How to use set_cpu_state method in lisa

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...67 if 'WRITE' in or 'ADDR' in continue69 #for x in tqdm(range(reg.bits)):70 for x in (range(reg.bits)):71 cpu.set_cpu_state(seed_in)72 pos_val = (1<<x)73 mutate_val = seed_in[reg] ^ pos_val74 cpu.write_reg(reg, mutate_val)75 try:76 sb, sa = cpu.execute(bytecode)77 except UcError as e:78 continue79 except OutOfRangeException as e:80 continue81 sbs = regs2bits(sb, state_format)82 sas = regs2bits(sa, state_format)83 if not sss.diff(sbs):84 continue85 assert(sss.diff(sbs))86 state_list.append((sbs, sas))87 return Observation((sss, rss), state_list, bytestring, archstring, state_format)88 def _gen_seeds(self, bytestring, archstring, state_format, strategies=None):89 """Generates a set of seed states based on the state_format using the strategies defined.90 Args:91 bytestring (string): String representing the bytes of the instruction in hex without space92 archstring (string): Architecture String (X86, AMD64, ARM32, ARM64)93 state_format (list(Register)): A list of registers which defines the order of the State object94 Returns:95 A list of seed state IO tuples96 Raises:97 None98 """99 if not strategies:100 strategies = [RandomNumber(100), Bitwalk(), ZeroWalk(), BitFill(), IEEE754Extended(10)]101 seed_states = []102 # TODO: HACK to speed up, we'll ignore write and addr103 temp_state_format = [x for x in state_format if ('WRITE' not in x.name104 and 'ADDR' not in]105 for strategy in strategies:106 for seed_variation in tqdm(strategy.generator(temp_state_format)):107 seed_io = self._gen_random_seed_io(bytestring, archstring, seed_variation) 108 # check if its successful or not, if not debug print109 if seed_io:110 seed_states.append(seed_io)111 else:112 if self.DEBUG_LOG:113 print("MAX_TRIES-{}-{}-{}-{}".format(bytestring, archstring, state_format, seed_variation))114 continue115 return seed_states116 def _gen_seed_io(self, bytestring, archstring, seed_in, num_tries=255):117 """Generates a pair of in /​ out CPUState, seed_in, seed_out, by executing the instruction using a the provided CPUState118 Args:119 bytestring (string): String representing the bytes of the instruction in hex without space120 archstring (string): Architecture String (X86, AMD64, ARM32, ARM64)121 seed_in ( dict{Register:Integer } ): The input seed state122 Returns:123 Returns the seed input /​ output states as tuple(CPUState, CPUState) if successful.124 Otherwise returns None if it fails to find within num_tries125 Raises:126 Exception 127 """128 cpu = self.cpu129 bytecode = bytestring.decode('hex')130 for x in range(num_tries):131 try:132 cpu.set_cpu_state(seed_in)133 sb, sa = cpu.execute(bytecode)134 break135 except OutOfRangeException as e:136 if x == num_tries-1:137 return None138 continue139 except UcError as e:140 if x == num_tries-1:141 return None142 continue143 return sb,sa144 def _gen_random_seed_io(self, bytestring, archstring, seed_variation, num_tries=255):145 """Generates a pair of in /​ out CPUState, seed_in, seed_out, by executing the instruction using a randomly generated CPUState with the seed_variation applied.146 Args:...

