Best Python code snippet using localstack_python
1import pulumi_aws as aws2import json3from pulumi import ResourceOptions4def main(cluster_name, vpc_id, alb_security_group_name, ingress_cidr_blocks, app_port, load_balancer_name,5 target_group_name, listener_name, role_arn, task_definition_name, cpu, memory, container_port, container_name,6 docker_image, service_name, task_count, health_check_path, alb_subnet_ids, ecs_security_group_name,7 web_acl_association_name, domain_name, hosted_zone_id, certificate_arn, alb_logs_s3_bucket,8 ecs_subnet_ids, aws_region, ecs_log_group_name, environment, firehose_aws_bucket_arn, firehose_stream_name,9 firehose_stream_arn, account_id, ipset_id, waf_rule_name, waf_acl_name, ecs_role_name, ecs_policies_to_create,10 ecs_policies_to_attach):11 """12 Creates an ECS service that runs a specified number of tasks. An ALB sits ontop of of the ECS service. A Route5313 record is created and forwards traffic to the ALB; this component also enables HTTPS. A WAF protects the ALB.14 Security groups are configured as well to ensure proper security throughout the layers of the application.15 The ECS application runs a Docker container and is exposed over the Internet. The compute is managed by Fargate,16 so we don't have to worry about provisioning and managing servers.17 :param cluster_name: name for the ECS cluster to create18 :type cluster_name: str19 :param vpc_id: VPC id20 :type vpc_id: str21 :param alb_security_group_name: name of the security group to create22 :type alb_security_group_name: str23 :param ingress_cidr_blocks: list of IPs that can access the service24 :type ingress_cidr_blocks: list25 :param app_port: port the app will run on26 :type app_port: int27 :param load_balancer_name: name of the load balancer to create28 :type load_balancer_name: str29 :param target_group_name: name of the target group to create30 :type target_group_name: str31 :param listener_name: name of the listener on the load balancer32 :type listener_name: str33 :param role_arn: arn of the ECS task execution role34 :type role_arn: str35 :param task_definition_name: name of the ECS task definition to create36 :type task_definition_name: str37 :param cpu: CPU units38 :type cpu: str39 :param memory: Memory units40 :type memory: str41 :param container_port: port the container runs on42 :type container_port: int43 :param container_name: name of the Docker container44 :type container_name: str45 :param docker_image: name of or link to the Docker image46 :type docker_image: str47 :param service_name: name of the service to create48 :type service_name: str49 :param task_count: number of tasks to run50 :type task_count: int51 :param health_check_path: path to the health check endpoint52 :type health_check_path: str53 :param alb_subnet_ids: list of subnet IDs in which to put the ECS service54 :type alb_subnet_ids: list55 :param ecs_security_group_name: name of the security group for the ECS service56 :type ecs_security_group_name: str57 :param web_acl_association_name: name to give the Web ACL association58 :type web_acl_association_name: str59 :param domain_name: the name of the domain to associate the application to60 :type domain_name: str61 :param hosted_zone_id: ID of the hosted zone to place the Route53 record in62 :type hosted_zone_id: str63 :param certificate_arn: ARN of the SSL certificate to enable HTTPS