How to use _start method in lisa

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Source:jquery.touchSlider.js Github


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1/​**2 * @name jQuery.touchSlider3 * @version 201209_24 * @since 2011065 * @param Object settings 환경변수 오브젝트6 * roll - 순환 (default true)7 * flexible - 유동 레이아웃 (default false)8 * view - 다중 컬럼 (default 1)9 * speed - 애니메이션 속도 (default 75)10 * range - 넘김 판정 범위 (default 0.15)11 * page - 초기 페이지 (default 1)12 * transition - CSS3 transition 사용 (default false)13 * btn_prev - prev 버튼 (jQuery Object, default null)14 * btn_next - next 버튼 (jQuery Object, default null)15 * paging - page 버튼 (jQuery Object, default null)16 * initComplete - 초기화 콜백17 * counter - 슬라이드 콜백, 카운터18 *19 * @example20 $("#target").touchSlider({21 flexible : true22 });23*/​24(function ($) {25 26 $.fn.touchSlider = function (settings) {27 28 settings.supportsCssTransitions = (function (style) {29 var prefixes = ['Webkit','Moz','Ms'];30 for(var i=0, l=prefixes.length; i < l; i++ ) {31 if( typeof style[prefixes[i] + 'Transition'] !== 'undefined') {32 return true;33 }34 }35 return false;36 })(document.createElement('div').style);37 38 settings = jQuery.extend({39 roll : true,40 flexible : false,41 btn_prev : null,42 btn_next : null,43 paging : null,44 speed : 75,45 view : 1,46 range : 0.15,47 page : 1,48 autoplay: true,49 transition : false,50 initComplete : null,51 counter : null,52 multi : false53 54 }, settings);55 56 var opts = [];57 opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.touchSlider.defaults, settings);58 59 return this.each(function () {60 61 $.fn.extend(this, touchSlider);62 63 var _this = this;64 65 this.opts = opts;66 this._view = this.opts.view;67 this._speed = this.opts.speed;68 this._tg = $(this);69 this._list = this._tg.children().children();70 this._width = parseInt(this._tg.css("width"));71 this._item_w = parseInt(this._list.css("width"));72 this._len = this._list.length;73 this._range = this.opts.range * this._width;74 this._pos = [];75 this._start = [];76 this._startX = 0;77 this._startY = 0;78 this._left = 0;79 this._top = 0;80 this._drag = false;81 this._scroll = false;82 this._btn_prev;83 this._btn_next;84 85 this.init();86 87 $(this)88 .bind("touchstart", this.touchstart)89 .bind("touchmove", this.touchmove)90 .bind("touchend", this.touchend)91 .bind("dragstart", this.touchstart)92 .bind("drag", this.touchmove)93 .bind("dragend", this.touchend)94 95 $(window).bind("orientationchange resize", function () {96 _this.resize(_this);97 });98 });99 100 };101 102 var touchSlider = {103 104 init : function () {105 var _this = this;106 107 $(this).children().css({108 "width":this._width + "px",109 "overflow":"visible"110 });111 112 if(this.opts.flexible) this._item_w = this._width /​ this._view;113 if(this.opts.roll) this._len = Math.ceil(this._len /​ this._view) * this._view;114 115 var page_gap = ( > 1 && <= this._len) ? ( - 1) * this._item_w : 0;116 117 for(var i=0; i<this._len; ++i) {118 this._pos[i] = this._item_w * i - page_gap;119 this._start[i] = this._pos[i];120 this._list.eq(i).css({121 "float" : "none",122 "display" : "block",123 "position" : "absolute",124 "top" : "0",125 "left" : this._pos[i] + "px",126 "width" : this._item_w + "px"127 });128 if(this.opts.supportsCssTransitions && this.opts.transition) {129 this._list.eq(i).css({130 "-moz-transition" : "0ms",131 "-moz-transform" : "",132 "-ms-transition" : "0ms",133 "-ms-transform" : "",134 "-webkit-transition" : "0ms",135 "-webkit-transform" : "",136 "transition" : "0ms",137 "transform" : ""138 });139 }140 }141 142 if(this.opts.btn_prev && this.opts.btn_next) {143 this.opts.btn_prev.bind("click", function() {144 _this.animate(1, true);145 return false;146 })147 this.opts.btn_next.bind("click", function() {148 _this.animate(-1, true);149 return false;150 });151 }152 153 if(this.opts.paging) {154 $(this._list).each(function (i, el) {155 /​/​var btn_page = _this.opts.paging.eq(0).clone();156 var btn_page = _this.opts.paging.eq(i);157 /​/​_this.opts.paging.before(btn_page);158 159 btn_page.bind("click", function(e) {160 _this.go_page(i, e);161 return false;162 });163 });164 165 /​/​this.opts.paging.remove();166 }167 168 this.counter();169 this.initComplete();170 },171 172 initComplete : function () {173 if(typeof(this.opts.initComplete) == "function") {174 this.opts.initComplete(this);175 }176 },177 178 resize : function (e) {179 if(e.opts.flexible) {180 var tmp_w = e._item_w;181 182 e._width = parseInt(e._tg.css("width"));183 e._item_w = e._width /​ e._view;184 e._range = e.opts.range * e._width;185 186 for(var i=0; i<e._len; ++i) {187 e._pos[i] = e._pos[i] /​ tmp_w * e._item_w;188 e._start[i] = e._start[i] /​ tmp_w * e._item_w;189 e._list.eq(i).css({190 "left" : e._pos[i] + "px",191 "width" : e._item_w + "px"192 });193 if(this.opts.supportsCssTransitions && this.opts.transition) {194 e._list.eq(i).css({195 "-moz-transition" : "0ms",196 "-moz-transform" : "",197 "-ms-transition" : "0ms",198 "-ms-transform" : "",199 "-webkit-transition" : "0ms",200 "-webkit-transform" : "",201 "transition" : "0ms",202 "transform" : ""203 });204 }205 }206 }207 208 this.counter();209 },210 211 touchstart : function (e) { 212 if((e.type == "touchstart" && e.originalEvent.touches.length <= 1) || e.type == "dragstart") {213 this._startX = e.pageX || e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;214 this._startY = e.pageY || e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY;215 this._scroll = false;216 217 this._start = [];218 for(var i=0; i<this._len; ++i) {219 this._start[i] = this._pos[i];220 }221 }222 },223 224 touchmove : function (e) { 225 if((e.type == "touchmove" && e.originalEvent.touches.length <= 1) || e.type == "drag") {226 this._left = (e.pageX || e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX) - this._startX;227 this._top = (e.pageY || e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY) - this._startY;228 var w = this._left < 0 ? this._left * -1 : this._left;229 var h = this._top < 0 ? this._top * -1 : this._top;230 231 if (w < h || this._scroll) {232 this._left = 0;233 this._drag = false;234 this._scroll = true;235 } else {236 e.preventDefault();237 this._drag = true;238 this._scroll = false;239 this.position(e);240 }241 242 for(var i=0; i<this._len; ++i) {243 var tmp = this._start[i] + this._left;244 245 if(this.opts.supportsCssTransitions && this.opts.transition) {246 var trans = "translate3d(" + tmp + "px,0,0)";247 this._list.eq(i).css({248 "left" : "",249 "-moz-transition" : "0ms",250 "-moz-transform" : trans,251 "-ms-transition" : "0ms",252 "-ms-transform" : trans,253 "-webkit-transition" : "0ms",254 "-webkit-transform" : trans,255 "transition" : "0ms",256 "transform" : trans257 });258 } else {259 this._list.eq(i).css("left", tmp + "px");260 }261 262 this._pos[i] = tmp;263 }264 }265 },266 267 touchend : function (e) {268 if((e.type == "touchend" && e.originalEvent.touches.length <= 1) || e.type == "dragend") {269 if(this._scroll) {270 this._drag = false;271 this._scroll = false;272 return false;273 }274 275 this.animate(this.direction());276 this._drag = false;277 this._scroll = false;278 }279 },280 281 position : function (d) { 282 var gap = this._view * this._item_w;283 284 if(d == -1 || d == 1) {285 this._startX = 0;286 this._start = [];287 for(var i=0; i<this._len; ++i) {288 this._start[i] = this._pos[i];289 }290 this._left = d * gap;291 } else {292 if(this._left > gap) this._left = gap;293 if(this._left < - gap) this._left = - gap;294 }295 296 if(this.opts.roll) {297 var tmp_pos = [];298 for(var i=0; i<this._len; ++i) {299 tmp_pos[i] = this._pos[i];300 }301 tmp_pos.sort(function(a,b){return a-b;});302 303 var max_chk = tmp_pos[this._len-this._view];304 var p_min = $.inArray(tmp_pos[0], this._pos);305 var p_max = $.inArray(max_chk, this._pos);306 307 if(this._view <= 1) max_chk = this._len - 1;308 if(this.opts.multi) {309 if((d == 1 && tmp_pos[0] >= 0) || (this._drag && tmp_pos[0] >= 100)) {310 for(var i=0; i<this._view; ++i, ++p_min, ++p_max) {311 this._start[p_max] = this._start[p_min] - gap;312 this._list.eq(p_max).css("left", this._start[p_max] + "px");313 }314 } else if((d == -1 && tmp_pos[0] <= 0) || (this._drag && tmp_pos[0] <= -100)) {315 for(var i=0; i<this._view; ++i, ++p_min, ++p_max) {316 this._start[p_min] = this._start[p_max] + gap;317 this._list.eq(p_min).css("left", this._start[p_min] + "px");318 }319 }320 } else {321 if((d == 1 && tmp_pos[0] >= 0) || (this._drag && tmp_pos[0] > 0)) {322 for(var i=0; i<this._view; ++i, ++p_min, ++p_max) {323 this._start[p_max] = this._start[p_min] - gap;324 this._list.eq(p_max).css("left", this._start[p_max] + "px");325 }326 } else if((d == -1 && tmp_pos[max_chk] <= 0) || (this._drag && tmp_pos[max_chk] <= 0)) {327 for(var i=0; i<this._view; ++i, ++p_min, ++p_max) {328 this._start[p_min] = this._start[p_max] + gap;329 this._list.eq(p_min).css("left", this._start[p_min] + "px");330 }331 }332 }333 } else {334 if(this.limit_chk()) this._left = this._left /​ 2;335 }336 },337 338 animate : function (d, btn_click) {339 if(this._drag || !this._scroll || btn_click) {340 var _this = this;341 var speed = this._speed;342 343 if(btn_click) this.position(d);344 345 var gap = d * (this._item_w * this._view);346 if(this._left == 0 || (!this.opts.roll && this.limit_chk()) ) gap = 0;347 348 