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...83 _cpu_state.append(_fields[6].split(':')[1])84 85 return _cpu_state86 @trace87 def set_cpu_state(self, cpu_nr, state) :88 '''89 TBD90 ''' 91 _cmd = "ssh"92 if self.priv_key :93 _cmd += " -i " + self.priv_key94 _cmd += " -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "95 _cmd += self.login + '@' + + ' '96 if state == "active" :97 _cmd += "\"/​bin/​echo 1 > /​sys/​devices/​system/​cpu/​cpu" + str(cpu_nr)98 _cmd += "/​online\""99 elif state == "inactive" :100 _cmd += "\"/​bin/​echo 0 > /​sys/​devices/​system/​cpu/​cpu" + str(cpu_nr)101 _cmd += "/​online\""102 else :103 _msg = "Invalid state (" + state + ") for cpu " + str(cpu_nr)104 _msg = " on the guest \"" + + "\"."105 cberr(_msg)106 raise self.HotplugMgdConnException(_msg, 4)107 _proc_h = Popen(_cmd, bufsize=-1, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) 108 if not _proc_h :109 _msg = "Failed to create subprocess with command " + _cmd110 cberr(_msg)111 raise self.HotplugMgdConnException(_msg, 3)112 else :113 _msg = "Successfully created subprocess with command " + _cmd114 cbdebug(_msg)115 116 _stdout = None117 _stderr = None118 _stdout, _stderr = _proc_h.communicate()119 sleep(6)120 121 _cmd = "ssh"122 if self.priv_key :123 _cmd += " -i " + self.priv_key124 _cmd += " -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "125 _cmd += self.login + '@' + + ' '126 _cmd += "cat /​sys/​devices/​system/​cpu/​cpu" + str(cpu_nr) + "/​online"127 128 _proc_h = Popen(_cmd, bufsize=-1, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) 129 if not _proc_h :130 _msg = "Failed to create subprocess with command " + _cmd131 cberr(_msg)132 raise self.HotplugMgdConnException(_msg, 3)133 else :134 _msg = "Successfully created subprocess with command " + _cmd135 cbdebug(_msg)136 137 _stdout = None138 _stderr = None139 _stdout, _stderr = _proc_h.communicate() 140 141 if state == "active" and _stdout.split('\n')[0].count('1') :142 return True143 elif state == "inactive" and _stdout.split('\n')[0].count('0') :144 return True145 else :146 _msg = "Failed to set cpu " + str(cpu_nr) + " state to " + state147 _msg += " on guest " + + '.'148 cberr(_msg)149 raise self.HotplugMgdConnException(_msg, 3)150 @trace151 def set_active_cpus(self, active_cpus_tgt_nr):152 '''153 TBD154 ''' 155 _cpu_state = self.get_cpus_state()156 157 _total_cpus = len(_cpu_state)158 159 _active_cpus = []160 _inactive_cpus = []161 for _cpu_number, _cpu_state in enumerate(_cpu_state) :162 if _cpu_state == '1' and _cpu_number > 0 :163 _active_cpus.append(_cpu_number)164 elif _cpu_state == '0' :165 _inactive_cpus.append(_cpu_number)166 167 active_cpus_tgt_nr = int(active_cpus_tgt_nr)168 169 if active_cpus_tgt_nr > _total_cpus :170 _msg = "Unable to activate " + str(active_cpus_tgt_nr) + " CPUs on "171 _msg += "the guest \"" + + "\" (maximum number of CPUs "172 _msg += "for this guest is " + str(_total_cpus) + ")."173 cberr(_msg)174 raise self.HotplugMgdConnException(_msg, 3)175 elif active_cpus_tgt_nr < 1 :176 _msg = "At least 1 CPU must be active on the guest "177 _msg += "\"" + + "\"."178 cberr(_msg)179 raise self.HotplugMgdConnException(_msg, 3)180 181 active_cpus_tgt_nr -= 1 #CPU0 is always active182 183 _active_cpus_nr = len(_active_cpus)184 if active_cpus_tgt_nr > _active_cpus_nr :185 while _active_cpus_nr < active_cpus_tgt_nr :186 _cpu_nr = _inactive_cpus.pop()187 try :188 self.set_cpu_state(_cpu_nr, "active")189 _active_cpus_nr += 1190 sleep(3)191 except self.HotplugMgdConnException :192 _msg = "Error while checking active cpus"193 raise self.HotplugMgdConnException(_msg, 3) 194 elif active_cpus_tgt_nr < _active_cpus_nr :195 while _active_cpus_nr > active_cpus_tgt_nr :196 _cpu_nr = _active_cpus.pop()197 try :198 self.set_cpu_state(_cpu_nr, "inactive")199 _active_cpus_nr -= 1200 sleep(3)201 except self.HotplugMgdConnException :202 _msg = "Error while checking active cpus"203 raise self.HotplugMgdConnException(_msg, 3)204 else :205 _msg = "The number of active CPUs is equal the number of "206 _msg += " targeted active CPUs. There is nothing to be done."207 cbdebug(_msg)208 ...

