Best Python code snippet using localstack_python
...771 or (self.what == "1234" and (myString in "1234")) \772 or (self.what == "CURR"):773 if ((self.getLength() + len(myString)) <= self.limit):774 super(JTextFieldLimitYN, self).insertString(myOffset, myString, myAttr) # noqa775def fix_delimiter( theDelimiter ):776 try:777 if sys.version_info.major >= 3: return theDelimiter778 if sys.version_info.major < 2: return str(theDelimiter)779 if sys.version_info.minor > 7: return theDelimiter780 if sys.version_info.minor < 7: return str(theDelimiter)781 if sys.version_info.micro >= 2: return theDelimiter782 except:783 pass784 return str( theDelimiter )785def get_StuWareSoftSystems_parameters_from_file():786 global debug, myParameters, lPickle_version_warning, version_build, _resetParameters # noqa787 myPrint("D", "In ", inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name, "()" )788 if _resetParameters:789 myPrint("B", "User has specified to reset parameters... keeping defaults and skipping pickle()")790 myParameters = {}791 return792 myFile = "StuWareSoftSystems.dict"793 old_dict_filename = os.path.join("..", myFile)794 # Pickle was originally encrypted, no need, migrating to unencrypted795 migratedFilename = os.path.join(moneydance_data.getRootFolder().getAbsolutePath(),myFile)796 myPrint("DB", "Now checking for parameter file:", migratedFilename)797 if os.path.exists( migratedFilename ):798 myPrint("DB", "loading parameters from non-encrypted Pickle file:", migratedFilename)799 myPrint("DB", "Parameter file", migratedFilename, "exists..")800 # Open the file801 try:802 istr = FileInputStream(migratedFilename)803 load_file = FileUtil.wrap(istr)804 # noinspection PyTypeChecker805 myParameters = pickle.load(load_file)806 load_file.close()807 except FileNotFoundException:808 myPrint("B", "Error: failed to find parameter file...")809 myParameters = None810 except EOFError:811 myPrint("B", "Error: reached EOF on parameter file....")812 myParameters = None813 except:814 myPrint("B","Error opening Pickle File (will try encrypted version) - Unexpected error ", sys.exc_info()[0])815 myPrint("B","Error opening Pickle File (will try encrypted version) - Unexpected error ", sys.exc_info()[1])816 myPrint("B","Error opening Pickle File (will try encrypted version) - Line Number: ", sys.exc_info()[2].tb_lineno)817 # OK, so perhaps from older version - encrypted, try to read818 try:819 local_storage = moneydance.getCurrentAccountBook().getLocalStorage()820 istr = local_storage.openFileForReading(old_dict_filename)821 load_file = FileUtil.wrap(istr)822 # noinspection PyTypeChecker823 myParameters = pickle.load(load_file)824 load_file.close()825 myPrint("B","Success loading Encrypted Pickle file - will migrate to non encrypted")826 lPickle_version_warning = True827 except:828 myPrint("B","Opening Encrypted Pickle File - Unexpected error ", sys.exc_info()[0])829 myPrint("B","Opening Encrypted Pickle File - Unexpected error ", sys.exc_info()[1])830 myPrint("B","Error opening Pickle File - Line Number: ", sys.exc_info()[2].tb_lineno)831 myPrint("B", "Error: Pickle.load() failed.... Is this a restored dataset? Will ignore saved parameters, and create a new file...")832 myParameters = None833 if myParameters is None:834 myParameters = {}835 myPrint("DB","Parameters did not load, will keep defaults..")836 else:837 myPrint("DB","Parameters successfully loaded from file...")838 else:839 myPrint("J", "Parameter Pickle file does not exist - will use default and create new file..")840 myPrint("D", "Parameter Pickle file does not exist - will use default and create new file..")841 myParameters = {}842 if not myParameters: return843 myPrint("DB","myParameters read from file contains...:")844 for key in sorted(myParameters.keys()):845 myPrint("DB","...variable:", key, myParameters[key])846 if myParameters.get("debug") is not None: debug = myParameters.get("debug")847 if myParameters.get("lUseMacFileChooser") is not None:848 myPrint("B", "Detected old lUseMacFileChooser parameter/variable... Will delete it...")849 myParameters.pop("lUseMacFileChooser", None) # Old variable - not used - delete from parameter file850 