this._list.each(function (i, el) {349 _this._pos[i] = _this._start[i] + gap;350 351 if(_this.opts.supportsCssTransitions && _this.opts.transition) {352 var transition = speed + "ms";353 var transform = "translate3d(" + _this._pos[i] + "px,0,0)";354 355 if(btn_click) transition = "0ms";356 357 $(this).css({358 "left" : "",359 "-moz-transition" : transition,360 "-moz-transform" : transform,361 "-ms-transition" : transition,362 "-ms-transform" : transform,363 "-webkit-transition" : transition,364 "-webkit-transform" : transform,365 "transition" : transition,366 "transform" : transform367 });368 } else {369 $(this).stop();370 $(this).animate({"left": _this._pos[i] + "px"}, speed);371 }372 }); 373 374 this.counter();375 }376 },377 378 direction : function () { 379 var r = 0;380 381 if(this._left < -(this._range)) r = -1;382 else if(this._left > this._range) r = 1;383 384 if(!this._drag || this._scroll) r = 0;385 386 return r;387 },388 389 limit_chk : function () {390 var last_p = parseInt((this._len - 1) /​ this._view) * this._view;391 return ( (this._start[0] == 0 && this._left > 0) || (this._start[last_p] == 0 && this._left < 0) );392 },393 394 go_page : function (i, e) {395 var crt = ($.inArray(0, this._pos) /​ this._view) + 1;396 var cal = crt - (i + 1);397 398 while(cal != 0) {399 if(cal < 0) {400 this.animate(-1, true);401 cal++;402 } else if(cal > 0) {403 this.animate(1, true);404 cal--;405 }406 }407 },408 409 counter : function () {410 if(typeof(this.opts.counter) == "function") {411 var param = {412 total : Math.ceil(this._len /​ this._view),413 current : ($.inArray(0, this._pos) /​ this._view) + 1414 };415 this.opts.counter(param);416 }417 }418 419 };420})(jQuery);421$(document).ready(function(){422 423 424 $dragBln = false;425 426 $(".main_image").touchSlider({427 flexible : true,428 speed : 200,429 btn_prev : $("#btn_prev"),430 btn_next : $("#btn_next"),431 paging : $(".flicking_con a"),432 counter : function (e){433 $(".flicking_con a").removeClass("on").eq(e.current-1).addClass("on");434 }435 });436 437 $(".main_image").bind("mousedown", function() {438 $dragBln = false;439 });440 441 $(".main_image").bind("dragstart", function() {442 $dragBln = true;443 });444 445 $(".main_image a").click(function(){446 if($dragBln) {447 return false;448 }449 });450 451 timer = setInterval(function(){452 $("#btn_next").click();453 }, 3000);454 455 $(".main_visual").hover(function(){456 clearInterval(timer);457 },function(){458 timer = setInterval(function(){459 $("#btn_next").click();460 },3000);461 });462 463 $(".main_image").bind("touchstart",function(){464 clearInterval(timer);465 }).bind("touchend", function(){466 timer = setInterval(function(){467 $("#btn_next").click();468 }, 3000);469 });470 ...

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Source:WideInterval.js Github


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1/​*2 * This file is part of YoHours.3 * 4 * YoHours is free software: you can redistribute it and/​or modify5 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by6 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or7 * any later version.8 * 9 * YoHours is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of11 * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the12 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.13 * 14 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License15 * along with YoHours. If not, see <http:/​/​​licenses/​>.16 */​17/​/​IMPORTS18let Constants = require("./​Constants");19/​**20 * A wide interval is an interval of one or more days, weeks, months, holidays.21 * Use WideInterval.days/​weeks/​months/​holidays methods to construct one object.22 */​23class WideInterval {24/​/​CONSTRUCTOR25 constructor() {26 /​** The start of the interval **/​27 this._start = null;28 29 /​** The end of the interval **/​30 this._end = null;31 /​** The kind of interval **/​32 this._type = null;33 }34/​/​CONSTRUCTORS35 /​**36 * @return a day-based interval37 */​38 day(startDay, startMonth, endDay, endMonth) {39 if(startDay == null || startMonth == null) {40 throw Error("Start day and month can't be null");41 }42 this._start = { day: startDay, month: startMonth };43 this._end = (endDay != null && endMonth != null && (endDay != startDay || endMonth != startMonth)) ? { day: endDay, month: endMonth } : null;44 this._type = "day";45 return this;46 }47 48 /​**49 * @return a week-based interval50 */​51 week(startWeek, endWeek) {52 if(startWeek == null) {53 throw Error("Start week can't be null");54 }55 this._start = { week: startWeek };56 this._end = (endWeek != null && endWeek != startWeek) ? { week: endWeek } : null;57 this._type = "week";58 