Best Python code snippet using localstack_python
1from datetime import datetime2from flask import render_template, session3from watch import app, lock, task_pool4from watch.utils.decorate_view import *5from watch.utils.manage_message import t_link6from import execute, get_tab_columns, ping7from watch.utils.parse_args import dlm_str_to_list, get_num_str, get_offset, upper_values8@app.route('/<target>/task')9@title('Tasks')10def get_task(target):11 with lock:12 task_count = tuple(v.user_name for v in task_pool.values() if == target).count(session['user_name'])13 t = render_template('layout.html', text=f'{task_count} active tasks for {target}.')14 return t15@app.route('/<target>/wait_for_execution')16@title('SQL execution')17@template('task')18@parameters({'sql_id': ' = str'})19@period('1m')20@command('/wait')21def wait_for_execution(t):22 """Note that a query started manually from IDE will stay "executing" until you fetch all it's rows.""" \23 """ In such case "Wait for session" can be helpful."""24 if not r = execute(, "select min(sql_exec_start) from v$sql_monitor"26 " where sql_id = :sql_id and status = 'EXECUTING'"27 , t.parameters28 , 'one'29 , False)30 if not r[0]:31 return t.abort(f"SQL {t.parameters['sql_id']} Not found")32 else:33 = r[0]34 return35 r = execute(t.target36 , "select nvl(sum(case when status = 'EXECUTING' then 1 else 0 end), 0) e"37 ", nvl(sum(case when status like 'DONE%' then 1 else 0 end), 0) d"38 ", max(status) s"39 " from v$sql_monitor where sql_id = :sql_id and sql_exec_start >= :start_time"40 , {'sql_id': t.parameters['sql_id'], 'start_time':}41 , 'one'42 , False)43 if r[0] + r[1] == 0:44 return t.abort(f"SQL {t.parameters['sql_id']} Not found")45 if r[0] > 0:46 return47 if t.reply_to_message_id:48 return t.finish(r[2].lower())49 return t.finish('{} on {} is {}.'.format(t_link(f"{}/Q/{t.parameters['sql_id']}", t.parameters['sql_id'])50 , t.target51 , r[2].lower()))52@app.route('/<target>/wait_for_status')53@title('Watch status')54@template('task')55@message_type('list')56@parameters({"owner": ' = str'57 , "table": ' = str'58 , "date_column": ' = str'59 , "status_column": ' = str'60 , "status_values": ' = s1;s2;sN str'61 , "info_column": ' = i1;i2;iN str'})62@optional({"filter_column": ' = str'63 , "filter_value": ' = str'})64@period('30m')65def wait_for_status(t):66 if not t.parameters = upper_values(t.parameters)68 t.parameters['status_values'] = dlm_str_to_list(t.parameters['status_values'])69 t.parameters['info_column'] = dlm_str_to_list(t.parameters['info_column'])70 table_columns = get_tab_columns(, t.parameters['owner'], t.parameters['table'])71 for item in [t.parameters['date_column'], t.parameters['status_column']] + t.parameters['info_column']:72 if item not in table_columns.keys():73 return t.abort(f'{t.parameters["owner"]}.{t.parameters["table"]}.{item} not found.')74 if 'DATE' not in table_columns[t.parameters['date_column']]:75 return t.abort(f'{t.parameters["date_column"]} must be a date type.')76 status_type = table_columns[t.parameters['status_column']]77 if status_type != 'NUMBER' and 'CHAR' not in status_type:78 return t.abort(f'Unsupported type of {t.parameters["status_column"]} (neither number nor char).')79 if status_type == 'NUMBER':80 try:81 t.parameters['status_values'] = [int(v) for v in t.parameters['status_values']]82 except ValueError:83 return t.abort(f'All of status values ({t.parameters["status_values"]}) must be numbers.')84 t.parameters['info_column'] = {k: table_columns[k] for k in t.parameters['info_column']}85 filter_column_type = ''86 if t.optional.get('filter_column', False):87 if t.optional['filter_column'] not in table_columns.keys():88 return t.abort(f'{t.parameters["owner"]}.{t.parameters["table"]}'89 f'.