_euro_avg_y_eu, avg_country_euro_avg_n_eu)360 Where:361 avg_country_euro_avg = average value of each countries ('ISO_COUNTRY_CODE') contracts average 'VALUE_EURO', (int)362 avg_country_count = average value of each countries ('ISO_COUNTRY_CODE') contract count, (int)363 avg_country_offer_avg = average value of each countries ('ISO_COUNTRY_CODE') contracts average NUMBER_OFFERS', (int)364 avg_country_euro_avg_y_eu = average value of each countries ('ISO_COUNTRY_CODE') contracts average VALUE_EURO' with 'B_EU_FUNDS', (int)365 avg_country_euro_avg_n_eu = average value of each countries ('ISO_COUNTRY_CODE') contracts average 'VALUE_EURO' with out 'B_EU_FUNDS' (int)366 """367 avg_country_euro_avg = 0368 avg_country_count = 0369 avg_country_offer_avg = 0370 avg_country_euro_avg_y_eu = 0371 avg_country_euro_avg_n_eu = 0372 filter_match = year_country_filter(bot_year, top_year, country_list)373 temp_filtered_country = { "$out" : "temp_filtered_country" }374 num_countries=len(country_list)375 db.business_euro_sum.aggregate([filter_match, temp_filtered_country])376 pre = {"$project": {377 "sum_no": 1,378 "count": 1,379 "sum": 1,380 "sumValueBEuFundsNo": 1,381 "sumValueBEuFundsYes": 1,382 "country": "$",383 "year": "$_id.year",384 "address": "$_id.address",385 "business": "$"386 }387 }388 # 10.1389 countryAvg_1 = {"$group": {"_id": {"country": "$country"}, "averageAmount": {"$sum": "$sum"}, "count": {"$sum": "$count"}}}390 pipeline_10_1 = [pre, countryAvg_1]391 myCursor = db.temp_filtered_country.aggregate(pipeline_10_1)392 for document in myCursor:393 # print(document)394 avg_country_euro_avg += document['averageAmount'] / document['count']395 avg_country_euro_avg/=num_countries396 397 # 10.2398 countryAvg_1 = {"$group": {"_id": {"country": "$country"}, "count": {"$sum": "$count"}}}399 countryAvg_2 = {"$group": {"_id": {}, "count": {"$avg": "$count"}}}400 pipeline_10_2 = [pre, countryAvg_1, countryAvg_2]401 myCursor = db.temp_filtered_country.aggregate(pipeline_10_2)402 for document in myCursor:403 avg_country_count = document['count']404 # 10.3405 countryAvg_1 = {"$group": {"_id": {"country": "$country"}, "count": {"$sum": "$sum_no"}}}406 countryAvg_2 = {"$group": {"_id": {}, "count": {"$avg": "$count"}}}407 pipeline_10_3 = [pre, countryAvg_1, countryAvg_2]408 myCursor = db.temp_filtered_country.aggregate(pipeline_10_3)409 for document in myCursor:410 avg_country_offer_avg = document['count']411 # 10.4412 countryAvg_1 = {"$group": {"_id": {"country": "$country"}, "sum": {"$sum": "$sumValueBEuFundsYes"},413 "count": {"$sum": "$count"}}}414 pipeline_10_4= [pre, countryAvg_1]415 myCursor = db.temp_filtered_country.aggregate(pipeline_10_4)416 for document in myCursor:417 avg_country_euro_avg_y_eu += document['sum'] / document['count']418 avg_country_euro_avg_y_eu/=num_countries419 420 # 10.5421 countryAvg_1 = {"$group": {"_id": {"country": "$country"}, "sum": {"$sum": "$sumValueBEuFundsNo"}, "count": {"$sum": "$count"}}}422 pipeline_10_5 = [pre, countryAvg_1]423 myCursor = db.temp_filtered_country.aggregate(pipeline_10_5)424 for document in myCursor:425 avg_country_euro_avg_n_eu += document['sum'] / document['count']426 avg_country_euro_avg_n_eu/=num_countries427 return avg_country_euro_avg, avg_country_count, avg_country_offer_avg, avg_country_euro_avg_y_eu, avg_country_euro_avg_n_eu428def ex11_country_treemap(bot_year=2008, top_year=2020, country_list=countries):429 """430 Returns the count of contracts per country ('ISO_COUNTRY_CODE')431 Result filterable by floor year, roof year and country_list432 Expected Output (list of documents):433 [{country: value_1, count: value_2}, ....]434 Where:435 value_1 = Country ('ISO_COUNTRY_CODE') name, (string) (located in iso_codes collection')436 value_2 = contract count of each country, (int)437 """438 countryAvg_1 = {"$group": {"_id": {"country": "$country"}, "count": {"$sum": "$count"}}}439 pre = {"$project": {440 "count": 1,441 "country": "$",442 "year": "$_id.year",443 "address": "$_id.address",444 "business": "$"445 }446 }447 pipeline_10_1 = [year_country_filter(bot_year, top_year, country_list), pre, countryAvg_1]448 myCursor = db.business_euro_sum.aggregate(pipeline_10_1)449 list_documents = []450 for document in myCursor:451 list_documents.append({"country": document['_id']['country'], "count": document['count']})452 return list_documents453def ex12_country_bar_1(bot_year=2008, top_year=2020, country_list=countries):454 """455 Returns the average 'VALUE_EURO' for each country, return the highest 5 countries456 Result filterable by floor year, roof year and country_list457 Expected Output (list of 5 sorted documents):458 [{country: value_1, avg: value_2}, ....]459 Where:460 value_1 = Country ('ISO_COUNTRY_CODE') name, (string) (located in cpv collection as 'cpv_division_description')461 value_2 = average 'VALUE_EURO' of each country ('ISO_COUNTRY_CODE') name, (float)462 """463 pre = {"$project": {464 "count": 1,465 "sum": 1,466 "country": "$",467 "year": "$_id.year",468 "address": "$_id.address",469 "business": "$"470 }471 }472 countryAvg_1 = {"$group": {"_id": {"country": "$country"}, "sum": {"$sum": "$sum"}, "count": {"$sum": "$count"}}}473 countryAvg_2 = {"$project": {"country": 1, "avgEuro": {"$divide": ["$sum", "$count"]}}}474 query2 = {"$sort": {"avgEuro": -1}}475 query3 = {"$limit": 5}476 pipeline_10_1 = [year_country_filter(bot_year, top_year, country_list), pre, countryAvg_1, countryAvg_2, query2, query3]477 myCursor = db.business_euro_sum.aggregate(pipeline_10_1)478 list_documents = []479 for document in myCursor:480 list_documents.append({"country": document['_id']['country'], "avg": document['avgEuro']})481 return list_documents482def ex13_country_bar_2(bot_year=2008, top_year=2020, country_list=countries):483 """484 Group by country and get the average 'VALUE_EURO' for each group, return the lowest, average wise, 5 documents485 Result filterable by floor year, roof year and country_list486 Expected Output (list of 5 sorted documents):487 [{country: value_1, avg: value_2}, ....]488 Where:489 value_1 = Country ('ISO_COUNTRY_CODE') name, (string) (located in cpv collection as 'cpv_division_description')490 value_2 = average 'VALUE_EURO' of each country ('ISO_COUNTRY_CODE') name, (float)491 """492 pre = {"$project": {493 "count": 1,494 "sum": 1,495 "country": "$",496 "year": "$_id.year",497 "address": "$_id.address",498 "business": "$"499 }500 }501 countryAvg_1 = {"$group": {"_id": {"country": "$country"}, "sum": {"$sum": "$sum"}, "count": {"$sum": "$count"}}}502 countryAvg_2 = {"$project": {"country": 1, "avgEuro": {"$divide": ["$sum", "$count"]}}}503 query2 = {"$sort": {"avgEuro": 1}}504 query3 = {"$limit": 5}505 pipeline_10_1 = [year_country_filter(bot_year, top_year, country_list), pre, countryAvg_1, countryAvg_2, query2, query3]506 myCursor = db.business_euro_sum.aggregate(pipeline_10_1)507 list_documents = []508 for document in myCursor:509 list_documents.append({"country": document['_id']['country'], "avg": document['avgEuro']})510 return list_documents511def ex14_country_map(bot_year=2008, top_year=2020, country_list=countries):512 """513 For each country get the sum of the respective contracts 'VALUE_EURO' with 