Best Python code snippet using lisa_python
...48 self.entity_id_cache = {}49 self.entity_name_cache = {}50 self.relation_cache = {}51 self.all_entity_embeddings = {}52 async def execute_async(self, query):53 payload = {'statements': [{'statement': query}]}54 try_time = 055 while try_time < 3:56 try_time += 157 try:58 async with, json=payload) as response:59 return json.loads(await response.text())['results'][0]60 except:61 await asyncio.sleep(0.1)62 return None63 def execute(self, query):64 '''65 the query running on neo4j server's command line66 '''67 return asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(self.execute_async(query), self.loop)68 @staticmethod69 def process_result(result):70 try:71 res = []72 for a in result['data']:73 a['row'][0]['neoId'] = str(a['row'][1])74 res.append(a['row'][0])75 assert len(result['data']) == len(res)76 return res77 except:78 # print('error at %s val %s\n result : %s'%(property,value,result))79 return None80 def get_entities_by_matching_property(self, property, value):81 return asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(82 self.get_entities_by_matching_property_async(property, value), self.loop)83 async def get_entities_by_matching_property_async(self, property, value):84 result = await self.execute_async('match (n:%s) where n.%s contains "%s" return n,id(n)' %85 (self.entity_label, property, value))86 return self.process_result(result)87 def get_entities_by_property(self, property, value):88 return asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(89 self.get_entities_by_property_async(property, value), self.loop)90 async def get_entities_by_property_async(self, property, value):91 result = await self.execute_async('match (n) where n.%s="%s" return n,id(n)' %92 (property, value))93 return self.process_result(result)94 async def get_all_entities_async(self, entity_label, filter_labels):95 processed_filters = ''96 for filter_label in filter_labels:97 processed_filters += 'not n.ç±»å« contains \'%s\' and ' % (98 filter_label)99 if processed_filters != '':100 # å å»æåä¸ä¸ªand 并å¨åé¢å ä¸whereè¯å¥101 processed_filters = processed_filters[:-5]102 processed_filters = 'where ' + processed_filters103 result = await self.execute_async('match (n:%s) %s return n, id(n)' %104 (entity_label, processed_filters))105 return self.process_result(result)106 def get_all_entities(self, entity_label, filter_label=[]):107 return asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(108 self.get_all_entities_async(entity_label, filter_label), self.loop)109 async def get_entities_by_name_async(self, name):110 '''111 return : list of entities112 '''113 if self.fuzzy_index:114 '''cur_name_embedding = self.bc.encode([name])115 res = []116 for key in self.all_entity_embeddings.keys():117 res.append((key, cal_word_simi(self.all_entity_embeddings[key], cur_name_embedding)))118 res = sorted(res, key=lambda x: x[1], reversed=True)'''119 print("CALL db.index.fulltext.queryNodes('%s','%s') yield node,score return node,id(node),score" % (120 self.fuzzy_index, name))121 result = await self.execute_async("CALL db.index.fulltext.queryNodes('%s','%s') yield node,score return node,id(node),score" % (self.fuzzy_index, name))122 try:123 res = []124 thresh = 1.5125 max_score = 0126 for a in result['data']:127 name = a['row'][0]['name']128 if 'é»è±æºåº' in name or name == 'æºåº':129 continue130 a['row'][0]['neoId'] = str(a['row'][1])131 score = a['row'][2]132 max_score = max(max_score, score)133 a['row'][0]['score'] = score134 if score > thresh:135 res.append(a['row'][0])136 res = list(filter(lambda x: x['score'] == max_score, res))137 return res138 except:139 return None140 else:141 if name in self.entity_name_cache: # and name != 'æºåº' and 'é»è±æºåº' not in name:142 return self.entity_name_cache[name]143 else:144 r = await self.get_entities_by_property_async('name', name)145 r = list(filter(lambda x: x['name']146 != 'é»è±æºåº' and x['name'] != 'æºåº', r))147 self.entity_name_cache[name] = r148 for entity in r:149 neoId = entity['neoId']150 self.entity_id_cache[neoId] = [entity]151 return r152 def get_entities_by_name(self, name):153 '''154 return : list of entities155 '''156 return asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(157 self.get_entities_by_name_async(name), self.loop)158 async def get_entity_by_id_async(self, neoId):159 '''160 return : list of entities161 '''162 if neoId in self.entity_id_cache:163 return self.entity_id_cache[neoId]164 else:165 r = await