How to use is_mac_os method in localstack

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1#!/​usr/​bin/​env python2# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public3# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,4# You can obtain one at http:/​/​​MPL/​2.0/​.5import argparse6import errno7import hashlib8import math9import os10import platform11import requests12import re13import shutil14import subprocess15import sys16import json17from io import StringIO18from lib.config import get_env_var19from lib.github import GitHub20from lib.helpers import *21from lib.util import download, execute, tempdir, extract_zip22tag_names = []23releases = {}24is_mac_os = True25def parse_args():26 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='create PRs for all branches given branch against master')27 parser.add_argument('--bad',28 help='optional version which is known to be bad',29 default=None)30 parser.add_argument('--good',31 help='optional version which is known to be good',32 default=None)33 parser.add_argument('--branch',34 help='optional branch where the problem is occurring',35 default=None)36 parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',37 help='extra logging')38 parser.add_argument('--real-profile', action='store_true',39 help='if true, use your real profile (instead of a fresh one). \40 can\'t be combined with `--use-profile`.')41 parser.add_argument('--use-profile',42 help='url of a zipped profile to unzip/​use for each install',43 default=None)44 parser.add_argument('--channel',45 help='narrow down to a specific release channel. nightly/​dev/​beta/​release',46 default=None)47 parser.add_argument('--demo-mode', action='store_true',48 help='if true, don\'t actually perform download/​install')49 return parser.parse_args()50def get_releases(repo):51 global releases52 global tag_names53 releases = {}54 tag_names = []55 page = 156 done = False57 draft_count = 058 print('fetching releases from GitHub...')59 while not done:60 # for more info, see: https:/​/​​v3/​guides/​traversing-with-pagination/​61 get_data = {62 'page': page,63 'per_page': 10064 }65 # get all the releases and index them66 response = repo.releases.get(params=get_data)67 if len(response) == 0:68 done = True69 break70 for release in response:71 # skip releases in draft status72 if release['draft']:73 draft_count = draft_count + 174 continue75 tag_name = str(release['tag_name'].strip().replace('v', ''))76 # skip "android" releases and others not matching version format77 if not tag_name.replace('.', '').isdigit():78 continue79 tag_names.append(tag_name)80 releases[tag_name] = release81 page = page + 182 print('fetch complete; ' + str(len(tag_names)) + ' versions found (excluding ' + str(draft_count) + ' drafts)')83def filter_releases(args):84 global tag_names85 filtered_tag_names = []86 print('filtering out versions which are not relevant...')87 # find all unique MINOR versions88 for tag in tag_names:89 version = tag.split('.')90 if len(version) != 3:91 continue92 major_version = str(version[0])93 minor_version = str(version[1])94 branch_version = major_version + '.' + minor_version + '.x'95 # remove entries which don't match optional branch (if present)96 if args.branch is not None and branch_version != args.branch:97 print(' - skipping "' + tag + '" (' + branch_version + ' != ' + args.branch + ')')98 continue99 # remove entries which don't have installer binary100 if not get_release_asset(tag, False):101 print(' - skipping "' + tag + '" (installer not found)')102 continue103 if channel = get_release_channel(tag)105 if != channel:106 print(' - skipping "' + tag + '" (not in channel "' + + '")')107 continue108 filtered_tag_names.append(tag)109 print('filtering complete (' + str(len(tag_names) - len(filtered_tag_names)) + ' versions removed)')110 tag_names = filtered_tag_names111def get_release_asset(version, verbose=True):112 global releases113 global is_mac_os114 release_id = releases[version]['id']115 if verbose:116 print('getting installer for "' + version + '" (release id ' + str(release_id) + ')...')117 # find correct asset for platform118 for asset in releases[version]['assets']:119 if str(asset['name']).endswith('.dmg') and is_mac_os:120 if verbose:121 print('- binary found: ' + asset['browser_download_url'])122 return asset123 if verbose:124 print('- binary not