myPrint("DB","Parameter file loaded if present and myParameters{} dictionary set.....")851 # Now load into memory!852 load_StuWareSoftSystems_parameters_into_memory()853 return854def save_StuWareSoftSystems_parameters_to_file():855 global debug, myParameters, lPickle_version_warning, version_build856 myPrint("D", "In ", inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name, "()" )857 if myParameters is None: myParameters = {}858 # Don't forget, any parameters loaded earlier will be preserved; just add changed variables....859 myParameters["__Author"] = "Stuart Beesley - (c) StuWareSoftSystems"860 myParameters["debug"] = debug861 dump_StuWareSoftSystems_parameters_from_memory()862 myFile = "StuWareSoftSystems.dict"863 # Pickle was originally encrypted, no need, migrating to unencrypted864 migratedFilename = os.path.join(moneydance_data.getRootFolder().getAbsolutePath(),myFile)865 myPrint("DB","Will try to save parameter file:", migratedFilename)866 ostr = FileOutputStream(migratedFilename)867 myPrint("DB", "about to Pickle.dump and save parameters to unencrypted file:", migratedFilename)868 try:869 save_file = FileUtil.wrap(ostr)870 # noinspection PyTypeChecker871 pickle.dump(myParameters, save_file)872 save_file.close()873 myPrint("DB","myParameters now contains...:")874 for key in sorted(myParameters.keys()):875 myPrint("DB","...variable:", key, myParameters[key])876 except:877 myPrint("B", "Error - failed to create/write parameter file.. Ignoring and continuing.....")878 dump_sys_error_to_md_console_and_errorlog()879 return880 myPrint("DB","Parameter file written and parameters saved to disk.....")881 return882# END COMMON DEFINITIONS ###############################################################################################883# END COMMON DEFINITIONS ###############################################################################################884# END COMMON DEFINITIONS ###############################################################################################885# >>> CUSTOMISE & DO THIS FOR EACH SCRIPT886def load_StuWareSoftSystems_parameters_into_memory():887 global debug, myParameters, lPickle_version_warning, version_build888 # >>> THESE ARE THIS SCRIPT's PARAMETERS TO LOAD889 global __extract_currency_history_csv890 global lStripASCII, csvDelimiter, scriptpath, userdateformat891 global lSimplify_ECH, userdateStart_ECH, userdateEnd_ECH, hideHiddenCurrencies_ECH892 global lWriteBOMToExportFile_SWSS # noqa893 myPrint("D", "In ", inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name, "()" )894 myPrint("DB", "Loading variables into memory...")895 if myParameters is None: myParameters = {}896 if myParameters.get("__extract_currency_history_csv") is not None: __extract_currency_history_csv = myParameters.get("__extract_currency_history_csv")897 if myParameters.get("userdateformat") is not None: userdateformat = myParameters.get("userdateformat")898 if myParameters.get("lStripASCII") is not None: lStripASCII = myParameters.get("lStripASCII")899 if myParameters.get("csvDelimiter") is not None: csvDelimiter = myParameters.get("csvDelimiter")900 if myParameters.get("lSimplify_ECH") is not None: lSimplify_ECH = myParameters.get("lSimplify_ECH")901 if myParameters.get("userdateStart_ECH") is not None: userdateStart_ECH = myParameters.get("userdateStart_ECH")902 if myParameters.get("userdateEnd_ECH") is not None: userdateEnd_ECH = myParameters.get("userdateEnd_ECH")903 if myParameters.get("hideHiddenCurrencies_ECH") is not None: hideHiddenCurrencies_ECH = myParameters.get("hideHiddenCurrencies_ECH")904 if myParameters.get("lWriteBOMToExportFile_SWSS") is not None: lWriteBOMToExportFile_SWSS = myParameters.get("lWriteBOMToExportFile_SWSS") # noqa905 if myParameters.get("scriptpath") is not None:906 scriptpath = myParameters.get("scriptpath")907 if not os.path.isdir(scriptpath):908 myPrint("DB", "Warning: loaded parameter scriptpath does not appear to be a valid directory:", scriptpath, "will ignore")909 scriptpath = ""910 myPrint("DB","myParameters{} set into memory (as variables).....")911 return912# >>> CUSTOMISE & DO THIS FOR EACH SCRIPT913def dump_StuWareSoftSystems_parameters_from_memory():914 