'B_EU_FUNDS'514 Result filterable by floor year, roof year and country_list515 Expected Output (list of documents):516 [{sum: value_1, country: value_2}, ....]517 Where:518 value_1 = sum 'VALUE_EURO' of country ('ISO_COUNTRY_CODE') name, (float)519 value_2 = country in ISO-A2 format (string) (located in iso_codes collection)520 """521 pre = {"$project": {522 "sumValueBEuFundsYes": 1,523 "country": "$",524 "year": "$_id.year",525 "address": "$_id.address",526 "business": "$"527 }528 }529 lookupCountry = { "$lookup": {530 "from": "iso_codes",531 "localField": "",532 "foreignField": "alpha-2",533 "as": "country_iso"534 }535 }536 countryAvg_1 = {"$group": {"_id": {"country": "$country"}, "sum": {"$sum": "$sumValueBEuFundsYes"}}}537 pipeline_10_1 = [year_country_filter(bot_year, top_year, country_list), pre, countryAvg_1, lookupCountry]538 myCursor = db.business_euro_sum.aggregate(pipeline_10_1)539 list_documents = []540 541 for document in myCursor:542 if document["_id"]["country"]!="UK":543 list_documents.append({544 "sum": document['sum'],545 "country": document['country_iso'][0]['name'],546 })547 else:548 list_documents.append({549 "sum": document['sum'],550 "country": "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland",551 })552 return list_documents553def ex15_business_box(bot_year=2008, top_year=2020, country_list=countries):554 """555 We want five numbers, described below556 Result filterable by floor year, roof year and country_list557 Expected Output:558 (avg_business_euro_avg, avg_business_count, avg_business_offer_avg, avg_business_euro_avg_y_eu, avg_business_euro_avg_n_eu)559 Where:560 avg_business_euro_avg = average value of each company ('CAE_NAME') contracts average 'VALUE_EURO', (int)561 avg_business_count = average value of each company ('CAE_NAME') contract count, (int)562 avg_business_offer_avg = average value of each company ('CAE_NAME') contracts average NUMBER_OFFERS', (int)563 avg_business_euro_avg_y_eu = average value of each company ('CAE_NAME') contracts average VALUE_EURO' with 'B_EU_FUNDS', (int)564 avg_business_euro_avg_n_eu = average value of each company ('CAE_NAME') contracts average 'VALUE_EURO' with out 'B_EU_FUNDS' (int)565 """566 avg_business_euro_avg = None567 avg_business_count = None568 avg_business_offer_avg = None569 avg_business_euro_avg_y_eu = None570 avg_business_euro_avg_n_eu = None571 filter_match = year_country_filter(bot_year, top_year, country_list)572 temp_filtered = { "$out" : "temp_filtered" }573 db.business_euro_sum.aggregate([filter_match, temp_filtered])574 # Question 15.1575 # the queries below calculates the avg of each company ('CAE_NAME') contracts avg 'VALUE_EURO', (int)576 businessAvg_0 = { "$group": { "_id": {"per_business_sum": "$"},577 "total_sum": {"$sum": "$sum"},578 "total_count": {"$sum": "$count"},579 }580 }581 582 businessAvg_1 = { "$project": {"total_sum": 1,583 "total_count": 1,584 "per_business_avg": { "$divide": [ "$total_sum", "$total_count" ] },585 }586 }587 businessAvg_2 = { "$group": { "_id": "avg_business_euro_avg", "averageAmount": {"$avg": "$per_business_avg"} } }588 # resulting pipeline589 pipeline_15_1 = [businessAvg_0, businessAvg_1, businessAvg_2]590 # cursor from the pipeline above591 # it assumes the existence of a pre-calculated collection (defined in insert_operation)592 myCursor = db.temp_filtered.aggregate(pipeline_15_1)593 for document in myCursor:594 avg_business_euro_avg = document['averageAmount']595 # Question 15.2596 # the query below calculates the average of each company's contract count597 businessAvg_3 = { "$group": { "_id": "avg_business_count", "averageCount": {"$avg": "$total_count"} } }598 # resulting pipeline599 pipeline_15_2 = [businessAvg_0, businessAvg_3]600 # cursor from the pipeline above601 # it assumes the existence of a pre-calculated collection (defined in insert_operation)602 myCursor = db.temp_filtered.aggregate(pipeline_15_2)603 for document in myCursor:604 avg_business_count = document['averageCount']605 # Question 15.3606 # the queries below calculate the avarage of each company's contracts average NUMBER_OFFERS607 businessAvg_4 = { "$group": { "_id": {"per_business_sum_no": "$"},608 "total_sum_no": {"$sum": "$sum_no"},609 "total_count": {"$sum": "$count"},610 }611 }612 613 businessAvg_5 = { "$project": {"total_sum_no": 1,614 "total_count": 1,615 "per_business_avg_no": { "$divide": [ "$total_sum_no", "$total_count" ] },616 }617 }618 businessAvg_6 = { "$group": { "_id": "avg_business_offer_avg", "averageNumberOffers": {"$avg": "$per_business_avg_no"} } }619 # resulting pipeline620 pipeline_15_3 = [businessAvg_4, businessAvg_5, businessAvg_6]621 # cursor from the pipeline above622 # it assumes the existence of a pre-calculated collection (defined in insert_operation)623 myCursor = db.temp_filtered.aggregate(pipeline_15_3)624 for document in myCursor:625 avg_business_offer_avg = document['averageNumberOffers']626 # Question 15.4627 # the query below calculates the avarage of each company's contracts average 'VALUE_EUROâ with âB_EU_FUNDSâ628 businessAvg_7 = { "$group": { "_id": {"per_business_sumValueBEuFundsYes": "$"},629 "total_sumValueBEuFundsYes": {"$sum": "$sumValueBEuFundsYes"},630 "total_count": {"$sum": "$count"},631 }632 }633 634 businessAvg_8 = { "$project": {"total_sumValueBEuFundsYes": 1,635 "total_count": 1,636 "per_business_avgValueBEuFundsYes": { "$divide": [ "$total_sumValueBEuFundsYes", "$total_count" ] },637 }638 }639 businessAvg_9 = { "$group": { "_id": "avg_business_euro_avg_y_eu", "averageAmountYes": {"$avg": "$per_business_avgValueBEuFundsYes"} } }640 # resulting pipeline641 pipeline_15_4 = [businessAvg_7, businessAvg_8, businessAvg_9]642 # cursor from the pipeline above643 # it assumes the existence of a pre-calculated collection (defined in insert_operation)644 myCursor = db.temp_filtered.aggregate(pipeline_15_4)645 for document in myCursor:646 avg_business_euro_avg_y_eu = document['averageAmountYes']647 # Question 15.5648 # the query below calculates the avarage of each company's contracts average 'VALUE_EUROâ without âB_EU_FUNDSâ649 businessAvg_10 = { "$group": { "_id": {"per_business_sumValueBEuFundsNo": "$"},650 "total_sumValueBEuFundsNo": {"$sum": "$sumValueBEuFundsNo"},651 "total_count": {"$sum": "$count"},652 }653 }654 655 businessAvg_11 = { "$project": {"total_sumValueBEuFundsNo": 1,656 "total_count": 1,657 "per_business_avgValueBEuFundsNo": { "$divide": [ "$total_sumValueBEuFundsNo", "$total_count" ] },658 }659 }660 businessAvg_12 = { "$group": { "_id": "avg_business_euro_avg_n_eu", "averageAmountNo": {"$avg": "$per_business_avgValueBEuFundsNo"} } }661 # resulting pipeline662 pipeline_15_5 = [businessAvg_10, businessAvg_11, businessAvg_12]663 # cursor from the pipeline above664 # it assumes the existence of a pre-calculated collection (defined in insert_operation)665 myCursor = db.temp_filtered.aggregate(pipeline_15_5)666 for document in myCursor:667 avg_business_euro_avg_n_eu = document['averageAmountNo']668 return avg_business_euro_avg, avg_business_count, avg_business_offer_avg, avg_business_euro_avg_y_eu, avg_business_euro_avg_n_eu669def ex16_business_bar_1(bot_year=2008, top_year=2020, country_list=countries):670 """671 Returns the average 'VALUE_EURO' for company ('CAE_NAME') return the highest 5 companies672 Result filterable by floor year, roof year and country_list673 Expected Output (list of 5 sorted documents):674 [{company: value_1, avg: value_2}, ....]675 Where:676 value_1 = company ('CAE_NAME') name, (string)677 value_2 = average 'VALUE_EURO' of each company ('CAE_NAME'), (float)678 """679 # Question 16680 # the queries below sort (descending) company's contracts average 'VALUE_EURO', (int)681 businessAvg_0 = { "$group": { "_id": {"per_business_sum": "$"},682 "total_sum": {"$sum": "$sum"},683 "total_count": {"$sum": "$count"},684 }685 }686 687 businessAvg_1 = { "$project": {"total_sum": 1,688 "total_count": 1,689 "per_business_avg": { "$divide": [ "$total_sum", "$total_count" ] },690 }691 }692 sortedAvg = { "$sort" : { "per_business_avg" : -1} }693 694 limitSorted = { "$limit" : 5 }695 # resulting pipeline696 pipeline_16 = [year_country_filter(bot_year, top_year, country_list),697 businessAvg_0, businessAvg_1, sortedAvg, limitSorted]698 #pipeline_16 = [ businessAvg_0, businessAvg_1, sortedAvg, limitSorted]699 # cursor from the pipeline above700 # it assumes the existence of a pre-calculated collection (defined in insert_operation)701 myCursor = db.business_euro_sum.aggregate(pipeline_16)702 list_documents = []703 for document in myCursor:704 list_documents.append({"company": document['_id']['per_business_sum'], "avg": document['per_business_avg']})705 return list_documents706def ex17_business_bar_2(bot_year=2008, top_year=2020, country_list=countries):707 """708 Returns the average 'VALUE_EURO' for company ('CAE_NAME') return the lowest 5 companies709 Result filterable by floor year, roof year and country_list710 Expected Output (list of 5 sorted documents):711 [{company: value_1, avg: value_2}, ....]712 Where:713 value_1 = company ('CAE_NAME') name, (string)714 value_2 = average 'VALUE_EURO' of each company ('CAE_NAME'), (float)715 """716 # Question 17717 # the queries below sort (ascending) company's contracts average 'VALUE_EURO', (int)718 businessAvg_0 = { "$group": { "_id": {"per_business_sum": "$"},719 "total_sum": {"$sum": "$sum"},720 "total_count": {"$sum": "$count"},721 }722 }723 724 businessAvg_1 = { "$project": {"total_sum": 1,725 "total_count": 1,726 "per_business_avg": { "$divide": [ "$total_sum", "$total_count" ] },727 }728 }729 sortedAvg = { "$sort" : { "per_business_avg" : 1} }730 731 limitSorted = { "$limit" : 5 }732 # resulting pipeline733 pipeline_17 = [year_country_filter(bot_year, top_year, country_list),734 businessAvg_0, businessAvg_1, sortedAvg, limitSorted]735 # cursor from the pipeline above736 # it assumes the existence of a pre-calculated collection (defined in insert_operation)737 myCursor = db.business_euro_sum.aggregate(pipeline_17)738 list_documents = []739 for document in myCursor:740 list_documents.append({"company": document['_id']['per_business_sum'], "avg": document['per_business_avg']})741 return list_documents742def ex18_business_treemap(bot_year=2008, top_year=2020, country_list=countries):743 """744 We want the count of contracts for each company 'CAE_NAME', for the highest 15745 Result filterable by floor year, roof year and country_list746 Expected Output (list of documents):747 [{company: value_1, count: value_2}, ....]748 Where:749 value_1 = company ('CAE_NAME'), (string)750 value_2 = contract count of each company ('CAE_NAME'), (int)751 """752 # Question 18753 # the query below sorts (ascending) each company's count of contracts754 sortedCount = { "$sort" : { "count" : -1} }755 