found')125 return None126def get_release_channel(version):127 global releases128 full_title = releases[version]['name']129 if full_title.startswith('Nightly'):130 return 'nightly'131 if full_title.startswith('Developer'):132 return 'dev'133 if full_title.startswith('Beta'):134 return 'beta'135 if full_title.startswith('Release'):136 return 'release'137 return None138def install(download_dir, path):139 global is_mac_os140 if is_mac_os:141 print('- installing binary from DMG')142 print('-> mounting "' + path + '"')143 result = execute(['hdiutil', 'attach', path])144 # parse out the mounted volume145 volume = None146 result_lines = result.splitlines()147 for x in result_lines:148 x = x.strip()149 index = x.find('/​Volumes/​Brave')150 if index > -1:151 volume = x[index:]152 break153 if volume is None:154 raise Exception('[ERROR] did not find "/​Volumes/​Brave" sub-string in mount list!\n \155 Full response from "hdiutil":\n' + result)156 print('-> mounted as "' + volume + '"')157 # in case volumes are already mounted, remove trailing " 1" or " 2" (etc)158 binary_name = volume.replace("/​Volumes/​", "")159 binary_name = re.sub("^\\d+\\s|\\s\\d+\\s|\\s\\d+$", "", binary_name) + '.app'160 volume_path = os.path.join(volume, binary_name)161 # copy binary to a temp folder162 print('-> copying "' + volume_path + '" to "' + download_dir + '"')163 result = execute(['cp', '-rp', volume_path, download_dir])164 print('-> copy complete')165 print('-> unmounting "' + volume + '"')166 result = execute(['hdiutil', 'detach', volume])167 return os.path.join(download_dir, binary_name)168def setup_profile_directory(args):169 global is_mac_os170 if is_mac_os:171 print('- processing changes for profile directory')172 if args.real_profile:173 print('-> using real profile (`--real-profile` passed in)')174 return None175 profile_dir = tempdir('build-bisect-profile_')176 if args.use_profile:177 print('-> downloading profile: "' + args.use_profile + '"')178 try:179 filename = os.path.basename(args.use_profile)180 query_string_index = filename.find('?')181 if query_string_index > -1:182 filename = filename[0:query_string_index]183 download_path = os.path.join(profile_dir, filename)184 download('profile', args.use_profile, download_path)185 if filename.endswith('.zip'):186 print('-> unzipping to ' + profile_dir)187 extract_zip(download_path, profile_dir)188 except Exception as e:189 print('whoops- ' + str(e))190 print('-> using profile directory: "' + profile_dir + '"')191 return profile_dir192def get_run_cmd(install_path, profile_dir):193 global is_mac_os194 if is_mac_os:195 run_cmd = ['open', '-a', install_path]196 run_params = []197 if profile_dir:198 run_params = ['--args', '--user-data-dir=' + profile_dir]199 return run_cmd + run_params200def test_version(args, attempt, tag):201 global tag_names202 # get the OS specific installer203 asset = None204 while len(tag_names) > 0 and not asset:205 print('\nattempt ' + str(attempt) + '] getting installer for "' + tag +206 '" (release id ' + str(releases[tag]['id']) + ')')207 asset = get_release_asset(tag)208 if not asset:209 return False210 if not args.demo_mode:211 download_dir = tempdir('build-bisect_')212 download_path = os.path.join(download_dir, asset['name'])213 print('- downloading to ' + download_path)214 download(tag, asset['browser_download_url'], download_path)215 install_path = install(download_dir, download_path)216 profile_dir = setup_profile_directory(args)217 print('- running binary')218 run_cmd = get_run_cmd(install_path, profile_dir)219 execute(run_cmd)220 first = True221 while True:222 if not first:223 print('please type either `y` for yes or `n` for no!')224 answer = raw_input('Did this version work?: y/​n\n')225 first = False226 if answer == 'y' or answer == 'n':227 break228 return answer == 'y'229def get_github_token():230 github_token = get_env_var('GITHUB_TOKEN')231 if len(github_token) == 0:232 result = execute(['npm', 'config', 'get', 'BRAVE_GITHUB_TOKEN']).strip()233 if result == 'undefined':234 raise Exception('`BRAVE_GITHUB_TOKEN` value not found!')235 return result236 else:237 return github_token238def get_nearest_index(version, index_to_get, default):239 global tag_names240 try:241 return tag_names.index(version)242 except Exception as e:243 print('- value "' + version + '" not found. ' + str(e))244 versions = version.split('.')245 if len(versions) != 3:246 return default247 versions.pop()248 results = [i for i in tag_names if i.startswith('.'