global debug, myParameters, lPickle_version_warning, version_build915 # >>> THESE ARE THIS SCRIPT's PARAMETERS TO SAVE916 global __extract_currency_history_csv917 global lStripASCII, csvDelimiter, scriptpath918 global lDisplayOnly, userdateformat919 global lSimplify_ECH, userdateStart_ECH, userdateEnd_ECH, hideHiddenCurrencies_ECH920 global lWriteBOMToExportFile_SWSS # noqa921 myPrint("D", "In ", inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name, "()" )922 # NOTE: Parameters were loaded earlier on... Preserve existing, and update any used ones...923 # (i.e. other StuWareSoftSystems programs might be sharing the same file)924 if myParameters is None: myParameters = {}925 myParameters["__extract_currency_history_csv"] = version_build926 myParameters["userdateformat"] = userdateformat927 myParameters["lStripASCII"] = lStripASCII928 myParameters["csvDelimiter"] = csvDelimiter929 myParameters["lSimplify_ECH"] = lSimplify_ECH930 myParameters["userdateStart_ECH"] = userdateStart_ECH931 myParameters["userdateEnd_ECH"] = userdateEnd_ECH932 myParameters["hideHiddenCurrencies_ECH"] = hideHiddenCurrencies_ECH933 myParameters["lWriteBOMToExportFile_SWSS"] = lWriteBOMToExportFile_SWSS934 if not lDisplayOnly and scriptpath != "" and os.path.isdir(scriptpath):935 myParameters["scriptpath"] = scriptpath936 myPrint("DB","variables dumped from memory back into myParameters{}.....")937 return938get_StuWareSoftSystems_parameters_from_file()939myPrint("DB", "DEBUG IS ON..")940# END ALL CODE COPY HERE ###############################################################################################941moneydance_ui.firstMainFrame.setStatus(">> StuWareSoftSystems - %s launching......." %(myScriptName),0)942# Create fake JFrame() so that all popups have correct Moneydance Icons etc943extract_currency_history_csv_fake_frame_ = JFrame()944if (not Platform.isMac()):945 moneydance_ui.getImages()946 extract_currency_history_csv_fake_frame_.setIconImage(MDImages.getImage(moneydance_ui.getMain().getSourceInformation().getIconResource()))947extract_currency_history_csv_fake_frame_.setUndecorated(True)948extract_currency_history_csv_fake_frame_.setVisible(False)949extract_currency_history_csv_fake_frame_.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE)950csvfilename = None951if decimalCharSep != "." and csvDelimiter == ",": csvDelimiter = ";" # Override for EU countries or where decimal point is actually a comma...952myPrint("DB", "Decimal point:", decimalCharSep, "Grouping Separator", groupingCharSep, "CSV Delimiter set to:", csvDelimiter)953sdf = SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy")954dateStrings=["dd/mm/yyyy", "mm/dd/yyyy", "yyyy/mm/dd", "yyyymmdd"]955# 1=dd/mm/yyyy, 2=mm/dd/yyyy, 3=yyyy/mm/dd, 4=yyyymmdd956label1 = JLabel("Select Output Date Format (default yyyy/mm/dd):")957user_dateformat = JComboBox(dateStrings)958if userdateformat == "%d/%m/%Y": user_dateformat.setSelectedItem("dd/mm/yyyy")959elif userdateformat == "%m/%d/%Y": user_dateformat.setSelectedItem("mm/dd/yyyy")960elif userdateformat == "%Y%m%d": user_dateformat.setSelectedItem("yyyymmdd")961else: user_dateformat.setSelectedItem("yyyy/mm/dd")962labelDateStart = JLabel("Date range start (enter as yyyy/mm/dd):")963user_selectDateStart = JDateField(CustomDateFormat("ymd"),15) # Use MD API function (not std Python)964user_selectDateStart.setDateInt(userdateStart_ECH)965labelDateEnd = JLabel("Date range end (enter as yyyy/mm/dd):")966user_selectDateEnd = JDateField(CustomDateFormat("ymd"),15) # Use MD API function (not std Python)967user_selectDateEnd.setDateInt(userdateEnd_ECH)968# user_selectDateEnd.gotoToday()969labelSimplify = JLabel("Simplify extract?")970user_selectSimplify = JCheckBox("", lSimplify_ECH)971labelHideHiddenCurrencies = JLabel("Hide Hidden Currencies?")972user_selectHideHiddenCurrencies = JCheckBox("", hideHiddenCurrencies_ECH)973label2 = JLabel("Strip non ASCII characters from CSV export?")974user_selectStripASCII = JCheckBox("", lStripASCII)975delimStrings = [";","|",","]976label3 = JLabel("Change CSV Export Delimiter from default to: ';|,'")977user_selectDELIMITER = JComboBox(delimStrings)978user_selectDELIMITER.setSelectedItem(csvDelimiter)979labelBOM = JLabel("Write BOM (Byte Order Mark) to file (helps Excel open files)?")980user_selectBOM = JCheckBox("", lWriteBOMToExportFile_SWSS)981label4 = JLabel("Turn DEBUG Verbose messages on?")982user_selectDEBUG = JCheckBox("", debug)983userFilters = JPanel(GridLayout(0, 2))984userFilters.add(label1)985userFilters.add(user_dateformat)986userFilters.add(labelDateStart)987userFilters.add(user_selectDateStart)988userFilters.add(labelDateEnd)989userFilters.add(user_selectDateEnd)990userFilters.add(labelSimplify)991userFilters.add(user_selectSimplify)992userFilters.add(labelHideHiddenCurrencies)993userFilters.add(user_selectHideHiddenCurrencies)994userFilters.add(label2)995userFilters.add(user_selectStripASCII)996userFilters.add(label3)997userFilters.add(user_selectDELIMITER)998userFilters.add(labelBOM)999userFilters.add(user_selectBOM)1000userFilters.add(label4)1001userFilters.add(user_selectDEBUG)1002lExit = False1003lDisplayOnly = False1004options = ["Abort", "CSV Export"]1005while True:1006 userAction = (JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(extract_currency_history_csv_fake_frame_, userFilters, "%s(build: %s) Set Script Parameters...."%(myScriptName,version_build),1007 JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION,1008 JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE,1009 moneydance_ui.getIcon("/com/moneydance/apps/md/view/gui/glyphs/appicon_64.png"),1010 options, options[1]))1011 if userAction != 1:1012 myPrint("B", "User Cancelled Parameter selection.. Will abort..")1013 myPopupInformationBox(extract_currency_history_csv_fake_frame_, "User Cancelled Parameter selection.. Will abort..", "PARAMETERS")1014 lDisplayOnly = False1015 lExit = True1016 break1017 if user_selectDateStart.getDateInt() <= user_selectDateEnd.getDateInt() \1018 and user_selectDateEnd.getDateInt() >= user_selectDateStart.getDateInt():1019 break # Valid date range1020 myPrint("P","Error - date range incorrect, please try again...")1021 user_selectDateStart.setForeground(Color.RED)1022 user_selectDateEnd.setForeground(Color.RED)1023 continue # Loop1024if not lExit:1025 myPrint("DB", "Parameters Captured",1026 "User Date Format:", user_dateformat.getSelectedItem(),1027 "Simplify:", user_selectSimplify.isSelected(),1028 "Hide Hidden Currencies:", user_selectHideHiddenCurrencies.isSelected(),1029 "Start date:", user_selectDateStart.getDateInt(),1030 "End date:", user_selectDateEnd.getDateInt(),1031 "Strip ASCII:", user_selectStripASCII.isSelected(),1032 "Write BOM to file:", user_selectBOM.isSelected(),1033 "Verbose Debug Messages: ", user_selectDEBUG.isSelected(),1034 "CSV File Delimiter:", user_selectDELIMITER.getSelectedItem())1035 # endif1036 if user_dateformat.getSelectedItem() == "dd/mm/yyyy": userdateformat = "%d/%m/%Y"1037 elif user_dateformat.getSelectedItem() == "mm/dd/yyyy": userdateformat = "%m/%d/%Y"1038 elif user_dateformat.getSelectedItem() == "yyyy/mm/dd": userdateformat = "%Y/%m/%d"1039 elif user_dateformat.getSelectedItem() == "yyyymmdd": userdateformat = "%Y%m%d"1040 else:1041 # PROBLEM / default1042 userdateformat = "%Y/%m/%d"1043 lSimplify_ECH = user_selectSimplify.isSelected()1044 hideHiddenCurrencies_ECH = user_selectHideHiddenCurrencies.isSelected()1045 userdateStart_ECH = user_selectDateStart.getDateInt()1046 userdateEnd_ECH = user_selectDateEnd.getDateInt()1047 lStripASCII = user_selectStripASCII.isSelected()1048 csvDelimiter = user_selectDELIMITER.getSelectedItem()1049 if csvDelimiter == "" or (not (csvDelimiter in ";|,")):1050 myPrint("B", "Invalid Delimiter:", csvDelimiter, "selected. Overriding with:','")1051 csvDelimiter = ","1052 if decimalCharSep == csvDelimiter:1053 myPrint("B", "WARNING: The CSV file delimiter:", csvDelimiter, "cannot be the same as your decimal point character:", decimalCharSep, " - Proceeding without file export!!")1054 lDisplayOnly = True1055 myPopupInformationBox(None, "ERROR - The CSV file delimiter: %s ""cannot be the same as your decimal point character: %s. "1056 "Proceeding without file export (i.e. I will do nothing)!!" %(csvDelimiter, decimalCharSep),1057 "INVALID FILE