Best Python code snippet using lisa_python
1from zmq import Context, DONTWAIT, Poller, POLLIN, DEALER2from threading import Thread3from pickle import dumps, loads4from logging import getLogger5from soda.helpers import support_arguments6from soda.distributed_environment.behavior import ActionNode, IfNode7from subprocess import run, PIPE8from shlex import split9from copy import deepcopy10_logger = getLogger(__name__)11class Entity(Thread):12 def __init__(_self, _id, _ip, _in_port, _state, _term_states, _states_behaviors, _neighbours):13 Thread.__init__(_self)14 _self._id = _id15 _self._ip = _ip16 _self._in_port = _in_port17 _self._state = _state18 _self._term_states = _term_states19 _self._states_behaviors = _states_behaviors20 _self._neighbours = _neighbours21 _self._impulse = False22 _self._read_lock = False23 _self._count_sent_messages = 024 _context = Context()25 _self._in_socket = _context.socket(DEALER)26 _self._in_socket.bind("tcp://*:%s" % _self._in_port)27 _poller = Poller()28 _poller.register(_self._in_socket, POLLIN)29 _self.i_ID = int(_id)30 _self.i_NEIGHBOURS = [_n for _n in _neighbours]31 _self.__dict__['deepcopy'] = deepcopy32 _self.__dict__['LEN'] = len33 def read():34 # V nekoneÄnom cykle sledujeme, Äi na soket priÅ¡la správa.35 while True:36 _socks = dict(_poller.poll())37 # Ak priÅ¡la správa.38 if _socks.get(_self._in_socket) == POLLIN:39 # Správu preÄÃtame a následne extrahujeme obsah správy a odosieľatela.40 _pickled_received_message = _self._in_socket.recv(flags=DONTWAIT)41 _received_message, _sender_entity_id = loads(_pickled_received_message)42"Entity: {0} | Action: RECEIVED | Message : {1} | From entity : {2} ".format(_self._id,43 _received_message,44 _sender_entity_id))45 # Porovnámme prijatú správu so vÅ¡etkými vzormi READ konÅ¡trukcià pre46 # aktuálny stav.47 for _pattern in list(filter(lambda _p: _p != 'IMPULSE', _self._states_behaviors[_self._state])):48 _result = []49 # Porovnáme správu so vzorom. Ak je na rovnakej pozÃcii vo vzore a50 # prijatej správe tá istá hodnota a vo vzore nieje na poziÃcii premenná51 # uložÃme si do premennej _result hodnotu True. Ak sa hodnoty nezhodujú52 # a vo vzore nie je na pozÃcii premenná úložÃme hodnotu False. Pre pozÃcie53 # kde je vo vzore premenná si uložÃme hodnotu None.54 if len(_pattern[1]) == len(_received_message):55 for _i, _j in zip(_pattern[1], _received_message):56 if _i == _j and type(_i) is not tuple:57 _result.append(True)58 elif _i != _j and type(_i) is not tuple:59 _result.append(False)60 else:61 _result.append(None)62 # Ak v v poli _result nie je hodnota False znamená to, že prijatá správa63 # sa zhoduje so vzorom.64 if False not in _result:65 # Pre pozÃcie kde je vo vzore premenná uložÃme hodnotu z prÃsluÅ¡nej66 # pozÃcie v správe do tejto premennej.67 for _i, _j in zip(_pattern[1], _received_message):68 if type(_i) is tuple:69 _identifier, _ = _i70 if type(_j) is str:71 _j = "'" + _j + "'"72 _expression = "%s = %s" % (_identifier, _j)73 # Využijeme akciu entity pre priradenie.74 _self._actions["ASSIGN"]((_expression, ))75 # UložÃme odosieľatela do použitelnej premennej.76 _self.i_SENDER = _sender_entity_id77"Entity: {0} | Action: READ | Message : {1} | From entity : {2} ".format(_self._id, _received_message, _sender_entity_id))78 # Nakoniec vrátime vzor, ktorý sa zhodoval so správou, ktorú sme79 # prijali aby sme mohli následne v metóde run() identifikovaÅ¥80 # správanie prÃsluÅ¡né tomuto vzoru.81 return _pattern82 @support_arguments83 def send(_message, _recipients):84 # Vykonáme evaluáciu správy a prijÃmateľov aby sme naprÃklad v prÃpade85 # argumentov, ktoré sú premennými dostali konkrétne hodnity.86 _message = _self._actions["EVALUATE"](str(_message))87 _recipients = _self._actions["EVALUATE"](str(_recipients))88 if type(_message) is not tuple:89 _message = (_message, )90 # Ak je prijÃmateľ iba jeden pretypujeme ho na pole.91 if type(_recipients) is int:92 _recipients = [_recipients] * 193 # Pre každého prijÃmateľa vytvorÃme nový soket typu DEALER [18]. Následne94 # odoÅ¡leme správu spolu s identifikátorom odosieľatela a zvýšÃme poÄet95 # odoslaných správ pre entitu o 1.96 for _n in _recipients:97 try:98 _out_socket = _context.socket(DEALER)99 _out_socket.connect("tcp://localhost:%s" % _self._neighbours[_n]["in_port"])100 _message_content = (_message, _self._id)101 _pickled_message = dumps(_message_content)102 _out_socket.send(_pickled_message, flags=DONTWAIT)103 # Zalogovanie úspeÅ¡ného poslania správy. Zaznamenaný je identifikátor104 # odosielateľa, prijÃmateľa a samotná správa.105"Entity: {0} | Action: SEND | Message : {1} | To entity : {2} ".format(_self._id, _message, _n))106 _self._count_sent_messages += 1107 except KeyError:108 # Zalogovanie neúspeÅ¡ného odoslania správy.109"Entity: {0} | Action: SEND | Trying to send message to non existing neighbour! -> {1} ".format(_self._id, _n))110 @support_arguments111 def become(_new_state):112"Entity: {0} | Action: BECOME | Old state : {1} | New state : {2} ".format(_self._id, _self._state, _new_state))113 # Entita zmenà svoj stav na nový.114 _self._state = _new_state115 # Ak je tento nový stav terminujúci tak ukonÄÃme správanie.116 if _self._state in _self._term_states:117 exit()118 @support_arguments119 def assign(_expression):120 # Pre uskutoÄnenie priradenia do nejakej premennej využÃvame funkciu exec(),121 # ktorá je jednou zo vstavaných funkcià jazyka Python. Exec() dokáže vykonaÅ¥122 # akýkolvek valÃdny Python prÃkaz. PrÃkaz, ktorý ma exec vykonaÅ¥ je definovaný123 # reÅ¥azcom _expression. Aby mala funkcia exec() prÃstup ku vÅ¡etkým lokálnym124 # premenným entity, ktoré použÃvateľ opÃsal v algoritme je nutné predaÅ¥ funkcii125 # exec() prostrednÃctvom tretieho argumenty atribút objektu __dict__, v ktorom126 # sú uchované vÅ¡etky aktuálne referencie premenných a ich hodnôt.127 try:128 exec(_expression, {}, _self.__dict__)129"Entity: {0} | Action: ASSIGN | Expression : {1} ".format(_self._id, _expression))130 except NameError as _Name:131"Entity: {0} | Action: ASSIGN | Undefined identifier! -> {1} -> {2} ".format(_self._id, _Name, _expression))132 exit()133 except AttributeError as _Attribute:134"Entity: {0} | Action: ASSIGN | Wrong type of identifier! -> {1} -> {2} ".format(_self._id, _Attribute, _expression))135 exit()136 except TypeError as _Type:137"Entity: {0} | Action: ASSIGN | Wrong type of identifier! -> {1} -> {2} ".format(_self._id, _Type, _expression))138 exit()139 @support_arguments140 def log(_expression):141 print("SODA: " + _self._actions["EVALUATE"](_expression))142 def evaluate(_expression):143 result = None144 try:145 result = eval(_expression, {}, _self.__dict__)146 except NameError as _Name:147"Entity: {0} | Action: EVALUATE | Undefined identifier! -> {1} -> {2} ".format(_self._id, _Name, _expression))148 exit()149 except AttributeError as _Attribute:150"Entity: {0} | Action: EVALUATE | Wrong type of identifier! -> {1} -> {2} ".format(_self._id, _Attribute, _expression))151 exit()152 except ValueError as _Value:153"Entity: {0} | Action: EVALUATE | Wrong value! -> {1} -> {2} ".format(_self._id, _Value,_expression))154 exit()155 return result156 @support_arguments157 def execute(_command, _output_type, _output, _input):158 _command = split(_command)159 _input = _self._actions["EVALUATE"](str(_input))160 _process_output= None161 _completed_process = run(_command, input=str(_input), stdout=PIPE, universal_newlines=True, shell=True)162 # cast to correct output type163 if _output_type == 'string':164 _process_output = "'" + _completed_process.stdout + "'"165 elif _output_type == 'int':166 try:167 _process_output = int(_completed_process.stdout)168 except ValueError as _Value:169 "Entity: {0} | Action: EXEC | Wrong value for output cast to int! -> {1} -> {2} ".format(_self._id, _Value,171 _completed_process.stdout))172 exit()173 elif _output_type == 'float':174 try:175 _process_output = float(_completed_process.stdout)176 except ValueError as _Value:177 "Entity: {0} | Action: EXEC | Wrong value for output cast to float! -> {1} -> {2} ".format(_self._id, _Value,179 _completed_process.stdout))180 exit()181 _expression = "%s = %s" % (_output, _process_output)182 _self._actions["ASSIGN"]((_expression,))183 @support_arguments184 def add(_array, _value):185 _expression = "%s.append(%s)" % (_array, _value)186 _self._actions["EVALUATE"](str(_expression))187 @support_arguments188 def remove(_array, _value):189 _expression = "%s.remove(%s)" % (_array, _value)190 _self._actions["EVALUATE"](str(_expression))191 @support_arguments192 def pop(_array, _output):193 _expression = "%s = %s.pop()" % (_output, _array)194 _self._actions["ASSIGN"]((_expression,))195 _self._actions = {196 "READ": read,197 "SEND": send,198 "BECOME": become,199 "ASSIGN": assign,200 "LOG": log,201 "EVALUATE": evaluate,202 "EXEC": execute,203 "ADD": add,204 "REMOVE": remove,205 "POP": pop206 }207 def run(_self):208 # Entita vykonáva správanie pokiaľ sa nedostane do terminujúceho stavu.209 while _self._state not in _self._term_states:210 _current_state = _self._state211 # Entita sa spustà impulzom alebo zaÄne ÄÃtaÅ¥ prijaté správy.212 if _self._impulse:213 _self._impulse = False214 _behavior = 'IMPULSE'215"Entity: {0} | Action: Started by IMPULSE ".format(_self._id))216 else:217 _self._read_lock = True218 _behavior = _self._actions["READ"]()219 _self._read_lock = False220 # NastavÃme _n na prvý uzol správania prÃsluÅ¡ného pre aktuálny stav.221 _n = _self._states_behaviors[_current_state][_behavior].head222 _next_node = None223 # Iterujeme cez správanie.224 while _n is not None:225 # Vykonáme logiku uzlu. Logika uzlov je opÃsaná226 # v podkapitole 4.2.3 Správanie.227 if type(_n) is ActionNode:228 _next_node = _n.execute(_self)229 elif type(_n) is IfNode:230 _next_node = _n.execute(_self)231 if _next_node == "BECOME":232 break...
...8 JsonLinkClient.__init__(self, max_reconnect_delay)9 self._received_message = recv_msg_callback10 self._connection_made = conn_made_callback11 def receivedMessage(self, protocol, msg):12 return self._received_message(msg)13 def connectionMade(self, protocol):14 JsonLinkClient.connectionMade(self, protocol)15 # Delegate to the callback16 self._connection_made(protocol)17class JsonReporter(object):18 def __init__(self, host, port,19 max_queue_len=2048,20 max_active_queue_len=100,21 retry_after_s=5,22 start_suspended=False):23 self._link = ReporterJsonLinkClient(self._connection_made_int,24 self._received_message)25 self._queue = DeliveryQueue(self._link.sendMessage,26 drop_callback=self.on_drop,27 max_queue_len=max_queue_len,28 max_active_queue_len=max_active_queue_len,29 retry_after_s=retry_after_s,30 start_suspended=start_suspended)31 self._connector = reactor.connectTCP(host, port, self._link)32 def redirect(self, host, port):33 self._connector.stopConnecting()34 self._connector.disconnect()35 self._connector = reactor.connectTCP(host, port, self._link)36 def _callback(self, result):37 return True38 def _errorback(self, failure):39 return False40 def _received_message(self, msg):41 return True42 def _connection_made_int(self, protocol):43 try:44 protocol.transport.setTcpNoDelay(True)45 protocol.transport.setTcpKeepAlive(True)46 # Seconds before sending keepalive probes47 protocol.transport.socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_TCP, socket.TCP_KEEPIDLE, 120)48 # Interval in seconds between keepalive probes49 protocol.transport.socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_TCP, socket.TCP_KEEPINTVL, 1)50 # Failed keepalive probles before declaring other end dead51 protocol.transport.socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_TCP, socket.TCP_KEEPCNT, 5)52 except:53 pass54 self._connection_made()...
1#!/usr/bin/env python32from abc import ABC, abstractmethod3import asyncio4from pi_usb_gadget_controller.gadget_device import GadgetDevice5class UsbHidBaseProtocol(ABC, asyncio.Protocol):6 def __init__(self, device, logger, delimiter='\n', heartbeat=''):7 self._logger = logger8 self._delimiter = ord(delimiter)9 self._heartbeat = heartbeat10 self._gadget_device = device11 self._transport = None12 self._received_message = ""13 def connection_made(self, transport):14 try:15 peername = transport.get_extra_info('peername')16'Connection from {}'.format(peername))17 self._transport = transport18 except Exception as e:20 self._logger.error(e)21 def data_received(self, data):22 self._logger.debug(f"Packet received: {data}")23 message = data.decode()24 self._logger.debug(f"Decoded Packet: {message}")25 for letter in message:26 if ord(letter) != self._delimiter:27 self._received_message += letter28 else:29 self._process_packet_for_heartbeat(self._received_message)30 self._received_message = ''31 def _process_packet_for_heartbeat(self, packet):32 if packet == self._heartbeat:33 self._logger.debug("HEARTBEAT")34 # This is used for heartbeats so do nothing but also no need to log35 pass36 else:37 self._process_packet(packet)38 @abstractmethod39 def _process_packet(self, packet):40 pass41 def connection_lost(self, exc):42 self._logger.warning('Connection Lost')43 self._transport.close()...
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