.join(versions) + '.')]249 if len(results) == 0:250 return default251 print('-> using "' + results[index_to_get])252 return tag_names.index(results[index_to_get])253def find_first_broken_version(args):254 global tag_names255 print('bisecting: total of ' + str(len(tag_names)) + ' versions in search set')256 left_index = 0257 right_index = len(tag_names) - 1258 if left_index >= right_index:259 raise Exception('[ERROR] Not enough versions to perform search')260 if args.good:261 left_index = get_nearest_index(args.good, 0, left_index)262 if left_index == 0:263 args.good = None264 else:265 print('- starting at ' + tag_names[left_index])266 if args.bad:267 right_index = get_nearest_index(args.bad, -1, right_index)268 if right_index == len(tag_names) - 1:269 args.bad = None270 else:271 print('- ending at ' + tag_names[right_index])272 if args.good or args.bad:273 print('- search set narrowed down to ' + str(right_index - left_index) +274 ' versions using provided good/​bad version(s)')275 attempt_number = 1276 # left should be working277 if not args.good:278 left_tag = tag_names[left_index]279 result = test_version(args, attempt_number, left_tag)280 attempt_number = attempt_number + 1281 if result is False:282 raise Exception('[ERROR] Version "' + left_tag + '" is expected to work but doesn\'t')283 # right should be NOT working284 if not args.bad:285 right_tag = tag_names[right_index]286 result = test_version(args, attempt_number, right_tag)287 attempt_number = attempt_number + 1288 if result is True:289 raise Exception('[ERROR] Version "' + right_tag + '" is expected to fail but doesn\'t')290 # perform search291 works_from = left_index292 fails_at = right_index293 while (fails_at - works_from) > 1:294 test_index = int(math.floor((left_index + right_index) /​ 2))295 test_tag = tag_names[test_index]296 if args.verbose:297 print('\n[DEBUG]' +298 '\nworks_from=' + tag_names[works_from] + ' (' + str(works_from) + ')' +299 '\nfails_at=' + tag_names[fails_at] + ' (' + str(fails_at) + ')' +300 '\nleft_index=' + tag_names[left_index] + ' (' + str(left_index) + ')' +301 '\nright_index=' + tag_names[right_index] + ' (' + str(right_index) + ')' +302 '\ntest_index=' + tag_names[test_index] + ' (' + str(test_index) + ')' +303 '\ngap=' + str(fails_at - works_from))304 result = test_version(args, attempt_number, test_tag)305 if left_index == right_index:306 if result:307 return tag_names[fails_at], attempt_number308 return test_tag, attempt_number309 if result:310 works_from = max(test_index, works_from)311 left_index = test_index + 1312 else:313 fails_at = min(test_index, fails_at)314 right_index = test_index - 1315 attempt_number = attempt_number + 1316 return tag_names[test_index], attempt_number317def main():318 global tag_names319 supported_platforms = ['Darwin']320 if platform.system() not in supported_platforms:321 print('Error: Platform \'{}\' not supported; acceptable platform(s): {}'322 .format(platform.system(), ", ".join(supported_platforms)))323 exit(1)324 args = parse_args()325 if args.real_profile and args.use_profile:326 print('[ERROR] you can\'t use both `--fresh-profile` AND `--use-profile` at the same time.')327 return 1328 github_token = get_github_token()329 repo = GitHub(github_token).repos(BRAVE_REPO)330 get_releases(repo)331 tag_names.sort(key=lambda s: map(int, s.split('.')))332 filter_releases(args)333 first_broken_version, attempts = find_first_broken_version(args)334 print('DONE: issue first appeared in "' + str(first_broken_version) + '" (found in ' + str(attempts) + ' attempts)')335 try:336 broken_index = tag_names.index(first_broken_version)337 if broken_index > 0:338 previous_release = tag_names[broken_index - 1]339 versions = 'v' + previous_release + '..v' + first_broken_version340 if args.verbose:341 print('[INFO] finding commits using "git log --pretty=oneline ' + versions + '"')342 commits = execute(['git', 'log', '--pretty=oneline', versions]).strip()343 commit_lines = commits.split('\n')344 print('Commits specific to tag "v' + first_broken_version + '" (' + str(len(commit_lines)) + ' commit(s)):')345 print(commits)346 except Exception as e:347 print('[ERROR] ' + str(e))348if __name__ == '__main__':349 import sys...