return this;59 }60 61 /​**62 * @return a month-based interval63 */​64 month(startMonth, endMonth) {65 if(startMonth == null) {66 throw Error("Start month can't be null");67 }68 this._start = { month: startMonth };69 this._end = (endMonth != null && endMonth != startMonth) ? { month: endMonth } : null;70 this._type = "month";71 return this;72 }73 74 /​**75 * @return a holiday-based interval76 */​77 holiday(holiday) {78 if(holiday == null || (holiday != "PH" && holiday != "SH" && holiday != "easter")) {79 throw Error("Invalid holiday, must be PH, SH or easter");80 }81 this._start = { holiday: holiday };82 this._end = null;83 this._type = "holiday";84 return this;85 }86 87 /​**88 * @return a holiday-based interval89 */​90 always() {91 this._start = null;92 this._end = null;93 this._type = "always";94 return this;95 }96/​/​ACCESSORS97 /​**98 * @return The kind of wide interval (always, day, month, week, holiday)99 */​100 getType() {101 return this._type;102 }103 104 /​**105 * @return The start moment106 */​107 getStart() {108 return this._start;109 }110 111 /​**112 * @return The end moment113 */​114 getEnd() {115 return this._end;116 }117 118 /​**119 * @return True if the given object concerns the same interval as this one120 */​121 equals(o) {122 if(!o instanceof WideInterval) { return false; }123 if(this === o) { return true; }124 if(o._type == "always") { return this._type == "always"; }125 let result = false;126 127 switch(this._type) {128 case "always":129 result = o._start == null;130 break;131 case "day":132 result =133 (134 o._type == "day"135 && o._start.month == this._start.month136 && == this._start.day137 && (138 (o._end == null && this._end == null)139 || (o._end != null && this._end != null && this._end.month == o._end.month && == ))141 ||142 (143 o._type == "month"144 && o._start.month == this._start.month145 && (this.isFullMonth() && o.isFullMonth())146 || (o._end != null && this._end != null && this._end.month == o._end.month && this.endsMonth() && o.endsMonth())147 );148 break;149 case "week":150 result =151 o._start.week == this._start.week152 && (o._end == this._end || (this._end != null && o._end != null && o._end.week == this._end.week));153 break;154 case "month":155 result = 156 (157 o._type == "day"158 && this._start.month == o._start.month159 && o.startsMonth()160 && (161 (this._end == null && o._end != null && this._start.month == o._end.month && o.endsMonth())162 ||163 (this._end != null && o._end != null && this._end.month == o._end.month && o.endsMonth())164 )165 )166 ||167 (168 o._type == "month"169 && o._start.month == this._start.month170 && (171 (this._end == null && o._end == null)172 ||173 (this._end != null && o._end != null && this._end.month == o._end.month)174 )175 );176 break;177 case "holiday":178 result = ==;179 break;180 default:181 }182 183 return result;184 }185 186 /​**187 * @return The human readable time188 */​189 getTimeForHumans() {190 let result;191 192 switch(this._type) {193 case "day":194 if(this._end != null) {195 result = "every week from "+Constants.IRL_MONTHS[this._start.month-1]+" "" to ";196 if(this._start.month != this._end.month) { result += Constants.IRL_MONTHS[this._end.month-1]+" "; }197 result +=;198 }199 else {200 result = "day "+Constants.IRL_MONTHS[this._start.month-1]+" ";201 }202 break;203 case "week":204 if(this._end != null) {205 result = "every week from week "+this._start.week+" to "+this._end.week;206 }207 else {208 result = "week "+this._start.week;209 }210 break;211 case "month":212 if(this._end != null) {213 result = "every week from "+Constants.IRL_MONTHS[this._start.month-1]+" to "+Constants.IRL_MONTHS[this._end.month-1];214 }215 else {216 result = "every week in "+Constants.IRL_MONTHS[this._start.month-1];217 }218 break;219 case "holiday":220 if( == "SH") {221 result = "every week during school holidays";222 }223 else if( == "PH") {224 result = "every public holidays";225 }226 else if( == "easter") {227 result = "each easter day";228 }229 else {230 throw new Error("Invalid holiday type: ";231 }232 break;233 case "always":234 result = "every week of year";235 break;236 default:237 result = "invalid time";238 }239 240 return result;241 }242 243 /​**244 * @return The time selector for OSM opening_hours245 */​246 getTimeSelector() {247 let result;248 249 switch(this._type) {250 case "day":251 result = Constants.OSM_MONTHS[this._start.month-1]+" "+(( < 10) ? "0" : "");252 if(this._end != null) {253 /​/​Same month as start ?254 if(this._start.month == this._end.month) {255 result += "-"+(( < 10) ? "0" : "");256 }257 else {258 result += "-"+Constants.OSM_MONTHS[this._end.month-1]+" "+(( < 10) ? "0" : "");259 }260 }261 