How to use generate_send_receive_run_info method in lisa

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...271 sender, receiver = test_kits272 # Want to only switch receiver sriov to avoid timing weirdness273 receiver.switch_sriov = True274 sender.switch_sriov = False275 kit_cmd_pairs = generate_send_receive_run_info("failsafe", sender, receiver)276 run_testpmd_concurrent(277 kit_cmd_pairs, DPDK_VF_REMOVAL_MAX_TEST_TIME, log, rescind_sriov=True278 )279 rescind_tx_pps_set = receiver.testpmd.get_mean_rx_pps_sriov_rescind()280 self._check_rx_or_tx_pps_sriov_rescind("RX", rescind_tx_pps_set)281 @TestCaseMetadata(282 description="""283 test sriov failsafe during vf revoke (send only version)284 """,285 priority=2,286 requirement=simple_requirement(287 min_core_count=8,288 min_nic_count=2,289 network_interface=Sriov(),...

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...135 raise LisaException(136 f"Node has no secondary nics with ip addresses! {}"137 )138 return random.choice(nics)139def generate_send_receive_run_info(140 pmd: str,141 sender: DpdkTestResources,142 receiver: DpdkTestResources,143 txq: int = 0,144 rxq: int = 0,145 use_max_nics: bool = False,146 use_service_cores: int = 1,147) -> Dict[DpdkTestResources, str]:148 snd_nic, rcv_nic = [get_random_nic_with_ip(x) for x in [sender, receiver]]149 snd_cmd = sender.testpmd.generate_testpmd_command(150 snd_nic,151 0,152 "txonly",153 pmd,154 extra_args=f"--tx-ip={snd_nic.ip_addr},{rcv_nic.ip_addr}",155 txq=txq,156 rxq=rxq,157 service_cores=use_service_cores,158 use_max_nics=use_max_nics,159 )160 rcv_cmd = receiver.testpmd.generate_testpmd_command(161 rcv_nic,162 0,163 "rxonly",164 pmd,165 txq=txq,166 rxq=rxq,167 service_cores=use_service_cores,168 use_max_nics=use_max_nics,169 )170 kit_cmd_pairs = {171 sender: snd_cmd,172 receiver: rcv_cmd,173 }174 return kit_cmd_pairs175UIO_HV_GENERIC_SYSFS_PATH = "/sys/bus/vmbus/drivers/uio_hv_generic"176HV_NETVSC_SYSFS_PATH = "/sys/bus/vmbus/drivers/hv_netvsc"177def enable_uio_hv_generic_for_nic(node: Node, nic: NicInfo) -> None:178 # hv_uio_generic driver uuid, a constant value used by vmbus.179 # hv_uio_generic_uuid = "f8615163-df3e-46c5-913f-f2d2f965ed0e"181 # using netvsc pmd directly for dpdk on hv counterintuitively requires182 # you to enable to uio_hv_generic driver, steps are found:183 # echo =[Echo]185 lsmod =[Lsmod]186 modprobe =[Modprobe]187 # enable if it is not already enabled188 if not lsmod.module_exists("uio_hv_generic", force_run=True):189 modprobe.load("uio_hv_generic")190 # vmbus magic to enable uio_hv_generic191 echo.write_to_file(192 hv_uio_generic_uuid,193 node.get_pure_path("/sys/bus/vmbus/drivers/uio_hv_generic/new_id"),194 sudo=True,195 )196def initialize_node_resources(197 node: Node,198 log: Logger,199 variables: Dict[str, Any],200 pmd: str,201 sample_apps: Union[List[str], None] = None,202) -> DpdkTestResources:203 _set_forced_source_by_distro(node, variables)204 dpdk_source = variables.get("dpdk_source", PACKAGE_MANAGER_SOURCE)205 dpdk_branch = variables.get("dpdk_branch", "")206 "Dpdk initialize_node_resources running"208 f"found dpdk_source '{dpdk_source}' and dpdk_branch '{dpdk_branch}'"209 )210 network_interface_feature = node.features[NetworkInterface]211 sriov_is_enabled = network_interface_feature.is_enabled_sriov()212"Node[{}] Verify SRIOV is enabled: {sriov_is_enabled}")213 assert_that(sriov_is_enabled).described_as(214 f"SRIOV was not enabled for this test node ({})"215 ).is_true()216 # dump some info about the pci devices before we start217 lspci =[Lspci]218"Node[{}] LSPCI Info:\n{}\n")219 # check compatibility first.220 try:221 check_dpdk_support(node)222 except UnsupportedDistroException