limitSorted = { "$limit" : 15 }756 # resulting pipeline757 pipeline_18 = [year_country_filter(bot_year, top_year, country_list), sortedCount, limitSorted]758 # pipeline_18 = [ sortedCount, limitSorted]759 # cursor from the pipeline above760 # it assumes the existence of a pre-calculated collection (defined in insert_operation)761 myCursor = db.business_euro_sum.aggregate(pipeline_18)762 list_documents = []763 for document in myCursor:764 list_documents.append({"company": document['_id']['business'], "count": document['count']})765 return list_documents766def ex19_business_map(bot_year=2008, top_year=2020, country_list=countries):767 """768 For each country get the highest company ('CAE_NAME') in terms of 'VALUE_EURO' sum contract spending769 Result filterable by floor year, roof year and country_list770 Expected Output (list of documents):771 [{company: value_1, sum: value_2, country: value_3, address: value_4}, ....]772 Where:773 value_1 = 'top' company of that particular country ('CAE_NAME'), (string)774 value_2 = sum 'VALUE_EURO' of country and company ('CAE_NAME'), (float)775 value_3 = country in ISO-A2 format (string) (located in iso_codes collection)776 value_4 = company ('CAE_NAME') address, single string merging 'CAE_ADDRESS' and 'CAE_TOWN' separated by ' ' (space)777 """778 # Question 19779 sortedSum = { "$sort": { "" : 1, "sum" : -1} }780 781 firstInCountry = { "$group": {782 "_id": "$", 783 "sumEuro": { "$first": "$sum" },784 "businessName": { "$first": "$"},785 "businessAddress": { "$first": "$_id.address"},786 }787 }788 789 lookupCountry = { "$lookup": {790 "from": "iso_codes",791 "localField": "_id",792 "foreignField": "alpha-2",793 "as": "country_iso"794 }795 }796 # resulting pipeline797 pipeline_19 = [year_country_filter(bot_year, top_year, country_list), sortedSum, firstInCountry, lookupCountry]798 # cursor from the pipeline above799 # it assumes the existence of a pre-calculated collection (defined in insert_operation)800 myCursor = db.business_euro_sum.aggregate(pipeline_19, allowDiskUse = True)801 list_documents = []802 803 for document in myCursor:804 if document['_id'] != "UK":805 list_documents.append({"company": document['businessName'],806 "sum": document['sumEuro'],807 "country": document['country_iso'][0]['name'],808 "address": document['businessAddress']809 })810 else:811 list_documents.append({"company": document['businessName'],812 "sum": document['sumEuro'],813 "country": "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland",814 "address": document['businessAddress']815 })816 return list_documents817def ex20_business_connection(bot_year=2008, top_year=2020, country_list=countries):818 """819 We want the top 5 most frequent co-occurring companies ('CAE_NAME' and 'WIN_NAME')820 Result filterable by floor year, roof year and country_list821 Expected Output (list of documents):822 [{companies: value_1, count: value_2}, ....]823 Where:824 value_1 = company ('CAE_NAME') string merged with company ('WIN_NAME') seperated by the string ' with ', (string)825 value_2 = co-occurring number of contracts (int)826 """827 828 group = {"$group": {"_id": {829 "name": "$_id.co_name",830 },831 "total":{"$sum":"$count"},832 }833 }834 835 sort = { "$sort" : { "total" : -1} }836 limit_20 = { "$limit" : 5 }837 838 pipeline_20 = [year_country_filter(bot_year, top_year, country_list), group, sort, limit_20]839 myCursor = db.business_co_occurrences.aggregate(pipeline_20, allowDiskUse = True)840 list_documents = []841 for document in myCursor:842 list_documents.append({"companies": document['_id']['name'], "count": document['total']})843 return list_documents844def insert_operation(document):845 '''846 Insert operation.847 In case pre computed tables were generated for the queries they should be recomputed with the new data.848 '''849 inserted_ids = eu.insert_many(document).inserted_ids850 # Apply the pipeline to set 'CPV_DIVISION' in the EU collection. 