DELIMITER", theMessageType=JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE)1058 lWriteBOMToExportFile_SWSS = user_selectBOM.isSelected()1059 debug = user_selectDEBUG.isSelected()1060 myPrint("DB", "DEBUG turned ON")1061 myPrint("B","User Parameters...")1062 if lSimplify_ECH:1063 myPrint("B","Simplifying extract")1064 else:1065 myPrint("B","Providing a detailed extract")1066 myPrint("B","user date format....:", userdateformat)1067 myPrint("B", "Selected start date:", userdateStart_ECH)1068 myPrint("B", "Selected end date:", userdateEnd_ECH)1069 if hideHiddenCurrencies_ECH:1070 myPrint("B", "Hiding hidden currencies...")1071 # Now get the export filename1072 csvfilename = None1073 if not lDisplayOnly: # i.e. we have asked for a file export - so get the filename1074 if lStripASCII:1075 myPrint("B","Will strip non-ASCII characters - e.g. Currency symbols from output file...", " Using Delimiter:", csvDelimiter)1076 else:1077 myPrint("B","Non-ASCII characters will not be stripped from file: ", " Using Delimiter:", csvDelimiter)1078 if lWriteBOMToExportFile_SWSS:1079 myPrint("B", "Script will add a BOM (Byte Order Mark) to front of the extracted file...")1080 else:1081 myPrint("B", "No BOM (Byte Order Mark) will be added to the extracted file...")1082 def grabTheFile():1083 global debug, lDisplayOnly, csvfilename, lIamAMac, scriptpath, myScriptName1084 myPrint("D", "In ", inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name, "()")1085 if scriptpath == "" or scriptpath is None: # No parameter saved / loaded from disk1086 scriptpath = myDir()1087 myPrint("DB", "Default file export output path is....:", scriptpath)1088 csvfilename = ""1089 if lIamAMac:1090 myPrint("DB", "MacOS X detected: Therefore I will run FileDialog with no extension filters to get filename....")1091 # jFileChooser hangs on Mac when using file extension filters, also looks rubbish. So using Mac(ish)GUI1092 System.setProperty("", "true") # In theory prevents access to app file structure (but doesnt seem to work)1093 System.setProperty("apple.awt.fileDialogForDirectories", "false")1094 filename = FileDialog(extract_currency_history_csv_fake_frame_, "Select/Create CSV file for extract (CANCEL=NO EXPORT)")1095 filename.setMultipleMode(False)1096 filename.setMode(FileDialog.SAVE)1097 filename.setFile(extract_filename)1098 if (scriptpath is not None and scriptpath != ""): filename.setDirectory(scriptpath)1099 # Copied from MD code... File filters only work on non Macs (or Macs below certain versions)1100 if (not Platform.isOSX() or not Platform.isOSXVersionAtLeast("10.13")):1101 extfilter = ExtFilenameFilter("csv")1102 filename.setFilenameFilter(extfilter) # I'm not actually sure this works...?1103 filename.setVisible(True)1104 csvfilename = filename.getFile()1105 if (csvfilename is None) or csvfilename == "":1106 lDisplayOnly = True1107 csvfilename = None1108 myPrint("B", "User chose to cancel or no file selected >> So no Extract will be performed... ")1109 myPopupInformationBox(extract_currency_history_csv_fake_frame_,"User chose to cancel or no file selected >> So no Extract will be performed... ","FILE SELECTION")1110 elif str(csvfilename).endswith(".moneydance"):1111 myPrint("B", "User selected file:", csvfilename)1112 myPrint("B", "Sorry - User chose to use .moneydance extension - I will not allow it!... So no Extract will be performed...")1113 myPopupInformationBox(extract_currency_history_csv_fake_frame_,"Sorry - User chose to use .moneydance extension - I will not allow it!... So no Extract will be performed...","FILE SELECTION")1114 lDisplayOnly = True1115 csvfilename = None1116 elif ".moneydance" in filename.getDirectory():1117 myPrint("B", "User selected file:", filename.getDirectory(), csvfilename)1118 myPrint("B", "Sorry - FileDialog() User chose to save file in .moneydance location. NOT Good practice so I will not allow it!... So no Extract will be performed...")1119 myPopupInformationBox(extract_currency_history_csv_fake_frame_,"Sorry - FileDialog() User chose to save file in .moneydance location. NOT Good practice so I will not allow it!... So no Extract will be performed...","FILE SELECTION")1120 lDisplayOnly = True1121 