How to use format_windows_path method in localstack

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...352 dns_str = '--dns="%s"' % dns if dns else ''353 mount_volume = not config.LAMBDA_REMOTE_DOCKER354 lambda_cwd_on_host = Util.get_host_path_for_path_in_docker(lambda_cwd)355 if (':' in lambda_cwd and '\\' in lambda_cwd):356 lambda_cwd_on_host = Util.format_windows_path(lambda_cwd_on_host)357 mount_volume_str = '-v "%s":/​var/​task' % lambda_cwd_on_host if mount_volume else ''358 # Create and start the container359 LOG.debug('Creating container: %s' % container_name)360 cmd = (361 '%s create'362 ' %s' # --rm flag363 ' --name "%s"'364 ' --entrypoint /​bin/​bash' # Load bash when it starts.365 ' %s'366 ' --interactive' # Keeps the container running bash.367 ' -e AWS_LAMBDA_EVENT_BODY="$AWS_LAMBDA_EVENT_BODY"'368 ' -e HOSTNAME="$HOSTNAME"'369 ' -e LOCALSTACK_HOSTNAME="$LOCALSTACK_HOSTNAME"'370 ' -e EDGE_PORT="$EDGE_PORT"'371 ' %s' # env_vars372 ' %s' # network373 ' %s' # dns374 ' %s'375 ) % (docker_cmd, rm_flag, container_name, mount_volume_str,376 env_vars_str, network_str, dns_str, docker_image)377 LOG.debug(cmd)378 run(cmd)379 if not mount_volume:380 LOG.debug('Copying files to container "%s" from "%s".' % (container_name, lambda_cwd))381 cmd = (382 '%s cp'383 ' "%s/​." "%s:/​var/​task"'384 ) % (docker_cmd, lambda_cwd, container_name)385 LOG.debug(cmd)386 run(cmd)387 LOG.debug('Starting container: %s' % container_name)388 cmd = '%s start %s' % (docker_cmd, container_name)389 LOG.debug(cmd)390 run(cmd)391 # give the container some time to start up392 time.sleep(1)393 # Get the entry point for the image.394 LOG.debug('Getting the entrypoint for image: %s' % (docker_image))395 cmd = (396 '%s image inspect'397 ' --format="{{ .Config.Entrypoint }}"'398 ' %s'399 ) % (docker_cmd, docker_image)400 LOG.debug(cmd)401 run_result = run(cmd)402 entry_point = run_result.strip('[]\n\r ')403 container_network = self.get_docker_container_network(func_arn)404 LOG.debug('Using entrypoint "%s" for container "%s" on network "%s".'405 % (entry_point, container_name, container_network))406 return ContainerInfo(container_name, entry_point)407 def destroy_docker_container(self, func_arn):408 """409 Stops and/​or removes a docker container for a specific lambda function ARN.410 :param func_arn: The ARN of the lambda function.411 :return: None412 """413 with self.docker_container_lock:414 status = self.get_docker_container_status(func_arn)415 docker_cmd = self._docker_cmd()416 # Get the container name and id.417 container_name = self.get_container_name(func_arn)418 if status == 1:419 LOG.debug('Stopping container: %s' % container_name)420 cmd = '%s stop -t0 %s' % (docker_cmd, container_name)421 LOG.debug(cmd)422 run(cmd, asynchronous=False, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, outfile=subprocess.PIPE)423 status = self.get_docker_container_status(func_arn)424 if status == -1:425 LOG.debug('Removing container: %s' % container_name)426 cmd = '%s rm %s' % (docker_cmd, container_name)427 LOG.debug(cmd)428 run(cmd, asynchronous=False, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, outfile=subprocess.PIPE)429 def get_all_container_names(self):430 """431 Returns a list of container names for lambda containers.432 :return: A String[] localstack docker container names for each function.433 """434 with self.docker_container_lock:435 LOG.debug('Getting all lambda containers names.')436 cmd = '%s ps -a --filter="name=localstack_lambda_*" --format "{{.Names}}"' % self._docker_cmd()437 LOG.debug(cmd)438 cmd_result = run(cmd, asynchronous=False, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, outfile=subprocess.PIPE).strip()439 if len(cmd_result) > 0:440 container_names = cmd_result.split('\n')441 else:442 container_names = []443 return container_names444 def destroy_existing_docker_containers(self):445 """446 Stops and/​or removes all lambda docker containers for localstack.447 :return: None448 """449 with self.docker_container_lock:450 container_names = self.get_all_container_names()451 LOG.debug('Removing %d containers.' % len(container_names))452 for container_name in container_names:453 cmd = '%s rm -f %s' % (self._docker_cmd(), container_name)454 LOG.debug(cmd)455 run(cmd, asynchronous=False, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, outfile=subprocess.PIPE)456 def get_docker_container_status(self, func_arn):457 """458 Determine the status of a docker container.459 :param func_arn: The ARN of the lambda function.460 :return: 1 If the container is running,461 -1 if the container exists but is not running462 0 if the container does not exist.463 """464 with self.docker_container_lock:465 # Get the container name and id.466 container_name = self.get_container_name(func_arn)467 # Check if the container is already running468 # Note: filtering by *exact* name using regex filter '^...