on the domain_name64 :type certificate_arn: str65 :param alb_logs_s3_bucket: name of the S3 bucket for ALB logs66 :type alb_logs_s3_bucket: str67 :param ecs_subnet_ids: subnets for the ECS tasks68 :type ecs_subnet_ids: list69 :param aws_region: name of the aws region70 :type aws_region: str71 :param ecs_log_group_name: name of the log group72 :type ecs_log_group_name: str73 :param environment: environment variable to set in ECS task74 :type environment: str75 :param firehose_aws_bucket_arn: ARN of the AWS bucket for the Kinesis Firehose stream76 :type firehose_aws_bucket_arn: str77 :param firehose_stream_name: name of the Kinesis Firehose stream78 :type firehose_stream_name: str79 :param firehose_stream_arn: anticipated ARN of the Kinesis Firehose stream80 :type firehose_stream_arn: str81 :param account_id: owning account ID82 :type account_id: str83 :param ipset_id: ID of the IP set to use in the WAF84 :type ipset_id: str85 :param waf_rule_name: name of the WAF86 :type waf_rule_name: str87 :param waf_acl_name: name of the WAF ACL88 :type waf_acl_name: str89 :param ecs_role_name: name of the container role to create90 :type ecs_role_name: str91 :param ecs_policies_to_create: policies to create for the ECS role92 :type ecs_policies_to_create: list of tuples, with the first item in the tuple being the policy name and the second93 being the policy string94 :param ecs_policies_to_attach: ARNs of policies to attach95 :type ecs_policies_to_attach: list96 """97 firehose_role = aws.iam.Role(f"firehoseRole_{environment}", assume_role_policy="""{98 "Version": "2012-10-17",99 "Statement": [100 {101 "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",102 "Principal": {103 "Service": ""104 },105 "Effect": "Allow",106 "Sid": ""107 }108 ]109 }110 """)111 firehose_role_policy = aws.iam.RolePolicy(f"{firehose_stream_name}_role_policy",112,113 policy=f"""{{114 "Version": "2012-10-17",115 "Statement": [116 {{117 "Sid": "",118 "Effect": "Allow",119 "Action": [120 "glue:GetTable",121 "glue:GetTableVersion",122 "glue:GetTableVersions"123 ],124 "Resource": [125 "arn:aws:glue:us-west-2:{account_id}:catalog",126 "arn:aws:glue:us-west-2:{account_id}:database/%FIREHOSE_POLICY_TEMPLATE_PLACEHOLDER%",127 "arn:aws:glue:us-west-2:{account_id}:table/%FIREHOSE_POLICY_TEMPLATE_PLACEHOLDER%/%FIREHOSE_POLICY_TEMPLATE_PLACEHOLDER%"128 ]129 }},130 {{131 "Sid": "",132 "Effect": "Allow",133 "Action": [134 "s3:AbortMultipartUpload",135 "s3:GetBucketLocation",136 "s3:GetObject",137 "s3:ListBucket",138 "s3:ListBucketMultipartUploads",139 "s3:PutObject"140 ],141 "Resource": [142 "{firehose_aws_bucket_arn}",143 "{firehose_aws_bucket_arn}/*"144 ]145 }},146 {{147 "Sid": "",148 "Effect": "Allow",149 "Action": [150 "lambda:InvokeFunction",151 "lambda:GetFunctionConfiguration"152 ],153 "Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:{account_id}:function:%FIREHOSE_POLICY_TEMPLATE_PLACEHOLDER%"154 }},155 {{156 "Effect": "Allow",157 "Action": [158 "kms:GenerateDataKey",159 "kms:Decrypt"160 ],161 "Resource": [162 "arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:{account_id}:key/%FIREHOSE_POLICY_TEMPLATE_PLACEHOLDER%"163 ],164 "Condition": {{165 "StringEquals": {{166 "kms:ViaService": ""167 }},168 "StringLike": {{169 "kms:EncryptionContext:aws:s3:arn": [170 "arn:aws:s3:::%FIREHOSE_POLICY_TEMPLATE_PLACEHOLDER%/*"171 ]172 }}173 }}174 }},175 {{176 "Sid": "",177 "Effect": "Allow",178 "Action": [179 "logs:PutLogEvents"180 ],181 "Resource": [182 "arn:aws:logs:us-west-2:{account_id}:log-group:/aws/kinesisfirehose/{firehose_stream_name}:log-stream:*"183 ]184 }},185 {{186 "Sid": "",187 "Effect": "Allow",188 "Action": [189 "kinesis:DescribeStream",190 "kinesis:GetShardIterator",191 "kinesis:GetRecords",192 "kinesis:ListShards"193 ],194 "Resource": "arn:aws:kinesis:us-west-2:{account_id}:stream/%FIREHOSE_POLICY_TEMPLATE_PLACEHOLDER%"195 }},196 {{197 "Effect": "Allow",198 "Action": [199 "kms:Decrypt"200 ],201 "Resource": [202 "arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:{account_id}:key/%FIREHOSE_POLICY_TEMPLATE_PLACEHOLDER%"203 ],204 "Condition": {{205 "StringEquals": {{206 "kms:ViaService": ""207 }},208 "StringLike": {{209 "kms:EncryptionContext:aws:kinesis:arn": "arn:aws:kinesis:us-west-2:{account_id}:stream/%FIREHOSE_POLICY_TEMPLATE_PLACEHOLDER%"210 }}211 }}212 }}213 ]214 }}"""215 )216 firehose_stream = aws.kinesis.FirehoseDeliveryStream(firehose_stream_name,217 destination="s3",218 s3_configuration=219 aws.kinesis.FirehoseDeliveryStreamS3ConfigurationArgs(220 role_arn=firehose_role.arn,221 bucket_arn=firehose_aws_bucket_arn,222 buffer_size=1,223 buffer_interval=60,224 ))225 wafrule = aws.wafregional.Rule(waf_rule_name,226 name=waf_rule_name,227 metric_name=waf_rule_name,228 predicates=[aws.wafregional.RulePredicateArgs(229 data_id=ipset_id,230 negated=False,231 type="IPMatch",232 )])233 webacl = aws.wafregional.WebAcl(waf_acl_name,234 name=waf_acl_name,235 metric_name=waf_acl_name,236 default_action=aws.wafregional.WebAclDefaultActionArgs(237 type="BLOCK",238 ),239 rules=[aws.wafregional.WebAclRuleArgs(240 action=aws.wafregional.WebAclRuleActionArgs(241 type="ALLOW",242 ),243 priority=1,244,245 type="REGULAR",246 )],247 logging_configuration=aws.wafregional.WebAclLoggingConfigurationArgs(248 log_destination=aws.get_arn(arn=firehose_stream_arn).arn249 ),250 opts=ResourceOptions(depends_on=[firehose_stream, wafrule])251 )252 ecs_role = aws.iam.Role(253 ecs_role_name,254 name=ecs_role_name,255 assume_role_policy="""{256 "Version": "2012-10-17",257 "Statement": [258 {259 "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",260 "Principal": {261 "Service": ""262 },263 "Effect": "Allow",264 "Sid": ""265 }266 ]267 }268 """269 )270 policy_arns = []271 for policy in ecs_policies_to_create:272 iam_policy = aws.iam.Policy(273 policy[0],274 name=policy[0],275 policy=policy[1]276 )277 policy_arns.append(iam_policy.arn)278 for index, policy_arn in enumerate(policy_arns + ecs_policies_to_attach):279 attach = aws.iam.RolePolicyAttachment(280 f'attached_{index}_{environment}',281,282 policy_arn=policy_arn283 )284 ecs_cluster = aws.ecs.Cluster(cluster_name, name=cluster_name)285 alb_security_group = aws.ec2.SecurityGroup(alb_security_group_name,286 name=alb_security_group_name,287 vpc_id=vpc_id,288 description='Enable HTTPS access',289 ingress=[aws.ec2.SecurityGroupIngressArgs(290 protocol='tcp',291 from_port=app_port,292 to_port=app_port,293 cidr_blocks=ingress_cidr_blocks294 )],295 egress=[aws.ec2.SecurityGroupEgressArgs(296 protocol='-1',297 from_port=0,298 to_port=0,299 cidr_blocks=[''],300 )],301 )302 ecs_security_group = aws.ec2.SecurityGroup(ecs_security_group_name,303 name=ecs_security_group_name,304 vpc_id=vpc_id,305 description='Enable ALB