{t.optional["filter_column"]} not found.')90 filter_column_type = table_columns[t.optional['filter_column']]91 if filter_column_type != 'NUMBER' and 'CHAR' not in filter_column_type:92 return t.abort(f'Unsupported type of {t.optional["filter_column"]} (neither number nor char).')93 if not t.optional.get('filter_value', False):94 return t.abort('Filter value is not set.')95 if filter_column_type == 'NUMBER':96 try:97 t.optional['filter_value'] = int(t.optional['filter_value'])98 except ValueError:99 return t.abort(f'Filter value must be a number.')100 = {'status_values': t.parameters['status_values']101 , 'status_type': status_type102 , 'start_date': t.create_date103 , 'filter_column_type': filter_column_type}104 end_date = p = {str(k): v for k, v in enumerate(['status_values'], start=1)}106 p['start_date'] =['start_date']107 p['end_date'] = end_date108 p['filter_value'] = t.optional.get('filter_value', '1')109 info_column_list = []110 for c, ct in t.parameters['info_column'].items():111 if ct == 'CLOB':112 info_column_list.append(f"cast(dbms_lob.substr({c}, 255) as varchar2(255))")113 elif 'CHAR' in ct:114 info_column_list.append(f"substr(to_char({c}), 0, 255)")115 else:116 info_column_list.append(f"to_char({c})")117 info_column_sql_text = ' || \' \' || '.join(info_column_list)118 filter_column = t.optional.get('filter_column', '\'1\'')119 r = execute(t.target120 , f"select to_char({t.parameters['date_column']}, 'hh24:mi:ss')"121 f", {info_column_sql_text}"122 f", {t.parameters['status_column']}"123 f" from {t.parameters['owner']}.{t.parameters['table']}"124 f" where {t.parameters['date_column']} >= :start_date"125 f" and {t.parameters['date_column']} < :end_date"126 f" and {'upper' if['status_type'] != 'NUMBER' else ''}"127 f"({t.parameters['status_column']})"128 f" in ({':' + ', :'.join(str(i) for i in range(1, len(['status_values']) + 1))})"129 f" and {filter_column} = :filter_value"130 , p131 , 'many'132 , False)133['start_date'] = end_date134 return t.get_message(r135 , lambda o, i: f'{i[0]} {i[1]}'.replace('<', '<').replace('>', '>')136 , lambda o: f'{o.parameters["table"]} ({})')137@app.route('/<target>/wait_for_heavy')138@title('Heavy SQL')139@template('task')140@message_type('outstanding')141@parameters({'exec_time_min': ' >= int'142 , 'temp_usage_gb': ' >= int'})143@optional({'user_name': ' like str'144 , 'ignore_user': ' like str'})145@period('5m')146@command('/heavy')147def wait_for_heavy(t):148 r = execute(t.target149 , "select username, sql_id, exec_time_min, temp_usage_gb, exec_id, sid from"150 " (select s.username, m.sql_id, to_char(round(elapsed_time / 60000000)) exec_time_min, s.sid,"151 " m.sql_id || to_char(m.sql_exec_id) || to_char(m.sql_exec_start, 'yyyymmddhh24miss') exec_id,"152 " rtrim(to_char(((nvl(sum(u.blocks), 0) * min(p.value)) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024), 'fm999990d99')"153 ", to_char(0,'fmd')) temp_usage_gb"154 " from v$session s"155 " left join v$sort_usage u on s.saddr = u.session_addr"156 " join v$parameter p on = 'db_block_size'"157 " join v$sql_monitor m on m.sid = s.sid and m.session_serial# = s.serial#"158 " where m.status = 'EXECUTING'{}{}"159 " group by s.username, m.sql_id, round(elapsed_time / 60000000), s.sid,"160 " m.sql_id || to_char(m.sql_exec_id) || to_char(m.sql_exec_start, 'yyyymmddhh24miss'))"161 " where exec_time_min >= :exec_time_min or temp_usage_gb >= :temp_usage_gb"162 .format(' and s.username like :user_name' if t.optional.get('user_name', None) else ''163 , ' and s.username not like :ignore_user' if t.optional.get('ignore_user', None) else '')164 , {**t.parameters, **t.optional}165 , 'many'166 , False)167 return t.get_message(r, lambda o, i: '{} ({}, {}) on {} is executing {} minutes and consumes {} Gb of temp space.'168 .format(t_link(f'{}/Q/{i[1]}', i[1]), i[5], i[0],, i[2], i[3]), None, 4)169@app.route('/<target>/wait_for_temp')170@title('Temp usage')171@template('task')172@message_type('outstanding')173@parameters({'pct_used': ' >= int'})174@period('10m')175@command('/temp')176def wait_for_temp(t):177 """Notification will be sent again only when the threshold be crossed."""178 r = execute(t.target179 , "select tablespace_name, to_char(round((used_blocks / total_blocks) * 100)) pct_used"180 " from v$sort_segment"181 " where round((used_blocks / total_blocks) * 100) >= :pct_used"182 , t.parameters183 , 'many'184 , False)185 return t.get_message(r, lambda o, i: f'Tablespace {i[0]} on {} is {i[1]}% used.', None, 0)186@app.route('/<target>/wait_for_expiry')187@title('Expired users')188@template('task')189@message_type('outstanding')190@parameters({'expires_in_days': ' >= int'})191@period('1d')192@command('/exp')193def wait_for_expiry(t):194 r = execute(t.target195 , "select username, to_char(expiry_date, ' hh24:mi:ss') exp"196 " from dba_users"197 " where expiry_date between sysdate and sysdate + :expires_in_days"198 , t.parameters199 , 'many'200 , False)201 return t.get_message(r, lambda o, i: f'User account {i[0]} on {} expires at {i[1]}.', None, 0)202@app.route('/<target>/wait_for_uncommitted')203@title('Uncommitted trans')204@template('task')205@message_type('outstanding')206@parameters({'idle_time_minutes': ' >= int'})207@optional({'ignore_tables': ' like str'})208@period('1h')209@command('/uncommitted')210def wait_for_uncommitted(t):211 r = execute(t.target212 , "select distinct s.osuser, s.machine,"213 " from dba_dml_locks l"214 " inner join v$session s on s.sid = l.session_id"215 " where s.status != 'ACTIVE'"216 " and not like :ignore_tables"217 " and round(last_call_et / 60) >= :idle_time_minutes"218 , {'idle_time_minutes': t.parameters['idle_time_minutes']219 , 'ignore_tables': t.optional.get('ignore_tables', '-')}220 , 'many'221 , False)222 return t.get_message(r, lambda o, i: f'It seems {i[0]} ({i[1]})'223 f' forgot to commit a transaction on {} ({i[2]}).', None, 0)224@app.route('/<target>/wait_for_ts')225@title('Tabspace usage')226@template('task')227@message_type('outstanding')228@parameters({'pct_used': ' >= int'})229@optional({'tablespace_name': ' like str'})230@period('6h')231@command('/ts')232@snail()233def wait_for_ts(t):234 """Notification will be sent again only when the threshold be crossed."""235 p = {'pct_used': t.parameters['pct_used'], 'tablespace_name': t.optional.get('tablespace_name')}236 if not p['tablespace_name']:237 p.pop('tablespace_name')238 r = execute(t.target239 , "select * from (select t.tablespace_name,"240 " round((max_files_size - (files.free_files_space + free.free_space)) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) used_gb,"241 " round(files.max_files_size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) allocated_gb,"242 " round(((max_files_size - (files.free_files_space + free.free_space))"243 " / max_files_size) * 100) pct_used"244 " from dba_tablespaces t"245 " left join (select tablespace_name,"246 " sum(nvl(bytes,0)) free_space"247 " from dba_free_space"248 " group by tablespace_name) free on free.tablespace_name = t.tablespace_name"249 " left join (select tablespace_name,"250 " sum(decode(maxbytes, 0, bytes, maxbytes)) max_files_size,"251 " sum(decode(maxbytes, 0, bytes, maxbytes)) - sum(bytes) free_files_space"252 " from dba_data_files group by tablespace_name) files on t.tablespace_name = files.tablespace_name)"253 " where pct_used >= :pct_used{}".format(' and tablespace_name like :tablespace_name' if t.optional.get('tablespace_name') else '')254 , p255 , 'many'256 , False)257 return t.get_message(r, lambda o, i: f'Tablespace {i[0]} on {} is {i[3]}%'258 f' used ({i[1]} of {i[2]} Gb).', None, 0)259@app.route('/<target>/wait_for_session')260@title('Session activity')261@template('task')262@parameters({'sid': ' = int'})263@period('1m')264@command('/waits')265def wait_for_session(t):266 """Be sure to choose the main session if your query started in parallel mode."""267 if not e = execute(t.target269 , "select sid, status from v$session where sid = :sid"270 , t.parameters271 , 'one'272 , False)273 if not e:274 return t.abort('Not found')275 = {'sid': e[0]}276 r = execute(t.target277 , "select sid, status from v$session where sid = :sid"278 , t.data279 , 'one'280 , False)281 if not r:282 return t.finish(f"Session {['sid']} is not found on {}.")283 if r[1] != 'INACTIVE':284 return285 return t.finish(f'Session {r[0]} on {} is {r[1].lower()}.')286@app.route('/<target>/wait_for_queued')287@title('Queued