break;262 case "week":263 result = "week "+((this._start.week < 10) ? "0" : "")+this._start.week;264 if(this._end != null) {265 result += "-"+((this._end.week < 10) ? "0" : "")+this._end.week;266 }267 break;268 case "month":269 result = Constants.OSM_MONTHS[this._start.month-1];270 if(this._end != null) {271 result += "-"+Constants.OSM_MONTHS[this._end.month-1];272 }273 break;274 case "holiday":275 result =;276 break;277 case "always":278 default:279 result = "";280 }281 282 return result;283 }284 285 /​**286 * Does this interval corresponds to a full month ?287 */​288 isFullMonth() {289 if(this._type == "month" && this._end == null) {290 return true;291 }292 else if(this._type == "day") {293 return ( == 1 && this._end != null && this._end.month == this._start.month && != undefined && == Constants.MONTH_END_DAY[this._end.month-1]);294 }295 else {296 return false;297 }298 }299 300 /​**301 * Does this interval starts the first day of a month302 */​303 startsMonth() {304 return this._type == "month" || this._type == "always" || (this._type == "day" && == 1);305 }306 307 /​**308 * Does this interval ends the last day of a month309 */​310 endsMonth() {311 return this._type == "month" || this._type == "always" || (this._type == "day" && this._end != null && == Constants.MONTH_END_DAY[this._end.month-1]);312 }313 314 /​**315 * Does this interval strictly contains the given one (ie the second is a refinement of the first, and not strictly equal)316 * @param o The other wide interval317 * @return True if this date contains the given one (and is not strictly equal to)318 */​319 contains(o) {320 let result = false;321 322 /​*323 * Check if it is contained in this one324 */​325 if(this.equals(o)) {326 result = false;327 }328 else if(this._type == "always") {329 result = true;330 }331 else if(this._type == "day") {332 if(o._type == "day") {333 /​/​Starting after334 if(o._start.month > this._start.month || (o._start.month == this._start.month && >= {335 /​/​Ending before336 if(o._end != null) {337 if(this._end != null && (o._end.month < this._end.month || (o._end.month == this._end.month && <= {338 result = true;339 }340 }341 else {342 if(this._end != null && (o._start.month < this._end.month || (o._start.month == this._end.month && <= {343 result = true;344 }345 }346 }347 }348 else if(o._type == "month"){349 /​/​Starting after350 if(o._start.month > this._start.month || (o._start.month == this._start.month && == 1)) {351 /​/​Ending before352 if(o._end != null && this._end != null && (o._end.month < this._end.month || (o._end.month == this._end.month && == Constants.MONTH_END_DAY[end.month-1]))) {353 result = true;354 }355 else if(o._end == null && (this._end != null && o._start.month < this._end.month)) {356 result = true;357 }358 }359 }360 }361 else if(this._type == "week") {362 if(o._type == "week") {363 if(o._start.week >= this._start.week) {364 if(o._end != null && this._end != null && o._end.week <= this._end.week) {365 result = true;366 }367 else if(o._end == null && ((this._end != null && o._start.week <= this._end.week) || o._start.week == this._start.week)) {368 result = true;369 }370 }371 }372 }373 else if(this._type == "month") {374 if(o._type == "month") {375 if(o._start.month >= this._start.month) {376 if(o._end != null && this._end != null && o._end.month <= this._end.month) {377 result = true;378 }379 else if(o._end == null && ((this._end != null && o._start.month <= this._end.month) || o._start.month == this._start.month)) {380 result = true;381 }382 }383 }384 else if(o._type == "day") {385 if(o._end != null) {386 if(this._end == null) {387 if(388 o._start.month == this._start.month389 && o._end.month == this._start.month390 && (( >= 1 && < Constants.MONTH_END_DAY[o._start.month-1])391 || ( > 1 && <= Constants.MONTH_END_DAY[o._start.month-1]))392 ) {393 result = true;394 }395 }396 else {397 if(o._start.month >= this._start.month && o._end.month <= this._end.month) {398 if(399 (o._start.month > this._start.month && o._end.month < this._end.month)400 || (o._start.month == this._start.month && o._end.month < this._end.month && > 1)401 || (o._start.month > this._start.month && o._end.month == this._end.month && < Constants.MONTH_END_DAY[o._end.month-1])402 || ( >= 1 && < Constants.MONTH_END_DAY[o._end.month-1])403 || ( > 1 && <= Constants.MONTH_END_DAY[o._end.month-1])404 ) {405 result = true;406 }407 }408 }409 }410 else {411 if(this._end == null) {412 if(this._start.month == o._start.month) {413 result = true;414 }415 }416 else {417 if(o._start.month >= this._start.month && o._start.month <= this._end.month) {418 result = true;419 }420 }421 }422 }423 }424 425 return result;426 }427}...