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...71) -> None:72 for target_cpu in idle_cpu:73 log.debug(f"setting cpu{target_cpu} to {state}.")74 if state == CPUState.ONLINE:75 set_state = set_cpu_state(node, target_cpu, True)76 else:77 set_state = set_cpu_state(node, target_cpu, False)78 if not set_state:79 raise BadEnvironmentStateException(80 (81 f"Expected cpu{target_cpu} state: {state}."82 f"The test failed leaving cpu{target_cpu} in a bad state."83 ),84 )85def set_idle_cpu_offline_online(log: Logger, node: Node, idle_cpu: List[str]) -> None:86 for target_cpu in idle_cpu:87 set_offline = set_cpu_state(node, target_cpu, False)88 log.debug(f"set cpu{target_cpu} from online to offline.")89 exception_message = (90 f"expected cpu{target_cpu} state: {CPUState.OFFLINE}(offline), "91 f"actual state: {CPUState.ONLINE}(online)."92 )93 if not set_offline:94 raise BadEnvironmentStateException(95 exception_message,96 f"the test failed leaving cpu{target_cpu} in a bad state.",97 )98 set_online = set_cpu_state(node, target_cpu, True)99 log.debug(f"set cpu{target_cpu} from offline to online.")100 exception_message = (101 f"expected cpu{target_cpu} state: {CPUState.ONLINE}(online), "102 f"actual state: {CPUState.OFFLINE}(offline)."103 )104 if not set_online:105 raise BadEnvironmentStateException(106 exception_message,107 f"the test failed leaving cpu{target_cpu} in a bad state.",108 )109def verify_cpu_hot_plug(log: Logger, node: Node, run_times: int = 1) -> None:110 check_runnable(node)111 file_path_list: Dict[str, str] = {}112 restore_state = False113 try:114 for iteration in range(1, run_times + 1):115 log.debug(f"start the {iteration} time(s) testing.")116 restore_state = False117 # set vmbus channels target cpu into 0 if kernel supports this feature.118 file_path_list = set_interrupts_assigned_cpu(log, node)119 # when kernel doesn't support above feature, we have to rely on current vm's120 # cpu usage. then collect the cpu not in used exclude cpu0.121 idle_cpu = get_idle_cpus(node)122 if 0 == len(idle_cpu):123 raise SkippedException(124 "all of the cpu are associated vmbus channels,"125 " no idle cpu can be used to test hotplug."126 )127 # start to take idle cpu from online to offline, then offline to online.128 set_idle_cpu_offline_online(log, node, idle_cpu)129 # when kernel doesn't support set vmbus channels target cpu feature, the130 # dict which stores original status is empty, nothing need to be restored.131 restore_interrupts_assignment(file_path_list, node)132 restore_state = True133 finally:134 if not restore_state:135 restore_interrupts_assignment(file_path_list, node)136def get_cpu_state_file(cpu_id: str) -> str:137 return f"/​sys/​devices/​system/​cpu/​cpu{cpu_id}/​online"138def get_interrupts_assigned_cpu(device_id: str, channel_id: str) -> str:139 return f"/​sys/​bus/​vmbus/​devices/​{device_id}/​channels/​{channel_id}/​cpu"140def assign_interrupts(141 path_cpu: Dict[str, str],142 node: Node,143 target_cpu: str = "0",144) -> None:145 for path, _ in path_cpu.items():146[Echo].write_to_file(target_cpu, node.get_pure_path(path), sudo=True)147def restore_interrupts_assignment(148 path_cpu: Dict[str, str],149 node: Node,150) -> None:151 if path_cpu:152 for path, target_cpu in path_cpu.items():153[Echo].write_to_file(154 target_cpu, node.get_pure_path(path), sudo=True155 )156def set_cpu_state(node: Node, cpu: str, online: bool = False) -> bool:157 file_path = get_cpu_state_file(cpu)158 state = CPUState.OFFLINE159 if online:160 state = CPUState.ONLINE161[Echo].write_to_file(state, node.get_pure_path(file_path), sudo=True)162 result =[Cat].read(file_path, force_run=True, sudo=True)...

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