csvfilename = None1122 else:1123 csvfilename = os.path.join(filename.getDirectory(), filename.getFile())1124 scriptpath = str(filename.getDirectory())1125 if not lDisplayOnly:1126 if os.path.exists(csvfilename) and os.path.isfile(csvfilename):1127 myPrint("D", "WARNING: file exists,but assuming user said OK to overwrite..")1128 if not lDisplayOnly:1129 if check_file_writable(csvfilename):1130 if lStripASCII:1131 myPrint("B", 'Will extract to file: ', csvfilename, "(NOTE: Should drop non utf8 characters...)")1132 else:1133 myPrint("B", 'Will extract to file: ', csvfilename, "...")1134 scriptpath = os.path.dirname(csvfilename)1135 else:1136 myPrint("B", "Sorry - I just checked and you do not have permissions to create this file:", csvfilename)1137 myPopupInformationBox(extract_currency_history_csv_fake_frame_,"Sorry - I just checked and you do not have permissions to create this file: %s" %csvfilename,"FILE SELECTION")1138 csvfilename=""1139 lDisplayOnly = True1140 return1141 # enddef1142 if not lDisplayOnly: grabTheFile()1143 else:1144 pass1145 # endif1146 if csvfilename is None:1147 lDisplayOnly = True1148 myPrint("B", "No Export will be performed")1149 if not lDisplayOnly:1150 save_StuWareSoftSystems_parameters_to_file()1151 myPrint("P", "\nScript running to extract your currency rate history....")1152 myPrint("P", "-------------------------------------------------------------------")1153 if moneydance_data is None:1154 myPrint("B", "MD Data file is empty - no data to scan - aborting...")1155 myPopupInformationBox(extract_currency_history_csv_fake_frame_,"MD Data file is empty - no data to scan - aborting...","EMPTY DATASET")1156 extract_currency_history_csv_fake_frame_.dispose()1157 raise(Exception("MD Data file is empty - no data to scan - aborting..."))1158 header = ["CurrencyName",1159 "CurrencyID",1160 "isBase",1161 "DecimalPlaces",1162 "Prefix",1163 "Suffix",1164 "CurrentRateR2B",1165 "CurrentRateB2R",1166 "Snap_Date",1167 "Snap_DailyRateR2B",1168 "Snap_DailyRateB2R"]1169 def list_currency_rate_history():1170 global hideHiddenCurrencies_ECH, lSimplify_ECH, userdateStart_ECH, userdateEnd_ECH1171 curr_table=[]1172 currencies = moneydance.getCurrentAccountBook().getCurrencies()1173 baseCurr = currencies.getBaseType()1174 myPrint("P","\nIterating the currency table...")1175 for curr in currencies:1176 # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences1177 if curr.getCurrencyType() != CurrencyType.Type.CURRENCY: continue # Skip if not on a Currency record (i.e. a Security)1178 if hideHiddenCurrencies_ECH and curr.getHideInUI(): continue # Skip if hidden in MD1179 myPrint("P","Currency: %s %s" %(curr, curr.getPrefix()) )1180 currSnapshots = curr.getSnapshots()1181 if not lSimplify_ECH and not len(currSnapshots) and curr == baseCurr:1182 row = []1183 row.append((curr.getName()))1184 row.append((curr.getIDString()))1185 row.append(curr == baseCurr)1186 row.append(curr.getDecimalPlaces())1187 row.append((curr.getPrefix()))1188 row.append((curr.getSuffix()))1189 row.append(1)1190 row.append(1)1191 row.append(None)1192 row.append(None)1193 row.append(None)1194 curr_table.append(row)1195 # noinspection PyUnusedLocal1196 dpc = curr.getDecimalPlaces()1197 dpc = 8 # Override to 8dpc1198 for currSnapshot in currSnapshots:1199 if currSnapshot.getDateInt() < userdateStart_ECH \1200 or currSnapshot.getDateInt() > userdateEnd_ECH:1201 continue # Skip if out of date range1202 row = []1203 row.append((curr.getName()))1204 row.append((curr.getIDString()))1205 row.append(curr == baseCurr)1206 row.append(curr.getDecimalPlaces())1207 row.append((curr.getPrefix()))1208 row.append((curr.getSuffix()))1209 row.append(round(float(curr.getParameter("rate", None)),dpc))1210 row.append(round(1/float(curr.getParameter("rate", None)),dpc))1211 # I don't print relative currency as it's supposed to always be None or = Base..1212 row.append(currSnapshot.getDateInt())1213 row.append(round(float(currSnapshot.getRate()),dpc))1214 row.append(round(1/float(currSnapshot.getRate()),dpc))1215 curr_table.append(row)1216 return curr_table1217 currencyTable = list_currency_rate_history()1218 def ExportDataToFile(theTable, header): # noqa1219 