self.execute_async('match (n:%s) where id(n)=%s return n,id(n)' % (self.entity_label, neoId))166 r = self.process_result(r)167 self.entity_id_cache[neoId] = r168 return r169 def get_entity_by_id(self, neoId):170 '''171 return : list of entities172 '''173 return asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(174 self.get_entity_by_id_async(neoId), self.loop)175 async def get_entity_information_by_label_async(self, label):176 result = await self.execute_async('match (n:%s) return id(n),, properties(n)' % (label))177 res = list(map(lambda x: x['row'], result['data']))178 return res179 def get_entity_information_by_label(self, label):180 return asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(181 self.get_entity_information_by_label_async(label), self.loop182 )183 def exist_name(self, name):184 async def _exist_name(name):185 r = await self.get_entities_by_name_async(name)186 return r is not None and r != []187 return asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(_exist_name(name), self.loop)188 async def get_genres_by_relation_async(self, f_genre, c_genre, f_name, reverse=False,relation=None):189 '''190 return : list of triples (relation, entity name, entity neoId)191 '''192 arrow1 = ''193 arrow2 = ''194 if reverse:195 arrow1 = '<'196 else:197 arrow2 = '>'198 if relation:199 r_name = ':'+relation200 else:201 r_name = ''202 neo4j = 'match (n:%s)%s-[r%s]-%s(m:%s) where =\'%s\' return distinct m, id(m)'% (f_genre, arrow1, r_name, arrow2, c_genre, f_name)203 res = await self.execute_async(neo4j)204 # res = [x['name'] for x in result]205 # res = list(map(lambda x: tuple(x['row']), result['data']))206 # self.relation_cache[query_tuple] = res207 return self.process_result(res)208 def get_genres_by_relation(self, f_genre, c_genre, f_name, reverse=False,relation=None):209 '''210 return : list of triples (relation, entity name, entity neoId)211 '''212 return asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(213 self.get_genres_by_relation_async(f_genre, c_genre, f_name, reverse,relation), self.loop)214 async def get_relations_by_id_async(self, id, l_label, r_label, direction=''):215 '''216 return : list of triples (relation, entity name, entity neoId)217 '''218 query_tuple = (id, direction, l_label, r_label)219 if query_tuple in self.relation_cache:220 return self.relation_cache[query_tuple]221 else:222 if l_label != '':223 l_label = ':' + l_label224 if r_label != '':225 r_label = ':' + r_label226 arrow1 = ''227 arrow2 = ''228 if direction == '<':229 arrow1 = '<'230 elif direction == '>':231 arrow2 = '>'232 result = await self.execute_async('match (n%s)%s-[r]-%s(m%s) where id(n)=%s return type(r),, id(m)'233 % (l_label, arrow1, arrow2, r_label, id))234 res = list(map(lambda x: list(x['row']), result['data']))235 self.relation_cache[query_tuple] = res236 return res237 def get_relations_by_id(self, id, l_label, r_label, direction=''):238 '''239 return : list of triples (relation, entity name, entity neoId)240 '''241 return asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(242 self.get_relations_by_id_async(id, l_label, r_label, direction), self.loop)243 async def get_labels_by_name_async(self, name, type = "Instance"):244 sql = 'match (n:%s) where n.å称="%s" or n.å称=~".*%s.*" return labels(n), id(n)' % (type, name, name)245 result = await self.execute_async(sql)246 res = list(map(lambda x: x['row'], result['data']))247 return res248 def get_labels_by_name(self, name):249 return asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(250 self.get_labels_by_name_async(name), self.loop)251 async def get_label_by_id_async(self, id):252 result = await self.execute_async('match (n) where id(n) = %d return labels(n)' % (id))253 res = list(map(lambda x: x['row'][0][0], result['data']))254 return res255 def get_label_by_id(self, id):256 return asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(257 self.get_label_by_id_async(id), self.loop)258 async def get_name_by_id_async(self, id):259 result = await self.execute_async('match (n) where id(n) = %d return' % (id))260 res = list(map(lambda x: x['row'][0], result['data']))261 return res262 def get_name_by_id(self, id):263 return asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(264 self.get_name_by_id_async(id), self.loop)265 async def get_props_in_entity_async(self, name, label):266 result = await self.execute_async('match (n:%s) where = \'%s\' return properties(n)' % (label, name))267 res = list(map(lambda x: x['row'][0], result['data']))[0]268 