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Source:beta-u-animation-to.js Github


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1 /​/​ style2 /​/​ stroke, fill, 3 /​/​ attributes4 /​/​ x1, x2, y1, y2, r, cx, cy, d, x, y5 /​/​ stroke, stroke-width, fill, stroke-dash-array6 7 /​/​ CURRENT THINGS TO CONSIDER8 9 /​/​ if animation is running, should new function call take over or work "on top"/​"side-by-side"10 /​/​ css transitions take over11 u.a.parseSVGPolygon = function(value) {12/​/​ u.bug("parseSVGPolygon:" + value)13 /​/​ values required for each type14 var pairs = value.trim().split(" ");15 var sets = [];16 var part;17 for(x in pairs) {18 parts = pairs[x].trim().split(",");19 for(part in parts) {20 parts[part] = Number(parts[part]);21 }22 sets[x] = parts;23/​/​ if(parts && pairs[parts[0].toLowerCase()] == parts.length-1) {24/​/​ /​/​ u.bug("valid set:" + parts);25/​/​ }26/​/​ else {27/​/​ /​/​ u.bug("invalid set - could be 'dual' set with only one identifier")28/​/​ }29 }30/​/​ u.bug("sets:" + sets.join("#"));31 /​/​ u.bug("value:" + value);32 return sets;33 34 }35 u.a.parseSVGPath = function(value) {36 /​/​ values required for each type37 var pairs = {"m":2, "l":2, "a":7, "c":6, "s":4, "q":4, "z":0};38 var x, sets;39 /​/​ add structure to string for parsability40 value = value.replace(/​-/​g, " -");41 value = value.replace(/​,/​g, " ");42 value = value.replace(/​(m|l|a|c|s|q|M|L|A|C|S|Q)/​g, " $1 ");43 value = value.replace(/​ /​g, " ");44 /​/​ check values45 sets = value.match(/​(m|l|a|c|s|q|M|L|A|C|S|Q)([0-9 \-\.]+)/​g);46 for(x in sets) {47 parts = sets[x].trim().split(" ");48 sets[x] = parts;49 if(parts && pairs[parts[0].toLowerCase()] == parts.length-1) {50/​/​ u.bug("valid set:" + parts);51 }52 else {53/​/​ u.bug("invalid set - could be 'dual' set with only one identifier")54 }55 }56 /​/​ u.bug("values:" + sets);57 /​/​ u.bug("value:" + value);58 return sets;59 60 }61 u.a.getInitialValue = function(node, attribute) {62 var value = (node.getAttribute(attribute) ? node.getAttribute(attribute) : u.gcs(node, attribute)).replace(node._unit[attribute], "")63 if(attribute.match(/​^(d|points)$/​)) {64/​/​ u.bug("getInitialValue:" +value)65 return value;66/​/​ value.split("m|l|a|c|s|M|L|A|C|S");67 }68 else {69 return Number(value.replace(/​auto/​, 0));70 }71 }72 = function(node, transition, attributes) {73/​/​ u.bug("to:" + u.nodeId(node) + ", " + transition + ", " + attributes);74 /​/​ get duration75/​/​ var transition_parts = transition.match(/​([a-zA-Z]+) ([0-9.]+[ms]+) ([a-zA-Z\-]+) ([0-9.]+[ms]+)/​g);76 var transition_parts = transition.split(" ");77/​/​ u.bug(transition_parts)78 if(transition_parts.length >= 3) {79 /​/​ u.bug(duration[0]);80 node._target = transition_parts[0];81 node.duration = transition_parts[1].match("ms") ? parseFloat(transition_parts[1]) : (parseFloat(transition_parts[1]) * 1000);82 node._ease = transition_parts[2];83 if(transition_parts.length == 4) {84 node.delay = transition_parts[3].match("ms") ? parseFloat(transition_parts[3]) : (parseFloat(transition_parts[3]) * 1000);85 }86 }87 var value, d;88/​/​ u.bug("node._ease:" + node._ease);89 node._start = {};90 node._end = {};91 node._unit = {};92 for(attribute in attributes) {93 /​/​ path definitions are 94 if(attribute.match(/​^(d)$/​)) {95 node._start[attribute] = this.parseSVGPath(this.getInitialValue(node, attribute));96 node._end[attribute] = this.parseSVGPath(attributes[attribute]);97/​/​ u.bug("start:" + node._start[attribute].join("#"))98/​/​ u.bug("end:" + node._end[attribute])99 /​/​ d_parts = this.getInitialValue(node, attribute);100 /​/​101 /​/​ u.bug("d_parts:" + d_parts)102 /​/​103 /​/​104 /​/​ node._start[attribute] = d_parts.split("m|l|a|c|s|M|L|A|C|S");105 /​/​106 /​/​ u.bug("node._start:" + node._start[attribute])107 }108 /​/​ polygons109 else if(attribute.match(/​^(points)$/​)) {110/​/​ u.bug("to points:" + u.nodeId(node) + ", " + attributes[attribute])111 node._start[attribute] = this.parseSVGPolygon(this.getInitialValue(node, attribute));112 node._end[attribute] = this.parseSVGPolygon(attributes[attribute]);113/​/​ u.bug("start:" + node._start[attribute].join("#"))114 }115 /​/​ plain number svg shapes116 else {117 node._unit[attribute] = attributes[attribute].toString().match(/​\%|px/​);118 node._start[attribute] = this.getInitialValue(node, attribute);119 /​/​(node.getAttribute(attribute) ? node.getAttribute(attribute) : u.gcs(node, attribute)).replace(node._unit[attribute], "");120 node._end[attribute] = attributes[attribute].toString().replace(node._unit[attribute], "");121 }122/​/​ u.bug("attributes["+attribute+"] = "+attributes[attribute] + "::"+ node._start[attribute] + " -> " + node._end[attribute]);123 }124/​/​ u.bug("duration:" + node.duration);125/​/​ u.bug(u.easings);126/​/​ u.bug(node._ease + ", " + u.easings[node._ease]);127 node.easing = u.easings[node._ease];128/​/​ u.bug(node.easing);129 node.transitionTo = function(progress) {130 var easing = node.easing(progress);131/​/​ u.bug("easing:" + easing + ", " + progress)132 for(attribute in attributes) {133 /​/​ transform value134 if(attribute.match(/​^(translate|rotate|scale)$/​)) {135 if(attribute == "translate") {136 u.a.translate(this, Math.round((this._end_x - this._start_x) * easing), Math.round((this._end_y - this._start_y) * easing))137 }138 else if(attribute == "rotate") {139 }140 }141 /​/​ plain svg value142 else if(attribute.match(/​^(x1|y1|x2|y2|r|cx|cy|stroke-width)$/​)) {143 var new_value = (this._start[attribute] + ((this._end[attribute] - this._start[attribute]) * easing)) + this._unit[attribute]144/​/​ u.bug("update:" + attribute + ":" + new_value);145 this.setAttribute(attribute, new_value);146 }147 /​/​ path d attribute148 else if(attribute.match(/​^(d)$/​)) {149/​/​ u.bug("path")150/​/​ var d_parts = this._start[attribute].split("m|l|a|c|s|M|L|A|C|S");151/​/​ u.bug("d_parts:" + d_parts)152 var new_value = "";153 for(x in this._start[attribute]) {154 for(y in this._start[attribute][x]) {155/​/​ u.bug("pf:" + this._start[attribute][x][y] + " :: " + parseFloat(this._start[attribute][x][y]) + ", " + typeof(this._start[attribute][x][y]))156 if(parseFloat(this._start[attribute][x][y]) == this._start[attribute][x][y]) {157 new_value += (Number(this._start[attribute][x][y]) + ((Number(this._end[attribute][x][y]) - Number(this._start[attribute][x][y])) * easing)) + " ";158 }159 else {160 new_value += this._end[attribute][x][y] + " ";161 }162 }163 }164 /​/​ var new_value = (this._start[attribute] + ((this._end[attribute] - this._start[attribute]) * easing)) + this._unit[attribute]165/​/​166/​/​ u.bug("set new:" + new_value);167 this.setAttribute(attribute, new_value);168 }169 /​/​ polygon point attribute170 else if(attribute.match(/​^(points)$/​)) {171/​/​ u.bug("path")172/​/​ var d_parts = this._start[attribute].split("m|l|a|c|s|M|L|A|C|S");173/​/​ u.bug("d_parts:" + d_parts)174 var new_value = "";175 for(x in this._start[attribute]) {176 new_value += (this._start[attribute][x][0] + ((this._end[attribute][x][0] - this._start[attribute][x][0]) * easing)) + ",";177 new_value += (this._start[attribute][x][1] + ((this._end[attribute][x][1] - this._start[attribute][x][1]) * easing)) + " ";178 }179 /​/​ var new_value = (this._start[attribute] + ((this._end[attribute] - this._start[attribute]) * easing)) + this._unit[attribute]180/​/​181/​/​ u.bug("set new:" + new_value);182 this.setAttribute(attribute, new_value);183 }184 /​/​ regular attribute185 else {186 /​/​u.bug("update:" + this._end[attribute] + "-" + this._start[attribute] + " * " + easing + " " + this._unit[attribute])187 var new_value = (this._start[attribute] + ((this._end[attribute] - this._start[attribute]) * easing)) + this._unit[attribute]188/​/​ u.bug("update:" + attribute + ":" + new_value);189, attribute, new_value, false);190 }191 192 }193 }194/​/​ u.bug(u.nodeId(this) + ":easing:" + easing + " ("+(this._end_x - this._start_x) * easing+","+(this._end_y - this._start_y) * easing+")")195 196/​/​ u.bug(node.duration);197 u.a.requestAnimationFrame(node, "transitionTo", node.duration);198 }199/​/​ this.animationFrame = function(node, callback) {200/​/​201/​/​ if(!window._animationframe) {202/​/​ window._animationframe = window[this.vendor("requestAnimationFrame")]203/​/​204/​/​ }205/​/​206/​/​ }207/​/​208/​/​209/​/​ window.cancelRequestAnimFrame = ( function() {210/​/​ return window.cancelAnimationFrame ||211/​/​ window.webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame ||212/​/​ window.mozCancelRequestAnimationFrame ||213/​/​ window.oCancelRequestAnimationFrame ||214/​/​ window.msCancelRequestAnimationFrame ||215/​/​ clearTimeout216/​/​ } )();217/​/​218/​/​ window.requestAnimFrame = (function() {219/​/​ return window.requestAnimationFrame ||220/​/​ window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||221/​/​ window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||222/​/​ window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||223/​/​ window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||224/​/​ function(callback, element){225/​/​ return window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 /​ 60);226/​/​ };227/​/​ })();228/​/​229/​/​ (function() {230/​/​ var lastTime = 0;231/​/​ var vendors = ['ms', 'moz', 'webkit', 'o'];232/​/​ for(var x = 0; x < vendors.length && !window.requestAnimationFrame; ++x) {233/​/​ window.requestAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x]+'RequestAnimationFrame'];234/​/​ window.cancelAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x]+'CancelAnimationFrame']235/​/​ || window[vendors[x]+'CancelRequestAnimationFrame'];236/​/​ }237/​/​238/​/​ if (!window.requestAnimationFrame)239/​/​ window.requestAnimationFrame = function(callback, element) {240/​/​ var currTime = new Date().getTime();241/​/​ var timeToCall = Math.max(0, 16 - (currTime - lastTime));242/​/​ var id = window.setTimeout(function() { callback(currTime + timeToCall); },243/​/​ timeToCall);244/​/​ lastTime = currTime + timeToCall;245/​/​ return id;246/​/​ };247/​/​248/​/​ if (!window.cancelAnimationFrame)249/​/​ window.cancelAnimationFrame = function(id) {250/​/​ clearTimeout(id);251/​/​ };...

