How to use _create_node_data_disks method in lisa

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...424 self._create_node_cloud_init_iso(environment, log, node)425 # Create OS disk from the provided image.426 self._create_node_os_disk(environment, log, node)427 # Create data disks428 self._create_node_data_disks(node)429 # Create libvirt domain (i.e. VM).430 xml = self._create_node_domain_xml(environment, log, node, lv_conn)431 node_context.domain = lv_conn.defineXML(xml)432 self._create_domain_and_attach_logger(433 lv_conn,434 node_context,435 )436 # Delete all the VMs.437 def _delete_nodes(self, environment: Environment, log: Logger) -> None:438 # Delete nodes.439 for node in environment.nodes.list():440 self._delete_node(node, log)441 # Delete VM disks directory.442 try:443, True)444 except Exception as ex:445 log.warning(f"Failed to delete VM files directory: {ex}")446 def _delete_node_watchdog_callback(self) -> None:447 print("VM delete watchdog timer fired.\n", file=sys.__stderr__)448 faulthandler.dump_traceback(file=sys.__stderr__, all_threads=True)449 os._exit(1)450 def _delete_node(self, node: Node, log: Logger) -> None:451 node_context = get_node_context(node)452 watchdog = Timer(60.0, self._delete_node_watchdog_callback)453 watchdog.start()454 # Stop the VM.455 if node_context.domain:456 log.debug(f"Stop VM: {node_context.vm_name}")457 try:458 # In the libvirt API, "destroy" means "stop".459 node_context.domain.destroy()460 except libvirt.libvirtError as ex:461 log.warning(f"VM stop failed. {ex}")462 # Wait for console log to close.463 # Note: libvirt can deadlock if you try to undefine the VM while the stream464 # is trying to close.465 if node_context.console_logger:466 log.debug(f"Close VM console log: {node_context.vm_name}")467 node_context.console_logger.close()468 node_context.console_logger = None469 # Undefine the VM.470 if node_context.domain:471 log.debug(f"Delete VM: {node_context.vm_name}")472 try:473 node_context.domain.undefineFlags(self._get_domain_undefine_flags())474 except libvirt.libvirtError as ex:475 log.warning(f"VM delete failed. {ex}")476 node_context.domain = None477 watchdog.cancel()478 def _get_domain_undefine_flags(self) -> int:479 return int(480 libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_UNDEFINE_MANAGED_SAVE481 | libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_UNDEFINE_SNAPSHOTS_METADATA482 | libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_UNDEFINE_NVRAM483 | libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_UNDEFINE_CHECKPOINTS_METADATA484 )485 def _stop_port_forwarding(self, environment: Environment, log: Logger) -> None:486 log.debug(f"Clearing port forwarding rules for environment {}")487 environment_context = get_environment_context(environment)488 for (port, address) in environment_context.port_forwarding_list:489[Iptables].stop_forwarding(port, address, 22)490 # Retrieve the VMs' dynamic properties (e.g. IP address).491 def _fill_nodes_metadata(492 self, environment: Environment, log: Logger, lv_conn: libvirt.virConnect493 ) -> None:494 environment_context = get_environment_context(environment)495 # Give all the VMs some time to boot and then acquire an IP address.496 timeout = time.time() + environment_context.network_boot_timeout497 if self.host_node.is_remote:498 remote_node = cast(RemoteNode, self.host_node)499 conn_info = remote_node.connection_info500 address = conn_info[constants.ENVIRONMENTS_NODES_REMOTE_ADDRESS]501 for node in environment.nodes.list():502 assert isinstance(node, RemoteNode)503 # Get the VM's IP address.504 local_address = self._get_node_ip_address(505 environment, log, lv_conn, node, timeout506 )507 node_port = 22508 if self.host_node.is_remote:509 with self._port_forwarding_lock:510 port_not_found = True511 while port_not_found:512 if self._next_available_port > 65535:513 raise LisaException(514 "No available ports on the host to forward"515 )516 # check if the port is already in use517 output = self.host_node.execute(518 