global debug, csvfilename, decimalCharSep, groupingCharSep, csvDelimiter, version_build, myScriptName1220 global sdf, userdateformat, lGlobalErrorDetected1221 global lWriteBOMToExportFile_SWSS1222 myPrint("D", "In ", inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name, "()")1223 _CURRNAME = 01224 _CURRID = 11225 _SYMB =41226 _SNAPDATE = 81227 # NOTE - You can add sep=; to beginning of file to tell Excel what delimiter you are using1228 if True:1229 theTable = sorted(theTable, key=lambda x: (str(x[_CURRNAME]).upper(),x[_SNAPDATE]))1230 myPrint("P", "Now pre-processing the file to convert integer dates to 'formatted' dates....")1231 for row in theTable:1232 try:1233 if row[_SNAPDATE]:1234 dateasdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(str(row[_SNAPDATE]),"%Y%m%d") # Convert to Date field1235 dateoutput = dateasdate.strftime(userdateformat)1236 row[_SNAPDATE] = dateoutput1237 except:1238 myPrint("B","Error on row below with curr:", row[_CURRNAME], "snap date:", row[_SNAPDATE])1239 myPrint("B",row)1240 continue1241 if lStripASCII:1242 for col in range(0, len(row)):1243 row[col] = fixFormatsStr(row[col])1244 theTable.insert(0,header) # Insert Column Headings at top of list. A bit rough and ready, not great coding, but a short list...!1245 # Write the theTable to a file1246 myPrint("B", "Opening file and writing ", len(theTable), " records")1247 try:1248 # CSV Writer will take care of special characters / delimiters within fields by wrapping in quotes that Excel will decode1249 # with open(csvfilename,"wb") as csvfile: # PY2.7 has no newline parameter so opening in binary; just use "w" and newline='' in PY3.01250 with open(csvfilename,"wb") as csvfile: # PY2.7 has no newline parameter so opening in binary; just use "w" and newline='' in PY3.01251 if lWriteBOMToExportFile_SWSS:1252 csvfile.write(codecs.BOM_UTF8) # This 'helps' Excel open file with double-click as UTF-81253 writer = csv.writer(csvfile, dialect='excel', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL, delimiter=fix_delimiter(csvDelimiter))1254 if csvDelimiter != ",":1255 writer.writerow(["sep=",""]) # Tells Excel to open file with the alternative delimiter (it will add the delimiter to this line)1256 if not lSimplify_ECH:1257 for i in range(0, len(theTable)):1258 try:1259 writer.writerow( theTable[i] )1260 except:1261 myPrint("B","Error writing row %s to file... Older Jython version?" %i)1262 myPrint("B","Row: ",theTable[i])1263 myPrint("B","Will attempt coding back to str()..... Let's see if this fails?!")1264 for _col in range(0, len(theTable[i])):1265 theTable[i][_col] = fix_delimiter(theTable[i][_col])1266 writer.writerow( theTable[i] )1267 # NEXT1268 today = Calendar.getInstance()1269 writer.writerow([""])1270 writer.writerow(["StuWareSoftSystems - " + myScriptName + "(build: "1271 + version_build1272 + ") Moneydance Python Script - Date of Extract: "1273 + str(sdf.format(today.getTime()))])1274 writer.writerow([""])1275 writer.writerow(["Dataset path/name: %s" %(moneydance_data.getRootFolder()) ])1276 writer.writerow([""])1277 writer.writerow(["User Parameters..."])1278 writer.writerow(["Simplify Extract...........: %s" %(lSimplify_ECH)])1279 writer.writerow(["Hiding Hidden Currencies...: %s" %(hideHiddenCurrencies_ECH)])1280 writer.writerow(["Date format................: %s" %(userdateformat)])1281 writer.writerow(["Date Range Selected........: "+str(userdateStart_ECH) + " to " +str(userdateEnd_ECH)])1282 else:1283 # Simplify is for my tester 'buddy' DerekKent23 - it's actually an MS Money Import format1284 lCurr = None1285 for row in theTable[1:]:1286 # Write the table, but swap in the raw numbers (rather than formatted number strings)1287 if row[_CURRNAME] != lCurr:1288 if lCurr: writer.writerow("")1289 lCurr = row[_CURRNAME]1290 writer.writerow( [fix_delimiter(row[ _CURRNAME])1291 +" - "+fix_delimiter(row[_CURRID])1292 +" - "+fix_delimiter(row[_SYMB])1293 +fix_delimiter(row[_SYMB+1])] )1294 writer.writerow(["Date","Base to Rate","Rate to Base"])1295 writer.writerow([row[_SNAPDATE],1296 row[_SNAPDATE+1],1297 row[_SNAPDATE+2]])1298 # NEXT1299 myPrint("B", "CSV file " + csvfilename + " created, records written, and file closed..")1300 except IOError, e:1301 lGlobalErrorDetected = True1302 myPrint("B", "Oh no - File IO Error!", e)1303 myPrint("B", "Path:", csvfilename)1304 myPrint("B", "!!! ERROR - No file written - sorry! (was file open, permissions etc?)".upper())1305 dump_sys_error_to_md_console_and_errorlog()1306 myPopupInformationBox(extract_currency_history_csv_fake_frame_,"Sorry - error writing to export file!", "FILE EXTRACT")1307 # enddef...