as err:223 # forward message from distro exception224 raise SkippedException(err)225 # verify SRIOV is setup as-expected on the node after compat check226 node.nics.wait_for_sriov_enabled()227 # create tool, initialize testpmd tool (installs dpdk)228 testpmd: DpdkTestpmd = DpdkTestpmd,230 dpdk_source=dpdk_source,231 dpdk_branch=dpdk_branch,232 sample_apps=sample_apps,233 )234 # init and enable hugepages (required by dpdk)235 init_hugepages(node)236 assert_that(len(node.nics)).described_as(237 "Test needs at least 1 NIC on the test node."238 ).is_greater_than_or_equal_to(1)239 test_nic = node.nics.get_nic_by_index()240 # check an assumption that our nics are bound to hv_netvsc241 # at test start.242 assert_that(test_nic.bound_driver).described_as(243 f"Error: Expected test nic {test_nic.upper} to be "244 f"bound to hv_netvsc. Found {test_nic.bound_driver}."245 ).is_equal_to("hv_netvsc")246 # netvsc pmd requires uio_hv_generic to be loaded before use247 if pmd == "netvsc":248 # this code makes changes to interfaces that will cause later tests to fail.249 # Therefore we mark the node dirty to prevent future testing on this environment250 node.mark_dirty()251 enable_uio_hv_generic_for_nic(node, test_nic)252 # if this device is paired, set the upper device 'down'253 if test_nic.lower:254 node.nics.unbind(test_nic)255 node.nics.bind(test_nic, UIO_HV_GENERIC_SYSFS_PATH)256 return DpdkTestResources(node, testpmd)257def check_send_receive_compatibility(test_kits: List[DpdkTestResources]) -> None:258 for kit in test_kits:259 if not kit.testpmd.has_tx_ip_flag():260 raise UnsupportedPackageVersionException(261 kit.node.os,262 "dpdk",263 kit.testpmd.get_dpdk_version(),264 "-tx-ip flag for ip forwarding",265 )266def run_testpmd_concurrent(267 node_cmd_pairs: Dict[DpdkTestResources, str],268 seconds: int,269 log: Logger,270 rescind_sriov: bool = False,271) -> Dict[DpdkTestResources, str]:272 output: Dict[DpdkTestResources, str] = dict()273 task_manager = start_testpmd_concurrent(node_cmd_pairs, seconds, log, output)274 if rescind_sriov:275 time.sleep(10) # run testpmd for a bit before disabling sriov276 test_kits = node_cmd_pairs.keys()277 # disable sriov (and wait for change to apply)278 for node_resources in [x for x in test_kits if x.switch_sriov]:279 node_resources.nic_controller.switch_sriov(280 enable=False, wait=True, reset_connections=False281 )282 # let run for a bit with SRIOV disabled283 time.sleep(10)284 # re-enable sriov285 for node_resources in [x for x in test_kits if x.switch_sriov]:286 node_resources.nic_controller.switch_sriov(287 enable=True, wait=True, reset_connections=False288 )289 # run for a bit with SRIOV re-enabled290 time.sleep(10)291 # kill the commands to collect the output early and terminate before timeout292 for node_resources in test_kits:293 node_resources.testpmd.kill_previous_testpmd_command()294 task_manager.wait_for_all_workers()295 return output296def start_testpmd_concurrent(297 node_cmd_pairs: Dict[DpdkTestResources, str],298 seconds: int,299 log: Logger,300 output: Dict[DpdkTestResources, str],301) -> TaskManager[Tuple[DpdkTestResources, str]]:302 cmd_pairs_as_tuples = deque(node_cmd_pairs.items())303 def _collect_dict_result(result: Tuple[DpdkTestResources, str]) -> None:304 output[result[0]] = result[1]305 def _run_command_with_testkit(306 run_kit: Tuple[DpdkTestResources, str]307 ) -> Tuple[DpdkTestResources, str]:308 testkit, cmd = run_kit309 return (testkit, testkit.testpmd.run_for_n_seconds(cmd, seconds))310 task_manager = run_in_parallel_async(311 [partial(_run_command_with_testkit, x) for x in cmd_pairs_as_tuples],312 _collect_dict_result,313 )314 return task_manager315def