How to use destroy_docker_container method in localstack

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...153 self.start_idle_container_destroyer_interval()154 def cleanup(self, arn=None):155 if arn:156 self.function_invoke_times.pop(arn, None)157 return self.destroy_docker_container(arn)158 self.function_invoke_times = {}159 return self.destroy_existing_docker_containers()160 def prime_docker_container(self, runtime, func_arn, env_vars, lambda_cwd):161 """162 Prepares a persistent docker container for a specific function.163 :param runtime: Lamda runtime environment. python2.7, nodejs6.10, etc.164 :param func_arn: The ARN of the lambda function.165 :param env_vars: The environment variables for the lambda.166 :param lambda_cwd: The local directory containing the code for the lambda function.167 :return: ContainerInfo class containing the container name and default entry point.168 """169 with self.docker_container_lock:170 # Get the container name and id.171 container_name = self.get_container_name(func_arn)172 LOG.debug('Priming docker container: %s' % container_name)173 status = self.get_docker_container_status(func_arn)174 # Container is not running or doesn't exist.175 if status < 1:176 # Make sure the container does not exist in any form/​state.177 self.destroy_docker_container(func_arn)178 env_vars_str = ' '.join(['-e {}={}'.format(k, cmd_quote(v)) for (k, v) in env_vars])179 # Create and start the container180 LOG.debug('Creating container: %s' % container_name)181 cmd = (182 'docker create'183 ' --name "%s"'184 ' --entrypoint /​bin/​bash' # Load bash when it starts.185 ' --interactive' # Keeps the container running bash.186 ' -e AWS_LAMBDA_EVENT_BODY="$AWS_LAMBDA_EVENT_BODY"'187 ' -e HOSTNAME="$HOSTNAME"'188 ' -e LOCALSTACK_HOSTNAME="$LOCALSTACK_HOSTNAME"'189 ' %s' # env_vars190 ' lambci/​lambda:%s'191 ) % (container_name, env_vars_str, runtime)192 LOG.debug(cmd)193 run(cmd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, outfile=subprocess.PIPE)194 LOG.debug('Copying files to container "%s" from "%s".' % (container_name, lambda_cwd))195 cmd = (196 'docker cp'197 ' "%s/​." "%s:/​var/​task"'198 ) % (lambda_cwd, container_name)199 LOG.debug(cmd)200 run(cmd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, outfile=subprocess.PIPE)201 LOG.debug('Starting container: %s' % container_name)202 cmd = 'docker start %s' % (container_name)203 LOG.debug(cmd)204 run(cmd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, outfile=subprocess.PIPE)205 # give the container some time to start up206 time.sleep(1)207 # Get the entry point for the image.208 LOG.debug('Getting the entrypoint for image: lambci/​lambda:%s' % runtime)209 cmd = (210 'docker image inspect'211 ' --format="{{ .ContainerConfig.Entrypoint }}"'212 ' lambci/​lambda:%s'213 ) % (runtime)214 LOG.debug(cmd)215 run_result = run(cmd, asynchronous=False, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, outfile=subprocess.PIPE)216 entry_point = run_result.strip('[]\n\r ')217 LOG.debug('Using entrypoint "%s" for container "%s".' % (entry_point, container_name))218 return ContainerInfo(container_name, entry_point)219 def destroy_docker_container(self, func_arn):220 """221 Stops and/​or removes a docker container for a specific lambda function ARN.222 :param func_arn: The ARN of the lambda function.223 :return: None224 """225 with self.docker_container_lock:226 status = self.get_docker_container_status(func_arn)227 # Get the container name and id.228 container_name = self.get_container_name(func_arn)229 if status == 1:230 LOG.debug('Stopping container: %s' % container_name)231 cmd = (232 'docker stop -t0 %s'233 ) % (container_name)234 LOG.debug(cmd)235 run(cmd, asynchronous=False, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, outfile=subprocess.PIPE)236 status = self.get_docker_container_status(func_arn)237 if status == -1:238 LOG.debug('Removing container: %s' % container_name)239 cmd = (240 'docker rm %s'241 ) % (container_name)242 LOG.debug(cmd)243 run(cmd, asynchronous=False, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, outfile=subprocess.PIPE)244 def get_all_container_names(self):245 """246 Returns a list of container names for lambda containers.247 :return: A String[] localstack docker container names for each function.248 """249 with self.docker_container_lock:250 LOG.debug('Getting all lambda containers names.')251 cmd = 'docker ps -a --filter="name=localstack_lambda_*" --format "{{.Names}}"'252 LOG.debug(cmd)253 cmd_result = run(cmd, asynchronous=False, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, outfile=subprocess.PIPE).strip()254 if len(cmd_result) > 0:255 container_names = cmd_result.split('\n')256 else:257 container_names = []258 return container_names259 def destroy_existing_docker_containers(self):260 """261 Stops and/​or removes all lambda docker containers for localstack.262 :return: None263 """264 with self.docker_container_lock:265 container_names = self.get_all_container_names()266 LOG.debug('Removing %d containers.' % len(container_names))267 for container_name in container_names:268 cmd = 'docker rm -f %s' % container_name269 LOG.debug(cmd)270 run(cmd, asynchronous=False, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, outfile=subprocess.PIPE)271 def get_docker_container_status(self, func_arn):272 """273 Determine the status of a docker container.274 :param func_arn: The ARN of the lambda function.275 :return: 1 If the container is running,276 -1 if the container exists but is not running277 0 if the container does not exist.278 """279 with self.docker_container_lock:280 # Get the container name and id.281 container_name = self.get_container_name(func_arn)282 # Check if the container is already running.283 LOG.debug('Getting container status: %s' % container_name)284 cmd = (285 'docker ps'286 ' -a'287 ' --filter name="%s"'288 ' --format "{{ .Status }}"'289 ) % (container_name)290 LOG.debug(cmd)291 cmd_result = run(cmd, asynchronous=False, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, outfile=subprocess.PIPE)292 # If the container doesn't exist. Create and start it.293 container_status = cmd_result.strip()294 if len(container_status) == 0:295 return 0296 if container_status.lower().startswith('up '):297 return 1298 return -1299 def idle_container_destroyer(self):300 """301 Iterates though all the lambda containers and destroys any container that has302 been inactive for longer than MAX_CONTAINER_IDLE_TIME.303 :return: None304 """305'Checking if there are idle containers.')306 current_time = time.time()307 for func_arn, last_run_time in self.function_invoke_times.items():308 duration = current_time - last_run_time309 # not enough idle time has passed310 if duration < MAX_CONTAINER_IDLE_TIME:311 continue312 # container has been idle, destroy it.313 self.destroy_docker_container(func_arn)314 def start_idle_container_destroyer_interval(self):315 """316 Starts a repeating timer that triggers start_idle_container_destroyer_interval every 60 seconds.317 Thus checking for idle containers and destroying them.318 :return: None319 """320 self.idle_container_destroyer()321 threading.Timer(60.0, self.start_idle_container_destroyer_interval).start()322 def get_container_name(self, func_arn):323 """324 Given a function ARN, returns a valid docker container name.325 :param func_arn: The ARN of the lambda function.326 :return: A docker compatible name for the arn.327 """...

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