Access',306 ingress=[307 aws.ec2.SecurityGroupIngressArgs(308 protocol='tcp',309 from_port=container_port,310 to_port=container_port,311 security_groups=[]312 )313 ],314 egress=[aws.ec2.SecurityGroupEgressArgs(315 protocol='-1',316 from_port=0,317 to_port=0,318 cidr_blocks=[''],319 )],320 )321 load_balancer =,322 name=load_balancer_name,323 security_groups=[],324 subnets=alb_subnet_ids,325 bucket=alb_logs_s3_bucket,327 prefix='alb-logs',328 enabled=True,329 ),330 )331 target_group =,332 name=target_group_name,333 port=container_port,334 protocol='HTTPS',335 target_type='ip',336 vpc_id=vpc_id,337 health_check={338 "path": f"{health_check_path}",339 "port": f"{container_port}",340 "protocol": "HTTPS"341 }342 )343 listener =,344 load_balancer_arn=load_balancer.arn,345 port=app_port,346 protocol='HTTPS',347 certificate_arn=certificate_arn,348 default_actions=[ type='forward',350 target_group_arn=target_group.arn,351 )],352 )353 web_acl_association = aws.wafregional.WebAclAssociation(web_acl_association_name,354 resource_arn=load_balancer.arn,355 route_53_record = aws.route53.Record(domain_name,357 zone_id=hosted_zone_id,358 name=domain_name,359 type="A",360 aliases=[aws.route53.RecordAliasArgs(361 name=load_balancer.dns_name,362 zone_id=load_balancer.zone_id,363 evaluate_target_health=False,364 )]365 )366 ecs_log_group = aws.cloudwatch.LogGroup(f'ecs/{ecs_log_group_name}', name=f'ecs/{ecs_log_group_name}')367 task_definition = aws.ecs.TaskDefinition(task_definition_name,368 family=task_definition_name,369 cpu=cpu,370 memory=memory,371 network_mode='awsvpc',372 requires_compatibilities=['FARGATE'],373 execution_role_arn=role_arn,374 task_role_arn=ecs_role.arn,375 container_definitions=json.dumps([{376 'name': container_name,377 'image': docker_image,378 'portMappings': [{379 'containerPort': container_port,380 'protocol': 'tcp'381 }],382 "environment": [383 {384 "name": "ENVIRONMENT",385 "value": f"{environment}"386 }387 ],388 "logConfiguration": {389 "logDriver": "awslogs",390 "options": {391 "awslogs-group": f'ecs/{ecs_log_group_name}',392 "awslogs-region": aws_region,393 "awslogs-stream-prefix": "container-"394 }395 }396 }])397 )398 ecs_service = aws.ecs.Service(service_name,399 cluster=ecs_cluster.arn,400 desired_count=task_count,401 launch_type='FARGATE',402 task_definition=task_definition.arn,403 network_configuration=aws.ecs.ServiceNetworkConfigurationArgs(404 assign_public_ip=False,405 subnets=ecs_subnet_ids,406 security_groups=[],407 ),408 load_balancers=[aws.ecs.ServiceLoadBalancerArgs(409 target_group_arn=target_group.arn,410 container_name=container_name,411 container_port=container_port,412 )],413 opts=ResourceOptions(depends_on=[listener]),...
...68 stream = {69 'HasMoreDestinations': False,70 'VersionId': '1',71 'CreateTimestamp': time.time(),72 'DeliveryStreamARN': firehose_stream_arn(stream_name),73 'DeliveryStreamStatus': 'ACTIVE',74 'DeliveryStreamName': stream_name,75 'Destinations': []76 }77 DELIVERY_STREAMS[stream_name] = stream78 if s3_destination:79 update_destination(stream_name=stream_name, destination_id=short_uid(), s3_update=s3_destination)80 return stream81def delete_stream(stream_name):82 stream = DELIVERY_STREAMS.pop(stream_name, {})83 if not stream:84 return error_not_found(stream_name)85 return {}86def get_stream(stream_name):...
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