How to use _serialize_type_timestamp method in localstack

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...201 self._serialize(serialized, value[key], value_shape, value_prefix)202 def _serialize_type_blob(self, serialized, value, shape, prefix=''):203 # Blob args must be base64 encoded.204 serialized[prefix] = self._get_base64(value)205 def _serialize_type_timestamp(self, serialized, value, shape, prefix=''):206 serialized[prefix] = self._convert_timestamp_to_str(value)207 def _serialize_type_boolean(self, serialized, value, shape, prefix=''):208 if value:209 serialized[prefix] = 'true'210 else:211 serialized[prefix] = 'false'212 def _default_serialize(self, serialized, value, shape, prefix=''):213 serialized[prefix] = value214 def _is_shape_flattened(self, shape):215 return shape.serialization.get('flattened')216class EC2Serializer(QuerySerializer):217 """EC2 specific customizations to the query protocol serializers.218 The EC2 model is almost, but not exactly, similar to the query protocol219 serializer. This class encapsulates those differences. The model220 will have be marked with a ``protocol`` of ``ec2``, so you don't need221 to worry about wiring this class up correctly.222 """223 def _get_serialized_name(self, shape, default_name):224 # Returns the serialized name for the shape if it exists.225 # Otherwise it will return the passed in default_name.226 if 'queryName' in shape.serialization:227 return shape.serialization['queryName']228 elif 'name' in shape.serialization:229 # A locationName is always capitalized230 # on input for the ec2 protocol.231 name = shape.serialization['name']232 return name[0].upper() + name[1:]233 else:234 return default_name235 def _serialize_type_list(self, serialized, value, shape, prefix=''):236 for i, element in enumerate(value, 1):237 element_prefix = '%s.%s' % (prefix, i)238 element_shape = shape.member239 self._serialize(serialized, element, element_shape, element_prefix)240class JSONSerializer(Serializer):241 TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = 'unixtimestamp'242 def serialize_to_request(self, parameters, operation_model):243 target = '%s.%s' % (operation_model.metadata['targetPrefix'],244 json_version = operation_model.metadata['jsonVersion']246 serialized = self._create_default_request()247 serialized['method'] = operation_model.http.get('method',248 self.DEFAULT_METHOD)249 serialized['headers'] = {250 'X-Amz-Target': target,251 'Content-Type': 'application/​x-amz-json-%s' % json_version,252 }253 body = {}254 input_shape = operation_model.input_shape255 if input_shape is not None:256 self._serialize(body, parameters, input_shape)257 serialized['body'] = json.dumps(body).encode(self.DEFAULT_ENCODING)258 return serialized259 def _serialize(self, serialized, value, shape, key=None):260 method = getattr(self, '_serialize_type_%s' % shape.type_name,261 self._default_serialize)262 method(serialized, value, shape, key)263 def _serialize_type_structure(self, serialized, value, shape, key):264 if key is not None:265 # If a key is provided, this is a result of a recursive266 # call so we need to add a new child dict as the value267 # of the passed in serialized dict. We'll then add268 # all the structure members as key/​vals in the new serialized269 # dictionary we just created.270 new_serialized = self.MAP_TYPE()271 serialized[key] = new_serialized272 serialized = new_serialized273 members = shape.members274 for member_key, member_value in value.items():275 member_shape = members[member_key]276 if 'name' in member_shape.serialization:277 member_key = member_shape.serialization['name']278 self._serialize(serialized, member_value, member_shape, member_key)279 def _serialize_type_map(self, serialized, value, shape, key):280 map_obj = self.MAP_TYPE()281 serialized[key] = map_obj282 for sub_key, sub_value in value.items():283 self._serialize(map_obj, sub_value, shape.value, sub_key)284 def _serialize_type_list(self, serialized, value, shape, key):285 list_obj = []286 serialized[key] = list_obj287 for list_item in value:288 wrapper = {}289 # The JSON list serialization is the only case where we aren't290 # setting a key on a dict. We handle this by using291 # a __current__ key on a wrapper dict to serialize each292 # list item before appending it to the serialized list.293 self._serialize(wrapper, list_item, shape.member, "__current__")294 list_obj.append(wrapper["__current__"])295 def _default_serialize(self, serialized, value, shape, key):296 serialized[key] = value297 def _serialize_type_timestamp(self, serialized, value, shape, key):298 serialized[key] = self._convert_timestamp_to_str(value)299 def _serialize_type_blob(self, serialized, value, shape, key):300 serialized[key] = self._get_base64(value)301class BaseRestSerializer(Serializer):302 """Base class for rest protocols.303 The only variance between the various rest protocols is the304 way that the body is serialized. All other aspects (headers, uri, etc.)305 are the same and logic for serializing those aspects lives here.306 Subclasses must implement the ``_serialize_body_params`` method.307 """308 # This is a list of known values for the "location" key in the309 # serialization dict. The location key tells us where on the request310 # to put the serialized value.311 KNOWN_LOCATIONS = ['uri', 'querystring', 'header', 'headers']312 def serialize_to_request(self, parameters, operation_model):313 serialized = self._create_default_request()314 serialized['method'] = operation_model.http.get('method',315 self.DEFAULT_METHOD)316 shape = operation_model.input_shape317 if shape is None:318 serialized['url_path'] = operation_model.http['requestUri']319 return serialized320 shape_members = shape.members321 # While the ``serialized`` key holds the final serialized request322 # data, we need interim dicts for the various locations of the323 # request. We need this for the uri_path_kwargs and the324 # query_string_kwargs because they are templated, so we need325 # to gather all the needed data for the string template,326 # then we render the template. The body_kwargs is needed327 # because once we've collected them all, we run them through328 # _serialize_body_params, which for rest-json, creates JSON,329 # and for rest-xml, will create XML. This is what the330 # ``partitioned`` dict below is for.331 partitioned = {332 'uri_path_kwargs': self.MAP_TYPE(),333 'query_string_kwargs': self.MAP_TYPE(),334 'body_kwargs': self.MAP_TYPE(),335 'headers': self.MAP_TYPE(),336 }337 for param_name, param_value in parameters.items():338 if param_value is None:339 # Don't serialize any parameter with a None value.340 continue341 self._partition_parameters(partitioned, param_name, param_value,342 shape_members)343 serialized['url_path'] = self._render_uri_template(344 operation_model.http['requestUri'],345 partitioned['uri_path_kwargs'])346 # Note that we lean on the http implementation to handle the case347 # where the requestUri path already has query parameters.348 # The bundled http client, requests, already supports this.349 serialized['query_string'] = partitioned['query_string_kwargs']350 if partitioned['headers']:351 serialized['headers'] = partitioned['headers']352 self._serialize_payload(partitioned, parameters,353 serialized, shape, shape_members)354 return serialized355 def _render_uri_template(self, uri_template, params):356 # We need to handle two cases::357 #358 # /​{Bucket}/​foo359 # /​{Key+}/​bar360 # A label ending with '+' is greedy. There can only361 # be one greedy key.362 encoded_params = {}363 for template_param in re.findall(r'{(.*?)}', uri_template):364 if template_param.endswith('+'):365 encoded_params[template_param] = percent_encode(366 params[template_param[:-1]], safe='/​~')367 else:368 encoded_params[template_param] = percent_encode(369 params[template_param])370 return uri_template.format(**encoded_params)371 def _serialize_payload(self, partitioned, parameters,372 serialized, shape, shape_members):373 # partitioned - The user input params partitioned by location.374 # parameters - The user input params.375 # serialized - The final serialized request dict.376 # shape - Describes the expected input shape377 # shape_members - The members of the input struct shape378 payload_member = shape.serialization.get('payload')379 if payload_member is not None and \380 shape_members[payload_member].type_name in ['blob', 'string']:381 # If it's streaming, then the body is just the382 # value of the payload.383 body_payload = parameters.get(payload_member, b'')384 body_payload = self._encode_payload(body_payload)385 serialized['body'] = body_payload386 elif payload_member is not None:387 # If there's a payload member, we serialized that388 # member to they body.389 body_params = parameters.get(payload_member)390 if body_params is not None:391 serialized['body'] = self._serialize_body_params(392 body_params,393 shape_members[payload_member])394 elif partitioned['body_kwargs']:395 serialized['body'] = self._serialize_body_params(396 partitioned['body_kwargs'], shape)397 def _encode_payload(self, body):398 if isinstance(body, six.text_type):399 return body.encode(self.DEFAULT_ENCODING)400 return body401 def _partition_parameters(self, partitioned, param_name,402 param_value, shape_members):403 # This takes the user provided input parameter (``param``)404 # and figures out where they go in the request dict.405 # Some params are HTTP headers, some are used in the URI, some406 # are in the request body. This method deals with this.407 member = shape_members[param_name]408 location = member.serialization.get('location')409 key_name = member.serialization.get('name', param_name)410 if location == 'uri':411 partitioned['uri_path_kwargs'][key_name] = param_value412 elif location == 'querystring':413 if isinstance(param_value, dict):414 partitioned['query_string_kwargs'].update(param_value)415 elif isinstance(param_value, bool):416 partitioned['query_string_kwargs'][417 key_name] = str(param_value).lower()418 else:419 partitioned['query_string_kwargs'][key_name] = param_value420 elif location == 'header':421 shape = shape_members[param_name]422 value = self._convert_header_value(shape, param_value)423 partitioned['headers'][key_name] = str(value)424 elif location == 'headers':425 # 'headers' is a bit of an oddball. The ``key_name``426 # is actually really a prefix for the header