SQL')288@template('task')289@message_type('outstanding')290@parameters({'queued_time_sec': ' >= int'})291@optional({'ignore_event': ' like str'})292@period('5m')293def wait_for_queued(t):294 pt = t.period[-1:]295 pv = t.period[:-1]296 t.parameters['start_date'] = - get_offset(pv, pt)297 r = execute(t.target298 , "select nvl(sql_id, 'Unknown sql') || ' ' || event || ' ' || to_char(session_id), "299 " nvl(sql_id, 'Unknown sql'), event, session_id, machine, count(1) waits"300 " from v$active_session_history"301 " where event like 'enq:%' and sample_time > :start_date"302 " and event not like :ignore_event"303 " group by nvl(sql_id, 'Unknown sql') || ' ' || event || ' ' || to_char(session_id),"304 " sql_id, event, session_id, machine"305 " having count(1) > :queued_time_sec"306 , {'start_date': t.parameters['start_date']307 , 'queued_time_sec': t.parameters['queued_time_sec']308 , 'ignore_event': t.optional.get('ignore_event', '---')}309 , 'many'310 , False)311 return t.get_message(r, lambda o, i: '{} ({}, {}) on {} has been queued for {} seconds ({}).'312 .format(t_link(f'{}/Q/{i[1]}', i[1]), i[4], i[3],, i[5], i[2]), None, 0)313@app.route('/<target>/wait_recycled')314@title('Recycled space')315@template('task')316@message_type('threshold')317@parameters({'space_gb': ' >= int'})318@period('1d')319def wait_for_recycled(t):320 r = execute(t.target321 , "select nvl(round(sum( * p.value) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024), 0) space_gb"322 " from dba_recyclebin r join v$parameter p on = 'db_block_size'"323 " where r.can_purge = 'YES' and nvl(, 0) <> 0"324 , {}325 , 'one'326 , False)327 return t.get_message(r328 , lambda o, i: f'{i} Gb can be purged from recycle bin on {}.'329 , None, t.parameters['space_gb'], 2)330@app.route('/<target>/check_size')331@title('Segment size')332@template('task')333@message_type('threshold')334@parameters({'owner': ' = str'335 , 'segment_name': ' = str'336 , 'size_mb': ' >= int'})337@period('1d')338def check_size(t):339 """Each occurrence increases the threshold to 2x."""340 r = execute(t.target341 , "select round(nvl(sum(bytes) / 1024 / 1024, 0)) size_mb"342 " from dba_segments"343 " where owner = :owner and segment_name = :segment_name"344 , {'owner': t.parameters['owner'], 'segment_name': t.parameters['segment_name']}345 , 'one'346 , False)347 if not r:348 return t.abort(f'Segment {t.parameters["owner"]}.{t.parameters["segment_name"]} not found.')349 return t.get_message(r350 , lambda o, i: f'{o.parameters["owner"]}.{o.parameters["segment_name"]}'351 f' size reached {i} mb on {}.', None, t.parameters['size_mb'], 2)352@app.route('/<target>/check_resource_usage')353@title('Resource usage')354@template('task')355@parameters({'pct_used': ' 0..100% >= int'})356@period('1h')357def check_resource_usage(t):358 r = execute(t.target359 , "select resource_name, to_char(current_utilization), trim(limit_value)"360 ", round((current_utilization / to_number(limit_value)) * 100)"361 " from v$resource_limit"362 " where trim(limit_value) not in ('0', 'UNLIMITED')"363 " and round((current_utilization / to_number(limit_value)) * 100) >= :pct_used"364 , t.parameters365 , 'many'366 , False)367 return '\n'.join(f'The resource {}.{item[0]}'368 f' is {item[3]}% used ({item[1]} of {item[2]}).' for item in r)369@app.route('/<target>/wait_for_sql_error')370@title('SQL error')371@template('task')372@message_type('list')373@optional({'ignore_user': ' like str'})374@period('5m')375def wait_for_sql_error(t):376 """This task shows sql errors, stored in sql_monitor cache. Errors, displaced from the cache, will be lost.""" \377 """ A good approach is creating a trigger "after servererror"."""378 if not = {'start_date': t.create_date}380 end_date = r = execute(t.target382 , "select username, sql_id, sid, error_message"383 " from v$sql_monitor"384 " where status = 'DONE (ERROR)'"385 " and error_number not in (1013, 28, 604, 24381)" # cancel, kill, recursive, DML array386 " and last_refresh_time between :start_date and :end_date"387 " and (username not like :user_name or username is null)"388 , {'start_date':['start_date']389 , 'end_date': end_date390 , 'user_name': t.optional.get('ignore_user', '---')}391 , 'many'392 , False)393['start_date'] = end_date394 return t.get_message(r, lambda o, i: '{} ({}, {}) on {} is failed ({}).'395 .format(t_link(f'{}/Q/{i[1]}'396 , i[1]), i[2], i[0],, i[3].replace('\n', ' ')))397@app.route('/<target>/ping_target')398@title('Ping target')399@template('task')400@period('10m')401def ping_target(t):402 if ping( == -1 and != -1:403 = -1404 return f'Target {} did not respond properly.'405 else:406 = 0407@app.route('/<target>/check_redo_switches')408@title('Redo switches')409@template('task')410@parameters({'switches_per_interval': ' >= int'})411@period('1h')412def check_redo_switches(t):413 pt = t.period[-1:]414 pv = t.period[:-1]415 t.parameters['start_date'] = - get_offset(pv, pt)416 r = execute(t.target417 , "select count(1) switches_count from v$log_history"418 " where first_time > :start_date having count(1) >= :switches_per_interval"419 , {'start_date': t.parameters['start_date']420 , 'switches_per_interval': t.parameters['switches_per_interval']}421 , 'one'422 , False)423 return f'Redo logs on {} have been switched {str(r[0])} times in the last {t.period}.' if r else None424@app.route('/<target>/check_logs_deletion')425@title('Logs moving')426@template('task')427@message_type('threshold')428@parameters({'size_gb': ' >= int'})429@period('1h')430def check_logs_deletion(t):431 """Each occurrence increases the threshold to 2x."""432 r = execute(t.target433 , "select round(nvl(sum(blocks * block_size) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 0)) size_gb"434 " from v$archived_log where deleted = 'NO'"435 , {}436 , 'one'437 , False)438 return t.get_message(r, lambda o, i: f'{i} gb of archived logs on {} are waiting to be deleted.'439 , None, t.parameters['size_gb'], 2)440@app.route('/<target>/wait_for_zombie')441@title('Zombie sessions')442@template('task')443@message_type('outstanding')444@parameters({'last_call_minutes': ' >= int'})445@period('1h')446def wait_for_zombie(t):447 """User sessions could stay active and being waiting for an event that never comes.""" \448 """ They must be killed to free locked resources."""449 r = execute(t.target450 , "select sid, username from v$session where type = 'USER' and ("451 "(sysdate - last_call_et / 86400 < sysdate - :last_call_minutes * 1 / 24 / 60 and status = 'ACTIVE')"452 " or (event = 'SQL*Net break/reset to client' and status = 'INACTIVE'))"453 , {**t.parameters}454 , 'many'455 , False)456 return t.get_message(r457 , lambda o, i: 'Session {} ({}) on {} seems to be a zombie.'458 .format(t_link(f'{}/S/{str(i[0])}', str(i[0])), i[1],, None, 0)459@app.route('/<target>/check_job_status')460@title('Job health')461@template('task')462@message_type('outstanding')463@period('6h')464def check_job_status(t):465 r = execute(t.target466 , "select job, log_user, nvl(failures, 0) fails from dba_jobs where broken = 'Y'"467 , {}468 , 'many'469 , False)470 return t.get_message(r, lambda o, i: f'Job {i[0]} ({i[1]}) on {} is broken, {i[2]} failures.', None, 0)471@app.route('/<target>/check_src_structure')472@title('Compare structure')473@template('task')474@message_type('outstanding')475@parameters({'destination_schema': ' = str'476 , 'source_db': ' = str'477 , 'source_schema': ' = str'})478@optional({'by_target_prefix': ' = str'479 , 'by_target_postfix': ' = str'})480@period('3h')481def check_src_structure(t):482 """This task compares destination and source column types for all existing tables in specified schema."""483 if t.parameters['source_db'] not in app.config['USERS'][t.user_name][2]:484 return t.abort(f"Source target {t.parameters['source_db']} not exists or not allowed.")485 target_columns = execute(t.target486 , "select c.table_name || '.' || c.column_name, c.data_type, c.data_length"487 " from all_tab_columns c"488 " join all_tables t on t.owner = c.owner and t.table_name = c.table_name"489 " where c.owner = :destination_schema"490 " and c.table_name like :by_target_prefix and c.table_name like :by_target_postfix"491 " order by 1, 2"492 , {'destination_schema': t.parameters['destination_schema']493 , 'by_target_prefix': t.optional.get('by_target_prefix', '') + '%'494 , 'by_target_postfix': '%' + t.optional.get('by_target_postfix', '')495 }496 , 'many'497 , False)498 src_columns = execute(t.parameters['source_db']499 , "select :prefix || c.table_name || :postfix || '.' || c.column_name,"500 " c.data_type, c.data_length from all_tab_columns c"501 " join all_tables t on t.owner = c.owner and t.table_name = c.table_name"502 " where c.owner = :source_schema order by 1, 2"503 , {'source_schema': t.parameters['source_schema']504 , 'prefix': t.optional.get('by_target_prefix', '')505 , 'postfix': t.optional.get('by_target_postfix', '')506 }507 , 'many'508 , False)509 comparison_result = []510 src_columns = {item[0]: (item[1], item[2]) for item in src_columns}511 for target_column in target_columns:512 c = src_columns.get(target_column[0])513 if not c:514 continue515 if target_column[1] != c[0] or target_column[2] != c[1]:516 comparison_result.append((f'{target_column[0]}'517 f'\n {target_column[1]}({target_column[2]}) â {c[0]}({c[1]})',))518 return t.get_message(comparison_result519 , lambda o, i: i[0]520 , lambda o: f"Some source tables"521 f" for {}.{o.parameters['destination_schema']} has been changed", 0)522@app.route('/<target>/check_session_stats')523@title('Session stats')524@template('task')525@message_type('outstanding')526@parameters({'statistic_name': ' = str'527 , 'value': ' >= int'})528@period('30m')529def check_session_stats(t):530 """Please see "Activity -> Session monitor -> Session -> Session stats" to find all available statistic names."""531 r = execute(t.target532 , "select s.sid,, s.value from v$sesstat s join v$statname n on s.statistic# = n.statistic#"533 " where = :statistic_name and s.value >= :value order by s.value desc"534 , {**t.parameters}535 , 'many'536 , False)537 return t.get_message(r538 , lambda o, i: 'Session {} on {} has {} = {}.'539 .format(t_link(f'{}/S/{str(i[0])}', str(i[0])),, i[1], get_num_str(i[2]))540 , None, 0)541@app.route('/<target>/check_concurrency')542@title('SQL concurrency')543@template('task')544@message_type('threshold')545@parameters({'concurrency_pct': ' >= int'})546@period('1h')547def check_concurrency(t):548 """Each occurrence increases the threshold to 2x."""549 r = execute(t.target550 , "select nvl(round((sum(concurrency_wait_time) / nullif(sum(elapsed_time), 0)) * 100), 0) ct"551 " from v$sql_monitor where status = 'EXECUTING'"552 " and sid in (select sid from v$session where status = 'ACTIVE')"553 , {}554 , 'one'555 , False)556 return t.get_message(r557 , lambda o, i: f'{} has average concurrency rate = {i}%.'558 , None, t.parameters['concurrency_pct'], 1.5)559@app.route('/<target>/check_frequent_sql')560@title('Frequent SQL')561@template('task')562@message_type('outstanding')563@parameters({'executions': ' >= int'})564@period('24h')565def check_frequent_sql(t):566 """This task based on v$sqlarea which accumulate statistics since SQL statement had been cached."""567 r = execute(t.target568 , "select sql_id, parsing_schema_name, executions,"569 " to_char(to_date(first_load_time, 'yyyy-mm-dd/hh24:mi:ss'), ' hh24:mi')"570 " from v$sqlarea where parsing_schema_name not like '%SYS%'"571 " and executions > :executions order by executions desc"572 , {**t.parameters}573 , 'many'574 , False)575 return t.get_message(r576 , lambda o, i: '{} ({}) executed {} times since {}.'577 .format(t_link(f'{}/Q/{i[0]}', i[0]), i[1], get_num_str(i[2]), i[3])...
...50 result = defaultdict(list)51 for service in result[service.endpoint_prefix].append(service.service_name)53 return dict(result)54 def by_target_prefix(self, target_prefix: str) -> List[ServiceName]:55 return self.target_prefix_index.get(target_prefix, [])56 def by_signing_name(self, signing_name: str) -> List[ServiceName]:57 return self.signing_name_index.get(signing_name, [])58 def by_operation(self, operation_name: str) -> List[ServiceName]:...
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