return res269 def get_props_in_entity(self, name, label):270 res = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(271 self.get_props_in_entity_async(name, label), self.loop)272 return res273 async def get_props_by_id_async(self, neoId, label):274 result = await self.execute_async('match (n:%s) where id(n) = %d return properties(n)' % (label, neoId))275 res = list(map(lambda x: x['row'][0], result['data']))[0]276 return res277 def get_props_by_id(self, neoId, label):278 res = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(279 self.get_props_by_id_async(neoId, label), self.loop)280 return res281 # DPQA282 async def get_props_by_id_dpqa_async(self, neoId):283 result = await self.execute_async('match (n) where id(n) = %d return properties(n)' % (neoId))284 res = list(map(lambda x: x['row'][0], result['data']))[0]285 return res286 def get_props_by_id_dpqa(self, neoId):287 res = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(288 self.get_props_by_id_dpqa_async(neoId), self.loop)289 return res290 # Merchant291 async def get_entities_by_genre_async(self, genre):292 '''293 return : list of entities294 '''295 result = await self.execute_async('match (n:%s) return n,id(n)' % (genre))296 res = self.process_result(result)297 return res298 def get_entities_by_genre(self, genre):299 '''300 return : list of entities301 '''302 return asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(303 self.get_entities_by_genre_async(genre), self.loop)304 async def get_entities_by_genre_and_name_async(self, genre, name):305 '''306 return : list of entities307 '''308 result = await self.execute_async('match (n:%s) where = \'%s\' return n,id(n), properties(n)' % (genre, name))309 res = list(map(lambda x: x['row'], result['data']))310 return res311 def get_entities_by_genre_and_name(self, genre, name):312 '''313 return : list of entities314 '''315 return asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(316 self.get_entities_by_genre_and_name_async(genre, name), self.loop)317 async def get_merchandise_entities_by_genre_async(self, genre):318 '''319 return : list of entities320 '''321 result = await self.execute_async('match (n:%s) where exists(n.æå¡å
容) return properties(n)' % (genre))322 res = list(map(lambda x: x['row'], result['data']))323 return res324 def get_merchandise_entities_by_genre(self, genre):325 '''326 return : list of entities327 '''328 return asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(329 self.get_merchandise_entities_by_genre_async(genre), self.loop)330 @lru_cache(maxsize=256)331 def get_instance_of_genre(self, genre_name, genre='SubGenre'):332 # neo4j_sql = 'match (n:Instance)-[:å±äº]->(m:%s {name:"%s"}) return distinct n,id(n)' % (genre, genre_name)333 neo4j_sql = 'match (n:Instance)-[:å±äº]->(m {name:"%s"}) return distinct n,id(n)' % ( genre_name) # zsh èªç©ºçé®ççç±»å为SubGenre|SubGenre_childï¼æ以ç´æ¥æ¾genre_nameä¸çèç¹ï¼ä¸ç»m设置类åäº334 result = self.execute(neo4j_sql).result()335 result = self.process_result(result)...
...14 followers_index = "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS followers_count ON tweets (user_followers_count);"15 friends_index = "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS friends_count ON tweets (user_friends_count);"16 # Statement.ConsistencyLevel = ConsistencyLevel.ALL # more than one response ) to ensure no data is missing from querying replicas17 # session.execute(lang_index)18 session.execute_async(date_index) 19 session.execute_async(location_index)20 session.execute_async(followers_index)21 session.execute_async(friends_index)22 find_withIndex1 = "SELECT tweet_id from tweets WHERE lang = 'en' and token(tweet_id) >= -9223372036854775808 ALLOW FILTERING;"23 find_withIndex2 = "SELECT user_location from tweets WHERE user_location= 'London' and token(tweet_id) >= -9223372036854775808 ALLOW FILTERING;"24 find_withIndex3 = "SELECT user_followers_count from tweets WHERE user_followers_count >= 1000 and token(tweet_id) >= -9223372036854775808 ALLOW FILTERING;"25 find_withIndex4 = "SELECT user_friends_count from tweets WHERE user_friends_count >= 1000 and token(tweet_id) >= -9223372036854775808 ALLOW FILTERING;"26 # find_withIndex = "SELECT count(tweet_id) WHERE lang = 'en' AND user.location = 'London' \27 # AND user.followers_count>=1000 AND user.friends_count>=1000 and created_at < toTimestamp(now()) ALLOW FILTERING;" # LIMIT 1000000000"28 iter_durations = []29 while iterations > 0:30 # session.execute("ALTER TABLE tweets WITH