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Source:array-slice.js Github


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1/​**2 * An array proxy that exposes only selected slice of real EmberArray.3 * 4 * See tests for usage examples.5 *6 * @module utils/​array-slice7 * @author Jakub Liput8 * @copyright (C) 2018 ACK CYFRONET AGH9 * @license This software is released under the MIT license cited in 'LICENSE.txt'.10 */​11import Ember from 'ember';12const {13 ArrayProxy,14 computed,15 observer,16} = Ember;17export default ArrayProxy.extend({18 startIndex: 0,19 endIndex: 0,20 indexMargin: 0,21 22 _startCache: undefined,23 _endCache: undefined,24 25 sourceArray: computed.alias('content'),26 27 /​**28 * @type {Ember.ComputedProperty<number>}29 */​30 maxLength: computed('startIndex', 'endIndex', function getMaxLength() {31 return this.get('endIndex') - this.get('startIndex');32 }),33 34 _start: computed('startIndex', 'indexMargin', function () {35 const {36 startIndex,37 indexMargin,38 } = this.getProperties(39 'startIndex',40 'indexMargin'41 );42 const _start = Math.max(0, startIndex - indexMargin);43 44 this.set('_startCache', _start);45 return _start;46 }),47 48 _end: computed('endIndex', 'indexMargin', 'sourceArray.length', function () {49 const {50 endIndex,51 indexMargin,52 } = this.getProperties(53 'endIndex',54 'indexMargin'55 );56 57 const sourceLength = this.get('sourceArray.length');58 return Math.min(sourceLength, endIndex + indexMargin);59 }),60 61 _startChanged: observer('_start', function _startChanged() {62 const {63 _startCache,64 _start,65 } = this.getProperties(66 '_startCache',67 '_start'68 );69 70 if (_startCache !== undefined && _start !== _startCache) {71 let removeAmt = 0;72 let addAmt = 0;73 if (_start > _startCache) {74 removeAmt = _start - _startCache;75 } else {76 addAmt = _startCache - _start;77 }78 this.arrayContentDidChange(_start, removeAmt, addAmt);79 }80 81 this.set('_startCache', _start);82 }),83 84 _endChanged: observer('_end', function _endChanged() {85 const {86 _endCache,87 _end,88 } = this.getProperties(89 '_endCache',90 '_end'91 );92 if (_endCache !== undefined && _end !== _endCache) {93 let removeAmt = 0;94 let addAmt = 0;95 if (_end > _endCache) {96 addAmt = _end - _endCache;97 } else {98 removeAmt = _endCache - _end;99 }100 this.arrayContentDidChange(_endCache - removeAmt, removeAmt, addAmt);101 }102 103 this.set('_endCache', _end);104 }),105 106 /​**107 * @override 108 */​109 replace(idx, amt, objects) {110 const sourceArray = this.get('sourceArray');111 return sourceArray.replace(this._translateIndex(idx), amt, objects);112 },113 114 /​**115 * @override116 */​117 objectAt(idx) {118 const sourceArray = this.get('sourceArray');119 if (sourceArray) {120 return sourceArray.objectAt(this._translateIndex(idx));121 }122 },123 124 /​**125 * @override 126 */​127 length: computed('_start', '_end', function () {128 const {129 _start,130 _end,131 } = this.getProperties(132 '_start',133 '_end'134 );135 return _end - _start;136 }),137 _arrayContentChange(startIdx, removeAmt, addAmt, fun) {138 const {139 _start,140 _end,141 } = this.getProperties(142 '_start',143 '_end'144 );145 if (_start <= startIdx && startIdx <= _end) {146 const sliceStartIdx = startIdx - _start;147 const sliceRemoveAmt = Math.min(_end, sliceStartIdx + removeAmt) - sliceStartIdx;148 const sliceAddAmt = Math.min(_end, sliceStartIdx + addAmt) - sliceStartIdx;149 return fun.bind(this)(sliceStartIdx, sliceRemoveAmt, sliceAddAmt);150 } else {151 return this;152 }153 },154 155 /​**156 * @override157 */​158 arrayContentWillChange(startIdx, removeAmt, addAmt) {159 return this._arrayContentChange(startIdx, removeAmt, addAmt, this._super);160 },161 162 /​**163 * @override164 */​165 arrayContentDidChange(startIdx, removeAmt, addAmt) {166 return this._arrayContentChange(startIdx, removeAmt, addAmt, this._super);167 },168 169 _translateIndex(index) {170 const {171 _start,172 _end,173 } = this.getProperties(174 '_start',175 '_end'176 );177 const translatedIndex = _start + index;178 return translatedIndex > _end ? -1 : translatedIndex;179 },180 181 init() {182 this._super(...arguments);183 /​/​ activate observers184 this.getProperties('_start', '_end');185 this._startChanged();186 this._endChanged();187 },...

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