How to use fix_placeholders method in localstack

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...114 if resp.status_code != 200:115 return ManifestResource.error_response(116 resp.status_code, resp.error_message)117 # found it! replace hostname, adjust other stuff118 fixed_manif_string = self.fix_placeholders(119 resp.manifest_str,120 service_info,121 )122 # save it back to resp obj to jsonify123 resp.manifest_str = fixed_manif_string124 # save in filesys cache125 self.save_to_filecache_as_string(manifest_id, resp.manifest_str)126 # return manifest127 return resp.manifest_obj, 200128 def parse_id(self, manifest_id):129 try:130 source, doc_id = manifest_id.split(131 app.config['HX_MANIFEST_ID_SEPARATOR_IN_URL'])132 except Exception:133 return (None, None, None)134 else:135 # internal manifest_id136 mid = '{}{}{}'.format(137 source,138 app.config['HX_MANIFEST_ID_SEPARATOR_IN_HXPREZI'],139 doc_id)140 if source in app.config['PROXIES']:141 return (source, doc_id, mid)142 else:143 return ('hx', mid, mid)144 @classmethod145 def error_response(cls, code, msg):146 return {147 'error_code': code,148 'error_message': msg,149 }150 def get_service_info(self, source):151 if source in app.config['PROXIES']:152 return app.config['PROXIES'][source]153 else:154 return None155 def make_url_for_service(self, doc_id, service_info):156 service_url = 'https:/​/​{0}/​{1}/​{2}{3}'.format(157 service_info['manifests']['hostname'],158 service_info['manifests']['path'],159 service_info['manifests']['id_prefix'],160 doc_id,161 )162 return service_url163 def fetch_from_service(self, service_url):164 """ http request the manifest from 3rd party service (proxy)."""165 try:166 r = requests.get(service_url, timeout=REQUEST_TIMEOUT_IN_SEC)167 except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:168 status_code = 503169 emsg = 'unable to fetch manifest from ({0}) - {1}'.format(170 service_url, e)171 return ManifestResourceResponse(503, error_message=emsg)172 if r.status_code != 200:173 emsg = 'error fetching manifest from ({0}) - {1}'.format(174 service_url, r.status_code)175 return ManifestResourceResponse(r.status_code, error_message=emsg)176 try:177 response = r.json()178 except ValueError as e:179 emsg = 'error decoding json response from ({0}) - {1}'.format(180 service_url, e)181 status_code = 502182 return ManifestResource.error_response(502, emsg)183 return ManifestResourceResponse(200, json_as_object=response)184 def fetch_from_file(self, doc_id, from_cache=False):185 """ load the manifest from local filesys; implies an hx manifest."""186 if from_cache:187 basedir = app.config['LOCAL_MANIFESTS_CACHE_DIR']188 else:189 basedir = app.config['LOCAL_MANIFESTS_SOURCE_DIR']190 manifest_as_json_string = None191 manifest_path = os.path.join(basedir, '{0}.json'.format(doc_id))192 logging.getLogger(__name__).debug(193 '********** manifest_path {}'.format(manifest_path))194 if os.path.exists(manifest_path) \195 and os.path.isfile(manifest_path) \196 and os.access(manifest_path, os.R_OK):197 with open(manifest_path, 'r') as fd:198 manifest_as_json_string = if manifest_as_json_string is None:200 response = ManifestResourceResponse(201 404, # not found202 error_message='local manifest ({0}) not found'.format(doc_id))203 else:204 response = ManifestResourceResponse(205 200, json_as_string=manifest_as_json_string)206 return response207 def save_to_filecache_as_string(self, doc_id, manifest_string):208 """ save manifest string to filesys as hx source.209 once saved, we don't fetch it from 3rd party anymore.210 """211 manifest_path = os.path.join(212 app.config['LOCAL_MANIFESTS_CACHE_DIR'],213 '{0}.json'.format(doc_id))214 with open(manifest_path, 'w') as fd:215 fd.write(manifest_string)216 def fix_placeholders(217 self, json_string, service_info):218 # replace placeholders that point to hostnames that we are proxying!219 response_string = json_string.replace(220 service_info['manifests']['placeholder'],221 app.config['HX_SERVERS']['manifests']['hostname'],222 )223 response_string = response_string.replace(224 service_info['images']['placeholder'],225 app.config['HX_SERVERS']['images']['hostname'],226 )227 if app.config['HX_REPLACE_HTTPS']:228 response_string = response_string.replace('https:', 'http:')229 return response_string230 def fix_local_service_context(self, manifest_obj):...

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...8from dxs import paths9system_config_path = paths.config_path /​ "system_config.yaml"10with open(system_config_path, "r") as f:11 system_config = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)12def fix_placeholders(config, placeholders=None):13 if placeholders is None:14 placeholders = {}15 print("placeholders", placeholders)16 for k, v in config.items():17 if type(v) is str:18 if "@" in v:19 spl = v.split("/​")20 rpl = [placeholders[x[1:]] if "@" in x else x for x in spl]21 join = Path(*tuple(rpl))22 config[k] = str(join)23 if "$" in v:24 print("in dollar rplace")25 for pl_k, pl_v in placeholders.items():26 if not pl_k.startswith("$"):27 continue28 if pl_k in v:29 v = v.replace(pl_k, pl_v)30 config[k] = v31 placeholders[k] = config[k]32 elif isinstance(v,dict):33 config[k] = fix_placeholders(v, placeholders=placeholders)34 return config35def read_run_config(run_config_path, placeholders=None):36 with open(run_config_path, "r") as f:37 run_config = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)38 run_config = fix_placeholders(run_config, placeholders=placeholders)39 for k, v in run_config.get("kwargs", {}).items():40 if v == "None":41 run_config["kwargs"][k] = None42 return run_config43 44 45if __name__ == "__main__":46 parser = ArgumentParser()47 parser.add_argument(48 "-c", "--config", action="store", required=True, 49 help="config required. see dxs/​runner/​blank_config.yaml for an example")50 args = parser.parse_args()51 52 datestr ="%y%m%d")...

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...15 16 active.append(names[i])17def visual_name(interactions, name):18 return f":{interactions[name]['emoji']}: [b blue]{name}[/​]"19def fix_placeholders(interactions, s, a, b=None, c=None):20 s = s.replace("<$A$>", visual_name(interactions, a))21 if b:22 s = s.replace("<$B$>", visual_name(interactions, b))23 if c:24 s = s.replace("<$C$>", visual_name(interactions, c))25 return s26if __name__ == '__main__':27 console = Console(highlight=False)28 with open(f'{__file__.rstrip("")}/​interactions.json', 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f:29 interactions = json.loads( names = list(interactions.keys())31 active = []32 activate_dwarf(names, active)33 activate_dwarf(names, active)34 35 i = 036 while len(active) > 0:37 console.print(f"[green][ {', '.join([visual_name(interactions, name) for name in active])} ][/​]\n")38 match (ORDER[i], len(active)):39 case (_, 1): # Only one dwarf remaining40 console.print(fix_placeholders(interactions, interactions[active[-1]]["last"], active[-1]))41 del active[0]42 case (0, _): # Remove a dwarf43 console.print(fix_placeholders(interactions, interactions[active[-2]]["remove"], active[-2], active[-1]))44 del active[-2]45 case (1, _): # Add a dwarf46 activate_dwarf(names, active)47 console.print(fix_placeholders(interactions, interactions[active[-3]]["add"], active[-3], active[-2], active[-1]))48 console.print("[yellow]-------------------------------------------[/​]")...

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