1import time2import quickfix3import quickfix444def messageToString(message):5 fix_delimiter = chr(1)6 return message.toString().replace(fix_delimiter, "|")7def securityListRequest(sessionID):8 # message = quickfix44.SecurityListRequest()10 message.setField(quickfix.SecurityReqID("TEST"))11 message.setField(quickfix.SecurityListRequestType(4)) # All securities12 return message13def marketDataRequest(sessionID):14 # message = quickfix44.MarketDataRequest()16 header = message.getHeader()17 target = sessionID.getTargetCompID().getString()18 fix_version = "FIX.4.4"19 header.setField(quickfix.BeginString(fix_version))20 header.setField(quickfix.SenderCompID(target))21 header.setField(quickfix.TargetCompID("CRYPTOCOMPARE"))22 header.setField(quickfix.MsgType("V")) # V for market data request23 message.setField(quickfix.MDReqID("TEST"))24 message.setField(quickfix.SubscriptionRequestType("0")) # snapshots25 message.setField(quickfix.MarketDepth(1)) # Top of book26 # group_md = quickfix44.MarketDataRequest().NoMDEntryTypes()28 group_md.setField(quickfix.MDEntryType("0")) # Top of book29 message.addGroup(group_md)30 group_sym = quickfix44.MarketDataRequest().NoRelatedSym()31 group_sym.setField(quickfix.Symbol("coinbase~btc~usd"))32 message.addGroup(group_sym)33 return message34class Application(quickfix.Application):35 # def onCreate(self, sessionID):37 print("onCreate:")38 self.session_id = sessionID39 target = sessionID.getTargetCompID().getString()40 sender = sessionID.getSenderCompID().getString()41 print(f"target: {target}")42 print(f"sender: {sender[:5]}...{sender[-5:]}")43 return44 def onLogon(self, sessionID):45 self.sessionID = sessionID46 print("onLogon:", f"Session ID: {self.sessionID}")47 security_list_msg = securityListRequest(sessionID)48 print("security list message:", messageToString(security_list_msg))49 message = marketDataRequest(sessionID)50 print("market data requests:", messageToString(message))51 quickfix.Session.sendToTarget(security_list_msg, sessionID)52 quickfix.Session.sendToTarget(message, sessionID)53 return54 def onLogout(self, sessionID):55 print("onLogout..")56 return57 def toAdmin(self, message, sessionID):58 print("toAdmin:", messageToString(message), '\n')59 return60 def toApp(self, message, sessionID):61 print("toApp:", messageToString(message), '\n')62 return63 def fromAdmin(self, message, sessionID):64 print("fromAdmin:", messageToString(message), '\n')65 return66 def fromApp(self, message, sessionID):67 msg = messageToString(message)68 msg_type = message.getHeader().getField(quickfix.MsgType())69 if msg_type.getString() == 'y': # if "coinbase~btc~usd" in msg.lower():71 print("fromApp: Requested security data available", '\n')72 return73 print("fromApp:", msg, '\n')74 return75 def keepAlive(self):76 while True:77 time.sleep(60)78if __name__ == "__main__":79 settings = quickfix.SessionSettings("CCFIX.ini")80 app = Application()81 storeFactory = quickfix.FileStoreFactory(settings)82 logFactory = quickfix.FileLogFactory(settings)83 initiator = quickfix.SocketInitiator(app,84 storeFactory,85 settings,86 logFactory)87 initiator.start()...
...34from push_movies import get_dataset_files5from fetch_movie_json import write_to_json_file67def fix_delimiter(old: str, new: str):8 for movie_json in get_dataset_files():9 for key in movie_json:10 if type(movie_json[key]) == str and key in ('genre', 'director', 'writer', 'stars', 'languages'):11 movie_json[key] = movie_json[key].replace(old, new)12 print("Replaced " + movie_json['movieTitle'])13 write_to_json_file(movie_json['movieTitle'], movie_json)14 15def main():16 fix_delimiter(',', ';')1718if __name__ == '__main__':
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