GC_GRACE_SECONDS = 0;") # To clear tombstone buffer for single node - so that the query can be able to get results without exceeding limitations.31 rows = 032 duration = 0.033 print("\nIteration: ",iterations)34 try:35 # lang = en and friends_count > 100 and followers > 100 36 start1 = time.time()37 result_1 = session.execute_async (find_withIndex1)38 r1 = len(list(result_1.result()))39 duration = time.time() - start140 start2 = time.time()41 result_1 = session.execute_async (find_withIndex2)42 rows_2 = len(list(result_2.result()))43 duration = time.time() - start244 start3 = time.time()45 result_1 = session.execute_async (find_withIndex3)46 rows_3 = len(list(result_3.result()))47 duration = time.time() - start348 start4 = time.time()49 result_4 = session.execute_async (find_withIndex4)50 rows_4 = len(list(result_4.result()))51 duration += time.time() - start452 # rows = len(rows_returned1.current_rows)+len(rows_returned2.current_rows)+len(rows_returned3.current_rows)+len(rows_returned4.current_rows)53 rows = rows_1 + rows_2 + rows_3 + rows_454 except Exception as error:55 print("\nSELECT stm error : " + error.__str__())56 print (" Rows returned: ", rows)57 print (" Elapsed time : ", duration)58 iter_durations.append( duration )59 iterations -= 160 avg = sum(iter_durations) / float( max(len(iter_durations), 1) )61 with open("results/iterations.json","a+") as bulk_f:62 json.dump({"dataset":jsn_dataset, "findByIndex": iter_durations,"average":avg}, bulk_f)63 bulk_f.write("\n")64 print("%i iterations: %s " % (iterations, str(iter_durations)) )65 except Exception as error:66 print("\nFind by Index error : \n" + error.__str__())67 try:68 # session.execute("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS lang_index;")69 session.execute_async("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS date_index;")70 session.execute_async("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS location_index;")71 session.execute_async("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS followers_count;")72 session.execute_async("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS friends_count;")73 except Exception as error:74 print("\nDROP INDEX stm error : " + error.__str__())75 # print( " %-22s %-34s %-20s %-5s %-5s" % ("tweet_id", "created_at", "user.screen_name", "lang", "text") )...
...33 with Timer() as t:34 while self.task.counter <= 0 and t.elapsed < 3.0:35 time.sleep(0.101)36 self.assertGreater(self.task.counter, 0)37 def test_execute_async(self):38 f = self.task.execute_async()39 res = f.result(3.0)40 self.assertNotNone(res)41 self.assertGreater(res, 0)42 # Verify exception path43 self.task.fail_async = True44 with self.assertRaises(Exception) as ctx:45 # Call this twice, since there's a race condition where setting46 # fail_async and getting the future from execute_async is called47 # when execute is between the self.fail_async check and the return48 self.task.execute_async().result(1.0)49 self.task.execute_async().result(1.0)50 self.assertEqual(ctx.exception.args[0], "fail_async")51 # Wait until task shuts down52 with Timer() as t:53 while t.elapsed < 5.0:54 if not self.task.running:55 break56 self.assertFalse(self.task.running)57 # Verify early exception on async_execute against shutdown tasks58 f = self.task.execute_async()59 with self.assertRaises(Exception) as ctx:60 f.result()61 self.assertEqual(ctx.exception.args[0], "Worker not running")62 def test_trylater_after(self):63 t = self.task64 # Set up some mocks65 t._handle_try_later = self.mock.Mock(wraps=t._handle_try_later)66 t.stop_event = self.mock.Mock(wraps=t.stop_event)67 # Run once with no TryLater68 t.execute_async().result()69 self.assertFalse(t._handle_try_later.called)70 # Run once with no TryLater71 t.trylater = 0.0172 # Wait for it to get called once73 t0 = time.time()74 while not t._handle_try_later.called and time.time() - t0 < 5.0:75 time.sleep(0.01)76 self.assertTrue(t._handle_try_later)77 # Disable trylater and wait for one successful completion78 t.trylater = None79 t.execute_async().result(5.0)80 # Make sure things were called with good values81 self.assertTrue(t._handle_try_later)82 self.task.stop_event.wait.assert_any_call(0.01)83class MyMultiTask(MyTask):84 workers = 585class TestMultiTask(SingleTaskTestCase):86 TASK = MyMultiTask87 def test_multi_execute(self):88 with Timer() as t:89 while len(self.task.visit_threads) < 5 and t.elapsed < 3.0:90 time.sleep(0.101)...
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