f"nc -vz {self._next_available_port}"519 )520 if output.exit_code == 1: # port not in use521 node_port = self._next_available_port522 port_not_found = False523 self._next_available_port += 1524[Iptables].start_forwarding(525 node_port, local_address, 22526 )527 environment_context.port_forwarding_list.append(528 (node_port, local_address)529 )530 else:531 address = local_address532 # Set SSH connection info for the node.533 node.set_connection_info(534 address=local_address,535 public_address=address,536 public_port=node_port,537 username=self.runbook.admin_username,538 private_key_file=self.runbook.admin_private_key_file,539 )540 # Ensure cloud-init completes its setup.541 node.execute(542 "cloud-init status --wait",543 sudo=True,544 expected_exit_code=0,545 expected_exit_code_failure_message="waiting on cloud-init",546 )547 # Create a cloud-init ISO for a VM.548 def _create_node_cloud_init_iso(549 self, environment: Environment, log: Logger, node: Node550 ) -> None:551 environment_context = get_environment_context(environment)552 node_context = get_node_context(node)553 user_data = {554 "users": [555 "default",556 {557 "name": self.runbook.admin_username,558 "shell": "/​bin/​bash",559 "sudo": ["ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL"],560 "groups": ["sudo", "docker"],561 "ssh_authorized_keys": [environment_context.ssh_public_key],562 },563 ],564 }565 # Iterate through all the top-level properties.566 for extra_user_data in node_context.extra_cloud_init_user_data:567 for key, value in extra_user_data.items():568 existing_value = user_data.get(key)569 if not existing_value:570 # Property doesn't exist yet. So, add it.571 user_data[key] = value572 elif isinstance(existing_value, dict) and isinstance(value, dict):573 # Merge two dictionaries by adding properties from new value and574 # replacing any existing properties.575 # Examples: disk_setup, etc.576 existing_value.update(value)577 elif isinstance(existing_value, list) and isinstance(value, list):578 # Merge two lists by appending to the end of the existing list.579 # Examples: write_files, runcmd, etc.580 existing_value.extend(value)581 else:582 # String, unknown type or mismatched type.583 # Just replace the existing property.584 user_data[key] = value585 meta_data = {586 "local-hostname": node_context.vm_name,587 }588 # Note: cloud-init requires the user-data file to be prefixed with589 # `#cloud-config`.590 user_data_string = "#cloud-config\n" + yaml.safe_dump(user_data)591 meta_data_string = yaml.safe_dump(meta_data)592 iso_path = node_context.cloud_init_file_path593 tmp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()594 try:595 iso_path = os.path.join(, "cloud-init.iso")596 self._create_iso(597 iso_path,598 [("/​user-data", user_data_string), ("/​meta-data", meta_data_string)],599 )600 Path(iso_path), Path(node_context.cloud_init_file_path)602 )603 finally:604 tmp_dir.cleanup()605 # Create an ISO file.606 def _create_iso(self, file_path: str, files: List[Tuple[str, str]]) -> None:607 iso = pycdlib.PyCdlib()608, vol_ident="cidata")609 for i, file in enumerate(files):610 path, contents = file611 contents_data = contents.encode()612 iso.add_fp(613 io.BytesIO(contents_data),614 len(contents_data),615 f"/​{i}.;1",616 joliet_path=path,617 )618 iso.write(file_path)619 # Create the OS disk.620 def _create_node_os_disk(621 self, environment: Environment, log: Logger, node: Node622 ) -> None:623 raise NotImplementedError()624 def _create_node_data_disks(self, node: Node) -> None:625 node_context = get_node_context(node)626 qemu_img =[QemuImg]627 for disk in node_context.data_disks:628 qemu_img.create_new_qcow2(disk.file_path, disk.size_gib * 1024)629 # Create the XML definition for the VM.630 def _create_node_domain_xml(631 self,632 environment: Environment,633 log: Logger,634 node: Node,635 lv_conn: libvirt.virConnect,636 ) -> str:637 node_context = get_node_context(node)638 domain = ET.Element("domain")...

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