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1""" bot that takes produces a fingerprint with the current browser and . """2import os3from config import FIREFOX_VERSION4from config import GECKODRIVER_VERSION5from config import RESOURCE_FOLDER6from config import FIREFOX_DIR7from config import GECKODRIVER_DIR8from config import FIREFOX_URL9from config import GECKODRIVER_URL10from config import FIREFOX_BINARY11from config import GECKODRIVER_BINARY12from config import USE_NIGHTLY13from config import IS_MAC_OS14import pdb15def does_exist(file_with_path):16 """Checks if a file exists """17 return os.path.isfile(file_with_path)18def set_up_firefox():19 """ Downloads Firefox """20 print("Downloading Firefox {}".format(FIREFOX_VERSION))21 22 OS_STRING = "mac" if IS_MAC_OS else "linux-x86_64"23 fx_url = FIREFOX_URL.format(FIREFOX_VERSION, OS_STRING)24 25 if USE_NIGHTLY and IS_MAC_OS:26 status = os.system("wget https:/​/​​v1/​task/​EPaShNEQTYaBrJYpULyxwg/​runs/​0/​artifacts/​public/​build/​target.dmg")27 if status != 0:28 raise Exception("Could not download Firefox Nightly.")29 os.system("hdiutil attach -nobrowse -mountpoint /​Volumes/​firefox-tmp target.dmg")30 elif USE_NIGHTLY:31 status = os.system("wget https:/​/​​v1/​task/​HYGMEM_UT06yMsOpWtHyVQ/​runs/​0/​artifacts/​public/​build/​target.tar.bz2")32 if status != 0:33 raise Exception("Could not download Firefox Nightly.")34 os.system("tar jxf target.tar.bz2")35 elif IS_MAC_OS:36 status = os.system("wget -O target.dmg {}".format(fx_url))37 if status != 0:38 raise Exception("Could not download Firefox.")39 os.system("hdiutil attach -nobrowse -mountpoint /​Volumes/​firefox-tmp target.dmg")40 else:41 status = os.system("wget -O target.tar.bz2 {}".format(fx_url))42 if status != 0:43 raise Exception("Could not download Firefox.")44 os.system("tar jxf target.tar.bz2")45 46 path = os.path.join(FIREFOX_DIR, FIREFOX_VERSION)47 os.system("mkdir {}".format(path))48 49 if USE_NIGHTLY and IS_MAC_OS:50 os.system("cp -r /​Volumes/​firefox-tmp/​ {}/​".format(path))51 os.system("hdiutil detach /​Volumes/​firefox-tmp")52 os.system("rm target.dmg")53 elif USE_NIGHTLY:54 os.system("mv firefox {}/​firefox".format(path))55 os.system("rm target.tar.bz2")56 elif IS_MAC_OS:57 os.system("cp -r /​Volumes/​firefox-tmp/​ {}/​".format(path))58 os.system("hdiutil detach /​Volumes/​firefox-tmp")59 os.system("rm target.dmg")60 else:61 print(path)62 os.system("mv firefox {}/​firefox".format(path))63 os.system("rm target.tar.bz2")64def set_up_geckodriver():65 """ Downloads the files Geckodriver """66 print("Downloading Geckodriver {}".format(GECKODRIVER_VERSION))67 OS_STRING = "macos" if IS_MAC_OS else "linux64"68 69 geckodriver_url = GECKODRIVER_URL.format(GECKODRIVER_VERSION, OS_STRING)70 status = os.system("wget -O geckodriver.tar.gz {}".format(geckodriver_url))71 #if status != 0:72 # raise Exception("Could not download Geckodriver.")73 74 75 path = os.path.join(GECKODRIVER_DIR, GECKODRIVER_VERSION)76 os.system("mkdir {}".format(path))77 os.system("tar -C {} -xzf geckodriver.tar.gz".format(path))78 # also introduce commad to move geckodriver to the correct path79 os.system("rm geckodriver.tar.gz")80def set_up_environment():81 if not does_exist(FIREFOX_BINARY):82 set_up_firefox()83 84 if not does_exist(GECKODRIVER_BINARY):...

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