851 eu.update_many({}, precomputing.pipeline_add_cpv_division)852 # apply pipeline for 1-7853 eu.aggregate(precomputing.pipeline_q1_to_q7, allowDiskUse=True)854 855 # apply pipline for 8856 eu.aggregate(precomputing.pipeline_q8, allowDiskUse=True)857 # apply pipeline for 9858 eu.aggregate(precomputing.pipeline_q9, allowDiskUse=True)859 # Apply the pipeline to precompute the average VALUE_EURO for each combination860 # of CAE_NAME, YEAR and ISO_COUNTRY_CODE861 # (collection BUSINESS_EURO_SUM)862 eu.aggregate(precomputing.pipeline_companies_10_to_19, allowDiskUse = True)863 # Apply the pipeline to precompute the count of contracts for each combination864 # of CAE_NAME and WIN_NAME, year and country. The _id contains 'co_name' which is an aggregation of865 # CAE_NAME and WIN_NAME, year and country of the contracts.866 # (collection BUSINESS_CO_OCCURRENCES)867 eu.aggregate(precomputing.pipeline_co_occurrences_20, allowDiskUse = True)868 return inserted_ids869query_list = [870 ex1_cpv_box, ex2_cpv_treemap, ex3_cpv_bar_1, ex4_cpv_bar_2,871 ex5_cpv_bar_3, ex6_cpv_bar_4, ex7_cpv_map, ex8_cpv_hist ,ex9_cpv_bar_diff,872 ex10_country_box, ex11_country_treemap, ex12_country_bar_1,873 ex13_country_bar_2, ex14_country_map, ex15_business_box,874 ex16_business_bar_1, ex17_business_bar_2, ex18_business_treemap,875 ex19_business_map, ex20_business_connection...
1from test import get_user_session, cassette, sleep2from test.resources.documents import create_document, assert_core_document, delete_all_documents, assert_bib_document3def test_should_list_documents():4 session = get_user_session()5 delete_all_documents()6 with cassette('fixtures/resources/documents/list_documents/list_documents.yaml'):7 create_document(session)8 page = session.documents.list()9 assert len(page.items) == 110 assert page.count == 111 assert_core_document(page.items[0])12def test_should_page_through_documents():13 session = get_user_session()14 delete_all_documents()15 with cassette('fixtures/resources/documents/list_documents/page_through_documents.yaml'):16 create_document(session, 'title 1')17 create_document(session, 'title 2')...
1import math2terms = {}3term_frequency = {}4inverse_frequency = {}5def tf ():6 total_terms = 07 for value in terms.keys():8 total_terms += terms[value]9 global term_frequency10 for term in terms:11 term_frequency[term] = terms[term] / total_terms12def idf (list_documents):13 global inverse_frequency14 num_documents = len(list_documents)15 global terms16 for term in terms:17 # number of documents with term t 18 cont = 019 for doc in list_documents:20 if term in doc:21 cont += 122 inverse_frequency[term] = math.log10(num_documents/cont)23 24def add_term (term):25 global terms26 if term in terms:27 terms[term] = terms[term] + 128 else:29 terms[term] = 130def tfidf (list_documents):31 #print (len(list_documents))32 # populate the list of terms occurrences33 global terms34 terms = {}35 for document in list_documents:36 [add_term(term) for term in document] 37 38 tf()39 idf(list_documents)40 global term_frequency, inverse_frequency41 tfidf = {}42 for term in terms.keys():43 tfidf[term] = "{0:.6f}".format(term_frequency[term] * inverse_frequency[term])44 ...
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