init_nodes_concurrent(316 environment: Environment, log: Logger, variables: Dict[str, Any], pmd: str317) -> List[DpdkTestResources]:318 # Use threading module to parallelize the IO-bound node init.319 test_kits = run_in_parallel(320 [321 partial(initialize_node_resources, node, log, variables, pmd)322 for node in environment.nodes.list()323 ],324 log,325 )326 return test_kits327def verify_dpdk_build(328 node: Node,329 log: Logger,330 variables: Dict[str, Any],331 pmd: str,332) -> None:333 # setup and unwrap the resources for this test334 test_kit = initialize_node_resources(node, log, variables, pmd)335 testpmd = test_kit.testpmd336 # grab a nic and run testpmd337 test_nic = node.nics.get_nic_by_index()338 testpmd_cmd = testpmd.generate_testpmd_command(339 test_nic,340 0,341 "txonly",342 pmd,343 )344 testpmd.run_for_n_seconds(testpmd_cmd, 10)345 tx_pps = testpmd.get_mean_tx_pps()346 f"TX-PPS:{tx_pps} from {test_nic.upper}/{test_nic.lower}:"348 + f"{test_nic.pci_slot}"349 )350 assert_that(tx_pps).described_as(351 f"TX-PPS ({tx_pps}) should have been greater than 2^20 (~1m) PPS."352 ).is_greater_than(2**20)353def verify_dpdk_send_receive(354 environment: Environment,355 log: Logger,356 variables: Dict[str, Any],357 pmd: str,358 use_max_nics: bool = False,359 use_service_cores: int = 1,360) -> Tuple[DpdkTestResources, DpdkTestResources]:361 # helpful to have the public ips labeled for debugging362 external_ips = []363 for node in environment.nodes.list():364 if isinstance(node, RemoteNode):365 external_ips += node.connection_info[366 constants.ENVIRONMENTS_NODES_REMOTE_ADDRESS367 ]368 else:369 raise SkippedException()370 log.debug((f"\nsender:{external_ips[0]}\nreceiver:{external_ips[1]}\n"))371 test_kits = init_nodes_concurrent(environment, log, variables, pmd)372 check_send_receive_compatibility(test_kits)373 sender, receiver = test_kits374 kit_cmd_pairs = generate_send_receive_run_info(375 pmd,376 sender,377 receiver,378 use_max_nics=use_max_nics,379 use_service_cores=use_service_cores,380 )381 results = run_testpmd_concurrent(kit_cmd_pairs, 15, log)382 # helpful to have the outputs labeled383 log.debug(f"\nSENDER:\n{results[sender]}")384 log.debug(f"\nRECEIVER:\n{results[receiver]}")385 rcv_rx_pps = receiver.testpmd.get_mean_rx_pps()386 snd_tx_pps = sender.testpmd.get_mean_tx_pps()387"receiver rx-pps: {rcv_rx_pps}")388"sender tx-pps: {snd_tx_pps}")389 # differences in NIC type throughput can lead to different snd/rcv counts390 assert_that(rcv_rx_pps).described_as(391 "Throughput for RECEIVE was below the correct order-of-magnitude"392 ).is_greater_than(2**20)393 assert_that(snd_tx_pps).described_as(394 "Throughput for SEND was below the correct order of magnitude"395 ).is_greater_than(2**20)396 return sender, receiver397def verify_dpdk_send_receive_multi_txrx_queue(398 environment: Environment,399 log: Logger,400 variables: Dict[str, Any],401 pmd: str,402 use_max_nics: bool = False,403 use_service_cores: int = 1,404) -> Tuple[DpdkTestResources, DpdkTestResources]:405 test_kits = init_nodes_concurrent(environment, log, variables, pmd)406 check_send_receive_compatibility(test_kits)407 sender, receiver = test_kits408 kit_cmd_pairs = generate_send_receive_run_info(409 pmd,410 sender,411 receiver,412 txq=4,413 rxq=4,414 use_max_nics=use_max_nics,415 use_service_cores=use_service_cores,416 )417 results = run_testpmd_concurrent(kit_cmd_pairs, 15, log)418 # helpful to have the outputs labeled419 log.debug(f"\nSENDER:\n{results[sender]}")420 log.debug(f"\nRECEIVER:\n{results[receiver]}")421 rcv_rx_pps = receiver.testpmd.get_mean_rx_pps()422 snd_tx_pps = sender.testpmd.get_mean_tx_pps()...

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