names:427 header_prefix = key_name428 # The value provided by the user is a dict so we'll be429 # creating multiple header key/​val pairs. The key430 # name to use for each header is the header_prefix (``key_name``)431 # plus the key provided by the user.432 self._do_serialize_header_map(header_prefix,433 partitioned['headers'],434 param_value)435 else:436 partitioned['body_kwargs'][param_name] = param_value437 def _do_serialize_header_map(self, header_prefix, headers, user_input):438 for key, val in user_input.items():439 full_key = header_prefix + key440 headers[full_key] = val441 def _serialize_body_params(self, params, shape):442 raise NotImplementedError('_serialize_body_params')443 def _convert_header_value(self, shape, value):444 if shape.type_name == 'timestamp':445 datetime_obj = parse_to_aware_datetime(value)446 timestamp = calendar.timegm(datetime_obj.utctimetuple())447 return self._timestamp_rfc822(timestamp)448 else:449 return value450class RestJSONSerializer(BaseRestSerializer, JSONSerializer):451 def _serialize_body_params(self, params, shape):452 serialized_body = self.MAP_TYPE()453 self._serialize(serialized_body, params, shape)454 return json.dumps(serialized_body).encode(self.DEFAULT_ENCODING)455class RestXMLSerializer(BaseRestSerializer):456 TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = 'iso8601'457 def _serialize_body_params(self, params, shape):458 root_name = shape.serialization['name']459 pseudo_root = ElementTree.Element('')460 self._serialize(shape, params, pseudo_root, root_name)461 real_root = list(pseudo_root)[0]462 return ElementTree.tostring(real_root, encoding=self.DEFAULT_ENCODING)463 def _serialize(self, shape, params, xmlnode, name):464 method = getattr(self, '_serialize_type_%s' % shape.type_name,465 self._default_serialize)466 method(xmlnode, params, shape, name)467 def _serialize_type_structure(self, xmlnode, params, shape, name):468 structure_node = ElementTree.SubElement(xmlnode, name)469 if 'xmlNamespace' in shape.serialization:470 namespace_metadata = shape.serialization['xmlNamespace']471 attribute_name = 'xmlns'472 if namespace_metadata.get('prefix'):473 attribute_name += ':%s' % namespace_metadata['prefix']474 structure_node.attrib[attribute_name] = namespace_metadata['uri']475 for key, value in params.items():476 member_shape = shape.members[key]477 member_name = member_shape.serialization.get('name', key)478 # We need to special case member shapes that are marked as an479 # xmlAttribute. Rather than serializing into an XML child node,480 # we instead serialize the shape to an XML attribute of the481 # *current* node.482 if value is None:483 # Don't serialize any param whose value is None.484 return485 if member_shape.serialization.get('xmlAttribute'):486 # xmlAttributes must have a serialization name.487 xml_attribute_name = member_shape.serialization['name']488 structure_node.attrib[xml_attribute_name] = value489 continue490 self._serialize(member_shape, value, structure_node, member_name)491 def _serialize_type_list(self, xmlnode, params, shape, name):492 member_shape = shape.member493 if shape.serialization.get('flattened'):494 element_name = name495 list_node = xmlnode496 else:497 element_name = member_shape.serialization.get('name', 'member')498 list_node = ElementTree.SubElement(xmlnode, name)499 for item in params:500 self._serialize(member_shape, item, list_node, element_name)501 def _serialize_type_map(self, xmlnode, params, shape, name):502 # Given the ``name`` of MyMap, and input of {"key1": "val1"}503 # we serialize this as:504 # <MyMap>505 # <entry>506 # <key>key1</​key>507 # <value>val1</​value>508 # </​entry>509 # </​MyMap>510 node = ElementTree.SubElement(xmlnode, name)511 # TODO: handle flattened maps.512 for key, value in params.items():513 entry_node = ElementTree.SubElement(node, 'entry')514 key_name = self._get_serialized_name(shape.key, default_name='key')515 val_name = self._get_serialized_name(shape.value,516 default_name='value')517 self._serialize(shape.key, key, entry_node, key_name)518 self._serialize(shape.value, value, entry_node, val_name)519 def _serialize_type_boolean(self, xmlnode, params, shape, name):520 # For scalar types, the 'params' attr is actually just a scalar521 # value representing the data we need to serialize as a boolean.522 # It will either be 'true' or 'false'523 node = ElementTree.SubElement(xmlnode, name)524 if params:525 str_value = 'true'526 else:527 str_value = 'false'528 node.text = str_value529 def _serialize_type_blob(self, xmlnode, params, shape, name):530 node = ElementTree.SubElement(xmlnode, name)531 node.text = self._get_base64(params)532 def _serialize_type_timestamp(self, xmlnode, params, shape, name):533 node = ElementTree.SubElement(xmlnode, name)534 node.text = self._convert_timestamp_to_str(params)535 def _default_serialize(self, xmlnode, params, shape, name):536 node = ElementTree.SubElement(xmlnode, name)537 node.text = six.text_type(params)538SERIALIZERS = {539 'ec2': EC2Serializer,540 'query': QuerySerializer,541 'json': JSONSerializer,542 'rest-json': RestJSONSerializer,543 'rest-xml': RestXMLSerializer,...

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