$' seems unstable on some469 # systems. Therefore, we use a combination of filter and grep to get the results.470 cmd = ("docker ps -a --filter name='%s' "471 '--format "{{ .Status }} - {{ .Names }}" '472 '| grep -w "%s" | cat') % (container_name, container_name)473 LOG.debug('Getting status for container "%s": %s' % (container_name, cmd))474 cmd_result = run(cmd)475 # If the container doesn't exist. Create and start it.476 container_status = cmd_result.strip()477 if len(container_status) == 0:478 return 0479 if container_status.lower().startswith('up '):480 return 1481 return -1482 def get_docker_container_network(self, func_arn):483 """484 Determine the network of a docker container.485 :param func_arn: The ARN of the lambda function.486 :return: name of the container network487 """488 with self.docker_container_lock:489 status = self.get_docker_container_status(func_arn)490 # container does not exist491 if status == 0:492 return ''493 # Get the container name.494 container_name = self.get_container_name(func_arn)495 docker_cmd = self._docker_cmd()496 # Get the container network497 LOG.debug('Getting container network: %s' % container_name)498 cmd = (499 '%s inspect %s'500 ' --format "{{ .HostConfig.NetworkMode }}"'501 ) % (docker_cmd, container_name)502 LOG.debug(cmd)503 cmd_result = run(cmd, asynchronous=False, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, outfile=subprocess.PIPE)504 container_network = cmd_result.strip()505 return container_network506 def idle_container_destroyer(self):507 """508 Iterates though all the lambda containers and destroys any container that has509 been inactive for longer than MAX_CONTAINER_IDLE_TIME_MS.510 :return: None511 """512'Checking if there are idle containers.')513 current_time = int(time.time() * 1000)514 for func_arn, last_run_time in dict(self.function_invoke_times).items():515 duration = current_time - last_run_time516 # not enough idle time has passed517 if duration < MAX_CONTAINER_IDLE_TIME_MS:518 continue519 # container has been idle, destroy it.520 self.destroy_docker_container(func_arn)521 def start_idle_container_destroyer_interval(self):522 """523 Starts a repeating timer that triggers start_idle_container_destroyer_interval every 60 seconds.524 Thus checking for idle containers and destroying them.525 :return: None526 """527 self.idle_container_destroyer()528 threading.Timer(60.0, self.start_idle_container_destroyer_interval).start()529 def get_container_name(self, func_arn):530 """531 Given a function ARN, returns a valid docker container name.532 :param func_arn: The ARN of the lambda function.533 :return: A docker compatible name for the arn.534 """535 return 'localstack_lambda_' + re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_.-]', '_', func_arn)536class LambdaExecutorSeparateContainers(LambdaExecutorContainers):537 def __init__(self):538 super(LambdaExecutorSeparateContainers, self).__init__()539 self.max_port = LAMBDA_API_UNIQUE_PORTS540 self.port_offset = LAMBDA_API_PORT_OFFSET541 def prepare_event(self, environment, event_body):542 # Tell Lambci to use STDIN for the event543 environment['DOCKER_LAMBDA_USE_STDIN'] = '1'544 return event_body.encode()545 def prepare_execution(self, func_arn, env_vars, runtime, command, handler, lambda_cwd):546 entrypoint = ''547 if command:548 entrypoint = ' --entrypoint ""'549 else:550 command = '"%s"' % handler551 # add Docker Lambda env vars552 network = config.LAMBDA_DOCKER_NETWORK553 network_str = '--network="%s"' % network if network else ''554 if network == 'host':555 port = get_free_tcp_port()556 env_vars['DOCKER_LAMBDA_API_PORT'] = port557 env_vars['DOCKER_LAMBDA_RUNTIME_PORT'] = port558 dns = config.LAMBDA_DOCKER_DNS559 dns_str = '--dns="%s"' % dns if dns else ''560 env_vars_string = ' '.join(['-e {}="${}"'.format(k, k) for (k, v) in env_vars.items()])561 debug_docker_java_port = '-p {p}:{p}'.format(p=Util.debug_java_port) if Util.debug_java_port else ''562 docker_cmd = self._docker_cmd()563 docker_image = Util.docker_image_for_runtime(runtime)564 rm_flag = Util.get_docker_remove_flag()565 if config.LAMBDA_REMOTE_DOCKER:566 cmd = (567 'CONTAINER_ID="$(%s create -i'568 ' %s' # entrypoint569 ' %s' # debug_docker_java_port570 ' %s' # env571 ' %s' # network572 ' %s' # dns573 ' %s' # --rm flag574 ' %s %s' # image and command575 ')";'576 '%s cp "%s/​." "$CONTAINER_ID:/​var/​task"; '577 '%s start -ai "$CONTAINER_ID";'578 ) % (docker_cmd, entrypoint, debug_docker_java_port,579 env_vars_string, network_str, dns_str, rm_flag,580 docker_image, command,581 docker_cmd, lambda_cwd,582 docker_cmd)583 else:584 lambda_cwd_on_host = Util.get_host_path_for_path_in_docker(lambda_cwd)585 cmd = (586 '%s run -i'587 ' %s -v "%s":/​var/​task'588 ' %s'589 ' %s' # network590 ' %s' # dns591 ' %s' # --rm flag592 ' %s %s'593 ) % (docker_cmd, entrypoint, lambda_cwd_on_host, env_vars_string,594 network_str, dns_str, rm_flag, docker_image, command)595 return cmd596class LambdaExecutorLocal(LambdaExecutor):597 def _execute(self, func_arn, func_details, event, context=None, version=None):598 lambda_cwd = func_details.cwd599 environment = self._prepare_environment(func_details)600 # execute the Lambda function in a forked sub-process, sync result via queue601 queue = Queue()602 lambda_function = func_details.function(version)603 def do_execute():604 # now we're executing in the child process, safe to change CWD and ENV605 path_before = sys.path606 try:607 if lambda_cwd:608 os.chdir(lambda_cwd)609 sys.path = [lambda_cwd] + sys.path610 if environment:611 os.environ.update(environment)612 result = lambda_function(event, context)613 queue.put(result)614 finally:615 sys.path = path_before616 process = Process(target=do_execute)617 with CaptureOutput() as c:618 result = queue.get()620 # Make sure to keep the log line below, to ensure the log stream gets created621 log_output = 'START: Lambda %s started via "local" executor ...' % func_arn622 # TODO: Interweaving stdout/​stderr currently not supported623 for stream in (c.stdout(), c.stderr()):624 if stream:625 log_output += ('\n' if log_output else '') + stream626 # store logs to CloudWatch627 _store_logs(func_details, log_output)628 return result629 def execute_java_lambda(self, event, context, main_file, func_details=None):630 handler = func_details.handler631 opts = config.LAMBDA_JAVA_OPTS if config.LAMBDA_JAVA_OPTS else ''632 event_file = EVENT_FILE_PATTERN.replace('*', short_uid())633 save_file(event_file, json.dumps(json_safe(event)))634 TMP_FILES.append(event_file)635 class_name = handler.split('::')[0]636 classpath = '%s:%s:%s' % (main_file, Util.get_java_classpath(main_file), LAMBDA_EXECUTOR_JAR)637 cmd = 'java %s -cp %s %s %s %s' % (opts, classpath, LAMBDA_EXECUTOR_CLASS, class_name, event_file)638 LOG.warning(cmd)639 result = self.run_lambda_executor(cmd, func_details=func_details)640 return result641class Util:642 debug_java_port = False643 @classmethod644 def get_java_opts(cls):645 opts = config.LAMBDA_JAVA_OPTS or ''646 # Replace _debug_port_ with a random free port647 if '_debug_port_' in opts:648 if not cls.debug_java_port:649 cls.debug_java_port = get_free_tcp_port()650 opts = opts.replace('_debug_port_', ('%s' % cls.debug_java_port))651 else:652 # Parse the debug port from opts653 m = re.match('.*address=(.+:)?(\\d+).*', opts)654 if m is not None:655 cls.debug_java_port = m.groups()[1]656 return opts657 @classmethod658 def get_host_path_for_path_in_docker(cls, path):659 return re.sub(r'^%s/​(.*)$' % config.TMP_FOLDER,660 r'%s/​\1' % config.HOST_TMP_FOLDER, path)661 @classmethod662 def format_windows_path(cls, path):663 temp = path.replace(':', '').replace('\\', '/​')664 if len(temp) >= 1 and temp[:1] != '/​':665 temp = '/​' + temp666 temp = '%s%s' % (config.WINDOWS_DOCKER_MOUNT_PREFIX, temp)667 return temp668 @classmethod669 def docker_image_for_runtime(cls, runtime):670 docker_tag = runtime671 docker_image = config.LAMBDA_CONTAINER_REGISTRY672 # TODO: remove prefix once execution issues are fixed with dotnetcore/​python lambdas673 # See https:/​/​​lambci/​docker-lambda/​pull/​218674 lambdas_to_add_prefix = ['dotnetcore2.0', 'dotnetcore2.1', 'python2.7', 'python3.6', 'python3.7']675 if docker_image == 'lambci/​lambda' and any(img in docker_tag for img in lambdas_to_add_prefix):676 docker_tag = '20191117-%s' % docker_tag...

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